526 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
Basic ecology of ant gardens in a dry-premontane transitional forest
Ángela Marcela Barrera-Bello1,2; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2819-0259
Alba Marina Torres-González1,2*; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3010-2505
1. Universidad del Valle, Departamento de Biología, Calle 13 No. 100-00, Cali, Colombia; angela.barrera@correouni-
valle.edu.co, alba.torres@correounivalle.edu.co (Correspondence*)
2. Grupo de Investigación Ecología y Diversidad Vegetal, Universidad del Valle, Calle 13 No. 100-00, Cali, Colombia.
Received 23-III-2022. Corrected 22-VII-2022. Accepted 26-VII-2022.
Introduction:Ant gardens” are ant nests located at different heights on trees on which vascular epiphytic
plants that have been transported and sown by ants have germinated. Although this mutualistic relationship has
been studied in humid tropical ecosystems, information on other tropical and Colombian ecosystems is scarce.
Objective: To characterize the distribution, building, diversity, demography and phenology of ant gardens in
dry tropical forest.
Methods: In January and February, 2018, we identified 170 ant gardens on a 100x5 m transect on the banks
of the Quesada River, Colombia, and in adjacent secondary dry premontane transitional forest; we monitored
changes, for gardens and plants, in 28 of them, every two weeks (March 2018-February 2019).
Results: The gardens, built by Azteca ulei, were aggregated near water bodies; had 10 species of epiphytes and
were on 13 tree species. Larger gardens had more epiphyte species. Some epiphytes had a bimodal phenologi-
cal pattern. Less seedlings become established in the dry season, and less adults remain in the gardens. Garden
characteristics benefit both epiphytes and ants.
Conclusions: The gardens built by A. ulei have ecological characteristics that favor the germination, establish-
ment, and reproduction of diverse epiphytes in this dry tropical ecosystem, including aggregation near water
Key words: Azteca ulei; dry forest; epiphytes phenology; plant-animal interaction; premontane forest.
Ant gardens (AGs) are spherical carton
nests built by ants on trees; in them, the ants
deposit seeds of vascular epiphytic plants,
which subsequently germinate (Davidson,
1988). The ants provide these epiphytes with
protection against herbivory through patrol-
ling and a suitable substrate for establishment
(i.e. growth of epiphytes up to the reproduc-
tive phase) through the transport of organic
material (Kleinfeldt, 1978). In turn, the plants
offer structural support and a variety of food
resources to the ants (Madison, 1979).
AGs have been reported in humid tropi-
cal ecosystems and near water bodies (Yu,
1994). The composition of epiphytes in AGs is
influenced by ant species and AG size, among
other factors (Leal et al., 2017). AGs have high
ecological value because the mutualistic rela-
tionship allows them to hold water and nutri-
ents, harbor an associated fauna, and facilitate
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
vascular epiphytes (Céréghino et al., 2010).
However, there are still questions regarding
the natural history of AGs (Leal et al., 2017).
In addition, studies on ecosystems other than
humid tropical forests and Colombian ecosys-
tems, in general, are scarce (Bader, 1999).
Therefore, the objective of this study was
to characterize the spatial distribution, forma-
tion process, diversity, demography, and phe-
nology of AGs in a secondary dry premontane
transitional forest in Colombia.
Study site: We conduct the study in Colom-
bia, in the rural area of the municipality of Cali,
Pance jurisdiction, El Peón district, in Loma
Larga Reserve, near Farallones National Park.
The geographic coordinates are (3°19’0.7’ N
- 76°34’39’ W), with an altitude ranging from
1 100 to 1 250 m.a.s.l. The mean temperature
is 24.8 °C, as recorded at Universidad del Valle
meteorological station (IDEAM, 2018). The
mean annual rainfall is 1 997 mm, as recorded
at La Pajarera gauging station, located in Loma
Larga Reserve (L. G. Naranjo, personal com-
munication, 2019). According to the system
of Espinal (1964), the life zone is a transition
between dry forest and premontane forest. The
habitat corresponds to secondary forest patches
surrounded by ravines, scrub, and livestock
pastures (Sardi et al., 2018).
Species identification and formation
process of Ant gardens: Ants and insects
associated with Ant gardens (AGs) were col-
lected and identified at the entomology sec-
tion of Universidad del Valle using the key by
Longino (2007) and confirmed by J. Longino
(personal communication, 2018). AG epiphyte
and tree samples were collected, processed, and
identified at the CUVC Herbarium of the Uni-
versidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia).
