Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
Pod production, and dasometric variables,
of the tree Senna spectabilis (Fabaceae) in a tropical dry forest
Jesús H. Duarte-Vargas
, Omar Melo
, Jairo Mora-Delgado
, Román Castañeda-Serrano
& Henry Váquiro
1. Departamento de Producción Pecuaria, Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué, Colombia; jhduarte@ut.edu.co;
jrmora@ut.edu.co; rcastaneda@ut.edu.co
2. Departamento de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué, Colombia; omelo@ut.edu.co
3. Departamento de Producción y Sanidad Vegetal, Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué, Colombia; havaquiro@ut.edu.co
Received 04-VII-2020. Corrected 13-XI-2020. Accepted 18-XI-2020.
ABSTRACT. Introduction: Senna spectabilis is a multipurpose pantropical tree, used in agroforestry systems.
Objective: To determine pod production (Pp) and their relationship with dasometric variables in S. spectabilis
in the tropical dry forest. Methods: From August 2016 to February 2017, thirty trees in production stage were
randomly selected. The random selection was formed of the more isolated trees from the total dispersion. The
trees were monitored at the beginning and end of the study period, to determine dasometric measurements such
as total height (Th), height to the first branch (Hb), crown height (Ch), Stem diameter (at 0.2 m height from the
ground) (Db), crown diameter (Cd), and crown volume (Cv) measured. Pods were harvested by the researcher
with cutting and height cutting tongs when their color began to change. Pearson correlations and univariate and
multivariate regression analyses were performed between the dasometric variables and pod production. The
potential number of trees/ha (NPa) was calculated by determining the occlusion percentage (Op) and the shadow
area/tree (Ca); to estimate the production potential of fruits/ha, the production of fruits/tree was multiplied by
(NPa). Results: Th was 6.16 ± 1.23 m, Hb 2.75 ± 0.52 m, Ch 3.41 ± 0.98 m, Db 20.43 ± 4.80 cm, Cd 7.46 ± 1.20
m and Cv 108.43 ± 61.38 m
/tree. There was a significant positive correlation between Hb, Cd, Db, with Pp of
0.592**, 0.592**, and 0.446* respectively. Pp was 32.73 ± 16.13 kg/tree and the dry matter production (MSP)
was 17.84 ± 8.80 kg/tree. The result of the multivariate regression indicated that the second-order polynomial
model presented best goodness of fit. Op was 73.4 7.92 %, the cup area was 49.3 m
/tree, Ca was 36.2 m
and NPa was 83 trees. Conclusions: The production of fresh pods/ tree in the S. spectabilis presents a potential
in its availability as feed for ruminant or seed production. The potential production of pods in silvopastoral with
S. spectabilis could be 2.72 t/ ha, and 1.64 t/ ha of dry pods, this shows the importance of trees and of pods
production and nutritional contribution obtained for dry ecosystems.
Key words: pods; morphometry; models of predict; scattered trees; silvopastoral.
Duarte-Vargas, J.H., Omar Melo, Mora-Delgado, J., Castañeda-Serrano, R., & Váquiro,
H. (2021). Pod production, and dasometric variables, of the tree Senna spectabilis
(Fabaceae) in a tropical dry forest. Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(1), 218-230.
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.42792
ISSN Printed: 0034-7744 ISSN digital: 2215-2075
Ruminants in tropical and subtropical
countries satisfy most of their dietary needs
with native grasses and crop residues, which
are of low quality (Tikam et al., 2015). In order
to overcome the lack of nutrients during the dry
season, some producers supplement their ani-
mals with foliage and pods of woody species.
The scattered trees in the prairies improve
the profitability of livestock farms because
they offer economic benefits such as wood,
poles, and high-quality nutritional supplements
such as forage and pods (Camero, Ibrahim,
& Kass, 2001; Manning, Fischer, & Lin-
denmayer, 2006). Besides, the possibility of
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.42792
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
receiving payments for environmental services,
they have great potential to increase livestock
production. This is due to the contribution of
the animal´s welfare; it favors the habitat of
some species while improving the connectivity
between wooded landscapes (Cadavid-Florez,
Laborde, & Maclean, 2020).
