Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 170-180, March 2021
Urbanization, habitat extension and spatial pattern,
threaten a Costa Rican endemic bird
Pablo Muñoz
*, Adrián García-Rodríguez
& Luis Sandoval
1. Laboratorio de Ecología Urbana y Comunicación Animal, Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro,
San José, Costa Rica, 11501-2060; pablomgl94@gmail.com, biosandoval@gmail.com
2. Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología, UNAM, AP 70-153, Ciudad Universitaria, CP 04510, Ciudad de
México, México; garciar.adrian@gmail.com
* Correspondence
Received 07-V-2020. Corrected 29-X-2020. Accepted 11-XI-2020.
ABSTRACT. Introduction: Migration of people from rural environments to cities has accelerated urbanization
and modified the landscape as well as the ecological processes and communities in these areas. The Costa Rican
endemic Cabanis´s Ground-Sparrow (Melozone cabanisi) is a species of limited distribution restricted to the
“Gran Area Metropolitana”, which is the biggest urban settlement of the country. This area has experimented
and still experiment an ongoing fragmentation and loss of habitat used by this species (coffee plantations, shrubs,
and thickets). Objective: To determine the effects of urbanization on habitat abundance and spatial pattern for
the occurrence of Melozone cabanisi. Methods: We modeled the area of potentially suitable habitat for this spe-
cies in Costa Rica using occurrence and bioclimatic data. Then, we estimated the actual suitable habitat using
land cover type layers. Finally, we analyzed the connectivity among the actual suitable habitat patches using
single-patch and multi-patch approaches. Results: From the area of potentially suitable habitat estimated by the
bioclimatic model, 74 % were urban areas that are unsuitable for Melozone cabanisi. The largest suitable patches
within urban areas were coffee plantations; which also were crucial for maintaining connectivity between habitat
patches along the species’ range. Conclusions: To preserve and protect the Melozone cabanisi, these areas must
be taken into consideration by decision-makers in the present and future management plans. We recommend
avoiding change shrubs and thickets to urban cover to preserve the occurrence of Melozone cabanisi, and imple-
ment a program for the payment of environmental services to landholders, supported by the local governments,
to protect those habitats in urban contexts.
Key words: coffee plantations; habitat loss; habitat connectivity; keyplayer; landscape ecology; maxent;
Melozone cabaninisi.
Urban areas are expanding and currently
support more than 50 % of the world’s popula-
tion leading to the transformation of natural and
rural environments into urban centers (Mont-
gomery, 2008; Aronson, Handel, La Puma,
& Clemants, 2015). Urbanization alters the
composition of biological communities and the
ecological relationships among their species
(Marzluff, 2017). Urban gradients often lead to
gains and losses of non-native and native spe-
cies, respectively (Lindenmayer, Cunningham,
Donnelly, Nix, & Lindenmayer, 2002; Lewis et
al., 2015). While the relative number of these
gains and losses across the gradient varies by
location (Blair, 1996), diversity is always low-
est in the urban core (Marzluff, 2001). Invasive
Muñoz, P., García-Rodríguez, A., & Sandoval, L. (2021). Urbanization, habitat extension
and spatial pattern, threaten a Costa Rican endemic bird. Revista de Biología
Tropical, 69(1), 170-180. DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.41742
ISSN Printed: 0034-7744 ISSN digital: 2215-2075
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.41742
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 170-180, March 2021
species tend to be less affected by urbanization
due to their capacity to adapt to and use the
new habitats created (Lindenmayer et al., 2002;
Lewis et al., 2015). In contrast, species that
decrease in abundance or disappear are usu-
ally those that inhabit on the natural vegetation
before urbanization (Marzluff, 2001).
Habitat fragmentation is a process that
turns large and continuous habitats into smaller
patches with a different pattern from the origi-
nal and separated by others habitat types (Fah-
rig, 2003). Habitat fragmentation and habitat
loss can be considered independent process
(Fahrig, 2003), but in urbanization context is
difficult to separate their effects, as both happen
simultaneously (Hadley & Betts, 2016). Habi-
tat fragmentation may increase endogamy by
restricting gene flow among populations (Tem-
pleton, Shaw, Routman, & Davis, 1990; Jump
& Peñuelas, 2006), limit dispersion (Hanski
& Ovaskainen, 2000), and disrupt conspecific
attraction (Fletcher, 2009). Therefore, increases
in the probability of extinction of native spe-
cies are expected in highly fragmented habitats
(Jump & Peñuelas, 2006; Fletcher et al., 2018).
