RAMÍREZ T., 2022: Faculty Teaching and Research Relationship: An Old Debate.-ODOVTOS-Int. J. Dental Sc., 24-2 (May-August): 8-9.
Faculty Teaching and Research Relationship: An Old Debate
Faculty members' work are based on three main goals: teaching, research, and service. Teaching is the fundamental pillar in the training of students, new knowledge is accomplished by the continues research, and service work contributes to the growth of the general population (1). However, since late XIX century there has been a debate whether these faculty roles strengthen or contradict each other, especially when we talk about teaching and research, therefore organization of individual faculty work, departments, and institutions should be done with the purpose to obtain the greatest benefit from both faculty roles.
Different perspectives have emerged around this topic (1). On the one hand, there is the vision presenting this relationship as positive since they use same facilities and resources and that combining them improves teacher training capable of responding to the needs and challenges involved in training high-quality professionals with a comprehensive vision. In contrast, there is another perspective that points to this relationship as contradictory noting that dedication to research interferes with teaching and teaching limits the time to investigate. Indeed, a variety of studies (2) have tried to measure in terms of positive, negative or even null relation between research and teaching.
Results showing a possible positive relationship are attributed to teachers’ individual characteristics such as: organization, general ability, and intellectual curiosity. But at the same time those publications that talk about a negative teaching-research relation mentioned that abilities needed to be good at teaching and also been a high productive researcher may contend with each other (2). Then exist the null relationship, which suggest that both teaching and research products are totally independent.
In spite of these perspectives, both teaching and research must be considered as elemental duties in the higher education institutions organization and should be in the same level of importance for those who have chosen to be a faculty teacher. While it is true that there are distinctive skills and affinities for each of these roles, in the end both must accompany the comprehensive training that higher education students require today.
Finally, universities would propose strategies that promote interest on equal terms both for those whose primary objective is research and for those whose primary objective is teaching. Recognition at all levels and worth of institutions should be due to their level of excellence in both, research and teaching.
Tatiana Ramírez DDS, MSc, PhD¹
1. Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
Email: tatiana.ramirez@ucr.ac.cr