citar este artículo: Calvo Salazar, C. (2019). Sustainable
Environmental Sanitation from a multi-layered approach: the case of
Costa Rica (2005-2015) . Población y Salud en Mesoamérica, 16(2).
Sustainable Environmental Sanitation from a multi-layered approach: the case of Costa Rica (2005-2015)
El Saneamiento Ambiental desde un enfoque múltiple: el caso de Costa Rica (2005-2015)
Cindy Calvo Salazar1
analizan recientes esfuerzos en Costa Rica por alcanzar un saneamiento ambiental
sostenible. Principalmente, se parte de un referente que integra la
noción de prácticas de saneamiento ambiental en múltiples niveles:
tanto a nivel macro (políticas ambientales y sociales) como a nivel
micro (acciones comunitarias y prácticas cotidianas individuales),
utilizando la perspectiva teórica de la resiliencia social. Para la
realización del estudio se empleó una metodología mixta, los datos
cualitativos se obtuvieron de entrevistas en profundidad a autoridades
nacionales, locales, líderes comunales, y jefaturas de hogar. Los datos
cuantitativos se obtuvieron de la aplicación de una encuesta a tres
comunidades distintas con características rurales, urbanas, y semi-urbanas. A
nivel nacional, como principal resultado, se resalta un cambio de
paradigma en cuanto a la concepción de salud, donde lo primordial debe
ser la producción conjunta de ambientes saludables, en el marco del
derecho a vivir en un ambiente sostenible. A nivel comunal, se resaltan
los esfuerzos locales por proteger sus recursos naturales con fines
turísticos o productivos; y, a nivel individual, se resalta una mixtura
entre prácticas cotidianas reactivas y proactivas.
Palabras Clave:
Saneamiento, Saneamiento Ambiental, Desarrollo Sostenible, Resiliencia
Social, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica’s recent efforts to achieve a sustainable environmental
sanitation. Mainly, it is based on a reference that integrates the
notion of environmental sanitation practices at multiple levels: both
at the macro level (environmental and social policies) and at
the micro level (community actions and individual daily practices),
using the theoretical perspective of the social resilience. To carry
out the study, a mixed methodology was used, the qualitative data were
obtained from in-depth interviews with national authorities, local,
community leaders, and head of households. The quantitative data were
obtained from the application of a survey to three different
communities with rural, urban, and semi-urban characteristics. At the
national level, the main result is a paradigm shift in the conception
of health, where the joint production of healthy environments should be
paramount, within the framework of the right to live in a healthy and
sustainable environment. At the community level, local efforts to
protect their natural resources for tourism or productive purposes are
highlighted; at
the individual level, a
mixture of reactive and proactive daily practices have been identified.
Keywords: Drinking Water, Sanitation, Environmental Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Social Resilience, Costa Rica.
Recibido: 23 de feb, 2018 / Corregido: 28 Agos, 2018 / Aprobado: 10 Nov, 2018
1. Introduction
sanitation mainly refers to specific characteristics of drinking water
supply, storm water drainage, wastewater management, and solid waste
collection and disposal. This term also calls attention to the issues
of waste generation, collection, and transportation, as well as waste
reuse and recycling. The focus is not only on access to improved
sanitation systems, but also on the
management processes of the whole sanitation chain and their impacts on
the environment (SuSanA,
In the
discussion of social development, environmental sanitation is
recognized as an important foundation for healthy communities that
results in significant social, economic, and environmental gains
(Montgomery, Bartram, & Elimelech, 2009). Thus, improved
environmental sanitation conditions are catalytic entry points for
achieving countries’ sustainable development. The framework for action
represented at the World Summit of Sustainable Development (WSSD)
deserves special attention because countries compromised to cut in half
the proportion of people in the world without sustainable access to
safe drinking water (target 10) and expanded it to include basic
sanitation as a crucial factor for meeting the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) (UN-Millennium Project, 2005). Also, as a historical
landmark, the year 2008 was declared the International Year of
Sanitation and helped bring to light this issue through collaborative
efforts promoting regional activities to raise awareness and to discuss
governmental policies, including social media and encouraging community
efforts to improve environmental sanitation practices globally.
efforts, the process of improving environmental sanitation conditions
is a complex task that requires political will, commitment and
integration of different actors and resources. A set of historical
barriers are shared by most of the countries in the world in terms of
inadequate investment in infrastructure and technology, lack of
political will to tackle these problems, lack of clarity about what
motivates people to change habits and perceptions, the tendency to
apply conventional interventions, and failure to conduct evaluations of
these interventions to assess whether they are successful and
sustainable (Moe & Rheingans, 2006).
These barriers need to be overcome if real progress on environmental
sanitation is to be
achieved. Overall, environmental sanitation has not been an
“attractive” issue, and even worse, the core responsibility has been
diluted. This weak political will can put into jeopardy the social
development of many countries, including Costa Rica.
Rica represents an interesting case for study, because
its developmental strategy
has been relying heavily on its natural resource base;
nevertheless, these
resources are facing
important pressures and vulnerability due to economic activities and
popular practices that undermine its protection (Ministerio de
Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos
[MIVAH], 2006).
