Nutrición Animal Tropical Journal ISSN electrónico: 2215-3527

Effect of oral and injectable mineral supplements on morphologic development of zebu crossbred heifers
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conformación corporal
body conformation


Mineral nutrition is important to determine cattle productivity, for that reason, oral and parenteral mineral supplements promising to improve growth and body development have been introduced to Costa Rica market. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the use of an oral and two parenteral supplements weight and morphology of Bos indicus × Bos taurus heifers. The work was carried out from April 2014 to February 2015, in the Animal Production Farm at Los Diamantes Experimental Station, Guápiles, Costa Rica. 42 heifers, allotted in seven pens, and stratified by weight, received the following treatments: T0 (n=6): common salt + saline solution injection. T1 (n=12): oral mineral supplement (SMO) + injected saline solution. T2 (n=12): SMO + butaphosphan and cyanocobalamin injection. T3 (n=12): SMO + phosphorylcolamine, selenium, iodine and zinc injection. Injections were administered monthly (dose: 1 ml/20 kg BW, intramuscularly administered). Weight and average daily gain were measured monthly, withers height (AC), hip height (ANC), pins width (ANI), body length (LC), transversal pelvian index (IPT) and proportionality (IP) were measured bimonthly. T1 increased ANC one centimetre over T0 (p < 0,001) and T2 increased IP four units over T1 (p=0.009), without differences with T3. In both cases significant time*treatment interactions were detected. Other variables were not affected. Parenteral supplements evaluated did not produce benefits on morphology or weight of heifers, if they received oral mineral supplements.
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