Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
Crude extract of the tropical tree Gallesia integrifolia (Phytolaccaceae)
for the control of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae
Wanessa de Campos Bortolucci
, Herika Line Marko de Oliveira
, Leiluana Roque Oliva
José Eduardo Gonçalves
, Ranulfo Piau Júnior
, Carla Maria Mariano Fernandez
Nelson Barros Colauto
, Giani Andrea Linde
& Zilda Cristiani Gazim
1. Universidade Paranaense, Umuarama-PR, Brazil; wanessa.bortolucci@edu.unipar.br, herika.marko@edu.unipar.br,
carlamfernandez@prof.unipar.br, nbc@prof.unipar.br, gianilinde@prof.unipar.br, cristianigazim@prof.unipar.br
2. UniCesumar, Maringá-PR, Brazil; leiluana.oliva@gmail.com, jose.goncalves@unicesumar.edu.br
3. Cesumar Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation - ICETI, UniCesumar, Maringá-PR, Brazil.
4. Graduate Program in Animal Science with emphasis on Bioactive Products. Universidade Paranaense, Umuarama-PR,
Brazil; piau@prof.unipar.br
* Correspondence
Received 26-III-2020. Corrected 12-X-2020. Accepted 11-XI-2020.
ABSTRACT. Introduction: Phytoinsecticides are alternatives to control insects in different stages, Gallesia
integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms, Phytolacaceae family, popularly known as pau d’alho, garlic tree, and guararema
in Brazil, is known due to its strong alliaceous odor because of the presence of sulfur molecules in the plant.
This species presents biological activity and potential insecticide effect that is still unexploited. Objective: This
study aimed to evaluate the biological activity of the ethanolic crude extract from G. integrifolia leaves, flowers,
and fruits on the control of Aedes aegypti third-stage larvae and pupae. Methods: The botanical material was
collected in city Umuarama, Paraná, Brazil at the coordinates (23º46’16” S & 53º19’38” WO), and altitude of
442 m, the fruits of G. integrifolia were collected in May and the leaves and flowers in December 2017. The
crude extracts of G. integrifolia leaves, flowers, and fruits were prepared by dynamic maceration technique. The
chemical composition of the extracts was determined by gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometry.
The insecticidal activity of the crude extracts of G. integrifolia were carried out on larvae and pupae of A.
aegypti in concentrations between 0.001 to 25 000 mg/mL, and afterwards the lethal concentrations that kill 50
% (LC
) and 99.9 % (LC
) were determined by probit analysis. Anticholinesterase activity was determined
by bioautographic method at concentrations from 0.000095 to 50 mg/mL. Results: The yield of G. integrifolia
crude extracts were 8.2, 9.1, and 17.3 % for flowers, fruits, and leaves, respectively. The chemical composition
of G. integrifolia extracts was characterized by presence of fatty acid esters, phytosterols, vitamins, oxygenated
diterpenes and organosulfur compounds. The flower extract presented the high amount of sulfur compounds
(20.2 %) such as disulfide, bis (2-sulfhydryl ethyl) (11.9 %), 2,3,5-trithiahexane (6.2 %), 1,2,4-trithiolane (1.1
%), and 2,4-dithiapentane (1.1 %). Regarding the insecticidal activity, flower extract showed highly active with
of 0.032 mg/mL and LC
of 0.969 mg/mL on A. aegypti larvae and pupae, respectively, and the highest
inhibition of acetylcholinesterase enzyme (0.00019 mg/mL) ex situ. The flower extract presented anticholines-
terase and larvicide activity, respectively, 12.8 % and 35.6 % greater than the control temephos. Conclusions:
This study opens new perspectives on the use of extracts from G. integrifolia as a bioinsecticide alternative for
the control of A. aegypti larvae and pupae.
Key words: anticholinesterase; disulfide; bis(2-sulfhydryl ethyl); pau d’alho; semiochemical; sulfur compounds.
de Campos Bortolucci, W., Marko de Oliveira, H.L., Roque Oliva, L., Gonçalves,
J.E., Piau Júnior, R., Mariano Fernandez, C.M., Barros Colauto, N., Linde, G.A.,
& Gazim, Z.C. (2021). Crude extract of the tropical tree Gallesia integrifolia
(Phytolaccaceae) for the control of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae. Revista
de Biología Tropical, 69(1), 153-169. DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.41225
ISSN Printed: 0034-7744 ISSN digital: 2215-2075
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.41225
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
Aedes aegypti (Linnaues, 1762) is the
main vector of arboviruses such as dengue,
chikungunya fever, Zika virus and yellow fever
(Fofana, Beugré, Yao-Acapovi, & Lendzele,
2019). The combat to disseminate this mosqui-
to is a challenge in tropical countries, mainly in
South America, and a problem to health due to
the high morbidity and mortality rates (Pavela,
2015; Benelli & Mehlhorn, 2016; González et
al., 2019). In Brazil, in 2019, there were 1 544
987 recorded cases of dengue with 782 deaths,
besides 132 205 cases of chikungunya with 92
deaths, and 10 768 cases of Zika virus with
three deaths (Ministério da Saúde, 2020).
Synthetic chemical insecticides from
organophosphate class are utilized against A.
aegypti, mainly temephos, an organothiophos-
phate insecticide (Benelli et al., 2017). How-
ever, organothiophosphates are reported to
have genotoxic action on human hepatic cells
(Benitez-Trinidad et al., 2015) and neural dam-
ages in rats (Laurentino et al., 2019). Besides, the
broad action spectrum of this insecticide causes
non-specific deaths of insects (Braga & Valle,
2007; Čolović & Krstić, 2013; Mrdaković et
al., 2016), bees, butterflies, and other pollinat-
ing insects (Morais, Bautista, & Viana, 2000).