S. spectabilis (DC.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby,
is an important source of food for livestock
and wildlife, mainly during the dry season. The
forage nutritive value of the leaves and pods of
these trees is generally higher than herbaceous
plants, specifically in reference to legumes
(Guariguata & Ostertag, 2001; Harvey, Vil-
lanueva, & Esquivel, 2011). The benefit of
maintaining this type of tree in grasslands is
evidenced by the traditional use of silvopasto-
ral systems in several parts of the world (Har-
tel, Réti, & Craioveanu, 2017).
Given the implementation of the S. specta-
bilis tree in silvopastoral systems in Colombia,
the academy has been motivated to carry out
research works to find out its potential. It is
a pantropical tree (Lacerda et al., 2018) and
has been introduced as an ornamental tree to
different parts of Africa including Angola,
Burundi, South Africa, and Eastern Africa
(Jothy et al., 2012).
S. spectabilis has been commonly used in
traditional medicine for many years. Informa-
tion in the biomedical literature has indicated
the presence of chemical components of medi-
cal importance, with antibacterial, anti-biofilm,
antifungal, and antioxidant properties (Chuke-
atirote, Hanpattanakit, Kaprom, & Tovaranon-
te, 2007; Torey, Sasidharam, Yeng, & Latha,
2010; Jothy et al., 2012). It is a rapid growth,
drought tolerant, termite attack resistant tree
that is also able to grow in standard conditions
(Namirembe, Brook, & Ong, 2009). It is used
for firewood (Tabuti, Dhillion, & Lye, 2003)
and widely for landscaping, due to the great
beauty of its yellow flowers. Also, it has a great
potential for degraded area restoration (Silva et
al., 2010). S. spectabilis is a tree of the Fabace-
ae family (subfamily Caesalpiniaceae) (Pivatto
et al., 2005). It is commonly used in semi-arid
regions, where it is known as “cañafístula” or
“cassia,” as a forage for sheep and goats (San-
tos, Araújo, Nascimento, & Lima, 2013).
The nutritional value of S. spectabilis
forage has a high potential for livestock agro-
forestry technologies in the humid lowlands of
West and Central Africa (Larbi et al., 2005).
The protein, mineral, and fat content of S.
spectabilis are high in comparison to other
forage species that are native to the Brazilian
Caatinga. For this reason, the plant represents a
valuable nutritional resource during periods of
drought (Almeida et al., 2011).
A study incorporated S. spectabilis tree
pods as a supplement in the diet of ruminants
(Bonilla-Trujillo, Pardo-Guzman, & Castañe-
da-Serrano, 2018), which looked at the in
vivo and in vitro digestibility and ruminal
degradability in sheep hair fed with Angleton
(Dichanthium spp.) hay-based diets. S. specta-
bilis pods were used at 0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 % of
body weight and concluded that the pods have
an attractive nutritional value. It was proposed
as a promising alternative for the ruminant
supplementation in the tropical regions of the
world. However, the lack of knowledge about
the production of pods restricts its use and
therefore, its diversification.
This tree annually produces large quanti-
ties of viable seeds; one kilogram corresponds
to approximately 27 600 seeds. Researchers
obtained galactomannans with a yield of 31.6 %
in dry weight and suggest that the seeds can be
considered as a potential source of galactoman-
nans for the industry (Fernandes, Nakashima,
& Serra, 2004). Galactomannans are widely
used in the pharmaceutical industry to control
water activity, to stabilize aqueous solutions
and dispersions, and for their high thickening
power (Buckeridge, Dietrich, & de Lima, 2000;
Prajapati et al., 2013; Soares et al., 2015).
The knowledge of the tree architecture and
dasometric measurements represents a contri-
bution to defining criteria for harvesting and
management (Beltrán-Galindo, Romero-Man-
zanares, Luna-Cavazos, & García-Moya, 2017)
and the design of agroforestry or silvicultural
systems. The architecture of the tree canopy
has significant impacts on the microclimate
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
of the crop and is influenced by competition
for light, water absorption and transpiration,
dispersion of pollen; acquisition and location
of carbon (Boudreau, 2013). This architecture
also influences biophysical processes, such as
photosynthesis and evapotranspiration (Van
der Zande, Hoet, Jonckheere, Aart, & Coopin,
2006; Rosell et al., 2009). An accurate descrip-
tion of the tree architecture leads to a better
understanding of how the shape is controlled
by each function (Lau et al., 2018).
Therefore, this research aimed to deter-
mine the production of pods and the architec-
ture of the tree in the tropical dry forest, to
contribute with tools that serve as a basis for
management programs, and above all to con-
tribute knowledge to generate alternatives of
integral use of S. spectabilis into cattle farms.