We used as a model species the recently
recognized Costa Rican endemic Cabanis’s
Ground-Sparrow (Melozone cabanisi, Passer-
ellidae) because is one of the species that may
be most affected by urbanization, due to its
reduced distribution in Costa Rica (Sandoval,
Bitton, Doucet, & Mennill, 2014; Sandoval,
Epperly, Klicka, & Mennill, 2017). Because
of that reason is classified by the government
of Costa Rica, after an expert evaluation, as
Critically Endangered (SINAC, 2017), con-
trary to the wrong UICN classification of Least
Concern justified in a suspected population
increase associated with an increase on habitat
result of the degradation of natural habitats
(BirdLife International, 2019. This species
originally inhabited areas with a native scrub
community, thickets, and young secondary
growth, near riversides or in forest gaps of the
Central Valley and Turrialba Valley (Sandoval
et al., 2014). Nevertheless, after habitat altera-
tions caused by agricultural expansion in both
regions, this species adapted to live in coffee,
sugar cane, squash plantations, and non-native
shrubs and thickets (Stiles & Skutch 1989;
Sandoval et al., 2014). Currently these habi-
tats are urban or industrial areas that contrary
to UICN information (BirdLife International
2019), its habitats are decreasing and fragment-
ing (Sánchez, Criado, Sánchez, & Sandoval,
2009; Biamonte, Sandoval, Chacón, & Bar-
rantes, 2011). This because those habitats are
not protected by any law and the majority of
habitats (if not all) occur outside of protected
areas (Sandoval et al., 2019). However, beyond
this information, nothing is known about the
current distribution of this species and their
populations related to the available habitat and
land cover types within their range.
Considering these knowledge gaps regard-
ing the current distribution and habitat avail-
ability for this species, here we aim to (1)
create an ecological niche model (ENM) to
determine the area of potentially suitable habi-
tat (sites of major bioclimatic suitability) for
the Melozone cabanisi, (2) estimate the current
suitable habitat area, and (3) analyze connec-
tivity among the current suitable habitat patch-
es for the study species. We proposed these
three objectives in order to assess the effect of
habitat quantity, quality, and spatial pattern on
Melozone cabanisi occurrence.
We developed an ecological niche model
(ENM) to predict the area of potentially suit-
able habitat of the Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow
in Costa Rica using the Maximum Entro-
py Algorithm (MaxEnt). This is a presence-
background method that correlates incomplete
information from occurrences and bioclimatic
predictors to establish suitable areas for a
given species (Elith et al., 2011). MaxEnt
quantifies the statistical relations between the
predictor variables associated with occurrence
points (precipitation of the driest month and
isothermality) and the background of the study
area (Muscarella et al., 2014). Then we identi-
fied the actual suitable area near the urban
centers by comparing the potentially suitable
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 170-180, March 2021
areas with a land cover map, after a model
selection process.
Occurrence Data: We obtained the occur-
rence data for Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow from
three different sources: personal observations,
observations from colleagues, and occurrenc-
es available from eBird (www.ebird.org) and
the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
(www.gbif.org). From these three sources, we
gathered all the data occurrences with available
coordinates from 1817 (oldest) to 2015. In total
we gathered 472 occurrences that were filtered
to 37 occurrences and then used to build the
models. The reduction to 37 occurrences was
expected because Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow
is a species of limited distribution and also, we
reviewed the data set by projecting all the com-
piled records with available coordinates onto
a map, discarded spatial outliers derived from
erroneous coordinate assignation or species
misidentification and occurrences closer to 1
km from each other to avoid pseudoreplication.
By the time this species was not recognized
as a separate one from Prevost´s Ground-
Sparrow (Melozone biarcuata), we selected
the occurrences from Prevost´s that were from
Costa Rica which corresponded exclusively to
Cabanis´s Ground-Sparrow.
