Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 369-378, March 2021
Interaction of Bephratelloides cubensis (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae)
with Annona macroprophyllata fruits in orchards of Chiapas, Mexico
José Norman González-Sánchez
, Alma Rosa González-Esquinca
Claudia Azucena Durán-Ruiz
, Iván De-la-Cruz-Chacón
& Marisol Castro-Moreno
1. Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, Laboratorio de Fisiología y Química Vegetal, Instituto de Ciencias
Biológicas, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, 29000, Mexico; norman.11@hotmail.es, aesquinca@unicach.mx,
claudia.duran.ex@unicach.mx, ivan.cruz@unicach.mx, marisol.castro@unicach.mx (*Correspondencia).
Received 11-IX-2020. Corrected 09-XII-2020. Accepted 17-XII-2020.
ABSTRACT. Introduction: Annona macroprophyllata Donn. Smith. (Annonaceae) (syn. Annona diversifolia
Saff.) is a valued fruit tree species known as papausa. In Mexico and Central America, this fruit has become an
important crop because of its tasty flavor and high pulp content. Its fruits are frequently damaged by the inci-
dence of wasps of the genus Bephratelloides Girault (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), which develop inside the
seeds. Objective: to report the interaction of Bephratelloides cubensis Ashmead during its life cycle in fruits
of A. macroprophyllata. Methods: We periodically collected fruits in different states of growth recording a)
oviposition, b) the moment of evident infection, c) the development of the wasps inside the seeds, and d) their
emergence as adults. We also determined the proportion of damaged fruits and seeds. Results: The data indi-
cate that wasps preferred to oviposit on fruits with a diameter of less than 8 cm, oviposition was more frequent
between 11:00 am and 03:00 pm., and there was 26 % infestation of fruits, and 9 % of seeds. Conclusion: It is
an obligatory interaction for the wasp, the highest proportion of attack on fruits was in the early stages of fruit
development and control actions should focus on the protection of these early stages.
Key words: larvae; pupae; adults; plant-insect interactions; pest of Annonaceae.
The family Annonaceae is made up of 128
genera and 2 400 recognized species (Chatrou et
al., 2012). The genus Annona stands out among
them with 166 species (Chatrou et al., 2012;
Rainer, 2006). There are around 60 species in
Mexico, some of them are important because of
their fruits, such as the soursop (Annona muri-
cata), the sugar-apple (A. squamosa), ilama or
papausa (A. macroprophyllata) and the cheri-
moya (A. cherimola) (De-la-Cruz-Chacón,
Castro-Moreno, Luna-Cázares, & González-
Esquinca, 2016). Annona macroprophyllata
(Annona diversifolia) is a Mexican and Central
America native fruit which has become an
important crop because of its tasty flavor, high
pulp content, nutritional value and antioxidant
properties (Julian-Loaeza, Sántos-Sánchez,
Valadez-Blanco, Sánchez-Guzmán, & Salas-
Coronado, 2011).
There are more than 296 species of arthro-
pods interacting with different Annonaceae,
but the knowledge of the biology and habits
of these species is scarce. Some groups of
insects that are reported as pests belong to
González-Sánchez, J.N., González-Esquinca, A.R., Durán-Ruiz, C.A., De-la-Cruz-
Chacón, I., & Castro-Moreno, M. (2021). Interaction of Bephratelloides cubensis
(Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) with Annona macroprophyllata fruits in orchards of
Chiapas, Mexico. Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(1), 369-378. DOI 10.15517/rbt.
ISSN Printed: 0034-7744 ISSN digital: 2215-2075
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i1.43827
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 369-378, March 2021
the families Coccidae (Hemiptera), Noctui-
dae, Oecophoridae (Lepidoptera), Nitidulidae
(Coleoptera) and Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera)
(Peña & Bennett, 1995).
