Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 462-471, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
Antimicrobial activity of bacteria isolated from tissue of the coral Palythoa
caribaeorum (Zoantharia: Sphenopidae) from Paraíba, Brazil coastal reefs
Jalcinês C. Pereira
Krystyna Gorlach-Lira
Bruno O. de Veras
1. Federal University of Paraiba, Post-graduation Program in Cell and Molecular Biology, João Pessoa, Brazil;
2. Federal University of Paraiba, Departament of Molecular Biology, João Pessoa, Brazil; kglira@yahoo.com
3. Federal University of Pernambuco, Post-graduation Program in Tropical Medicine, Recife, Brazil;
brunooveras@hotmail.com; *Correspondence
Received 22-II-2020. Corrected 21-X-2020. Accepted 11-II-2021.
Introduction: The coral-associated bacteria with antimicrobial activity may be important to promote the health
of their host through various interactions, and may be explored as a source of new bioactive compounds.
Objective: To analyze the antimicrobial activity of bacteria associated with the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum
from the coral reefs of Carapibus, Paraiba state, Brazil. Methods: The phylogenetic analysis of the bacteria was
conducted based on partial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene using molecular and bioinformatics tools. The anti-
microbial activity of the 49 isolates was tested against four bacterial strains and one yeast strain: Bacillus cereus
(CCT0198), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Pseudomonas aeruginosa
and Candida albicans (ATCC 10231). The antibiosis and antibiogram assays were conducted and the Minimal
Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was determined by the microdilution method. Results: The bacterial isolates
belonged to Firmicutes phylum (84 % of the isolates) and the Proteobacteria phylum (16 % of the isolates).
Among the 49 isolates five genera were found, with the Bacillus genus being the most abundant (82 % of the iso-
lates), followed by Vibrio (10 %), Pseudomonas (4 %), Staphylococcus (2 %) and Alteromonas (2 %). Antibiosis
test revealed that 16 isolates (33 %) showed antimicrobial activity against one or more of five tested reference
strains. The highest number of antagonistic bacteria were found in the Bacillus genus (12 isolates), followed
by Vibrio (three isolates) and Pseudomonas (one isolate) genera. The B. subtilis NC8 was the only isolate that
inhibited all tested strains in the antibiosis assay. However, antibiogram test with post-culture cell-free superna-
tant of NC8 isolate showed the inhibition of only B. cereus, S. aureus and C. albicans, and the lyophilized and
dialyzed material of this isolate inhibited only B. cereus. The lyophilized material showed bacteriostatic activity
against B. cereus, with a MIC value of 125 μg/μl, and in the cytotoxicity assay, the hemolysis value was of 4.8
%, indicating its low cytotoxicity. Conclusions: The results show the antimicrobial potential of some bacterial
isolates associated with the P. caribaeourum tissue, especially those belonged to Bacillus genus.
Key words: antimicrobial substances; marine bacteria; Bacillus; zoanthid; Palythoa caribaeorum.
Pereira, J.C., Gorlach-Lira, K. & de Veras, B.O. (2021).
Antimicrobial activity of bacteria isolated from tissue of
the coral Palythoa caribaeorum (Zoantharia: Sphenopidae)
from Paraíba, Brazil coastal reefs. Revista de Biología
Tropical, 69(2), 462-471. DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i2.40809
Reef environments are restricted to the
tropical regions and they are spread over 3 000
km along the coast in Brazil, showing high rate
of endemic coral species (Francini-Filho et al.,
2013; Leão et al., 2016). Coral reefs are dis-
tributed in the state of Paraiba over the entire
coastal stretch of 138 km (Costa, Sassi, Costa,
& Brito, 2007).
