Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
Effect of climato-environmental parameters on chlorophyll a
concentration in the lower Ganga basin, India
Soma Das Sarkar
, Uttam Kumar Sarkar
*, Malay Naskar
, Koushik Roy
, Arun Kumar Bose
Subir Kumar Nag
, Gunjan Karnatak
& Basanta Kumar Das
1. ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, S.N. Banerjee Road, Barrackpore, Kolkata-700120, West Bengal,
India; soma.das@icar.gov.in, uksarkar1@gmail.com, malaynaskar@icar.org.in, koushik.roy.89@gmail.com, arun_
bose06@yahoo.co.in; nagsk_67@rediffmail.com, gunjankarnatak87@gmail.com, basantakumard@gmail.com
2. Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice 37005, Czech Republic.
* Correspondence
Received 03-VII-2020. Corrected 15-X-2020. Accepted 19-X-2020.
ABSTRACT. Introduction: Chlorophyll a concentration proxies the phytoplankton biomass which directly
involves in signifying the production functions of aquatic ecosystem. Thus, it is imperative to understand their
spatio-temporal kinetics in lotic environment with reference to regional climatic variabilities in the tropical
inland waters. Objective: In-situ studies were conducted to examine the changes in phytoplankton biomass in
lower Ganga basin as influenced by various environmental parameters under regional climatic variability during
2014-2016. Methods: Firstly, the most key influential environmental parameters on riverine Chl-a concentration
were determined. Then the direct cascading effect of changing climatic variables on key environmental param-
eters were derived through modeling and quantified probable changes in mean Chl-a concentration in the lower
stretch of river. Results: Only five environmental parameters namely water temperature, total dissolved solid,
salinity, total alkalinity and pH were key factors influencing Chl-a (Multiple R
: 0.638, P < 0.05). Present esti-
mates indicate that if the present rate of regional climatic variability over the last 3 decades (mean air tempera-
ture + 0.24 °C, total annual rainfall -196.3 mm) remain consistent over the next three decades (2015-2045), an
increase in mean Chl-a by + 170 µgL
may likely be expected grossly reaching about 475.94 µg L
by the year
2045 or more. Conclusions: The present study is first such comprehending a gross hint towards the probable
ecosystem response with an alternative model based methodology in data-deficient situations. Subsequently, the
output would also be of great benefit for increase water governance and developing strategy protocol for sustain-
able water management for greater ecosystem services.
Key words: chlorophyll a; climate change; environmental variable; predictive modeling; River Ganga.
Tropical riverine fisheries support millions
of people with food, nutrition, livelihood etc.
(Vass et al., 2011; Sarkar et al., 2019) and hence
contributing indirectly to a large extent to the
national economy of the associated countries,
especially India. The Ganga river basin has
already witnessed anthropogenic pressure due
to deforestation, water abstraction, irrational
fishing, mining, industrialization, economic
development, navigational movements (Das
Sarkar et al., 2019a). Changes in the climatic
regime such as increased water temperature,
uncertain monsoon variation and increased rate
of abnormal climatic events in the coastal area
have been the recent addition. Synergistically,
these affect the ecosystem biota, productivity
Das Sarkar, D., Sarkar, U.K., Naskar, M., Roy, K., Bose, A.K., Nag, S.K., … Das, B.K.
(2021). Effect of climato-environmental parameters on chlorophyll a concentration
in the lower Ganga basin, India. Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(1), 60-76. DOI
ISSN Printed: 0034-7744 ISSN digital: 2215-2075
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.42731
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
and ultimately livelihood security (Sharma,
Joshi, Naskar, & Das, 2015) of poor fishermen.
Primary production in an aquatic system
depends on phytoplankton biomass, the food
for planktivorous fishes. It is also a parameter
hinting overall system productivity. Chloro-
phyll is the green colouring matter which
enables photosynthesis to occur in the presence
of light. Out of nine different types of chlo-
rophyll, chlorophyll-a plays a major role in
photosynthesis (Ji, 2017) and hence indicates
phytoplankton biomass (Gregor & Marsalek,
2004). Although literature surveys indicate
several studies on ecology and biodiversity of
river Ganges (Manna et al., 2013; Roshith et
al., 2018); however, the role of climatic varia-
bility and their impact on aquatic ecosystem
using different biota are very scanty. Thus,
in this rising scenario of global warming it is
imperative to understand the impact of climatic
variability on primary producers. Microalgae or
phytoplankton form a valuable biological para-
meter in climate models (Ghosal, Rogers, &
Wray, 2000). Climate change itself represents
a complex combination of stressors, inclu-
ding alterations in temperature (Webb, Hannah,
Moore, Brown, & Nobilis, 2008), elevated
atmospheric CO
(Field, Barros, Mach, & Mas-
trandrea, 2014), and increased frequency and
intensity of droughts and extreme flow events
(Barnett, Adam, & Lettenmaier, 2005; Milly,
Dunne, & Vecchia, 2006). Changes in phyto-
plankton biomass vis-à-vis primary productivi-
ty in aquatic ecosystems resulting from climate
change are often attributable to increased water
temperatures and/or increased nutrient loading
(Wrona et al., 2006). In recent years, the focus
has been on predictive and/or trend identifica-
tion modeling with either isolated or combined
influence of an environmental driver or a set
of drivers on phytoplankton biomass in rivers.
The models developed by Elliot, Thackeray,
Huntingford, & Jones (2005), Mooij, Janse,
Domis, Hulsmann, & Ibelings (2007), Friberg
et al. (2009) are some of the examples where
the implications of warming water temperature
on riverine phytoplankton biomass have been
modeled. Such models formed the basis of the
prediction made in Field et al. (2014) regar-
ding the increase of primary productivity and
tendency of eutrophication in majority of the
global aquatic ecosystems.
Review of literature has revealed that
studies on the climate driven changes on pri-
mary productivity and/or phytoplankton bio-
mass in rivers have been mostly concentrated
in temperate to sub-tropical climate (Klapper,
1991; Friberg et al., 2009; Sipkay, Kiss-Keve1,
Vadadi-Fulop, Homoródi, & Hufnagel, 2012;
Cloern, Foster, & Kleckner, 2014) and studies
on tropically situated Indian rivers is absent.
The only study in Indian context was in Bay
of Bengal and Arabian sea that too not on the
exact hypothesis per se but a related conclusion
was drawn from their expert knowledge and
extrapolating their results (Chaturvedi, Meghal,
& Jasraj, 2013). Authors have hypothesized
increased decadal changes of Chl concentration
due to high nutrient influx through freshwater
river drainage and increase in temperature due
to global warming. However, authors have not
developed quantitative relationship between
Chl concentration and climate-environmental
parameters. Although majority have repor-
ted an increase in primary production and/or
phytoplankton biomass in rivers under future
changed climate scenario, but few studies have
indicated the opposite i.e. decreased riveri-
ne phytoplankton population under changed
climatic scenario (Lewandowska & Sommer,
2010; Sommer & Lengfellner, 2008).
Modeling studies often face the problems of
lack of required data and access to them which
is considered one of the primary hindrances in
climate change related modeling research (Por-
ter et al., 2005; Sipkay, Kiss, Vadadi-Fulop,
& Hufnagel, 2009). Developing countries like
India have dearth of long-term data on riverine
chlorophyll concentration or any aquatic sys-
tem per se; although time series data of climatic
variables are well maintained and abundantly
available. The present approach explored an
innovative and alternative methodology which
could generate baseline information on trends
and gross quantification of changes in Chl-a
concentration in absence of long term data.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
Therefore, in the absence of long term and
continuous data on Chlorophyll-a concentra-
tion in River Ganga, it is worthwhile to adopt
a model-based framework to identify the key
climato-environmental parameters and their
isolated individual influences on phytoplank-
ton biomass (Chl-a concentration); thereby,
budgeted the Chl-a concentration considering
the multiple linear effect of all the key environ-
mental parameters identified. For budgeting,
the direct cascading effect of regional climate
change (increasing mean air temperature and
decreasing rainfall) on influential environmen-
tal parameters were first quantified individually
and then plugged together to obtain the estima-
tes of changes expected in Chl-a concentration
as per the present trend of changing climate
within the study area.
In the present study, the photosynthetic
pigment ‘Chlorophyll-a’ (henceforth abbrevia-
ted as Chl-a) was used as a potential marker
that reflects phytoplankton biomass vis-à-vis
primary production potential of the aquatic
system. With this background, the study was
conducted to examine the changes in phyto-
plankton biomass in lower Ganga basin as
influenced by various environmental parame-
ters under regional trend of climatic variability.
The objective of this study was to first identify
the most influential environmental parameters
on riverine chlorophyll-a concentration and to
quantify the direct cascading effect of chan-
ging climatic variables on key environmental
parameters through modeling for deriving the
expected changes in Chl-a concentration in the
lower Ganga basin.
Study area: The lower stretch of river
Ganga (locally known as river Hooghly)
was selected in this study. Monthly water
samples were collected in duplicate during
October, 2014 to September, 2016 from two
different sites viz. Triveni (22°59’411’ N &
88°24’310’’E) and Godakhali (22°23’629’ N
& 88°07’948’ ’E) as shown in Fig. 1. Both
the stations are part of posterior lower stretch
of River Ganga. Each station was further sub-
divided into two sub-stations (Triveni-1, Trive-
ni-2 and Godakhali-1, Godakhali-2) to obtain
representative samples.
Fig. 1. Geographical location of the study area. Blue line indicates the longitudinal course of river Ganga.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
Water sampling, analysis and estima-
tion of Chl-a: Water samples in duplicate
were collected from sub-surface region of the
water column in 1 Liter HDPE amber bottles.
A total of twelve physico-chemical parameters
viz. water temperature (°C), dissolved oxygen
(DO), free carbon-di-oxide (CO
), pH, elec-
trical conductivity (EC), total hardness, total
dissolved solid (TDS), total alkalinity (TA),
salinity, Secchi-disc transparency, nitrate and
phosphate were analyzed following Standard
Methods (APHA, 2012).
Samples for estimation of chlorophyll -a
(Chl-a) were collected separately and estima-
ted following APHA (2012). Samples from
each replicate were filtered in vacuum with
a membrane filters and Millipore membrane
filter of pore size 0.45 µm. The residues were
wrapped in aluminum foil and transported to
laboratory using refrigeration unit in a mobile
laboratory van and frozen (-20 °C) immediately
upon reaching laboratory. Chl-a pigment was
extracted with acetone using a digital labora-
tory tissue homogenizer (RQT-127AD), Remi
make, India. The absorbance of the extracts
at wave length 664 nm, 647 nm and 630 nm
were recorded in a UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
Concentration of Chl-a in water was calculated
using following equation: Chl-a = 11.85 (OD
664)-1.54 (OD 647)-0.08 (OD 630), where,
Chl-a = concentration of Chl-a in µgL
, also
known as ppb (parts per billion).
Climatic data analysis: Standard “30-
years normal” data analysis procedure was
used. Daily mean air temperature and preci-
pitation data of 30 years from 1980 to 2015
was obtained from Indian Meteorological
Department (IMD). The data corresponding to
study location was extracted from 1° x 1° data
by using ‘Raster package’ in ‘R’ (R Core Team,
2015). Subsequently monthly means of air tem-
perature and total rainfall was computed from
the extracted daily time series data. Finally,
annual mean air temperature and total annual
rainfall were computed from monthly data. A
simple linear trend analysis was carried out to
find out the long-term trend. The total rainfall
during pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-mons-
oon) were used to quantify changes in seasonal
rainfall pattern (Karnatak et al., 2018).
Statistical analyses and modelling
Modeling climato-environmental
influence on Chl-a concentration: The data
was analyzed in multiple steps, employing
various statistical tools. In order to identify the
key climato-environmental parameters influen-
cing Chl-a concentration in river, a stepwise
regression with collinearity diagnostics was
applied, designating all environmental para-
meters as explanatory variables and Chl-a
concentration as the response variable. Further
the relative importance of each environmental
parameter (influencing Chl-a) in the optimized
linear model was computed in R software (R
Core Team, 2015) by using the computer inten-
sive and most recommended method (Linde-
man, Merenda, & Gold, 1980). Finally, looking
beyond linearity, non-linear Generalized Addi-
tive Model (GAM) (Wood, 2006) was applied
to unravel the pattern of individual influence
of the key environmental parameters on Chl-a.
Budgeting changes in Chl-a concentra-
tion under present rate of climate change:
The cascading effect of variations in climatic
factors (mean air temperature and rainfall) on
the key environmental parameters influencing
Chl-a concentration was quantified. To avoid
complexity in interpretation, only the direct
effect of climatic factors on the key environ-
mental parameters was quantified irrespective
of the interactions among other non-key para-
meters existing in the aquatic ecosystem. This
was accomplished through a two-step strate-
gy. Firstly, the relationship between the key
environmental parameter and climatic factors
(mean air temperature and rainfall) was esta-
blished by simple regression, taking climatic
parameters as independent variable and envi-
ronmental parameters as dependent variables
in order to quantify the nature and degree
of change in environmental parameters per
unit change of climatic factors, irrespective of
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
spatial differences. Secondly, changes in mean
air temperature and rainfall over the sampling
stations during last three decades (1980-2015)
was assessed using IMD data and the present
rate of climate change was assumed to remain
true in the next three decades (2015-2045). The
present rate of change in mean air temperature
and rainfall which may cause direct changes in
the key environmental parameters ultimately
manifesting into change in Chl-a concentration
has been derived empirically by plugging the
estimates from regression models developed.
Finally, these predictive values of environ-
mental variables were utilized in the optimized
regression model for Chl-a to derive predictive
changes in Chl-a concentration.
Climate change trend: Analysis of the
IMD data on mean air temperature has revea-
led a unanimous warming trend among the
studied sites. During the period of 1980-2015
the mean air temperature has increased by 0.24
°C (Fig. 2). It has also been recorded that the
total annual rainfall during the same period has
decreased by196.3 mm (Fig. 3).
Modeling climato-environmental influence
on Chl-a concentration
Present observations: During the study
period, chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration
were ranged between 18.92-1 565.45 µgL
Fig. 2. Trend of increasing mean air temperature along lower stretch of river Ganga in West Bengal.
Fig. 3. Decreasing trend of total annual rainfall along lower stretch of river Ganga in West Bengal.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
with an annual mean of 305.94 ± 52.25 µgL
The annual distribution pattern of Chl-a encou-
ntered is depicted in Digital appendix 1. The
inter-site variability (spatial) in Chl-a con-
centration was statistically insignificant (p =
0.679) as revealed by ANCOVA. Likewise,
Chl-a concentration did not vary significantly
between seasons pre-monsoon, monsoon and
post-monsoon (Pre-M vs. M P = 0.879; Post-
M vs. M P = 0.825). The overall descripti-
ve account of physico-chemical and climatic
parameters recorded during the study period is
presented in Table 1.
The chlorophyll budgeting framework
used in the present study therefore took into
the account merged dataset of two sampling
locations since no spatial variability exists. An
attempt was also made to chalk out the seasonal
thresholds (cut-offs) of Chl-a concentration (if
any) to demarcate signature minima or range of
Chl-a concentration characteristic in any sea-
son; be it pre-monsoon (Feb-May), monsoon
(Jun-Sept) or post-monsoon (Oct-Jan). These
thresholds were supposed to be super imposed
over thermal and precipitation windows to deri-
ve season specific climate optima (temperature
and rainfall) within which such thresholds are
attained in natural conditions. All this informa-
tion was assumed to serve better in regional
climate change impact assessment over lower
Gangetic basin on riverine ecological produc-
tivity. Unfortunately, no such season-specific
thresholds could be identified and therefore,
any further analysis involving seasonal influen-
ce on riverine chlorophyll was purposively
skipped. Following this, only annual data like
annual mean chlorophyll concentration were
forecasted through the budgeting framework;
not the seasonal changes in Chl-a over next
three decades.
Cumulative and overall influence of
habitat parameters on Chl-a concentration:
The study indicated that among 14 climato-
environmental parameters considered (mean air
temperature, water temperature, rainfall, secchi
disc transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, free
carbon dioxide (CO
), total alkalinity, electrical
conductivity, total dissolved solids, phosphate,
nitrate and salinity), only five environmental
parameters namely water temperature, TDS,
salinity, TA and pH were found to be key
factors influencing Chl-a concentration in the
river as revealed through stepwise regression.
The generated optimized model was Chl-a =
-5.796 + (0.00521 * Total Alkalinity) + (0.347 *
pH) - (0.000389 * Salinity) + (0.00451 * TDS)
+ (0.0652 * Water temperature), which could
explain 63.8 % variability of the chlorophyll-a
concentration. Water temperature (P < 0.01),
Descriptive account of habitat parameters recorded in River Ganga during the study period
Parameters Stretch
Water temperature (°C) 19.8-34.0 (27.64 ± 0.58)
Dissolved oxygen (ppm) 1.6-10 (4.51 ± 0.28)
Free carbon dioxide (ppm) 0-10 (3.95 ± 0.5)
pH (units) 7.5-8.6 (8.1 ± 0.04)
Total Dissolved Solids (ppm) 113-301 (228.76 ± 6.28)
Conductivity (µmhos) 160.1-432 (320.89 ± 8.87)
Alkalinity (ppm) 40-140 (100.41 ± 2.88)
Salinity (ppm) 80.3-700 (202.86 ± 18.96)
Nitrate (ppm) Trace-1.72 (0.84 ± 0.07)
Phosphate (ppm) Trace-0.56 (0.1 ± 0.07)
Rainfall (mm) 0-882.5 (150.47 ± 33.09)
Chlorophyll-a (µgL
) 18.92-1565.45 (305.94 ± 52.25)
Data presented in range and mean ± standard error of mean (in parentheses).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
total dissolved solids (P < 0.01), total alkalinity
(P < 0.05) and pH (P < 0.05) had significant
positive influence on Chl-a concentration while
salinity (P < 0.05) had a significant negative
influence on the same.
In terms of the relative importance of
individual environmental parameters (Fig. 4) in
influencing Chl-a concentration, water tempe-
rature (33.13 % of R
) was the most important
while place effect was least important (3.4 % of
).The relative importance of environmental
parameters influencing Chl-a concentration of
the river can be summarized as: water tempera-
ture > alkalinity > TDS > pH > salinity > place-
effect; depicted in Fig 4. The ‘place effect’
diagnostics in the model reveal that Chl-a con-
centration in the river had no significant spatial
difference between two sites. More specifica-
lly, there is no significant spatial difference bet-
ween the two sites of River Ganga in terms of
environmental parameters-Chl-a relationship.
Individual influence pattern of habitat
parameters on Chl-a concentration: Indi-
vidual influence(s) of identified key envi-
ronmental parameters on Chl-a concentration
have been discussed in descending order of
their importance.
Temperature: GAM models showed that
Chl-a concentration in rivers can be expected
to initially increase with rise in water tempe-
rature (Fig. 5) but may reach a plateau beyond
30 °C (Deviance explained: 12.2 %). It is
Fig. 5. Influence of water temperature on chlorophyll a concentration.
Fig. 4. Relative importance of key environmental parameters for explaining variability in chlorophyll a concentration.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
emphasized that the present model might be
useful mostly for pattern identification and may
not be optimum for prediction purposes due to
short period of study. The prediction belt in the
model shows Chl-a concentration may either
rise or fall when water warms up beyond 34 °C
which requires further study to draw an infe-
rence. A gross statement can be made on the
fact that although global warming manifested
into warmer water temperatures round the year
may initially result in increased phytoplankton
population but in the long run this effect might
not prove beneficial. The study hints at possi-
bility of increased phytoplankton population
in the coming years due to enhanced thermal
regime mostly during winter. Water tempera-
ture was also found to be the most important
driver for influencing Chl-a concentration and
has been given special emphasis during model
interpretation and discussion in climate change
perspective; assumed as primary driver.
Total Alkalinity: A progressive increase
in Chl-a concentration with increasing alkali-
nity of river water has been predicted by GAM
model (Deviance explained: 39.6 %) (Fig. 6).
Furthermore, not much change in phytoplank-
ton population can be expected initially when
the total alkalinity values remain below 100
ppm while as the total alkalinity in river
increases beyond 100 ppm a steep response in
phytoplankton biomass is noticeable due to a
progressive increase in Chl-a concentration.
Alkalinity values > 100 ppm exists in the lower
stretch of River Ganga especially throughout
the winter followed by early (February to
March) and midsummer (March to April). An
increasing trend in mean air temperature and
decreasing rainfall in the area of study indicates
a likely increase in average alkalinity values of
river water in the coming years manifested into
increased phytoplankton biomass.
Total dissolved solids (TDS): No particu-
lar trend could be observed for change in Chl-a
concentration with increase in TDS owing to
the multiple peaks in the GAM model but pre-
diction belt in the model shows extreme TDS
> 300 ppm and < 175 ppm may be considered
as the critical limit beyond which steep fall in
Chl-a concentration can be expected (Deviance
explained: 72.9 %) (Fig. 7). Eliminating the
extremes of TDS, a moderate value of 210-
230 ppm TDS may be considered optimum for
healthy Chl-a concentration. This implies that
high TDS in river during intense summer and
diluted TDS due to high rainfall are both detri-
mental for phytoplankton population.
pH: Similarly, for pH-Chl-a relationship
indicated that water pH might have a linear
influence as the non linear influence seems to
be weak (Deviance explained: 5.29 %) (Fig. 8).
From the model it can be observed that respon-
se of phytoplankton biomass with changes in
pH of river water alone is very subtle and the
model does not permit any conclusion in this
Fig. 6. Influence of total alkalinity on chlorophyll a concentration.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
regard. The purpose of the model generated is
only for pattern identification.
Salinity: The influence of salinity on
Chl-a concentration showed that salinity may
have a linear influence owing to the near
straight curve symmetry and broad prediction
belt of the model at higher salinities implying
low confidence (Deviance explained: 3.43 %)
(Fig. 9). It is highlighted that the model might
be useful mostly for pattern identification
and may not be most favorable for prediction
purposes. From the model it is evident that
response of phytoplankton population in river
Fig. 7. Influence of TDS on chlorophyll a concentration.
Fig. 8. Influence of water pH on chlorophyll a concentration.
Fig. 9. Influence of salinity on chlorophyll a concentration.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
with changes in salinity alone is very subtle.
It was further observed that the phytoplankton
population may likely remain stable as the
salinity in the river increases up to around 600
ppm under increased temperature and reduced
rainfall scenario. Beyond 600 ppm salinity
a probable reduction in Chl-a concentration
vis-à-vis phytoplankton biomass might occur,
which can happen especially during summer.
Budgeting changes in Chl-a concentration
under present rate of climatic variability
Budgeting results: Change in mean
annual temperature over last three decades was
considered in the budgeting framework but not
the minimum or maximum air temperature data
(Winslow, Read, Hansen, Rose, & Robertson,
2017). Likewise, changes in total annual rain-
fall over last three decades were considered but
not the seasonal, minima or maxima. Accordin-
gly, the forecasting was done on mean annual
Chl-a basis (elaborated above).
A trend of 0.24 °C rise in mean air tempe-
rature in West Bengal may reflect in increased
mean water temperature by + 0.20 °C (R
= 0.843, Fig. 10) in the coming years. This
alone may lead to an increase in mean Chl-a
concentration by + 10µgL
in the estimates of
multiple linear model (Multiple R
= 0.684)
as deduced from the linear models. Likewise,
a 0.20 °C increase in mean water temperature
= 0.377) and 196.3 mm decrease in rainfall
= 0.577) may result in a net gain of average
TDS by + 26.21 ppm which may alone lead to
increased mean Chl-a concentration by +110
(Multiple R
= 0.684) in the coming
years. There is a possibility that, 196.3 mm
decrease in rainfall over the area may probably
bring an increase in average salinity by + 68.51
ppm (R
= 0.261, low confidence) and average
total alkalinity by + 9.03 ppm (R
= 0.292,
low confidence) in the coming years that may
individually manifest changes in mean Chl-a
concentration by -20 µgL
(Multiple R
0.684) and +50 µgL
(Multiple R
= 0.684),
Fig. 10. Air-water temperature regression in the river.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
respectively. Lastly, a 0.20 °C increase in mean
water temperature (R
= 0.421) and 196.3 mm
decrease in rainfall (R
= 0.335) may be reflec-
ted through a net gain in average pH by + 0.09
units that may alone increase mean Chl-a con-
centration by + 30 µgL
(Multiple R
= 0.684)
in the coming years.
Inference of Budgeting: Keeping in view
the rise in mean air temperature (+ 0.24 °C) and
decrease in rainfall (196.3 mm) during the last
3 decades (1980-2015) over the lower stretch
of river Ganga passing through West Bengal,
India (Fig. 1, Fig. 2), we assume that this pre-
sent rate of climate change might remain true in
the next three decades (2015-2045) . Based on
this assumption and quantified cascading effect
of such climatic change on the key environ-
mental parameters influencing Chl-a concen-
tration, our model summarizes that a gradual
increase in the existing mean Chl-a concentra-
tion (305.94 ± 52.25 µg L
) by approximately
+ 170 µgL
(ppb) (Multiple R
= 0.6839) in the
lower Ganga basin may probably occur over
the next three decades (2015-2045).
Importance of Chl-a mapping and envi-
ronmental influence: Chl-a indicates health
of water in aquatic ecosystem (Boyer, Christo-
pher, Peter, & David, 2009). It also provides
trophic status based on primary productivity
of the ecosystem (Das Sarkar et al., 2020) and
measures trophy index (Bbalali, Hoseini, Ghor-
bani, & Kordi, 2013). Ecohydrological interac-
tion studies in natural river system showed that
physical variables such as, water discharge,
suspended solids and turbidity regulate the
development of phytoplankton biomass criti-
cally in comparison with nutrients (Salmaso &
Braioni, 2008).
In the present study, only five environ-
mental parameters namely water temperature,
TDS, salinity, TA and pH were found to be
key factors influencing Chl-a concentration
in the river. The nature of their individual
influence was found to be in conformity with
published literatures. Rising temperature has
aided to increase growth and productivity of
algae which may be boosted by the higher
enzymatic activity (Nweze & Ude, 2013). The
changing temperature and precipitation pattern
over lower Gangetic stretch are in the line with
Rathore, Attri, & Jaswal (2013), Paul & Birthal
(2015), Naskar, Roy, Karnatak, Nandy, & Roy
(2017). High nutrient influx through freshwater
river drainage in lower Ganga has supported
rising trend of chlorophyll concentration. Simi-
lar positive impact of elevated water tempera-
ture for short term on phytoplankton biomass
productivity and photosynthetic activity is also
suggested tropical rice fields (Roger & Kulas-
ooriya, 1980) and in subtropical waters (Willis,
Chuang, Orr, Beardall, & Burford, 2019). A
positive correlation was found between alka-
linity and TDS with Chl-a concentration (P <
0.01) in the present study. The study further
denotes a positive correlation (P < 0.05) bet-
ween Chl-a and pH which may be due to higher
phytoplankton photosynthesis and biologi-
cal productivity. Simultaneously, time series
models also showed influence of nutrients and
pH on phytoplankton biomass for shorter time
span (Jeong, Kim, Whigham, & Joo, 2003).
Salinity (P < 0.05) ingression shows a signifi-
cant negative influence on the Chl-a concentra-
tion in the lower Ganga which may be due to
inability in generating turgor pressure to produ-
ce intracellular osmolarity needed with incre-
asing salinity (Mitra, Zaman, & Raha, 2014).
However, present study of identifying the rela-
tive influence of environmental parameters on
Chl-a concentration shows water temperature
(33.13 % of R
) as the most significant variable
followed by TA (29.5 % of R
) and TDS (23.1
% of R
). Rainfall plays a vital role in mixing
of environmental variables and also responsible
for physical dispersal of phytoplankton in wet-
lands of tropical semiarid region (Brasil et al.,
2020), hence resulting into considerable reduc-
tion in chlorophyll concentration. At the same
time, rainfall did not contribute as influential
climatological parameter in the present study.
Taken together, it could be interesting to note
that this study has also sketched out the relative
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
importance of climato-environmental parame-
ters influencing Chl-a concentration in inland
open waters which is unavailable in most of
the studies consulted. Therefore, the present
information on relative importance may also
be regarded as one of the recent additions
towards better understanding of phytoplankton
response to environmental dynamics in riverine
Relatively high dependence on water
temperature and relevance for climate
research: The prime importance of water
temperature besides other environmental para-
meters on dictating phytoplankton production
or phytoplankton biomass in lotic systems
such as rivers is well documented (Schabhuttl
et al., 2013; Wrona et al., 2006). Climate
change is altering the physical, chemical and
biological characteristics of freshwater habitats
(Hartmann et al., 2013) including inland fish
and fisheries (Carlson & Lederman, 2016).
The importance of temperature over other
water quality parameters in influencing Chl-a
concentration observed during the present
study has both biological and ecological basis.
According to Cloern et al. (2014), phytoplank-
ton growth rate is regulated by water tempe-
rature, nutrient concentrations and forms, and
the amount and quality of photosynthetically
available radiation (PAR).
From the ecological perspective, tempera-
ture regulates ecosystem functioning directly
by influencing primary production (Dallas,
2008). Studies have shown that increase tem-
perature is accompanied by a shift in the
dominance of phytoplankton groups from dia-
toms (< 20 °C) to green algae (15 to 30 °C) to
blue-green algae (> 30°C) (DeNicola, 1996).
According to DeNicola (1996), phytoplank-
ton biomass increases with temperature from
approximately 0 to 30 °C and decreases at 30
to 34 °C; while species diversity increases from
0 to 25 °C and decreases at temperatures > 30
°C. This was further confirmed in a lab-based
experiment by Schabhuttl et al. (2013) where
it was observed that temperature is among the
major determinants to influence phytoplankton
growth rates positively but higher temperatures
resulted in higher fractions of blue green algae
over diatoms and green algae.
In the present study, although a gradual
increase in Chl-a concentration was obser-
ved between 20-30 °C but a plateau was
reached between 30-34 °C instead of directly
decreasing. However, the prediction belt in
our temperature-chlorophyll predictive model
also hinted the probability of either decrease or
increase in Chl-a concentration beyond 30 °C
which might be attributed to the role of other
key environmental parameters that significantly
influence phytoplankton biomass as well as
in the presence of increasing temperature, as
concluded in Sipkay et al. (2012). Several
modeling methodologies have also forecasted
increase of phytoplankton biomass in rivers
under increasing temperatures (Klapper, 1991;
Elliot et al., 2005; Komatsu, Fukushima, &
Shiraishi, 2006; Mooij et al., 2007; Sipkay et
al., 2012). Similarly, predictive models have
also forecasted the broad-spectrum increase
in picophytoplankton with rise in temperature
in subtropical gyres (Agusti, Lubián, Moreno-
Ostos, Estrada, & Duarte 2019). However, few
studies also report otherwise i.e. phytoplank-
ton biomass in rivers to decrease with rising
temperature (Sommer & Lengfellner, 2008;
Lewandowska & Sommer, 2010).
Implications of regional climatic varia-
bility on riverine Chl-a: collating the present
observations: The changing climate has impli-
cations on thermal regime and nutrient availa-
bility in aquatic ecosystems through changes
in temperature and precipitation (flow) pattern,
that is manifested into altered phytoplankton
biomass or primary productivity (Webb &
Nobilis, 2007; Schabhuttl et al., 2013; Das
Sarkar et al., 2019b). According to Whitehead
et al. (2012), in many rivers the phytoplankton
blooms in summers are a feature of river ecolo-
gy and the frequency and intensity of these may
increase under future climatic scenario. On the
other hand, study suggests less pronounced for
tropical phytoplankton communities already
acclimatized to warmer temperatures round
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
the year (Schabhuttl et al., 2013). Situations
of higher water temperatures and lower flow
have been attributed to enhance phytoplankton
growth in rivers (Verdonschot et al., 2010;
Whitehead et al., 2012).
The present study has also hinted eviden-
ces of increased phytoplankton biomass viz.
Chl-a concentration under increasing tempe-
rature and decreasing rainfall over the region.
Additionally, estimates indicate that if the
present rate of climatic variability over the last
3 decades (mean air temperature + 0.24 °C
and total annual rainfall -196.3 mm) remain
consistent over the next three decades (2015-
2045) as well, an increase in mean Chl-a
concentration by +170 µgL
may likely be
expected. The resulting mean Chl-a concentra-
tion may grossly arrive at around 475.94 µgL
over the next three decades. Further repetitive
time-series investigations are required to vali-
date this estimate. It remains to be a researcha-
ble issue whether the dynamics of this change
will follow a direct or alternating waveform
pattern. The present study also could not con-
clude whether the degree of quantified change
of phytoplankton biomass in river system by
2045 or more could be tagged as progressively
eutrophic or lie within the mesotrophic range;
difficult to probe without flow data. Nonethe-
less, our observations with short-term data are
in line with several others who have forecasted
increased phytoplankton biomass and/or pri-
mary production in rivers due to climate chan-
ge using long-term data (Wrona et al., 2006;
Friberg et al., 2009; Verdonschot et al., 2010;
Sipkay et al., 2012; Whitehead et al., 2012).
This increase in phytoplankton biomass projec-
ted for lower Ganga basin under future climatic
scenario can be partly explained through the
conceptual mechanism discussed in Whitehead
et al. (2012) and inferences drawn by Sipkay
et al. (2012). The limitation of DO in lotic
systems is not a serious issue due to its flowing
nature, the observed trend of increased Chl-a
concentration under future climatic scenario
may only be beneficial from fisheries point
of view (increased abundance and biomass of
fish food organisms) if, (a) the phytoplankton
succession does not get significantly dominated
by blue green algae (tropical waters at low risk
as explained (Schabhuttl et al., 2013) and, (b)
water stress does not become evident resulting
into eutrophication.
The present study pioneers the ecological
research in Indian rivers which conceptualized
a model based framework and identified key
climato-hydrochemical parameters for water
managers dealing with complex water ecosys-
tems. The study signifies the model based
assessment of the impact of climatogical varia-
bles on phytoplankton biomass which stands as
an emerging topic for environmental biologist
and ecologists. Developing countries like India
have dearth of long-term data on riverine chlo-
rophyll concentration or any aquatic system
per se; although time series data of climatic
variables are well maintained and abundantly
available. The present methodology explored
an alternative approach to generate baseline
information on trends and gross quantification
of changes in aquatic Chl-a concentration
under future climatic scenario –in absence of
long term data. In the present study, the pho-
tosynthetic pigment Chl-a was used as a poten-
tial marker that reflects phytoplankton biomass
vis-à-vis primary production potential of the
aquatic system. Looking at the multitude of
environmental influence on dictating riverine
chlorophyll concentration, it is quite difficult to
pinpoint any climate change related hypotheses
in open waters. The present study may not be a
key estimate of the future climate change sce-
nario but certainly a gross hint of the probable
ecosystem response and would fit for develo-
ping managerial strategies for water managers
which augment the sustainable management
practices for stakeholders.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we followed
all pertinent ethical and legal procedures and
requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgements
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 60-76, March 2021
section. A signed document has been filed in
the journal archives.
Authors are thankful to the Indian Council
of Agricultural Research, New Delhi for finan-
cial help under project National Innovations
on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA).
We duly acknowledge the support and coo-
peration of M. Prabhakar, PI NICRA, ICAR-
CRIDA, Hyderabad for all technical facilities.
We acknowledge the efforts rendered by San-
jeev Kumar Sahu, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore
for schematic representation of the study area
using GIS tools.
Efecto de los parámetros climáticos ambientales
sobre la concentración de clorofila a en la cuenca baja
del Ganges, India. Introducción: La concentración de
clorofila a representa la biomasa de fitoplancton la cual
influye directamente en las funciones de producción de
los ecosistemas acuáticos. Por lo tanto, es imperativo com-
prender su cinética espacio-temporal en el ambiente lótico
con respecto a las variabilidades climáticas regionales en
las aguas continentales tropicales. Objetivo: Se realiza-
ron estudios in situ para examinar la influencia de varios
parámetros ambientales en la biomasa del fitoplancton en
la cuenca baja del Ganges durante 2014-2016. Métodos:
En primer lugar, se determinaron los parámetros ambien-
tales más influyentes en la concentración de Chl-a fluvial.
Luego, el efecto directo en cascada de las variables cli-
máticas sobre los parámetros ambientales clave, mediante
el modelado y los cambios en la concentración media de
Chl-a en el tramo inferior del río. Resultados: Solo cinco
parámetros ambientales, entre ellos, temperatura del agua,
sólidos disueltos totales, salinidad, alcalinidad total y pH,
fueron factores clave que influyeron en la Chl-a (R2 múl-
tiple: 0.638, P < 0.05). Las estimaciones actuales indican
que si la tasa actual de variabilidad climática regional
durante las últimas 3 décadas (temperatura media del aire
+ 0.24 °C, precipitación total anual -196.3 mm) permanece
constante durante las próximas tres décadas (2015-2045),
se presente un aumento en el promedio de la Chl-a en
+170 µgL
y alcance aproximadamente 475.94 µgL
el 2045 o más. Conclusiones: Este estudio presenta una
metodología basada en modelos alternativos en situacio-
nes de escasez de datos, la información generada también
podría contribuir a mejorar la gobernanza del agua y a
desarrollar un protocolo para la gestión sostenible del agua
y de esta manera mejorar los servicios ecosistémicos.
Palabras clave: clorofila a; cambio climático; variable
ambiental; modelado predictivo; río Ganges.
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