Bioclimatic Predictors: We used as
predictor variables the 19 bioclimatic layers
available at www.worldclim.org at a 1 km
resolution (Hijmans, Cameron, Parra, Jones,
& Jarvis, 2005). This standard set of variables
are interpolations derived from global weather
stations mostly for the period between 1950
and 2000 based on precipitation and tempera-
ture and represent annual trends, seasonality
and extreme of limiting environmental factors
(Hijmans et al., 2005). Since our objective was
to create a predictive model, rather than an
explanatory model (Araújo & Guisan, 2006),
we used the entire set of bioclimatic variables
to run the models. MaxEnt works under a
machine learning approach (Olden, Lawler, &
Poff, 2008), meaning that the algorithm itself
can discriminate and assign the contribution
of each predictor variable used to generate the
models (Elith et al., 2011). To mitigate overfit-
ting models to the occurrence points (Merow,
Smith, & Silander, 2013), we delimited the
calibration area of the models using only the
bioclimatic information within 25 km radius
around each occurrence point.
Model Parametrization and Evaluation:
We generated the models using the pack-
age “dismo” (Hijmans, Phillips, Leathwick, &
Elith, 2016) after a tuning process conducted
with the package “ENMeval” (Muscarella et
al., 2014), in R 3.3.1. For model calibration, we
generated 80 tuned candidate models by vary-
ing two parameters: feature classes (FC) and
regularization multiplier values (RM, Merow
et al., 2013). The FC corresponds to differ-
ent transformations of the predictor variables,
which allows different fits of the observed data
(Elith et al., 2011). The RM values limit model
complexity by penalizing each additional term
included in the models in order to prevent
overfitting (Radosavljevic & Anderson, 2014).
We set the RM values from 0.5 to 4.0 at
0.5 increments and used 10 FC combinations
(FC = “L”,”Q”,”H”, “P”,”T”, “LQ”, “LQHP”,
“LQH”, “LHP”, and “LQHPT”; where L = lin-
ear, Q = quadratic, H = hinge, P = product and T
= threshold). We set 10 000 background points
for the evaluation of the models and used the
block method for data partitioning which splits
the data into four bins based on the latitude and
longitude lines that creates subsets of equal
numbers of localities, both occurrences and
background points (Muscarella et al., 2014).
We partitioned data to have testing and train-
ing bins for building the models (Muscarella et
al., 2014). We chose the block method because
it was the method that separates the localities
most equally from all the partition methods
and this is advantageous because the amount of
data used for testing the model is similar to the
data used for training.
We used the mean omission rate and the
area under the response curve (AUC) as met-
rics to select the best-fitted model (Muscarella
et al., 2014). Then we projected the selected
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 170-180, March 2021
model (potentially suitable area) to the rest
of the country and superposed it with a land
cover type layer of Costa Rica’s Gran Área
Metropolitana (GAM) updated to 2005. This
land cover type layer despite being rather old,
reflected useful present day situation of habitat
availability, because by that time the major
changes in land use were already done (Morera,
Romero, & Sandoval, 2013). We consider that
the changes that may have happened between
2005 and 2020 are not significant to our pur-
poses which are to do a primary assessment of
Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow with the available
data, prior to propose directed field research.
We did this to determine which areas, from
the potentially suitable area, correspond to the
actual suitable area. This layer was developed
by the Regional and Urban Planification Pro-
gram of the GAM, for the years 1986, 1996
and 2005, and spans 3.8 % of the total exten-
sion of Costa Rica with a classification based
on 17 different types of land cover (PRUGAM,
2005). Based on the existing knowledge of
the species’ natural history (Stiles & Skutch,
1989), we considered as remnants of habitat the
areas classified as shrubs, thickets, and planta-
tions (coffee, squash, cane sugar). For this, we
binarized the best-fitted model into suitable and
non-suitable areas using the minimum training
presence threshold, which assumes as suitable
all cells with probability values above the mini-
mum assigned to any of the points used to train
the model (0 % omission rate; Muscarella et al.,
2014; Radosavljevic & Anderson, 2014).
Connectivity Analyses of the Actual
Suitable Area: We used Patch Analyst exten-
sion for ArcGIS 10 to obtain descriptors of
different patches including: surface indices,
number of fragments, mean size of fragments,
standard deviation of mean fragment size, total
edge length, landscape edge density, and mean
edge per patch. These metrics were related
to all the patches in the matrix (Paudel &
Yuan, 2012). We used these metrics to analyze
the patch dynamics in terms of fragmenta-
tion, configuration, distribution, and edges of
habitat sites for Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow.