Location and climatic conditions: The
present study was carried out in La Comarca
farm located in Alvarado, Tolima, Colombia,
(74°58’14.6” WO & 74°58’14.6” W) under
the following conditions: 460 m.a.s.l., annual
average temperature 27.7 ºC, annual average
precipitation 1 601 mm, relative humidity 67
%, and is related to tropical dry forest weather
according to Sánchez-Azofeifa et al., (2005).
Edaphic conditions: A chemical analysis
of the soil was carried out to complement the
information about the edaphic conditions at
the study site, with the analysis made between
0 and 20 cm depth. The data of the chemical
analysis, texture and bulk density is then pre-
sented. A chemical and soil texture analysis
of the La Comarca farm was carried out by
LASEREX laboratory of University of Tolima,
finding: pH 5.9, organic matter 2 %, texture
(27.2 % clay, 18 % silt, 54.8 % sand), humid-
ity 15.2 %, and apparent density 1.49 g/cm
(Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y
Certificación, 2014; 2018).
Sampling: The trees were sampled in
eight transects of 300 m × 4 m each, randomly
plotted. Thirty trees free of visual defects,
pests, and diseases were selected. All trees
were georeferenced and labelled with their
numbering directed towards the North cardi-
nal point. The trees that were more isolated
from the total dispersed trees were chosen (to
avoid inter and intraspecific competition). The
selected trees height was measured and it was
found that 53.3 % were less than 6 m tall, and
were characterized by having had at least four
harvests. While the trees greater than or equal
to 6 meters were characterized by having more
than four harvests, this was the criterion used to
analyses the two ranges of height; h < 6 m (N =
16) and h6 m (N = 14).
Samples of leaves, flowers, and fruits were
taken to the TOLI herbarium of the University
of Tolima, for classification, and it was verified
that they corresponded to the Senna spectabilis,
number 29061 in the collection book.
Dasometric variables: Total (Th) and first
tree branch (Hb) height were measured with a
graduated telescopic rod expressed in meters.
Crown height (Ch) was determined by the dif-
ference between Th and Hb Equation 1.
Stem diameter (at 0.2 m height from the
ground): this measurement was made because
the individuals of the species showed a main
shaft bifurcation at a low height, using a dia-
metric tape.
Crown diameter (Cd) in m: four crown
radii were measured in relation to the cardinal
points at 90 °, with a tape measure, the radii
were taken from the center of the tree to the
outer edge of it, measured in vertical projec-
tions. Therefore, the cup diameter was set at
twice the average of the four measured radii.
Crown volume (Cv) in m
: to estimate this,
the shape of the tree’s crown was taken into
account, which corresponds to a spherical cap,
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
therefore the corresponding equation was used
Equation 2.
Where and Ch = crown height, r = crown
radius, R = radius in which the spherical cap
is circumscribed.
The dasometric measurements were made
at the beginning and at the end of the evalua-
tion period; the measurements were then avera-
ged for the evaluations.
Pod production (Pp): The pods that were
within reach of the researcher were harvested
with cutting tongs and the others with height
cutting tongs. The pods were harvested when
they presented a 50% color change (green to
brown). In addition, the fallen pods were also
collected and transported to be weighed and the
total mass of the pods in kg of each sampled
tree was obtained (the pods are harvested once
a year, phenologically one harvest of pods
per year is presented between the months of
November to February according to Duarte-
Vargas et al. (in press), an electronic weighing
scale of 50 kg capacity with an accuracy of 5 g,
was used for weighing.
Dried pod production (DPp): For the
determination of dried pods/tree, five samples
of pod production were exposed to the sun on
a cement surface to dry for a week and then
weighed. With this procedure it was possible to
determine the average yield by multiplying the
production of pods per tree, thus obtaining the
production of dried pods tree
Dry matter production of pod/tree
To determine the dry matter of the pods, five
dry matters analyzes of the dried pods were
performed and the value averaged. The dry
matter of the pods per tree was calculated by
multiplying dried pod production by the dry
matter percentage.
Tree occlusion percentage (Op): Vertical
digital photographs were taken of the trees
under study from the bottom up of the canopy
in the early hours of the morning, to avoid sun-
light interference. The images were analyzed
software free (Gap light analyzer), which was
designed to examine hemispheric photographs.
This tool allowed estimating the percentage of
occlusion through the canopy (Frazer, Canham,
& Lertzman, 1999). The tree canopy area (Ta)
in m
was estimated through Equation 3.
Where: r = average canopy radius, r = Cd/2.
The shadow area (As): Equation 4 was
used to determine:
Where: Op = occlusion percentage.
The number of potential trees/ha
of Senna
spectabilis in a silvopastoril system: To calcu-
late, it is taken into account that, the maximum
shade to not affect the biomass production of
Botrhioclhoa pertusa grass is a bush coverage
of 20 to 40 % (Serrano, 2013), and in tropical
grasses a 30 % shade (Castro, García, Mesqui-
ta, & Couto, 1999; Andrade, Brook, & Ibrahim,
2008), and for the calculation the number of
(Nt), Equation 5 was used:
Where: 3 000 m
= maximum shade in one
hectare, Sa = the shadow area per tree.
Statistical analysis: Using the program
IBM SSPS Statistics version 22, the analysis
of the descriptive statistics, means, standard
deviations, coefficient of variation of each one
of the dimensional variables and pod produc-
tion was carried out. A comparison analysis
of the height ranges: < 6 m (N = 16) and
6 m (N = 14) was carried out for tree daso-
metric measurements with T-test for related
variables, using the Anova N statistic; for
unbalanced designs, with the MatLab R2019b
program. Likewise, the normality of each vari-
able with the Shapiro-Wilk tool was evalu-
ated and based on the result and the Pearson
correlation analysis was made to identify the
correlation. Only statistically significant corre-
lations with a value greater than or equal to 0.4
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
were considered. If the value of the index was
between: 0.4-0.5 an average positive correla-
tion, 0.75 a considerable positive correlation,
0.95 a very strong positive correlation, and 1 a
perfect positive correlation.
A univariate regression analysis was per-
formed for each of the variables, the dasometric
measurements, and pod production, where dif-
ferent models (linear, exponential, logarithmic,
polynomial, and potential) were tested and with
the purpose of generating models that would
allow estimating pod production, and also
multivariate regression to evaluate with three
different models. Two models were linear one,
which considered first-order terms; another
linear model with interactions that included
first-order terms and interactions between pairs
of them. A second order polynomial model
was also used, which involved the first and
second order terms of the variables and their
interactions. The stepwise regression method
was applied using the “stepwise” function of
the MatLab R2007b software to univariate and
multivariate regression. The models identified
from the stepwise regression method included
only those terms statistically significant at a
95 % confidence level. The best models were
selected considering the criteria of highest
determination coefficient adjusted R
adj, low-
est mean: the square root of the mean square of
the error (RMSE), Akaike Information Criteria
(AIC) and Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC)
(Kusmana, Hidayat, Tiryana, & Rusdiana,
2018). Additionally, the confidence intervals of
the parameters, the normality in the distribution
of the residues through the Lilliefors test and
the graph of the residuals were evaluated to
rule out heteroscedasticity problems.
Dasometric variables in the tree S. spec-
tabilis: It is observed that the variation coef-
ficients of the tree dasometric variables: total
height of the tree (Th), height to the first
branches (Hb), diameter at the base of the
stem (Db), and crown diameter (Cd) are lower
concerning the variables: crown height (Ch),
crown volume (Cv), pod production (Pp), dry
pod production (Ppd), and dry matter of pod
(PpMS). Table 1 shows the basic statistics of
the eight variables analyzed, H, Ch, Hb, Db,
Dc, Cv, Pp, Ppd, PpMS.
It is observed that S. spectabilis has a
crown height around 36.5 times the diameter at
the base of the stem. Maintaining a large crown
requires more energy to move nutrients and
water throughout the length and width of the
crown, but it has the advantage of receiving and
intercepting a greater amount of light (King &
Clark, 2011). It is important to note that crown
diameter is greater than height of the tree by
21.1 %. Also, height average tree is constituted
by a 55.4 % of crown length, these characteris-
tics enable a biophysical design useful for the
production of pods since the crown volume in
the tree is high and it favors the interception of
light, especially in trees 6 m.
The average pod production/tree per har-
vest was 32.73 kg (± 16.13 SE; N = 30) and the
average dry matter of pod/tree per harvest was
17.84 kg (± 8.8 SE; N = 30). It is also impor-
tant to indicate the potential of the tree when
fertilized. One tree that was excluded from the
study and located next to a stable, absorbed
nutrients from feces and reported a production
of 118.76 kg.
