Revista Pensamiento Actual - Vol 24 - No. 42 2024 - Universidad de Costa Rica - Sede de Occidente
I. Introduction
The oppression suffered by refugees and racial-
ised minorities has been represented in audiovisual
productions in recent decades as a logical conclu-
disparities, including the denial of asylum to refu-
gees or their persecution. This is exactly what the
Years and Years (2019) does. The
withdrawal from the European Union (EU) posed
obstacles to entering the UK. Through the denial of
aid to refugees, the series foregrounds the trauma
ner Daniel Lyons. Years and Years mirrors how the
formed into familial nostalgia, adamantly provoking
unsettlement in refugees and immigrants. Draw-
such as Caroline Koegler et al., and Sara Ahmed, I
in episodes 4 and 5. Therefore, I analyse fear, hate,
and hope in the series. In addition, I provide a brief
to show how imperial nostalgia is transformed into
familial nostalgia.
2016 marked a historical moment and resulted in
hegemonic discourses on border control, globalisa-
tion, and Euroscepticism (Shaw, 2021, p. 1). Robert
Eaglestone underlines that there exists a tradition
of political sovereignty and diminished post-war
role of the word stage from a dominant from a dom-
inant player to a disempowered European member
of its academic criticism has been examined from
the perspectives of imperial nostalgia (Koegler et al.
2020, Mora-Ramírez 2022, Saunders 2020, Tinsley
2020), BrexLit and literature (Alonso-Alonso 2023,
Eaglestone 2018, Shaw 2018, Shaw 2021), race and
gy and politics (Outhwaite 2017, Roe-Crines 2020).
withdrawal” (18). I would like to suggest that the
texts also respond to these concerns.
Caroline Koegler et al. analyse the colonial relics
pass and hate speech a broader acceptance in so-
ciety” (2020, p. 586). Along the same lines, Robert
nostalgia by highlighting the connection between
complicates how national and migrant identities are
identity in the UK has rekindled imperial nostalgia
for control.
and Years, Teresa Sorolla-Romero has analysed its
visual motifs regards to political populism, econom-
ic instability, and migratory crisis. While academic
nostalgia, no study to date has examined the affec-
nostalgia is driven by emotions such as fear and