Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
Potential distribution in Colombia of the introduced fish
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Siluriformes: Pangasiidae)
and implications for endangered native fish
María C. Castellanos-Mejía
Juliana Herrera
Elkin A. Noguera-Urbano
Edison Parra
Luz F. Jiménez-Segura
1. Laboratorio de Ictiología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia;
mcastel7nbk@gmail.com (*Correspondence), juliana.herrera.p@udea.edu.co, luz.jimenez@udea.edu.co
2. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Escuela de Ciencias, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia;
3. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos, Alexander von Humboldt, Bogotá, Colombia;
4. Grupo de Investigación en Limnología Básica y Experimental y Biológica y Taxonómica Marina, Instituto de biología,
Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia; edisonparra50@gmail.com
Received 15-X-2020. Corrected 05-IV-2021. Accepted 12-IV-2021.
Introduction: One of the significant threats to aquatic ecosystems is introducing non-native species in natural
environments. This represents one of the principal causes of biodiversity loss in the world. Pangasianodon
hypophthalmus is an introduced species in Colombia that shares life characteristics and habitat with endangered
native species, such as Ageneiosus pardalis, Sorubim cuspicaudus, and Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum.
However, its distribution is little-known, and scientists have barely explored the effects on the native fauna.
Objectives: To evaluate the P. hypophthalmus invasive potential in some of the Colombian basins, which drain
into the Caribbean Sea. Methods: Using records available in various databases, we performed a niche conser-
vatism analysis between the native and introduced records of P. hypophthalmus using the R package Ecospat.
Subsequently, we modeled the potential invasion area of P. hypophthalmus and the distribution areas of three
native species, performing ecological niche modeling (ENM) using the Maxent algorithm. Finally, we calculated
a geographic niche overlap between the non-native and native species. Results: The Ecospat spatial analysis
indicated that P. hypophthalmus retains some environmental niche attributes through space. For this reason,
we can use ENM as an approximation to its range of distribution in the invaded area. Our results using ENM
demonstrated that the four species analyzed prefer low and slightly rocky regions; therefore, the geographical
overlap of the three native species’ ecological niches and the introduced species exceed 80 %. Conclusions:
There are adequate conditions in the study basins to fully establish the species P. hypophthalmus, representing
a high risk for aquatic ecosystems and native ichthyofauna. Knowledge of the potential distribution areas is
essential to implement control of the species.
Key words: niche models; freshwater; invasive species; migratory fish.
Castellanos-Mejía, M.C., Herrera, J., Noguera-Urbano, E.A.,
Parra, E., & Jiménez-Segura, L.F. (2021). Potential
distribution in Colombia of the introduced fish
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Siluriformes: Pangasiidae)
and implications for endangered native fish. Revista de
Biología Tropical, 69(2), 573-587. DOI 10.15517/rbt.
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69i2.44223
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
Globalization through increased trade,
transport, travel, and tourism will inevitably
increase the intentional or accidental intro-
duction of organisms to new environments
(CABI, 2020) and is still steadily growing
(Hulme et al., 2008; van Kleunen, Schlaep-
fer, Glaettli, & Fischer, 2011). These intro-
ductions occasionally result in alien species’
invasions (Lockwood, Hoopes, & Marchetti,
2007). Invasive species have established popu-
lations outside their native distribution ranges
and can spread and affect native ecosystems
(Lockwood et al., 2007). These species can
trigger ecological imbalances, trophic struc-
ture changes, native species displacements,
biodiversity loss, genetic diversity reduction
of native species, and non-native infectious
agents’ transport (Cassemiro, Bailly, da Graça,
& Agostinho, 2018; Hobbs, 2000). Thus, the
introduction and later invasion of non-native
species represent one of the leading causes of
biodiversity loss in the world (Cattau, Martin,
& Kitchens, 2010). The biggest problem asso-
ciated with the introduced species is that they
have been already established and extended
when they are recognized as invasive, making
it almost impossible to eliminate or control
them (Sato et al., 2010). In some cases, native
species declines often co-occur and in the
same place as invasion by non-native species,
leading many conservationists and researchers
to believe that invasions and extinctions are
closely linked (Gurevitch & Padilla, 2004).
