Wittgenstein´s Legacy

and Contemporary Philosophy

Guest Editor:

Dr. Nicola Claudio Salvatore

Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)

Wittgenstein´s Legacy
and Contemporary Philosophy

In this Special issue of the Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica, we present a number of works on the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Arguably, Wittgenstein was one of the most important, if not the most important, philosopher of the XX Century, and his work on language, logic, epistemology and philosophy of language, and philosophy of religion is as relevant and thought provoking today as it was when Wittgenstein´s masterpieces, namely The Tractatus Logico Philosophicus, Philosophical Investigations and On Certainty, were firstly published.

These papers are the result of various discussions that took place during our post graduate seminar at the Universidade do Vale do rio dos Sinos- UNISINOS, in which we read
and discussed Wittgenstein´s
Philosophical Investigations along with several of his lesser known works.

In Wittgensteinian Fideism vs Classical Theism, Salvatore and Oliveira present and discuss Wittgenstein´s remarks on religious language and religious beliefs, and try to see if and to what extent, Wittgenstein´s views on the epistemology of religious beliefs are tenable.

In Concepts, Perception, and Wittgenstein’s theory: a conversation with the sciences, Vollino compares and contrasts Wittgenstein´s philosophy of mind and language with some recent results of the cognitive sciences. The relationship between language, thought and cognitive sciences is also the focus of the contribution of Marconatto and Sestari in their Algorithm and Language.

In The Problem of the Relationship Between Language and World in Heidegger and Wittgenstein, Azeredo discusses the analogies and differences between Heidegger´s and Wittgenstein´s treatment of language and thought in our understanding of the specificity of human nature and of our relationship between mind, language, and world.

Meditations About the Implications of the Seventh Wittgensteinian Aphorism in Associative Speech, by Brandes, situates and puts in context Wittgenstein´s somewhat unsystematic remarks about psychology and psychoanalysis, and offer some thought provoking reflections on the Tractarian remarks on the ineffable and therapeutic practice.

Finally, Borba dos Reis defends and develops Wittgenstein´s theory of meaning and use, drawing also on Strawson´s pragmatic approach to language, and defends this proposal against a number of influential criticisms.

Our intent here is not merely exegetical; we wanted to see if and to what extent Wittgenstein´s work can help to positively address, and if so how, a number of contemporary philosophical issues, and we hope to give an interesting contribution to the debate surrounding these themes. Whether we succeed or not, is for the reader to decide.

Nicola Claudio Salvatore, guest editor.



Porto Alegre, 06/09/2019