Ingeniería. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica
Vol. 35, No. 1: 11-23, Enero-Junio, 2025. ISSN: 2215-2652. San José, Costa Rica
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A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic
Un análisis integral de la infraestructura de ciberseguridad en ambientes académicos
Holger Santillán 1,2 , Julio Andrés Arévalo Satán 3 , Peregrina Wong 4
1 Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones – GISTEL, Guayaquil, Ecuador,
correo: hsantillan@ups.edu.ec
2 Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain,
correo: holger.santillan101@alu.ulpgc.es
3 Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones – GISTEL, Guayaquil, Ecuador,
correo: jarevalos5@est.ups.edu.ec
4 Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain,
correo: peregrina.wong101@alu.ulpgc.es
Recibido: 21/05/2024
Aceptado: 23/08/2024
This paper addresses a comprehensive analysis of cybersecurity systems in academic environments taking
as a case study the domains: “www.ups.edu.ec”, “cas.ups.edu.ec”, “virtual.ups.edu.ec” y “dspace.ups.edu.ec”,
of the Salesian Polytechnic University, using specialized tools such as Kali Linux and Nessus. Through these
technologies, critical aspects of the system’s security are evaluated: its ability to resist attacks, how eective its
defense mechanisms are, and its capacity to identify exploitable weak points. A novel methodology is applied
to evaluate the security of the system, using emerging technologies and innovative techniques.
During the research, several vulnerabilities were identied covering the four studied domains. These were
classied using the CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) rating protocol, which allowed the most
critical ones to be prioritized and addressed rst. In addition, a scan of open ports was performed to recognize
possible unauthorized access points. As part of the security testing, a simulation of an email phishing attack was
carried out by cloning the Salesian University access website, in order to assess users’ susceptibility to this threat.
Domain security analysis revealed critical vulnerabilities, including an outdated version of PHP and possible
remote code execution (CVSS 9.8-10) in “virtual.ups.edu.ec”. SSL/TLS security issues were also detected, such
as the use of weak ciphers and outdated versions of TLS (CVSS up to 7.5). In addition, medium risks related
to lack of HSTS and vulnerabilities in PHP and jQuery were found, along with weaker SSH congurations of
lesser impact (CVSS 2.6-3.7). These results show the need for security updates and improvements.
Cybersecurity, Kali
Linux, Nessus, phishing,
Palabras Clave:
Kali Linux, Nessus,
phishing, seguridad
DOI: 10.15517/ri.v35i1.60075
This paper addresses a comprehensive analysis of cybersecurity systems in academic environments taking
as a case study the domains: “www.ups.edu.ec”, “cas.ups.edu.ec”, “virtual.ups.edu.ec” y “dspace.ups.edu.ec”,
of the Salesian Polytechnic University, using specialized tools such as Kali Linux and Nessus. Through these
technologies, critical aspects of the system’s security are evaluated: its ability to resist attacks, how eective its
defense mechanisms are, and its capacity to identify exploitable weak points. A novel methodology is applied
to evaluate the security of the system, using emerging technologies and innovative techniques.
During the research, several vulnerabilities were identied covering the four studied domains. These were
classied using the CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) rating protocol, which allowed the most
critical ones to be prioritized and addressed rst. In addition, a scan of open ports was performed to recognize
possible unauthorized access points. As part of the security testing, a simulation of an email phishing attack was
carried out by cloning the Salesian University access website, in order to assess users’ susceptibility to this threat.
Domain security analysis revealed critical vulnerabilities, including an outdated version of PHP and possible
remote code execution (CVSS 9.8-10) in “virtual.ups.edu.ec”. SSL/TLS security issues were also detected, such
as the use of weak ciphers and outdated versions of TLS (CVSS up to 7.5). In addition, medium risks related
to lack of HSTS and vulnerabilities in PHP and jQuery were found, along with weaker SSH congurations of
lesser impact (CVSS 2.6-3.7). These results show the need for security updates and improvements.
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 12
Educational centers manage the education and training of
new professionals worldwide, and they must keep the integrity
of user information safe and protected from cybersecurity attacks
in their academic environments. Therefore, this paper aims to
analyze the cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats presented by
a laboratory environment in an educational setting, as well as the
security measures to be implemented. The results of the analysis
will be used to propose recommendations to improve security in
a virtual laboratory environment.
Specically, this study evaluates the cybersecurity systems
in academic environments taking as a case study the laboratories
of the Salesian Polytechnic University (Universidad Politécnica
Salesiana: UPS) in its four main websites, showing vulnerabilities
and threats found using the Kali Linux operating system and the
tools Nessus and Mozilla Observatory [1].