We conducted searches for AGs during
January and February of 2018, on a transect
of 100 m long and 5 m wide, on the banks of
the Quesada River and in the forest. In this
transect, we recorded a total of 170 AGs to
calculate the density (Appendix 1). In addi-
tion, we georeferenced each AG with a Garmin
GPSMAP 60CSx GPS receiver.
We selected and marked 28 AGs of dif-
ferent sizes and heights for monitoring every
two weeks between March 2018 and February
2019. In the biweekly follow-up, we recorded
the use (i.e., presence of ants and epiphytes)
and the size of the AGs, the phenology, and the
demography of their epiphytes. Additionally,
we performed day and night observations of
AGs for 40 hours on different days to describe
ant behavior during AG formation. We priori-
tized the observation of AGs with epiphytes in
the reproductive stage. Finally, we dissected a
large AG and described its structure.
We made AG size and ant behavior obser-
vations for demography and took photographs
and videos with a Canon Powershot Sx530
Hs 50x camera. For heights greater than two
meters, we held a ruler next to the AG attached
to the tip of a rod. We used the photographs to
calculate the size of the AGs.
Spatial distribution and size of Ant gar-
dens: We established six lines 100 m long at
each side and at different distances from the
Quesada River: 0 (bank), 10, 20, 30, 40, and
50 m, for a total of 12 lines, to ensure cover-
age of all distances from the river. Within each
line, we selected at random eight points using a
table of random numbers in Excel. Surrounding
each point, we established a plot of 5 × 5 m, to
complete 16 plots for each distance from the
river and 96 plots in total (2 400 m2). In each
plot, we registered only trees with the presence
of AGs. We recorded the location, height (m),
estimated size (cm), and proximity to the river
(m) of the AGs found, as well as the epiphyte
species present in them. We used the total AGs
registered to calculate the density.
We measured the height of the AGs in
the trees using rods of known length, from the
ground to the point where the AG was located.
The size of the AGs was visually estimated and
categorized following Davidson (1988). We
established three size categories according to
diameter: small (0-19.9), medium (20-39.9),
528 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
and large ( 40 cm). We used metric tape to
measure the distance to the river. We performed
observations of AGs located more than 3 m
high with Nikon 8 × 35 binoculars.
Diversity, abundance, phenology, and
demography of epiphytes in Ant gardens:
We recorded the diversity, richness, or number
of species of epiphytes in the 28 AG selected
to follow up. For abundance, we recorded
the number of individuals of each species in
the AGs. For phenology, we established four
phenophases according to Fournier (1974):
Flower buds (Fb), flowers (Fl), immature fruits
(If), and mature fruits (Mf). In each AG, we
recorded the presence of each phenophase
for each epiphyte. For epiphyte demography,
we established three growth stages: seedling,
juvenile and adult. We recorded the number of
individuals of each epiphyte for each growth
stage in the visible half of each AG.
Data analysis: We calculated the den-
sity of AGs on the river bank using the river’s
length measured in ArcGIS® (ESRI, 2011)
and the number of recorded AGs. We evalu-
ated the distribution pattern of the AGs using
a distance-based hypothesis test, with the G
function, within the context of spatial statistics,
the methodology of spatial statistics area data
(point patterns). The G function measures the
distribution of the distances from an arbitrary
point xi to its nearest neighbor, expressed
as follows:
G(r)=(N°{ri r}) ⁄ n
Where n is the total number of AGs found;
ri is the minimum distance between an AG and
its neighbor; and r is the random variable of the
distance to the nearest AG (Bivand et al., 2013).
We tested the relationship between the
number of AGs and the distance to the water
body with a Pearson (t) correlation analysis
(Freedman et al., 2007). We used a simple
linear model (lm) to establish the relation-
ship between AG size and proximity to the
water body (lm (size ~ proximity)). Likewise,
we used a fitted linear model, using the gls
function (nlme package, weights: VarPower;
Dobson & Barnett, 2008), to establish the
relationship between AG height and proximity
to the water body (gls (height ~ proximity)).
The fitted linear model was necessary due to
the absence of normality in the height variable.