For that reason, a prime objective of invasion
biology is predicting which species are likely
to become invaders and where they are likely
to invade even before introduction outside their
native range, which represents a goal of inva-
sion ecologists (Fournier, Penone, Pennino, &
Courchamp, 2019).
The ecological niche modeling (ENM)
use associations between environmental vari-
ables and occurrence locations of the species
to predict the potential presence of the species
in areas that have those ideal environmental
conditions or that are appropriate for the sur-
vival of the species (Raxworthy et al., 2003;
Raxworthy, Ingram, Rabibisoa, & Pearson,
2007). This modeling has many applications,
such as understanding species’ ideal environ-
mental conditions, predicting the existence
of unknown species, inferring aspects of the
biogeography of species, planning conserva-
tion areas, and as in this case, evaluating the
potential areas of invasion of species (Peterson,
2006). In this way, ENM tools generates distri-
bution maps of species, which are usefull for
designing and leading strategies about control
and mitigation of ecological problems gener-
ated by invasion processes, such as establish-
ment, spread, and impact (Jiménez-Valverde
et al., 2011). The invasion of species can be
a highly predictable process if one knows
the environmental conditions in the native
range (Peterson, 2003; Jiménez-Valverde et al.,
2011). The invasive species’ geographic poten-
tial elaborated with ENM techniques is usually
constructed assuming evolutionary conserva-
tism in ecological niche characteristics. This
means that species will follow the same set of
ecological rules on invaded distributional areas
as they do on their native distributional areas
(Peterson, 2006); however, we should take this
assumption with caution because both biotic
and abiotic factors are different in native and
non-native regions (Lockwood et al., 2007).
In recent years, evidence that changes between
the native and non-native niche exist in fish
and other organisms have been found (Lauzeral
et al., 2011). However, the ENM allows valid
estimates of the geographical distribution of
invasive species or their invasiveness (Yiwen,
Bi Wei, & Darren, 2016; Srivastava, Lafond, &
Griess, 2019).
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage,
1878) family Pangasiidae (Siluriformes) is
native to the Mekong and Chao Phraya rivers
basin in Southeast Asia. It carries out long-
distance movements during hundreds of kilo-
meters between ecosystems in high areas and
spawning habitats. This species uses floodplain
lands to feed and breed (FAO, 2010; IAvH, s.f.;
Tarkan et al., 2020). A female in suitable con-
ditions can produce around 100 000 eggs per
kilogram in each oviposition, and its demersal
embryos suggest some parental care (e.g., nests
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
on a hard substrate). These hatch in 24 hours,
and the larvae drift in favor of the floods,
searching for growth zones within flooded
areas. Its larvae have an omnivorous diet that
includes algae, seeds, crustaceans, zooplank-
ton, and fish (Van Zalinge, Lieng, Ngor, Heng,
& Valbo-Jørgensen, 2002). As an adult, it is
carnivorous and even cannibalistic. The species
has been reported as a predator of native spe-
cies in some places of Asia (Pallewatta, Reaser,
& Gutierrez, 2003).
Combining the aforementioned biological
characteristics and the escape and introduction
of exemplary species in places other than their
natural distribution justify their classification
as an invasive species or a potentially invasive
species (Gutiérrez, Lasso, Baptiste, Sánchez-
Duarte, & Díaz, 2012; Garcia et al., 2018). Its
broad food spectrum, the ease with which it
gains weight, and its fast growth have made it
possible to introduce this species with produc-
tive purposes in different countries such as
Cuba, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, México,
the United States, Indonesia, India, Turkey,
Puerto Rico, and The Dominican Republi-
can (IAvH, s.f.). However, fish farming of P.
hypophthalmus presents problems such as the
spreading of pathogens that are difficult to
control (Bigarré et al., 2009; Lakra & Singh,
2010; Mitra, Bandyopadhyay, Gong, Goswami,
& Bhowmik, 2013), and increasing cost for
its production (Lakra & Singh, 2010; Singh
& Lakra, 2011).