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i2.40809
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 462-471, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
Palythoa caribaeorum is a species of typi-
cally sessile colonial zoanthid found frequently
in coral reefs along the coast of the Atlantic
Ocean and oceanic islands, being one of the
most representative species of the several coral
reefs of Brazil, Caribbean and Florida. Zoan-
thids, such as P. caribaeorum, may occupy
large surface area of disturbed reefs since their
high physiological tolerance and reproductive
rates (Francini-Filho et al., 2013; Silva et al.,
2015; Durante, Cruz, & Lotufo, 2018).
In various regions of Northeastern Brazil,
including the Paraiba coast, P. caribaeorum
is one of the most abundant zoanthid in the
reef environments (Costa, Sassi, Gorlach-Lira,
Lajeunesse, & Fitt, 2013; Melo, Lins, & Eloy,
2014; Araújo, Gorlach-Lira, Medeiros, & Sassi,
2015; Silva, 2015). The occupational success
of this species is mainly due to competitive
strategies and rapid growth, even in unfavor-
able conditions such as high sedimentation
(Castro, Segal, Negrão, & Calderon, 2012).
The microbiota associated with P. caribaeo-
rum is still little known. According to Pereira,
Palermo, Carlos, & Ottoboni (2017), the Alp-
haproteobacteria were abundant in the mucus
of this species, while Silva (2015) revealed
that the majority of bacterial isolates from P.
caribaeorum tissue belonged to the Bacilli
class of Firmicutes phylum, followed by the
Recent works has demonstrated the impor-
tance of the bacterial community for the health,
development and resilience of various spe-
cies of corals and zoanthids (Pham, Wiese,
Wenzel-Storjohann, & Imhoff, 2016; Pereira
et al., 2017). According to these studies, the
antimicrobial activity performed by associ-
ated bacteria promotes the health of its host
through ecological interactions, and may repre-
sent a source for obtaining new bioactive com-
pounds, which can be used in the production
of new drugs. Bacillus was found to be one of
the leading genera with antimicrobial activity
among bacteria associated with corals (Pham
et al., 2016; Pereira et al., 2017). The bioactive
compounds with antimicrobial properties of
marine Bacillus species have been extensively
reviewed by Mondol, Sin, & Islam (2013).
Since several studies (Li et al., 2011; Li et
al., 2012; Pereira et al., 2017; Mickymaray et
al., 2018) show that bacteria associated with
corals might be promissory producers of bio-
active compounds, we aimed in this work to
perform phylogenetic analysis and to analyze
antimicrobial activity of bacteria isolated from
the tissue of P. caribaeorum from the reefs of
Carapibus, Paraiba state, Brazil.
Bacterial isolates: The bacteria were iso-
lated from healthy and necrotic tissue from
the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum from the
coastal reefs of Carapibus, Paraíba state, Brazil
(7º17’59.14” S & 34º47’45” W). The isolation
procedure was described by Silva (2015).
DNA extraction and amplification: Bac-
terial isolates were incubated in Brain and
Heart Infusion Broth (BHI) at 37 ºC for 48
hours. The extraction of genomic DNA from
bacterial isolates was performed using the KIT
HiPura TM Miniprep (HiMedia), according to
the manufacturers instructions. The 16S rRNA
gene was amplified in the thermocycler (Pri-
mus, USA) using the following universal prim-
ers (50 pmol): forward 26F: 5′- GAG TTT GAT
CMT GGC TCA G - 3′ and reverse 1492R:
(Lane, 1991), 200 ng of genomic DNA and the
Master Mix PCR kit (Promega), according to
the manufacturers instructions. The amplifica-
tion and purification of the 16S rRNA were
done as described by Silva (2015).
