Revista Científica Administrar lo Público 2024-11-17T06:51:06-06:00 Dra. Laura Sariego Kluge Open Journal Systems <div>The scientific journal Administrar lo Público (ALP journal), ISSN 2215-6909, offers a set of features for reflection, analysis and in-depth study of topics in the discipline such as customs administration and international trade, public administration, administrative contracting and public procurement, internal control , open government data, diplomacy, evaluation of government programs, performance evaluation, public finances and budgets, public management, among others. This leads to research on areas of vital significance for the transformation of public management. Particularly within a context of dizzying and accelerated changes in society related to innovations that must be addressed by the public sector, in ways that they satisfy social, economic and, above all, human needs.</div> <div> </div> <div>As a part of the scientific journals of the University of Costa Rica (UCR), this journal holds the main institutional aspirations of research, teaching and social extention. By offering academic, technical and scientific solutions and discussions in an area that affects all dimensions of development, the journal enhances the transformative and dialectical capacity between society, communities and organizations with the University, thus contributing to generate knowledge and resources for the progress of the country.</div> <div> </div> <div>The ALP journal offers the possibility of encouraging academic production in the discipline of Public Administration from multiple approaches and areas of teachers and researchers in the social sciences, economic sciences, education and law, as well as ensuring that generations of undergraduate students and postgraduates with outstanding academic works can make indigenous contributions to increase the body of knowledge in this disciplinary area, it represents a joint opportunity to publicize the work that is carried out nationally and internationally to manage the public in a better way.</div> <div> </div> <div>Managing the Public is a production of the Public Administration Research and Training Center (CICAP), a UCR Center that generates, transfers and disseminates knowledge to improve the management capacity of the public, through research and social action, contributing to well-being. general of society.</div> <div> </div> <div>It is a research center attached to the Vice-Rector's Office for Research that was founded in 1976 with the idea of strengthening the processes of the national, regional and local Public Administration. Nowadays, it generates, transfers and disseminates knowledge to improve public management capacity, through basic and applied research processes, as well as teaching extension activities within the framework of social action, in order to contribute to the quality of life of the people.</div> <div> </div> <div>Since 2013, CICAP has been producing the series <em>Administrar lo Público</em>, as a periodic publication that compiles scientific articles, case studies and systematizations of interventions, among other scientific manuscripts in the area of social and economic sciences, with particular emphasis on Public Administration, through nine consecutive editions. In 2023 the series became the academic journal <strong><em>Revista Científica Administrar lo Público </em></strong>and published its first volume in 2024. It is an electronic, refereed and open-access journal.</div> Institutional partnership for a community project management in rural area of Tangua, Nariño, Colombia 2024-07-30T13:26:28-06:00 Nelson Narvaez Mora <p>The process of institutional articulation for the Community Management of Development Projects in the rural area of Tangua, Nariño, Colombia integrates: the subject “Development Projects” of the Territorial Public Administration higher education program, the extension program of ESAP - Territorial Nariño - Alto Putumayo, and the Tangua Territorio Progreso project, led by the Grupo Social Foundation. This collaboration allowed the development of skills in students and community leaders on the formulation and structuring of projects through education, training, advice and co-creation of solutions for rural needs. The objective was to strengthen community capacity for project management through joint work between the School, social organizations and Fundación Grupo Social. An articulation scheme was established between local organizations and public and private institutions to structure community projects. The organizations benefited by the Foundation's Community Fund were characterized, a training process was designed, and the formulation of community projects was supported through the subject “Development Projects”. As a result, an Open Classroom and Popular School model was applied, an articulation scheme based on public innovation was structured, community leaders were trained, and projects financed by the Foundation's Communities Fund were co-created. This relationship has significantly improved the well-being of the community in Tangua<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-12-04T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nelson Narvaez Mora Influence of the public management model in Smart and Sustainable Cities 2023-09-22T19:11:09-06:00 Roxana Acuña Rodríguez <p>Smart and sustainable cities are emerging as the answer to the current challenges of urban areas and, consequently, as the path towards improving the quality of life of their inhabitants. However, the development of these cities is not uniform, but is shaped according to the particularities of each territory, where public management plays a fundamental role in shaping the intelligent development of each community. In this work, we present the results of a case study applied to Heredia, Costa Rica, with the purpose of identifying the characteristics of the city's public management model and determining its impact on the intelligent development of its territory. The theoretical and methodological approach is situated in the context of New Public Management and the governance models of the digital era and intelligent public governance. Through careful analysis of the local government's long-term development plans and the application of a Smart and Sustainable Cities Index, the close interconnection between Heredia's current status as a smart city and the way in which the city is managed was identified. Among the main discoveries, the direct influence exerted by the public management of the local government of Heredia on the development of its smart city stands out, since the areas in which adequate actions are not implemented are presented as challenges for the intelligent progress of the city, which leads us to conclude that its management model has been a determining factor in its intelligent development. Likewise, two different models of public management are identified within the context of Heredia, which significantly impact the evolution of the city towards urban intelligence.