Moreover, the increased concentration of this
insecticide in Brazilian cities indicates that
there is a resistance process to this chemical
to control A. aegypti (Jonny, Silva, Fantinatti,
& Silva, 2015). An alternative to organophos-
phates for the control of A. aegypti are the non-
cumulative synthetic pyrethroids which are,
however, toxic to aquatic arthropods, fish, and
bees, eliminating essential insects that act on
the biological control of insects, besides caus-
ing adverse effect to human health due to long
exposure to it (Camargo et al., 1998; Bellinato
et al., 2016).
Another alternative to organophosphates
would be phytoinsecticides such as essential
oils that in general have a quicker degra-
dation and/or volatilization, causing smaller
environmental damage, mainly to pollinating
insects. For instance, to control Varroa destruc-
tor that parasites bees, essential oils of neem
(Azadirachta indica), lemon (Citrus limon),
and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora, current
name Corymbia citriodora) are utilized without
killing the beehive (Bakar et al., 2017). How-
ever, some phytoinsecticides can have a similar
action to organophosphates such as the garlic
essential oil (Allium tuberosum and Allium
sativum) used to control larvae and/or repel
mosquitoes such as Aedes spp., Anopheles
spp., and Culex spp. (Denloye, Makanjuola,
& Babalola, 2003; Trongtokit, Rongsriyam,
Komalamisra, & Apiwathnasorn, 2005; Rai-
mundo et al., 2018).
Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms,
Phytolacaceae family, popular names pau
d’alho, garlic tree, and guararema in Brazil,
is known due to its strong alliaceous odor
because of the presence of sulfur molecules in
the plant, despite not belonging to the Alliaceae
family (Barbosa, Teixeira, & Demuner, 1997;
Sambuichi, Mielke, & Pereira, 2009). It has
several synonyms such as Gallesia gorazema,
Gallesia integrifolia var. ovata, Gallesia ovata,
Gallesia scorododendrum, and Thouinia inte-
grifolia (Hassler, 2018). This plant has been
reported since 1821 for common treatments of
orchitis, verminosis, and rheumatism (Corrêa-
Filho, 1984; Akisue, Akisue, & Oliveira, 1986),
and the essential oil has been reported to act
against bovine tick (Rhipicephalus microplus)
(Raimundo et al., 2017) and to have antifungal
activity (Raimundo et al., 2018).
The aqueous crude extract of G. integri-
folia leaves are used in organic agriculture to
control Botrytis cinerea during pre- and post-
harvest of grapes in viniculture (Silva et al.,
2017). Hydroalcoholic extracts of G. integri-
folia leaves were effective to control eggs and
larvae of bovine ticks (Rhipicephalus micro-
plus) (Dias, Tanure, & Bertonceli, 2018). The
hydroethanolic extract of G. integrifolia inner
bark had bacteriostatic activity and no toxicity
to epithelial cells of Chinese hamster ovary
(Arunachalam et al., 2016). The dichlorometh-
ane and methanolic extracts of G. integrifolia
bark had antifungal activity (Freixa et al.,
1998). Moreover, dichloromethane extract of G.
integrifolia roots has antinociceptive and anti-
inflammatory activities in vivo with mice and
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus
(Silva et al., 2013). In addition, riverside dwell-
ers usually burn G. integrifolia dried leaves to
repel mosquitoes from the genus Anopheles,
vector of malaria, showing its potential biocide
activity (Pérez, 2002). However, despite these
reports, there are no studies on the extract from
G. integrifolia leaves to control insect, mainly
A. aegypti. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate
the biological activity of the ethanolic crude
extracts from G. integrifolia leaves, flowers,
and fruits to control A. aegypti third-stage lar-
vae and pupae to develop an alternative for the
control of this insect.
Plant material: fruits, leaves, and flowers
of G. integrifolia were harvested in Umuarama
at the coordinates (23º46’16” S & 53º19’38”
WO) and altitude of 442 m. Leaves and flow-
ers were harvested in the morning in December
2017 and fruits were harvested in the morn-
ing in May 2017. The plant was identified
and a sample was deposited in the Herbarium
of Western Paraná State University, Cascavel
Campus, Center of Biological Sciences and
Health, under the number 1 716. This spe-
cies was registered in the National System
for the Management of Genetic Heritage and
Associated Traditional Knowledge (SisGen,
acronym in Portuguese) under the registration
number A0A10E1.
Crude extract preparation: leaves, flow-
ers, and fruits of G. integrifolia (500 g) were
pulverized to 850 μm with a knife mill (Willye
TE-650) and three extracts were obtained after
dynamic maceration with solvent (ethanol 96
ºGL) depletion. The extracts were filtered and
the solvent was removed in a rotating evapora-
tor (Tecnal TE-210) at 40 °C. The yield of each
crude extract (dry basis) was calculated in trip-
licate by the mass of the obtained crude extract
(g) divided by the mass of the vegetal matter
(leaves, flowers, or fruits) (g), multiplied by
100 and expressed in percentage (Ministério da
Saúde, 2010).
Chemical characterization of the crude
extract: for the chemical identification of the
compounds, the crude extracts from G. inte-
grifolia leaves, flowers, and fruits (100 mg)
were analyzed by gas chromatography (Agilent
19091S-433) coupled to a mass spectropho-
tometer (Agilent 19091J-433) (CG-MS). An
HP-5MS UI 5 % analytical column (30 m ×
0.25 mm × 0.25 μm) was utilized with an ini-
tial temperature of 60 °C, and kept for 3 min.