Phylogenetic sequencing and analysis:
The sequencing of the samples was carried
out at the Federal University of Pernambuco
Sequencing Platform, Recife, Brazil, using
the automatic sequencer ABI-PRISM 3100
Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). The
generated sequences were submitted to a query
for similarity with the data deposited in the
GenBank accessed through the NCBI (National
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 462-471, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
Center for Biotechnology Information) using
the program BLAST-“Basic Local Alignment
Search Tools” (Altschul et al., 1997). Sequenc-
es with more than 97 % similarity were con-
sidered valid. The multiple alignment of the
sequences and the construction of the phylo-
genetic tree were performed using the MEGA
version 6 program (Tamura, Stecher, Peter-
son, Filipski, & Kumar, 2013). The sequences
of antagonistic isolates used to construct the
phylogenetic tree were deposited in the NCBI
sequence database (GenBank access numbers:
Antibiosis test: The antimicrobial activity
of isolates was analyzed against the follow-
ing standard strains: Escherichia coli (ATCC
25922), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus
cereus (CCT0198), Staphylococcus aureus
(ATCC 25923) and Candida albicans (ATCC
10231). The isolates and standard strains were
grown in the Brain and Heart Infusion Agar
(HiMedia) at 37 ºC for 48 hours. The B. cereus
was incubated for 24 hours due to its rapid
formation of endospores. For the antibiosis
test, the cross-streak method was used, where
each tested isolate was inoculated in a central
line of a Petri dish containing Mueller Hinton
Agar and incubated for 48 hours at 37 ºC. After
this period, the standard strains were inoculated
perpendicularly to the central streak culture.
The cultures were analyzed after 24 hours of
incubation in order to verify possible inhibition
of the growth of standard strains.
Antibiogram test: The diffusion method
in solid medium (antibiogram) on Mueller-Hin-
ton Agar (HiMedia) was used to evaluate anti-
microbial activity of the cell-free supernatant,
lyophilized material and dialysate of the NC8
isolate against the five standard strains men-
tioned above. The NC8 isolate was grown in
Marine Broth (sea water 1 l, peptone 5 g, yeast
extract 2 g) and Mueller Hinton Broth (HiMe-
dia) at 37 ºC for 48 h, and after incubation a
1.5 ml aliquot of the culture was centrifuged
for 10 minutes at 12 000 rpm. 50 µl aliquots of
cell-free supernatant were placed in the wells
on Mueller Hinton Agar previously inocu-
lated with standard strains. After the incubation
period for 24 hours at 37
C, the diameter of
the inhibition halo was measured. All analyzes
were done in duplicate. An antibiogram test
was also conducted using the lyophilized mate-
rial (1.0 g/ml) obtained after lyophilization
process of 400 ml of NC8 isolate supernatant
The lyophilized material was also subjected to
dialysis with a cellulose membrane with a flat
width of 10 mm and 6 mm in diameter (Sigma),
that retain most proteins of molecular weight
12 000 or greater, obtaining the material with
concentration of 0.01 g/ml.
Determination of Minimum Inhibitory
Concentration (MIC): The antimicrobial sus-
ceptibility test performed for the NC8 isolate
was based on the reference method for broth
microdilution tests for aerobic growth bacte-
ria (M27-A6) (NCCLS, 2003). The MIC of
the lyophilized material of the NC8 isolate
was determined against the standard strain
B. cereus in a 96-well microplate, using BHI
broth and nine dilutions (1.95-500 μg/μl) of
the lyophilized material. Each well received
10 μl (3 x 10
CFU/ml) of the standard strain
cell suspension of B. cereus. The aliquots of 10
μl of antibiotic streptomycin sulfate (0.1 g/ml)
was used as a control for the relative evaluation
of the level of inhibition of the tested samples.
Controls were also carried out for the viability
of the tested microorganism and the sterility of
the culture medium. The test was performed in
triplicate. The microplates were incubated at 37
°C in the Thermo Scientific™ Multiskan™ GO
Microplate Spectrophotometer and the optical
density measurements (540 nm) were recorded
every 1hour during 24 hours of incubation. The
Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC)
was determined using 10 μl aliquots collected
from each CIM assay well and inoculated on
Mueller-Hinton agar medium. After incubation
at 37 °C for 24 hours the growth of bacte-
rial colonies was observed. The CBM value
was considered as the lowest concentration of
lyophilized material in which microbial growth
was not detected.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 462-471, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
Hemolysis test: Hemolytic activity was
measured by determining human erythrocyte
lysis (hRBCs), provided by the hospital of the
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte,
Natal, Brazil. Hemolytic activity was tested by
incubating the material subjected to lyophiliza-
tion and dialysis (0.01 g/ml) with erythrocytes
at 2 % of the O- group washed three times
with PBS (phosphate buffered saline), pH 7.2.
