Población y Salud en Mesoamérica ISSN electrónico: 1659-0201

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/psm/oai
Population aging and internal migration of people aged 60 and older in Cuba and Latin America
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Migración interna
migración de población adulta
envejecimiento demográfico
migración diferencial
técnicas estadísticas aplicadas a la demografía
análisis de correspondencias
América Latina
Internal migration
migration of adult population
demographic aging
differential migration
statistical tools applied to Demography
analysis of correspondences
Latin America

How to Cite

López-Calleja Hiort-Lorenzen, C., & Morejón Seijas, B. (2015). Population aging and internal migration of people aged 60 and older in Cuba and Latin America. Población Y Salud En Mesoamérica, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.15517/psm.v12i2.17381


This work seeks to determine differences and similarities comparatively specific characteristics of internal migrant population 60 years and older between major administrative divisions (DAM) in Cuba and 14 countries in Latin America. Information on internal migration in Latin American censuses of the 2000s was processed from the website of the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE). Information relating to the aging of Cuba and other countries are also presented and other indicators are calculated as a percentage of migrants and non-migrants, and a set of expressive indicators of a propensity to migrate between the DAM in the last 5 years prior is also estimated the census for the population 60 and older. It’s been employed own statistical techniques such as contingency tables and methods of statistical analysis of correspondence and multiple to explore the relationships between categories of different demographic characteristics of migrants in selected countries. One of the results shows that in Cuba and the rest of the region still doesn’t present signs of internal migration associated with the output of work activity are observed, which occurs after 60 years in developed countries. The multiple correspondence analysis, allowed to know similar groups of categories of the variables studied when these are analyzed simultaneously. This similarity between Cuba and Chile found by the value of the variables of population aged 60 and over, life expectancy at birth, total fertility rate and rate of aging. The highest proportions of migrants from "life" are observed in those countries with a higher relative level of economic and social development; Cuba, Argentina and Chile lesser extent, show the highest rates of recent migrant aging population; in Cuba, Chile, Argentina and Panama aging index reached the highest values; Cuba is among the countries with the lowest mobility between DAM, while its level of mortality expressed in life expectancy at birth is the highest, along with Chile and Costa Rica.

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