Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
Morphology, germination, and geographic distribution of
Pentaclethra macroloba (Fabaceae): a hyperdominant Amazonian tree
Adelson Rocha Dantas
*, Marcelino Carneiro Guedes
, Caroline da Cruz Vasconcelos
Jaynna Gonar Lôbo Isacksson
, Dayane Nathália Barbosa Pastana
, Ana Cláudia Lira-Guedes
& Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade
1. Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brasil;
adelson.dantas@yahoo.com.br, maua.manaus@gmail.com
2. Departamento de Recursos Florestais, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Macapá, Brasil;
marcelino.guedes@embrapa.br, ana-lira.guedes@embrapa.br
3. Programa de Pós-graduação em Botânica, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brasil;
4. Grupo de Pesquisa em Ecologia Florestal, Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, Tefé, Brasil;
5. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Florestal, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brasil;
* Correspondence
Received 10-VIII-2020. Corrected 04-XI-2020. Accepted 13-XI-2020.
ABSTRACT. Introduction: Pentaclethra macroloba is a hyperdominant tree in the Amazon estuary of
great socioeconomic importance for the region because the oil from its seeds is a powerful herbal medicine.
Objective: We aimed to characterize the morphological structure, the morphological adaptations in response
to the daily flooding of the Amazon estuary and the biogeographic area of P. macroloba. Methods: Detailed
description of the external morphology, from germination to the adult tree, was obtained from individuals
located in floodplain forest, Northeast Amazonia. The occupation area and the geographical extension of P.
macroloba were determined from point of geographical coordinates of botanical samples deposited in the digital
collections of Mobot and SpeciesLink. Results: Adult individuals have adapted structures in response to daily
flooding, such as: adventitious roots to increase respiratory efficiency and lenticels in the trunk, serving as a
connection point for oxygen transport between the root and the aerial part. Dried fruit favours the activation of
the explosive dehiscence mechanism, allowing the seed to be expelled long distance. Deltoid shape of the seed
allows water fluctuation and more efficient dispersal. Seedling is phanerocotylar hypogeal and with one pair of
reserve cotyledons that provide the seedling an extra source of energy to escape the flood. Germination rate was
78 % and the speed was 0.2 seeds.day
. Circular buffer method revealed the presence of 123 subpopulations of
P. macroloba distributed in a radius of 5 699 943 km² across the Neotropical region. Conclusions: Much of the
morphological structures of P. macroloba are adaptive and evolutionary responses to the periodically flooded
environment of the Amazon estuary, showing that these environments select the trees, best adapted, to inhabit
the flood. P. macroloba has a wide geographical area denotes the plasticity of adapting to different environments,
which may justify its monodominance in some regions.
Key words: morphological adaptation; tidal flooding; Neotropical tree; adventitious roots; pracaxi oil; manage-
ment, conservation.
Rocha Dantas, A., Carneiro Guedes, M., da Cruz Vasconcelos, C., Lôbo Isacksson, J.G.,
Barbosa Pastana, D.N., Lira-Guedes, A.C., & Fernandez Piedade, M.T. (2021).
Morphology, germination, and geographic distribution of Pentaclethra macroloba
(Fabaceae): a hyperdominant Amazonian tree. Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(1),
181-196. DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.43446
ISSN Printed: 0034-7744 ISSN digital: 2215-2075
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.43446
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
Some tree species in the Amazon region
have great dominance, occurring in a wide
area, others have isolated populations and
their distribution is restricted to a specific
environment (ter Steege et al., 2013). The
great challenge for many forest ecologists is to
understand the mechanisms and strategies that
trees develop over time to colonize the most
varied environments in the Amazon rainforest.
In the Amazon floodplain, the periodically
flooded environment can promote speciation
and adaptation processes in the trees that
inhabit this environment. Various adaptations
in the external morphology of the plants are
observed in response to the low availability of
oxygen in the rhizosphere and the constant ero-
sion of the soil, such as high density of lenticels
in the trunk and the presence of roots and aerial
structures: rhizophores, pneumatophores, haus-
toria and buttresses (Almeida, Amaral, & Silva,
2004; Parolin, 2012).
In Central Amazonia, flooding in the for-
est can last up to 243 days and reach a height
of up to 6 m on the tree trunk (Schöngart,
Piedade, Ludwigshausen, Horna, & Worbes,
2002). Trees respond to this long period of
flooding reducing metabolic activity, which in
many cases leads to leaf fall in the canopy (De
Simone, Junk, & Schmidt, 2003) and formation
of annual rings on the trunk (Schöngart et al.,
2004). However, in the Eastern Amazon, the
knowledge of the morphological and ecophysi-
ological adaptations of tree species that grow
under the regime of daily flooding and low
amplitude of the Amazon estuary (Junk et al.,
2011) is still quite modest.
