Ingeniería 30 (2): 14-31, julio-diciembre, 2020. ISSN: 2215-2652. San José, Costa Rica DOI 10.15517/ri.v30i2.37436
should be increased to 30 dB in hospitals, nursing homes, churches, auditoriums, and concert halls.
In addition, 25 dB of NLR are required for governmental services and buildings where the public is
received and ofce areas located near transportation and parking land use. The most critical case,
the west runway (near Coco) within a range of 75 dB to 80 dB, is not compatible with the uses for
residential, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, churches, auditoriums, and concert halls. In addition,
the reduction requested should increase to 30 dB for governmental services and buildings where
the public is received and ofce areas located near transportation and parking land use.
Analyzing the 2036 contour map with the zoning map, the agricultural areas near Cañas are
in the range of 65 dB to 70 dB while the areas west of Bajo Sorda, east of Rincón de Herrera (near
Ciruelas), and south of Rincon de Monge are also in the range of 70 dB to 75 dB, representing
1,34 km
. In both ranges, the usage for agriculture, forestry, livestock farming and breeding are
compatible, but if residential buildings in the range of 65 dB to 70 dB are built, the construction
regulations should include NLR of 25 dB and 30 dB if the range is 70 dB to 75 dB. For the 0,11
within the range of 75 dB to 80 dB, south of Rincón de Monge, residential building, livestock
farming and breeding are not allowed while agriculture and forestry are permitted.
The areas of logistics services, ofces, and warehouses (equivalent to the land use of ofces,
businesses, and professional of the Part 150 of the FAA) nearby Bajo Sorda and Rincón de Monge
includes ranges of 65 dB to 70 dB and 70 dB to 75 dB while for the vicinity of Coco the variation
is between 65 dB and 80 dB, including three ranges. For areas between 65 dB and 70 dB (0,61
), the land use is compatible without restrictions; however, when the range increases to 70 dB
to 75 dB (0,48 km
), measures that reduce 25 dB must be incorporated into the design or construc-
tion stages of buildings, and for the 0,06 km
in the vicinity of Coco (75 dB to 80 dB), it will be
required a NLR of even 30 dB.
For the commercial areas north of Guácima and south of El Roble and the commerce, logistics
services, ofces, and warehouse areas between Cañas and Río Segundo are projected to be in the
range of 65 dB to 70 dB, representing a 0,32 km
and implying that the land use of ofces, business,
professional, wholesale and retail (building materials, hardware, and farm equipment), retail trade
(general), utilities, and communication can continue developing without restrictions.
With the expansion urban areas, the land uses are dened and could be developed for 2036
conditions. For the 1,10 km
, areas within the range of 65 dB to 70 dB (south of the airport, nearby
Rincón de Herrera by Ciruelas and south Sánchez) should be limited to governmental services,
transportation and parking. Hospitals, nursing homes, churches, auditoriums, and concert halls are
compatible if they incorporate in the design measures NLR of 25 dB. For the 0,27 km
70 dB and 75 dB south of El Roble, compatible uses are the same as in the previous range but with
NLR of 30 dB in hospitals, nursing homes, churches, auditoriums, and concert halls, of 25 dB in
governmental services, and 25 dB in the ofce areas located near transportation and parking land use.
Finally, with the consolidated nucleus of Río Segundo and Rincón de Herrera (near Ciruelas)
and the unconsolidated nucleus in Coco where the range is 65 dB to 70 dB and the one south of El
Roble where the ranges of 65 dB to 70 dB and 70 dB to 75 dB are present (representing a total of