Bephratelloides Girault (Hymenoptera:
Eurytomidae) is a genus composed of seven
species of stingless wasps that are associated
with Annonaceae because five of those species
complete part of their life cycle inside the seeds
of these plants (Grissell & Foster, 1996; Noyes,
2019). In particular, Bephratelloides pomorum
Fabricius and B. cubensis Ashmead are among
the most important pests of the commercial
species of Annona because of the damage they
cause to the fruits (Grissell & Schauff, 1990;
Peña & Bennett, 1995; Castañeda-Vildózola,
Nava-Díaz, Franco-Mora, Lomeli-Flores, &
Peña, 2011; Silva, Broglio, Lemos, Salvador,
& Neves, 2014). There are also reports of their
presence in other genera of the Annonaceae
like Cymbopetalum (Grissell & Foster, 1996).
Bephratelloides cubensis begins its life
cycle when the females oviposit inside the
seeds of fruits in early phenological stages
(Nadel & Peña, 1991). Females lay one egg per
seed and these require approximately two or
three weeks to hatch (Brunner & Acuña, 1967;
Castañeda-Vildózola et al., 2010; Hernández-
Fuentes, Urias-López, & Bautista-Martínez,
2010). The larvae that hatch feed on the endo-
sperm, and after three to six weeks these larvae
transform into pupae and later the adult wasps
exit from holes, they chew through the seed
and fruit, to finally mate and begin a new cycle
(Castañeda-Vildózola et al., 2010; Hernández-
Fuentes et al., 2010; Durán-Ruiz et al., 2019;
Nadel & Peña, 1991).
The Annona macroprophyllata market is
still local; however, it´s delicious flavor and
biotechnological use give it potentially wider
market. That means that A. macroprophyllata
is a potential fruit crop, important because it
is a source of possible bioactive compounds
(González-Esquinca, De-la-Cruz-Chacón, Cas-
tro-Moreno, Orozco-Castillo, & Riley-Saldaña,
2014). In Chiapas A. macroprophyllata is a
tree of incipient cultivation, increasingly rare
in the wild, it is cultivated in backyards and as
living fences, or it inhabit areas of Deciduous
and Semideciduous Dry Forests (González-
Esquinca, De-la-Cruz-Chacón, Castro-Moreno,
& Riley-Saldaña, 2016). Studies like those of
Castañeda-Vildózola et al. (2010) and Durán-
Ruiz et al. (2019) allow for the detection of
B. cubensis parasitizing A. macroprophyllata.
Studies indicate that the main damages to A.
macroprophyllata crops are the exit holes from
the seed which allow the development of fungi
such as Colletotrichum sp. provoking anthrac-
nose disease and therefore a loss in harvest
(Nadel & Peña, 1991; Peña & Bennett, 1995;
Cruz & Deras, 2000; Castañeda-Vildózola et
al., 2010; Hernández-Fuentes et al., 2010).
This study characterizes the attack process
of Bephratelloides cubensis and its life cycle
during the fructification of A. macroprophyl-
lata in backyard crops. Our hypothesis is that
wasps damage a low proportion (less than 50
%) of the fruits when trees are cultivated in
backyards, where their density is lower than in
places of intensive commercial cultivation. In
order to test this hypothesis, we collected fruits,
made observations throughout the season of
fruit development, and related that information
to the development of the wasps.
Study site: We conducted the fieldwork in
the community of Nuevo Carmen Tonapac, in
the municipality of Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas,
Mexico, which is located in the Central Depres-
sion of Chiapas (16°41’48’ W & 92°57’20’
N). The original vegetation in this place cor-
responds to Deciduous Dry Forest, with eco-
tone of Semideciduous Medium Dry Forest.
The fieldwork was carried out from July to
August 2014.
