Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
Phenology of the endangered palm Ceroxylon quindiuense
(Arecaceae) along an altitudinal gradient in Colombia
Blanca Martínez
*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7074-3534
René López Camacho
; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2026-0371
Luis Santiago Castillo
; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2193-7516
Rodrigo Bernal
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9832-8498
1. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia; bamartinezh@correo.udistrital.edu.co
(*Correspondence), rlopezc@udistrital.edu.co
2. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Bogotá, Colombia;
3. Reserva Natural Guadualito, Montenegro, Quindío, Colombia; rgbernalg@gmail.com
Received 27-XI-2020. Corrected 20-III-2021. Accepted 18-V-2021.
Introduction: Understanding the phenology of plant populations is vital for their conservation and management.
We studied the vegetative and reproductive phenology of the endangered palm Ceroxylon quindiuense along an
altitudinal gradient in the Central Cordillera of Colombia. Objective: We describe the leaf production rate, and
flowering and fruiting cycles, and calculate food offer for the fauna, as a tool for the proper management of the
palm. Methods: At each sampling site (2 400, 2 600, 2 800, 3 000 m.a.s.l.), we marked 40 adult individuals (20
pistillate, 20 staminate), which we followed bimonthly for 24 months. We studied leaf production by counting
fallen leaves. We followed flower and fruit production through observations with binoculars and photographs.
Results: Each adult individual produced, on average, one leaf every 69 days. Although isolated individuals
flowered throughout the year, most palms flowered synchronously at each elevation in October 2016-August
2017 and in August 2018-February 2019 and had ripe fruits 7-13 months later. Flowering started at 2 600 m, fol-
lowed by 2 800 and 3 000 m. Palms at 2 400 m, the lower limit of the palm stands in the area, showed a singular
behavior, with scarce flower and fruit production, some individuals that changed sex, and a higher proportion
of pistillate palms. Each palm produced 1-11 (x
= 5.3, SD = 2.2) inflorescences and 1-10 (x
= 5.3, SD = 2.2)
infructescences. The average number of fruits per infructescence was 4 465 (SD = 1 488). With an estimated
population of adult palms between 256 000 and 600 000 and an overall ratio of pistillate: staminate individuals
1:1 or 1:2, total fruit production in the area during each fruiting period is estimated as 2.0-7.1 billion fruits.
Conclusions: The huge number of flowers and fruits and their gradual availability along the altitudinal gradient
have a major impact on the spatial and temporal distribution of food offer for fauna associated with the palm.
Key words: altitudinal gradient; flowering; fruiting; leaf production; palm phenology.
Martínez, B., López Camacho, R., Castillo, L.S., & Bernal,
R. (2021). Phenology of the endangered palm Ceroxylon
quindiuense (Arecaceae) along an altitudinal gradient in
Colombia. Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(2), 649-664.
Palms are an important element in the
dynamics of tropical ecosystems: e.g., by influ-
encing the distribution and behavior of animals,
which could affect other ecosystem functions,
such as plant regeneration (Salm, Jalles-Filho,
& Schuck-Paim, 2005; Beck, 2007; Keuroghl-
ian & Eaton, 2009) and soil properties (Young,
Raab, McCauley, Briggs, & Dirso, 2010).
Palms are a vital food source for many animal
species (e.g., Zona & Henderson, 1989; Peres,
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
1994; Galetti, Ziparro, & Morellato, 1999;
Scariot, 1999; Genini, Galetti, & Morellato,
2009; Giombini, Bravo, & Tosto, 2016). They
also play an important role for human popu-
lations, which use them as a source of food,
raw construction materials, and for making
a variety of implements, among many other
uses (e.g., Bernal, 1992; Henderson, Galeano,
& Bernal, 1995; Johnson, 2011; Bernal &
Galeano, 2013).