Thus, significant problems in terms of drinking water quality,
deficiencies on wastewater treatment, and critical management of solid
waste have been identified. Particularly, this
papers addresses
some of the country’s recent efforts to achieve sustainable
environmental sanitation in different levels of action: national, communal, and
individual; from 2005-2015 as a period of study. At the national level,
there have been
some efforts on targeting the environmental
sanitation policy, as a
result the legal
environmental agenda has
improved and the country has taken a
more proactive and innovative stand. At the community level, people has
recognized that environmental awareness leads to a sustainable
development path,
for example, in terms of ecological tourism. Finally, at the individual
level, it is necessary to introduce friendly environmental behaviors
that can lead to a
cultural change.
1.1. Study
Rica is located in the Central America region and is classified as a
middle-income developing country with a Human Development Index of
0.773 (0.937 in the United States) among 187 countries measured, and
raked seventh among the Latin American countries (United Nations
Development Program [UNDP], 2012).
Historically, Costa Rica has been recognized by its social and economic
investments, that
make the country stand out from other Latin American countries.
Moreover, the country has privileged geographical and ecological
characteristics widely recognized internationally, especially in terms
of water sources. Costa Rica has an extensive river network (34
watersheds), which is distributed in three areas, naturally bounded by
a mountain system and water mouths in the North, Caribbean, and Pacific
areas. Forests comprise a total of 46.8% of the country's total land
area, and about 25% of the territory is protected by a national park
network (Rojas, 2011). Despite
this natural resource base, the country faces important environmental
problems in the following areas: a) drinking water coverage and water
quality, b) human excreta disposal and wastewater management, c) solid
waste management, and d) rainwater drainage management.
In terms
of drinking
water, Costa
Rica has increased coverage in recent years. Ninety-eight percent of
the population was served with piped water, and 89.5% of this water was
classified as safe (Mora, Mata, & Portuguez, 2010).
The latter is a historical value and positioned Costa Rica as the
number one country in Latin America (Programa Estado
de la Nación [PEN], 2010).
Although this is an important achievement, the country is facing
critical threats in terms of planning and utilizing existing water
resources, as well as contamination risks of water sources (Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados & Organización Panamericana de
la Salud [AyA &
OPS], 2002;
PEN, 2010). The main threat is pollution by human activity causing
damage to surface and groundwater sources of strategic importance (PEN,
2009); the pollution of water sources is frequently due to agricultural
activity (e.g. use of agrochemicals), construction of settlements in
rechargeable aquifer areas, illegal disposal of domiciliary and
industrial wastewater, deficiency of sanitary sewer systems, among
others (Contraloría General
de la República [CGR], 2013;
Segura et al.,
2004). Although government bodies are responsible for taking
action against
allegations of contamination of water sources (e.g., the Environmental
Technical Secretariat, SETENA), measures taken are often post-pollution
and penalties are not strong enough to stop these practices (Segura et al., 2004).
In fact, the Costa Rican government, in its National Development Plan
(2011-2014) has recognized that the lack of land use planning and the
proper consideration of the environmental variable in economic
activities have generated an over-exploitation of water resources,
decrease of water quality, and pollution of aquatic ecosystems.
In terms
of human excreta disposal and wastewater management, in
Costa Rica, 73% of the population uses septic tanks as the main
sanitary technology to treat and dispose human waste. Sewage
systems are used by 24% of the population, and 3% of the population
uses latrines as a mean for excreta disposal; less than 1% of the
population uses other types of sanitary systems (PEN, 2009). Despite
the fact that Costa Rica has resolved the issue of adequate excreta
disposal, wastewater treatment is an urgent issue for the country’s
environmental sustainability. Several decades of lack of investment in
sanitary infrastructure (e.g. urban sewage service and water treatment
plants) has generated an alarming pollution of water sources. Overall,
sewage service is poor (only 24% of the population is served by sewer
systems) and the number of water treatment plants in operation is also
low. The most worrying fact is that the metropolitan area of Costa Rica —which
includes the provinces of San José, Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela— does not
have a wastewater treatment system, which means that 96.5% of raw urban
wastewater flows into the rivers without any treatment (PEN,
with this low sewage coverage, the excessive use of septic tanks, by
73% of the population, is problematic for Costa Rica (CGR, 2013).
Septic tanks are household wastewater treatment systems which usually
have serious structural and operational problems. Frequently, the
importance of adhering to existing regulations about construction,
operation, and maintenance is unknown both by the professionals in the
construction field as well as by users. It is worth noting that in
Costa Rica the construction of these septic tanks is an exclusive
responsibility of households: government
support and monitoring of technical design and proper maintenance are
practically absent.
to solid
waste management,
municipalities are responsible for providing solid waste collection
services to 82% of households in Costa Rica (Instituto
Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos [INEC], 2010).
The remaining percentage is served by private services or treated
by people using other
practices, such
as trash burning, burying, or dumping. Thus, important problems in
terms of collection and disposal are found. For instance, the absence
of waste collection in various points of rural and urban areas
motivates the widespread practice of using banks of rivers as waste
dumps. Castro & Jiménez
(2000) suggested that at least two-thirds of the waste generated
monthly comes from communities where there is no formal collection
service. Even when communities have municipal collection service,
people often seek to pass their waste to another location. This is
especially true with non-traditional solid waste such as appliances,
furniture, etc., due to limited options for transportation, disposal,
or recycling sites (Loaiza,
have been primarily responsible for solid waste collection and
disposal. However, these local bodies face an important number of
limitations in service delivery. Overall, municipalities require large
amounts of financing and technical training to improve the way they
handle solid waste; however, most of the solid waste operation is
funded by internal municipal budgets, and the system operation requires
a high percentage of such budgets. Service tariffs are low and they are
frequently subsidized by the municipality. Therefore, municipalities do
not have the necessary means to provide full-service collection
coverage, and waste disposal trucks suffer constant damage without
contingency plans for addressing the damage (Chinchilla, Poltera, Rudín, Ruíz &
Spies, 2007).