The choice of Kali Linux in the cybersecurity arena is
underpinned by its reputation as a highly specialized operating
system, backed by a wide range of integrated tools that have been
specically developed to perform comprehensive penetration
testing and thorough security analysis [2]. This platform has
set up itself as an industry standard due to its ability to address
the unique challenges faced by cybersecurity professionals and
technicians, oering a combination of versatility and eectiveness
in detecting and mitigating vulnerabilities [3]. Its use is also justied
by its specialization and integrated toolset for penetration testing
and security analysis. It provides a stable and reliable platform
for activities such as vulnerability assessment, security audits,
and penetration testing, oering indispensable resources for
professionals in this eld [4].
In addition, Nessus is a widely used tool in the eld of
cybersecurity, it stands out in this eld for its comprehensive
ability to detect vulnerabilities in systems and networks, covering
even those very simple technical situations that could be exploited
by malicious attackers, thanks to its ability to schedule scans and
the generation of detailed reports on the events found in the study
scenario [5]. Its advanced features, such as scan scheduling and
detailed report generation, make it a versatile and powerful tool [6].
Additionally, Mozilla Observatory, with its specialized
focus on the web and its ability to detect and counteract a wide
range of threats, is positioned as an indispensable tool to protect
sensitive user information, essential in identifying vulnerabilities
in websites by providing real-time analysis and recommendations
to strengthen the security of the problems found during the analysis
of vulnerabilities [7]. Its web-oriented approach and its ability to
show and mitigate threats make it a valuable tool for protecting
users’ information [8].
These network and web monitoring tools have proven
to be highly eective and widely recognized in the eld of
cybersecurity, which has given them a solid reputation due to
their ability to identify and assess vulnerabilities in systems and
networks with accuracy and reliability. This is why these tools
(Kali Linux, Nessus, and Mozilla Observatory) are essential for
the development of this project. The eciency, familiarity, and
experience of the user community with these tools guarantee an
eective implementation and a correct interpretation of the results
obtained, which contributes to the credibility and validity of the
research ndings [9].
The choice to use exclusively the tools implemented in this
work for the vulnerability scanning study is based on various
key factors. These tools have proven to be highly eective and
recognized in the cybersecurity eld. Also, by limiting the scope
to these specic tools, consistency and comparability of the
results obtained are ensured, easing an accurate assessment of
the eectiveness of the scanning techniques used [10].
That being said, the exponential increase in security attacks
is having a considerable impact on today’s systems, potentially
triggering dangerous consequences. In this context, penetration
testing appears as a crucial solution to mitigate the eect of such
attacks. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to detail both
the technical and non-technical aspects of penetration testing [11].
In today’s era of increasing digitalization, information is
available to everyone through computing and mobile devices.
This advancement has introduced useful and ecient technologies
and services into everyday life, such as web applications, cloud
computing, online communication platforms, and e-commerce,
among others. While a handful of users access this information
with legitimate intentions, others seek ways to gain unauthorized
access to destroy or steal valuable data, either from a website
or from a physical environment. It is commonly known that the
term “penetration testing” also refers to “ethical hacking” [12].
In contemporary society, where every interaction,
conversation, and transaction can be checked, found, and analyzed,
there is a growing concern for security, especially about the
concept of ethical hacking. Despite the benets brought by the
digital era, it has also led to unintended consequences, such as the
increase of hacking incidents in social networks, bank accounts,
and data theft, among others, which supports the methods and
analysis tools chosen in this study [13].
For a better understanding of cybersecurity concepts, it is
important to note the following concepts.
Cybersecurity in Web Systems
Cybersecurity refers to the protection of computer systems,
networks, and data against attacks, damage, or unauthorized
access. In the context of web systems, this includes defending
against threats that can compromise the integrity, condentiality,
and availability of online services [14].
Vulnerability Management
The ongoing process of identifying, assessing, addressing,
and reporting vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems and
applications. Its goal is to reduce the risk of exploitation of such
vulnerabilities by malicious actors, ensuring that threats are
mitigated before they can be exploited.
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 13
CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System)
An open standard is used to assess the severity of vulnerabilities
in software systems. CVSS provides a numerical score (from 0 to
10) that reects the relative risk of a vulnerability, helping to
prioritize corrective actions according to the threat level [15].
CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
A list of public references that uniquely nd known
vulnerabilities in software and hardware. Each CVE is associated
with a unique identier and is used to document and communicate
vulnerabilities, helping coordination between organizations to
apply solutions.
Impact on the Availability of IT Resources
Failure to properly track and manage vulnerabilities can lead
to the exploitation of critical aws, resulting in the interruption
of services, loss of data, and security compromises. This directly
aects the availability of IT resources, as successful attacks can
degrade or completely disable aected systems, negatively aecting
operational continuity [15].
According to the Threat Metrix Cybercrime Report, the
COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerabilities of
the digital space in Latin America and the Caribbean, where
increased digital activity has made the region a hotspot for fraud,
especially account creation. With millions of inexperienced users
connecting to the Internet every year today with IoT applications,
including those related to education, many of them without
sucient technological capabilities, the risk of cyberattacks has
increased, making the region an important target and source of
these attacks [16]. This growth in cyber threats has generated
greater interest in cybersecurity, with a notable increase in
searches and demand for courses and training on the subject,
reecting a growing awareness of the importance of protecting
oneself in the digital environment [17].