The Quindío wax palm, Ceroxylon quin-
diuense, is an abundant species in the cloud
forests of Colombia and Perú. In Colombia, it
grows in the three Andean ranges, although it
is more abundant in the Central Cordillera. Its
largest populations are located in the Tochecito
River basin, in the municipalities of Cajamarca
and Ibagué, Department of Tolima (Bernal,
Galeano, & Sanín, 2015), where the number
of adults has been estimated between 256 000
(Jiménez, 2017) and 600 000 individuals (Ber-
nal et al., 2015; Instituto Humboldt, 2016).
C. quindiuense is recognized worldwide
for being the world’s tallest palm, reaching
60 m in height (Bernal, Martínez, & Sanín,
2018), and Colombia’s national tree. It is con-
sidered Endangered (EN) (Galeano & Bernal,
2005), mainly due to habitat transformation as
result of human activities, especially agricul-
tural expansion. Conservation of this species
requires a thorough understanding of its popu-
lation dynamics and phenological cycles, as
well as of the underlying factors.
Phenology studies the occurrence of repet-
itive biological events and the biotic and abi-
otic environmental factors that control them.
A better understanding of the phenology of
a plant species makes it possible to evaluate,
for instance, flower and fruit availability for
the local fauna (e.g., Morellato et al., 2000;
Cabrera & Wallace, 2007), or litter produc-
tion for soil formation and nutrient input (e.g.,
Vitousek, 1984; Sayer et al., 2020), all of
which are fundamental aspects to understand
forest dynamics.
Although the conservation and manage-
ment plan for C. quindiuense in Colombia
(Bernal et al., 2015) stresses the need to
conduct phenological studies, only a single
short-term work performed by Girón-Vander-
huck, Salazar, and Agudelo (2001a) is avail-
able. In this paper we present the results of a
two-year phenological study carried out along
an altitudinal gradient in the Tochecito River
basin, in the Central Cordillera of Colombia,
where the largest palm stands of this species
are found. We describe leaf production rate,
and flowering and fruiting cycles, and contrast
them among elevations. We also calculate the
food offer for the fauna, as a tool for the proper
management of this species in the area. As tem-
perature in the tropical Andes decreases by ca.
0.6º per 100 m increase in elevation (Ramírez,
Roldán, & Yépez, 2004), this change in tem-
perature is expected to influence phenology
along the gradient. Because no similar studies
appear to have been made in the Andes, we
expected differences in parameters to occur,
but did not have any clue of the direction of
variation, if any. We hypothesized that the
flowering sequence along the gradient would
somehow be similar to the sequential flower-
ing of several Ceroxylon species, described
by Carreño-Barrera, Madriñán, and Núñez-
Avellaneda (2013).
Study area: The study area is in the
Tochecito River basin, in the Department of
Tolima, on the Eastern slope of the Central
Cordillera of Colombia (4°30’45”-4°31’34”
N & 75°30’29”-75°26’31” W), between 2 400
and 3 000 m elevation (Fig. 1). It is a mountain
area of 8 890 ha, of which 43 % have some type
of palm cover (cloud forest remnants or sec-
ondary forests dominated by very dense palm
stands, cloud forest remnants or secondary
forests with some palms, matrix of pastures and
crops with very dense palm stands, and matrix
of pastures and crops with some palms) (Insti-
tuto Humboldt, 2016). The rainfall regime is
bimodal, with the rainiest period between June
and November, and the driest period between
February and March (IDEAM, 2020).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
Study species: Ceroxylon quindiuense is
a single-stemmed palm, reaching up to 60 m in
height (Bernal et al., 2018) and 36 cm in diam-
eter at breast height. Its crown consists of 12-27
blue-green leaves, with the pinnae covered on
the underside by a woolly whitish indument.