</p> 2023-12-06T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Roxana Acuña Rodríguez TRADE FACILITATION MEASURES THAT ARE NECESSARY, BUT NOT SUFFICIENT, TO IMPROVE TRADE ACROSS BORDERS PERFORMANCE 2023-11-23T09:26:44-06:00 Susana Wong Chan <p style="font-weight: 400;">In 2013, the negotiations for the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) of the World Trade Organization were concluded. Attempts have been made to quantify the impact of TFA implementation on global trade cost and time reduction. For example, a study has determined that the implementation of TFA measures can reduce global trade costs between 10% and 18%, depending on the country. However, more guidance is needed to understand which specific TFA measures are necessary to reduce the time and cost of cross-border trade. Therefore, this study uses a novel quantitative method called “Necessary Condition Analysis” that allows identifying the TFA measures that are necessary to reduce cross-border trade costs and time, but that may not be sufficient to achieve said objective since they may depend on additional factors. But if the necessary conditions are not present, it would be impossible to achieve the desired outcome. This study found that 84 TFA measures, which represents 54.2% of the total analyzed measures, can be considered as necessary, but not sufficient, to achieve high Trading across Borders performance. Ten out of the 84 TFA measures are considered to have a medium or large effect. These ten measures are: independent or higher-level administrative and/or judicial appeal procedures available for customs decisions; establishment of a national customs website; public consultations between traders and other interested parties and government; possibility to provide online feedback to Customs; information on import and export procedures; average clearance time; time to prepare documents for import; time to prepare documents for export; use of pre-shipment inspections required on Customs matters; targeted stakeholders; international Standards compliance; and release of goods separated from the final determination and payment of Customs duties.</p> 2024-10-03T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Susana Wong Chan Revised Kyoto Convention: challenges and opportunities for Costa Rica 2024-02-04T01:20:45-06:00 Kira Rojas Noskova <p>Trade facilitation is crucial to promote the exchange of goods and services around the world. To achieve this, countries participate in multilateral agreements and conventions that allow the reduction of obstacles in commercial transactions without detriment to their ability to control and collect taxes. while driving economic growth. This may include expected improvements in trade facilitation, lower transaction costs, greater efficiency in customs procedures, and greater competitiveness in international trade. However, the implementation of regulations that handle the issue is not without challenges. This article investigates the reservations made by contracting parties to the Revised Kyoto Convention as well as those filed by Costa Rica in the bill sent to vote in the legislative plenary, to know the true scope of the implementation of this Convention, the benefits, and the anticipated challenges of adopting it. The methodological approach consists of the analysis of the situation in Costa Rica regarding trade facilitation in the multilateral legal framework. Through a detailed review of documents and legal instruments, the issues that cause the most resistance among countries, such as the declaration of goods, were identified. Also, the nature of the reservations raised by Costa Rica was determined and it was understood how this Agreement fits into the national trade facilitation strategy. Likewise, the benefits of implementing the Revised Kyoto Convention were identified for sectors such as international transporters, importers, exporters, and government. Finally, this paper notes that Costa Rica faces challenges related to cross-border coordination, development of technical capabilities, training of customs officials, and customs security, among others.</p> 2024-10-21T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kira Rojas Noskova Behaviors of municipal employees and effective intersectoral strategies in the Families Program, Chile 2024-11-17T06:51:06-06:00 Jaime Contreras <p>Intersectoral management is a process of exchange between actors from different public organizations, and its success depends on formal and informal rules and norms made by the members of cooperation networks. The objective of the research was to determine the behaviors of officials who implement effective intersectoral strategies in the families program of the Social Protection System between 2016 and 2022. The present article gathers the research results obtained through interviews with key actors, exploring the main behaviors developed by municipal officials who implement effective intersectoral strategies in the families program at the national level. It seeks to evidence the behavioral patterns that explain the collaborative work required by intersectorality at the local level. The results highlight trust, probity, commitment and service vocation, collaboration, effective communication and flexibility as key behaviors developed by the professionals responsible for the program<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jaime Contreras Recent Trends in Public Policy Formulation 2024-05-11T16:49:15-06:00 Carlos Murillo Zamora <p>The article presents a state-of-the-art analysis, not exhaustive, based on a review of literature on public policies and their interpretation. This is contextualized within the changes brought about by globalization, the transformations of state agencies, and the growth of non-state actors in the international system. The study also delves into wicked problems, which are on the rise, and the crises of the present century. Additionally, it explores the significance of the design and co-design of policies, a crucial aspect for understanding the subject of study. The purpose is to provide an account of constructs and their variables, identify main approaches and trends in policy design, and offer bibliography as a reference for those interested in this field. While not a comprehensive review, it encompasses a wide range of texts. The work is part of a research project on recent trends in the design and co-design of policies. As a result, it enumerates concepts rather than reaching conclusions or making statements. In this sense, it serves as a consultation document for specific or general policy analyses. It is a preview of a research project on “Public policy design in complex contexts: the case of Costa Rica”, assigned to the Escuela de Administración Pública, Universidad de Costa Rica.</p> 2024-12-04T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Murillo Zamora State technical training centers from Chile: A public policy for the common good. 2024-10-04T19:12:32-06:00 Osvaldo Cifuentes <p>In Chile, in 2016, Law N° 20.910 was published, which creates fifteen State Technical Training Centers. Its aim is to resolve a historical problem in the country, which is related to the absence of the State in higher level technical education. Progressively, these centers began to run in each of the regions of the country, seeking to enhance the development of the territories and provide quality public education. Given this, the objective of this research is to analyze the setting up process of the State Technical Training Centers the impact they have had on the territory. After reviewing various documentation on the subject, the evolution of the State Technical Training Centers is evident, considering their beginnings, their development and their current situation. Their strengths and weaknesses are established, as well as notions of the social value towards these Technical and Professional Higher Education Institutions by the key actors of the system. In addition to all the above, different improvements are proposed for the short, medium and long term, which seek, precisely, to strengthen all State Technical Training Centers.</p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Osvaldo Cifuentes