In Colombia, the species started to be used
as an ornamental fish, and in 2008 its meat
began to be imported for national consump-
tion in frozen fillets. Currently, it is sold in
fresh fish marketplaces (Valderrama, Mojica,
Villalba, & Avila, 2016). Pangasianodon hypo-
phthalmus farming has been reported in at least
five states of the country: Valle del Cauca,
Cauca, Huila, Meta and Santander (Gutiérrez
et al., 2012). Since 2015, live specimens have
been captured by fishermen in the aquatic
ecosystems of Magdalena River, in floodplains
of the lower zone, and in main riverbeds
and tributary rivers (Valderrama et al., 2016).
However, the distribution of this species in
Colombia is little-known, and scientists have
barely explored the effects on the native fauna.
In the Caribbean sub-basins such as the Mag-
dalena, Atrato, Sinú, and Catatumbo rivers,
there are other siluriform species that, like P.
hypophthalmus, carry out long-distance migra-
tions between small tributaries and floodplains,
have carnivorous habits, and use floodplains
as breeding and growth areas. Among these
species are Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum,
Sorubim cuspicaudus, and Ageneiosus par-
dalis, which are of high importance for com-
mercial and artisanal fishing and are under a
critical conservation status (P. magdaleniatum)
and vulnerable (S. cuspicaudus and A. parda-
lis) (Mojica, Usma, Álvarez-León, & Lasso,
2012). In these sub-basins, only the Magda-
lena river basin contributes 70 % of the gross
domestic product, and 80 % of the population
lives in its territory (The Nature Conservancy,
Fundación Alma, Fundación Humedales, &
AUNAP, 2016). As a result, this basin presents
several environmental conflicts in its aquatic
ecosystems (Barletta et al., 2010; Galvis &
Mojica, 2007; Jiménez-Segura et al., 2016).
Although habitat destruction and human pres-
sures are major causes of this conservation
status, potential competitive interactions could
occur with introduced species, which might
worsen the conservation state of native species.
For this reason, our objective was to evaluate
the invasive potential of P. hypophthalmus in
some of the basins of the Caribbean Sea water-
shed (1) making a comparison between the
native niche and the niche of introduction in
the Caribe watershed, (2) transferring the ENM
calibrated with the native area of this species
in Colombia to calculate the possible area of
invasion and (3) comparing the geographical
distribution of P. hypophthalmus with the dis-
tribution of three native species (P. magdaleni-
atum, S. cuspicaudus, and A. pardalis) present
in rivers of the Caribbean basin.
Study area: We focused on 5 sub-basins
of Caribbean Basin: Magdalena-Cauca, Atrato,
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
Sinú, and Catatumbo. In the Caribbean basin
located North of the Andes, 326 fish spe-
cies were reported, from which 66 % were
endemic (DoNascimiento et al., 2017). Of
these endemic species, 35 were reported based
on specimens captured by artisanal fishermen
(Jiménez-Segura, Gutierrez, Ajiaco-Martínez,
& Lasso, 2020a); 19 of them have migratory
behaviors and move seasonally among low
areas and the Magdalena, Atrato, Sinú and
Ranchería river tributaries (Jiménez-Segura
et al., 2016; López-Casas, Jiménez-Segura,
Agostinho, & Pérez, 2016).
Data of presence: The georeferenced
records of the wildlife of P. hypophthalmus
both in the native and introduced ranges and of
P. magdaleniatum, S. cuspicaudus, and A. par-
dalis were compiled from the review of scien-
tific articles, reports of field observations, and
databases available online as Freshwater Biodi-
versity Data Portal (Biofresh, 2012), the Global
Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF, 2019;
GBIF, 2020a; GBIF, 2020b; GBIF, 2020c) and
the platform InvBasa through SIB Colombia
(InvBasa UN, 2020; SiB Colombia, 2020).
Databases were reviewed and curated, apply-
ing verification procedures of duplicate records
or taxonomic uncertainty (Chapman, 2005).
Records that did not coincide with water sourc-
es were relocated to the nearest pixel (Domisch,
Wilson, & Jetz, 2016).
