Exploratory single crosses of purple maize for pericarp and cob pigment production
Anthocyanins, hybridization, population improvement, Zea Mays L.Abstract
Introduction. Plant based pigments could replace artificial pigments and consume healthy food products. Objective. To evaluate in the field and laboratory exploratory purple grain and cob maize single cross hybrids (CSE), formed with random lines, to analyze the integration of the B-49N x B-41N heterotic pattern. Material and methods. The research was carried out in Tepatitlán, Jalisco, Mexico during 2021-2022, CSEs were formed between six S5 lines from population B-49N and four S3 from B-41N with purple grain and cob. The crosses and five controls were evaluated in 2022 in the same location. A randomized complete block experimental design with three repetitions was used. Plot size, a row of 4 m long, 0,8 m wide and 0,16 m between plants with 25 plants per row. Plant and ear data were taken. In seven crosses total anthocyanin content in grain (CATg) and cob (CATo) were evaluated. Analysis of variance and tests of means were performed on all variables using the statistical SAS program. Results. There were 12 CSEs with the same yield (p < 0,05) as the white control, but with purple grain and cob, significant variation (p < 0,05) in anthesis (from 80 to 90 days), stem lodging (from 0 to 12,6 %). and ear grade (from 1,5 to 2,7). The grain of the CSEs was soft to very soft, and there was not association between yield and high CATg and CATo contents. Conclusion. CSE results show positive progress in the integration of the heterotic purple maize pattern B-49N x B-41N, but, in the future, the anthocyanin content in grain and cob, and grain hardness, should be increased.
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Copyright (c) 2025 José Luis Ramírez Díaz, Alejandro Ledesma Miramontes, Yolanda Salinas Moreno, Ivone Alemán de la Torre, Thanda Dhliwayo, Víctor Antonio Vidal Martínez

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