Then, a ramp of 5 °C/min and the temperature
was increased to 300 °C and kept for 10 min
and, finally, to 310 °C with a ramp of 10 °C/
min for 10 min. Helium was utilized as the car-
rier gas at the linear speed of 1 mL/min until
300 °C and pressure release of 56 kPa. The
injector temperature was 300 °C; the injection
volume was 2 μL; the injection was in split
mode (20:1). The transfer line was kept at 285
°C and the ionization source and quadrupole
at 230 °C and 150 °C, respectively. The MS
detection system was utilized in scan mode, in
the range of mass/load ratio (m/z) of 40-550
with 3 min solvent delay. The compounds were
identified by comparing their mass spectra with
the ones from Wiley 275 libraries, and compar-
ing their retention indices (RI) obtained by a
homologous series of n-alkane standards (C
) (Adams, 2017).
Insecticidal activity: Aedes aegypti third-
stage larvae and pupae were obtained from
the Department of Sanitary Surveillance of
Umuarama, Paraná, Brazil. The extracts were
diluted from 0.001 to 25 000 mg/mL in an
aqueous solution containing 20 mL/L polysor-
bate-80. Ten A. aegypti larvae were placed in
25 mL flasks with 1.0 mL extract solution at
different concentrations and kept in the dark at
room temperature for 24 h (Costa et al., 2005;
Fernandes, Souza Freitas, da Costa, & da Silva,
2005; Bonato, Cavalca, & Lolis, 2010). Larvae
without movement and response to stimuli
were considered dead (Bonato et al., 2010).
The same procedure was used for A. aegypti
pupae. The negative control was 20 mL/L poly-
sorbate-80 aqueous solution and the positive
control was the organothiophosphate temephos
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
at the concentration ranging from 0.009 to 500
mg/mL (Macoris, Camargo, Silva, Takaku,
& Andrighetti, 1995; Camargo et al., 1998).
Lethal concentrations (LC
and LC
) were
calculated by the probit analysis.
Anticholinesterase activity: the anticho-
linesterase activity was determined by the
bioautographic method according to Marston,
Kissling, & Hostettmann (2002) with modi-
fications (Yang et al., 2009). The methanolic
solutions of the leaf, flower, and fruit extracts,
and the positive control temephos were tested
at concentrations varying from 50 to 0.000095
mg/mL (in methanol). The samples were plot-
ted in aluminum TLC (thin-layer chromatog-
raphy) plates (10 × 10 cm; 0.2 mm-thick 60
F254 silica gel), dried and sprayed with an
acetylcholinesterase enzyme (500 U/mL) solu-
tion in a buffer solution of tris (hydroxymethyl)
aminomethane hydrochloridrate (0.05 M, pH
7.8), sprayed with an α-naphthyl acetate solu-
tion (0.15 %) and kept at 37 °C for 20 min.
After that, the chromo plates were sprayed with
fast blue B salt colorimetric reagent (0.05 %)
resulting in a purple color surface. The anticho-
linesterase activity of each G. integrifolia crude
extract was determined by the emergence of
white stains after 10 min, showing the inhibito-
ry action of the evaluated concentration on the
enzyme activity by contrasting with the purple
color of the colorimetric reagent. Temephos
was used at the same concentrations of the
crude extracts as a positive control.
Statistical analysis: the experimental
design was completely randomized and all
assays carried out in triplicate. Data were sub-
mitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
compared utilizing SPSS statistics 22 program
by Duncan test (P 0.05). Lethal concentra-
tions (LC
and LC
) and confidence inter-
vals were calculated by probit analysis.
The yield of the crude extracts from G.
integrifolia flowers, fruits, and leaves was 8.2,
9.1, and 17.3 %, respectively, with the greatest
yield for the leaf extract. The chemical identifi-
cation of the extracts showed 20 chemical com-
pounds in the flowers, 22 in the fruits, and 17
in the leaves, considering only the compounds
in the relative area greater than 0.5 % (Table 1).
The major compounds of the ethanolic extract
from G. integrifolia flowers were vitamin E
(18.0 %) and disulfide, ethyl iso-allocholate
(10.6 %), from fruits were vitamin E (20.9 %),
linolenic acid methyl ester (14.0 %), disulfide,
bis(2-sulfhydryl ethyl) (11.9 %), and phytol
(10.2 %), whereas from leaves were phytol
(30.9 %), linolenic acid methyl ester (30.5 %),
and methyl palmitate (10.9 %).