Environmental data: We selected 70
environmental variables from the freshwater
systems that have a relationship with the ana-
lyzed species’ biology (for example, flow, sub-
strate type, and surrounding vegetation (Nori &
Rojas-Soto, 2019). The variables are available
on the EarthEnv website (Domisch, Amatulli,
& Jetz, 2015) and have a 1 km resolution global
coverage. This dataset includes earth covers,
climatic and topographic variables, and soil
characteristics. Besides, we included a flow
layer average for the periods 1960-2015 (Bar-
barossa et al., 2018), which is available global-
ly at a resolution of 1 km (Digital Appendix 1).
The accessible area or mobility (M) can
condition the models’ evaluation methods and
their accuracy (Barve et al., 2011). Therefore,
we defined each species-area by making an
intersection between each species’ presence
records with a map of watersheds HydroBA-
SINS 1.0 Level 6 (Lehner & Grill, 2013). To
evaluate the range of possible invasion of P.
hypophthalmus in Colombia, we selected the
largest M within the native species (A. parda-
lis) (Digital Appendix 2). All variables were
trimmed with the M defined using the raster
package (Hijmans et al., 2015) in the program
R (R Core Team, 2014).
Comparison between the native and
the introduction niche of P. hypophthalmus:
The niche comparisons were made by follow-
ing Broennimann et al. (2012) proposal,which
consisted of getting values of niche similarity
in the environmental space using Schoeners
D similarity metric (Warren, Glor, & Turelli,
2008). This technique uses the first two axes
of principal component analysis (PCA) that
reduce the 71 environmental variables to know
the environmental conditions occupied by P.
hypophthalmus. We calculated the native niche
stability proportion observed in the exotic niche
and the expansion of the species’ new environ-
ments in the non-native niche. Subsequently,
we tested for niche similarity by assessing
random changes of the niches within available
conditions in the study area, i.e., assessing if
the niche of the species is more similar than
expected by chance under a specific null model
(Warren et al., 2008; Warren, Glor, & Turelli,
2010). We made all analyses using available
tools in the Ecospat package (Di Cola et al.,
2017) in the software R (R Core Team, 2014).
Modeling and projection of the ecologi-
cal niche: We built the ENM for each species
using 71 environmental variables and the Max-
imum Entropy algorithm (Maxent) (Phillips,
Dudík, & Schapire, 2004; Phillips, Anderson,
& Schapire, 2006) through the ENMeval pack-
age (Muscarella et al., 2014) in the R program
(R Core Team, 2014). We selected Maxent
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
because of its capability to mitigate redundant
variables’ contributions (Elith et al., 2011;
Feng, Park, Liang, Pandey, & Papes, 2019).
Also, the algorithm has shown to remain stable
both in the precision of the prediction and the
total predicted area present using different
categories of sample sizes (Phillips & Dudík,
2008; Wisz et al., 2008; West, Kumar, Brown,
Stohlgren, & Bromberg, 2016).
In the construction of the P. hypophthal-
mus model, we used the Jackknife method
(Pearson, Raxworthy, Nakamura, & Peterson,
2007) with 31 folds given the low number
of obtained records, while for native species,
we used the random kfold method, 10 000
background points by default, and the combi-
nation of feature classes (Linear, Quadratic,
Linear-Quadratic, Hinge, Linear-Quadratic-
Hinge) with ten regularization values (0.5 to
5, each 0.5). The best model for each species
was selected, bearing in mind that the lowest
ΔAIC (the best models taking into account the
smallest number of parameters, Muscarella et
al., 2014) and the logistic output were used for
all models. Finally, we converted the suitability
map to binary map using the 10P cut-off thresh-
old value (tenth percentile) for the P. hypoph-
thalmus and MTP (minimal training presence)
threshold value for the native species.
Ecological niche overlap of native spe-
cies with non-native species: We estimated
geographical overlap between the P. hypoph-
thalmus and each native species summing
their binary maps of distribution in QGIS soft-
ware (QGIS, 2020). Then, we calculated the
number of pixels corresponding to the spatial
overlap among areas of predicted distribution
of each species.
