Diálogos Revista Electrónica de Historia, 21(2): 215-236. Julio-diciembre, 2020. ISSN: 1409-469X · San José, Costa Rica226
REDD+, which aims to compensate developing countries for the “environmental
service of reducing deforestation” (Lovera, 2009, p. 46), was a principal incentive
being discussed during COP 16.
The “erratic wander-around” (Martínez, 2009, p. 36) of the initiative through
different government dependencies and chairpersons seemed to come to an end by
the beginning of 2011. The budget of the initiative was transferred to the Ofce
of the President, and Mrs. Ivonne Baki was appointed “Plenipotentiary Represen-
tative of the Yasuní-ITT Initiative” and chair of the negotiation team in charge of
fundraising (Executive Order No. 648, published in the Ofcial Gazette No. 391,
February 23, 2011). One year later, in 2012, Mrs. Baki was appointed “Secretary
of State for the Yasuní-ITT Initiative” (Executive Order No. 1030, published in the
Ofcial Gazette No. 637, February 9, 2012).
Since her rst designation in 2010 until August 2013, Mrs. Baki and her team
of fteen persons spent US$ 7.3 million in the fundraising campaign around the
world (El Universo, August 22, 2013). By that time, the contributions in the inter-
national trust fund amounted for about US$ 11 million and US$ 2 million in the
national Energy Transition Trust Fund (Executive Order No. 74, published in the
Ofcial Gazette No. 72, September 3, 2013). The minimum threshold to be reached
by 2011 was established in US$ 100 million (UNDP, 2010, p. 13).
Despite the duration of the project was indenite (Executive Order No. 1572,
published in the Ofcial Gazette No. 530, February 17, 2009) and the term to mate-
rialize the international compensation was agreed in thirteen years beginning in 2011
(Executive Order No. 74, published in the Ofcial Gazette No. 72, September 3,
2013), in August 2013, the Ecuadorian government announced the unilateral termi-
nation of the Yasuní-ITT initiative and the start of oil extraction in the YNP.
“The world has failed us”, stated the fresh reelected
President Correa as
announcement of the end of the initiative while dozens of protesters gathered in
front of the Presidential Palace. Correa further argued that the opportunity cost of
oil exploitation raised to US$ 18,000 million (i.e. US$ 11,000 million more than
initially expected). Such fresh oil revenues were meant to ght poverty as the pres-
ident offered (El Universo, August 15, 2013). Thus, the beggars realized the sack
of gold they were sitting on.
The president petitioned the National Assembly to declare of national interest
the exploitation of oil elds within YNP (as mandated in the 2008 Constitution). In
order to support the request, Correa ordered the ministers of environment and of
non-renewable natural resources to assess the feasibility of oil drilling in the YNP
within ve days (Executive Order No. 74, published in the Ofcial Gazette No. 72,
September 3, 2013). The approbatory resolution of the National Assembly, with
majority of Alianza País, was issued in the rst days of October in record time:
“[…] declare of national interest the exploitation of oil eld 43, […], in order to
accomplish fundamental tasks of the state, assure individuals’, peoples’, and nature’s
rights, to achieve buen vivir […]” (Asamblea Nacional, 2013).