Chemical composition obtained by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the extracts
from Gallesia integrifolia leaf, flower, and fruit
Relative area (%)
m/z Structure
Leaves Flowers Fruits
1 2,4-dithiapentane 808 - 1.06 2.12 108.01 C
2 1,2,4-trithiolane 810 0.86 1.10 1.76 124.23 C
3 R-limonene 847 - 0.91 - 139.98 C
4 2,3,5-trithiahexane 885 - 6.17 4.67 140.27 C
5 Disulfide, bis(2-sulfhydryl ethyl) 935 - 11.91 - 185.96 C
6 Cedr-8-en-13-ol 936 - 0.93 - 220.18 C
O a,b,c
7 n-hexadecanoic acid 937 - 5.57 1.04 256.24 C
8 Palmitoleic acid, methyl ester 938 1.57 - - 268.24 C
9 Methyl palmitate 949 10.91 4.69 5.05 270.26 C
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Relative area (%)
m/z Structure
Leaves Flowers Fruits
10 Linoleic acid 973 5.99 - - 280.45 C
11 Ethyl palmitate 1 099 1.43 - 2.11 284.48 C
12 Stearic acid 1 100 1.05 - - 284.28 C
13 Linolenic acid methyl ester 1 101 30.53 - 4.54 292.24 C
14 10,13-octadecadienoic acid, Methyl ester 1 103 - 6.07 5.04 294.26 C
15 Methyl linoleate 1 107 - 5.17 - 294.47 C
18 Phytol 1 137 30.92 10.24 6.50 296.31 C
O a,b,c
19 Linoleic acid ethyl ester 1 171 3.87 14.00 2.28 308.27 C
20 Ethyl octadecanoate 1 174 - 0.55 - 312.30 C
22 α-monoolein 1 262 - - 2.61 354.61 C
24 Isohumulone 1 367 4.95 - - 356.29 C
25 n.i. 1 430 0.60 0.74 0.30 - - a,b,c
26 Stigmasterol 1 478 1.57 - 7.38 412.70 C
O a,b,c
27 β-sitosterol 1 479 0.64 - 5.59 414.38 C
O a,b,c
28 γ-sitosterol 1 506 2.61 - 2.14 414.38 C
O a,b,c
29 β-tocopherol 1 559 0.56 - - 416.36 C
30 γ-tocopherol 1 618 0.73 - - 416.36 C
32 Lupeol 1 671 - - 6.84 426.38 C
O a,b,c
33 α-amyrin 1 716 - - 1.97 426.38 C
O a,b,c
35 Vitamin E 1 761 - 20.86 18.04 430.38 C
36 Ethyl iso-allocholate 1 780 - - 10.60 436.63 C
37 Betulin 1 782 1.11 - 1.10 442.38 C
38 Inotodiol 1 792 - 2.63 - 442.38 C
40 Lupeol acetate 1 847 - - 2.60 468.39 C
41 Cycloartenol acetate 1 914 - 0.99 4.88 468.76 C
42 13,14-epoxyoleanan-3-ol, acetate 1 916 - 1.18 - 470.37 C
44 Barringtogenol C 2 174 - 3.53 - 490.36 C
45 3-O-Acetyl-6-methoxy-cycloartenol 2 194 - 1.68 0.77 498.40 C
Total identified 99.30 99.24 99.63
Fatty acids 7.04 5.57 1.04
Sulfur compounds 0.86 20.24 8.55
Monoterpene hydrocarbons - 0.91 -
Oxygenated sesquiterpene - 0.93 -
Oxygenated diterpene 30.92 10.24 6.50
Triterpenes 1.11 6.16 12.52
Fatty acid esters 48.31 29.93 19.02
Vitamin precursor 1.29 - -
Phytoesterol 4.82 0.99 19.99
Vitamins - 20.86 18.04
Alpha acids 4.95 - -
Steroidal compound - - 10.60
Others - 3.41 3.37
Compounds listed in order of elution in column HP-5MS;
RI = Identification based on retention index (RI) using
a homologous series of n-alkane C
on Agilent HP-5MS column;
MS = identification based on comparison of
mass spectra using Wiley 275 libraries; Relative area (%) = percentage of the area occupied by the compounds in the
chromatogram; m/z = mass values; n.i. = not identified; (-) = absent.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
The projection of the main classes of
compounds by principal component analysis
indicates that factor 1 represents 68 % of the
variability of the classes found in the extracts
of the leaves, flowers, and fruits of G. integri-
folia (Fig. 1). In factor 2, the extracts of leaves
and flowers showed a positive correlation, this
can be explained because both presented as
majority class fatty acid esters (48.2 and 29.9
%, respectively) (Table 1, Fig. 1). However, the
extracts of leaves and fruits presented negative
correlation in factor 2, the fruit extract showed
high concentrations of phytosterols (18.0 %)
and vitamins (20.0 %), while in the leaves
extract was identified lower concentrations
of phytosterols (4.8 %) and did not identi-
fied vitamins (Table 1, Fig. 1). In general, the
class projection indicates variation between the
chemical composition of extracts, mainly those
related to the esters of fatty acids, oxygenated
diterpenes, vitamins, phytosterols, and sulfur
compounds (Fig. 1).
A class of predominant compounds was
the esters of fatty acids in flowers (29.9 %),
fruits, (19.0 %) and leaves (48.3 %). The vita-
mins were observed in the flowers (20.9 %) and
fruits (18.0 %). The sulfur compounds of the
characteristic alliaceous odor of this plant were
predominant in the flowers (20.2 %), followed
by fruits (8.6 %) and a smaller concentration in
the leaves (0.9 %) (Table 1, Fig. 1). The major
compounds in the crude extract in the flowers
were ethyl ester of linoleic acid (14 %) (Fig.
2) and disulfide, bis (2-sulfhydryl ethyl) (11.9
%) (Fig. 3); in the fruits, they were ethyl iso-
allocholate (10.6 %) and stigmasterol (7.4 %);
and in the leaves, they were phytol (30.9 %)
(Fig. 4), linoleic acid methyl ester (30.5 %) and
methyl palmitate (10.9 %). Some major com-
pounds were found only in one part of the plant
such as linoleic acid (6.0 %) and isohumulone
(5.0 %) just in the leaves; disulfide, bis(2-sulf-
hydryl ethyl) (11.9 %) and methyl linoleate (5.2
%) were found only in the flowers; and lupeol
(6.8 %) and ethyl iso-allocholate (10.6 %) were
present just in the fruits (Table 1).
The main biomolecules of organosulfate
class present in the extract from G. integrifolia
flower were disulfide, bis(2-sulfhydryl ethyl)
) (Fig. 2, Table 1), methyl (methyl-
sulfinyl) methyl sulfide (C
), 1,2,4-trithio-
lane (C
), and 2,4-dithiapentane (C
(Table 1) with compounds with four, three, and
two sulfur atoms, respectively.
Besides the chemical composition, the
biological potential of three G. integrifolia
extracts was evaluated against A. aegypti third-
stage larvae and pupae. Overall, all the tested
Fig. 1. Biplot of principal component analysis scores and loadings for the gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
representing the projection of chemical classes of the crude extract from leaves, flowers, and fruits of Gallesia integrifolia.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
Fig. 2. Mass spectrum of linoleic acid ethyl ester of the extract from Gallesia integrifolia flower (14.0 %) and fruit (2.3 %)
obtained by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Fig. 3. Mass spectrum of disulfide, bis(2-sulfhydryl ethyl) of the extract from Gallesia integrifolia flower (11.9 %) obtained
by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Fig. 4. Mass spectrum of phytol of extract from Gallesia integrifolia leaves (30.9 %) obtained by gas chromatography-mass
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
samples were more efficient for the larvae as
well as for the pupae than the positive control.