The floodplains of the Amazon estuary
have several endemic and dominant species as
Pentaclethra macroloba. Species of the Faba-
ceae family, popularly known by name “pra-
caxi” (Dantas, Marangon, Guedes, Feliciano, &
Lira-Guedes, 2017). This species is hyperdomi-
nant Amazon (Ter Steege et al., 2013) and large
occurrence in Amazon estuary (Carim, Wit-
tmann, Piedade, Guimarães, & Tostes, 2016).
Among the three populations of P. macroloba
in Neotropical America, little is known about
the natural history of the population that lives
in the Amazon Basin (Hartshorn, 1983).
P. macroloba is an important non-timber
species in the local socioeconomic, source of
income for several riverside Amazon, due to
its multiple uses. The bark of the tree trunk has
triterpenoid saponins that have anti-haemor-
rhagic action against the venom of snakes of
the Bothrops genus (Silva et al., 2007). The oil
extracted from the seeds is a powerful natural
medicine, which is very common riverside
Amazon people to use this oil to treat muscle
pain and inflammation. The oil has a high con-
centration of fatty acids that moisturize the skin
(Costa et al., 2014), which is highly requested
by the cosmetics industry as raw material.
Despite the great arboreal biodiversity of
the Amazon, information on the basic morphol-
ogy of plant species is still lacking, difficult
to understand the evolutionary adaptations of
trees to the environment. In addition, studies
of plant morphology are important to ensure
the correct identification of trees and natural
regeneration (Melo, Mendonça, & Mendes,
2004), indispensable requirement in biodiver-
sity inventory.
Dispersion patterns of the trees has great
contribution to the diversification of the Ama-
zon rainforest (Gentry, 1981). The biogeo-
graphic patterns of trees are the result, in many
cases, of limited dispersion (Wiens, 2011)
and reveal characteristics of its ecology and
evolutionary biology (Gaston & Fuller, 2009),
important knowledge for conservation strate-
gies of species that have economic potential,
such as P. macroloba.
In this study, we evaluated the morpho-
logical adaptations of P. macroloba in response
to the daily flooding of the Amazon estuary. We
provide a detailed description of the external
morphology of P. macroloba and evaluate its
biogeographic area to assist in the management
and conservation of this species.
Study area: Botanical material was
collected from individuals located in two
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
floodplain areas: Mazagão Experimental Field
(CEM) and Fazendinha Environmental Pro-
tection Area (APA da Fazendinha hereafter),
State of Amapá, Brazil. CEM belongs to the
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation,
located in the city of Mazagão (00°02’33” S
& 51°15’24” W), it has 55.95 ha of floodplain
forest and is bathed by the tributary of the
Amazon River called “furo do Mazagão”. The
APA da Fazendinha is located in the city of
Macapá (00º03’04.24” S & 51°07’42.72” W),
it has 13 659 ha of floodplain forest and is
directly bathed by the Amazon River.
The climatic system of the region is Am
(Köppen classification), tropical rainy (Alva-
res, Stape, Sentelhas, Gonçalves, & Sparovek,
2013), and in the state of Amapá, the rainy
season begins in December, with the concentra-
tion of rainfall in the month of March where the
peak of precipitation is above 60 mm until the
month of August. The dry season starts in Sep-
tember when the monthly rainfall is below 60
mm (Vilhena, Silva, & Freitas, 2018). The soils
of the area are classified as typical Melanic
Gleysols Ta Eutrophic, with predominance of
silt. Both the sediment and the soil are formed
by smectite, illite, kaolinite, goethite, anatase
and quartz (Pinto, 2014).
The vegetation is classified as dense
alluvial ombrophilous forest (IBGE, 2012),
with predominance of species Mora par-
aensis, Astrocaryum murumuru, P. macroloba,
Carapa guianensis and Virola surinamensis
(Carim et al., 2016).
Data collection: Morphological descrip-
tion of the 34 adult trees (30 trees in APA and
4 trees in CEM) occurred in the field, observ-
ing their characteristics from the trunk base
towards the top of the crown. After the descrip-
tion of the tree adults, fertile branches contain-
ing flowers, fruits and seeds were collected
with the help of a pruning stick of 10 m and
the usual tree climbing technique according to
Laman (1995).
Branches were stored in moistened poly-
ethylene bags and sent to the Embrapa Seed
Laboratory, where the structures were measured
and morphological description was conducted,
through a specialized form with botanical
terms. After the description, exsiccates were
prepared for deposit in the Embrapa Herbarium
Amazônia Oriental - IAN, Belém, Pará (regis-
tration numbers IAN192676 and IAN192677).
Morphological structures of the trunk,
branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and
seedlings were recorded using a Canon® cam-
era (Model EOS Rebel T2i). Small structures
were recorded using a Leica stereomicroscope
(model EZ4D) with fixed camera.
The morphological stages of fruit and seed
maturation were determined monitoring 30
individuals, during the period from April 2018
to March 2019 in the APA da Fazendinha. It
was possible to observe the development of the
first fruits, as well as to determine the matura-
tion time and the morphological changes that
occurred over time. The fruits that showed
any significant change in shape or colour in
the crown were collected, measured, and pho-
tographed. A chronological sequence of the
maturation of fruits and seeds was built.