In the analysis of the height range of the
trees regarding to the measurements of the
tree dasometric variables, statistically highly
significant differences were found (P < 0.01).
In regard to the height of trees, crown height,
height to the first branch, crown diameter, and
crown volume where the range of trees 6 m
(N = 14), is superior to the range of trees < 6 m
(N = 16). While for the variable diameter at the
base of the stem, pod production, dry pod pro-
duction, and dry matter pod production there
were no statistically significant differences (P
> 0.05) between the ranges studied.
The performance of weight of harvested
pod to weight of dry pod in S. spectabilis was
60.6 %, and the dry matter of the pods per tree
was an average of 0.9.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
Correlation between the dimensional
variables and the pod production: Table 2
presents the correlation study between the eval-
uated dasometric variables and pod produc-
tion, where it is observed that diameter at the
base of the stem, height to the first branch,
and crown diameter have average positive
correlation with pod production. The variable
crown volume has a positive correlation from
strong to very strong with height and crown
volume. The crown diameter has an average
to strong positive correlation with diameter
at the base of the stem. The variables crown
volume and height were the ones with the most
positive correlations.
The average positive correlation between
crown diameter with the diameter at the base
of the stem and the considerable to very strong
positive correlation between the total height of
the tree with crown height and crown volume,
indicate that they grow as the diameter at the
base of the stem and height increase, respec-
tively (Table 2). It is observed that as the tree
increases in height the crown height increases
and at the same time the crown volume increas-
es. As the crown height increases, the crown
diameter increases, and as the crown diameter
increases, the pod production increases.
The mean positive correlation to consid-
erable correlation between crown diameter
Dasometric variables of the tree S. spectabilis in tropical dry forest (Colombia)
Variable Height range Average Standard deviation Minimum Maximum
Total height of the tree (m) Average 6.16 1.23 3.87 8.35
< 6 m 5.21b 0.56 3.87 5.81
6 m 7.27a 0.75 6.02 8.35
Crown height (m)
Average 3.41 0.98 1.64 5.43
< 6 m 2.72b 0.53 1.64 3.47
6 m 4.21a 0.74 3.04 5.43
Height to the first branch (m)
Average 2.75 0.52 1.99 4.16
< 6 m 2.49b 0.30 1.99 3.05
6 m 3.06a 0.55 2.21 4.16
Diameter at the base of the stem (cm)
Average 20.43 4.80 10.6 31.1
< 6 m 20.18a 5.38 10.6 28.15
6 m 21.43a 4.13 15.0 31.1
Crown diameter (m) Average 7.46 1.20 4.57 9.39
< 6 m 7.12a 1.20 4.57 8.93
6 m 7.92b 1.09 6.01 9.39
Crown volume (m)
Average 108.43 61.38 17.63 271.11
< 6 m 70.05b 28.59 17.63 118.56
6 m 153.98a 57.67 85.83 271.11
Pod production (kg)
Average 32.73 16.13 9.17 68.55
< 6 m 27.63a 14.72 9.17 68.55
6 m 39.00a 15.48 17.93 61.74
Dry pod production (kg)
Average 19.82 9.77 6.03 45.04
< 6 m 16.73a 8.92 6.03 45.04
6 m 23.62a 9.38 11.78 40.56
Dry matter of pod (kg)
Average 17.84 8.80 5.42 40.53
< 6 m 15.06a 8.03 5.42 40.53
6 m 21.26a 8.44 10.60 36.50
Different letters within the column for each variable indicate statistically significant differences, where * Significant
correlation at level 0.05, ** Significant correlation at level 0.01.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
with the diameter at the base of the stem and
positive considerable correlation to very strong
correlation between the total height of the tree
with crown height and crown volume, indicate
that they grow as the diameter at the base of the
stem and height increase respectively (Table
2). It is observed that as the tree increases in
height, the crown height increases and at the
same time the crown volume increases; as the
crown height increases, the crown diameter
increases, and as the crown diameter increases,
the pod production increases.
Models to predict pods production: The
best results of the univariate regression analysis
between tree and pod production used the daso-
metric variable measurements. The findings
indicate that the univariate models do not offer
a good estimation of pod production. This is
due to the largest R
adj being 0.327, between
crown diameter and pod production in a loga-
rithmic model and the measurement of height
to the first branches does not allow an estimate
of pod production.
The multivariate analysis with the stepped
regression method allowed the generation of
the linear model (equation 12), linear with
interactions model (equation 13), and poly-
nomial of second order model (equation 14).
Table 3 shows the results of the goodness of
fit and the results of the residue normality test.
The linear model presented a mean positive
regression; the linear model with interactions
and the second-order polynomial model
showed a positive regression from consider-
able too strong with pod production. Although
the pod production presents a high coefficient
of variation, with multivariate models, it is pos-
sible to generate a better prediction of the pod
production regarding the univariate analysis.
In Fig. 1, it can be seen that the linear model
with interactions and second-order polyno-
mial model have a better distribution between
the observed and estimated data. The random
distribution of the data and residues indicates
that there is homoscedasticity. The result of the
analysis multivariate regression indicated that
the second-order polynomial model presented
the best goodness of fit.
Tree occlusion percentage in S. spectabilis
was 73.4 7.92 % (CV = 10.8 %), the cup area
was 49.3 m
, the shadow area was 36.2
, the number of trees for ha
was 83
trees, the potential production of pods in a
silvopastoral arrangement with S. spectabilis
could be 2.72 t ha
of pods, and 1.64 t ha
dried pods.
The specific allometric equations are
convenient because tree species can differ
greatly in tree architecture (Ketterings, Coe,
Van Noordwijk, Ambagau, & Palm, 2001). In
general, bifurcation patterns, branching, and
irregular and relatively complex crown shapes
Pearson correlation matrix for and between measures of S. spectabilis tree dasometric variables and pod production
Total height
of the tree
Height to
the first branch
Total height of the tree 1 0.000 0.000 - 0.031 0.000
Crown height 0.914** 1 0.001 0.043 0.001 0.000
Height to the first branch 0.635** 0.586** 1 - - 0.000
Diameter at the base of the stem - 0.372* - 1 0.000 0.004
Crown diameter 0.395* 0.586** - 0.714** 1 0.000
Crown volume 0.804** 0.942** 0.752** 0.530** 0.752** 1
Pod production - - 0.592** 0.446* 0.592** -
Above the diagonal the values of p are presented. Below the diagonal, the correlation values are presented, where *
Significant correlation at level 0.05, ** Significant correlation at level 0.01.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
Results of the indicators for the selection of the best model, normality test of residuals and models
Models Value
C Value C Value C Value C Total
Linear 0.51 3 11.53 3 1730.5 1 858.9 2 9
Linear with interactions 0.65 2 9.80 2 1737.5 3 861.7 3 10
Second-order polynomial 0.83 1 6.80 1 1735.6 2 856.2 1 5
Linear with interactions:
Second-order polynomial:
Lilliefors 95 % test, where: R
adj = adjusted correlation coefficient, RMSE = the square root of the mean square of the error,
AIC statisticians = Akaike information criterion, BIC = Bayesian information criterion, C = sum of the indicators. Where:
= Diameter at the base of the stem, X
= Crown height, X
= Crown diameter, X
= Crown volume, X
= Total height of
the tree, X
= height to the first branch. The model with the best fit according to the sum of the R
adj, RMSE, AIC and BIC
statistics was the second-order polynomial.
Fig. 1. Distribution of the observed and estimated data with A. linear, B. linear models with interactions and C. second-order
polynomial for estimation in the production of pods in S. spectabilis.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
make it difficult to adjust correlative models
between components, even in the same species.
The architecture of the trees is the result
of the influence of ontogenetic and morpho-
genetic factors that affects all levels of orga-
nization of the organism, in each stage of its
development and throughout its life period
(Barthélémy & Caraglio, 2007). Forest param-
eters, such as the location of the tree, the height
of the tree, the number of trees, the diameter of
the crown, and the tree species, are essential for
the quantitative analysis of the forests (Chen,
Baldocchi, Gong, & Kelly, 2006; Koch, Hey-
der, & Weinacker, 2006).
The height of the trees of S. spectabilis
reported in this study was higher than those
reported in Minas Gerais with an average of
5.9 m at 155 months from seed (12.91 years)
(Ferreira, Bothelo, Dadive, & Faria, 2007).