Tree selection: We randomly selected
50 of the 70 adult trees counted in the com-
munity. On each tree, we marked 5 fruits of
4-5 cm diameter. We visited the trees every 15
days during two consecutive months (which is
the mean duration of the development of the
fruits) and collected one of the five fruits from
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 369-378, March 2021
each tree (50 fruits each time). The fruits were
placed in a portable cooler and transferred to
the Laboratorio de Fisiología y Química Veg-
etal of UNICACH. The fruits were collected
in five stages of development: a) initial harvest
or first stage of development (day 0), second
harvest or stage (day 15), third harvest or stage
(day 30), fourth harvest or stage (day 45), and
fifth harvest or stage (day 60).
Measurement of fruits and seeds and
monitoring of larvae, pupae and adults: At
the moment of collecting fruits, we measured
their length and width with a measuring tape.
We also measured the seeds with a caliper. We
opened the seeds longitudinally. The larvae,
pupae and adults of B. cubensis were preserved
in a 70 % alcohol solution. In all the five stage
of fruit development, we quantified the dam-
aged fruits and the infested seeds.
The identification was carried out in the
Colección Nacional de Insectos of the Insti-
tuto de Biología of the Universidad Nacio-
nal Autónoma de México (IB-UNAM),
following the taxonomic keys of Grissell &
Schauff (1990) and Grissell & Foster (1996).
Observations were made on a Carl Zeiss ste-
reoscope microscope.
Larval instar determination: Mandibles
were isolated from the soft body with a 10 %
potassium hydroxide solution for 24 hours and
preserved in glycerin for microscopic observa-
tion, mandibles were observed on a ZEISS®
Primo Star optic microscope. We determined
the larval instars comparing the progressive
development of the mandibles, considering the
development of the teeth, condyle and tip. This
method was modified from Hernández-Fuentes
et al. (2010) and used in Durán-Ruiz et al.
(2019) avoiding the use of the mandible size
due to its heterogeneity.
Statistical analysis: We tested the dif-
ferences in the morphometry of seeds and
fruits with a one-way analysis of variance
and a post-hoc least significant difference test
(LSD). To characterize the fruit morphometric
measurements, their apparent damage and the
ratio of females to males, we performed a non-
parametric analysis Kruskal-Wallis (KW) and
the post-hoc Dwas-Steel-Crichtlow-Fligner
(DSCF) tests. To compare the final sizes of
the seeds with and without damage caused by
the insect, we carried out a student t-test. To
determine the relationships between fruit and
insect development we carried out polynomial
regressions. In all cases, we used the statistical
program PAST3.26 (Hammer, Harper, & Ryan,
2001) and the free version of the program
Jamovi to perform the KW and the DSCF tests.
Development of fruits and seeds: Fruits
had an ovoid shape, and a thick, coriaceous and
green exocarp (Fig. 1A, Fig. 1B, Fig. 2A). The
fruits reached their final size after 45 days and
ripen after approximately 60 days (F = 2041,
P = 0.0001). The seeds of the unripe fruits of
the first stage, were small, white translucent
(Fig. 2C), with an oily (to the touch), white
endosperm and a soft seed coat. Seeds grew
constantly until 30 to 45 days, and then they
acquired their final characteristics: Dark brown
seed coat (dark brown 3/3 in the scale of the
Munsell colors chart 2009), with a crustaceous
texture and with a size four times larger than
the initial stage (F = 8.4, P = 0.0001) (Fig. 1G,
Fig. 2B). All the infected and healthy seeds had
on average, the same characteristics of size and
color (F = 6.7, P = 0.7).
Infected fruits by sample collection:
Most of the damaged fruits were detected in
the last three stages (~50 %) while damage was
significantly less in the first two (H´ = 3.9, P =
0.001) (Fig. 2D). Of the 250 collected fruits,
86 were damaged by B. cubensis (26 %) and
of the 3011 seeds, 9 % were infected (4 % with
some larval instar, 4 % with pupae, and 1 %
with adults). The developmental stage of the
fruits was associated with the developmental
phase of the insects (r = 0.97 Legth, 0.87 p,
0.68 Width, P = 0.001) (Fig. 2C).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 369-378, March 2021
The external appearance of the unripe
seeds infected with larvae in the first instar was
similar to the healthy seeds. Both infected and
healthy seeds had the same color (dark brown
3/3 according to the Munsell color scale 2009)
and did not show visible perforations in the
seed coat. However, when dissected, active
larvae were found, and the endosperm was
partially destroyed by feeding activity (Fig.