Data of presence: We analyzed a total of
31 records for the native area of P. hypophthal-
mus and 25 in the non-native area, 57 records
for P. magdaleniatum, 93 for S. cuspicaudus,
and 159 for A. pardalis (Digital Appendix 3,
Digital Appendix 4, Digital Appendix 5, Digi-
tal Appendix 6).
Comparison between the native niche
and introduction niche of P. hypophthalmus:
For the comparisons between the introduc-
tion and the native niche, we obtained PCA
that explains 53.36 % of the variance, with a
Schoeners D value of 0.125, an expansion of
24 %, and stability of 76 % (Fig. 1A). On the
other hand, similarity tests show that native
and introduced range niches are more similar
to what is expected by chance (P = 0.047; Fig.
1B). Therefore, the niche of P. hypophthalmus
has significantly conserved non-native area.
Ecological niche modeling: P. hypoph-
thalmus is widely distributed in the Asian
tropical region in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
and Cambodia (Fig. 2A). The ecological niche
model made for its natural distribution zone
gives a probability value of the area under the
curve (AUC) of 0.94, indicating that the model
had a good performance. The selected variables
provided a satisfactory prediction of the species
distribution (Table 1).
Selected model for each of the species
Species Feature classes
AICc AUCtrain AUCtest
Number of
P. hypophthalmus
L 4.5 619.92 0.9541 0.9426 9 10P
P. magdaleniatum
L 2.5 1048.7 0.9445 0.9001 18 MTP
S. cuspicaudus
H 3.5 1765.6 0.9298 0.8989 24 MTP
A. pardalis
LQH 5 2842.3 0.0495 0.9389 24 MTP
L = Linear, H = Hinge, LQH = Linear-Quadratic-Hinge.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
Seven variables contributed to obtaining
the final model and predicting the geographic
areas with environmental suitability charac-
teristics for P. hypophthalmus in the basin
of Mekong and Chao Phraya rivers (Digital
Appendix 7). Among these variables, the first
one is the elevation (elevation_01) and was the
most influential factor in the model, followed
by the percentage of thick fragments in the soil
(fraction > 0.2 mm; soil_minimum_06) and
the minimum percentage of the substrate type
(R horizon or bedrock; soil_minimum_10).
Therefore, based on the response curves and
geographic representation (Digital Appendix
8), we identified that the species is located in
lower areas of the basin where the composi-
tion of the riverbed is mainly small fragments
(sands, clays, silts). Those conditions represent
a total of 19 938 km
of the basins of its native
distribution. When we projected the model to
Fig. 1. Comparisons of the native and introduced niche of P. hypophthalmus. A. Test’s PCA results proposed by
Broennimann et al. (2012). The shadow in the blue zone represents the species’ density, while the continuous and dotted red
and green contours represent 100 % and 25 % respectively of the available environment in both zones. B. Niche similarity
index histograms, the red bar the value of Schoener’s D. The histogram corresponds to the niche similarity of the non-native
niche in the Colombian region.
Fig. 2. Potential distribution of P. hypophthalmus represented in red lines. A. Its native area in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and
Cambodia. B. Its non-native area in Colombia. The red dots represent occurrences.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
Colombia (Fig. 2B), we found that the spe-
cies can cover a potential area of 27 801 km
of the Magdalena, Cauca, Atrato, and Cata-
tumbo river basins, representing 48.26 % of
the total extension of water bodies in the area
(57 597 km
In native tree ecological niche models for
native species, all AUC test values are greater
than 0.898, indicating good performance (Table
1). The variable elevation (elevation_01) made
the most significant contribution to the three
models, placing the three species in lowland
areas. The R horizon’s minimum percentage
was the second most important variable for the
S. cuspicaudus and P. magdaleniatum models,
indicating that these species prefer areas with
low percentages of rocky material or bedrock.
Additionaly, the second most important vari-
able was the coldest month in the case of the
species A. pardalis. This indicates that higher
values fo temperature (~ 20 °C) favored the
presence of the species; however, a low per-
centage of R horizon values also influenced
the final model (Digital Appendix 9, Digital
Appendix 10, Digital Appendix 11, Digital
Appendix 12, Digital Appendix 13, Digital
Appendix 14).