We compared the changes through three time
periods using the GAM land cover type layers
for the years 1986, 1996 and 2005 (PRUGAM,
2005; Morera et al., 2013) to analyze if a ten-
dency exists in changes in the patch metrics
according to patch-type.
We decided to run both single and multi-
patch connectivity analyses because the former
considers the area of each patch, but focused
on each patch individually; while the latter con-
sider groups of patches as a whole, but do not
consider the area of the patches, and because
both are based on graph theory (Pereira, Saura,
& Jordán, 2017). We calculated the probability
of connectivity (dPC) for each patch in the
suitable habitat matrix for Cabanis’s Ground-
Sparrow based on a single-patch approach
using Conefor sensinode 2.6 (Saura & Torné,
2009). We focused on the dPC
, which is one
of the three fractions that composed the dPC
index, because it indicates the patches that act
as important stepping stones between the other
patches and is also closer and more comparable
to pure centrality metrics as those implemented
in the “keyplayer” package (Pereira et al.,
2017). The dPC
considers the topological
position of each patch in the matrix and the
area of the patches that they connect with, done
by removal experiments (Pereira et al., 2017).
We conducted a connectivity analysis
based on a multi-patch approach using the R
package “keyplayer” (An & Liu, 2016). For the
selection of the key sets of patches, we focused
on two of the eight centrality metrics imple-
mented in the package. We used fragmenta-
tion centrality and m-reach-closeness centrality
due to its ecologically applicable output sets
as proposed before (Pereira & Jordán, 2017;
Pereira et al., 2017). Fragmentation centrality
key sets are obtained by calculating the degree
of fragmentation (connectivity lost respect to
the overall connectivity) after the removal of a
patch or a group of patches from the network
(An & Liu, 2016; Pereira & Jordán, 2017). The
m-reach-closeness centrality metric measures
to what extent a patch or group of patches are
connected to the rest of the intact network (An
& Liu, 2016; Pereira & Jordán, 2017). For
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 170-180, March 2021
each centrality metric, we ran 10 iterations
to increase the chance of finding the global
optimum that is the best group of patches, of
a given size, among all possible combinations
in the patch matrix (Pereira & Jordán, 2017)
and chose the key set with the highest central-
ity score. These two analyses require the natal
dispersal distance of the study species as an
input to determine the connectivity among the
matrix, therefore we used a maximum natal
dispersal distance of 1 500 m reported for
the Rufous-Crowned Sparrow (Aimophila rufi-
ceps; Greenwood & Harvey, 1982). The closest
relative species (Sandoval et al., 2017), for
which natal dispersal information is available.
Model Parametrization and Evalua-
tion: We obtained 80 candidate ENM’s based
on different parameterizations to predict the
area of Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow’ potentially
suitable habitat. The best-fitted model (mean
omission rate = 0.03; AUC = 0.70) was the one
using a regularization multiplier of 3.5 and a
threshold feature class (Fig. 1). We determined
that only 49 037.4 ha correspond to the actual
suitable habitat for Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow
based on the occurrence of coffee plantations,
shrubs, and thickets (Fig. 2A).
Connectivity Analyses of the Actual
Suitable Area: A total of 1 206 (41 837.2 ha)
patches of coffee plantations and 717 (7 200.2
ha) patches of shrubs and thickets were ana-
lyzed. From those, the ten biggest patches for
each land cover category represented 74.3 and
36.3 % respectively. The biggest patches of
coffee plantations were located from Carrizal
to Sarchí in the province of Alajuela in the
Northwest side of the GAM, but the biggest
patches of shrubs and thickets are near San
Rafael of Escazú in San José province and
Paraíso in Cartago province towards the South
and Southeast of the area.