3B, Fig. 3C).
The most developed seeds with larvae
or pupae inside showed subtle signs of the
presence of insects, such as changes in the color
of the seed coat (from dark to light brown) and
low resistance to compression. Seeds with
adult wasps ready to leave and seeds where the
wasps already left had an exit pit parallel and
opposite to the micropyle (Fig. 3K).
Inside the seeds, we observed the initial
and late phases of the larvae, pupae and adults.
Still, the frequency of each collection varied.
For instance, in the first stage, when fruits
were 4.8 ± 0.5 cm diameter, we did not find
any eggs or larvae (Fig. 3A); in the second
Fig. 1. Fruits in development. A. all stages of development, B-C. First stage (initial harvest, day 0), D. Second stage of
development (day 15), E. Third stage (day 30), F. Fourth stage (day 45), G. Fifth stage (day 60).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 369-378, March 2021
stage, we found fewer larvae and pupae than
in the third and fourth collections, but as the
size of the fruits increased both, larvae and
pupae increased in number. We observed the
firsts adults in the third stage (H = 31.75657.6,
P = 0.001) (Fig. 3B). When the fruits reached
their final stage of development (fifth stage) the
number of larvae decreased significantly, while
the number of pupae remained stable and the
number of adults increased (H = 32.443, P =
0.001). It is interesting to note that in the three
stages there were more females than males (H
= 43.72, P = 0.001).
Bephratelloides cubensis has been report-
ed as a frequent parasite in Annona muricata,
A. reticulata, A. squamosa, A. reticulata, A.
cherimola, A. glabra, A. montana and A. bul-
lata. This wasp completes almost its entire life
cycle inside the seeds and is free-living only
Fig. 2. Fruit and seed growth and development of the life cycle of Bephratelloides cubensis in Annona macroprophyllata
seeds during the fruiting season. A. Fruit growth, B. Seed growth, C. Number of pupae and adult larvae during fruiting, D.
Fruits damaged or with insects inside the seeds, E. Incidence of sexes of the adult stage. The different letters on the bars
in A., B., D. and E. indicate significant differences p = 0.001, in c) the frequency of larvae, pupae and adults (r = 0.97, P =
0.001), pupae (r = 0.87, P = 0.001) and adults (r = 0.68, P = 0.0001).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 369-378, March 2021
as adults (Grissell & Schauf, 1990; Castañeda-
Vildózola et al., 2010; Hernández-Fuentes et
al., 2010; Cham et al., 2019). The presence of
B. cubensis in A. macroprophyllata has been
reported in some areas of Guerrero and More-
los (Castañeda-Vildózola et al., 2010), but in
Chiapas there is only one formal report (Durán-
Ruiz et al., 2019).
The development of B. cubensis was
simultaneous with that of fruits and seeds of
A. macroprophyllata. Similar to Durán-Ruiz
et al. (2019), the growth and accumulation of
Fig. 3. Development of B. cubensis in the seeds of A. macroprophyllata. A. Seed arrangement in the fruit, B. early larva,
C. developed larva, D-H. jaws of the larvae of the five instar, I. early pupa, J. late pupa, K. exit hole of the seeds, L. adult
inside the seed, M. adult female, N. adult male.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 369-378, March 2021
reserve material in the endosperm did not stop
even if the larvae fed on the endosperm. The
morphometry, and the external appearance of
the infested and the healthy seeds were statisti-
cally similar during the immature stages of the
insect (larvae and pupae). But, the biomass of
the damaged seeds decreased by up to 50 %
due to the active feeding of the larvae. With
the emergence of the adult wasps, the seed
coat also presented an exit hole, which dif-
ferentiated the infested from the healthy seeds.
