Revista geológica de América central ISSN Impreso: 0256-7024 ISSN electrónico: 2215-261X

Application of H/V technique on different soils using ambient vibration measurements and earthquakes
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Razón espectral
vibraciones ambientales
periodo fundamental
Spectral ratio
ambiet vibration
fundaental period

How to Cite

Schmidt-Díaz, V. (2016). Application of H/V technique on different soils using ambient vibration measurements and earthquakes. Revista geológica De América Central, 54.


Four techniques to identify the fundamental frequency (f0) for 26 different sites were applied. These techniques correspond to spectral ratios based on the recording of: ambient vibration using an accelerograph (denominated VAA), ambient vibration using a seismograph (VAS), total seismic records (ST) and a time window of 5 s staring at S waves arrives in the seismic records (SOS). Better results were achieved when VAA was applied during the day (at 8 am and 3 pm). When VAA at 3 pm was compared to VAS at day time, it was observed that in the 58% of the analyzed cases the shapes and amplitudes of the spectral ratios were different, which means that VAA is not an appropriated technique to identify f0 based on that the results from VAS are the correct ones. It is affirmed based on its similarity to ST and SOS techniques in a 75% of the studied cases. These last two techniques are better justified in both mathematical and physical fundaments.
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