It is a dioecious species, although, in some
cases, individuals change sex (Martínez, Sanín,
Castillo, López, & Bernal, 2018). The inflo-
rescences are interfoliar, repeatedly branched,
supported by a long peduncle, and bearing
several thousand small, whitish flowers, which
have anthesis almost simultaneously for one
to a few days (personal observation, 2012 to
2020; Carreño-Barrera et al., 2013). Although
the flowers of both sexes look very similar, sta-
minate and pistillate inflorescences are easily
recognized, even from a great distance. Pistil-
late inflorescences remain with their rachillae
completely extended, at a wide angle with the
rachis, even after fruiting and falling to the
ground. In the staminate inflorescences, on the
other hand, the rachillae are closely appressed
to the rachis after anthesis, so that the old inflo-
rescences have a broom-like appearance (Mar-
tínez et al., 2018). Each palm produces several
infructescences simultaneously and each one
bears thousands of spherical fruits, 1-2 cm in
diameter, smooth and orange-red when ripe
(Galeano & Bernal, 2010; Sanín & Galeano,
Data collection: We surveyed four sites
located at intervals of 200 meters along an
elevation gradient starting at 2 400 m.a.s.l. and
ending at 3 000 m.a.s.l., (2 400, 2 600, 2 800 and
3 000 m.a.s.l., Fig. 1). At each elevation, indi-
viduals were selected within a range of +/- 25
m with respect to the elevation value. The 2 400
m site was established in a secondary forest and
Fig. 1. Location of the Ceroxylon quindiuense study area in the Central Cordillera of Colombia. Sampling sites at different
altitudes: 1: Las Cruces (2 400 m.a.s.l.); 2: Galleguito (2 600 m.a.s.l.); 3-4: La Carbonera (2 800 and 3 000 m.a.s.l.). Based
on IGAC (2014) layers.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
the remaining sites were established in pastures
with isolated palm trees, overgrown pastures,
or forest edge (Fig. 2).
Adult Quindío wax palms emerge out of
the forest canopy. For this reason, observing
the crowns from within the forest is almost
impossible; however, casual observations in the
area over several years have shown that palms
growing in both forests and pastures follow the
same phenological pattern (timing, duration,
frequency and intensity in leafing, flowering,
and fruiting) (personal observation from 2005
through 2018). The individuals in this study
were thus selected in clean pastures with cattle
Fig. 2. Ceroxylon quindiuense at the Tochecito River basin, Colombia. A. Palms surviving in pastures; B. Palm-dominated
forest fragment.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
presence, overgrown pastures, or secondary
forests, in which the palm crowns were visible
(Fig. 2).
At each sampling site, 40 adult individu-
als 20-40 meters tall were chosen (20 stami-
nate and 20 pistillate), taking a random initial
individual and thereafter selecting the closest
neighbor that was within the elevation belt of
50 m described above. Each individual was
marked with an aluminum plate tied to the stem
with a nylon thread, at a height of 1.6 m above
the ground.
We made observations of reproductive
structures using binoculars and photographs.
The phenological data were recorded bimonth-
ly between October 2017 and October 2019. In
each of the selected individuals, the presence of
reproductive structures was evaluated, taking
into account the following phenophases: bud:
reproductive structure wrapped in the pedun-
cular bracts; flower: inflorescence composed
of yellowish-white flowers at anthesis; old
inflorescence: inflorescence in which almost
100 % of the flowers have fallen and only the
axes remain; immature fruits: infructescence
with well-formed fruits, which have reached
their final size but are still green; ripe fruits:
infructescence in which almost all fruits are
orange-red; old infructescence: infructescence
that has lost 100 % of its fruits and of which
only the axes remain. During the observations,
the ripe fruits category was divided into three
subcategories, which were pooled for some of
the analyses: ripe fruits 1: ripe infructescence
in which more than 50 % of the fruits persist;
ripe fruits 2: ripe infructescence in which
20-50 % of the fruits persist; ripe fruits 3: ripe
infructescence in which less than 20 % of the
fruits persist.
To follow the development of each of the
reproductive structures, we took its position
in the crown, choosing a fixed point in the
terrain, from which the crown was seen as a
clock dial, in which the structures were located
in a clockwise direction, starting from six. The
apex of the reproductive structure was taken as
an indicator of the position on the dial. Each
crown was observed from different angles to
corroborate the structure’s stage.
In addition to the reproductive stage, we
recorded leaf production for each individual
at altitudes of 2 600, 2 800, and 3 000 m. To
do this, we followed 84 palms (37, 18 and
29 individuals, respectively) over 18 months,
counting, in each observation, the number of
fallen leaves found around the palm’s base.