Fig. 1. Binarized projection of the best-fitted ecological niche model prediction out of 80 candidate models for the Melozone
cabanisi (Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow) and georeferenced points along the GAM.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 170-180, March 2021
The patch indices for the shrubs, thick-
ets, and coffee plantation (Table 1) indicated
that both surface areas (+16.16 %) and frag-
ment numbers (+17.7 %) increased from 1986
to 2005. However, the mean fragment size,
standard deviation, and the amount of edge
per patch decreased (1.30, 30.52, and 4.14 %
respectively). On the other hand, the amount of
edge relative to the landscape increased (11.35
%; Table 1). In summary, the area covered by
shrubs, thickets, and coffee fields increased in
general. Nevertheless, if the coffee plantations
are excluded, these indices show that the shrubs
and thickets decreased in size (from 1996 to
2005), and the bigger patches that existed in the
past suffered fragmentation producing a larger
amount of edge length per patch (EP, Table 1).
The 10 best patches for Cabanis’s Ground-
Sparrow that serve as steppingstones for the
overall connectivity according to the single-
patch analysis were located in the Northwest-
ern part of the matrix and four were amongst
the largest in all matrix (Fig. 2B). Nonetheless,
the best patch according to dPC
(Fig. 2B)
was medium-sized and located at Center-North
of the matrix. The multi-patch analyses of the
Fig. 2. A. Actual suitable habitat patches of coffee plantations, shrubs, and thickets for Melozone cabanisi (Cabanis’s
Ground-Sparrow). B. Important steppingstone patches for Cabanis´s Ground-Sparrow connectivity according to the single-
patch analysis located towards the center of the matrix. Multi-patch analysis results; C. Corridor like set of suitable habitat
patches arrangement in terms of reachability, and D. Clustered set of suitable habitat patches in terms of fragmentation for
Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow. E. Complementary suitable area patches selected by more than one analysis for the species.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 170-180, March 2021
suitable habitat network showed that 10 most
important patches, in terms of reachability (Fig.
2C; KPr = 0.93), were more dispersed in the
network forming a corridor-like arrange. This
group of patches has different areas, ranging
from 7.2 ha to over 22 000 ha. Two of these
patches also coincided with the single-patch
results, the largest ones in the area. On the other
hand, the set of 10 most important patches
determined by fragmentation centrality (Fig.
2D; KPf = 0.85) were more grouped at the
center of the matrix near the periphery of urban
settlements of Northern Heredia and Alajuela
provinces and eastern San José province. In this
group, two of the patches were also selected as
the largest in the matrix by both single-patch
and multi-patch reachability analysis. Seven
of selected patches in fragmentation centrality
analysis were shared also in the results of the
reachability centrality analysis, corroborating
their importance to the overall patch matrix
connectivity (Fig. 2E).
Our model showed that the area of poten-
tially suitable habitat for Cabanis’s Ground-
Sparrow occured within the largest urban area
in Costa Rica. Historically, this region has
been the area with the highest urban and indus-
trial development in the country (Herrera et
al., 2014). The expansion has occurred from
city centers of San José, Alajuela, Heredia,
and Cartago provinces towards the periphery
forming a growth ring that reaches localities at
10 to 15 km from the urban center (PRUGAM,
2005). Currently, according to a study of Costa
Rica’s land cover type change (PRUGAM,
2005), coffee plantations, shrubs, and thickets
are the habitats that suffered a major decline in
the last 25 years, this was has been also docu-
mented in the change of the number of patches,
surface area, patch size (for coffee plantations),
and landscape edge density from 1996 to 2005
(Biamonte, Sandoval, Chacón, & Barrantes,
2011). Species with small distribution ranges
and low abundances, as the study species,
tend to be more threatened by the reduction
and fragmentation of the habitats inside urban
areas, than those with large distributions and
high abundances (Manne & Pimm, 2001).
Shrubs and thickets habitats where Cabanis’s
Ground-Sparrow occurred, are abundant dur-
ing the early urban development as we found
(Table 1), and are rarely included in manage-
ment plans (Sandoval et al., 2019). There-
fore, these habitats alongside the urban areas
will end eliminated or altered more quickly
(Askins, 2001), which is what happened from
1996 to 2005 (Table 1). These results support
the suggestions that the habitat for this species
is decreasing (Sánchez et al., 2009; Sandoval et
al., 2014) contrary to the information published
for UICN (BirdLife International, 2019).