The best lethal concentrations were for the
larvae when compared to pupae, as seen in
the extract of G. integrifolia flowers where
the LC
for larvae was 0.032 mg/mL, and
for pupae was LC
of 0.969 mg/mL, which
is 3 % more effective than in larvae when
compared to pupae. Followed by the raw fruit
extract the LC
for larvae was 0.124 mg/
mL, and for pupae was LC
of 6.086 mg/
mL. However, the extract from G. integrifolia
leaves was 5 % more effective for larvae when
compared to pupae (Table 2).
To help elucidate the action mechanism
of these crude extracts, acetylcholinesterase
enzyme (AChE) was evaluated using the crude
extracts from G. integrifolia flowers, fruits, and
leaves and temephos (commercial organophos-
phate) as a positive control (Table 3).
For the inhibiting activity test of acetyl-
cholinesterase enzyme, the crude flower extract
presented inhibitory effect at the concentration
of 0.00019 mg/mL, followed by the positive
Lethal concentration (LC
and LC
) and confidence interval (CI) of Gallesia integrifolia extracts from flowers, fruits,
and leaves against Aedes aegypti larvae and pupae by probit analysis
G. integrifolia extract of
Larvae Pupae
(mg/mL) [CI] LC
(mg/mL) [CI] LC
(mg/mL) [CI] LC
(mg/mL) [CI]
0.094 ± 0.001
0.278 ± 0.001
2.177 ± 0.177
14.040 ± 0.581
0.006 ± 0.001
0.032 ± 0.001
0.036 ± 0.004
0.969 ± 0.026
0.025 ± 0.002
0.124 ± 0.003
1.037 ± 0.080
6.086 ± 0.039
Temephos (control)
0.398 ± 0.050
1.140 ± 0.060
234.370 ± 22.090
443.640 ± 14.870
= lethal concentration that kills 50 % of A. aegypti larvae and pupae populations; LC
= lethal concentration that kills
99.9 % of A. aegypti larvae and pupae populations; CI = confidence interval; Positive control = commercial organophosphate
temephos; Equal letters in the same column indicate that there is no significant difference among treatments by Duncan’s
test (P ≤ 0.05).
Inhibiting activity of acetylcholinesterase enzyme at different concentrations of extracts from
Gallesia integrifolia flowers, fruits, and leaves by bioautographic method
Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase enzyme
Leaf Flower Fruit PC Concentration (mg/mL) Leaf Flower Fruit PC
50 +++ +++ +++ +++ 0.0488 - + + ++
25 ++ +++ +++ +++ 0.0244 - + + +
12.5 + ++ ++ +++ 0.0122 - + - +
6.25 + ++ ++ +++ 0.0061 - + - +
3.125 + + ++ +++ 0.0030 - + - +
1.5625 + + ++ +++ 0.0015 - + - +
0.7812 + + + ++ 0.00076 - + - +
0.3906 + + + ++ 0.00038 - + - +
0.1953 - + + ++ 0.00019 - + - -
0.0976 - + + ++ 0.00009 - - - -
Concentration = mg/mL; PC = positive control (commercial organophosphate temephos); (+++) = strong inhibition of
acetylcholinesterase enzyme; (++) = moderate inhibition; (+) = weak inhibition; (-) = absence of inhibition.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
control at 0.00038 mg/mL, by the fruit extract
(0.0244 mg/mL) and the leaf extract (0.3906
mg/mL). When compared to the ex situ test
) with A. aegypti larvae, the extracts
from flowers, fruits, and leaves were 16.8, 0.5,
and 0.07 %, respectively, less effective than in
the bioautographic test in TLC.
The chemical identification of crude
extracts of G. integrifolia flowers, fruits, and
leaves was carried out by CG-MS and it was
verified the presence of esters of fatty acids
as the predominant class in the three extracts:
leaf extract (48.3 %), flower extract (29.9
%), and fruit extract (19 %). The amount and
distribution of fatty acids varied in the several
species of the plants, besides being affected by
seasonal influences (Kozlowski & Pallardy,
1996). The fatty acids found in the leaves are
responsible for controlling water loss to the
environment during gas exchanges, and protect
the plant against the nutrient loss due to the
high incidence of ultraviolet rays and intense
rainfall (Kozlowski & Pallardy, 1996); in the
flowers, as well as in the leaves, the fatty acids
are part of the surface impermeabilization,
avoiding water loss, and part of the pollination
process as they are in the chemical composi-
tion of flower nectar (Levin, McCue, & Davi-
dowitz, 2017) whereas, in the fruits and seeds,
these acids act as a barrier to moist diffusion,
as a form of protection, because it is a reserve
organ to the embryo (Esau, 1986; Kunst &
Samuels, 2009). In general, fatty acids act on
the cellular structure of vegetables, growth,
nutrition, senescence, and protection against
phytopathogens and the environment (Meï et
al., 2015; Li, Xu, Li-Beisson, & Philippar,
2016; Silva et al., 2016).
The linoleic acid ethyl ester found in the
extract from flowers and fruits (Fig. 2) is a
long-chain polar compound with antibacterial
and anti-inflammatory activities utilized in the
cosmetic industry (Jelenko, Wheeler, Ander-
son, Callaway, & McKinley, 1975; Park et al.,
2014). The linoleic acid ethyl ester as well as
the linolenic acid methyl ester are present in
the dark green leaves because they are part of
the apolar lipid fraction of plants (Simopoulos,
2002). There are no reports on the activity of
these molecules against A. aegypti, but fatty
acid methyl ester had LC
of 0.17 mg/mL
in Culex quinquefasciatus larvae (Silva et al.,
2016), indicating insecticide effect against lar-
vae of this insect.