Once counted, fallen leaves were removed
from the place to facilitate the next count. The
number of fallen leaves between two observa-
tions was assumed to correspond to the number
of leaves produced by the palm, since in the
long term, the number of leaves on the crown
remains constant (Tomlinson, 1963; Corner,
1966). Leaf production was not followed at the
2 400 m site, as it lay on a very steep and inac-
cessible slope, which could be observed with
binoculars and photographed, but in which
the palms were inaccessible. Additionally, to
know the contribution of biomass to the basin,
we weighed all fallen leaves and old inflores-
cences and infructescences in the August 2019
observation. To estimate the number of fruits
per infructescence, we randomly took six ripe
infructescences fallen on the ground, from
which we removed and counted all fruits. The
fresh and dry weight of 100 fruits and their
respective seeds were obtained, to calculate
the total weight of the food supply offered
by the palms.
Data analysis: Since palms present a
structure composed of successive leaf-inflores-
cence-internode modules (Henderson, 2002),
the development of each of their reproductive
structures (buds, inflorescences, and infruc-
tescences) can be followed individually. As
floral anthesis lasts only 2-3 days (personal
observation from 2005 through 2018; Carreño-
Barrera et al., 2013; Carreño-Barrera, Núñez-
Avellaneda, Sanín, & Campos, 2020), and our
observations were bimonthly, the probability of
finding an inflorescence at anthesis during the
observation period was low. For this reason,
for each reproductive structure, the month of
its flowering was interpolated between the last
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
observation in which it was found in bud and
the appearance of a structure with early devel-
oping fruits.
On the other hand, the total development
time from flower to ripe fruits observed in 211
inflorescences at the 2 600, 2 800, and 3 000 m
elevations was taken as the median value for
each site. This value was applied retrospec-
tively to those structures that were in ripe fruit
at the time when our observations started in
October 2017, and prospectively to those in
flowering in October 2019. In this way, the
data taken to the pistillate individuals for 24
months allowed us to extrapolate the behavior
of the flowering cycles twelve months back-
wards until October 2016, and eight months
forward, until June 2020. Thus, flowering and
fruiting cycles in pistillate individuals in this
study cover almost four years. At the 2 400 m
elevation, only the data of the single individual
that had a complete cycle were used. For the
staminate inflorescences, due to their ephem-
eral nature, no extrapolations or interpolations
could be done.
The duration of the fruiting period was
determined as the number of months between
the appearance of ripe infructescences in any
of the three states (ripe fruits 1, 2 or 3) and
the fall of all fruits (old infructescence). To
determine the fruiting peaks at each elevation,
only ripe infructescences with almost 100 % of
their fruits (ripe fruits 1) were considered, to
avoid counting the same infructescence in two
consecutive observations.
The development time of female repro-
ductive structures from pistillate flower to
ripe fruit at each elevation was taken as the
median number of months it took the pistillate
inflorescences for which a complete cycle was
observed (i.e., from the appearance of flowers
to the appearance of ripe fruits 1).
As our data were not normally distrib-
uted, we used Kruskal-Wallis tests to compare
the development time from flower to ripe
fruit, and leaf production between the differ-
ent elevations, and between sexes. We used
Spearman correlation to correlate precipita-
tion data with flowering and fruiting. We used
circular statistics to evaluate seasonality in the
C. quindiuense reproductive phenology and
also to find differences in the seasonal patterns
among altitudes. This circular statistic requires
months to be transformed to angles (Zar, 1999;
Morellato et al., 2000). As our field observa-
tions indicate that C. quindiuense shows a
2-year reproductive cycle, we used intervals of
15 degrees between months, being November
2019: 7.5° and October 2019: 352.5°. We dis-
missed the October 2017 data in the circular
analysis as we only considered a 24-month
cycle in the statistics.
The circular statistical analyses were done
using the ORIANA v.4.02 software (Kovach,
1994). The evaluated parameters were: mean
vector, length of mean vector, median, and
circular standard deviation. As some of our
data are not normally distributed (they do not
match the von Mises distribution), we used the
Rao’s non-parametric test (U) for uniformity at
each elevation and for every type of reproduc-
tive structure (i.e., pistillate inflorescences,
staminate inflorescences and infructescences).
This test points out the probability of the data
being randomly distributed. If the test rejects
the hypothesis of uniformity, it means that
the studied population shows seasonality in
its reproduction. Then, we used the Watson
non-parametric test to compare seasonal-
ity among the different elevations and for
each type of reproductive structure. Here, the
hypothesis is that the mean vectors of the two
sampled populations are not significantly dif-
ferent. If this hypothesis is rejected, it means
the reproductive phenology is asynchronical
between altitudes (Morellato et al., 2000).
Only field data were included in the statistical
Development time of the 211 reproductive
structures from pistillate flower to ripe fruit
ranged from seven to eleven months and dif-
fered among sites (Table 1). It took longer for
the individuals at 2 800 and 3 000 m than for
those at 2 400 and 2 600 m (χ² = 84.737). There
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
were significant differences between 2 600 and
2 800 m (P = 7.3e-14) and between 2 600 and
3 000 m (P = 2.2e-16), but not between 2 800
and 3 000 m.
The observed events and the correspond-
ing extrapolations showed that between Octo-
ber 2016 and June 2020 there were two major
pistillate flowering events and two major fruit-
ing events in the Tochecito River basin. The
flowering events happened between October
2016 and August 2017 and between August
2018 and February 2019. The fruiting events
took place between September 2017 and April
2018 and between May 2019 and January 2020
(Fig. 3).
During the 24 months analyzed with circu-
lar statistics, flowering and fruiting showed a
seasonal behavior for all the elevations (Rao’s
Spacing Test (U) P < 0.01, length of mean vec-
tor > 0.6). Only female palms at 2 400 showed
no flowering peaks (U = 180, 0.1 > P > 0.01),
possibly explained by the low number of pis-
tillate flowers recorded at this site (6 female
inflorescences) (Table 2). Furthermore, flower-
ing and fruiting peak events were significantly
different among all elevations (Watson U
test, Table 3), supporting the idea that this
palm population has an altitudinally sequential
reproductive phenology (Table 3).
Development time of reproductive structures of Ceroxylon quindiuense in Tochecito, Tolima,
Colombia, from pistillate flower to ripe fruit
Number of inflorescences with a full cycle observed
(number of individuals)
Duration (Months)
Range Median
2 400 1 (1) 7
2 600 50 (11) 7-11 8
2 800 74 (13) 8-13 11
3 000 86 (14) 8-12 11
Fig. 3. Number of pistillate inflorescences and mature infructescences of Ceroxylon quindiuense at the Tochecito River
basin, Colombia, at four elevations (2 400 to 3 000 m.a.s.l.), between 2016 and 2020.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
Descriptive and circular statistics for the 24-month reproductive phenological
cycle of Ceroxylon quindiuense in Tochecito, Tolima, Colombia
Mean vector
Length of mean
vector (r)
Rao’s Spacing
Test (U)
Rao’s Spacing
Test (p)
Staminate inflorescences
2 400 12
46.6° 255 < 0.01
(May-18) (Mar-18)
2 600 114
59.5° 315.789 < 0.01
(Sep-18) (Oct-18)
2 800 143
89.9° 322.238 < 0.01
(Sep-18) (Nov-18)
3 000 168
109.0° 317.143 < 0.01
(Nov-18) (Dec-18)
Pistillate inflorescences
2 400 6
56.7° 180 0.10 > P > 0.05
(Sep-18) (Oct-18)
2 600 54
14.2° 333.333 < 0.01
(Oct-18) (Nov-18)
2 800 104
52.7° 321.923 < 0.01
(Nov-18) (Nov-18)
3 000 137
232.5° 53.2°
336.35 < 0.01
(Jan-19) (Feb-19)
2 400 75
28.2° 321.6 < 0.01
(Jan-18) (Jan-18)
2 600 60
32.7° 318 < 0.01
(Jul-19) (Jul-19)
2 800 176
38.1° 335.455 < 0.01
(Nov-17) (Nov-17)
3 000 117
41.8° 326.154 < 0.01
(Jan-18) (Feb-18)
Square matrix showing the Watson U
test results for each reproductive structure and comparing altitudes
for the 24-month reproductive phenological cycle of Ceroxylon quindiuense in Tochecito, Tolima, Colombia
Elevation (m.a.s.l.) 2 400 2 600 2 800 3 000
2 400
SF < 0.05
PF < 0.05
IF < 0.001
SF < 0.001
PF < 0.05
IF < 0.001
SF < 0.002
PF < 0.01
IF < 0.001
2 600
SF: 0.225
PF: 0.225
IF: 2.947
SF < 0.001
PF < 0.02
IF < 0.001
All < 0.001
2 800
SF: 0.524
PF: 0.206
IF: 2.486
SF: 1.098
PF: 0.243
IF: 3.358
All < 0.001
3 000
SF: 0.359
PF: 0.286
IF: 1.718
SF: 1.772
PF: 4.22
IF: 3.629
SF: 0.461
PF: 5.444
IF: 4.984
scores (lower half) and probabilities (upper half). SF: Staminate inflorescences, PF: Pistillate inflorescences, and
IF: Infructescences.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
During each flowering and fruiting event,
the peaks were not simultaneous at the differ-
ent elevations. For the first major event (2016-
2017), the flowering peak took place first at
2 800 m in January 2017, followed by 2 600 m
in February, 3 000 m in March and ending at
2 400 m in June. However, because the flower-
to-fruit development time was different among
elevations (Table 1), the order of appearance of
the fruiting peaks along the gradient was not
the same as that of flowering peaks. The first
peak of ripe fruits started at 2 600 m in October
2017, and from there advanced upward to 2 800
m (December) and downward to 2 400 m (Janu-
ary 2018), ending at 3 000 m in February 2018.
During the second major event, flowering
had a first peak at 2 400 m in October 2018,
although with just three inflorescences, at 2 600
and 2 800 m in November, and 3 000 m in Feb-
ruary 2019. Fruiting peaks started at 2 400 m in
May 2019 and ascended along the gradient to
2 600 m (June), 2 800 m (October), ending at
3 000 m in January 2020. For each elevation, 24
months elapsed between the two major flower-
ing peaks and 22-24 months between the two
major fruiting peaks (Fig. 3). In the first major
fruiting event there were 369 infructescences,
whereas in the second major event they were
256 (Fig. 3). Because of the steep terrain, the
great abundance of palms and the strikingness
of ripe infructescences, the altitudinal shift of
the fruiting process is an appealing feature of
the basin’s landscape.
In addition to the two major flowering
events mentioned above, there were two minor
ones: the first between October 2017 and April
2018, and another between July and September
2019. At the peaks of these events, the number
of inflorescences produced was 6-24 times
smaller than in the major ones. During these
minor events, there were no inflorescences at
some sites (Fig. 4).
Furthermore, the reproductive behavior
of pistillate individuals was clearly related to
elevation (Watson U
test, Table 3). While the
number of palms that went through two flow-
ering and fruiting cycles increased uphill (4
individuals at 2 400 m, 11 individuals at 2 600
m, 15 individuals at 2 800 m, 20 individuals
at 3 000 m, N = 80 individuals), the number
of palms with a single cycle decreased (16
individuals at 2 400 m, 9 individuals at 2 600
Fig. 4. Number of staminate and pistillate inflorescences of Ceroxylon quindiuense at the Tochecito River basin, Colombia,
at four elevations (2 400 to 3 000 m.a.s.l.), between 2016 and 2020.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
m, 4 individuals at 2 800 m, 0 individuals at
3 000 m, N = 80 individuals). The total number
of infructescences per cycle also increased
with elevation (cycle one: 74 infructescences
at 2 400 m, 85 infructescences at 2 600 m, 115
infructescences at 2 800 m, 105 infructescences
at 3 000 m, N = 80 individuals; cycle two: 5
infructescences at 2 400 m, 54 infructescences
at 2 600 m, 59 infructescences at 2 800 m, 114
infructescences at 3 000 m, N = 80 individuals),
regardless of the number of cycles.
The average number of inflorescences pro-
duced per individual for the first major flower-
ing event was 5.3 (N = 72, SD = 2.1) and, for
the second, 5.1 (N = 50, SD = 2.3). Not all indi-
viduals flowered and fruited in every reproduc-
tive event. During the study period, 60 % of the
80 pistillate individuals went through two flow-
ering and fruiting cycles, whereas 39 % only
one. A single individual, at 2 800 m elevation,
went through three flowering cycles (Decem-
ber 2016, January 2018, November 2018).
The average number of infructescences
produced per individual for the two major
fruiting events was 5.3 (N
= 69, N
= 50, SD
= 2.2). The average number of fruits per
infructescence was 4 465 (N = 6, SD = 1 488).
The fresh weight of each fruit was on average
2.5 g (N = 100, SD = 0.3 g) and the weight of
the edible fleshy pericarp was 1.15 g (N = 100).
The data for staminate inflorescences
cannot be extrapolated, so we only included
two-year data. Furthermore, because of the
ephemeral anthesis of the inflorescence and the
persistence of old inflorescences for several
months (personal observation; Carreño-Barrera
et al., 2013), it was not easy to individually
monitor each structure in its old inflorescence
stage. For this reason, we only considered those
inflorescences that we observed at anthesis or
whose flowering had evidently taken place a
few days before our observation. During the
two years of our study, there were always at
least a few staminate inflorescences in the
basin. At our sampling sites, there were only
two months (March and August 2019) in which
no palm had any inflorescences.
But amid this year-round staminate flow-
ering, two groups of well-defined peaks were
evident at each altitude (Fig. 4) (Rao’s Spacing
Test P < 0.01, length of mean vector > 0.1). At
elevations 2 800 and 3 000 m., the length of the
mean vector had values close to zero (0.292
and 0.164, respectively), which shows that
although there is a seasonality, it is not very
well marked. A minor peak occurred between
January and March 2018, and another one,
almost twice as large, between October 2018
and February 2019. The largest of these groups
of peaks coincided with the second major pis-
tillate flowering event. The smaller of them
largely matched the minor pistillate flowering
event between January and April 2018 (Fig. 4).
The number of leaves in the crown was
12-27 (Me = 18, SD = 2.4, N = 160) and the
median number of leaves produced per indi-
vidual in 18 months was eight (N = 83, SD =
2.2), that is, 5.3 leaves per year (one leaf every
69 days). There was no difference in leaf pro-
duction rate among elevations (χ2 = 1.9844, P
= 0.3708), or between staminate and pistillate
individuals (χ2 = 0.45817, P = 0.4985). Each
fallen leaf weighted 2.86 kg on average (N =
66, SD = 1.3 kg). On the other hand, the aver-
age weight of an old male inflorescence was
1.84 kg (N = 20, SD = 1.12 kg), whereas old
infructescences weighted 2.35 kg (N = 15,
SD = 0.97 kg).
Although the overall trend of flowering
graphically suggests a higher production of
female inflorescences when rainfall decreases
(Fig. 5), statistically there was no significant
correlation (R
= -0.107236, P = 0.4832).
The number of infructescences produced in
the basin and the precipitation did not show a
statistically significant correlation either (R
-0.0105917, P = 0.9449).
The sequential flowering of C. quindi-
uense along the altitudinal gradient at our study
site probably plays the same role as the orches-
trated flowering of several species growing
along a gradient elsewhere in the Colombian
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
Andes, as described by Carreño-Barrera et al.
(2020), as a mechanism to enhance pollination.
The staminate flowers of C. quindiuense are a
vital food source and a place of reproduction
for several species of nitidulid beetles of the
genus Mystrops, the main pollinators of Cer-
oxylon species (Carreño-Barrera et al., 2020).
