Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of goat and cow milk ice cream made with vegetable fat.


  • Alejandro Chacón-Villalobos Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias, Estación Experimental Alfredo Volio Mata. Cartago, Costa Rica.
  • María Lourdes Pineda-Castro Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias, Escuela de Tecnología de Alimentos. San José, Costa Rica.
  • Cristina Jiménez-Goebel Sensient Costa Rica, S.R.L., Zona Franca El Coyol, Alajuela.



dairy products, food texture, food quality, food color.


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the amount of goat and cow milk over the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of ice cream flavored with vegetable fat. In Costa Rica in 2010, three inclusion percentages of milk (100% goat, 100% cow, and a mixture of both 50%: 50%) were evaluated, as well as the inclusion of different flavors (strawberry, strawberry with topping, and vanilla) on the overrun, texture, melting, color, and acceptance of ice cream with vegetable fat. No parameters depended on the type of milk (p>0.05), while overrun varied between batches (p<0.05). There was a flavor*milk interaction for melting rate, texture, and pH attributable to the addition of topping. There was a significant effect on the colorimetric measurement based on the variables of the CIE system L*, a* and C*, on flavor (p<0.05), and an interaction type of milk*flavor for parameters b* and °h (tint or hue) was attributed to topping and colorants. Both vegetable fat and topping increased the content of total solids in the mixture; it was associated to a lower rate of aeration, a low melting time, and a more consistency. A cluster analysis for sensory liking, distinguished between three groups: group 1 (15.25%), which liked all products, group 2 (62.71%) that moderately liked them all, and group 3 (22.03%) who neither show like nor dislike. Groups 2 and 3 showed greater liking for products with topping. The results of the sensory panel as well as the physicochemical and instrumental characterizations show that the type of milk used to make ice cream is not a determining factor, so it is feasible to produce goat milk ice cream and obtain a quality product with good acceptance.


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How to Cite

Chacón-Villalobos, A., Pineda-Castro, M. L., & Jiménez-Goebel, C. (2015). Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of goat and cow milk ice cream made with vegetable fat. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 27(1), 19–36.

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