Saline solution (NaCl 0.9 %) was used as a
negative control and Triton X-100 (1 %) as a
positive control. The samples were incubated
for 4.8 and 12 h at 37 °C and then centrifuged
at 2 500 rpm for 5 min. Hemolysis was mea-
sured by spectrophotometry at a wavelength of
540 nm in 96 wells microplate, using 200 μl of
samples. All tests were performed in triplicate
and expressed as a percentage (Ahmad, Khan,
Manzoor, & Khan, 2010).
Phylogenetic analysis of bacteria: The
bacterial isolates obtained from healthy (19
isolates) and necrotic tissue (30 isolates) of
the zoanthid P. caribaeorum were identified
on the basis of partial sequences of 16S rRNA.
The isolates showed 98-100 % similarity with
the sequences deposited in the GenBank and
belonged to the phyla: Firmicutes with 84 %
and Proteobacteria with 16 % of the isolates
(Table 1). The Firmicutes phylum was rep-
resented by two families, Bacillaceae and
Staphylococcaceae, distributed in Bacillus and
Staphylococcus genera, respectively (Table
1). The isolates of Proteobacteria phylum
belonged to the families of Pseudomonadace-
ae, Vibrionaceae and Alteromonadaceae, dis-
tributed in genera of Pseudomonas, Vibrio and
Alteromonas, respectively (Table 1).
Antibiosis: The antibiosis test revealed
that among 49 tested isolates, 16 (33 %) exhib-
ited antagonistic activity against at least one of
the five standard strains tested (Fig. 1). Among
the healthy tissue isolates, only two (Bacillus
sp. PS1, Vibrio sp. PS11) showed antagonistic
activity, while 14 isolates from the necrotic tis-
sue were positive in this test, with 11 isolates
belonging to the Bacillus genus, 2 to the Vibrio
genus and 1 to the Pseudomonas genus.
Among antagonistic isolates, the Vibrio
isolates (PS11, PN13, PN35) showed similarity
with the species of V. harveyi and V. campbel-
lii (Table 1, Fig. 1) and Bacillus isolates were
phylogenetically related to B. zhangzhouen-
sis, B. pumilus and B. safensis (PN29, PN70,
PN71, PN73, PN78, PN85, PN89, PN91,
PN92, PN94), one to B. aerius (PS1) and one
to B. subtilis (NC8) (Table 1, Fig. 1).
Among the tested microorganisms, C. albi-
cans and E. coli were more sensitive to the
Classification of bacterial isolates from the tissue of P. caribaeorum based on partial sequences of 16S rRNA.
The E values were 0.0 and the maximal identity 98-100 %
Phylum/Family/Genus/Species Number of Isolates
Firmicutes/Bacillaceae/Bacillus/B. aerius (NR 118439.1)
B. zhangzhouensis (NR 148786.1)
B. subtilis (NR 04324.1)
B. pumilus (NR 113945.1)
Firmicutes/Staphylococcaceae/Staphylococcus/S. epidermidis (NR 113957.1)
Proteobacteria/Pseudomonadaceae/Pseudomonas/P. stutzeri (NR 103934.2)
Proteobacteria/Vibrionaceae/Vibrio/V. campbellii (NR 119050.1) and V. harveyi (NR 102976.1)
V. proetolyticus (NR118095.1)
Proteobacteria/Alteromonadaceae/Alteromonas/A. macleodii (NR 074797.1)
Total 49
NNR: GenBank access code.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 462-471, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
antimicrobial action of most isolates. C. albi-
cans growth was inhibited by 13 isolates, and
among them 10 isolates were Bacillus spp. and
three isolates Vibrio spp. The E. coli growth
was inhibited by seven isolates of Bacillus spp.,
two of Vibrio spp. and one isolate of Pseudo-
monas sp. Among these antagonistic isolates,
eight were obtained from necrotic and two
from healthy tissue of P. caribaeorum.
