Objective: Evaluate the results of a group educational intervention in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) to determine the capacity of the participants in the metabolic control of the disease. Methodology: Different statistical analyzes were performed: correlation and cluster analysis using three procedures (K means with standardized values of the variables involved, hierarchical analysis with standardized variables) and a combination of factor analysis with K means. In addition, a normalization analysis was carried out to determine the effectiveness of the Nutritional Intervention Program in Chronic Diseases. Results: 702 people with diabetes completed the educational intervention, of which the majority are women, ages between 40 and 64 years old. The variables that were statistically significant (p <0.001) for the cluster analysis were postprandial glycemia, fasting glycemia, glycated hemoglobin, total cholesterol and triglycerides, where the average values decreased in all the clinical tests after the educational intervention. Three groups were generated by combining factorial analysis and cluster analysis: low control DM2, medium control DM2 and high control DM2. In the normalization analysis, it was determined that the educational intervention of the Nutritional Intervention Program in Chronic Diseases was effective.Conclusion: The results of this study will allow us to focus on the therapeutic objectives of the educational intervention through our own actions and by monitoring the treatment in a more accurate way.
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