Ecological niche overlap of native spe-
cies with non-native species: The geographical
overlap analysis shows that the P. hypophthal-
mus distribution area in Colombia covers 91.79
% of the suitable environmental zones of the
A. pardalis; this means that P. hypophthalmus
overlaps 17 400 km
of the native species’
distribution (Fig. 3A, Fig. 3D). In the case of
S. cuspicaudus species, we found an 82.17 %
overlap where both species overlap in 20 045
(Fig. 3B, Fig. 3E), while for P. magdaleni-
atum there is an overlap of 91.72 %, which is
equivalent to 10 342 km
(Fig. 3C, Fig. 3F).
Our results suggest a climatic niche con-
servatism in P. hypophthalmus. It shows that
this species is in similar climatic characteris-
tics in both their native and invasive ranges.
We also found that around 45 % of our study
area is susceptible to invasion. These results
have important implications because they are
the first demonstration of a possible invasion
range of P. hypophthalmus, and the risk that
they represent for other species with their
same behavior.
Environmental Niche Models can provide
a realistic proxy about the geographic range of
a fish species, and they can be used for sev-
eral purposes, including conservation action
(Valencia-Rodríguez et al., 2021). In biological
invasions, niche models and their transfers to
non-native geographical zones require caution
in their interpretation (Owens et al., 2013).
Thus, a fundamental assumption for allow-
ing geographic predictability between native
distribution areas and invaded areas is the
niche conservatism analysis of the introduced
species. According to this assumption, the
species usually conserves its ancestral niche
in the invaded regions (Wiens & Graham,
2005; Broennimann et al., 2007; Liu, Wolter,
Xian, & Jeschke, 2020). On the one hand, we
found that P. hypophthalmus shows conserva-
tism of ecological niche; for that reason, we
could transfer the calibrated ENM from the
native to the non-native area with a confidence
approximation of the possible invasion in our
study area. On the other hand, we obtained an
expansion estimation of the niche that could
indicate that P. hypophthalmus occupies new
habitats in Colombia that are not represented
in its native range. These results would imply
that the P. hypophthalmus fundamental niche
is broader than the niche represented in their
native area. By contrast the expansion detected
may also be explained by the low numbers of
records in its native zone, which would lead
to incomplete representation of the niche;
however, the records used to train the P. hypo-
phthalmus model in its native area correspond
with the known distribution area of the species
(FAO, 2010).
The selection of environmental predic-
tors is a fundamental step to produce ENMs;
if predictors are biologically informative, they
represent more realistic species-environment
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
relationships (Parra, Graham, & Freile, 2004),
and thus models are projected more accurately
into novel environments. It has even been sug-
gested that elevation, slope, precipitation, soil
features, temperature, and vegetation, define
the type of aquatic ecosystems (Baron et al.,
2003). Therefore the variables selected to build
our models estimate important environmental
preferences of the four species analyzed. Alti-
tude takes on particular importance because
freshwater species are confined to water bod-
ies with specific characteristics. The eleva-
tion is a direct conditioner of characteristics,
such as flow, substrate, or vegetation (Nori &
Rojas-Soto, 2019). Notably, basins with lower
altitude values correspond with high values of
suitability predictions, which represents topo-
graphic variability that facilitate migration and
/ or prevent dispersal process within the hydro-
graphic network (Castillo-Torres, Martínez-
Meyer, Córdova-Tapia, & Zambrano, 2017).
Another important environmental variable that
explained the potential distribution of the four
species was the percentage of coarse frag-
ments in the river bed. This variable is a factor
that determines the nutritional and chemical
Fig. 3. Potential distribution of three native species represented in red lines: A. A. pardalis. B. S. cuspicaudus. C. P.
magdaleniatum. And their areas of distribution overlapping the distribution of P. hypophthalmus: D. A. pardalis. E. S.
cuspicaudus. F. P. magdaleniatum. The red color symbolizes the overlap between the native and non-native species; the
yellow color is the area for the P. hypophthalmus species, and the green color the range of the native species.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
conditions of the rivers, and it characterizes the
structure and dynamics of the aquatic habitat
(Baron et al., 2003). Followed by this, variables
related to temperature, such as the minimum
temperature of the coldest month, influenced
the models, being associated directly with the
organisms’ fitness and, by extension, deter-
mines the place where the species are distrib-
uted and how their community varies. Also,
another variable selected was the precipitation
seasonality which determines the flow pattern
of rivers, lakes, and wetlands, which influence
a large part of the habitat of freshwater species
(Baron et al., 2003).