We used a simple linear model (lm) to
evaluate the relationship between AG size and
epiphyte richness. In addition, we performed
a post-ANOVA Tukey’s Test (Tukey, 1977) to
assess which garden size presented greater epi-
phyte richness. Finally, we performed analyses
of richness based on the number of adults and
juvenile individuals because these stages are
more stable in the AGs.
We performed Pearson (t) correlation anal-
ysis between AG growth and size and between
AG growth and rainfall. The growth data were
obtained by standardizing the AG size data dur-
ing the months of measurement (March-July
2018) and fitting them using functions in the
collection of the tidyverse package (Wickham
et. Al, 2019). Adjustment through tidyverse
packages allowed us to evaluate the AG growth
regardless of size. We evaluated assumptions
about the error in the adjusted models through
the Shapiro-Wilk test (Shapiro & Wilk, 1965)
for normality and the Levene’s Test (Levene,
1960) for homoscedasticity. These tests were
performed for all datasets, using a significance
level of < 0.05. For the correlation analysis
among variables, we used the cor.test function
with the Spearman (ρ) and Pearson (t) tests,
according to the normality of each pair of vari-
ables. We performed all the statistical models
and correlation analyses presented above in the
statistical software R® (R Core Team, 2013).
We used the photographs to measure
AG size and perform the demographic count
were processed in ImageJ® software (Version
1.51j8.; Rasband, 2018). We completed the
demographic count of seedlings using the cell
counter tool of this software.
We performed the phenological analysis
using the percentage of intensity of the phe-
nophase in each species. We calculated the
intensity from the number of AGs that had a
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
certain phenophase over the total AGs with
the presence of the epiphyte in the adult stage.
We compared phenological and demographic
data with rainfall using correlation analysis.
We used Spearman correlation for phenologi-
cal analyses except for Epiphyllum phyllanthus
(Pearson’s test). We performed demographic
analysis using Spearman’s correlation test. We
used the classification reported by Newstrom
et al. (1994) to describe the frequency of the
phenophases of the epiphyte species.
Species, density, and formation process
of Ant gardens: We recorded ten epiphyte
species (Table 1, Fig. 1) and 13 tree spe-
cies associated with the Ant gardens (AGs)
(Table 2). We identified the AG-forming ant as
Azteca ulei (Fig. 2). The hemipterans associ-
ated with ants in the AGs belonged to the fam-
ily Coccidae and were tended by the ants inside
channel-shaped cavities.
A summary of the natural history obser-
vations can be found in the supplementary
information (Appendix 2) and discussed in
the following section. Patrolling and foraging
were the main activities performed by A. ulei.
This ant performed patrolling on some of the
AG epiphytes (Appendix 2). During patrol-
ling, A. ulei attacked the majority of insects or
vertebrates that visited the AGs. The objects
foraged by A. ulei included various materials,
particularly seeds and pieces of fruits from
certain epiphytes in the AGs (Appendix 2). In
general, the observed AGs had active ants dur-
ing the monitored year, except for some AGs
that were abandoned.
The dissected AG was constructed from
plant material, was light brown in its inte-
rior, and contained multiple connected cavities.
Internally we observed multiple roots, pieces of
leaves, and small hollow branches that bounded
the cavities, all held together by a matrix of
apparently processed plant material. The A.
ulei from the dissected AG were polymorphic
Diversity and abundance of epiphytic plants from the ant gardens in the Loma Larga Reserve, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Ant garden size Small
(0-19.9 cm)
(20-39.9 cm)
( 40 cm)