For the morphometric analysis, 54 fruits
and 114 seeds were collected to obtain fresh
mass (g), length (mm), width (mm) and thick-
ness (mm). Fruits and seeds were weighed
on analytical balance (Shimadzu® model
AUW22OD, Japan), with accuracy of 0.001 g.
The measures of length, width and thickness
were measured with a digital caliper (Carbo-
grafite® model 150, accuracy of 0.01 mm).
To evaluate the germination process and
seedling phases, 60 seeds (4 replicates x 15
seeds) were sown in plastic trays (45 x 28 x 7.5
cm), containing sand as substrate sterilized at
100 °C and vermiculite of medium particle size
(1:1 ratio). The germination phases and seed-
ling formation were monitored every two days
in a greenhouse, for a period of six months.
The dispersal pattern of the species was
analysed through the geographical coordinates
of the botanical samples deposited in the
digital repositories of the Missouri Botani-
cal Garden (Tropicos, 2019) and SpeciesLink
(CRIA, 2019).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
Data analysis: All descriptions of the
morphological characteristics of P. macroloba
followed a standardized form in botanical
terms, based on botanical literature (Barroso,
Morim, Pioxoto, & Ichaso, 2004; Gonçalves &
Lorenzi, 2011; Harris & Harris, 2001). Mean ±
standard deviation and coefficient of variation
(CV) of the morphometric data were calcu-
lated. The morphometric relationships between
fruits and seeds were evaluated using simple
linear regression. The significance of the rela-
tionship was assessed by analysis of variance
at 0.05 % probability. The percentage of germi-
nated seeds, average germination time and the
germination speed were determined (Maguire,
1962). Germinated seed was considered when
the cotyledons open emitting the epicotyl and
the seedling phase begins with the expansion
of the first pair of leaves (Camargo, Ferraz,
Mesquita, Santos, & Brum, 2008).
Geographic dispersal map of the species
was prepared in the software QGIS 2.18. The
extent of occurrence (EOO), area of occupation
(AOO) and number of subpopulations (IUCN,
2017) of P. macroloba were determined using
the statistical package ConR (Dauby, 2019).
The number of subpopulations was estimated
using the circular buffer method (Rivers, Bach-
man, Meagher, Lughadha, & Brummitt, 2010).
All statistical analysis were performed using
the R program (R core Team, 2019).
Description of adult trees in the field: P.
macroloba (Fig. 1A) has an average height of
13 m (maximum 37 m) and 26 cm of diameter
(maximum 59 cm). The base of the trunk (Fig.
1F) can be channelled or in buttresses, with
the tree stem (Fig. 1B) straight or inclined and
cylindrical shape. Rhytidome (outer bark) has
a rough texture and with a mixture of green
and grey colors (presence of lichen stains,
Fig. 1D), with abundant elliptical and blackish
green lenticels (Fig. 1C). The phloem (inner
bark) is reddish and the sapwood is yellow-
ish (Fig. 1E). The tree does not show exudate
when the rhytidome is injured However, one
day after, the tree exudes a colourless and vis-
cous liquid (Fig. 1I). During the flood period
of the Amazon estuary, P. macroloba produces
a large number of adventitious roots (Fig. 1H).
Individuals often show spread of branches at
the base of the trunk (Fig. 1G).
The leaves (21.3 ± 4.7 cm) are bipinnate
(Fig. 2A), paripinnate, with alternate spiral
phyllotaxy (Fig. 2C) and have 6-15 pairs of
leaflets (8.6 ± 2.8 cm). When new, the leaves
Fig. 1. Morphological characteristics of adult individuals of Pentaclethra macroloba in the Amazon estuary: A. Pentaclethra
macroloba tree, B. Straight trunk, C. Protuberant lenticels on the trunk, D. Moss and lichen stain, E. Red phloem and
yellow sapwood, F. Base of the trunk, G. Spread of branches at the base of the trunk, H. Adventitious roots and I. Exudate
on the trunk.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
have a light red colour (Fig. 2B) and when
ripe, they have a dark green colour (Fig. 2A).
The leaflets (8.6 ± 2.8 cm) are opposite or sub-
opposite, containing 28-45 pairs of pinnules.
The pinnules (11.7 ± 0.6 mm) are opposite,
oblong or linear, with an obtuse/asymmetric
base; acute apex, mucronate and with the entire
blade margin. The pinnules are coriaceous, dark
green on the adaxial side, light green abaxial
and glabrous on both sides. The petiole (32.6 ±
10.6 mm) varies from yellowish green to black-
ish brown, smooth to slightly rough, channelled
and covered by abundant trichomes (Fig. 2D).
