92 Revista Pensamiento Actual - Vol 23 - No. 40 2023 - Universidad de Costa Rica - Sede de Occidente
2.4. Digital Technologies
In the path to help underachieving learners, language
instructors may show skills to approach mediation,
especially to implement strategies that include delayed
feedback. At this point, language instructors should
identify the mediation strategy’s purpose carefully. For
example, there are periods in learning when students
have to work independently, which means that learners
require additional practice. For these additional
practices, language instructors should prepare extra
language activities that help learners to review,
ensure, and improve in some language topics after
they receive delayed feedback. In line with this, digital
technologies have become essential because their use
promotes autonomous learning, which also allows
language growth (Lee, 2016). Besides, the term digital
technologies has been addressed in different studies
(Gutiérrez & Serrano, 2016; Kali, et al., 2019; Moreno-
Murcia et al., 2015; Tondeur et al., 2018), in which the
authors have used different synonyms such as digital
literacy, literacy in ICT, and digital competencies. These
synonyms used to address digital technologies vary
depending on authors, organizations, or institutions
that analyze them. Nonetheless, the studies have shown
Digital competencies are linked to a series of skills,
knowledge, and capabilities (Muñoz-Osuna et al.,
2016; Padilla-Zea et al., 2015; Sandí-Delgado, 2020).
These digital knowledge and competencies are
required to choose the appropriate digital tools
for educational purposes that are implemented in
correspondence to responsibility and creativity.
These competencies and skills are relevant
because they allow instructors to identify suitable
technologies to help underachieving learners.
The concept of digital competencies used for the
purpose of this study is the one proposed by (Sandi
et al., 2018) who argued that digital competencies
refer to:
a set of knowledge related to the use and
mastery of digital technologies and other
related areas of knowledge, which through
different attitudes and values allows
people to know how to behave before an
event to promote personal and professional
improvement. In turn, it involves the ability
to acquire new knowledge and the skill to
know how to do and solve in the best way
the activities related to the educational
environment in which it operates. (p. 25)
The training of teachers in digital technologies is
considered an essential factor to be considered
to favor the use and application of different
technological tools in teaching, research, social
action, and at the management level. In line with
this, teachers should be technologically and
pedagogically competent to be able to use and
integrate the different ICT tools to improve their
pedagogical praxis (Prendes et al., 2018).
2.5. ICT Tools
After having discussed the importance of counting
on instructors who are technologically and
pedagogically competent, the process of choosing
tools to help underachieving learners may be easier.
In line with the instructors’ digital competencies,
changes in all areas of knowledge, namely, how to
balance, analyze, process, and store information.
training processes, mainly with innovative teaching
methodologies (Cruz-Alvarado et al., 2017). In
understanding this, language instructors may show
skills to choose the tools and methods to mediate
and help learners progress.
In higher education, innovative educational activities
have been mainly thought to be developed by using
different digital technologies (Cuberos de Quintero
& Vivas, 2017). For example, in English classes as
a Second Language (ESL), the ICTs have played an
important role as measurers in the teaching-learning
process, in which they have allowed a correct