Ethyl iso-allocholate found in the fruits
(10.6 %) does not present cytotoxicity in
zebrafish and can induce apoptosis through cas-
pases signaling pathway, causing morphologi-
cal alterations in the cell membranes (Thakur
& Ahirwar, 2019). According to Cooper, Thi,
Chamberlain, Pio, & Lowenberger (2007), this
signaling is also possibly responsible for A.
aegypti mortality because it acts as a biochemi-
cal cascade, triggering a proteolytic effect.
Another compound with biological potential
found in G. integrifolia is methyl palmitate
(leaves 10.9, flowers 4.7, and fruits 5.0 %), an
antagonist for muscarinic receptors with broad
toxicity against phytophagous mites such as
Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) at 10
mg/mL (Wang et al., 2009).
Moreover, phytol found at high concentra-
tion in the extract from G. integrifolia leaves
(Fig. 4) chemically corresponds to a branched
long-chain aliphatic alcohol that gives hydro-
phobic characteristic to chlorophyll molecules;
however, when it is broken by chlorophyllase,
phytol is converted into phytanic acid with
an important biological effect on thermogenic
activities and inhibitor of teratogenic effects
of retinol (Marquez, 2003). Phytol also has
anti-inflammatory activity by releasing his-
tamine (26.9 %), serotine, and bradykinin
(49.9 %), and prostaglandin (68 %) compared
to control (diclofenac 5 mg/kg) (Phatangare,
Deshmukh, Murade, Hase, & Gaje, 2017).
Phytol has been reported as an inhibitor of
proteins and enzymes from bacteria (Ghaneian,
Ehrampoush, Jebali, Hekmatimoghaddam, &
Mahmoudi, 2015). The compound stigmasterol
(Table 1) obtained from G. integrifolia fruit
extract has been related to the inhibition of ace-
tylcholinesterase enzyme in human embryonic
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
kidney cells (HEK293), that is the same mecha-
nism of action of organophosphate insecticides
(Alout et al., 2012; Gade et al., 2017).
Vitamin E (Fig. 5) was identified at a high
concentration in the extracts of G. integrifolia
flower (20.9 %) and fruit (18.0 %). Vitamin E,
which consists of tocopherols and tocotrienols,
is found in plants giving them photoprotec-
tive and antioxidant characteristics (Havaux,
Eymery, Porfirova, Rey, & Dormann, 2005).
Vitamin E was not detected in the extract
from G. integrifolia leaves but the presence of
its precursors, β-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol,
was identified.
Sulfur compounds were predominant in G.
integrifolia flower extract (20.2 %), followed
by fruits (8.6 %) and in a small concentration
in the leaf extract (0.9 %) (Table 1). The major
chemical compounds were disulfide, bis(2-
sulfhydryl ethyl) (flowers 11.9 %) (Fig. 3).
This biomolecule presents antioxidant potential
due to its high potential to eliminate free radi-
cals (Murugesan, Pandiyan, Saravanakumar,
Moodley, & Mackraj, 2019). Other present
compounds were 2,3,5-trithiahexane (flowers
6.2 and fruits 4.7 %), 1,2,4-trithiolane (flowers
1.1, fruits 1.8, and leaves 0.9 %) and 2,4-dithia-
pentane (flowers 1.1 and fruits 2.1 %). All
these biomolecules can be related to the char-
acteristic alliaceous odor of the plant, mainly
during flowering to attract specific pollinators
(Kishimoto, Maeda, Haketa, & Okubo, 2014).
When the insecticidal activity against A.
aegypti was analyzed, the values of LC
the control of A. aegypti was 0.032 mg/mL for
larvae and 0.969 mg/mL for pupae, using the
extract from G. integrifolia flower (Table 2),
whereas in the positive control (temephos) at
was 1.140 mg/mL for larvae and 443.64
mg/mL for pupae. However, the extract from
G. integrifolia flowers was 3.6 % more effec-
tive against A. aegypti larvae than the positive
control. This indicates that this crude extract
may be an alternative to be used in the con-
trol of this insect. Nevertheless, these values
are much over the values of 0.0000031 mg/
mL for temephos against Rockefeller strain
larvae cited by Jonny et al. (2015). According
to Cheng, Chang, Chang, Tsai, & Chen (2003),
compounds that presented LC
< 0.100 mg/
mL are considered active as larvicides on A.
aegypti, and highly active with LC
< 0.05
mg/mL. The crude extract of G. integrifolia
leaves showed active (LC
= 0.094 mg/mL)
on A. aegypti larvae and the crude extracts of
flowers (LC
= 0.006 mg/mL) and fruits (LC
= 0.025 mg/mL) of G. integrifolia demonstrat-
ing highly effective in controlling the larvae
of A. aegypti (Kiran, Bhavani, Devi, Rao, &
Reddy, 2006).
The lethal concentrations found for lar-
vae were lower than the ones for pupae, as
it occurred in the extract from G. integrifo-
lia fruit in which the LC
for larvae was
Fig. 5. Mass spectrum of vitamin E identified in the extract from Gallesia integrifolia flower (20.9 %) and fruit (18.0 %)
obtained by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
0.124 mg/mL, and LC
of 6.086 mg/mL for
pupae, which was 4.9 % more effective for
A. aegypti larvae than pupae. Moreover, the
extract from G. integrifolia leaves was 5 %
more effective for larvae when compared to
pupae (Table 2). The intoxication pathways of
the product are distinct for larvae and pupae
because in the pupal stage, there is no food
intake and, therefore, there is no compound
intake. However, in this stage, the compounds
can act on the cutaneous surface of the pupae
and cause death by protein denaturation, enzy-
matic inhibition, and/or disintegration of the
cell membrane (Consoli & Oliveira, 1994;
Regnault, 1997; Carvalho et al., 2003; Cavalca,
Lolis, Reis, & Nonato, 2010). In the larval
stage, the culicid is more susceptible, because,
besides the contact by the external membranes,
when ingesting food, it can intake compounds
found in the water, increasing its potential of
action (Procópio et al., 2015).
