Resistance sources to the web blight (Thanatephorus cucumeris) (Frank), Donk). Caisán. Panama, 1997.


  • Emigdio Rodríguez IDIAP. Panamá.
  • Francisco González IDIAP. Panamá.



This study was carried out with the purpose of identifying genotypes of common bean, with a greater level of resistance to the web blight, in Caisán, Panama. 4335 lines and varieties of common bean were evaluated from seven experiments. A completely randomized design and a simple lattice design were utilized according to the experiments. Experiment repetitions varied from one, two or three depending on the amount of seed available. 62 materials showed an inferior reaction to the web blight in relation to that of the resistant Talamanca control (5 grade). The Barriles susceptible control showed grade reaction of 8. In several lines it was observed an apparent reaction of hyper-sensitivity to the web blight.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, E., & González, F. (2006). Resistance sources to the web blight (Thanatephorus cucumeris) (Frank), Donk). Caisán. Panama, 1997. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 10(2), 51–57.

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