Family Species Total
Araceae Anthurium gracile (Rudge) Schott 1,2,5 2 6 3 11
Araceae Anthurium obtusum (Engl.) Grayum 1,2,5 0 0 3 3
Araceae Philodendron barrosoanum G.S. Bunting5,6 0 0 1 1
Bromeliaceae Aechmea angustifolia Poepp. & Endl. 1,2,5 7 13 4 24
Cactaceae Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw. 1,2,4 3 13 5 21
Cactaceae Rhipsalis baccifera (Sol.) Stearn.60 1 0 1
Gesneriaceae Drymonia serrulata (Jacq.) Mart. 6,7 - - - -
Moraceae Ficus paraensis (Miq.) Miq. 1,2,4 5 11 4 20
Orchidaceae Epidendrum flexuosum G. Mey. 1,2,3 3 6 3 12
Piperaceae Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth 5,6 1 0 0 1
Reproductive status (%) 28.6 66.7 83.3
Average number of species 3.0 3.3 3.8
1. Epiphytes where Azteca ulei were observed carrying their seeds to the ant garden.
2. Epiphytes in which Azteca ulei patrolled seedlings and reproductive adults, epiphytes.
3. Found only in ant gardens.
4. Found rarely outside of ant gardens (usually near them).
5. Found inside and outside of ant gardens.
6. Recorded only once in ant gardens.
7. D. serrulata was not found in monitored ant gardens, but it was found in the initial census.
530 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
Fig. 1. Epiphytic plants of the Azteca ulei ant gardens in the Loma Larga Reserve, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. a) Anthurium
gracile, b) Anthurium obtusum, c) Drymonia serrulata, d) Epidendrum flexuosum, e) Epiphyllum phyllanthus, f) Ficus
paraensis, g) Philodendron barrosoanum (Photo: J.M. Ruiz), h) Peperomia rotundifolia, i) Rhipsalis baccifera, j) Aechmea
angustifolia. Photos: Á. Barrera.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
Fig. 2. Individuals of Azteca ulei collected in ant gardens. a.) Pupa, b.) General view of worker, c.) Winged male, d.) Frontal
view of worker’s head. Photos: V. Sarria.
Diversity, abundance and proportion of trees from the ant gardens in the Loma Larga Reserve, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Family Species Abundance (n) Proportion (%)
Araliaceae Dendropanax cf. arboreus (L.) Decne. & Planch. 1 3.6
Erythroxilaceae Erythroxylum citrifolium A. St.-Hil. 1 3.6
Fabaceae Inga cf. ornata Kunth 2 7.1
Fabaceae Calliandra pittieri Standl. 5 17.9
Lauraceae Cinnamomum triplinerve (Ruiz & Pav.) Kosterm. 3 10.7
Melastomataceae Henriettea seemannii (Naudin) L.O. Williams 3 10.7
Melastomataceae Miconia matthaei Naudin 3 10.7
Meliaceae Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer 1 3.6
Meliaceae Trichilia pallida Sw. 2 7.1
Moraceae Ficus paraensis (Miq.) Miq. 2 7.1
Myrtaceae Eugenia cf. egensis DC. 3 10.7
Myrtaceae Myrcia cf. popayanensis Hieron. 1 3.6
Myrtaceae Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston 1 3.6
532 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
workers, winged males, and pupae (Fig. 2). We
did not found queens.
Spatial distribution and size of Ant gar-
dens: The AG density was 65/ha (1/154 m2) in
the plots and 1/10 m along the river. Within the
study site, the distribution of AGs presented an
aggregate pattern, such that 32 % of AGs (n
= 170) were recorded in groups of two to five
AGs in the same tree. Regarding vertical distri-
bution, AGs were found at ground level (fallen)
up to 15 m, with a mean height of 5 m.
The number of AGs increased signifi-
cantly near the river (t = -3.9907, P = 0.0162)
and was almost zero 20 m from the riverbank
(Fig. 3). However, we did not find a relation-
ship between AG height and proximity to the
river (gls, P = 0.5791) or between AG size and
proximity to the river (lm, P = 0.5018).
The AGs had a mean diameter of 30.1
cm, ranging from 4-61.6 cm. We did not find
a trend for AG growth, nor was there varia-
tion in the growth of AGs of different sizes (t
= -0.5182, P = 0.5549). Moreover, AG growth
was not dependent on rainfall.
Diversity, abundance, phenology, and
demography of epiphytes in Ant gardens:
Epiphyte richness in AGs consisted of ten
species and was higher in large AGs (lm, P =
0.0110). The abundance of these epiphytes and
their restriction to the AGs are shown in Table
1. Differences were found between the richness
of large and small AGs (Tukey, P = 0.037) and
between small and medium AGs (Tukey, P =
0.030). On average, we recorded three species
of epiphytes in each AG, with variations in AG
size (Table 1). The richness of trees was 13
species; their abundances are shown in Table 2.
Among the observed AGs, 60 % had
epiphytes with some reproductive phenophase
during the year of study and had diameters
between 21.5 and 62 cm. In addition, we regis-
tered reproductive phenophases in 83 % of the
large AGs, 87 % of the medium AGs, and none
of the small AGs during the studied year.