The presence of P. hypophthalmus in
Colombia has been previously recorded from
field observations (Valderrama et al., 2016).
The individuals of P. hypophthalmus free in
natural environments may be either by acciden-
tal escape from aquaculture or direct introduc-
tions from sport fishers or aquarists (Gutiérrez
et al., 2012; Lasso et al., 2020). Consequently,
in this study, the ENM allowed the identifica-
tion of new areas suitable for the colonization
of this species. The models indicated that the
species’ niche conditions are widely repre-
sented in the Colombian inter Andean valleys.
It corresponds with low areas with sediments
and sedimentary rocks (fragments such as
sand, clay, silt, and consolidations of said
fragments, respectively; Jaramillo, 2002). The
proposed models indicate that the colonization
of P. hypophthalmus in Colombia is possible.
Its survival is confirmed by present records of
P. hypophthalmus in Magdalena-Cauca, Sinú,
Atrato, San Jorge, Cesar, and Catatumbo riv-
ers basins. The spread and colonization of
the aquatic ecosystems in Colombian basins
by the P. hypophthalmus could be possible
because the species has a high tolerance to
changes in environmental conditions, mainly
the resistance to low oxygen levels, salinity,
pH changes, temperature, and turbidity fluctua-
tions (Singh & Lakra, 2011; Faruk, Patwary, &
Hasan 2012; Garcia et al., 2018; Islam, Uddin,
Uddin, & Shahjahan et al., 2019).
Pangasianoson hypophthalmus is a spe-
cies that is easy to farm and popular among
aquaculturists due to its resistance to water
quality variations, fast growth, good survival
rates, and economically attractive market size
(Ali, Haque, & Belton, 2013; Islam et al., 2019).
Given this scenario and its invasive potential,
authorities in countries such as Mexico do not
allow or encourage the introduction and cul-
tivation in their territories (Mendoza-Alfaro,
Luna-Peña, & Arias-Gámez, 2013; Delegación
SADER Tamaulipas, 2017). Pangasianodon
hypophthalmus has a great capacity for dis-
placement due to its migratory nature and high
fecundity. How we illustrate P. hypophthalmus
presents life history characteristics similar to
the native species analyzed here (Maldonado-
Ocampo et al., 2005; Jiménez-Segura, Palacio,
& López, 2009; Jiménez-Segura, Palacio, &
Leite, 2010; Jiménez-Segura et al., 2020b).
These assessments of species’ life features can
offer rigorous scientific support for rapid clas-
sification of extinction or invasion risks and
efforts to prevent invasion because of deter-
mining which species and sources of emerging
invaders are worthy of scrutiny, more attention
to management or policies must be applied
(Liu, Comte, & Olden, 2017). Comparing the
P. hypophthalmus niche with the native species
indicates that the four species share environ-
mental conditions that spatially converge in the
evaluated basins’ lower and middle zones as
high-water temperature and substrates with a
high percentage of small fragments. (e.g. silts,
clays). P. hypophthalmus is distributed almost
entirely in the available space presented by
the three native species, even though the mod-
eled distribution range of P. hypophthalmus in
Colombia is underestimated. Its convergence
could trigger competition for space and food,
and this species can even become a predator of
juvenile and adult organisms of other species
of fish consumed by native species (Gutiérrez
et al., 2012; Raman et al., 2013). Competition
and predation would cause mortality in native
species and could even affect recruitment, and
the result of this situation would be reductions
in the genetic diversity of the native species
(Raman et al., 2013).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
The finding of conserved climatic niche
for invasive species has major implications
for predicting future invasion risks. Because
it permits a model transferability using niche
models. This kind of study represents a cost-
effective strategy focused on identifyinging
climatic conditions occupied in their native
range but (not yet) colonized in their intro-
duced range (Liu et al., 2020). We identify
that P hypophthalmus present a niche conser-
vatism, and for that reason we identify areas
with a high risk of being invaded. That is why
we call on environmental authorities because
it is important to develop short-term actions
to avoid this species’ dispersal. In this case,
it is necessary to control its cultivation and
use in aquariums. Although they may seem
drastic measures, they should be considered
by the Colombia’s environmental and fisheries
authorities. Posing that the legalization of the
use of the species is the only way to control its
current illegal exploitation is not an appropriate
justification since the control measures for fish
farmers and aquarists have historically been
non very effective. Eradication through hunting
and the control prohibition of its eventual cul-
tivation directly in rivers must be accompanied
by educational programs to help consumers
understand the impact non-native species have
on aquatic biodiversity, and to encourage fish
farmers to use good practices to reduce the
impact of their activities on natural aquatic
environments; also, invest more resources in
research for developing fish culture with native
species. This is an environmental decision; the
precautionary principle should always prevail,
in the absence of more robust information on
the invasive capacity of P. hypophthalmus in
Colombia’s river networks and on its real effect
on a highly endemic aquatic biodiversity.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgements
section. A signed document has been filed in
the journal archives.