drainage is
another area of interest, and municipalities are the primarily
responsible for providing rainwater drainage infrastructure (Castro,
2007). Infrastructure for rainwater drainage is important to properly
channel rainwater. In cases of heavy rainfall, deficiencies in
rainwater drainage may cause significant damages on private and public
infrastructure. Although in Costa Rica there is not much written on
rainwater drainage, it is common to experience floods during heavy
rainfalls because of the accumulation of solid waste and poor quality
and maintenance of municipal rainwater drainage infrastructure. In the
absence of appropriate national networks for the management of
rainwater, Costa Rica faces unintended consequences such as floods,
landslides, and other disasters associated with extreme
hydro-meteorological events. Moreover, at the household level, if
proper systems (e.g. gutters) are not installed or well maintained,
when there is heavy rainfall, water clogging and roof leaking may
appear. Stagnant rainwater may also produce the formation of mosquito
breeding, which may cause important health problems.
the environmental sanitation sector in Costa Rica is comprised by
different regulatory institutions and service providers at the national
and local levels. Among these institutions, the Ministry of Health
(MINSA) oversees the sector and assumes a guiding role,
and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MINAE) is responsible
for natural resource management in compliance with the Environmental
Law. The Water and Sewer Institute (AyA) is a
centralized public institution reporting to the Ministry of Health. At
the local level, sanitation services are structured by municipalities
throughout the country, and a public service utility company (ESPH)
that provides services to some Heredian population.
Furthermore, at the community level, there are two types of
community-based organizations in charge of water provisioning: Rural
Aqueduct Administration Committees (CAARs), considered as informal
organizations, and Administrative Associations of Aqueducts and
Sanitation Systems (ASADAS), under
supervision of the AyA.
However, it is possible to say that more than ten institutions can also
relate to the environmental sanitation sector in Costa Rica.
terms of policy, in Costa Rica there are more
than one hundred and fifteen laws or executive decrees related to some
extent to environmental sanitation management (Segura et al., 2004).
However, such legislation is scattered and it takes time for laws and
regulations to go into effect (Red
Interamericana de Recursos Hídricos [RIRH], 2007).
In fact, weak controls result into little or no monitoring of standards
and regulations (Segura et al., 2004).
Segura and colleagues believe that there is no a comprehensive national
policy to address environmental sanitation in interaction with existing
national programs (Segura et al., 2004;
RIRH, 2007). The lack of a comprehensive policy on environmental
sanitation prevents the definition of government priorities, and roles
and responsibilities between institutions and organizations tend to
overlap (RIRH, 2007).
2. Methodology
study employed a multi-level design with three different communities as
study sites. Data collection followed a mixed-methods approach.
Quantitative data were collected through the implementation of a
household survey to a total of 181 householders in order to identify
environmental sanitation conditions and main challenges in the selected
study sites. Qualitative data consisted in 61 in-depth individual
interviews to national authorities, local authorities, community
leaders, and householders in the three study sites, who are related to
the environmental sanitation field or directly affected by
environmental sanitation policy. Additionally, 5 focus-group interviews
were performed with community leaders and householders in each site,
with a total of 42 participants.
choice of a mixed-methods design employing a multi-site and
multi-stakeholder approach responds to the desire of obtaining a more
comprehensive analysis of the Costa Rican environmental sanitation
context; also, in order to identify the different transactions across
layers of society that can contribute to resilience-building processes
in national, communal and
individual levels. The study findings are organized by these three
levels, where different data collection techniques were developed. For
instance, the national and communal findings
are mainly based on the qualitative data collected by in-depth
individual interviews and focus-groups. The individual level of
analysis is complemented by the household survey applied in the three
study sites.
2.1. Selection of study sites
The study was carried out in the following cantons: Upala, Santo Domingo de Heredia and Curridabat. The selection of the study sites was mainly based on three criteria. The first criterion was to obtain different geographic characteristics (e.g. urban, rural, and semi-urban); the second criterion was to obtain representation of different water and sanitation service providers in the country; finally, the third one was based on the outcomes of an index developed by Mora (2006) categorizing the 81 cantons of the country (Costa Rican administrative territorial division) according to low, medium, and high levels of inequity on water access and service quality2.Site 1, Upala,
presents rural characteristics and it is located in the North Region of
the country, along
the northernmost boarder of Costa Rica. Its sanitation providers are
the Municipality and Administrative Associations of Aqueducts and
Sanitation Systems (ASADAS). This community is classified as having
high levels of inequality in terms of access of water and service
quality according to Mora (2006). Upala is
a rural site dominated by open countryside, extensive land uses, and
low population densities: there are
small towns and sparsely inhabited villages throughout the area. The site
has a total population of less than 45,000 inhabitants, with a land
surface of around 1,600 square kilometers. Nearly 45% of the population
is engaged in activities in the primary sector (farming and livestock),
according to the last census data in 2011. Site 1 is a community
privileged by its great diversity of natural resources; it contains
important rivers and springs, which supply drinking water to more than
20 localities. Forest landscapes, volcanoes, and flora and fauna make
biodiversity its main attraction and resource.
Site 2, Curridabat,
presents urban characteristics. Its water and sanitation provider is the
Costa Rican Water and Sewer Institute (AyA) only.