Aechmea angustifolia and Epidendrum
flexuosum had a sub-annual (bimodal) pheno-
logical pattern for most of its phenophases (Fig.
4A, Fig. 4B). For both species, we observed
an increase in the intensity of the flower bud
and flower phenophases in the dry season. The
flower bud and flower phenophases showed a
significant and negative relationship with the
cumulative rainfall for two, three, and four
weeks before the event for both species (Spear-
man correlation). The mature fruit phenophase
increased in the rainy season in both species,
with a significant positive relationship between
this phenophase and cumulative rainfall four
Fig. 3. Number of Azteca ulei ant gardens found at different distances from the Quesada River, in the Loma Larga Reserve,
Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Vertical lines = ± S.D.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
months before the event only for E. flexuosum.
For Anthurium gracile (Fig. 4C), the pattern of
phenophases was the same as A. angustifolia
and E. flexuosum, with no correlation between
the phenophases and rainfall. Anthurium obtu-
sum did not show a trend in its phenophases
(Fig. 4D), and Epiphyllum phyllanthus showed
a continuous pattern in its phenophases (Fig.
4E), without any correlation between the phe-
nophases and rainfall.
The proportion of the epiphyte growth
stages varied according to AG size, and there
was also a variation in the number of individuals
at each stage during the count months. Only the
seedlings had a positive correlation with rain-
fall (ρ = 0,6914; P = 0,0064), where the number
of individuals was reduced in the dry season.
The population size of the epiphytes of
AGs also varied during the count months (Fig.
5). A. obtusum, E. flexuosum, and A. gracile
had smaller populations (< 100 individuals),
while E. phyllanthus, A. angustifolia, and Ficus
paraensis had larger population sizes (160-753
individuals). F. paraensis was the only species
with a positive relationship with rainfall (ρ =
0.5859, P = 0.0226).
Fig. 4. Phenology of epiphytic plants from ant gardens growing in the Loma Larga Reserve, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. A.
Aechmea angustifolia (n = 16). B. Epidendrum flexuosum (n = 9). C. Anthurium gracile (n = 5). D. Anthurium obtusum
(n=3). E. Epiphyllum phyllanthus (n = 18). Blue bars ( ) represent precipitation (mm); dotted line ( ) represents flower
buds; dashed line ( ) represents flowers; open squares line ( ) represents immature fruits; closed squares line ( )
represents mature fruits.
534 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
Species and formation process of Ant
gardens: The morphological characteristics
of the ants in the Ant gardens (AGs) resemble
those of Azteca gnava from Costa Rica and A.
ulei from Brazil. We chose A. ulei because it is
the oldest name (Longino, personal communi-
cation, 2018). Furthermore, there are no known
differences between A. gnava and A. ulei, sug-
gesting that they are closely related, are the
same species, or perhaps are a species complex
(Longino, 2007; Ward, 2019).
The Coccidae found in the Loma Larga
AGs are phloem-sucking insects associated
with AGs (Youngsteadt et al., 2008) and with
ants of the genus Azteca (Catling, 1997) and
serve as a food source for the ants (Way, 1963).
In this regard, Weissflog et al., (2017) suggest
that the feeding of Coccidae on the host plant
phloem is a mechanism that has a nutritional
function and provides moisture to the AG.
The care of hemipterans on E. flexuosum
by A. ulei could be related to the restricted
occurrence of this epiphyte in AGs and could
compromise the condition of this epiphyte
(Kaufmann, 2002). However, we did not record
plants of E. flexuosum in poor condition.
A. gracile, E. flexuosum, E. phyllanthus, P.
rotundifolia and F. paraensis were reported as
epiphytes of AGs in previous studies (David-
son, 1988; Morales-Linares et al., 2017; Orivel
& Leroy, 2010). However, the identification of
A. angustifolia and A. obtusum as epiphytes of
neotropical AGs is novel.
As in other ant species that build AGs
(Kleinfeldt, 1978; Vantaux et al., 2007), patrol-
ling and foraging are performed throughout the
day by A. ulei. The foraging performed by AG
ants such as A. ulei includes the lodging of par-
ticles in the walls of the internal cavities of the
AGs, which enriches the substrate (Weissflog et
al., 2017). The patrolling carried out by A. ulei
safeguards the food and structural resources
offered by the plants. Among the frequent
epiphytes in AGs, A. angustifolia, A. gracile,
A. obtusum, E. flexuosum, E. phyllanthus,
and F. paraensis provided structural and food
rewards for A. ulei, which corroborates their
contribution to the mutualistic relationship and
have been reported previously (Catling, 1995;
Davidson, 1988; Davidson & Epstein, 1989).