Patch analysis indices for the patches of suitable habitat inside the “Gran Área Metropolitana”
Shrubs and thickets Coffee plantations Total
1986 1996 2005 1986 1996 2005 1986 1996 2005
S (ha) 3 882 24 516 8 993 43 494 48 331 46 042 47 377 72 847 55 035
P 743 2 668 922 1183 858 1 345 1 926 3 526 2267
PS (ha) 5 9 10 37 56 34 25 21 24
SDP (ha) 8 38 38 959 1 122 677 752 555 523
PP (m) 994 908 4 405 926 1 839 889 4 132 061 5 018 115 3 944 993 5 126 969 9 424 041 5 784 882
ED (m/ha) 4.7 20.6 8.6 19.3 23.5 18.5 24.0 44.1 27.1
EP (m/patch) 1 339 1 651 1 996 3 493 5 849 2 933 2 662 2 673 2 552
S = Surface area, P = Number of patches, PS = Mean patch size, SDP = Standard deviation of the mean patch size, PP =
Total edge perimeter, ED = Landscape edge density and EP = Mean edge per patch.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 170-180, March 2021
According to the three complementary
patch analysis, the two patches that were cru-
cial for maintain the connectivity of Cabanis’s
Ground-Sparrow habitats were coffee planta-
tions at Northwestern portion of the urban
area. This highlighting the important role of
such type of land cover as stepping stones for
conservation of this ground-sparrow. The main
problem that may arise with the destruction
of these habitats is a significant loss of bio-
diversity. This area is heavily urbanized and
some of the few adequate areas for maintaining
biodiversity are coffee plantations, shrubs, and
thickets. Moreover, a decrease in the overall
connectivity within the natural habitat matrix
may occur, and this will affect the remnant
routes of passage for several other taxa (Per-
fecto, Rice, Greenberg, & Van der Voort, 1996;
Harvey et al., 2008). Even though the Cabanis´s
Ground-Sparrow can occur in either shaded or
not shaded coffee plantations, but the shaded
ones are always better for the overall mainte-
nance of biodiversity (Perfecto et al., 1996).
Their relative importance relies not on just in
the amount of surface area they cover but in
their particular location; the most important
coffee plantations occur in heavily deforested
areas, where are used as wintering grounds
for migratory birds or source of resources
in drought periods for resident species (Per-
fecto et al., 1996; Bakermans, Rodewald,
Vitz, & Rengifo, 2012; Biamonte et al., 2011;
Sandoval et al., 2019). Therefore, protect these
areas used by Cabanis´s Ground-Sparrow will
benefit also the migratory species and several
other resident species that use it.
The other patches could serve as second-
ary connectivity routes to maintain the indi-
viduals’ flow between patches. These patches
were considered secondary because they were
either part of both groups of patches from
the fragmentation and reachability analyses,
but not the largest in area, or the biggest
shrubs and thickets which are restricted to
the eastern (Paraíso, Cartago province) and
Southern (Escazú, San José province). These
patches connect the remnant habitat at East and
Southeast, with the biggest patches located at
Northwestern distribution. Although we were
conservative in using a distance of dispersal
of 1 500 m in the multi-patch analysis our
results showed the relative importance of these
patches for ground-sparrow movements. How-
ever, their higher levels of isolation, smaller
area compared to coffee plantations, and the
fact that they do not generate direct incomes
from economic activities, as coffee does, make
them more prone to disappear (Sandoval et
al., 2019). Moreover, most of the shrubs and
thickets were separated from the coffee planta-
tions by a complete urbanized area. Therefore,
we also suggest studying the dispersal ecology
of the Cabanis´s Ground-Sparrow, not only
to improve future connectivity analyses but
to delimitate with more accuracy the priority
areas for this species.
Our study points out the most impor-
tant patches of coffee plantations, shrubs, and
thickets inside the Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow
distribution for its conservation. These findings
may be used to study and preserve other resi-
dent and migratory bird species that use those
patches such as warblers, flycatchers, orioles,
or tanagers (Perfecto et al., 1996), including the
threatened Golden-winged Warblers (Vermi-
vora chrysoptera) and Olive-sided Flycatcher
(Contopus cooperi). These habitat remnants
support not only the persistence and survival of
the endemic Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrows, but
are also a refuge for several other taxa that are
restricted to this type of habitats such as other
88 bird, 27 butterfly, and 10 mammal species in
Costa Rica (Sandoval et al., 2019).