This community is classified as having low levels of inequality in
terms of access of water and service quality according to Mora (2006).
Site 2 is located in the metropolitan area of San José, and it has a
total population of less than 70,000 inhabitants, with a land surface
area of around 16 square kilometers. Nearly 85% of the population
engages in activities in the tertiary sector (public and private
sector) (INEC, 2011). Between 1987 and the 1990s, an intense
urbanization process took place on this
site. Particularly, land was invaded during that period of time, and
informal human settlements were established. Some improvements, in
terms of public infrastructure have been made in those settlements, but
many families still do not have title deeds.
Finally, site 3, Santo Domingo de Heredia, presents a mixture of urban
and rural characteristics and it is located in the Province of Heredia,
also pertaining to the metropolitan area of the country. The major
water and sanitation provider is the municipality.
This community is classified as having medium levels of inequality in
terms of access of water and service quality according to Mora (2006).
Site 3 has a total population of less than 45,000 inhabitants, with a
land surface of around 25 square kilometers with some coffee
plantations in this area. Nearly 80% of the population engages in
activities in the tertiary sector (public and private services). Most
of its residents commute
to other neighboring municipalities or San José. Site 3 is located in
an important aquifer area in the country, but increasing urbanization
in recent years threatens the amount and the quality of the water
conceptual approach
study is mainly concerned with recent efforts to promote and achieve
more sustainable environmental sanitation practices. Generally
speaking, sustainable environmental sanitation is understood as quality
of life, capabilities, assets, attitudes, and activities supporting the
creation of healthy environments (McConville, 2008). This implies the
need for integrating the different elements of the sanitation sector
(e.g. health promotion, financing, technology, socio-cultural
appropriateness, and environmental sustainability), as well as
involving all sanitation stakeholders for large scale sustainable
changes (Lüthi,
McConville, & Kvarnström, 2009).
Therefore, this study tries to recognize national and local capacities
and motivations for change in order to understand the relationships
between stakeholders in the pursuit of a more sustainable path of
this study is based
on the assumption that
in order to achieve environmental sanitation sustainability,
resilience-building processes might play an important role in
understanding policies and behaviors promoting positive change. The
construct of resilience can be understood from many different
perspectives (Luthar &
Cicchetti, 2000). These perspectives greatly depend on the aspects researchers
want to emphasize, for instance:
ability to recover from the negative consequences of an event.
ability to prevent negative consequences from occurring.
ability to prevent negative consequences from worsening over time.
ability to innovate, to learn, and positively change (Seville,
two last emphases were of significant attention during the development
of this work.
Specifically, this study borrows from the multi-layered social
resilience approach, which has been developed within the discussion of
sustainable development (Obrist, Pfeiffer,
& Henley, 2010). Recently, this developmental discussion
has shifted consideration to the promotion of resilient management
approaches towards diversity, innovation, and mutual learning; by
envisioning alternative actions to influence sustainable policies and
social practices. Two main conceptual aspects of this approach are
worth of attention. One aspect relates to the social actor capacities
not only to cope with harmful conditions (reactive capacities), but also to search
for creative options (proactive capacities) to increase the desired
outcomes. At this point, what really matters are people’s capacities,
assets, motivations, and activities leading to social change. The
second aspect is its multi-layered nature, which ranges from the
individual, to the communal,
national, and global levels (Obrist et al., 2010).
different transactions across layers of society are of special
importance since all of them affect and influence to each other. For
instance, organizations at the national level can contribute to
resilience-building processes in lower levels, and be a powerful enable
factor for intermediate level organizations, community, and household
levels. This also brings the idea that these transactions enable people
to access resources, learn from experience and develop constructing
ways in dealing with common problems (Obrist et al.,
Study Findings
findings presented here correspond to a summary of a larger doctoral
dissertation project. This section is organized through three layers of
analysis: national, communal, and
individual levels. The analysis pretends to identify where the
government, communities, and individuals are focusing their efforts
towards more sustainable environmental sanitation behavior (see Figure
Figure 1.
Diagrama de flujo de proceso de identificación e inclusión de estudios para la revisión
3.1. Findings at the national level: Environmental sanitation policy efforts and paradigm shift
2005, Costa Rica has kept improving its legal environmental agenda
taking a more proactive and innovative stand. Two outstanding examples
are the 2007 Regulation of Dumping and Reuse of Wastewater and the 2010
Law on Integrated Waste Management (GIR Law). The 2007 Regulation of
Dumping and Reuse of Wastewater enforces the liability of all public
and private entities to protect the quality of water resources. This
law serves as a financial instrument to the government, in
order to regulate the pollution of water sources. All tenants and
potential users, including the sewer service providers, are obliged to
pay a fee against the aquatic transportation and disposal of wastewater
originated from a specific pollution point. Collected funds should be
used and invested in sewer systems, wastewater treatment plants,
monitoring of pollution sources, and environmental education in order
to compensate the damage caused (Hernández, 2010). The GIR law promotes
a shared responsibility among all community stakeholders depending on
the role they play in society. This law emphasizes social participation
throughout all the stages in solid waste management; the main focus is
based on reducing the amount of generated waste and change of
consumption patterns and behavioral practices regarding collection,
transportation, disposal, and reuse or recycling (Programa Competitividad y
Medio Ambiente [PCMA],
the process of formulation of this law, a
close integration between public and private sectors took place.