The pulvinus (7.5 ± 1.4 mm) varies from dark
green to black, rough and with trichomes. The
rachis (16.6 ± 5.8 cm) varies from yellowish
green to blackish brown colour, channelled and
with trichomes similar to the petiole. The pul-
vinule (1.7 ± 0.3 mm) is rough and varies from
yellowish green to blackish brown colour. The
rachilla has yellowish green or blackish brown
colour, smooth and with brownish trichomes.
Presence of a pair of linear stipules (Fig. 2E) at
the base of the pulvinus.
The inflorescence (17.1 ± 3.9 cm) is a ter-
minal spike of white colour, due to the presence
of numerous whitish staminodes (Fig. 3A). A
spike can have up to 411 flowers. The floral
Fig. 2. Morphological characteristics of the Pentaclethra macroloba leaf in the Amazon estuary: A. Ripe leaf, A. New leaf,
C. Alternate spiral phyllotaxy, D. Petiole channeled with trichomes and E. Pulvinus base stipule.
Fig. 3. Morphological characteristics of the Pentaclethra macroloba inflorescence in the Amazon estuary: A. Inflorescences
in the phase of floral bud and anthesis, A. Immature flower buds, C. Pentamer flower with their guiding lines [gl] of
pollinators, D. Gomosepalous calyx and E. Gland [g] in the anther.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
bud (4 ± 1.1 mm) is initially light green when
immature (Fig. 3B), becoming light green to
light brown with maturation. The flower (7.2 ±
1.3 mm) is pentamer (Fig. 3C), calyx gamose-
palous (Fig. 3D) and presenting up to 10 stami-
nodes. The stamen has a gland at the tip of the
anther (Fig. 3E). The petals have floral nectar
guide that direct the pollinator into the flower
(Fig. 3C).
Morphometry and characterization of
fruits and seeds: The fruit has an average
length of 33.7 cm (± 3.3 cm) and weight of
105.1 g (± 32.3 g) (Table 1). The average
number of seeds per fruit was four seeds (± 1
seed) (Table 1). Fruit length (mm) had a posi-
tive linear relationship between the measures of
fresh weight (F = 5.11; p = 0.031*; R² = 0.14;
Fig. 4A), length (F = 17.48; p = 0.0002***; R²
= 0.37; Fig. 4B), width (F = 59.2; p = 0.023*;
R² = 0.16; Fig. 4C) and thickness (F = 9.11; p =
0.005**; R² = 0.23; Fig. 4D) of the seeds.
The seed has an average length of 4.4 cm
(± 0.48 cm) and weight of 6.8 g (± 2.2 g) (Table
1). Fresh mass (g) of seeds has a positive lin-
ear relationship with its measures of length (F
= 116.23; p < 0.001***; R² = 0.67; Fig. 4E),
width (F = 53.01; p < 0.001***; R² = 0.48; Fig.
4F) and thickness (F = 56.48; p < 0.001***; R²
= 0.50; Fig. 4G).
The fruit is of the dry legume type (Fig.
5A), dehiscent, with 4-6 valves, light green
(immature) to dark brown (ripe), laterally flat-
tened and falcate, with an acute apex and with
cuneate or attenuate base. The ventral suture is
slightly flat. The pericarp is woody; externally
corrugated, glabrous, rare punctiform or ellipti-
cal lenticels; internally reddish brown, slightly
striate, glabrous and with diagonal cracks due
to the natural twist for opening and releasing
the seeds.
The seed is deltoid, rhomboid or obovoid
(Fig. 5B), with flat and irregular surface, dark
brown, opaque, striate and with thin grooves.
The coat (< 1 mm) varies from light brown to
dark brown and opaque. Cotyledons are fleshy,
light yellow to whitish colour and with chan-
nels that exude oil of rapid oxidation when
exposed to air. The seed embryo has a straight
embryonic axis, with well-developed plumule
and radicle (Fig. 5C). The seeds have an air
pocket between the cotyledons, which allows
floating in water (Fig. 5D).
The average time of the fruit and seed
maturation was 5 months (± 3 months) and 3
months (± 2 months), respectively. We recorded
the formation of up to five fruits per inflores-
cence. First fruit arise from the 22nd day after
flower fertilization (Fig. 6A). At this stage, it
is still possible to observe the persistence of
Morphometric values of the measured variables in fruits (N = 22) and seeds
(N = 60) of Pentaclethra macroloba in the Amazon estuary
Average Standard deviation *CV % Minimum Maximum
Fresh weight (g) 105.1 32.3 30.7 50.5 201.7
Length (cm) 33.7 3.3 9.9 22.4 40.8
Width (cm) 4.2 0.35 8.1 3.6 4.9
Thickness (mm) 1.4 0.25 17.1 0.99 1.8
Number of seeds 4.3 1.1 26.0 2 7
Fresh weight (g) 6.8 2.2 33.0 2.1 12.1
Length (mm) 4.4 0.5 10.8 3.3 5.7
Width (mm) 3.1 0.5 16.2 1.8 4.9
Thickness (mm) 1 0.16 16.3 0.6 1.3
*CV = coefficient of variation.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
the calyx and corolla. On the 32nd day, the
perianth disappears, the fruit gains length and
falcate shape, presenting light red colour in
the centre and pale green colour at the edges.
