Revista de Filología y Lingüística de la Universidad de Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

The female image in Eugene O´Neill´s <i>Desire under the elms</i> and <i>A moon for the misbegotten</i>

Palabras clave

Eugene O'Neill
Deseo bajo los olmos
una luna para el bastardo
Abbie Putnam
Josie Hogan
identidad femenina

Cómo citar

Pacheco, G. (2015). The female image in Eugene O´Neill´s <i>Desire under the elms</i> and <i>A moon for the misbegotten</i>. Revista De Filología Y Lingüística De La Universidad De Costa Rica, 21(1), 55–64.


El siguiente artículo analiza el papel de la mujer en dos obras escritas por el dramaturgo estadounidense conocido Eugene O'Neill. Estas obras son Deseo bajo los olmos y una luna para el bastardo. Luego, los personajes de Abbie Putnam y Josie Hogan respectivamente se estudian bajo un ámbito feminista que exhibe la falta de identidad femenina, un rasgo recurrente de las obras de O'Neill.

The following article analyzes the female role in two plays written by the well-known American playwright Eugene O'Neill. These works are Desire Under the Elms and A Moon for the Misbegotten. Then, the characters of Abbie Putnam and Josie Hogan respectively are studied under a feminist scope that exhibits the lack of female identity, a recurrent trait of O'Neill's plays.


Bogard, Travis. 1972. Countour in Time: The Plays of Eugene O'Neill. New York: Oxford University Press.

Cargill, Osear, ed. 1970. O'Neill and Bis Plays. New York: New York University Press.

Chabrowe, Leonard. 1976. Ritual and Pathos: The Theater of O'Neill. London: Associated University Presses, Ine.

Dawson, William M. 1970.The Female Characters of August Strindberg, Eugene O'Neill, and Tennessee Williams. Ann Arbor: University Mierofilms, Ine.

Drucker, Trudy. 1982. "Sexuality as Destiny: The Shadow Lives of O'Neill's Women." Eugene O'Neill Newsletter. 6,2, 7-10.

KIaus, Carl, ed. 1981. Stages of Drama. Illinois: Seott, Foresman and Company.

Leech, Clifford. 1963. Eugene O'Neill. New York: Grove Press, Ine.

Long, Chester Clayton. 1968. The Role of Nemesis in the Structure of Selected Plays by Eugene O'Neill. The Hague: Mounton & Co.

Nelson, Doris. 1982. "O'Neill's Women." Eugene O'Neill Newsletter. 6,2, 7-10.

O'Neill, Eugene. 1954. Nine Plays. New York: The Modem Library.

Raleigh, John Henry. 1967.The Plays of Eugene O'Neill. Carbondale: Southem Illinois University Press.

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