Management of Education ISSN electrónico: 2215-2288

Academic Research: The Path to Teaching Success and the Key to Teaching
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Academic Research
Economic Development
Investigación académica
desarrollo económico


The role of a faculty member is one of teaching, research and service. However, an academic institution´s reputation depends on the research which plays an important role in determining the success of that institution. The main responsibility of planning and conducting  research lies on the faculty. Through Research, faculty contribute to upholding the quality of the institution. But the University, itself, must grant its faculty members, opportunities for research as well as develop a framework to ensure the success of its research staff. Funding sources can be obtained from private companies and investors. However, they expect a return on their investment. Despite the many challenges faced by academic institutions, it is adamant for its faculty to become engaged in research activities if it wants to be renown Teaching in the classroom is complemented by academic research where students aren´t the only ones that benefit, the professor also benefits. Striking a health balance between teaching and research is key for educational success as well as teacher satisfaction and the institution´s own reputation.
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