(Fig. 6B). On the 53rd day, the fruit has a pale
green colour, membranaceous consistency and
the first light green seed appears (Fig. 6C). On
the 78th day, the fruit has a light green colour,
with slightly blackened edges, slightly woody
consistency and with protuberances (valves)
on the surface, due to the development and
expansion of the light beige seeds (Fig. 6D).
Fig. 4. Morphometric relationships of fruits and seeds
of Pentaclethra macroloba in the Amazon estuary.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
On the 110th day, the fruit has a dark green
colour, with blackening from the border to the
centre, woody consistency and the seed has
beige colour with light brown tones (Fig. 6E).
On the 144th day, the fruit has brown colour,
with some parts still green, woody consistency
and slightly dry and the seed has light brown
colour (Fig. 6F). On the 198th day, the fruit is
ripe, ready to disperse the ripe seeds (Fig. 6G).
Germination and initial seedling devel-
opment: The first seeds germinated on the
28th day (44 ± 27 days) after sowing and the
seedling phase on the 51st after sowing and
germination. Germination is hypogeal, pha-
nerocotylar and unipolar, with an axis between
the cotyledons. During germination, the seed
coat breaks, and the primary root emerges (Fig.
7A). The cotyledons open forming an acute to
right angle, with the epicotyl appearing (Fig.
7B). The epicotyl lengthens and the first pair
of leaves appearing (opposite or sub-opposite;
Fig. 7C), which soon produces the subsequent
leaves (Fig. 7D, Fig. 7E). Germination rate
Fig. 5. Morphological characteristics of fruits and seeds of Pentaclethra macroloba in the Amazon estuary: A. Immature
fruits, B. Ripe fruit with its valves, C. Ripe seeds, D. Seed embryo and E. Seeds floating in the water of the Amazon river.
Fig. 6. Maturation phases of fruits and seeds of Pentaclethra macroloba in the Amazon estuary. Evolution of shape, size
and colour: phase A. 22nd day after flower fertilization; phase B. 32nd day; phase C. 53rd day; phase D. 78th day; phase E.
110th day; phase F. 144th day; and phase G. 198th day of maturation.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
was 78 %, with average germination time of 54
days and the average germination speed was
0.2 seeds.day
Seedling morphology: Seedling (Fig. 7D)
has hypocotyl not elongate; cotyledons with
reserves, asymmetrical, internally dark green
and externally brownish green, with longitu-
dinal grooves becoming rough over time. The
epicotyl (17.7 ± 3.7 cm) is initially green-
ish, becoming violet to brownish, smooth to
slightly rough, striate longitudinally, with yel-
low translucent trichomes and with abundant
circular and punctate lenticels. Presence of
11-13 triangular cataphylls (1.7 ± 0.6 mm)
along the epicotyl.
First pair of leaves (15.7 ± 4.4 cm) are
bipinnate, opposite, sub-opposite or alternate,
often paripinnate and rarely imparipinnate and
with 6-12 opposite leaflets. The pinnules (9.2
± 0.4 mm) are sessile, oblong, papyraceous,
with obtuse and asymmetric base, acute and
mucronate apex and margin of the entire and
ciliate blade (yellowish trichomes). The peti-
ole (3.8 ± 1.2 cm) is brownish green, with
trichomes, smooth or rough, with wing and flat
or channelled. Discolour leaf blade, with dark
green adaxial face and light green abaxial face.
The rachis (6.6 ± 2.4 cm) is brownish-green,
smooth to rough, apiculate and with trichomes
similar to the petiole, but more abundant. The
pulvinus (3.3 ± 0.8 mm) is dark green, rough,
with trichomes equal to that of the petiole and
with transverse fissures. Presence of a pair of
stipules at the base of the pulvinus (Fig. 8B).
Glands or extrafloral nectary at the base of the
pulvinus (Fig. 8C). The petiole is reduced to
pulvinule (0.6 ± 0.2 mm).
Subsequent leaves (10.4 ± 1.7 cm) are
equal to the first leaves, but smaller in size,
with alternate spiral phyllotaxy (Fig. 8A) and
have 9 to 16 leaflets. The pinnules (7.4 ± 2.1
mm) is equal to the first leaves, but larger.
The petiole (3.8 ± 1.2 cm) is equal to the first
leaves, but smaller. The rachis (6.6 ± 2.3 cm) is
equal to the first leaves. The pulvinus (3.2 ± 0.8
mm) is equal to the first leaves. The petiolule
is reduced to pulvinule. The pulvinule (0.6 ±
0.2 mm) is equal to the first leaves. Condupli-
cate prefoliation, from violet to reddish-brown
colour and with translucent trichomes. The
internodes have lenticels similar to the epi-
cotyl, but more abundant.