Despite the lag in cybersecurity in Latin America and
the Caribbean, the “Cybersecurity Report 2020” of the OAS
(Organization of American States) and the IDB (Inter-American
Development Bank) shows considerable progress in the last
four years. The evaluation, based on 49 indicators, reveals that
the region has improved its cybersecurity average to 39.88
points. Countries such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay,
and Mexico stood out with notable advances. However, Mexico
faced serious cyber incidents in 2019 and 2020, showing a lack
of resilience to attacks, despite reported improvements. These
events highlight the urgent need to strengthen cybersecurity
capabilities in the region through a robust national strategy and
ongoing training [18].
Individual country eorts in Latin America to develop
cybersecurity policies and capabilities are based on metrics
and reports from the OAS and IDB (2016; 2020). Where a
static view of the cybersecurity context in the countries of the
region is provided, the OAS and IDB reports oer a dynamic
analysis of its evolution. The method covers twelve indicators
that include the development of cybersecurity policies, the
protection of essential services, and the response to cyber
incidents. Among these, eight are related to national security
and foreign policy. Despite improvements in areas such as anti-
cybercrime legislation and cyber incident response capabilities,
signicant challenges remain, as evidenced by some countries’
low scores in developing critical cyber capabilities [19].
Types of condential information in a virtual education
personal information: personal data of students/
collaborators (ID, home address, family references, health);
nancial information: nancial data such as payment
methods, and credit/debit cards;
educational information: assignments, projects, academic
This information can be useful for attackers, who could
use it to impersonate identities, commit nancial fraud, and
cause damage in the educational eld. That is why this study
evaluates the cybersecurity of the main websites of the study
case to detect and examine vulnerabilities and threats.
This study will consider the analysis as a case study of
the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS), which, according
to the Rectors Accountability Report for the year 2023, has an
enrollment of 24 776 students, of which 7 103 belong to degree
programs at the Guayaquil campus. With this student population,
the substantial amount of data managed by the university is
evident, covering the personal information of students, digital
repositories of projects and academic documents, grade histories,
as well as nancial and legal aspects linked to the corresponding
department of the UPS.
The laboratories of the Salesian Polytechnic University are
a critical environment where condential information is handled,
therefore, these laboratories must have security measures to
protect students from cyberattacks and malicious people looking
to steal their credentials. It is also important to mention that this
is a quantitative and descriptive study, because the variables to
be examined are vulnerabilities.
Domains to be audited
This analysis is based on recognizing and nding security
breaches in the laboratory environment of an educational center,
where students use the university’s website to access their virtual
environment (AVAC), so the case study domains to be audited
are set up. These domains are presented below:
www.ups.edu.ec”: It is the ocial website of the Salesian
University; therefore, it is a page regularly visited by
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 14
students who wish to know their grades, make applications,
visit the virtual library, and enter the AVAC.
2. “cas.ups.edu.ec”: The acronym “CAS” is associated with
“Central Authentication Service,” which is a protocol used
for user authentication. Therefore, this domain provides
access to an authentication system for students to access
the university’s online services.
3. “virtual.ups.edu.ec”: The term “virtual” refers to a virtual
environment used by UPS to provide study materials,
discussion forums, and educational resources that
complement students’ studies.
dspace.ups.edu.ec”: The term “dspace” denotes the
existence of a digital content management platform called
DSpace which is an application designed to manage and
preserve digital repositories. UPS uses this domain to store
digital content such as scientic articles, theses, academic
papers, research, and other resources [20].
In the context of vulnerability scanning with Nessus, each
scale value stands for the level of risk associated with an identied
vulnerability, in terms of its potential impact. These are the values:
Critical. These vulnerabilities are an extremely elevated
risk, allowing remote code execution or full control of the
aected system without prior authentication. They are a
priority for immediate remediation.
High. Vulnerabilities that can be exploited to cause
signicant impact, such as access to sensitive data or service
interruption. Their exploitation is relatively straightforward,
and their impact is considerable, making them a high priority
for mitigation [21].
Medium. These vulnerabilities can be exploited, but generally
require more specic conditions or a higher level of access
to the system. Although their impact is lower compared to
the earlier ones, they can be used in conjunction with other
vulnerabilities to increase the overall risk.
Low. Vulnerabilities that present a minimal risk, with limited
impact, and are dicult to exploit. Although their resolution
is less urgent, it is still important to improve the overall
security of the system [21].