Cabanis´s Ground-Sparrow is only one of
many species potentially threatened by urban-
ization and habitat loss in Costa Rica. This
also demonstrates that our knowledge about
endemic species and their population dynam-
ics in urban centers is still vague, especially
in the neotropics. However, this study shows
that initiatives about the conservation of this
species or any other can help to direct and pri-
oritize the areas of action, which is especially
crucial in the dynamic and chaotic environ-
ments that characterize urban centers. We hold
that it is strictly necessary to expand the view
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 170-180, March 2021
of conservation policies and include the impor-
tant role of coffee plantations, shrubs, and
thickets in the urban matrix for several taxa,
as demonstrated here with Cabanis’s Ground-
Sparrow. We propose to declare the detected
areas as conservation priorities due to their
vital importance for the species survival in this
urban context. Among the actions necessary
to guarantee the conservation of these areas
we suggest the following: avoid changing the
land cover type through the implementation
of pertinent land cover policies that mitigate
their fragmentation; implement a program,
supported by the local governments, for the
payment of environmental services or reducing
tax payments as an incentive to land owners,
apply for reforestation programs to enhance
connectivity among the rest of the matrix, and
foment the protection of areas in successional
states by their controlled management. We sug-
gest that UICN need to re-evaluate Cabanis’s
Ground-Sparrow classification based on this
information about habitat availability and frag-
mentation, and previous publications (Sánchez
et al., 2009; Biamonte et al., 2011; Sandoval
et al., 2014). Finally, our analyses on potential
species distribution, patches importance, and
connectivity between patches is a tool that
will help to detect which habitats within heav-
ily urbanized areas are the most important to
ensure different species conservation.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We thank J. Pereira for her useful sugges-
tions and advice on building the distance matrix
used in the multi-patch analysis. We thank M.
Picon and J.P. Hidalgo for language help
provided in the last stages of the manuscript.
We also thank researchers, bird observers and
all the people that submit their observations to
online platforms and make them accessible.
This work was supported by grant number
B9-123 of Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Uni-
versidad de Costa Rica to LS; AGR was sup-
ported by DGAPA Postdoctoral Fellowship at
Instituto de Biología, UNAM.
Urbanización, cantidad de hábitat y distribución
espacial, amenazan un ave endémica de Costa Rica.
Introducción: La migración desde ambientes rurales hacia
las ciudades ha incrementado la urbanización. Esto ha
modificado el paisaje, así como los procesos ecológicos y
comunidades dentro de estas áreas. El Cuatro-ojos de Jupa-
roja (Melozone cabanisi) es una especie distribuida princi-
palmente al interior del asentamiento urbano más grande
de Costa Rica. Hasta el presente esta área sigue experi-
mentando fragmentación y pérdida del hábitat utilizado por
esta especie (plantaciones de café, charrales y tacotales).
Objetivo: Determinar los efectos de la urbanización sobre
la cantidad de hábitat y su distribución espacial, basada en
datos de presencia para M. cabanisi. Métodos: Modela-
mos el hábitat potencialmente adecuado para M. cabanisi
utilizando datos bioclimáticos y de presencia. Luego esti-
mamos el hábitat real utilizando el hábitat potencialmente
adecuado y las capas de cobertura del suelo. Finalmente
analizamos la conectividad entre los parches de hábitat real
utilizando un enfoque multi y mono-parche. Resultados:
Del área del hábitat potencialmente adecuado estimada
por el modelo bioclimático, 74 % fueron áreas urbanas,
lo que consideramos es un porcentaje inadecuado para M.
cabanisi. Los parches más grandes de hábitat real dentro de
las áreas urbanas fueron plantaciones de café, que a su vez
fueron cruciales para mantener la conectividad entre los
parches a lo largo del rango de distribución de la especie.
Conclusiones: Para conservar y proteger a M. cabanisi,
los tomadores de decisiones deben tener en cuenta los
charrales, tacotales y cafetales dentro de la distribución de
las especies en los planes de gestión presentes y futuros,
evitando su cambio a coberturas urbanas.
Palabras clave: plantación de café; pérdida de hábitat;
conectividad de hábitat; keyplayer; eología del paisaje;
Maxent; Melozone cabanisi.
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