Fig. 5. Population size changes of epiphytes found in Azteca ulei´s ant gardens, during March 2018 to February 2019, in
the Loma Larga Reserve, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Closed squares line ( ) represents Aechmea angustifolia; dotted
line ( ) represents Anthurium gracile, black rhombuses line ( ) represents Anthurium obtusum; black triangles line
() represents Epidendrum flexuosum; double continuous line ( ) represents Epiphyllum phyllanthus; dashed line
() represents Ficus paraensis. Blue bars ( ) represent precipitation (mm).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
We explain the presence of the orchid
E. flexuosum in AGs by the active transport
of their tiny seeds (5-9.5 mm), which they
carry, held on their mandibles, one by one, as
observed in this study and by Morales-Linares
et al., (2018). These findings are evidence
against other hypotheses for the presence of
orchids in AGs by mechanisms such as wind
dispersal (Catling, 1995) or by the opportu-
nistic establishment of AGs around orchids
(Kaufmann et al., 2001).
The observation of the growth stages of F.
paraensis in the AGs shows that this hemiepi-
phyte, in addition to providing food via its
fruits (Yu, 1994), offers two types of structural
support for AGs. First, in the juvenile stage, F.
paraensis generates roots that support the AG;
then, in the adult stage, it develops adventi-
tious roots in the fork of its branches that
create spaces conducive to the accumulation
of detritus by the ants, which allows the forma-
tion of AGs (Bain et al., 2014). Consequently,
the F. paraensis individuals sown by the ants
increase the space for the A. ulei colony to
build new AGs.
The abandonment by the ants of certain
AGs with big plants showed the AG allows the
maintenance of the substrate and prevents the
plants from dehydrating. Schmit-Neuerburg
& Blüthgen (2007) observed that ants con-
stantly repair the substrate and incorporate
new materials.
Spatial distribution and size of Ant gar-
dens: The AGs of the studied dry premontane
transitional forest showed an aggregated distri-
bution pattern, which coincides with the poly-
domy of A. gnava colonies (Longino, 2007).
This aggregated distribution pattern could also
be explained by the abundance of AGs in the
riparian habitat. The abundance of AGs in these
open habitats could be due to a greater supply
of resources and moisture (Yu, 1994). However,
the vicinity to the river of AGs did not mean an
increase in the size of the gardens. The size of
AGs in this study was similar to that reported
for AGs of A. gnava in other ecosystems (> 60
cm) (Longino, 2007; Morales-Linares et al.,
2017). We suggest that the ants’ behavior deter-
mines the size of AGs and not the microhabitat.
Diversity, abundance, phenology, and
demography of epiphytes in Ant gardens:
The diversity of epiphytes in the dry forest is
lower than in other ecosystems due to the water
stress experienced by these plants (Gentry &
Dodson, 1987; Werner & Gradstein, 2009).
This pattern is consistent with the richness
of ten epiphytes found in the AGs compared
with that involving up to 26 epiphytes in
AGs of A. cf. gnava in humid tropical forests
(Morales-Linares et al., 2016; Morales-Linares
et al., 2017).
Nevertheless, the mean diversity of three
epiphytes per AG was similar to that found
by Morales-Linares et al., (2016), along with
a pattern of greater richness in larger AGs
(Catling, 1997; Morales-Linares et al., 2017).
This positive relationship between richness and
size can be understood through island bioge-
ography theory (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967),
where a larger area provides greater possibili-
ties of colonization by epiphytes.
A. angustifolia and E. phyllanthus were
the most frequent epiphytes in AGs, possibly
due to their adaptations to water stress (Benz-
ing, 1990; Kaufman, 2002). Despite not having
evident anatomical or metabolic adaptations
against desiccation, F. paraensis was also very
common in AGs, which shows that the mutual-
istic interaction with A. ulei could be protecting
it against seedlings desiccation (Schmit-Neuer-
burg & Blüthgen, 2007), in addition to the high
number of its seeds that were observed germi-
nating in the AGs.