Furthermore, it has enabled the capacity to frame and define clear
competencies and responsibilities according to the nature of each
social actor (Chinchilla et al., 2007).
Among the positive consequences of enacting this law stands out the
enhancement of the relationships between the different private and
public stakeholders. The public entities hold the responsibility to
assure all type of resources (e.g. human, technical, financial) and
implement the required actions defined within the law. This is
accomplished through municipal bodies by drafting and applying the
plans for solid waste management. On the other hand, private entities
have taken an important role in providing alternatives for the
management of solid waste. The main interest is primarily economical, but
at the same time these players set the path for developing corporate
social responsibility, which
in turn expands the spectrum for new business. Finally, within this new
orientation, it is
expected that the National Policy on Waste Management 2010-2021 can
unify existing legislation, including the Law on Integrated Waste
Management and the national and municipal plans for the management and
disposal of waste.
the capacities of the different actors involved, as well as the
resources and responsibilities vary considerably and make difficult to
translate into practice such requirements. A particular vulnerable
actor in the execution of this law is the local government
(municipalities), which have been the historical providers of solid
waste service. The first intention of this law was to expand municipal
leadership regarding waste management; however, there is a contradiction: municipalities
are considered weak performers mainly due to
the lack of financial resources and/or political will to enable the
expected changes. In fact, only 26 of the 81 country municipalities
have developed a plan for solid waste management (Ministerio de Salud de
Costa Rica [MINSA], 2012).
The rest of municipalities without plans might violate the requirements
of offering recycling programs, separate treatment of electronic waste,
and better systems of waste collection (Loaiza,
individual initiatives from different communities across the country
have developed recycling waste collection centers, with a certain good
performance and community support. For instance, in Site 3, there is a
recycling collection center, which was a neighbor’s initiative, particularly
motivated to obtain some economic profit from
recycling. This initiative has gained significant support from the
community. Although initiatives of this kind have a monetary interest
primarily, they are also actions which intend to promote recycling
behaviors among the population. According to study participants, it is
not the government which has participated the most in solid waste
management; conversely, it is the private sector which stand out the
most. A recycling program continuously mentioned by study participants
is called “AmbientaDOS,” which
is the result of an alliance between the Kimberly-Clark Company and a
private broadcast channel (Channel 7) in Costa Rica.
both the 2007 Regulation of Dumping and Reuse of Wastewater and the
2010 Law on Integrated Waste Management (GIR Law) are very recent laws
and their effectiveness is still ongoing. According to study
participants, part of the success of the GIR law is attributed to the
General Comptroller of the Republic, who sets the terms of compliance
and who conducts audits. This law is a huge effort that demonstrates
how much the country can achieve if clear priorities are set. In this
regard, national and local authorities agree that, although
changing practices is a low process, at least, there is an
institutional platform interested in promoting changes to solid waste
management, which is an important starting point.
Costa Rica has succeeded with some other environmental sanitation
initiatives which have been consolidated throughout the years. For
instance, two community-oriented programs can be considered as
outstanding efforts to promote hygiene, improved sanitation, water
quality, and natural resources protection. These two programs are the
Ecological Blue Flag (PBAE) and the Sanitation Quality Stamp Program
(PSCS). The PBAE started in 1995 with the aim of promoting civil
organization in the protection of the environment. The program
administration of PBAE is shared by different national institutions
considered as an important strength for its success3. The
PBAE’s trajectory began with the protection of water resources,
specifically, the program started working with beach communities at
environmental risk. Then, the program expanded to communities where
contamination of rivers was a prominent characteristic. Later, the
program created a working category with educational centers serving the
purpose of increase the viewpoint of improved sanitation and hygiene in
primary schools, secondary schools, and universities. In fact, the aim
of this category is to incorporate the program into the functioning of
the educational system itself. Recently, the PBAE has been expanded to
other categories such as: the protection of watersheds, sustainable
households, and the final category -that is
the integration of all other categories- called
Neutral Climate Communities (Mora & Chávez, n.d).
important finding at the national level is related to the social
production of health. The government of Costa Rica, through
its institutions, has
made significant improvements in terms of changing the focus on its
health policy: “from
disease to the social promotion of health.” In the
country, this paradigm shift started mainly with the Charter of Health
Promotion commonly known as the Ottawa’s Charter in 1986. Basically,
this instrument encourages a new strategy that seeks the adoption of
healthy lifestyles, and thus, the promotion of healthier communities
(OPS, 2003). In order to understand the complexity of this paradigm
shift, it is necessary to situate the construct of health as a dynamic
one. Both health and disease are the consequences of a number of
factors and elements of the individuals and the environment within
specific community contexts (OPS, 2003). Thus, the social production of
health is made of the interrelation of socio-economic, cultural,
environmental, health, legal, and institutional determinants.
though, this conceptual framework has many years of enactment, it has
been difficult for the country to permeate these health principles in
its programs, plans, and actions. In fact, the adoption of new ideas
takes a significant amount of time and such process can encounter
important resistance. According to previous studies in Costa Rica and
people interviewed in the field, in order to adopt appropriate actions
within this framework, a cultural change is required, especially for
health personnel and national and local authorities. Unsurprisingly,
the manifested resistance to adopt more complex frameworks such as the
social production of health might cause that many environmental
sanitation problems keep unresolved (Artavia &
López, 2007; Chamizo, 2009).
government actions must integrate environmental sanitation into this
alternative health framework. Even the term environmental
sanitation itself
has to be seriously revised and reconsidered within these efforts. If
we take a close examination of this term, it refers to a reactive
emphasis: “to
sanitize what is already polluted.”
