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CASCANTE-SEQUEIRA D., RUIZ-IMBERT A.C., HAITER-NETO F., 2020: Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: Recommendations for a Safer Practice.-ODOVTOS-Int. J. Dental Sc., 22-3 (September-December): 93-102.

Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: Recommendations for a Safer Practice

Radiología oral y maxillofacial durante la pandemia por Coronavirus 2019: recomendaciones para una práctica más segura

Deivi Cascante-Sequeira DDS¹; Ana Cecilia Ruiz-Imbert DDS, MSc.²;

Francisco Haiter-Neto DDS, MSc, PhD³

1. Oral Radiology MSc. Postgraduate Program Student, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil.

2. Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Professor at Diagnostic Sciences Department, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.

3. Professor at Oral Radiology Postgraduate Program, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil.

Correspondence to: Dra. Ana Cecilia Ruiz-Imbert -

ABSTRACT: The Coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19), was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, and registered the first case in Costa Rica on March 6, 2020, and 105 days later reported 2058 cases, with a wide age range (0-92 years). Its etiologic agent is the beta coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 with confirmed human-to-human transmission, mainly by the respiratory route. The presence of asymptomatic carriers of the virus and its transmission even without the manifestation of symptoms challenges health professionals worldwide. For this reason, assuming all patients who need dental care as possible carriers of the SARS-CoV-2 is mandatory and consequently, applying biosecurity measures with strict criteria. In the present literature review, we aim to recommend biosecurity measures to be applied during imaging examinations of dental patients due to the Coronavirus-2019 pandemic. We found that in the absence of treatment for COVID-19 disease and because of its high transmissibility, the most effective measures to prevent its spread are those allowing its containment. Therefore, the authors recommend: 1) acquiring imaging exams just in case of dental urgencies or emergencies, 2) prioritizing the use of extraoral exams, such as panoramic radiography or CBCT, under the principle of ALADAI and 3) the intraoral exams should be used just in case of a lack of extraoral imaging devices, or because of the need to solve diagnostic tasks in which they have a superior diagnostic value than those of the extraoral examinations.

KEYWORDS: COVID-19; Biosecurity; Dental imaging examination; CBCT.

RESUMEN: La enfermedad Coronavirus 2019, fue declarada pandemia por la Organización Mundial de la Salud el 11 de marzo de 2020; el primer caso registrado en Costa Rica fue el 6 de marzo de 2020, y 105 días después reportó 2058 casos, con un amplio rango de edad (0-92 años). Su agente etiológico es el beta coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. La transmisión de humano a humano está bien confirmada principalmente por la vía respiratoria. La presencia de portadores asintomáticos del virus y su transmisión, incluso sin la manifestación de síntomas, desafía a los profesionales de la salud. Por esta razón, es obligatorio asumir todos los pacientes que necesitan atención dental como posibles portadores del SARS-CoV-2 y, en consecuencia, aplicar medidas de bioseguridad con criterios estrictos. En la presente revisión de la literatura, nuestro objetivo es recomendar las medidas de bioseguridad que se aplicarán durante los exámenes de imágenes de pacientes dentales debido a la pandemia de Coronavirus-2019. Encontramos que en ausencia de tratamiento para la enfermedad de COVID-19 y debido a su alta transmisibilidad, las medidas más efectivas para prevenir su propagación son aquellas que permitan su contención. Por lo tanto, se recomienda: 1) adquirir exámenes por imágenes solo en caso de urgencias o emergencias dentales, 2) priorizar el uso de exámenes extraorales, como la radiografía panorámica o CBCT, bajo el principio de ALADAIP y 3) se deben usar los exámenes intraorales solo en caso de falta de dispositivos de imágenes extraorales, o por la necesidad de resolver tareas de diagnóstico en las que tienen un valor de diagnóstico superior al de los exámenes extraorales.

PALABRAS CLAVE: COVID-19; Bioseguridad; Examen dental por imagen; CBCT.


The Coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19), first discovered in 2019, in the city of Wuhan, in China, has spread rapidly to most countries in the world and declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. Its etiologic agent is a beta coronavirus named by the International Committee on Virus Taxonomy as SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom Coronavirus 2) (1-5).

In Costa Rica, the Ministry of Health registered the first case on March 6, 2020, and 105 days later reported 2058 cases, with a wide age range (0-92 years old). At this moment, 982 people have recovered, and 12 have died (6,7). Although social distancing measures, as well as adequate hygiene, seem to be flattening the contagion curve in our country, it is necessary to maintain and reinforce biosecurity protocols during dental care, since there is no treatment nor vaccine available (2). Thus, dental procedures during the pandemic must be performed only in highly justified cases.

The authors recognize that rapid and efficient transmission of information is one of the effective ways to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and thus decrease the contagion rate. Therefore, in the present document, we aim to recommend the biosecurity measures to be applied during imaging examinations of dental patients due to the Coronavirus-2019 pandemic.


Currently, human-to-human transmission has been well established, mainly by the respiratory route (direct transmission) through the inhalation of aerosols and droplets from sneezing/coughing or by contact of mucosa (oral, nasal and ocular) with infected secretions present in contaminated surfaces (indirect transmission). Besides, nosocomial infections are crucial in professional practices, particularly in dentistry, which involves contact with salivary secretions and generation of aerosols during some dental procedures (8,9).

