Herencia Journal ISSN Impreso: 1659-0066 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6356


About the Journal

About the Journal

Focus and scope

Herencia is a biannual publication of the School of General Studies of the University of Costa Rica, whose objective is the publication and dissemination of articles, essays, special issues, profiles, reviews, offprints, interviews, community experiences, old urban testimonies and pages recovered from yesteryear, which account for the collection of information and research on practices and facts that make up our identity. In this way, the coverage of issues associated with the rescue and revitalization of tangible and intangible cultural heritage is proposed, as well as the staging of issues in the cultural, social and artistic fields, produced both nationally and internationally. This journal is aimed at a research audience, but especially those interested in different cultural phenomena and issues; all guides of our society.

Peer Evaluation Process

The documents proposed for consideration to be published in Herencia are subject to two evaluation processes: internal evaluation (carried out by the Editorial Board, which assesses compliance with editorial standards) and external evaluation (double-blind). The specific criteria of the first evaluation are the following:

  • Interest and relevance of the topic addressed.
  • Presentation of clear objectives or research problem.
  • Specificity in the argument and in the way of developing the objectives or research problem.
  • Adequacy of the critical apparatus (notes and bibliographical references) with the topic and problem treated.
  • Quality of writing in protocols, academic uses, in its grammatical and stylistic correctness. A poor level of writing will be reason enough to reject the article.

The external evaluation is carried out in double-blind terms, which implies review processes by two evaluators, who examine the documents separately, completely independently of each other. Both evaluators have no knowledge of the author of the document (articles, essays, special issues, biographical sketches, reviews, reprints, interviews, community experiences, ancient urban testimonies and pages recovered from yesteryear).

Publication frequency

Herencia publishes twice a year (two publications per year). A first number (January-June), and a second number (July-December).

  • For the January-June publication (first issue), Herencia receives documents from February 1st to April 30th (3 months), for subsequent publication in June.
  • For the July-December publication (second issue), Herencia receives documents from July 1st to September 30th (3 months), for subsequent publication in January.

Journal history

Herencia Jorunal was born in 1989 under the auspices of the Vice-Rector for Social Action of the University of Costa Rica. At that time Nora Garita, who was the Director-Editor of this periodical publication for 17 years, proposed as objectives "to disseminate the results of research on Costa Rican culture among professors of various disciplines and specialties, with which it's intended to contribute to the knowledge interdisciplinary of our cultural heritage; It'll also seek to bring the results of these investigations to ordinary educators and readers who wish to broaden or enrich their knowledge of the history and culture of which they are a part; Finally, it aspires to become a multidisciplinary space where dialogue takes place, as well as the free exchange of opinions and knowledge on everything that comes to contribute to the understanding and development of Costa Rican cultural heritage".

Editorial Policies

  • Open Access Policy

Herencia provides free and immediate access to its content, making the information available to the reading and research public in order to promote a greater exchange of global knowledge.

Due to the above, it's essential to point out that the publication rights belong to the University of Costa Rica, but the authors don't lose their rights as such.

In addition to the above, the journal doesn't pay the authors for the publication, in the same way they don't ask for a payment to publish in the Herencia Journal. Therefore, there isn't charge for sending or publishing articles by the journal to those who submit their texts for publication.

It's necessary to point out that once the number is published, both the authors and the reading public have the possibility of accessing and reading the published texts without any restriction.

The authors don't lose their rights as such, they can use the text as a reference, as material, for didactic purposes, etc. Once the documents are published in the corresponding number, they'll also be located in various repositories, in which the journal is registered. Finally, the texts can be read, downloaded, reviewed on any community machine through an API or standard protocol, which precisely enables the idea of ​​open access and its proper functioning.

According to copyright, the rights belong to the author, but the University of Costa Rica holds certain actions, such as editing, publication, reproduction, adaptation and distribution.

  • Use of Creative Commons license

Herencia Journal uses the license: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. This implies that the author can share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, adapt and remix the document, as well as transform and build on the material when deemed necessary or vital in terms of the content of the text. The conditions of this license are sent to the author when they request it, along with their article, the possibility of publishing in Herencia.

  • Journal Code of Ethics

Herencia's editorial policy promotes quality publishing practices for academic journals. In this sense, the following action guide that regulates this matter is provided.

These rules establish the position of Herencia for those cases in which practices that violate ethics are carried out, at any time of the editorial process, or the integrity of the research and the proposal for the dissemination of scientific knowledge that is submitted to journal.

For such purposes, Herencia subscribes to the principles of transparency and best practices promoted by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).

  • Instruments for plagiarism detection

In relation to originality policies and plagiarism detection, it's important to note that each work is submitted to district review methods, initially starting from a systematic process through Turnitin for the detection and determination of the authenticity of a document, to then be submitted for reading and review by the Editorial Committee of the Journal, who will also be able to determine its condition.

In case of plagiarism, if it's detected by means of the Paper Rater, the author will receive notification in this regard, as well as the members of the Editorial Committee of the Journal. The text must be saved to function as evidence, and the possibilities of future publication will be closed to the "author" of the text. The person will be shown what the plagiarism found consists of, with the evidence that documents the fault, and even, if possible, the indication of the percentage of plagiarism that the document presents.


  • Interoperability Protocol

Herencia has interoperability protocols through OAI-PMH

  • Digital preservation catalog

Herencia journal carefully handles each of the files received for publication, in order to preserve the integrity of the works sent and published, which is why, once each project is received, it's backed up in various ways. In this sense, the editing team stores and preserves both original files and those corrected files ready for publication, so that in the event of any eventuality there's always some backup of the information.

To do this, there're backups in the cloud through the Google Drive service linked to the journal's Gmail account, as well as the publisher's own mass storage servers (hard drives). Similarly, the Open Journal System (OJS) through which the journal is published, stores each document in all its stages; this through the LOCKSS mechanism. Finally, the journal links its published products in the institutional repository of the University of Costa Rica Kérwá through the DOI of each article.

Indexing and international collaboration

International indexes in which the Herencia Journal is located:



Repositories of scientific and periodical journals

Websites and repositories in which the publications of the Herencia Journal are located: