Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
Low cytotoxicity, and antiproliferative activity on cancer cells,
of the plant Senna alata (Fabaceae)
Amir Modarresi Chahardehi
, Hasni Arsad
, Noor Zafirah Ismail
& Vuanghao Lim
1. Integrative Medicine Cluster, Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 13200, Bertam,
Penang, Malaysia; amirmch@gmail.com, hasniarsad@usm.my, piecesnzi@gmail.com, vlim@usm.my
Received 04-VI-2020. Corrected 23-XI-2020. Accepted 14-XII-2020.
ABSTRACT. Introduction: The leaves of Senna alata from the Fabaceae family have been used in folk
medicine for the cure of skin disease. In this study, we tested the extract and fractions on brine shrimp lethal-
ity test and antiproliferative activity on cancer and normal cell lines. Objective: In this study, we assessed the
cytotoxicity of S. alata using brine shrimp test and two cell lines. Methods: The 80 % ethanolic leaf extract
and its fractions were examined for possible cytotoxic effect using sulforhodamine B (SRB) cytotoxicity assay
towards breast cancer (MCF-7), normal (MCF10A) cell lines, and brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT). Results:
The brine shrimp lethality bioassay exhibits no cytotoxicity even at high concentration (5 000 µg/mL). The LC
for dichloromethane, chloroform, butanol, and aqueous were > 1 000 µg/mL (non-toxic). The IC
for in vitro
SRB cytotoxicity against MCF-7 for n-hexane was 0.013 µg/mL, which was considered highly toxic, while
dichloromethane and chloroform recorded at 47.11 and 57.61 µg/mL, respectively after 72 hours exposure time
although there was no cytotoxicity found on the normal cell line. Conclusion: This study shows that S. alata
crude ethanolic leaf extract and its fractions potentially contain significant bioactive compounds that are safe
from adverse effects, which proves the therapeutic application of S. alata in traditional remedy.
Key words: cytotoxicity; brine shrimp; Senna alata; breast cancer.
Natural products have been recognized as
the source of medicinal substances and struc-
tural sustainability for several years (Beutler,
2019). The natural resources of medicinal
plants are precious phytochemicals that are
often employed for the treatment of different
diseases (Al-Ansari et al., 2019), especially for
cancer treatment. Plants as natural resources
are used for several years provide poten-
tial chemical therapeutics in cancer treatment
and interest in nature (Akindele et al., 2015).
Hence, phytochemicals cover a wide range
of chemical spaces for the discovery of drugs
(Mohanraj et al., 2018). Phytochemicals have
various pharmacology mechanisms, including
stimulating enzymes such as glutathione trans-
ferase or preventing cell proliferation (Shareef,
Ashraf, & Sarfraz, 2016).
Over a million women with breast can-
cer are identified per year around the globe
(Shareef et. al., 2016); therefore, breast cancer
has been the second most common cause of
death for women (Azamjah, Soltan-Zadeh, &
Zayeri, 2019; Levitsky & Dembitsky, 2014).
Since mammography is not available for rou-
tine screening, late stages of breast cancer are
usually investigated (Shareef et al., 2016). The
function of flavonoids in cancer prevention
has been documented (Elsyana, Bintang, &
Priosoeryanto, 2016). Their ability and healing
Modarresi Chahardehi, A., Arsad, H., Zafirah Ismail, N., & Lim, V. (2021). Low
cytotoxicity, and antiproliferative activity on cancer cells, of the plant Senna alata
(Fabaceae). Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(1), 317-330. DOI 10.15517/rbt.
ISSN Printed: 0034-7744 ISSN digital: 2215-2075
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.42144
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
potential have been separately documented
worldwide, indicating that plants could become
a prospective source of new medicines (Idris,
Wintola, & Afolayan, 2019).
Cassia alata L. (also recognized as Senna
alata) is a shrub that belongs to the Fabaceae
family (sub-family Caesalpinioideae), which
is distributed in the intertropical region (Saito
et al., 2012). This plant is popularly known as
the candle bush and also ringworm tree due
to its folk medicine, which is referenced in
the complete flower head (Hennebelle, Weni-
ger, Joseph, Sahpaz, & Bailleul, 2009). It is
originally from Central America, primarily
found in the Caribbean region, and has also
been spread to several tropical climates on all
continents (Hennebelle et al., 2009). Senna
alata has been utilized primarily for traditional
medicine against skin infection, and constipa-
tion (Elsyana et al., 2016; Hennebelle et al.,
2009) and lately has been suggested for the
cosmetic industry as a natural product (Elsyana
et al., 2016). Extracts of S. alata are consid-
ered to possess antibacterial activity; however,
some other antibacterial effects such as preven-
tion bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation
besides specific compounds and mechanisms
of action are not discovered properly (Saito
et al., 2012). This plant possesses potential
insecticidal, fungicidal (Iyengar, Rama, & Rao,
1995; Palanichamy & Nagarajan, 1990), anti-
inflammatory (Abatan, 1990), antimicrobial
(Ibrahim & Osman, 1995; Khan, Kihara, &
Omoloso, 2001), wound healing (Palanichamy,
Bhaskar, Bakthavathsalam, & Nagarajan, 1991)
and antitumor activity (Olarte, Herrera, Villase-
nor, & Jacinto, 2013; Pamulaparthi & Nanna,
2015; Karchesy, Kelsey, Constantine, & Karch-
esy, 2016). S. alata leaf extract is traditionally
used for treating any type of diseases (Olarte
et al., 2013), which is rich in polyphenols and
anthraquinones (Fernand et al., 2008). The
extensive use of S. alata has been encouraged
to look for its pharmaceutically significant
compounds in traditional medicine in several
research studies (Saito et al., 2012). Tradition-
ally, this plant used for treatment of cancer in
Cameroon (mostly breast cancer) (Tene, Tala,
Tatong, & Tchuente, 2017). Research on plant
chemistry showed that the leaves of S. alata
include saponins, anthraquinones, tannins,
terpenes, alkaloids, and steroids (Prasenjit,
Tanaya, Sumanta, Basudeb, & Kumar, 2016).
This significant worldwide herbal medicine has
been used historically as an anti-helminthic,
anti-inflammatory, uterus illness (Heyde, 1990)
and bacterial infection (Igoli, Igwue, & Igoli,
2004; Panda, Padhi, & Mohanty, 2011; Prom-
gool, Pancharoen, & Deachatai, 2014; Prasenjit
et al., 2016).
Meyer et al. (1982) identified the brine
shrimp lethality bioassay (BSLA) as a par-
ticular test that was able to detect screening the
range of crude plant extracts in herbal medicine
for cytotoxicity in a simple, quick and exten-
sive bioassay for bioactive compounds of natu-
ral product (Meyer et al., 1982; Karchesy et al.,
2016; Henry, 2017). The brine shrimp lethality
test (BSLT) is the primary anticancer test pro-
cess (Prasetyo, Sidharta, Hartini, & Mursyanti,
2019). However, there is a significant correla-
tion between BSLT toxicity and cytotoxicity
in certain cell lines, but this approach is not
unique to anticancer activity (Asnaashari et al.,
2017). The previous result showed that LC
value on brine shrimp larvae for ethanol extract
of S. alata was 7.7 µg/mL (Logarto, Silva,
Guerra, & Iglesias, 2001). The previous study
showed that ethanol extract brought more reli-
able activity than other extracts (Panda et al.,
2011). In recent years, GC-MC has developed
as a primary technical tool for the secondary
profiling of metabolites in both plant and non-
plant organisms (Kanthal, Dey, Satyavathi,
& Bhojaraju, 2014). Thus, the aim of analys-
ing 80 % ethanolic extract of this study was,
therefore, to detect potential chemicals and to
separate the compounds and to identify them
by GC-MS application (Kanthal et al., 2014).
Also, the ethanolic extract of S. alata can cause
significant toxic effects on rats due to the pres-
ence of some compounds like emodin, aloe-
emodin, kaempferol and rhein (Yagi, Tigani, &
Adam, 1998). Fernand and colleagues assessed
the range of phenolic compounds for S. alata
between 81.2 to 106.0 % (Fernand et al., 2008).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
Therefore, the present study focused on the
antioxidant, antiproliferative, and cytotoxicity
induced by extract/fractions in breast cancer
(MCF-7) cells and normal human mammary
epithelial (MCF10A) cells.
Plant materials: The leaves of S. alata
were obtained from Penang Golf Resort
(5°31’13.8” N & 100°26’35.4” E) in Bertam
(North of Penang State) in November 2019.
The plant was identified by a botanist, and a
voucher specimen kept at the Herbarium Unit,
School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Penang Island, Malaysia.
Extraction Procedure: The leaves (3 Kg)
of S. alata were thoroughly washed with double
distilled water, dried at room temperature, and
pulverized using a mechanical blender (Retsch,
ZM200, Germany) at Cluster of Integrative
Medicine Laboratory, Advanced Medical and
Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Then the powder plants weighed 100 g in each
Erlenmeyer flask. Each flask was macerated
with hydroalcoholic (80 % ethanol) containing
400 mL of solvent. Maceration was done for
three days with mechanical stirring (Bioteck,
Elx808) with a constant speed of 150 rpm. The
solvent changed daily with a new hydroalco-
holic solvent, and residues were macerated in
the respective solvent for the next day to reach
exhaustive extraction (up to 3 days). After
maceration, filtration was performed using
Whatman filter paper (150 mm). The rotavapor
(Eyela, Japan) was used to concentrate the total
filtrate of alcoholic extract to dryness. The
concentrated extract was removed from the
round bottom flask into a weighed small glass
bottle as crude 80 % ethanolic extract. This
crude extract was then fractioned by liquid-
liquid extraction using separation funnel and
resulted in n-hexane, dichloromethane, chloro-
form, butanol, and aqueous fractions. Vacuum
evaporator was used to evaporate each of the
extract and fractions. The concentrated extracts
were frozen at -2 °C until further application.
The yield of each extract was measured and
kept until further use. Fifty milligrams of dried
samples from maceration, including crude 80
% ethanol extract, n-hexane, dichloromethane
(DCM), chloroform, butanol and aqueous were
dissolved with 100 % DMSO in 1 mL tube,
then sonicated to dissolve the dried samples.
ABTS scavenging activity: The antioxi-
dant activity of various concentration (10,
5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, 1563, 0.078 mg/mL) of
S. alata 80 % ethanol extract and Trolox was
determined by using ABTS assay. ABTS free
radical scavenging was carried out as previous-
ly explained (Re et al., 1999). Firstly, the stock
solutions of 7 mM ABTS solution and 2.45
mM of potassium persulfate solution was pre-
pared and combined to make the working solu-
tion ABTS
at an 8:12 (v/v) ratio. Then was
maintained in the dark at room temperature for
16 to 18 h. The solution was then blended by
mixing 4.0-4.5 mL ABTS radical solution with
250 mL distilled water to give an absorbance
of 0.70 ± 0.02 at 734 nm. Next, 100 µL extract
(0.078 to 10 mg/mL) in absolute ethanol was
applied to 180 µL of ABTS
working reagent
in a 96-well plate. At room temperature, for 45
minutes the 96-well plate was incubated, and
the absorbance was recorded at 734 nm. Tripli-
cate tests have been performed. The scavenging
capacity was analyzed as a scavenging activity.
Scavenging activity (%)
The percentage of ABTS extract scaveng-
ing activity was compared with the percentage
of Trolox. A graph of percent inhibition against
concentration was used to establish IC
Gas chromatographic-mass spectrom-
etry (GC-MS) analysis for crude extract:
Elmer Clarus Mass Spectrometer together with
the Agilent Gas Chromatography (Santa Clara,
CA, U.S.A.) was performed for GC-MS to ana-
lyze the 80 % ethanol extract. A 10 µL syringe
was used to inject one microliter (1 µL) into
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
the chromatogram system. The Helium gas
transported the analyte in the column at a flow
rate of 1.2 mL/min. During the examination, a
split ratio of 5:1 was performed. Temperature
of the injector has been scheduled at 220 °C.
The analytes are extracted from capillary col-
umn model Agilent 19091S-433 with HP-5MS,
0.25 mm × 30 m × 0.25 film width. Initially the
temperature of the oven had been adjusted at 70
°C for 2.00 min, heating up to 280 °C at 10 °C/
min. It took 32.5 min overall. The energy used
for ionisation was 60.922eV. Mass measure-
ment was conducted at 300 °C. Identification
of compounds was achieved by contrasting the
mess spectra with the MS library.
Brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT): The
cytotoxicity activity of extract and fractions
was used using BSLT method. This test was
performed following the mentioned protocol
by Meyer et al. (1982) and McLaughlin, Rog-
ers, & Anderson (1998) with a bit modifica-
tion. The larvae of brine shrimp were used as
research specimen. Cysts were put and hatched
at room temperature for 48 hours with a con-
tinuous supply of oxygen, and there is a lamp
above the tank’s open side which attracts the
hatched shrimps near the wall of the tank, and
then incubate for 25-27 °C. The shrimp became
matured as nauplii after 48 hours and ready for
the experiment. The artificial seawater has been
prepared to produce a 38 g/L concentration
by dissolving the sea salt, then the unwanted
particles were extracted to eliminate them. The
number of dead and surviving brine shrimp
nauplii was calculated in every well after 6
and 24 hours of incubation under light. Potas-
sium dichromate was dissolved in artificial
seawater as a positive control, functioned like
a positive control between 0.01 to 3.00 µg/mL
concentrations. Larvae from the first day were
transferred to the 24-well plates (10 per each
well). All the extract and fractions dissolved in
saline water and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
As a negative control, a saline media contain-
ing DMSO (1 %) were used. Ten nauplii are
counted under a dissecting microscope (Meiji
Techno, 10X) and then transferred with the aid
of Pasteur pipette to each well; for each well a
volume of 2 mL has been retained in order to
achieve the required concentration for extract.
The experiment performed nine concentration
of samples (5000, 2500, 1250, 625, 312, 156,
78.1, 39.06, 19.50 µg/mL). Each concentration
was conducted in three replicates. When larvae
did not show any motion for 10 seconds of
monitoring, they were supposedly dead (Meyer
et al., 1982). Samples of LC
(lethal concen-
tration 50 %) higher than 1000 µg/mL is found
to be toxic to brine shrimp. The surviving
larvae were recorded after 6 and 24 hours of
sample exposure. Statistical analysis was used
to determine the mortality rate and the lethal
concentrations of S. alata extract resulting to
50 % mortality of the brine shrimp (LC
Mortality rate (%)
Cytotoxicity using Sulforhodamine B
(SRB) assay: Sulphorhodamine B (SRB) assay
has been used to determine the cytotoxicity
activity of S. alata extracts using breast car-
cinoma cell line (MCF-7) and normal human
mammary epithelial cells (MCF10A) from
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC,
Manassas, VA, USA). MCF-7 and MCF10A
cell lines were cultured in RPMI 1640 and
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM)
medium, respectively, containing 10 % (v/v)
fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1 % (v/v) peni-
cillin-streptomycin (PS) (Invitrogen Co., Carls-
bad, CA, USA). Briefly, 1×10
cells/well of
MCF-7 and MCF10A were separately seeded
in 96-well plates in a triplicate row and loaded
100 µL culture medium (RPMI 1640 and
DMEM, for MCF-7 and MCF10A cell lines,
respectively). Microplates were incubated at 37
°C, 5 % CO
, 95 % air, and humidity about 100
%. On the following day, the cells were treated
with seven concentrations of extracts (0, 9.38,
18.75, 37.50, 75.00, 150.00, and 300.00 µg/mL)
for 24, 48, and 72 hrs. Following these hours,
the plate containing extract concentration was
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
incubated, and finally, the test ended by adding
cold TCA. 50 µL of cold 30 % (w/v) TCA (at
final concentration, 10 % TCA) was applied for
in-situ cell fixation with incubation at 4 °C for
30 minutes. Then, the supernatant solution has
been discarded, microplates were rinsed with
tap water five times and kept for air-dried. Sul-
forhodamine B (SRB) (50 µL) at 0.4 % (w/v)
in 1 % acetic acid was loaded and incubated for
30 minutes at room temperature. Once staining
is finished, loose dyes have been retrieved, and
the remaining dyes have been removed using
five times washing with 1 % acetic acid. After
the plates were air-dried at room temperature,
and then bounded stain with a 10 mM Tris base.
The optical density (OD) of the plate wells
has been measured with a microplate reader
(Biotek, Elx808) at 570 nm, and the data were
held. The percentage survival (viability) of
treated cells over the control cells ×100 (T/C)
was calculated as cell viability.
% Cell viability
A linear regression of absorbance against
the examined concentrations was calculated
the concentration at which cell proliferation is
inhibited by 50 % (IC
Cell imaging: The high-resolution cell
microscopes were demonstrated after 72 hours
of incubation of cancer cell line and 24 hours
for normal cell line, capturing and tracking
images using an inverted phase-contrast micro-
scope (Olympus, CKX41) of each concentra-
tion for clearly visible cell viability and cell
morphology evaluation.
Statistical analysis: Statistical analysis
was performed using GraphPad Prism Ver.8
(GraphPad Software, 1996). The means of
three replicates are shown in all analytical data
(mean ± standard deviation). P ≤ 0.05 was con-
sidered statistically significant.
The residue of the plant was then extracted
with n-hexane, dichloromethane (DCM), chlo-
roform, butanol and water (aqueous) subse-
quently in the same way to give 80 % EtOH
(10.9 %, yield: 43.9 g), n-hexane (0.22 %,
yield: 0.89 g), DCM (0.05 %, yield: 0.18 g),
chloroform (0.02 %, yield: 0.09 g), butanol
(0.13 %, yield: 0.51 g) and aqueous (0.16 %,
yield: 0.65 g) for using 400 g powder leaves
of S. alata. This study demonstrates that the
ABTS assay IC
values of Trolox as positive
control and 80 % ethanol extract were 0.092
± 0.02 and 5.59 ± 1.50 mg/mL, respectively
(Table 1).
The findings of the GC-MS study of
Senna alata ethanolic extract contribute to
many compounds being identified. The mass
spectrometry attached to the GC classifies
these substances. The GC-MS spectrum and the
potential cytotoxicity of 80 % ethanol extract
(crude extract) to evaluate the biomass chemi-
cal groups revealed the existence of various
compounds with different retention time, as
shown in Fig. 1 and Table 2.
The big fragments of the compound into
small compounds lead to peaks with varying
ratios of m/z. These mass spectra are the com-
pound fingerprint detectable in the data library.
In this analysis, the formula and struc-
ture of 20 biomolecules can be predicted.
Further study can proceed to the isolation
of bioactive compounds, and their structural
clarification and evaluation and screening of
pharmaceutical activity will be useful for fur-
ther drug research. GC-MS investigated ste-
roids (ɣ-sitosterol), linear alkanes (undecane,
octadecane, eicosane), esters (ethylparaben,
Antioxidant activity of 80 % ethanolic extract
of S. alata using ABTS assay
ABTS (Radical scavenging assay) mg/mL
80 % Ethanol extract Trolox
value 5.59 ± 1.50 0.092 ± 0.02
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
benzoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester,
hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester), tocopherol
(vitamin E and β-tocopherol) as well as fatty
acid such as n-hexadecanoic acid and octadeca-
noic acid in the 80 % EtOH extract.
Only two hours after an interaction with
the higher potassium dichromate concentration,
there was a fatal effect in the brine shrimp.
The LC
value for potassium dichromate was
43.76 μg/mL for the corresponding regression
line and showed toxic signs (LC
the brine shrimp was less than 1 000 µg/mL).
Due to high toxicity on A. salina cysts, potas-
sium dichromate has shown limited hatching
success. The median lethal concentration of
the brine shrimp lethality assay (LC
) for
Senna alata leaf extract/fractions are shown
in Table 3.
Fig. 1. GC-MC chromatogram of 80 % ethanolic extract of Senna alata.
Compound investigated in the 80 % ethanol extract of Senna alata in GC-MS
RT Name of compound
weight (g/mol)
5.32 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6,-triamine C
126.11 80 Cyanamide
5.59 Undecane C
156.31 94 Alkane
7.73 Phenol,2-propyl- C
O 136.19 87 Phenylpropanes
8.52 Cycloheptasiloxane, tetradecamethyl- C
519.07 91 Cyclomethicone
8.72 Ethylparaben C
152.15 93 Ester
8.79 Benzoic acid, 4-ethoxy, ethyl ester C11H14O3 194.23 87 Ester
9.00 Beta-D-Glucopyranoside, methyl C
194.18 80 Glucoside
10.43 Cyclononasiloxane, octadecamethyl- C18H54O9Si9 667.40 91 Polysiloxane
10.96 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester C
270.45 93 Ester
11.11 n-Hexadecanoic acid C
256.42 97 Saturated fatty acid
11.28 Hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester C
284.47 93 Ester
11.88 Phytol C
O 296.50 90 Alcohol
12.00 9,12,5-octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester C
292.50 83 Ester
12.06 Octadecanoic acid C
284.48 95 Saturated fatty acid
16.76 Octadecane C
254.50 96 Alkane
16.77 Eicosane C
282.50 98 Alkane
19.04 Beta-tocophenol C
416.70 83 Tocopherol
19.50 Eicosane C
282.50 91 Alkane
20.44 Vitamin E C
430.71 97 Tocopherol
24.62 Gamma.sitosterol C
432.70 98 Steroid
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
Of the six extracts tested, 2 exhibited no
toxicity to the brine shrimps. These included 80
% ethanolic crude extract and n-hexane frac-
tion, in which no mortality was observed dur-
ing screening. Dichloromethane, chloroform,
butanol, and aqueous fractions showed an LC
value higher than 1 000 µg/mL. There was no
cytotoxic effect on any of the concentrations of
the candle bush 80 % ethanol extract and hex-
ane fraction using the BSLT method and, brine
shrimp were still moved vigorously. However,
the other four extracts showed practically non-
toxic (LC
> 1 000 µg/mL) to brine shrimps.
These extracts were aqueous, dichloromethane,
chloroform, and butanol with LC
between 1 034-2 428 µg/mL (after 24 hrs).
Cytotoxicity activity of various extracts
of Senna alata on brine shrimp
6 hrs
24 hrs
80 % EtOH (Crude extract) ND ND
Hexane ND ND
Dichloromethane ND 1 432
Chloroform 2 520 1 214
Butanol 1 447 1 034
Aqueous 5 053 2 428
ND = not determined; LD
value for potassium dichromate
was 43.76 µg/mL.
Note: The brine shrimp mortality percentage were
measured as mean ± SD.
In the present study, the cytotoxic effect
) of the crude ethanol and fractioned
extracts (hexane, dichloromethane, chloroform,
butanol and aqueous) were identified on one
human cancer cells (MCF-7) and one normal
non-cancer cells (MCF10A) using the SRB
assay. 80 % EtOH extract did not show toxicity
on both cell lines (Fig. 2A). Hexane fraction
of S. alata exhibited an excellent inhibition
towards MCF-7 cells with IC
of 0.013 µg/mL
at 72 h, in comparison to IC
values of 48 h
(Fig. 2B). It is interesting to note that this frac-
tion did not show cytotoxicity against MCF-7
cells at 24 hours. Others, such as dichlorometh-
ane and butanol against MCF-7 cell line after
72 hours with IC
values of 47.11 and 57.61
µg/mL, respectively, have been shown to have
significant cytotoxic activity (Table 2; Fig. 2B,
Fig. 2C, Fig. 2E). Generally, the 80 % EtOH,
chloroform, and aqueous exhibited weaker
cytotoxicity profile against the MCF-7 cell line
> 100 µg/mL). The viability of untreated
control cells corresponds to 100 % because all
extracts had no cytotoxic effect on the normal
cell, though we did not analyze the selectivity
index (SI). Although, most importantly, all the
extracts did not show the cytotoxic effect on
MCF10A as normal human mammary epithe-
lial cells. In addition, IC
values were deter-
mined for SRB assay, extracts and the results
are tabulated (Table 4), and also in Fig. 2.
