Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Mamíferos terrestres de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka’an, Quintana Roo, México
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quintana roo
voucher collection
biosphere reserve
sian ka’an
new records

How to Cite

Pozo de la Tijera, C., & Escobedo Cabrera, J. E. (1999). Mamíferos terrestres de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka’an, Quintana Roo, México. Revista De Biología Tropical, 47(1-2), 251–262.


Based on sampling at seven localities and an extensive bibliographic research, we present a species list of terrestrial mammals of the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico. During 57 days of fieldwork we used Sherman and Tomahawk traps, mist nets, rifles, collected data of trails and made direct observations. We recorded 70 species, eight orders, 22 families, and 57 genera. Six new records are added: Marmosa mexicana, Micronycteris microtis, Micronycteris schmidtorum, Eptesicus furinalis, Rhogeessa parvula, and Ototylomys phyllotis. Twelve species are listed as threatened following the Official Mexican Norm: Tamandua mexicana, Micronycteris brachyotis, Lonchorhina aurita, Alouatta pigra, Ateles geoffroyi, Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus wiedii, Panthera onca, Eira barbara, Potos flavus and Tapirus bairdii. Thirteen species are endemic to Mesoamerica: M. mexicana, T. mexicana, Mormoops megalophylla, Tonatia evotis, Bauerus dubiaquercus, A. pigra, A. geoffroyi, T. bairdii, Sciurus deppei, Sciurus yucatanensis, Heteromys gaumeri, O. phyllotis, Reithrodontomys gracilis and one endemic to Mexico: Peromyscus yucatanicus. We present tables of records for every locality and corresponding vegetation types for every species. Of 65 registered species, all were recorded in medium semievergreen forest, with 50% exclusively for this vegetation type. A reference collection was established with 200 specimens, representing 43 species.
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