In addition, for the development of this exploration process,
we have the following arguments to consider these tools as part
of the method in this research. Both Kali Linux and Nessus
are widely recognized and used tools in the cybersecurity
community and their use ensures that the analysis is based on
tools that have been evaluated and conrmed by experts. Kali
Linux oers an extensive range of pre-installed security tools,
allowing for a comprehensive assessment of system security
from multiple angles, including network, system, and application
analysis. Nessus, on the other hand, is known for its ability to
nd vulnerabilities at the software and conguration level with
comprehensive coverage, ranging from server conguration aws
to specic application vulnerabilities [22].
Both tools are regularly updated to include the latest
techniques and vulnerability denitions. Kali Linux is highly
congurable and can be customized to suit the specic needs
of the study, allowing the execution of custom scripts or
the integration of new scanning tools. Also, Nessus oers
exibility through customized scanning policies, allowing
detailed analysis according to the specic environment being
assessed [23].
To evaluate the eectiveness of the tools used, a method
structured in four phases will be followed: planning, data
collection, data analysis, and presentation of results, as detailed
A) Planning Phase
The planning phase of the vulnerability analysis system
involves the following activities:
1. Gathering of information on the case of analysis:
During this stage, a comprehensive collection of relevant
information about the Salesian Polytechnic University
(UPS) is conducted. This includes data on the technological
infrastructure, computer systems, networks, web applications,
and any other relevant information that may inuence the
security of the organization.
2. Tools and Techniques Selection:
In this activity, the most proper tools and techniques
are selected to analyze vulnerabilities in the UPS. This
involves evaluating dierent options available on the market,
considering factors such as the specialization of the tools, their
compatibility with the UPS environment, and their ability to
nd a wide range of vulnerabilities.
B) Data Collection Phase
The data collection phase of the vulnerability analysis
system involves conducting the following activities:
1. Identication of Open Ports in the Case Study Systems:
During this stage, a comprehensive scan of Salesian
Polytechnic University (UPS) systems is performed to name
open ports and associated services. This provides an overview
of the attack surface and helps detect potential entry points
for malicious attacks.
2. Vulnerability Assessment of Institutional Websites:
In this activity, a detailed assessment of the vulnerabilities
present in UPS institutional websites is conducted. This
includes the search for common vulnerabilities, such as SQL
injections, XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerabilities, and
other possible points of exploitation that may compromise the
security of the websites.
3. Analysis of Private Documentation and its Exposure:
During this stage, private UPS documentation is analyzed
to show potential exposure to condential information. This
may include documents stored on internal servers, shared le
repositories, or any other location where sensitive information
may be stored and potentially exposed to unauthorized access.
Identication of Vulnerabilities that Have Allowed
Unauthorized Access:
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 15
In this activity, vulnerabilities that have allowed unauthorized
access to UPS systems are investigated and documented. This
includes analyzing earlier security incidents, identifying the root
causes of the attacks, and recommending corrective actions to
prevent future intrusions.
C) Data Analysis Phase
The data analysis phase of the vulnerability analysis system
involves conducting the following activities:
1. Processing and Analysis of the Collected Data:
The information gathered during the earlier phase is processed
and analyzed during this stage. This may include the review of scan
logs, penetration test results, and vulnerability analysis reports,
among others. The goal is to show signicant patterns, trends, and
ndings that help to understand the current security posture and
possible areas for improvement.
Identication and Classication of Vulnerabilities and
In this activity, vulnerabilities and threats detected during
the information analysis are found and classied. This involves
categorizing vulnerabilities according to their type, severity level,
and potential impact on the security of the organization’s systems
and networks.
3. Evaluation of the Severity of the Vulnerabilities Detected:
During this stage, the severity of the vulnerabilities detected
is assessed using predened criteria, such as CVSS (Common
Vulnerability Scoring System) or other industry standards. This
allows for prioritizing mitigation actions and distributing resources
eciently to address the most critical and urgent vulnerabilities. In
addition, specic recommendations are provided to remediate each
identied vulnerability and improve the overall security posture
of the organization.
D) Presentation of Results Phase
The presentation of results phase of the vulnerability analysis
system includes the following activities:
1. Presentation of Research Results:
During this stage, the results obtained during the vulnerability
analysis are presented clearly and concisely. This includes details on
the vulnerabilities found, their severity, the systems or areas aected,
and any other relevant ndings. Graphs, tables, and other visual
resources are used to help the understanding of the information
by stakeholders.
Detailed Discussion on the Implications of the Vulnerabilities:
In this activity, a thorough discussion is conducted on the
implications of the vulnerabilities detected in the case study of
the Salesian Polytechnic University. The potential impact of these
vulnerabilities on the security of UPS systems and networks, as
well as on the integrity and condentiality of sensitive information,
is analyzed.
UPS Cybersecurity Mitigation and Enhancement
During this stage, concrete proposals are presented to
mitigate the identied vulnerabilities and improve cybersecurity
at UPS. These recommendations include implementing security
patches, updating network congurations, access policies, and
personnel training, among other measures.
