Manuscript categories and requirements

Our scientific journal is open to submissions across various categories, each subject to specific guidelines to ensure thorough review and appropriate publication. These categories include:

Original Articles (Research Papers): These papers cover original research and comprise taxonomic monographs, floristic treatments, or findings from research projects. These papers are expected to adhere to the following format:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract (about 250 words)
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Data Accessibility
  • Author Contributions
  • Tables and Figures and figure captions

Short communication: This section covers articles shorter than original articles, such as brief taxonomic or nomenclatural notes and pollination observations. These articles should not exceed four printed pages and should not contain more than 15 references.

Comments: These are short and concise comments on articles published in Lankesteriana. A rebuttal from the original author may be published along with the comment.

Corrigendum: These are corrections to articles published in Lankesteriana. They must be submitted by the same author(s).

Opinions: These present relevant points of view that can generate constructive debate. They are subject to peer review and must be less than 5,000 words, excluding references.

Obituaries: These are notes that announce the passing of a relevant person in orchid science.

Special Issue Contributions: These articles contribute to special issues on relevant or interesting topics in the journal's scope, selected by the Editor or Associate Editors.

Conference Proceedings: These are articles associated with presentations at relevant orchidology congresses. They are subject to normal journal peer review and should not provide new data.

Checklists: These should cover a group or geographical area. The species listed must be supported by herbarium vouchers of the specimens examined. Also, at least 80% of the species should be illustrated (with high-resolution photographs, color plates or ink illustrations). Prospective authors are encouraged to contact the Editor before submission of checklists for more details.

Reviews:  A review entails critically analyzing existing literature on a specific topic. Its aim is to summarize and synthesize current knowledge, identify gaps and inconsistencies, and propose future research directions. Typically authored by experts, reviews in orchidology can range from general overviews to detailed analyses of specific subtopics. They play a vital role in scientific discourse by offering comprehensive and authoritative knowledge summaries within a field. Consequently, they are valuable resources for researchers, students, and practitioners.

Other specific requirements for manuscripts

Range extensions: Range extensions will only be considered for publication if the taxon is documented in a new country, distinct from its previously known distribution, and is fully illustrated, vouchered, and described. We do not currently accept regional extensions within the same country or range extensions of widely distributed species for publication. Nevertheless, exceptions can be made in certain circumstances, such as when a species has a limited distribution, is critically endangered, exhibits relevant biogeographical disjunctions, or is an invasive or exotic species with rapid expansion. In such cases, authors should submit a cover letter explaining the significance of the range extension for publication to the Editors for consideration before formal submission. These papers will primarily be published in the Correspondence section.

Floristic treatments and monographs: should include illustrations for a minimum of 90% of the featured species, presented in high-resolution photographs, color plates, or ink illustrations. In the case of floristic treatments, the illustrations must be based on specimens collected at the study site.

New species proposals: To ensure the validity of newly proposed taxa, it is essential to adhere to the rules outlined in the current version of The International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants. New species must be thoroughly illustrated, including comparative elements with related species. Descriptions should encompass precise locality information and proper citations of materials obtained through appropriate permits, such as local collecting permits and CITES permits (when applicable). Manuscripts lacking these essential details will not be considered for publication, and the editorial board retains the right to reject such submissions. Furthermore, the accompanying photographs and illustrations must distinctly present diagnostic features stated in the comparative diagnosis.