Regarding the trees, arboreal ants are more
abundant in trees with a capacity to host hemip-
terans or those that have extrafloral nectaries
(Blüthgen et al., 2000; Morales-Linares et al.,
2016). However, Calliandra pittieri was the
most frequent tree species for AGs despite not
having these characteristics. Therefore, the fre-
quency of AGs in C. pittieri may be because it
is one of the most abundant trees in this forest
(Sardi et al., 2018) and not a possible prefer-
ence by A. ulei.
536 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
The AGs allowed the establishment of
adult epiphytes in reproductive status, where
the bimodal sub-annual phenological pattern
was the most common (i.e., A. angustifolia,
A. gracile, E. flexuosum). The flowering peaks
in the dry season and fruiting peaks during
the rainy season registered for these species
is a frequent pattern in tropical forest plants
(Sahagun-Godinez, 1996). This pattern can be
explained by proximate causes, which correlate
with environmental phenomena (Van Schaik
et al., 1993; Williams-Linera & Meave, 2002).
The flowering of A. angustifolia, A. grac-
ile, and E. flexuosum in the dry season could
be due to endogenous factors such as the water
state of the plant, which in turn responds to
the seasonal availability of water in the envi-
ronment. In this case, these epiphytes have
organs or mechanisms to accumulate moisture;
therefore, they can trigger flowering in the dry
season by collecting water during the rainy sea-
son (Borchert, 1994). In turn, fruit production
in the rainy season is common in tropical dry
forests (Levey, 1988). Therefore, it could have
as a proximate cause the high water demand
required by fleshy fruits (e.g., A. angustifolia,
A. gracile) for their development and turgor
(Lieberman, 1982).
E. phyllanthus was the only epiphyte with
a continuous phenological pattern. The succu-
lence of its leaves likely allows it to retain water
at a level where its reproductive phenophases
are independent of rainfall.
Aridity is the most significant physical
threat to seedlings because they dehydrate
more quickly than at more advanced growth
stages due to their higher surface/volume ratio
and smaller size (Benzing, 1990). The number
of seedlings established during the dry sea-
son decreases, and it marks the limit of the
number of adult individuals that remain in the
AGs of A. ulei.
Similar to seedling survival, the variation
in the population sizes of the epiphytes could
be related to the presence of adaptive, mor-
phological, and metabolic strategies against
desiccation, which includes their occurrence
in AGs. For this reason, all epiphytes, except
F. paraensis, showed a demographic pattern
independent of rainfall because they have these
strategies. However, the high number of F.
paraensis individuals that germinate during the
rainy season could compensate for the intense
pressure imposed by the dry season on the
growth of these seedlings and, again, explain
why F. paraensis is one of the most frequent
epiphytes in AGs.
In conclusion, the mutualism between A.
ulei and the epiphyte species growing in their
AGs is partially influenced by the seasonal-
ity of an ecosystem with dry forest elements.
Nevertheless, the information on the spatial
distribution, the formation process of AGs,
diversity, phenological and demographic pat-
terns indicate that AGs built by A. ulei are
favorable microhabitats for epiphytes germina-
tion, establishment, and reproduction in this
dry premontane transitional forest.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We thank the Ecological Committee of
Loma Larga Reserve for allowing us to conduct
the study at this site. We also thank D. Ramírez,
E. López, M. Zuluaga, G. Vargas, V. Sarria, J.
Giraldo, W. Wallens, A. Ramírez, J. Sarmiento,
C. Castaño, M. Erazo, G. Torres, N. and E.
Wheelwright for participating in the fieldwork.
Special thanks to G. Corredor, J. M. Ruiz, D.
Ruiz, J. Montaño, A. Betancourt, P. Silverstone,
N. Wheelwright, A. Zuluaga, and G. Kattan
for data analysis support and the continuous
feedback; to L.G. Naranjo for supplying the
rainfall data; to A. Betancourt and J. Longino
for the identification of the entomological
material. We thank Universidad del Valle for
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
the translation support through native English-
speaking editors at AJE.
Ecología básica de jardines de hormigas en un bosque
transicional seco-premontano
Introducción: Los “jardines de hormigas” son nidos de
hormigas en árboles, que se localizan a diferentes alturas,
sobre los que germinan plantas epífitas vasculares que han
sido transportadas y sembradas previamente por hormigas.