The summary of the method proposed for this work is
presented in TABLE I below.
Planning Phase Gathering Information on the UPS.
Choice of Tools and Techniques.
Data Collection
Identication of Open Ports in UPS Systems.
Evaluation of Vulnerabilities in Institutional
Web Sites.
Analysis of Private Documentation and its
Identication of Vulnerabilities that have
allowed unauthorized access.
Data Analysis
Processing and Analysis of Collected
Identication and Classication of
Vulnerabilities and Threats.
Evaluation of the Severity of the
Vulnerabilities Detected.
Presentation of the Research Results.
Detailed discussion on the Implications of
Proposals for Mitigation and Improvement of
Cybersecurity at UPS.
Evaluation model for security posture
The current work presents a vulnerability scan, based on
the robustness and versatility of the Kali Linux operating system,
combined with the use of recognized tools such as Nessus and
Mozilla Observatory.
This comprehensive solution is proposed as an eective
method to conduct an exhaustive security assessment of systems
and websites. Through this combination of tools, the prototype
provides a detailed and comprehensive view of potential risks,
as well as recommendations to strengthen the security posture of
the assessed infrastructures. This approach provides an initiative-
taking strategy to mitigate risks and ensure the protection of
critical information assets in increasingly complex and dynamic
technology environments.
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 16
The owchart of the analysis prototype is as follows,
shown in Fig. 1.
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Results Presentation
Fig. 1. Prototype ow diagram.
The tools used and the process for performing the
vulnerability scan are described below.
Mozilla Observatory Scanning
This study incorporates a comprehensive approach to
analyzing the security of a specic domain, using the Mozilla
Observatory tool. This tool, developed by Mozilla, has become
a standard in the evaluation of a website’s security conguration,
providing a score based on digital security best practices.
The security assessment using Mozilla Observatory oers
a detailed view of the robustness of the security practices
implemented in the domains “ups.edu.ec”, “virtual.ups.edu.ec”,
“dspace.ups.edu.ec”, and “cas.ups.edu.ec”. The rating obtained
is based on multiple aspects, including HTTPS conguration,
implementation of content security policies (CSP), and
management of security headers, among others.
Vulnerability Scanning with Nessus
Nessus is a exible tool widely used in cybersecurity due
to its ability to detect vulnerabilities in systems and networks.
Scan scheduling and report generation features are among its
advanced functions [24].This tool oers a vulnerability report
based on the CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System)
standard providing a numerical score standing for the severity
of a vulnerability on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 shows a non-
critical vulnerability and 10 indicates a critical vulnerability [24].
Nessus was used to scan for vulnerabilities in the web “pages ups.
edu.ec” and “virtual.ups.edu.ec” with IP addresses
and, respectively.
Credential Theft Using Social Engineering and Phishing
Phishing can take various forms, from fraudulent emails to
fake websites, and its impact on digital security is undeniable,
aecting individuals, organizations, and educational institutions
alike [25].Social Engineering Attacks are techniques used to
trick people into revealing condential information. In this case,
these techniques are used to obtain access credentials to the UPS
website [26].For this section, cloning of the UPS credentials
access website is conducted, as well as spoong and phishing
techniques to send institutional emails with malicious content.
This process is performed with the Kali Linux operating system
and the Toolkit tool.
A) Vulnerability Analysis and Reporting with Nessus
First, Nessus is used to scan for vulnerabilities on the website
“www.ups.edu.ec”, with IP address At the end of
the scan, Nessus provides a detailed report of the results, as shown
in Fig. 2, from which we obtain: 1 high vulnerability (High), 3
medium vulnerabilities (Medium), and 37 recommendations
Fig. 2. Vulnerabilities in “ups.edu.ec”.
The second site analyzed is “virtual.ups.edu.ec”. Then, the
scan is performed on the address “virtual.ups.edu.ec”, with IP
address Once the scan is done, the Nessus report
details the following: 2 critical vulnerabilities (Critical), 2 high
vulnerabilities (High), 5 medium vulnerabilities (Medium), 2
low vulnerabilities (Low), and 40 recommendations (Info), as
shown in Fig. 3.
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 17
Fig. 3. Vulnerabilities in “virtual.ups.edu.ec”.
TABLE II below presents a detailed summary of the
vulnerabilities named and classied according to the CVSS
scoring system, based on their criticality and potential risk.
level Domain Vulnerability CVSS
Critic virtual.ups.edu.ec PHP Unsupported
Version Detection. 10
Critic virtual.ups.edu.ec
PHP Remote Code
Execution (CVE-
High ups.edu.ec y virtual.