Whereas in Eastern Africa, the characteris-
tics of the tree S. spectabilis was a height of
6.8 ± 0.1 m (Ndoli et al., 2018) and when a
qualitative-quantitative analysis was performed
of shrub-arboreal vegetation of the Caatinga
in Teixeira, Paraiba, Brazil, the report of an
average tree height in S. spectabilis was (11.3
% < 4.05 m; 86.1 % 4.05 H 6.16 m, and
2.6 % 6.15 m) (Leite, 2010). These reports
of different heights may be related to the fertil-
ity of the soils and the specific environmental
conditions of each place. A tree from S. spec-
tabilis at 26 months after planting in Makoika,
Malawi, had a reported height of 3.23-3.42 m
(Maghembe & Prins, 1994). The productivity
of the forest site can be derived from the height
and age of the dominant trees controlled by
the environmental conditions (Corral, Álva-
rez, Ruiz, & Gadow, 2004), especially cli-
matic and phytogeomorphic variables (Dorner,
Lertzman, & Fall, 2002).
Reports on other members of the genus
Senna shows the different characteristics
between the species. In selected plantations
in Colombia with a rainfall of 1 200 mm and
soils with pH 7.8, Senna siamea were found to
have arboreal spread of 3 by 3 m, an age of 3
years, and a height average of 7.5 m (Francis,
Lowe, & Trabanino, 2000); Senna macranthera
(Collad.) were reported at a height of 5.8 m
by Ferreira et al., (2007). Parolin (2001), also
measured Senna reticulata (Willd.) in flood
areas in the Amazon that reached a height of
12 m. In Campinas, Brazil, other species of
the fabaceae family were also researched. Cen-
trolobium tomentosum had reported heights of
10.18 ± 3.26 m; Holocalyx balansae Micheli
had a height of 10.26 ± 2.6 m and Machaerium
nyctitans (Vell.) Benth had heights of 8.84 ± 2.9
m (Dias, dos Santos, Maës, & Martins, 2017).
The crown diameter in this differs from
those mentioned in Eastern Africa, where the
tree canopy radius was 4.7 ± 0.1m with the
tree´s age given by the owner as 21.9 ± 0.9
years (an estimated crown diameter of 9.4 m)
(Ndoli et al., 2018). Possibly, this result is relat-
ed to the tree´s age, in the case of “La Comarca
farm,” the estimated age of the trees does not
exceed 20 years. Other research reports that
S. reticulata trees of 4-8 m in height have the
densest canopies, with diameters that reach 4-6
m (Parolin, 2001).
In this study, the production of pods of S.
spectabilis was related to crown diameter and
crown volume; while in Acacia pennatula,
found that the production of pods is strongly
related to the diameter of the tree, which at
the same time is correlated with the height and
coverage of the tree (Purata, Greenberg, Barri-
entos, & López-Portillo, 1999). In Astrocaryum
standleyanum a positive association between
spatial variation in pod density and spatial den-
sities of photodetected crowns; spatial densities
of soil stems and stem diameters were found
(Jansen et al., 2008).
A description of the production of pods of
other tree species was made since no reports
were found in the literature of pod production
in S. spectabilis. In Prosopis alba, the control
trees in Argentina produced 32 kg of pods
(Ewens & Flecker, 2010). In Prosopis chilen-
sis, the control trees in Egypt produced 9.8 kg
of pods (Faramawy, 2014).
Trees S. spectabilis with a range of height
equal to or more than 6 m had higher averages
in the dasometric variables of height, crown
height, height to the first branch, and crown
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
volume with respect to trees shorter than 6 m.
This is possibly because the taller trees are at a
more developed stage.
It is possible that the low coefficient of
determination of the univariate models is due
to the fact that the variable pod production in S.
spectabilis presents a high coefficient of varia-
tion in tree
pod production. This corresponds
to 49.28 % for the average of all trees, 39.69 %
for trees equal to or taller than 6 m and 55.25
% for trees shorter than 6 m. On the other hand,
a single dasometric measurement could hardly
explain the production of pods, given that
this variable is complex and depends on other
dasometric measurements from the tree. The
quality of the soil, the amount of rainfall, their
distribution, and other factors, are all variables
that affect production.
In trees dispersed in the pastures of Mag-
dalena Medio Tolimense in Colombia, the per-
centage of occlusion was evaluated and it was
found that Anagyris foetida presented an occlu-
sion value of 92 %. Other species established
in the silvopastoral systems of the dry tropics
in the Fabaceae family presented values with
lower occlusion. These species were Senna
spectabilis, Phithecelobium dulce, Pseudosa-
manea guachapele, and Prosopis juliflora, with
73.4 %, 71 %, 64 % and 63 % respectively
(Serrano, 2013).