However, authorities, personnel, educators and the general public
should talk about the creation of healthy environments because the
emphasis necessarily shifts to proactive conditions such as pollution
and disease prevention, usage of clean technologies,
environmental-friendly behaviors, and individual and social engagement.
Basically, the underlying idea to consider is that repairing is not the
same as preventing.
at the community level: Environmental awareness lead to a sustainable
development path
the merely idea of being compliant to environmental standards, there is
the path of recognizing the embedded opportunities of developing a
holistic awareness. Some communities start to visualize their own way
to reach the desired goals, a determined place in a development path,
and several business opportunities behind the idea of environmental
sustainability. A good example of these types of communities is site 1, which
faces the challenge of developing its own local initiatives in order to
overcome the idea of immediate urgency by visualizing a road map for
future sustainable developing programs.
Site 1
is a rural community privileged by its great diversity of natural
resources; it
has countless rivers and springs that supply drinking water to more
than 20 localities, forest landscapes, volcanoes, and flora and fauna
that make biodiversity its main capital and resource for a developmental perspective.
Although, this community does not hold the status of a national park
area, it does belong to a protected area officially called Arenal Tempisque,
specifically located in the Corredor Biológico Tenorio Miravalles (CBTM).
The CBTM was a local
initiative with the aim of identifying home-grown socio-economic
activities and practices more aligned with the conservation and
protection of the environment, which in turn can lead to a more
sustainable path. One of the main interests for conservation is to
protect water sources for human consumption. Specifically, nine water
sources are being protected; these
sources supply
around 15,000 families, mostly low-income families, in
the community (Calvo, 2014).
second main interest of this local initiative was to visualize feasible
options for eco-tourism. In this matter, a particular locality is ahead
of this process and hosts an important number of tourism companies, which
have understood that by exercising ecological practices a proportional
sustainable benefit can be achieved. One example is the emergence of agro-tourism
type of lodge: the
tourist not only goes there for a leisure purpose, but
also to get involved in the daily practices of running a productive
farm. Because the business run is based within the protected ecological
area, the farmer (owner) is committed to respect and protect the
it is possible to say that, by
adopting this ecological development path, a
general recognition of environmental sanitation improvement has been
unfolded within the population. Among the most adopted practices, the
following have been
found: solid waste collection campaigns, improvement of aqueduct
infrastructure, and educational school campaigns. Notably, one ASADA of
this locality has opted for a significant improvement of its water
supply and water protection activities, mainly related to the upgrading
of physical infrastructure and by applying education efforts. Recently,
the ASADA has applied for a water quality certification through the
Sanitation Quality Stamp Program (PSCS), as
an important step to acquire social recognition of its efforts on
supporting such sustainable practices.
some significant limitations have also been found within this local
process, the most salient is about friction between community leaders,
non-participatory leadership styles, and general lack of understanding
on future steps to follow. Likewise, some challenges remain regarding
inadequate wastewater management from local businesses and households,
as well as low coverage of solid waste collection services. Such
challenges need to be addressed if a real environmental sustainable
path is to
be acquired.
important study finding relates to the idea that volunteering work can
achieve sanitation improvements. For instance, the other two
communities which were also surveyed in this study have shown some
efforts into improving their current conditions. However, their
approach leans towards a rather more reactive responds than the
proactive behavior found in site 1. For example, site 2 faces a
significant threat regarding water quality and availability,
especially, in the eastern localities of the city. This is due to
pollution of their surface water sources, which has been generated by
poor urban planning. Since 2006, one of the most affected localities
decided to start the volunteering program called Ecological Blue Flag
in order to exert pressure to local and national government and look
for solutions. Neighbors worried by the future of water supply in the
area have opted
for educational campaigns as a key instrument to behavioral change.
Apart from supporting cleaning campaigns, leaders have taken also the
role of intermediaries in order to make local authorities aware of the
severity of the issue. They advocate the spread of the deficiencies
through the social media, making
all stakeholders aware of the problematic issue.
informal cleaning campaigns and reforestation activities have been
promoted through some groups of neighbors who spontaneously have
organized by using social media, such as facebook, with a
good level of success. These are mainly young people who want to make
changes about the current characteristics of their communities by
introducing more environmental-friendly behaviors.
site 2, presents particular problems related to the handling of solid
waste, which is openly thrown in illegal landfills or at the edge of
the streets. This situation is primarily visible in areas of low income
with high proportion of immigrant population. Moreover, in these
low-income areas serious problems regarding wastewater are also found.