Therefore, this hole is associated with the dam-
age perceived on the surface of the fruit. The
fruits attacked by B. cubensis differed from the
healthy fruits only when the exit holes from the
seed to the exocarp were observed. Thus, the
number of holes in the fruit is a physiologic and
agronomic indication of the degree of infesta-
tion and/or damage caused.
The lack of apparent damage in the early
stages of development suggests that wasps ovi-
posit directly inside the immature seeds when
the seed coat is still soft and not directly in the
pulp, as described by Evangelista, Llanos, &
Valdés (1999). We detected larvae in second
stage fruits, and their number increased in
the third stage, the highest incidence was in
the fourth stage fruits, with and an important
decrease in the final stage. In A. muricata,
Hernández-Fuentes et al. (2010), reported that
females oviposit in fruits with a minimal diam-
eter of 3.1 cm, and a maximum of 7.6 cm. Peña,
Glenn, & Baranowski (1984) mention that the
lack of fruit availability forces females of B.
cubensis to oviposit in fruits of any size even
when preferring seeds in development.
We did not observe eggs in any seeds,
perhaps due to their resemblance to the semi-
nal endosperm and their small size (0.1 mm
diameter) (Hernández-Fuentes et al., 2010).
In the first fruiting stage (4 cm diameter), we
did not detect nor larvae any pupae, probably
because only eggs were present which can have
an incubation period of up to 24 days according
to Hernández-Fuentes et al. (2010). We began
to find larvae and pupae of B. cubensis in the
seeds in the second stage and they increased
significantly in the following stage, in all cases
there was only one individual per seed.
The larvae in 2nd, 3rd and 4th stage fruits,
belonged to all the larval instars, while in the
fifth stage, we only found the two last instars,
indicating they were ready to pupate. The
simultaneous presence of larvae at different
instars, even in the same fruit, can be attributed
to the quality and the quantity of food inside
the seeds and to the oviposition time (Hernán-
dez-Fuentes et al., 2010). Barbosa, dos Anjos,
& Picanço (1997) also suggested that the over-
lapping instars in the same fruit is attributed to
the different nutritional potential of each seed.
Pupae were found from the third stage
onward, which indicates that larvae require
more than 15 days to pupate, this time corre-
sponds to the estimated by Hernández-Fuentes
et al, (2010). In that development stage (3th),
we found translucent white pupae (less mature)
and brown pupae (before entering the adult
stage). In the three last stages, we found adult
wasps, but when fruits achieved their final size
we found adults, larvae and pupae, the latter
being in the highest proportion. These data
indicate that there is partial synchrony between
the phenological stages of fruits, seeds, and
wasps. It is noteworthy that the exit hole was
presented in all cases in the opposite position
to the micropyle, which could indicate that the
embryo of the seed could be intact due to its
small size (1 mm).
This plant-animal interaction is coordi-
nated phenologically and is an obligatory rela-
tionship for the wasp since most of its life cycle
(egg through pupae) occurs inside the seed, and
only the adult stage in wasps occurs in free-life
(Hernández-Fuentes et al., 2010; Durán-Ruiz et
al., 2019). Durán-Ruiz et al. (2019), observed a
high synchronization between the life cycle of
the insect and the stages of fruit development.
Other studies have found a high dependence
of the genus Bephratelloides on the species of
Annonaceae, which could indicate a possible
coevolutionary process. This interaction has
been widely described in cultivated Annona-
ceae and less frequently in wild Annonaceae.
Some of the attacked species in Annonaceae
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 369-378, March 2021
are A. muricata, A. reticulata, A. squamosa
(Castañeda-Vildózola et al., 2010), and Cym-
bopetalum mayanum (Grissel & Foster, 1996).