Aunque esta relación mutualista ha sido estudiada en
ecosistemas húmedos tropicales, la información en otros
ecosistemas tropicales y en Colombia, es escasa.
Objetivo: Caracterizar la distribución, construcción, diver-
sidad, demografía y fenología de los hormigueros en bos-
que tropical seco.
Métodos: En enero y febrero de 2018, identificamos 170
hormigueros en un transecto de 100x5 m a orillas del río
Quesada, Colombia, y en el bosque secundario premontano
seco de transición adyacente; monitoreamos cambios, para
jardines y plantas, en 28 de ellos, cada dos semanas (marzo
2018-febrero 2019).
Resultados: Los jardines, construidos por Azteca ulei, se
agregaron cerca de cuerpos de agua; tenían 10 especies de
epífitas y estaban sobre 13 especies arbóreas. Los jardines
más grandes tenían más especies epífitas. Algunas epífitas
tuvieron un patrón fenológico bimodal. Se establecen
menos plántulas en la estación seca y quedan menos adul-
tos en los jardines. Las características del jardín benefician
tanto a las epífitas como a las hormigas.
Conclusiones: Los jardines construidos por A. ulei tienen
características ecológicas que favorecen la germinación,
establecimiento y reproducción de diversas epífitas en este
ecosistema tropical seco, incluyendo la agregación cerca
de cursos de agua.
Palabras clave: Azteca ulei; bosque seco; fenología de
epífitas; interacción planta-animal; bosque premontano.
Study area in the Loma Larga Reserve, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. The blue line corresponds to the
La Quesada River, the red dots to the ant gardens and the blue box to the sampling plot.
538 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 526-540, Enero-Diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 03, 2022)
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Behavior and main activities of Azteca ulei recorded during observation periods in the ant gardens
(AG) growing in the Loma Larga Reserve, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Observed feature Description
Tending of coccids Generally, individuals of A. ulei tended the coccids inside cavities built on branches of
shrubs near the ant garden or the tree of the ant garden. In cleaning the coccids, the ants
constantly moved their antennae over them. We frequently observed that those ants that
emerged from the cavities had more bulging and transparent abdomens.
Accumulation of debris on
Epidendrum flexuosum
We observed accumulation of debris by individuals of A. ulei. These ants formed similar
structures to coccidian cavities, but in this case, on stems and sutures of Epidendrum flexuo-
sum fruits. However, we did not observe coccidians inside. The height of AG did not allow
a detailed observation. The AG that was more easily observable, the accumulation of debris
did not yet form these cavities.
Patrolling Individuals of A. ulei performed continuous movements, although they also remained
motionless, on leaf blades, flower buds, flowers, and fruits of epiphytes. The density of ant
individuals or their greater patrolling did not seem to be determined by the epiphyte species
but by the growth stage to which it belonged. We observed greater patrolling in seedlings
and adults with flowers or fruits.
Patrolling Insect attack (e.g. Salticidae spiders, Camponotus ants).
Patrolling Individuals of Azteca ulei climbed on the paws and beaks of birds (e.g. Catharus ustulatus,
Manacus vitellinus, and Tolmomyias sulphurescens) when they were attacking ant gardens.
Patrolling In contrast to the continuous attack, we recorded other species of ants (Pseudomyrmex
or Crematogaster) on immature fruits of E. flexusosum. These ants were not attacked by
Azteca ulei or by spiders that wove their webs a few inches from the ant garden.
Foraging We observed the ants carried dry plant material outside and fresh material inside the AG.
The dry plant material was fragments of stems, leaves, and the fresh plant material was flow-
ers, fruits, and seeds of epiphytes. Also, the ants moved exoskeletons (e.g. exuvia, wings,
legs, whole bodies of insects) and feathers, to the interior of the AG.
Debris accumulation and
abandonment of ant gardens
In some small ant gardens, the accumulation of debris on the surface was noticeable.
However, these smaller gardens also lost substrate after heavy rain or were abandoned by
the ants. At the end of the observations, the abandoned ant gardens showed a decrease in
seedlings and substrate.
Abandonment of ant gardens A large ant garden remained ant-free during the monitoring year but had adult epiphytes
of E. phyllanthus, on which the bird Forpus conspicillatus foraged on the immature fruits
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