The growth of S. aureus was inhibited by
four Bacillus isolates of the necrotic tissue of
the zoanthid, and P. aeruginosa growth was
weakly inhibited by two isolates of Bacil-
lus spp. The B. cereus was inhibited only by
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree of antagonistic bacteria isolated from the healthy and necrotic tissue of Palythoa caribaeorum
and from bacterial strains of the GenBank based on the comparison of the sequences of RNAr 16S using neighbor-joining
analysis and the Tamura 3-parameter model. The bootstrap values shown in the tree were obtained based on 1 000 replicates.
Access numbers for GenBank strains are shown in parentheses.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 462-471, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
the isolate Bacillus subtilis NC8. Among the
bacterial isolates tested in the antibiosis assay,
the NC8 isolate was the only one that showed
growth inhibition of all standard strains in the
antibiosis test.
Antimicrobial activity of Bacillus subti-
lis NC8: The cell-free supernatant of the NC8
isolate showed antimicrobial action against
standard strains of B. cereus, S. aureus and C.
albicans (Table 2). However, the activity of
the lyophilized material (1.0 g/ml) and mate-
rial subjected to dialysis (0.01 g/ml) showed
antibacterial activity in the antibiogram test
only against B. cereus, with no antimicrobial
action against other standard strains. Therefore,
the tests to determine the MIC and MBC were
conducted only against the strain of B. cereus
using lyophilized material.
On the basis of the microdilution test, the
MIC value of lyophilized material was 125 μg/
μl (Fig. 2). The optical density values (540 nm)
revealed that the B. cereus did not show growth
during 24 hours of the test in the presence
of 500.0 μg/μl, 250.0 μg/μl and 125.0 μg/μl
lyophilized material (OD 540 nm: 0.09) (Fig.
2). Concentrations of 62.5 μg/μl, 31.25 and
15.63 μg/μl inhibited the growth of B. cereus
up to 6 hours of incubation, and after this
period the growth of the isolate was detected
Fig. 2. Growth kinetics of standard strain of B. cereus in the presence of lyophilized material (1.96-500 μg/ml) of the
B. subtilis NC8 isolate in the microdilution test. The growth was measured by spectrophotometry at 540 nm in 96 wells
microplate during 24 hours of incubation. Control-the culture medium without the addition of lyophilized material.
Antibiogram test of cell-free supernatant and lyophilized and dialyzed material from B. subtilis NC8 isolate
E. coli P. aeruginosa S. aureus B. cereus C. albicans
Inhibition zone (mm)
Post-culture liquid - - 11.00 (MHB)
13.5 (MB)
20.5 (MHB)
Lyophilized material - - - 14.6 (MB)
Dialyzed material - - - 13.3 (MB)
1. MHB-Mueller Hinton Broth;
MB-Marine Broth.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 462-471, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
(OD 540 nm: 0.14-0.19). Concentrations below
15.63 μg/μl lyophilized material did not reduce
the growth of B. cereus.
The result of the MBC test showed the
microbial growth in all concentrations of
lyophilized material (500 μg/μl-1.96 μg/μl)
tested, demonstrating that the antimicrobial
activity of the lyophilized material of NC8 iso-
late had bacteriostatic activity.
The hemolytic rate of the lyophilized mate-
rial subjected to dialysis was 4.8 % in the con-
centration of 0.01 mg/ml during the 12 hours
of incubation (Fig. 3). Hemolysis obtained by
Triton X-100 (1 %) (positive control) was con-
sidered 100 % hemolysis.
