Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Responses of sorne Nigerian vegetables to plant growth regulator treatments


nigerian vegetables
plant growth regulators
plant growth
chlorophyll and vitamin contents

How to Cite

Kadiri, M., Mukhtar, F., & Adejare Agboola, D. (1996). Responses of sorne Nigerian vegetables to plant growth regulator treatments. Revista De Biología Tropical, 44(3A), 23–28. Retrieved from


The effects of single and combined growth regulator treatments of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3) and coconut milk on plant height, yield, chlorophyIl and vitamin contents of Abelmoschus esculetus L and Solanum gilo L were investigated. The single growth regulator treatments consisted of 50mglL, l00mglL of IAA and GA3 and 10%, 15% of coconut milk. In case of combined growth regulator treatments, the treatments were 100mg/L IAA + 100mglL GA3,IOOmglL ¡AA + 15% coconut milk and lOOmglL GA3 + 15% coconut milk. Control vegetable plants were sprayed with water. Single treatments of lOOmglL IAA,IOOmglL GA3' 10% and 15% coconut milk resulted in significantly increased plant height, chlorophyIl contents and yield of A. esculentus, H. sabdarijJa and S. gilo while only conbined treatments of 100mglL IAA + 10% coconut milk and lOOmglL GA3 + 15% coconut milk had such an effect on A. esculentus and S.gilo but not on H. sabdarijJa. Moreover, singletreatments of IOOmglL GA3 and 15% coconut milk caused significantIy higher vitamins A, B6 and C contents of treated plants whereas the combined treatments produced such an effect on only vitamin C contents oi treated plants. Growth regulator treatments of 100mglL GA3 and 15% coconut milk were consistentIy the best out of the entire growth regulator treatments tried with the treated plants having the greatest plant height, yield, chlorophyIl and vitamin C contents.


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Copyright (c) 1996 Revista de Biología Tropical


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