SSL Medium Strength
Cipher Suites Supported
High virtual.ups.edu.ec
PHP Multiple
Vulnerabilities (CVE-
Medium virtual.ups.edu.ec HSTS Missing from
HTTPS Server. 6.5
level Domain Vulnerability CVSS
Medium virtual.ups.edu.ec y
TLS Version 1.0/1.1
Protocol Detection and
Medium virtual.ups.edu.ec JQuery Multiple XSS
(CVE-<version>). 6.1
Medium virtual.ups.edu.ec
PHP Email Header
Injection (CVE-
Medium ups.edu.ec
nginx Information
Disclosure (CVE-
Low virtual.ups.edu.ec
SSH Weak Key
Exchange Algorithms
Low virtual.ups.edu.ec SSH Server CBC Mode
Ciphers Enabled. 2.6
B) Mozilla Observatory Scanning Results
In the interpretation of the results obtained from the analysis
with Mozilla Observatory for the UPS domains, it is seen that
several security aspects have been favorably addressed. The
ndings for each category are highlighted below.
1. Favorable Results
After conducting a thorough evaluation through Mozilla
Observatory in the four main domains of the UPS, highly favorable
results have been found, as detailed in TABLE III below.
Test Domain Evaluation
The use of the Secure ag ensures that cookies are transmitted exclusively over
secure connections, while the HTTP Only ag helps prevent scripting attacks, thus
strengthening cookie protection [27].
Resource Sharing
Proper CORS conguration shows that content is not visible through les or
resource-sharing headers between sources. This helps prevent security risks
associated with cross-domain requests [28].
The X-Content-Type-Options header is set to “no sni”, which helps prevent MIME
sning attacks, ensuring that the browser interprets the content type correctly [29].
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 18
Test Domain Evaluation
The X-XSS-Protection value on “1” shows that the browser is congured to activate
the anti-XSS lter, helping to prevent cross-site scripting attacks and protecting
against possible malicious code injections [30].
The presence of established X-Frame-Options such as SAMEORIGIN or DENY
means that measures are taken to prevent clickjacking attacks by controlling how
content is embedded in frames. This improves security by preventing possible
manipulation of the user interface [31].
The rst redirection from HTTP to HTTPS on the same host, with the nal
destination being HTTPS, reects good security practices. This measure helps
to ensure secure connections and prevent possible attacks based on redirection
manipulation [32].
Evaluate Domain Evaluation
Content Security
The absence or inadequate conguration of the Content Security Policy (CSP) could
leave the site vulnerable to code injection attacks [33].
HTTP Strict
Transport Security
Failure to implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) could leave the site
exposed to downgrade and man-in-the-middle attacks [34].
Redirection UPS.EDU.EC Improperly congured redirection can introduce vulnerabilities, especially if the rst
HTTP to HTTPS redirection is to a dierent host [34].
Failure to implement Subresource Integrity (SRI) leaves the site susceptible to
security risks related to the integrity of the external resources [35].
Options CAS.UPS.EDU.EC Incorrect conguration of the X-Content-Type-Options header can introduce security
risks, allowing possible attacks based on content type manipulation [35].
X-Frame-Options CAS.UPS.EDU.EC Lack of X-Frame-Options conguration or inadequate conguration may expose the
site to clickjacking attacks [36].
The detailed interpretation of each favorable category
highlights the strong security practices adopted in the assessed
domains, providing a robust foundation for continued cyber
security at Salesian Polytechnic University.
2. Unfavorable Results
After the exhaustive evaluation by Mozilla Observatory in
the four main domains of the UPS, certain unfavorable aspects
clearly require immediate attention to strengthen the security
of the websites, as detailed in TABLE IV below.
The detailed interpretation of each unfavorable category
oers valuable guidance to direct the necessary corrective
actions and improve the safety posture of the assessed domains.
C) Credential Theft Using Social Engineering and
Phishing Techniques
The term phishing derives from the similarity with shing
for condential information using deception, presenting
itself in multiple variants, from misleading emails to fake
web pages aecting both individuals and organizations [18]
.Social Engineering Attacks are techniques used to trick people
into revealing condential information. In this case, these
techniques are used to obtain login credentials to the UPS
website [19] .
1. Website Cloning
Kali Linux Tool Kit tool is used to perform cloning of
the UPS credential authentication website. Website cloning is
a simple and widely used practice by phishing attackers who
use social engineering to cover up credential theft.
The next phase is to steal the access credentials to the
university’s digital sites, this process consists of a series of
steps explained below:
a) Clone UPS website:
Using Tool Kit, the website “cas.ups.edu.ec” was cloned.
Fig. 4 shows a representation of the fake website compared to
the original page of the case study. It is evident that it is the same
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 19
as the original website shown in Fig. 5, which, in a hypothetical
attack on users of the website, would generate an intrusion to the
access credentials and other sensitive data.
Fig. 4. Cloned website.
Fig. 5. Original UPS authentication website.
b) Using social engineering to get UPS personnel to enter
their login credentials on the fake website:
It involves using social engineering and techniques such as
phishing in order to get the fake website to the victim and make
them enter their login credentials.
c) Collect the information entered on the fake website:
The victim enters his credentials into the fake website as
shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Victim enters his credentials into the cloned website.
