REYES-CARMONA J., 2021: Editorial.-ODOVTOS-Int. J. Dental Sc. 23-3 (September-December): 8-9.

In this issue, we highlighted, with a new perspective article, the editorial process of our journal. The peer-review process validates the ethical scientific publication, which is supported by the experience and knowledge of the reviewers.

Even though there are programs that instruct members of the scientific community in research, there are few training tools to participate in the arbitration of a manuscript. Thus, as the editor-in-chief of ODOVTOS-Int.J.Dent.Sc., the new perspective article presented a guide with a series of recommendations on how a scientific article should be peer-reviewed. A synopsis of recommendations and criteria is presented and will be used by the reviewers as a reference to support their work.

Also, this issue contains a clinical case report and a brief literature review regarding persistent idiopathic dentoalveolar pain. This is an interesting case, which can be difficult to diagnose in our daily dental practice. The author described the interdisciplinary management and the use of botulinum toxin.

Moreover, life expectancy in our country, Costa Rica, was evaluated with an article that observed this complex social gradient in an ecological study with 24-Million person-years follow-up. As the author stated: “This study showed the existence of complex interactions between age, sex, urbanity, wealth and life expectancy which may enlighten researchers understanding namely to comprehend why previous studies in Costa Rica have not demonstrated a negative social gradient in health”. This is an extremely valuable article that denotes the importance of epidemiologic studies in our region and should be mandatory reading.

Finally, we just received the outstanding notice that ODOVTOS-Int. J. Dent.Sc. achieved the prestigious 2021 JCR list of Clarivate Analytics. In resume, our rank by Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) in the category: Dentistry, Oral Surgery &Medicine in 2020 JCR Year is 141/150, Quartile Q4, JCI Percentile: 6.33, Journal Citation Indicator of 0.07, Journal Normalized Citation Impact is 0.44 and Category Normalized Citation Impact is 0.13. This achievement and repercussions would be more described in a future editorial.

Thank you for contributing to this success.

Jessie Reyes-Carmona DDS, MSD, PhD¹

1. Editor-in-Chief, Odovtos International Journal of Dental Sciences

Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

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