About the Journal
As science and knowledge evolve, it is necessary to rethink the way in which research questions are addressed. The importance of multidisciplinary work that allows combining the experience and knowledge of specialists in different fields of action is becoming more and more evident. The complexity of today's reality poses challenges that exceed what disciplinary research can offer. Internationally, high-impact journals such as Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, PLOS One, and Royal Society Open Science, among others, encourage the dissemination of works of this nature.
The study and work with communicable diseases and chronic diseases are challenging, given their high level of complexity. From a mathematical modeling perspective, it is known that its dynamics, evolution, and distribution around the world depend not only on the characteristics of the disease but also have a strong social component, as well as, climatic and environmental factors, mobility, among others, that require joint and multidisciplinary work.
Health authorities around the world face multiple challenges every year due to the appearance of new diseases, sudden growth in the number of cases of endemic diseases, or unforeseen public health situations that are managed by external factors. In particular, Costa Rica faces outbreaks of vector-borne diseases, respiratory disease outbreaks, and an increase in patients with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer, among others. Hence, researchers from all over the world and at the local level are interested in studying them, seeking a greater understanding that allows their prevention and control.
A vital part of science is sharing and communicating the findings so that they serve as support and encouragement in future research, as well as the development of strategies for control, prevention, and management of health problems facing Costa Rican society.
Current Issue
This volume explores the emerging trends and innovative strategies shaping the future of population health. It delves into groundbreaking research and policy initiatives designed to address the complex health challenges facing diverse populations. By integrating interdisciplinary approaches and cutting-edge methodologies, this collection provides valuable insights for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners dedicated to improving health outcomes at the population level. Key topics include advancements in health surveillance, the impact of social determinants on health, and effective disease prevention and health promotion interventions.
Journal description
Epi-SCIENCE is formulated as a journal of the Pure and Applied Mathematics Research Center (CIMPA), non-profit and open access, oriented to the study of health risk factors from a mathematical modeling perspective and a multi and interdisciplinary approach. Original work and unpublished research products fall within the scope of the publication. Review articles and theoretical reflections are also accepted.
As science and knowledge evolve, it becomes necessary to rethink the way research questions are approached. The importance of multidisciplinary work that allows combining the experience and knowledge of specialists in different fields of action is becoming more and more evident. The complexity of today's reality poses challenges that go beyond what disciplinary research can offer. Internationally, high-impact journals such as Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, PLoS One, and Royal Society Open Science, among others, encourage the dissemination of works of this nature.
The study and work with communicable diseases and chronic diseases are challenging, given their high level of complexity. It is known that its dynamics, evolution, and distribution around the world depend not only on the characteristics of the disease but also on social, climatic and environmental factors, and mobility, among others, that require a multidisciplinary approach.
Health authorities around the world face multiple challenges every year due to the appearance of new diseases, sudden growth in the number of cases of endemic diseases, or unforeseen public health situations that are managed by external factors. In particular, Costa Rica faces outbreaks of vector-borne diseases, respiratory disease outbreaks, and an increase in patients with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer, among others. Hence, researchers from all over the world and at the local level are interested in studying them, seeking a greater understanding that allows their prevention and control.