InterSedes, ISSN 2215-2458, Volumen 25, Número 51,
Enero-Junio, 2024, (Artículo).
beginning this was a time-consuming
process, but later,_________ sheets
were printed on one side per hour. In
the 18
century, metal presses were
used, which combined a cylinder and
this was a time-consuming process,
but later, 250 sheets were printed
on one side per hour. In the 18
century, ____________ were used,
hich combined a cylinder and the
implementation of steam.
Source: Text taken and adapted from Encyclopedia Britannica (2022)
It is worth mentioning that students use language in order
to negotiate meaning to complete this passage. ey may take
advantage of communication strategies (e.g., What do you mean
by this word? Can you say it again?) and question formation to
carry out the task. e instructor is a facilitator and does not
interfere while students try to ll the gaps. If necessary, he or she
may explain the meaning of a new word.
e next step is called planning. In sum, students have to
report to the class on their ndings. In other words, they are
asked to explain orally how they solved the gaps. At this point,
the instructor may correct mistakes and provide positive feedback.
e part of the cycle ends with the report. With a group of twenty-
four students, approximately, it is important to check the correct
answers of the information-gap task. A few volunteers may read
aloud the passage and clarify answers. As an optional follow-up
activity, the instructor may read the passage out loud, emphasizing
passive constructions and the correct pronunciation of -ed
endings. Aer this part, students are ready to carry out the form-
focused activities.
e focus-on-form section consists of three parts: analysis,
practice, and follow-up. As Willis and Willis (cited in Carter
and Nunan, 2001) indicate, “in task-based approaches, therefore,
language development is prompted by language use, with the
study of language form playing a secondary role” (p.174).
However, during this part of the lesson, students get acquainted
with the intricacies of language form by observing how a grammar
structure is consistently used in various sentences. e instructor
does not explain rules explicitly; students have to explore and
discovery how this new construction is used. e following True
and False activity consists of a series of contextualized sentences.
Each sentence contains the passive voice, and students, in pairs,
have to say if its content is correct or incorrect. ey do so orally.