The average incubation period ranges from 5.2 days to 12.5 days. However, it is not clear when a patient becomes infectious within this range since it has been possible to document the presence of asymptomatic carriers of the virus and its transmission even without the manifestation of symptoms. For this reason, assuming all patients who need dental care as possible carriers of the SARS-CoV-2 is mandatory and consequently, applying biosecurity measures with strict criteria (8).It is also important to acknowledge the wide variety of infectious agents to which dentists, patients and dental assistants have always been exposed, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, which all require solid biosecurity measures.


According to the Costa Rican Ministry of Health in its "Technical Guideline for the prevention and containment of COVID-19 for dentists and auxiliary personnel of Costa Rica", updated on March 27, 2020, the dentists must provide only emergency care or maintain the temporary closure of their offices (10). However, these guidelines do not specify the criteria for defining a dental emergency, transferring the decision making responsibility to the dentists. In this way, the Association of Dental Surgeons of Costa Rica recommends, under the American Dental Association (ADA) criteria and the guidelines of the Costa Rican Ministry of Health, to focus dental care in cases of urgencies and emergencies, which increases the action range of the dental professional (11). Thus, the American Dental Association defined the criteria to prioritize dental care for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic as follows (12):


Those conditions with life-threatening potential, and therefore require immediate treatment to stop continued bleeding, relieve severe pain or infection and include:


Conditions that require immediate attention to alleviate severe pain or risk of infection and, thus, decrease the need for the use of hospital emergency units. These should be treated with minimally invasive procedures as much as possible, and include:


These are considered neither emergencies nor urgencies, and include, but are not limited to:

According to these considerations, routine dental procedures, and therefore imaging examinations, should not be performed during the COVID-19 pandemic if they are not part of a dental urgency or emergency. However, once the allowance of routine dental procedures is back again, biosecurity measures should not be less than those during the pandemic because a large part of the population would not develop immediate immunity and because of the lack of a vaccine. Both reasons make a second pandemic wave imminent according to statistical models made from the H1N1 influenza pandemic (13).


During dental care, imaging examinations are essential in different clinical situations, as they complement clinical findings (14). Within the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, and consequently with the guidelines mentioned above, it is recommended to perform only those imaging exams required as a part of a dental urgency or emergency, and postpone all those examinations associated with routine dental procedures.

Once health authorities allow dental care, imaging exams must involve biosecurity measures to avoid both COVID-19 and other infections, such as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), HBV (Hepatitis B virus), HPV (Human Papillomavirus), TB (Tuberculosis), among others (15).

Imaging examinations in dentistry include two broad groups: intraoral and extraoral exams. Intraoral exams represent a higher risk of contagion with SARS-Cov-2 than extraoral exams, due to the higher probability of contamination with saliva. (16) Therefore, during this COVID-19 pandemic, the suggestion is to prioritize the use of extraoral exams, such as panoramic radiography or Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), by choosing the technique under the principle of ALADAIP (As low as diagnostically acceptable being indication-oriented and patient-specific) (17).

On the other hand, intraoral exams should be used in case of a lack of extraoral imaging devices, or because of the need to solve diagnostic tasks in which they have a superior diagnostic value than those of the extraoral examinations (18). As follows, the description of biosecurity protocols for both intraoral and extraoral exams.


Before the dental appointment begins, all staff must be ready, for this (19):



During imaging examinations in dentistry, the potential to cross-contaminate equipment and surfaces with saliva is high (15).

Regardless of the examination, the staff must be wearing the PPE before moving the patient to the care module. In addition, it is recommended patient mouths rinses, before the procedure, with 1% hydrogen peroxide concentration (10 cubic centimeters diluted in one liter of water) for 1 minute to decrease the viral load, because COVID-19 is vulnerable to the oxidation promoted by this solution.


Although making intraoral radiographs should be avoided as far as possible, we recommend:


Since contact with salivary fluids during extra-oral techniques is minor, these are highly recommended instead of intra-oral techniques. But it is essential to consider the contact of the patient's skin (mainly of the hands and face) with the equipment. Thus, the recommendations are:



In the absence of treatment for COVID-19 disease and because of its high transmissibility, the most effective measures to prevent its spread are those allowing its containment. During the COVID-9 pandemic, the authors recommend acquiring imaging exams just in case of dental urgencies or emergencies under strict biosecurity protocols according to the evolution of the pandemic. If imaging exams are needed, prioritizing the use of extraoral exams, such as panoramic radiography or CBCT, under the principle of ALADAIP is a must. Even when the authorities allow routine dental care, the biosecurity protocols must be maintained. Besides, intraoral exams should be used just in case of a lack of extraoral imaging devices, or because of the need to solve diagnostic tasks in which they have a superior diagnostic value than those of the extraoral examinations.


The authors thank the CCDCR (Association of Dental Surgeons of Costa Rica) for raising awareness of the need of infection control protocols oriented to each area of the profession. We also thank the members of the Costrarrican Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, ACROM (Academia Costarricense de Radiología Oral y Maxilofacial) for their suggestions regarding the content of the manuscript.


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