Treated cells were observed for the
morphological feature using a bright-field
Inhibition concentration (IC
) of various extracts of Senna alata against breast cancer (MCF-7)
and normal human mammary epithelial cells (MCF10A)
24 hrs 48 hrs 72 hrs 24 hrs
80 % EtOH > 100 > 100 > 100 ND
Hexane ND 9.626 0.013 ND
Dichloromethane > 100 60.03 47.11 ND
Chloroform > 100 > 100 > 100 ND
Butanol 89.30 41.98 57.61 ND
Aqueous > 100 > 100 > 100 ND
ND = not detected.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
microscope (Olympus, CKX41) at 4X and
10X magnification. MCF-7 and MCF10A cells
treated with various extract/fractions and then
observed after 72 h incubation (Fig. 3). The
results only showed for hexane (Fig. 3A, Fig.
3D, Fig. 3G), DCM (Fig. 3B, Fig. 3E, Fig. 3H)
and butanol (Fig. 3C, Fig. 3F, Fig. 3I) fractions.
Significant phenotypic differences were
observed in the presence of Senna alata
extracts as cancer cell line was incubated
(Fig. 3). From cell photographs at first day (24
hours) that the cells treated with fractions in
Fig. 3B and Fig. 3C the cells and their volume
started to decrease and round shape in contrast
to the control of the MCF-7 cells treated with
Tamoxifen which were a simple function of
apoptosis (figure not shown). After 48 and 72
hours, cells became cluster together, exhibited
membrane blebbing (Fig. 3D, Fig. 3E, Fig. 3F,
48 hrs), and began to detach from the dish (Fig.
3H, Fig. 3I, 72 hrs). Normal MCF10A cells,
by contrast, have not shown those significant
morphologic changes (data not shown). This
indicates that S. alata is effective and reason-
ably non-toxic for folk/conventional drugs and
appropriate for cancer treatment.
Fig. 2. In vitro cytotoxic activity of various extracts in MCF-7 cells (Human breast cancer cells) by SRB assay at different
times of exposure (24, 48 and 72 hours). All the values are mean ± SD of three samples. A. 80 % Ethanolic extract, B.
Hexane, C. Dichloromethane, D. Chloroform, E. Butanol, F. Aqueous fraction.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
Breast cancer is the world’s second most
fatal illness for women (Kamalanathan & Nata-
rajan, 2018). Several other findings have shown
that numerous medicinal plants can be used to
prevent the growth of human breast cancer
(Kamalanathan & Natarajan, 2018). However,
a collection of antioxidant compounds exists
in herbs, fruits and plants have already shown
that breast cancer cells are destroyed by them
without no toxic effect on normal cells (Raj,
Ireland, Ouhtit, Gaur, & Abdraboh, 2015). Both
BSLT and ABTS (antioxidant assay) are easy
to handle, low cost, and use small quantities
of test equipment (Peteros & Uy, 2010; Asna-
ashari et al., 2017). The ABTS radical-scav-
enging measuring technique, a popular method
utilized to test the antioxidant activity, gains
from adopting a hydrogen ion from the antioxi-
dant, decolorizing its blue colors, as ABTS free
radicals become steady (Lee, Oh, Cho, & Ma,
2015). The ABTS assay seems to be more sen-
sitive than DPPH assay in detecting antioxidant
activity due to extreme faster reaction kinetics,
and its reaction to antioxidants is stronger (Lee
et al., 2015), and The ABTS radical is signifi-
cantly more water-soluble than DPPH (He et
al., 2010). Although the antioxidant activity of
leaf extract from S. alata fractionation obtained
a new indole alkaloid, 1-(4′-hydroxyphenyl)-
2,4,6-trihydroxy-indole-3-carboxylic acid that
exhibited strong antioxidant potential with an
of 0.0311 μM ± 0.002 (Olarte, Her-
rera, Villasenor, & Jacinto, 2010). In other
study, ethanol extract from leaves of this plant
showed 67% of the antioxidant activity (Sagnia
Fig. 3. Morphological changes of MCF-7 and MCF10A cells treated with extract/fractions of Senna alata L. during 24,
48 and 72 h. IC
calculated with the SRB assay evaluating dose-responsive curves. Various cell forms shown on MCF-7
and MCF10A, treated with S. alata during 72 h. Vehicle DMSO is used to treat control cells. A. MCF-7 cells with hexane
treatment at 24 hrs; B. Cells with dichloromethane treatment at 24 hrs; C. MCF-7 cells with butanol treatment at 24 hrs;
D. MCF-7 cells with hexane treatment at 48 hrs; E. MCF-7 cells with dichloromethane treatment at 48 hrs; F. MCF-7 cells
with butanol treatment at 48 hrs; G. MCF-7 cells with hexane treatment at 72 hrs; H. MCF-7 cells with dichloromethane
treatment at 72 hrs; I. MCF-7 cells with butanol treatment at 72 hrs; J. MCF10A cells untreated as control after 72 hrs; and
K. MCF-7 cells untreated as a control after 72 hrs.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
et al., 2014). Also, the hexane extract of S.
alata showed no free radical scavenging activ-
ity (Jacinto, Olarte, Galvez, Villasenor, & Pez-
zuto, 2005). To identify bioactive compounds
from 80 % ethanolic extract of S. alata, our
GC-MS result confirmed the study by Ali et
al. (2017), which found the same compounds
mostly, fatty acids composition from leaves of
Senna alata (Ali et al., 2017).
