Ingeniería 30 (1): 75-94, enero-junio, 2020. ISSN: 2215-2652. San José, Costa Rica DOI 10.15517/RI.V30I1.35839
A precise determination of an orthometric height (H) is required in many elds like Construc-
tion, Geodesy and Geophysics. Orthometric heights are often obtained using the GNSS positioning
technique and a geopotential model to replace conventional leveling techniques because there is no
restriction in distances, and spirit leveling can be time-consuming. For these reasons, the behavior
of these models, in terms of accuracy, is always a concern. Geopotential models (GMs) are used
to correct ellipsoidal heights (h) value, which allows to obtain an H because it can supply a geoid
height (N). This N value is a difference between h and H that occurs because of the heterogeneities
in distribution of Earth’s masses (Vaníček, Kingdon, & Santos, 2012).
There are many Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) such as the EGM2008, EIGEN-6C4,
GECO (Förste et al., 2014; Gilardoni, Reguzzoni, & Sampietro, 2016; Pavlis, Holmes, Kenyon,
& Factor, 2012), which provide high global accuracy. However, these accuracies are derived from
error estimates of the least squares adjustment results called “internal error” and the challenge lies
on the determination of the “external error” (Gruber, 2004). The external error determines how
similar is a GM to the real geoid. Thus, a GGM sometimes does not provide a good representation
for local areas, especially if the GGM does not have terrestrial or aerial gravity of the local area.
Consequently, there are adaptations of the models for local areas which provides a more precise
representation (Sánchez, 2003; Sobrino, Mourón, & Fernández, 2009). However, this situation is
not the case for some developing countries in Central America and among them Costa Rica.
Currently, there is no local GM adapted to Costa Rica, and the performance of GGMs has not
yet been evaluated in detail for the country. Köther et al. (2012) provide a regional evaluation of
EGM2008 in terms of gravity anomalies compared to surface gravity data. Moreover, there has
been also an attempt to measure the quality of the OSU-91A by comparing a N computed from
GPS measurements and known H Benchmarks (BMs) of the National Geographic Institute (Diaz,
1997). However, it was found that these N were not comparable, and a quality measure could not
be done. There were studies carried out on local geoid determination (Cordero, 2010; Moya &
Dörries, 2016) but the areas taken into account for these studies were less than 50 km
. Thus, the
t of different geoid models in most of the country remains unknown.
GNSS measurements and spirit leveling are frequently used for quality assessment by com-
puting a geometric N (N
). This GNSS measurements are available with their respective (H) in
areas such as United States, Canada, Japan, Brazil and the European Countries. In addition, GGMs
accuracy determination studies are abundant.
For instance, Gruber (2009) tested EGM08, EGM96 and other GGMs in Canada, Japan, and
Europe; Szűcs (2012) compared GOCE and GRACE derived models to GNSS/H corrected with
EGM08 to match the spectral contents; Guimarães et al. (2012) assessed various models for the
State of Sao Pablo, Brazil. All these studies either tried to match the spectral contents or estimate
an omission error for each model.