We thank Juan Luis Parra and Daniel
Valencia for their support, suggestions and dis-
cussions. To the Humboldt Institute, InvBasa,
Margarita Roa, Claudia Castellanos, and fish-
ermen from Magdalena river basin for facili-
tating the systematization and compilation of
the species presence in Colombia. To María
Piedad Baptiste and Jose Manuel Ochoa from
the Humboldt Institude for facilitating this col-
laboration between the University of Antioquia
and Humboldt institutions. To Wyatt Madden-
son and Carolina Soto for English grammar
support, and finally, we would like to thank
our reviewers and Octavio Rojas for improving
our manuscript.
Distribución potencial en Colombia del pez
introducido Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
(Siluriformes: Pangasiidae) e implicaciones para
los peces nativos en peligro de extinción
Introducción: Una de las amenazas importantes para
los ecosistemas acuáticos es la introducción de las especies
no nativas en ambientes naturales. Esto representa una
de las principales causas de pérdida de biodiversidad en
el mundo. Pangasianodon hypophthalmus es una especie
introducida en Colombia que comparte características de
vida y hábitat con especies nativas en peligro de extin-
ción como: Ageneiosus pardalis, Sorubim cuspicaudus y
Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum. Sin embargo, poco se
conoce de su distribución y los efectos en la fauna nativa
han sido poco explorados. Objetivo: Evaluar el potencial
invasivo de P. hypophthalmus en algunas de las cuencas
colombianas que desembocan en el Mar Caribe. Métodos:
Utilizando registros disponibles en varias bases de datos,
realizamos un análisis de conservadurismo de nicho entre
los registros nativos e introducidos de P. hypophthalmus
usando el paquete de R Ecospat. Posteriormente, modela-
mos el área potencial de invasión de P. hypophthalmus y
las áreas de distribución de tres especies nativas realizando
modelos de nicho ecológico (MNE) utilizando el algoritmo
de Maxent. Finalmente, calculamos una superposición de
nicho geográfico entre las especies nativas y no nativas.
Resultados: El análisis espacial de Ecospat indica que
P. hypophthalmus conserva algunos atributos del nicho
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 573-587, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 26, 2021)
ambiental a través del espacio. Por esta razón, podemos
usar los MNE como una aproximación a su rango de dis-
tribución en el área invadida. Nuestros resultados usando
MNE demostraron que las cuatro especies analizadas
prefieren regiones bajas y ligeramente rocosas; por ello,
la superposición geográfica de los nichos ecológicos de
las tres especies nativas y la especie introducidas superan
el 80 %. Conclusiones: Existen condiciones adecuadas en
las cuencas de estudio para el establecimiento completo
de la especie P. hypophthalmus, lo que representa un alto
riesgo para los ecosistemas acuáticos y la ictiofauna nativa.
El conocimiento de las áreas de distribución potencial es
fundamental para implementar controles sobre la especie.
Palabras clave: modelos de nicho; agua dulce; especies
invasoras; peces migratorios.
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