Most of the time, households direct this water to the storm drainage
system causing health problems and generating a bad reputation for the
community. A similar experience with site 3 has happened in some
localities of site 2. For example, recently, in two public schools, a
group of students concerns about the sanitation conditions of their
community; they have
raised the proposal towards the school chairmen to become part of the
Ecological Blue Flag Program as well. These young people have also
spontaneously organized waste collection campaigns using internet
social networks; and, according
to the experiences, the organizational calls have resulted
at the individual level: Householders reactive and proactive responses
to environmental sanitation
One of the purposes in the field study was to identify a set of environmental friendly
sanitation practices and the frequency individuals implement them in
daily life in order to assess their enrollment and own responsibility
towards a more sustainable behavior. With
this goal, a survey, which
consisted on a list of 30 questions, was
handed out. The question measurement is divided into a four-point scale
ranging from 0-4 (0, Not Applicable; 1, never; 2, seldom; 3, sometimes;
4, often) representing the frequency in which a
particular practice is carried out. Based on this output an index was
built using the factorial analysis as the underlying method in order to
compile the data set and reduce it to four significant items, so called
factors (see Table
Table 1
Index factors according to the
results of the household survey applied to the study sites
(Upala, Curridabat and Santo Domingo de Heredia), from january to
Factor 1: Proactivity and Monitoring |
Factor 2: Disease Prevention |
Water storing in case of service interruption. Water boiling or use of chlorine. Water leaks monitoring and repairing. Gutter repairing. Toilet repairing. Possibility of buying a new toilet that uses less amount of water. Septic tank monitoring. Budgeting for septic tank cleaning. Claiming in case of environmental pollution. Purchase of water bottles. Pick the garbage out of the streets or green zones. Usage of cloth bags or reusable packaging when shopping. Possibility of earning money through the management of solid waste. Possibility of earning money through the reuse of fecal sludge. Monetary support to educational/ cleaning campaigns. |
Hand washing. Washing floors and cooking utensils. Saving water. Avoiding of accumulated garbage in drainage, river, and water bodies. Elimination of mosquito breeding grounds. |
Factor 3: Volunteering and Education |
Factor 4: Reuse and Recycling |
Volunteering work in protection of the environment. Participation in community organizations. Instilling family members about importance of protecting environment. Practice what is preached about importance of protecting environment |
Usage of garbage trash. Household garbage separation and recycling Reuse of organic material for the production of fertilizers, biogas, etc. Reuse of waste material such as plastic, paper, aluminum, etc. |
Source: Own elaboration
No. 1 (Proactivity and Monitoring) is
considered as one of the main indicators in this analysis as it
measures the incorporation of sustainable practices in daily life
habits. The main emphasis lies on monitoring, budgeting and repairing
of current sanitation systems to prevent future failures. This is
translated into the capacity of the individuals to foresee or plan in
advanced specific measures to prevent or improve adverse sanitation
No. 2 (Disease prevention) comprises
all those practices related to the hygiene habits. The main trait of
these practices is to identify individual capacity to recognize that
improvement in hygienic conditions will lead to reduce disease spread
No. 3 (Volunteering and Education) focuses
on the motivation and engagement within community organizations
oriented to environmental protection. This factor is important since
establishes a direct connection among the stakeholders based on the
efforts to contribute to the sustainability and development of local
No. 4 (Reuse and Recycling) gathers
all those practices related to the regain of material and components
through the implementation of recycling activities. Recently, these
practices have been strongly promoted since they represent an important
economic impact and contribute to change consumer’s preferences.
three figures (see
figure 2, figure 3 & figure 4) show
no important differences regarding the practices performed among the
three communities. Overall, all of them follow a similar pattern based
on the grouped practices. There is a lower engagement into proactive
and monitoring activities rated closely to “seldom.” The greater general concern
lies into the disease prevention with a rate close to “often.” This may
be the result of the driven hygiene and health campaigns carried
throughout the country, which
have been intensively conducted in the last 30 years. Volunteering and
education practices as well as reuse and recycling perform somewhat
similar within communities, although the bigger difference occurs in
site 3. In general, volunteering and education work practices are
performed as “seldom” and the factor of reuse & recycling also
within the category of “seldom” a little closer to “sometimes.”
Figure 2.
Environmantal sanitation practices index according to the household survey applied in Site 1, Upala,
Costa Rica. January 2012.
Source: Own elaboration
Figure 3.
Environmantal sanitation
practices index according to the household survey applied in Site 2,
Costa Rica. February 2012.
Source: Own elaboration
Figure 4.
Environmantal sanitation practices index according to the household
survey applied in Site 3,Santo Domingo de Herdera,
Costa Rica. March 2012.
Source: Own elaboration
it is possible to say that communities that shared more urban
characteristics (site 2 and site 3) perform better in terms of
monitoring and proactive practices. Regarding recycling habits and
reuse of materials can be considered as a weak practice in general, with
a potential for improvements. The lack of well-defined policies and the
availability of recycling centers make this practice somewhat
Figure 5
depicts the opinion of householders on who should take ownership and
responsibility in improving sanitation conditions. Site 1 is aware that
main contribution for the improvement of sanitary conditions has to be
carried out by the individuals and very low participation from the
school level. Site 2 gives a heavy weight to the involvement of all
stakeholders in order to reach the desired level of improvement.
Nevertheless, a significant percentage of the population thinks that
the individuals need to take
action in
order to achieve a change. Finally, site 3 leans towards the idea that
householders should be the category to have the highest responsibility
in driving the change.
Figure 5.
People's opinion about the main responsible for envinonmental sanitation according to the household survey applied to the study sites (Upala, Curridabat and Santo Domingo de Herdera ), form January to March 2012.
Source: Own elaboration
general trend can be found for all three communities in a common
decision to weight a particular stakeholder as the main driver for
sanitation improvements. This contradicts to certain extent the
findings from the qualitative data collected in which the liability
relies in the householders by means of spreading family values and
Figure 6
illustrates the qualitative statements given by the communities’
stakeholders. These statements were filtered and grouped into several
categories which best represents people’s belief. The interviewed
participants clearly highlight the education and cultural changes as
the main driver to achieve a fundamental transformation. They all point
out the easy accessibility to broadcast media like, TV, and radio which
in turn play an important role in reaching out to massive diffusion of
ideas. Unfortunately, this resource has not been exploited in that
direction and a call to the public and private sectors should be raised
in order to joint efforts to conduct a program which can make use of
such important asset. The second most mentioned traits were the value
of protection of natural resources and the communal organization.