Extracts of G. integrifolia presented insec-
ticide activity for the holometabolic phase of
A. aegypti when compared to the positive con-
trol (commercial organophosphate temephos).
When analyzing LC
of A. aegypti larvae,
it was verified that the best results were for
the extract from G. integrifolia flower, fol-
lowed by the extract from fruits, and then from
leaves, that was 35.6-, 9.2-, and 4.1-fold more
effective, respectively, than the positive control
(Table 2). The greatest insecticide activity (P
0.05) was for the extract from G. integrifolia
flower with LC
of 0.032 mg/mL for larvae
and 0.969 mg/mL for pupae, which is 3.9-fold
more effective than the extract from G. integri-
folia fruit and 8.7-fold more effective than the
extract from G. integrifolia leaves for larvae.
of the crude ethanolic extract from
G. integrifolia flowers is 3.2-fold more effec-
tive to control A. aegypti larvae than Lippia
alba essential oil, 3.7-fold more effective than
Ocimum gratissimum essential oil, 4.3-fold
more than Cymbopogon citratus essential oil,
and 9-fold more effective than Eucalyptus
citriodora (current name Corymbia citriodora)
essential oil (Cavalcanti, Morais, Lima, & San-
tana, 2004; Vera et al., 2014). This indicates
the larvicide potential of the extract from G.
integrifolia flowers as a phytoinsecticide. In
addition, the extract from G. integrifolia flow-
ers has 20.2 % of sulfur compounds that can
be related to this greater insecticide activity
efficiency and the sulfur compounds were also
verified in the extract from G. integrifolia fruits
(8.5 %) and leaves (0.9 %) (Table 1).
The major biomolecules of the organosul-
furates class found in the extract from G. inte-
grifolia flower were disulfide, bis(2-sulfhydryl
ethyl) (C
) (Fig. 3), methyl (methylsul-
finyl) methyl sulfide (C
), 1,2,4-trithio-
lane (C
), and 2,4-dithiapentane (C
(Table 1) with compounds containing four,
three, or two sulfur atoms. Garlic essential
oil (Allium tuberosum and Allium sativum)
has been utilized to control insect larvae and/
or as a repellent of mosquitoes such as Aedes
spp., Anopheles spp., and Culex spp. due to the
presence of sulfur atoms in their composition
(Denloye et al., 2003; Trongtokit et al., 2005).
Liu, Liu, Zhou, & Liu (2014) observed that
Allium macrostemon essential oil with 98.1 %
of sulfur compounds presented LC
of 0.139
mg/mL and the methyl propyl disulfide isolates
had LC
of 0.151 mg/mL, whereas dimethyl
trisulfide presented LC
of 0.058 mg/mL
against Aedes albopictus. The concentrations
of the extract from G. integrifolia flowers
were 1.5-fold more efficient than A. tuberosum
essential oil and 2-fold more efficient than allyl
methyl trisulfide (C
) (Liu, Liu, Chen,
Zhou, & Liu, 2015).
Another plant with sulfur compounds in
the essential oil is Petiveria alliacea that
has 35.3 % of dibenzyl disulfide (C
(Zoghbi, Andrade, & Maia, 2002; Kerdudo et
al., 2015) and insecticide activity against A.
aegypti larvae with LC
of 0.023 mg/mL
(Hartmann, Silva, Walter, & Jeremias, 2018),
similarly to what was found in the extract from
G. integrifolia flowers (LC
of 0.036 mg/
mL). Pseudocalymma alliaceum (current name
Mansoa alliacea) presents, in the composition
of leaf essential oil, sulfur molecules such as
11.8 % diallyl sulphide (C
S), 50 % diallyl
disulphide (C
), and 10.4 % trisulfide,
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
di-2-propenyl (C
), and insecticide activ-
ity with LC
of 0.267 mg/mL and LC
of 0.547 mg/mL against C. quinquefasciatus
pupae (Echegoyen et al., 2014). This suggests
that the insecticide activity may be related to
the sulfur molecules in the chemical composi-
tion of the essential oil from these plants.
The biological activity of sulfur com-
pounds against A. aegypti is still not well
understood. However, sulfur compounds can
form disulfide bridges (covalent bonds) with
amino acids and proteins that are important
to keep the protein structure and the catalytic
functions of enzymes; however, exogenous
sulfur compounds can cause the destabilization
of protein quaternary structure and enzymatic
inactivation (Belitz, Grosch, & Schieberle,
2009; Berkmen, 2012). The greater the number
of sulfur atoms in a molecule, then the greater
the number of polysulfide bridges (-Sn-) are
present in the chemical structures of the com-
pound. Consequently, the water solubility will
be smaller, increasing the chemical affinity
of the molecule with the structure of the cell
wall and membranes, mainly consisting of
ergosterol and chitin which in microbial cells
promote the membrane rupture and cell imbal-
ance (Cahagnier, 1988; Peacock & Goosey,
1989; Levinson, 2016). This suggests that these
results can be related to the cell wall perme-
ability, physical, and chemical characteristics
of solubility, and molecular absorption in lipo-
philic and hydrophilic media, inherent to the
test in A. aegypti larvae and pupae (Benson,
2005; Brain, Green, & Apia, 2007). In addition,
Kumar (2015) reported that sulfur compounds
in A. sativum such as allicin (C
O) act
by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase enzyme up
to the concentration of 0.05 mg/mL because
they present a greater chemical affinity by
anion sites of cholinesterase (Mahfouz, Met-
calf, & Fukuto, 1969). These data corroborate
our studies because the presence of sulfur
atoms in the flower (20.2 %) and fruit (8.6 %)
extract of G. integrifolia can be related to the
best results of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme
inhibition in relation to the leaf extract (0.9
%). This indicates that the extracts from G.
integrifolia strongly inhibit the acetylcholines-
terase enzyme, mainly when correlated to the
presence of sulfur compounds. However, more
studies are necessary to identify the active
compounds with this biological activity.
