

  • José Ávila Estación Territorial de Investigaciones del Arroz “ Jucarito”
  • Luis Manuel González Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias “ Jorge Dimitrov”
  • Tania Obiol Estación Territorial de Investigaciones del Arroz “ Jucarito”




At Rice Research Station “Jucarito”,

with the purpose to select and to recommend the most

appropriate for the easthern region of Cuba, 33 rice varieties:

15 of half cycle and 18 of short cycle, based of their

agronomic, industrial behavior and resistance to pest and

diseases, were studied. The results indicated that, the varieties

of short cycle IACuba-18 and IACuba-20, turned out to be

similar in agricultural yield and resistance to the main pest

and diseases to the Perla, variety used as the control, but

superiors in whole and crystalline grains, as well as in the

grain proteins percentage. Among the varieties of half cycle

they stood out the varieties IACuba-17 and IACuba-19 that

although they didn’t show significant differences in the

agricultural yield with the control variety J-104, they

overcame it in the industrial yield and the diseases resistance.


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How to Cite

Ávila, J., González, L. M., & Obiol, T. (2004). -----. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 15(1), 17–24. https://doi.org/10.15517/am.v15i1.11923