Geographic distribution: We analysed
210 points of geographical coordinates of
digital botanical collections. The centre of
occurrence of P. macroloba was throughout
Latin America, showing that it is a neotropical
species (Fig. 9). Data from digital repositories
Fig. 7. Phases of seedling development of Pentaclethra macroloba in the Amazon estuary: phase A. Primary root (pr)
formation; phase B. Opening of the cotyledons (cot) and formation of secondary roots (sr); phase C. Expansion of the
epicotyl (epi); phase D. Development of the first leaves (prot) and formation of cataphyll (cat) in the epicotyl; and phase E.
Ripe leaflets (fo) and apical bud (ag).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
show the presence of P. macroloba in Guate-
mala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ven-
ezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, French
Guyana Suriname, and Brazil. In Brazil, the
species is endemic to the Amazon biome and
its dispersion area comprises the states of Acre,
Amazonas, Roraima, North Mato Grosso,
Amapá and Pará.
The species has 123 subpopulations
(Fig. 9) distributed on a radius of 5 699 943
km² along its extent of occurrence. The area of
occupation of a species represents its suitable
habitat, for P. macroloba is 9 990 km².
The individuals described in this study
appear to be medium size compared to indi-
viduals of P. macroloba from Central America,
where populations are more robust (Hartshorn,
1983). In Costa Rica, adult individuals occupy
the canopy of the forest, reaching a height
of 25 to 35 m and with diameter reaching up
to 130 cm (Flores, 2003). In South America,
in the forests of the department of Chocó
(Colombia), the majority of individuals occupy
the sub-canopy forest, with a maximum diam-
eter of 65 cm (Hartshorn, 1983). In general,
the population of P. macroloba located in the
Amazon forest is of medium height (Harts-
horn, 1983), as presented the individuals in this
study with a maximum diameter of 59 cm. This
shows evidence that individuals in the Amazon
estuary invest more resources to gain height,
as the maximum height (37 m) found was
greater than other studies. According to Paro-
lin (2002), the trees of the Amazon floodplain
forests need to increase the maximum height to
escape the flood.
External morphological structures shown
by P. macroloba, evidence an adaptive relation-
ship to the periodically flooded environment of
the Amazon estuary. In response to flooding,
adventitious roots are produced during the
flood season in the Amazon river (from Janu-
ary to March influenced by the rainy season),
Fig. 8. Morphological characteristics of Pentaclethra macroloba seedling in the Amazon estuary: A. Phyllotaxy of the
subsequent leaves, B. Stipule at the base of the pulvinus and C. Gland at the lateral base of the pulvinus.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
decreasing in the dry season (from September
to December). This characteristic presented by
P. macroloba is a morphological adaptation to
the periodically flooded environment, because
the adventitious roots increase the energetic
and respiratory efficiency of the plant (Haase,
Simone, & Junk, 2003) when the rhizosphere
has low oxygen concentration. Individuals of
P. macroloba from some regions of Costa Rica
also have adventitious roots in flooded environ-
ments (Walter & Bien, 1989).
Reproductive strategies can also be
observed in P. macroloba. A characteristic that
calls attention in P. macroloba is the spread of
several branches at the base of its trunk (Fig.
1G). According to Gaddis, Zukin, Dieterich,
Braker, and Sork (2014), P. macroloba has a
high power of vegetative propagation (clonal
reproduction), even if the tree is down, there
are numerous sprouts of branches on the trunk
and roots. This strategy is efficient in peri-
odically flooded environments, because a faster
increase in height prevents the plant from being
submerged and has its productivity limited by
the flood (Parolin, 2002).
The species has nectar guides on its pet-
als to increase pollen efficiency. Nectar guides
are floral traits that some superior plants have
Fig. 9. Dispersion area (above) and number of subpopulations (below) of Pentaclethra macroloba in the Neotropical region
(Data source: tropicos.org and splink.cria.org.br).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
to attract the attention of effective pollinators
(Leonard, Brent, Papaj, & Dornhaus, 2013).
The nectar guide on the P. macroloba petal
attracts and directs pollinators into the corolla,
where is the nectar gland at the base of the
ovary (Barros, Pedersoli, Paulino, & Teixeira,
2017), increasing the chances of fertilization
of the ovule.
Morphological characteristics presented in
the fruits and seeds of P. macroloba are adaptive
evidence in search of greater efficiency in the
seed dispersal. The low moisture content that
the fruit has when ripe (dry fruit), favours the
activation of the explosive dehiscence mecha-
nism (the ventral suture and the valves) for
the seeds to be expelled (Williamson & Costa,
2000) at a distance of up to 10 m out of the
tree canopy (Hartshorn, 1983). The flattened
shape (deltoid), together with the accumulation
of air between the cotyledons (Soares, Santos,
& Silva, 2019) and the specific gravity of the
seed (Williamson & Costa, 2000), allows the
seed to float in the water of the Amazon estu-
ary, achieving greater efficiency in dispersion.
Positive linear relationship between the
length of the fruit and the measures of weight,
length and thickness of the seeds, give clue that
P. macroloba invests in resources to produce
seeds with high energy content. This strategy
allows the seedlings to survive the adverse
conditions of the flooded environment. Accord-
ing to Primack (1987), bulky seeds have high
reserve content in their cotyledons, allowing
the seedling to obtain an extra energy source
for a long period.
This study showed that the size of the
fruit is a good predictor for selecting seeds
with higher fresh weight, this characteristic is
important for the management of oil extrac-
tion from Pracaxi. The experience of riverine
people in oil extraction shows that larger
seeds yield a greater amount of oil, compared
to smaller seeds (in conversation with some
riverine people from the Bailique community,
Amapá, Brazil). This linear trend to produce
larger fruits and have larger seeds, can be
related to a more lasting source of nutrients for
the plants. Large seeds have greater amounts
of nutritive reserves for the development of the
plant and help to supply the lack of photosyn-
thetic tissue in the early stages of the seedling’s
life (Parolin, 2002).
The germination rate of P. macroloba
shows variability in different flooded environ-
ments in the Amazon. In this study, estuarine
floodplain forest, the germination rate found
was 78 %. In the igapó forest of Central Ama-
zonia, Parolin, Ferreira, and Junk (2003) found
a germination rate for P. macroloba of 45 %.
The two environments differ, among other fac-
tors, by the nutritional status of the soil. The
Amazon estuary is bathed by a river contain-
ing high load of sedimentary and nutritional
material, which are deposited in the soil of this
environment. The igapós of the Amazon are
of older geological origin and are bathed by
rivers of black water, with a high load of plant
material in decomposition, of low nutritional
fertility (Junk et al., 2011).
Hypogeal germination presented by P.
macroloba is common among Amazonian
floodplain species (Parolin et al., 2003) and
among native Amazonian legumes (Moreira
& Moreira, 1996). This type of germination is
related to the size of the seedling. Species with
hypogeal germination have seedlings eight
times larger than species of epigeal germi-
nation, both types of germination help the
seedlings to survive long periods of flooding
(Parolin et al., 2003). Melo, Franco, Silva,
Piedade, & Ferreira (2015) emphasize that the
germination of the type epigeal phanerocotylar
is an adaptive strategy for obtaining light and
in a short period of time.
Seedlings of P. macroloba produce numer-
ous lenticels in the epicotyl, fact also observed
by Parolin (2001) in floodplain seedlings in
the Central Amazon. Lenticels are essential in
flooded environments seedlings, due to these
structures facilitate the entry of oxygen and
improve the internal diffusion of gas between
the plant’s organs (Parolin, 2012). When locat-
ed above the surface of the water, lenticels are a
connection point between the aerial organs and
the root of the tree (Haase & Gudrun, 2010).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
Seedlings that manifest reserve cotyledons
in a flooded environment have great chances of
survival in this type of environment. Cotyledon
reserves guarantee rapid growth in height and
the seedling can escape total submersion in its
initial growth stages (Maia, Maia, & Parolin,
2005). This strategy is efficient in the Amazon
estuary, because most pracaxi seeds germinate
at the end of the flood period (period that the
waters recede from the interior of the forest)
and develop in the drought period (dry season
from September to December, where river
water does not reach the interior of the for-
est), being sufficient for the seedling to use the
cotyledon reserves and gain height to escape
the flood of next year.
Dispersion area of P. macroloba is quite
wide in the Neotropical region, allowing the
species to colonize various habitats. In Costa
Rica, the species is found in ancient alluvial
soils of virgin or secondary forests (Hartshorn,
1983), in annual precipitation regime above
4 300 mm and average temperature of 25 °C
(Eaton et al., 2011). On the island of Trinidad,
the species inhabits seasonal perennials forests
with high content of clay and sand (Greig-
Smith, 1952). In the Amazon region, the spe-
cies can colonize in flooded and non-flooded
environments. Dense populations of the species
can be found in clayey latosolic soils of the
dense non-flooded ombrophilous forest (Condé
& Tonini, 2013). In Central Amazonia, P. mac-
roloba is not dominant, but it tolerates lasting
flooding up to 14 m in height and poor soils in
the igapó forests (Ferreira & Parolin, 2007).
P. macroloba dominates estuarine floodplain
forests (Carim et al., 2016), areas with high
sedimentary load, rich in nutrients and low
amplitude of flooding (Junk et al., 2014).