It indicated that the brine shrimp lethality
test was helpful in assessing the toxicity of the
plant extract (Sahgal et al., 2010). This proce-
dure involves exposure of brine shrimp larvae
to plant extract in saline media, and the death
of larvae is measured after one day (Mayilsamy
& Geetharamanan, 2016). Logarto has shown
that a strong link was found between the LC
of the brine shrimp lethality test and LD
the acute oral toxicity test in mice (r = 0.85; P
< 0.05) (Logarto et al., 2001). Upon 24 hours
of treatment, Artemia salina larvae with LC
if the sample extract is LC
< 1 000 μg/mL, its
toxicity is high, and the cytotoxicity is expect-
ed to occur. The level of toxicity would have
an anticancer effect on extracts (Prasetyo et al.,
2019). Evaluating the efficiency of hatching
cysts concerning the time of exposure showed
that extracts had notable hatching success
after 36-48 hours, which would be the greatest
hatching time for brine shrimp (Meyer et al.,
1982; Braguini, Pires, & Alves, 2018).
The method of Meyer et al., graded as
toxic (LC
value < 1 000 μg/mL) and non-toxic
value > 1 000 μg/mL) for crude extracts
and pure materials (Meyer et al., 1982; Naher
et al., 2019). Another study revealed that seed
extract showed more toxic than leaf extract of
S. alata showed LC
value at 4.31 and 5.29
ppm, respectively, from the result of the brine
shrimp lethality test (Rahman, 2004). Also,
the LC
value of the C. alata seed oil extract
was at 250 µg/mL (Mannan et al., 2011),
and 7.74 µg/mL (Parra, Yhebra, Sardiñas, &
Buela, 2001). This suggests that these fractions
may contain no cytotoxic compound. Brine
shrimp mortality was predicted to be related
to bioactive compounds and not malnutrition
after exposure to dichloromethane, chloroform,
butanol, and aqueous fractions. However, the
percentage of deaths as time and concentra-
tion was increased for these fractions and the
existence of toxic compounds in the fractions,
which requires further examination, may lead
to that effect. Several studies showed a strong
correlation with different tumor cell lines in the
BSLT (Elsyana et al., 2016). In BSLT, the cyto-
toxicity activity of the extract is determined by
a 50 % death response to brine shrimp (LC
(Elsyana et al., 2016). Based on our hexane
fraction results from MCF-7 cell line, and
according to Elsyana et al., compared this frac-
tion with other extracts and fractions contain-
ing flavonoids and triterpenoids, the maximum
cytotoxic activity was reported by hexane
fraction (Elsyana et al., 2016). Also, Olarte
and colleagues (Olarte et al., 2013) found out
that the hexane extract from S. alata showed
the highest growth inhibition against MCF-7
cell line among three other extracts with IC
value 16 µg/mL which confirm our present
study with IC
values 9.63 and 0.01 µg/mL for
48 and 72 hrs, respectively. However, based
on the National Cancer Institute guideline
(NCI, USA) that 30 µg/mL is the higher IC
ranges assumed reasonable for purification
of an extract (Akindele et al., 2015). Another
study revealed that hexane fraction of S. alata
possessed cytotoxic effect against lung cancer
cell (A549) and ovarian cancer cells (OV2008)
(Levy & Carley, 2012). Also, ethyl acetate
extract of S. alata by other studies showed 50
% inhibition (GI
) value at 5.90 µg/mL against
the MCF-7 cell line (Onyegeme-Okerenta,
2018). On the other hand, the chloroform frac-
tion showed anticancer activity against MCF-7
with IC
value 37.4 µg/ mL (Ali et al., 2017).
According to other studies, chloroform extract
from the stem of three species from Cassia
sp., namely, C. glauca, C. obtusifolia and
C. sophera showed high cytotoxicity against
MCF-7 cell line (Shankar & Surekha, 2017).