The yield of crude extract from G. inte-
grifolia flowers, fruits, and leaves was 8.2,
9.1, and 17.3 %, respectively. The major com-
pounds of the ethanolic crude extract from G.
integrifolia leaves are phytol (30.9 %), lino-
lenic acid methyl ester (30.5 %), and methyl
palmitate (10.9 %), from flowers are vitamin
E (20.9 %), linolenic acid methyl ester (14 %),
disulfide, bis(2-sulfhydryl ethyl) (11.9 %), and
phytol (10.2 %), and from fruits are vitamin
E (18 %) and ethyl iso-allocholate (10.6 %).
Only extracts from fruits and flowers present a
high concentration of vitamin E whereas only
flower extract presents a high concentration
of disulfide, bis(2-sulfhydryl ethyl). There are
organosulfurates compounds such as 1,2,4-tri-
thiolane in flowers (1.1), fruits (1.8), and leaves
(0.9 %), 2,3,5-trithiahexane in flowers (6.2 %)
and fruits (4.7 %), 2,4-dithiapentane in flow-
ers (1.1 %) and fruits (2.1 %), and disulfide,
bis (2-sulfidril ethyl) in flowers (11.9 %). The
flower extract has greater larvicidal activity
on A. aegypti LC
of 0.032 mg/mL and the
smallest concentration for acetylcholinester-
ase enzyme, which is of 0.00019 mg/mL. The
flower extract is 35.6-fold more efficient for
A. aegypti larvae than the positive control, and
12.8 % more efficient for the anticholinesterase
activity test. The crude extracts from G. integ-
rifolia fruits, leaves and, mainly flowers are a
potential alternative bioinsecticides to control
A. aegypti larvae and pupae.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 153-169, March 2021
The authors thank Universidade
Paranaense, Fundação Araucária, Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Supe-
rior – Brazil (CAPES) -finance code 001-, Con-
selho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico
e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the fellowship and
financial support.
Extracto crudo del árbol tropical Gallesia inte-
grifolia (Phytolaccaceae) para el control de larvas de
Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Introducción: los
fitoinsecticidas son alternativas para el control de insec-
tos en diferentes etapas, Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.)
Harms, familia Phytolacaceae, conocida popularmente
como pau d’alho, árbol de ajo y guararema en Brasil, es
conocida por su fuerte olor aliáceo debido a la presencia
de moléculas de azufre en la planta. Esta especie presenta
actividad biológica y potencial efecto insecticida que aún
no está explotado. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue
evaluar la actividad biológica del extracto crudo etanólico
de las hojas, flores y frutos de G. integrifolia en el control
de las larvas y pupas de la tercera etapa de Aedes aegypti.
Métodos: El material botánico fue recolectado en la ciudad
de Umuarama, Paraná, Brasil (23º46’16” S & 53º19’38”
W), a una altitud de 442 m y los frutos de G. integrifolia
fueron recolectados en mayo de 2017 y las hojas y flores
en diciembre del mismo año. Los extractos crudos de hojas,
flores y frutos de G. integrifolia se prepararon por técnica
de maceración dinámica. La composición química de los
extractos se determinó por cromatografía de gases acoplada
a espectrometría de masas. La actividad insecticida de los
extractos crudos de G. integrifolia fue evaluada en larvas
y pupas de A. aegypti en concentraciones entre 0.001 a 25
000 mg/mL, y las concentraciones letales que matan 50 %
) y 99.9 % (CL
) de larvas fueron determinados
por análisis de probit. La actividad anticolinesterasa fue
evaluada por método bioautográfico en concentraciones
de 0.000095 a 50 mg/mL. Resultados: El rendimiento
de los extractos crudos de G. integrifolia fue de 8.2, 9.1
y 17.3 % para flores, frutos y hojas, respectivamente. La
composición química de los extractos de G. integrifolia
se caracterizó por la presencia de ésteres de ácidos grasos,
fitosteroles, vitaminas, diterpenos oxigenados y compues-
tos organosulfurados. El extracto de las flores presentó
alta cantidad de compuestos de azufre (20.2 %) como
disulfuro, bis(2-sulfhidril etilo) (11.9 %), 2,3,5-tritiahexano
(6.2 %), 1,2,4-tritiolano (1.1 %) y 2,4-ditiapentano (1.1
%). En relación con la actividad insecticida, el extracto de
las flores mostró una gran actividad con CL
de 0.032
mg/mL y CL
de 0.969 mg/mL en larvas y pupas de A.
aegypti, respectivamente, y la inhibición más alta de la
enzima acetilcolinesterasa (0.00019 mg/mL) ex situ. El
extracto de las flores presentó actividad anticolinesterasa
y larvicida, 12.8 y 35.6 %, respectivamente, mayor que el
control temephos. Conclusiones: Este estudio abre nuevas
perspectivas sobre el uso de extractos de G. integrifolia
como alternativa bioinsecticida para el control de larvas y
pupas de A. aegypti.
Palabras clave: anticolinesterasa; disulfuro; bis(2-sul-
fhidril etilo); pau d’alho; semioquímico; compuestos de
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