The circular buffer method detected the
presence of 123 subpopulations of P. mac-
roloba widely distributed in the Neotropical
region. Hartshorn (1983) considers the pres-
ence of three large populations of P. macroloba
distributed in Latin America. According to the
author, the first population, widely studied,
occurs initially in the coastal region of Western
Nicaragua, passing through Costa Rica and
taking the Western part of Panama. The second
population occurs in the West of the depart-
ment of Chocó, Colombia and in the humid part
adjacent to the Darien province of Panama. The
third population is found in Northeast Venezu-
ela, the island of Trinidad, the Guianas and the
Amazon Basin. The author considers the neces-
sity for further studies aimed at the population
of the Amazon Basin, since this population is
little known in the scientific community.
Considering the Amazon region, P. mac-
roloba presents a pattern “centered in the Ama-
zon” proposed by Gentry (1981). The pattern
centered in the Amazon is characterized by
having a high density of species in the Ama-
zon Basin, while the pattern centered in the
Andes has its centre of diversity on the border
of Central America with North-western South
America (Antonelli & Sanmartín, 2011). Gen-
try (1981) explains that the centre of endemism
for some species in the Amazon was influenced
by changes that occurred in the Pleistocene
(theory of Pleistocene forest refuges). Drastic
climate fluctuations in the Pleistocene period
caused the fragmentation and coalescence of
tropical forests, resulting in the isolation and
speciation of large forest populations (Connor,
1986). Several theories emerged to explain the
diversity and distribution pattern of tropical
species (Antonelli & Sanmartín, 2011), howev-
er, some knowledge gaps remain unanswered,
requiring in-depth studies on the topic.
External morphological characteristics of
P. macroloba shows evolutionary and adap-
tive evidence of the species in response to the
dynamics and the varied flooding amplitudes of
the Amazon floodplain forests. The plasticity
of adaptation to different habitats may explain
the dominance of this species and its centre of
diversification in the Amazon. The result of
this study is essential to assist in management
strategies, allowing, among others, a more pre-
cise identification of productive trees to order
the collection of seeds. In the scope of public
policies, the results reinforce the valorisation
of non-wood forest products, orienting towards
the better use of pracaxi seeds, a non-wood
product of local socioeconomic importance and
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 181-196, March 2021
that inhabits the fragile estuarine floodplains of
the Amazon.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowled-
gements section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We thank Programa de Pós-graduação em
Ecologia (PPGEco/INPA), Instituto Nacional
de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Consel-
ho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico
e Tecnológico (CNPq) (doctoral scholarship
142316/2016-4) and Empresa Brasileira de
Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa Amapá). This
work was supported by the Empresa Brasileira
de Pesquisa Agropecuário do Amapá through
Kamukaia III project [].
Morfología, germinación y distribución geográfica
de Pentaclethra macroloba (Fabaceae): árbol amazónico
hiperdominante. Introducción: Pentaclethra macroloba
es un árbol hiperdominante en el estuario del Amazonas,
de gran importancia socioeconómica para la región, pues el
aceite de sus semillas es un poderoso medicamento natural.
Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue caracterizar la estructura
morfológica, las adaptaciones morfológicas en respuesta
a las inundaciones diarias del estuario del Amazonas y
el área biogeográfica de P. macroloba. Métodos: Una
descripción detallada de la morfología externa, desde la
germinación hasta el árbol adulto, se obtuvo de individuos
ubicados en el bosque periódicamente inundado, al noreste
de la Amazonia. El área de ocupación y la extensión geo-
gráfica de P. macroloba se determinaron a partir del punto
de coordenadas geográficas de muestras botánicas deposi-
tadas en las colecciones digitales de Mobot y SpeciesLink.
Resultados: Los individuos adultos tienen estructuras
adaptadas en respuesta a las inundaciones diarias, tales
como: raíces adventicias para aumentar la eficiencia res-
piratoria y lenticelas en el tronco, que sirven como punto
de conexión para el transporte de oxígeno entre la raíz y
la parte aérea. Los frutos secos favorecen la activación
del mecanismo de dehiscencia explosiva, permitiendo
que la semilla sea expulsada a larga distancia. La forma
deltoidea de la semilla permite la fluctuación en el agua y
una dispersión más eficiente. La plántula es hipogel fane-
rocotiledones y con un par de cotiledones de reserva que
proporcionan a la plántula una fuente extra de energía para
escapar de la inundación. La tasa de germinación fue del 78
% y la velocidad fue de 0.2 semillas día
. El método Circu-
lar buffer reveló la presencia de 123 subpoblaciones de P.
macroloba distribuidas en un radio de 5 699 943 km² a lo
largo de la región neotropical. Conclusiones: Gran parte de
las estructuras morfológicas de P. macroloba son respues-
tas adaptativas y evolutivas al ambiente periódicamente
inundado del estuario del Amazonas, lo que demuestra que
estos ambientes actúan como filtro ambiental seleccionado
las especies mejor adaptadas al medio. Su amplia área
geográfica denota la plasticidad de adaptarse a diferentes
ambientes, lo que puede justificar su monodominancia en
algunas regiones.
Palabras clave: adaptación morfológica; inundaciones
por mareas; árbol neotropical; raíces adventicias; aceite de
pracaxi; manejo, conservación.
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