Once the victim enters his username and password and
presses “Login”, these credentials reach the intrusion system on
the designated console, as shown in Fig. 7, generating a security
Fig. 7. Intercepted credentials.
As an example, in Fig. 6 the credentials “ejemplo@est.ups.
edu.ec” were entered and in password: “password123”. As shown
in Fig. 7, the Tool Kit found the credentials entered by the victim
and displayed them in the console, this being an eective proof
of a failure of the system analyzed during this study.
2. Phishing Attack:
With all the information obtained previously, a phishing
test is conducted via email, impersonating the domain
“noticacionesgye@ups.edu.ec” using spoong techniques. The
attack is conducted in the following stages:
a) Information gathering:
In this stage, information is collected from the victims. For
this project, this information was obtained through Google Dorks,
as shown in Fig. 8. A list of students was obtained, where private
information such as full names, career, ID, cell phone number,
and personal and institutional mail was found, thus proving the
vulnerability of the institution to access sensitive user data and its
subsequent exploitation and attacks on these accounts or networks.
Fig. 8. FEUPS Board personal information.
b) Spoong for identity theft:
In this part, the domain and sender impersonations are
performed. The domain “ups.edu.ec” is used to make the email
appear to be legitimate from a university authority. The sender used
by UPS to send notications to students (“noticacionesgye@ups.
edu.ec”) is utilized. This increases the success rate of phishing
mail. Also, to use spoong in Kali Linux, the “send email” tool
is used, which has abundant commands that are necessary for
this purpose. Once the commands are ready, the phishing mail
is sent, as shown in Fig. 9.
c) Sending phishing emails:
Once the previous steps are completed, the phishing mail
is sent, as shown in Fig. 10. As it was said before, the sender is
“noticacionesgye@ups.edu.ec” and the recipient would be the
users of the list of students obtained in Google Dorks. However,
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 20
following the guidelines of ethical hacking, the email of the
authors is used to perform this scenario.
Fig. 9. Command line for sending spoong mails.
Fig. 10. Mail inbox.
This exercise proved how users can be susceptible to
manipulation techniques, highlighting the need for ongoing
education on nding potential phishing threats. In addition, it
underlines the importance of implementing initiative-taking
security measures, such as email lters and phishing detection
systems, to mitigate the risk of users falling into cyber traps.
Analysis of vulnerabilities in the university websites
reveals issues that could severely aect the academic community.
Identied deciencies, such as critical PHP and security
conguration weaknesses, could leave students and sta exposed
to cyberattacks, including credential theft and exploitation of
personal information. Analyses conducted with Nessus and
Mozilla Observatory highlight both positive aspects and problem
areas in website security, underlining the urgent need to implement
corrective measures. The lack of robust policies and exposure to
phishing techniques emphasize the importance of strengthening
cybersecurity to safeguard the information and integrity of the
university community. Taking into consideration that the security
recommendations are essential to prevent vulnerabilities that
could compromise the privacy and protection of all users, these
results apply to any institution, not only in the academic eld.
Fig. 11 presents a summary of the vulnerabilities detected
in the domains “virtual.ups.edu.ec” and “ups.edu.ec”, classied
according to their level of danger and the Common Vulnerability
Scoring System (CVSS). Two critical vulnerabilities are
highlighted in the “virtual.ups.edu.ec” domain, including the
detection of an unsupported version of PHP (CVSS 10) and the
possibility of remote PHP code execution (CVSS 9.8), which
reveals signicant risks to system security. In addition, high-risk
vulnerabilities are found, such as support for medium-strength
SSL cipher suites (SWEET32) and multiple PHP vulnerabilities
(both with a CVSS of 7.5), aecting both domains.
Vulnerabilities classied as medium-risk, such as the lack
of HSTS on the HTTPS server and the detection of obsolete TLS
versions, also represent considerable threats. Finally, low-risk
vulnerabilities are shown, such as enabling weak algorithms for
SSH key exchange and CBC ciphers on the SSH server, which,
although less critical, are still important to address in order to
strengthen the overall security of the system.
PHP Unsupported Version Detection.
PHP Remote Code Execution (CVE-…
SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites…
PHP Multiple Vulnerabilities (CVE-…
HSTS Missing From HTTPS Server.
TLS Version 1.0/1.1 Protocol…
JQuery Multiple XSS (CVE-<version>).
PHP Email Header Injection (CVE-…
nginx Information Disclosure (CVE-…
SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithms…
SSH Server CBC Mode Ciphers Enabled.
Distribution of Vulnerabilities and Danger Levels with
Fig. 11. Distribution of Vulnerabilities.
Vulnerabilities found in the study include web defacement,
SQL injection, XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerabilities, and
directory listing issues [32]. These represent signicant risks to
the security of the websites analyzed.