In the coastal reefs of Carapibus Beach
of Conde (Paraiba state, Brazil), the colonies
of P. caribaeorum are wide spread and some
colonies are affected by a tissue necrosis (Silva,
2015). Among the bacteria associated with the
tissue of P. caribaeorum the Bacillus genus
was the most abundant (84 % of the isolates),
followed by genera of Vibrio, Pseudomonas,
Staphylococcus and Alteromonas.
When studying the biodiversity of bac-
teria associated with the soft coral Alcionium
digitatum, abundant in the Baltic Sea, Pham
et al. (2016) also identified the genus Bacillus
as the most abundant and diverse group, with
17 species. The genus Bacillus was also found
in other species of corals, however, in smaller
proportions in relation to other taxa found.
For example, Eiahwany, Ghozlan, Eisharif, &
Sabry (2013) found that bacteria associated
with soft coral Sarcophyton glaucum the Red
Sea reefs were representatives of the Gamma-
proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes,
and 11 species of Bacillus were found. The
authors reported a high proportion of bacteria
with antimicrobial and antifungal activities,
especially those belonging to the Bacillus
genus that showed higher antimicrobial activ-
ity. They suggested that these bacteria may play
an important protective role, helping their host
in the defense against marine pathogens.
In our study, the class of gram-negative
bacteria Gammaproteobacteria was found in
a smaller proportion (16 %), however, other
works has reported that Gammaproteobacteria
dominate the microbial community, although
there is a variation of genera associated with
zoanthids and corals (Moreira et al., 2014;
Pereira et al., 2017).
In our study, some isolates, mostly from
the necrotic tissue of P. caribaeorum, were
phylogenetically related to such as V. camp-
bellii, known to be a pathogen of aquatic
Fig. 3. Hemolytic activity of the material subjected to lyophilization and dialysis (0.01 g/ml) obtained from isolate B.
subtilis NC8. Hemolysis of erythrocytes at 2 % of the O- group was measured by spectrophotometry at 540 nm in 96 wells
microplate after 4.8 and 12 hours of incubation. Positive control-1 % of Triton X-100; negative control-0.9 % of NaCl.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 462-471, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
organisms. Among the isolates were also found
Staphylococcus epidermidis, disease-causing
species in humans, and P. stutzeri, considered
an opportunistic pathogen in clinical settings.
Potentially pathogenic bacteria for humans
have also been found in the microbiota of P.
caribaeorum on the coral reef of Ponta Verde
in Maceio, Alagoa state, Brazil, exposed to
untreated sewage dumping (Paulino, 2017).
This work reported changes in the microbial
community associated with P. caribaeorum
due to anthropogenic effect, studied, show-
ing that about 25 % of sequences obtained by
pyrosequencing techniques belonged to the
Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Propioni-
bacterium genera.
The antimicrobial activity was evidenced
in 33 % of the tested bacterial isolates, and
higher number of antagonistic bacteria was
obtained from the necrotic tissue of P. carib-
aeorum. The genus Bacillus presented a greater
number of isolates with antimicrobial activity,
and among them the B. subtilis NC8 was the
only one that inhibited the growth of the five
standard strains in antibiosis test. The hemo-
lysis assay of the lyophilized and dialyzed
material of the NC8 isolate was less than 5 %,
indicating that the antimicrobial compounds
has probably no cytotoxic activity, that is very
important characteristic for the potential use of
this isolate for the production of antimicrobials.
Several studies report that marine Bacillus
species with potential action and broad anti-
microbial spectrum were isolated from several
species of corals (Pham et al., 2016; Pereira et
al., 2017).
Li et al. (2011) studied the bogorol A, a
new peptide antibiotic produced by B. subtilis
isolated from a reef in Papua, New Guinea,
and found its high activity against methicillin-
resistant S. aureus (MRSA), vancomycin resis-
tant enterococcus (VRE) and E. coli. In a later
study, Li et al. (2012) reported that the amide
group C-12 amikoumarkin produced by marine
bacterium B. subtilis from the Red Sea exhib-
ited antimicrobial activity against B. subtilis, S.
aureus and Laribacter hongkongensis.