Castañeda-Vildózola et al. (2011) present the
only report of a species of Bephratelloides
developing in another plant family B. ablusus
in Diospyros digyna (Ebenaceae) seeds.
Several studies have reported 60 to 100 %
of fruits attacked in intensive and semi-inten-
sive tree crops of A. muricata, with harvest
losses of 25 to 70 % (Castañeda-Vildózola et
al., 2010; Hernández-Fuentes et al., 2010). In
Nuevo Carmen Tonapac, Chiapas, A. macro-
prophyllata is cultivated in backyards, so it is
not considered an intensive crop. In this study,
we report damages of 26 % in the sampled
fruits and 9 % in seeds.
The serious problems caused by B. cuben-
sis in soursops and its low incidence in A.
macroprophyllata can have multiple explana-
tions, perhaps the most important being habitat
management in the intensive crops where the
species diversity that could control the pest has
decreased significantly (Schowalter, 1986). A.
muricata is a plant from the Antilles that has
been domesticated to ameliorate the organo-
leptic quality of the fruit but at the expense of
other attributes (including phytochemicals) that
lead to low genetic variation which is reflected
in lower resistance to pests (Shelef, Weisberg,
& Provenza, 2017). In contrast, according to
Provenza, Meuret, & Gregorini (2015) native
crops, such as A. macroprophyllata (which is
native to Chiapas) have higher genetic diversity
compared with A. muricata, which gives them
more possibilities of adaptation to pests.
In the study site, there are no extensive
crops of A. macroprophyllata, and even when
the incidence of B. cubensis is low (26 %), the
quality of the fruits is affected when the wasps
emerge from the exit holes in the seeds. The
attack of the insect occurs in a higher propor-
tion of fruits at their early stages, demonstrat-
ing that actions to control populations of B.
cubensis should focus on the early stages of
fruit development when proposing crops of
Annonaceae in the area.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We are indebted to the inhabitants of
Nuevo Carmen Tonapac, Chiapas, who allowed
the early samples collection of fruits for this
study. We thank Dr. Alejandro Zaldivar Riv-
erón from the Colección Nacional de Insectos
IB-UNAM, for his help with the identification
of the organisms.
Interacción de Bephratelloides cubensis (Hyme-
noptera: Eurytomidae) con frutos de Annona macropro-
phyllata en huertos de Chiapas, México. Introducción:
Annona macroprophyllata Donn. Smith. (Annonaceae) es
una especie de árbol frutal, conocida como papausa. En
México y América Central, esta fruta se ha convertido en
un cultivo importante y valorado debido a su delicioso
sabor y la cremosa textura de su pulpa. Sus frutos son fre-
cuentemente dañados por la incidencia de avispas del géne-
ro Bephratelloides Girault (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae),
que se desarrollan dentro de las semillas. Objetivo: des-
cribir la interacción de Bephratelloides cubensis Ashmead
durante su ciclo de vida en frutos de A. macroprophyllata.
Método: Recolectamos frutos en diferentes estados de
crecimiento registrando a) la ovoposición, b) el momento
de la infección evidente, c) el desarrollo de las avispas
dentro de las semillas, y d) su emergencia como adultos.
También determinamos la proporción de frutas y semillas
dañadas. Resultados: Los datos indican que las avispas
preferían ovipositar en frutas con un diámetro de menos de
8 cm, la oviposición era más frecuente entre las 11:00 a.m.
y las 3:00 p.m., y que había un 26 % de la infestación en
las frutas y un 9 % en semillas. Conclusión: Es una inte-
racción obligada para la avispa y la mayor proporción de
ataque a los frutos fue en las etapas tempranas de desarrollo
de frutos y las acciones de control se deberían enfocar a la
protección de estas etapas.
Palabras clave: larvas; pupas, avispas adultas; interaccio-
nes planta-insecto; plaga de Annonaceae.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) • Vol. 69(1): 369-378, March 2021
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