Población y Salud en Mesoamérica ISSN electrónico: 1659-0201

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Bioavailability of phosphorus in food and its effect in chronic kidney disease
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chronic kidney disease
organic and inorganic phosphorus
foods of plant and industrialized animal origin
enfermedad renal crónica
fósforo orgánico e inorgánico
alimentos de origen animal vegetal e industrializados

How to Cite

Martínez Hernández, E., De La Luz Maya, R. A., Ramírez Robledo, M. D. L. Á., Núñez-Murillo, G. K., & Orozco González, C. N. (2021). Bioavailability of phosphorus in food and its effect in chronic kidney disease. Población Y Salud En Mesoamérica, 19(2). https://doi.org/10.15517/psm.v19i2.46292


Introduction: to know the importance of the investigations that relate the bioavailability of phosphorus in different groups of foods of animal, vegetable and industrialized origin and its effect on the progression in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Methodology: the review is based on a literary search that was carried out on web pages such as: PUBMED, Redalyc, SciELO, SCIHUB and Google Academic. Each of the studies was selected discarding those that were not quantitative, original, complete, with clear methodology, carried out in mammals, and that in their results specified the bioavailability of phosphorus in percentages. All the studies were read, placing main emphasis and interest on the percentage of phosphorus bioavailability when consuming different food groups. Three matrices were made according to the origin of the food and the bioavailability of phosphorus that is absorbed in the body; grouping them into foods of animal, vegetable and industrialized origin and additives. Results: it was found that industrialized foods and additives show a phosphorus bioavailability of 90-100%, those of animal origin 40-80%, those of plant origin 30%. Conclusions: The additives used in industrialized foods promote hyperphosphatemia and thus accelerate the progression of chronic kidney disease, unlike foods of animal and vegetable origin that are less harmful to health. This guides the training of the health sector, expanding its knowledge in the nutritional treatment of the patient.

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