The present vulnerability analysis found that one of the
analyzed websites had an XSS vulnerability, which allowed the
execution of malicious scripts in the users browser. An attacker
could have exploited this vulnerability to steal condential
information or take control of user sessions on the analyzed
website: the UPS portal.
The “virtual.ups.edu.ec” website also presented the XSS
vulnerability, which is one of the most common web vulnerabilities
according to the Internet Security Foundation (ISSF) in its Web
Security Vulnerabilities Report 2022, which points out that XSS
represented 50.9 % of all reported web vulnerabilities [33].
In [34], the authors found vulnerabilities in the Apache
server, XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), untrusted SSL certicates,
obsolete TLS protocols, and disclosure of internal IP addresses,
among others.
It is interesting to note that when performing the security
analysis in the domains “ups.edu.ec” and “virtual.ups.edu.ec”, it
was found that they presented the same vulnerability in terms of
obsolete TLS protocols, indicating a common concern in the
SANTILLÁN, ARÉVALO, WONG: A Comprehensive Analysis of Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Academic Environments. 21
security of both platforms and that such protocols should be
improved and updated.
According to the authors of [37], they found in their
study vulnerabilities of the HTTP Server type, versions 5.4 -
5.4.42, they also detected several applications used in the web
portal being executed with a very old version, which makes
vulnerabilities easy to exploit and facilitates the intrusion of
an attacker. In the present study, where vulnerabilities in the
UPS website were also analyzed, the use of obsolete versions in
several applications that are in operation was identied. These
versions are a signicant risk because they have vulnerabilities
that could facilitate the intrusion of an attacker in the UPS
system. Therefore, making the necessary software patches with
their respective updates is suggested.
When compared with [38], there is a clear connection
between the identication of vulnerabilities in websites and the
need to prove contingency and response plans for cyberattacks in
organizations. In our work, we highlight critical vulnerabilities
such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and the use of obsolete TLS
protocols, which represent signicant risks to the security of
computer systems, particularly for the integrity of web platforms
such as the UPS portal.
This research shows that the implementation of Kali Linux
as a tool for detecting vulnerabilities allowed a comprehensive
assessment of the security infrastructure of educational
environments such as the Salesian Polytechnic University,
managing to show a wide range of vulnerabilities that should
be strengthened to minimize the risk of possible attacks.
After the analysis, it was possible to classify the
vulnerabilities found according to their level of danger and
their rating according to the CVSS standard, obtaining 2
critical vulnerabilities, 2 high vulnerabilities, and 6 medium
vulnerabilities. Using this methodology allowed prioritizing
mitigation actions focusing on the vulnerabilities with the highest
The results of the research revealed that the virtual
environment of the Salesian Polytechnic University is exposed
to a series of cyber threats and, as in this case of analysis, the
probability of having similar situations in other study centers
is greater than 50 %, due to the low budget in infrastructure,
software, and training of technical sta that manages these
processes in the dierent academic institutions in the South
American region. Therefore, it is crucial to have always updated
control systems and trained administrators of the networks
and websites in order to mitigate this problem and keep the
educational environments and their users safe.
The implementation of Kali Linux using a 4-phase method
had a signicant impact on the evaluation and strengthening
of security at the Salesian Polytechnic University. This
approach allowed us to comprehensively nd and classify
the vulnerabilities detected, which helped the prioritization
of corrective actions, focusing on those with the highest risk
according to CVSS ratings. In addition to reducing risks, this
strategy provided a structure that can be adapted and applied
in other educational institutions with similar characteristics.
The relevance of this method in other educational settings
is considerable, as countless institutions face familiar challenges,
such as budget constraints and the need to improve the technical
training of sta. Adopting this 4-phase approach in other
institutions could enable a more accurate assessment of their
IT security, helping to reduce risks and eectively protect users
and sensitive information.
In Costa Rica, although it has been proven that cybersecurity
is booming, there is no cybersecurity content in the curricula of
universities. However, these institutions should consider options
such as adding additional courses, adapting the existing structure
or creating complementary programs to address the lack of
cybersecurity training, essential to adequately prepare future
professionals. This shows that in Latin America we are still in
the process of developing academic projects to strengthen the
security structures in educational and private environments [39].
In the future, it may be recommended to continue the
research in larger educational entities and small business
environments, following the methodology of this study. This will
help to validate the approach in dierent contexts, identifying
common patterns related to cybersecurity in order to generate
mitigation measures applicable to such environments. In
addition, this will make it possible to suggest security policies
at the regional level to guarantee the service, while also analyzing
the potential economic impact that this entails.
Holger Santillán: Conceptualization, Ideas, Research,
Methodology, Project Management, Supervision, Validation,
Writing – revision and editing.
Julio Andrés Arévalo: Research, Resources, Software,
Writing – original draft.
Peregrina Wong: Methodology, Supervision, Research,
Writing – revision and editing.
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