An interesting aspect of the introduction
of S. spectabilis as a scattered tree species is
that by supplying the pods to cattle, the seeds
are sown in fertile feces and the seedlings are
not consumed by the animals. This allows dif-
fusion of the trees in the silvopastoral system,
a supplementary source of pod production, and
shade for the animals in the warm environments
of the tropics, an increase in seed availability
for nurseries, and the generation of a potential
source of galactomannans for the industry.
The production of fresh pods per tree in the
S. spectabilis presents a potential in its avail-
ability as feed for ruminant or seed production.
The potential production of pods in sil-
vopastoral with S. spectabilis could be 2.72 t/
ha, and 1.64 t/ha of dry pods, this shows the
importance of trees and of pods production
and nutritional contribution obtained for
dry ecosystems.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
Our research is supported by the project:
Innovación y gestión técnico científica para el
desarrollo de la cadena ovino caprina del Tol-
ima “INNOVIS” of Gobernación del Tolima,
project registered in the Office of Research and
Scientific Development of the Universidad del
Tolima with the code [730115]. To the Engineer
Mario Vanegas for facilitating the property.
Producción de vainas, y variables dasométricas,
del árbol Senna spectabilis (Fabaceae) en un bosque
seco tropical. Introducción: Senna spectabilis es un
árbol pantropical multipropósito, utilizado en sistemas
agroforestales. Objetivo: Determinar la producción de
vainas (Pv) y la relación con las variables dasométricas
en S. spectabilis en el bosque seco tropical. El número
potencial de árboles/ha (NPa) fue calculado determinando
el porcentaje de oclusión (Po) y el área de sombra/árbol
(As); para calcular la producción potencial de frutos/ha,
la producción de frutos/árbol fue multiplicada por (NPa).
Métodos: Desde agosto del 2016 hasta febrero de 2017,
treinta árboles en etapa de producción fueron selecciona-
dos al azar, los más aislados del total de árboles dispersos
fueron seleccionados, y fueron monitoreados al inicio y al
final del período de estudio, para determinar las mediciones
dasométricas como la altura total (At), altura a la primera
rama (Apr), altura de la copa (Ac), diámetro del tallo (a 0.2
m altura desde el suelo) (Dt), diámetro de la copa (Dc) y
volumen de copa (Vc). Las vainas se cosecharon cuando
su color comenzó a cambiar. Se realizaron correlaciones
de Pearson y análisis de regresión univariada y multi-
variada entre las variables dasométricas y la producción
de vainas. El número potencial de árboles/ha (NPa) se
calculó determinando el porcentaje de oclusión (Po) y el
área de sombra/árbol (Asa); para estimar el potencial de
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 218-230, March 2021
producción de las vainas/ha, la producción de vainas/árbol
se multiplicó por NPa. Resultados: la At fue de 6.16 ±
1.23 m, Apr 2.75 ± 0.52 m, Ac 3.41 ± 0.98 m, Db 20.43 ±
4.80 cm, Dc 7.46 ± 1.20 m y Vc 108.43 ± 61.38 m
Existió una correlación positiva significativa entre Apr, Dc,
Db, Pv de 0.592**, 0.592 ** y 0.446 * respectivamente.
La Pv fue de 32.73 ± 16.13 kg y la producción de materia
seca (PMS) fue de 17.84 ± 8.80 kg/árbol. El resultado de
la regresión multivariada indicó que el modelo polinomial
de segundo orden presentó la mejor bondad de ajuste. El
Po de los árboles fue de 73.4 % ± 7.92 %, el área de copa
fue de 49.3 m
/árbol, el Asa fue de 36.2 m
/árbol, el NPa
fue de 83 árboles. Conclusiones: La producción de vainas
frescas/árbol en el S. spectabilis presenta un potencial en
la disponibilidad de alimento para los rumiantes o la pro-
ducción de semillas. El potencial de producción de vainas
en u arreglos silvopastoriles podría ser de 2.72 t/ha, y 1.64
t/ha de vainas secas, esto muestra la importancia del árbol
de producción de vainas y la contribución nutricional para
los ecosistemas secos.
Palabras clave: vainas, morfometría; modelos de predic-
ción; árboles dispersos; silvopastoril.
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