Emodin was previously separated from S. alata
leaves (Prasenjit et al., 2016; Ali et al., 2017)
and showed anticancer activity (Hsu & Chung,
2012). These findings revealed that there is
a direct connection between the brine shrimp
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
lethality test and in vitro cytotoxicity towards
the S. alata extracts. In the present study, we
displayed that hexane and butanol fractions
induce apoptosis in MCF-7 human breast cells
in a time- and concentration-dependent basis,
which is similar with previous studies using
different extracts of S. alata (Olarte et al.,
2013; Onyegeme-Okerenta, 2018). Our find-
ing indicates that S. alata extracts cytotoxicity
is performed through apoptotic cell death in
tumor cells. In a study by Olarte and colleagues
that they treated hexane fraction with MCF-7
cell line. The MCF-7 cells rounded up and
missed contact with adjacent cells between
12-24 hrs (Olarte et al., 2013).
The anticancer function of flavonoids and
triterpenoids, according to their antioxidant
characteristics, is consistent with their capacity
to scavenge free radicals, to suppress radical
oxygen species (ROS), enzymes and to prevent
cells and extracellular compound oxidation
(Elsyana et al., 2016). Flavonoids and triter-
penoids were concentration-dependent toxic
to the brine shrimp and, therefore, could have
resulted in the death of brine shrimp (Elsyana
et al., 2016). Several studies have shown that
flavonoids can prevent the proliferation and
delay of tumor cells (Razak et al., 2019).
Assessment of bioactive compounds such as
flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, carbohy-
drates, protein, saponins, triterpenoids, and
amino acids indicated the existence of most of
the component in polar extracts such as etha-
nol, methanol and aqueous extracts comparison
with nonpolar extracts such as petroleum ether
and chloroform. Though, all extracts possessed
flavonoids, phenols, and tannins (Panda et
al., 2011). Because of its perfect fundamental
chemistry to free radical scavenging activities,
phenols are a significant class of antioxidants
(Chaudhary et al., 2015). However, S. alata
extracts showed potential cancer cell inhibition
and reduced the risk of further proliferation
based on the results of the SRB assay. Jacinto
et al. (2005) identified a high cancer chemo
preventive ability while S. alata hexane leaf
extract was found to cause a particular activ-
ity of the quinone reductase similar to the
bromoflavone as a chemo preventive agent
(Jacinto et al., 2005). More pharmacological
and phytochemical tests are worthwhile in this
research to establish the exact principal cyto-
toxicity compound reaction.
The result of this study shows S. alata
could be an outstanding lead in the progress of
breast cancer anticancer agents (IC
< 100 µg/
mL), which did not exhibit toxicity on normal
cell line as well. Interestingly, in contrast to
SRB assay results, the S. alata extract/fractions
exhibited non-toxic activity (LC
> 1 000
µg/mL) was assessing using the brine shrimp
lethality test as a primary assay for anticancer
activity. The source of organic antioxidants
is available and provides significant medical
benefits. It could be inferred from GC-MS
findings that S. alata contains many bioactive
compounds. Our laboratory is also investigat-
ing further research to clarify the mechanism of
action of apoptosis in breast cancer and bioac-
tive compounds, which will be published in a
future manuscript.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
This study was supported in part by the
FRGS grant (203.CIPPT.6711684) from Min-
istry of Education (MOE) Government of
Baja citotoxicidad, y actividad antiproliferativa
sobre las células cancerosas, de la planta Senna alata
(Fabaceae). Introducción: Las hojas de Senna alata de la
familia Fabaceae se han utilizado en la medicina popular
para la cura de enfermedades de la piel. En este estudio,
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 317-330, March 2021
probamos el extracto de la planta en líneas celulares norma-
les y cancerosas. Objetivo: Evaluamos la citotoxicidad de
S. alata usando una prueba del camarón Artemia y la activi-
dad antiproliferativa. Métodos: El extracto de hoja etanóli-
co al 80 % y sus fracciones se examinaron en busca de un
posible efecto citotóxico utilizando un ensayo de citotoxi-
cidad de sulforrodamina B (SRB) frente a líneas celulares
de cáncer de mama (MCF-7), normales (MCF10A) y prue-
ba de letalidad del camarón Artemia (BSLT). Resultados:
El bioensayo de letalidad del camarón Artemia no presenta
citotoxicidad incluso en alta concentración (5 000 µg/mL).
La CL50 para diclorometano, cloroformo, butanol y acuoso
fue > 1000 µg/mL (no tóxico). La CI50 para la citotoxici-
dad in vitro de SRB contra MCF-7 para n-hexano fue de
0.013 µg/mL, que se consideró altamente tóxica, mientras
que el diclorometano y el cloroformo registraron 47.11 y
57.61 µg/mL, respectivamente, después de 72 horas de
tiempo de exposición, aunque no hubo citotoxicidad encon-
trada en la línea celular normal. Conclusión: Este estudio
muestra que el extracto de hoja etanólico crudo de S. alata
y sus fracciones contienen potencialmente compuestos bio-
activos significativos que están a salvo de efectos adversos,
lo que demuestra la aplicación terapéutica de S. alata como
remedio tradicional.
Palabras clave: citotoxicidad; Artemia; Senna alata; cán-
cer de mama.
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