Figure 6.
People's recommendations to improve envinonmental sanitation conditions according to the household survey applied to the study sites (Upala, Curridabat and Santo Domingo de Herdera ), form January to March 2012.
Source: Own elaboration
baseline for all three traits is clearly the education, which
can be looked from two complementary perspectives. On one side, the
internal family education that should strength certain values, such as: social
affiliation, group solidarity, and environmental awareness.
Unfortunately, nowadays the predominant and most appreciated trends are
the individual achievements supported by a culture where the material
attainment sticks out, which
is translated in the collective awareness as a lack of community
belonging. This leads to an abrupt evasion of responsibilities and
social engagement.
other side of education is the important role played by the school
system. This institution is supposed to act as a change agent for
cultural transformation. However, the lack of a clear educational
direction in terms of environmental awareness makes it difficult to
obtain the expected results. This deficit is reflected in poor and
neglected environmental educational programs treated as a merely
appendixes and not as substantial subjects. Many shortcomings in the
program hinder a real educational transformation. To sum up, the low
instruction received by the young students creates a need addressed to
the government for reviewing the programs and financing proper
training, starting with the teaching personnel.
4. Discussion
paper illustrates recent
Costa Rican attemps towards
more sustainable environmental sanitation efforts and practices across
national, communal, and
individual levels. The starting point of analysis is to consider that
different transactions across layers of society are of special
significance, since
all of them affect and influence to each other. Borrowing from the
social resilience theory, all three layers (country,
community and individual) should shift attention to the promotion of
resilient management approaches towards innovation, mutual learning,
and diversity in order to generate alternative actions to influence
sustainable policies and social practices.
Costa Rica has shifted to a more comprehensive view of environmental
sanitation, where some laws and programs have included a new strategy
towards participatory processes that seek the adoption of healthy
lifestyles, and thus, the promotion of healthier communities. In order
to understand this conceptual shift, it is necessary to situate the
construct of health as a dynamic and complex one. Both health and
disease are the consequences of a number of factors and elements of the
individuals and the environment within specific community contexts.
Evidently, these statements draw on a more inclusive and holistic
thinking, since they understand that the social production of health is
made of the interrelation of socio-economic, cultural, environmental,
heath, legal, and institutional determinants (OPS, 2003).
the promotion of health is a commitment primarily assumed by the
government and it requires national policies for their development.
Within such policies, joint
efforts among social actors are crucial. Thus, social enrollment and
participation implies the need to develop capacities and the creation
of stakeholders’ opportunities to interact and participate in the
decision-making processes. The first challenge in this task is to
overcome the traditional ways Costa Rican population
has participated in the past; most of the time characterized by a
reactive or passive behavior. Conversely, within this framework, the
population must become proactive, autonomous, and independent, aware of
their rights and duties.
significant efforts are found in the sites for study; for instance,
communities understand that by protecting the environment and reducing
contamination, social and economic assets and capacities are also
promoted. Such efforts put attention to local productive activities and
voluntary environmental programs and standards, which
also are considered a significant opportunity for individuals to help
overcome environmental sanitation challenges in their communities. It
includes programs that seek to increase the motivations and the sense
of responsibility towards the protection of the environment by
rewarding good practices. When communities participate in these
programs, they often kick start virtuous cycles, generating positive
results among participants and the general population. Also,
individuals have started to adopt more proactive and environmental friendly
behaviors in their daily life; for example, by adopting hygiene habits
or by recycling or reducing the consumption of unnecessary goods.
findings from this study have shown that although there have been
important efforts at the national, communal and
individual levels, there are still some challenges that must be
overcome. For instance, Costa Rica lacks an explicit and comprehensive
environmental sanitation policy. Policies are fragmented and lack a
comprehensive planning framework that articulates all national and
local actions under clear objectives. According to some stakeholders,
the lack of linkages at higher levels trickles down to local levels,
and most environmental sanitation changes have been driven by
individual or community efforts rather than the government.
the fact of working on bringing change turns to be very difficult if
people do not recognize the positive impacts of their practices in
their daily life experiences. Even the way people conceptualize environmental
sanitation and
put the emphasis (in reactive or proactive actions) deserves particular
attention. This is especially important by local and national
authorities, because
they are supposed to lead the desired path of development. The
important issue here is how to consolidate suitable conditions to
transcend from theoretical concepts to concrete
environmental sanitation must be classified with high priority in the
national political agenda and should involve all different actors of
society. The participation and involvement of each actor must be
differentiated according to its capacities with the ultimate purpose of
balancing responsibilities and promoting an equitable society.
Moreover, the environmental sanitation construct must be understood
from the perspective of healthy environments. In order to accomplish
this challenge, stakeholders must be able to recognize the benefits
obtained by introducing sustainable environmental practices. The
building block for this relies on
identifying the real drivers that trigger actions. These drivers should
be leaning towards prevention and proactive behaviors which, in
turn, increase
social capacities and resilient responses; in other words, country’s
environmental sanitation sustainability could be increased.
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Sustainable Environmental Sanitation from a multi-layered approach: the case of Costa Rica (2005-2015) by Cindy Calvo Salazar is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional License.