Various species of Bacillus produce bacte-
riocins, for example Bacillus sp. SM01, isolat-
ed from mangrove sediments which produced
bacteriocin Bac-SM01 with long-range antimi-
crobial activity, strongly inhibiting the growth
of S. aureus methicillin resistant (MRSA),
Acinetobacter baumannii, P. aeruginosa and E.
coli (Mickymaray et al., 2018).
Antimicrobial compounds are promising
sources for the production of new drugs and
can be used to fight infectious diseases. In our
study various marine isolates showed antimi-
crobial activity against a range of pathogenic
microorganisms, and particularly one isolate
B. subtilis NC8, that show a potential to be
explored in the future studies.
We thank Coordination for the Improve-
ment of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
for the scholarship granted to Jalcinês da Costa
Pereira. We acknowledge the Cell and Molecu-
lar Biology Post-Graduate Program of the
Federal University of Paraiba for institutional
support and Laboratory of Reef Environments
and Biotechnology of Microalgae (LARBIM)
of the Federal University of Paraiba for techni-
cal support.
Actividad antimicrobiana de bacterias aisladas
del tejido del coral Palythoa caribaeorum (Zoantharia:
Sphenopidae) de los arrecifes costeros de Paraíba, Bra-
sil. Introducción: La actividad antimicrobiana realizada
por las bacterias asociadas con los corales, además de pro-
mover la salud de su huésped, representa una fuente para
obtener nuevos compuestos bioactivos. Objetivo: Analizar
la actividad antimicrobiana de las bacterias asociadas con
el zoantario Palythoa caribaeorum de los arrecifes de
Carapibus, Paraíba, Brasil. Metodología: El análisis filo-
genético de la bacterias se realizó con base en secuencias
parciales del gen RNAr 16S utilizando herramientas mole-
culares y de bioinformática. La actividad antimicrobiana
de las cepas se probó contra cuatro cepas bacterianas y una
cepa de levadura: Bacillus cereus (CCT0198), Escherichia
coli (ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923),
Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Candida albicans (ATCC
10231), utilizando ensayos antibiosis y antibiograma, y la
concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM) que se determinó
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 462-471, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
por el método de microdilución. Resultados: Las cepas
bacterianas pertenecían a Firmicutes (84 %) y Gamma-
proteobacteria (16 %). Entre 49 cepas se encontraron
cinco géneros de bacterias: Bacillus, Vibrio, Pseudomonas,
Staphylococcus y Alteromonas. Un total de 19 cepas exhi-
bieron actividad antimicrobiana, siendo el género Bacillus
el responsable del mayor número de bacterias antagonistas,
con 12 cepas positivas en el ensayo de antibiosis y cuatro
en la prueba de antibiograma. El mayor número de bacte-
rias antagonistas se encontró en Bacillus (12 aislamientos),
seguido por Vibrio (tres aislamientos) y Pseudomonas (un
aisladmiento). El NC8, clasificado como Bacillus subtilis,
inhibió todas las cepas estándar en el ensayo de antibiosis
y las cepas de B. cereus, S. aureus y C. albicans en la prue-
ba de antibiograma. El material liofilizado del B. subtilis
NC8 mostró acción bacteriostática contra B. cereus, con
un valor de CIM de 125 μg/μl. En la prueba de citotoxici-
dad, el grado de hemólisis fue del 4.8 % para el material
liofilizado a las concentraciones probadas, lo que indica su
baja citotoxicidad. Conclusión: Los resultados muestran
el potencial antimicrobiano de algunos aislamientos bac-
terianos asociados al P. caribaeourum, especialmente los
pertenecientes al género Bacillus.
Palabras clave: sustancias antimicrobianas; bacterias
marinas; Bacillus; zoantario; Palythoa caribaeorum.
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