The insects and the palms maintain a close
relationship of pollinator-plant specificity that
makes them highly dependent on each other.
To maintain pollinator populations, palms of
the genus Ceroxylon have developed strategies
that allow them to have a constant supply of
pollen for the beetles. Where several Ceroxylon
species co-occur, one of these strategies is the
asynchronous flowering of the different Cer-
oxylon species along the gradient, so that there
is a steady offer of flowers over a long period
of time (Carreño-Barrera et al., 2020).
At our study area, however, this strategy
would not work, as there is only one other spe-
cies of Ceroxylon in the basin, C. parvifrons,
represented by just a handful of individuals
(ca. ten detected by us so far), growing above
the upper limit of the large stands of C. quin-
diuense. A long-term phenological study of C.
quindiuense along an elevational gradient, in
an area where other species of the genus co-
occur, as in Southern Colombia, would help to
test this hypothesis.
During the seven-month flowering season
of C. quindiuense at our study sites, the popu-
lations of nitidulids probably migrate along
the altitudinal gradient, following the offer of
food and breeding sites. In the months when
flowering is less abundant, the populations of
Mystrops spp. probably undergo a significant
decline, and these insects would survive on
the isolated palms that flower asynchronously
throughout the year. This pattern of isolated
flowering individuals that maintain the pol-
linators population has also been found for
staphylinids associated with Phytelephas mac-
rocarpa (as P. seemannii), another dioecious
palm related to Ceroxylon (Bernal & Ervik,
1996). Thus, highly specialized nitidulid spe-
cies associated with wax palms depend on
healthy and large population of their hosts for
local persistence. As wax palm populations
dwindle, there will be lesser chances for these
beetle species to survive.
Fig. 5. Monthly pistillate flowering and fruiting of Ceroxylon quindiuense at the Tochecito River basin, Colombia, between
2016 and 2020, combined with rainfall data for the area. Rainfall data from IDEAM, Toche Climatological Station
(21210180) (IDEAM, 2020).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
Another strategy for maintaining pollina-
tor populations in our study area is probably
the reproductive alternation between individu-
als in the population over the years. Whereas
60 % of the observed individuals went through
two flowering cycles during the 44 months of
the study, 39 % of them went through a single
cycle. The gradual increase, along the eleva-
tion gradient, both in the number of individu-
als with two cycles and in the total number of
infructescences produced, results in an altitu-
dinal shift of the number of flowers and fruits
available in the basin.
Moreover, the finding of an individual that
had three flowering cycles and another that
only flowered in abundance once after many
months of having no reproductive evidence
suggests that there could be at least three flow-
ering frequencies in the basin, with different
amplitudes. The occasional synchrony of these
three frequencies would explain the periodic
occurrence of a large C. quindiuense fruiting
event in the Central Cordillera of Colombia,
which has been reported to happen every six to
seven years (Bernal et al., 2015).
On the other hand, the number of infruc-
tescences produced by the palms in each cycle
was not the same. In the second fruiting cycle,
the total number of infructescences at our study
sites decreased from 399 to 262. This alterna-
tion of high with lower production cycles, in
which not all individuals produce fruits, is
probably related to the severe stress suffered
by the palms after a mass fruiting event (Ber-
nal et al., 2015). In individuals that produce
seven to nine infructescences, several leaves
dry off shortly after the fruiting season, giving
the palm a sickly appearance; however, palms
recover completely after a few months. Those
palms do not produce so many infructescences
in their next cycle, or even do not produce any
infructescence at all, as might be the case with
individuals that had only one cycle.
The anomalous behavior of the sampling
site located at 2 400 m is particularly interest-
ing. This site had a different male:female ratio
than the other three sites (2:3 vs. 1:1); five
individuals that changed sex (four from male to
female and one from female to male) (Martínez
et al., 2018); and an adult individual that never
exhibited any reproductive structures. More-
over, this site had the highest number of palms
with a single fruiting cycle and the lowest total
number of infructescences. Interestingly, the
2 400 m site is at the lower limit of the huge
palm stands of this basin; although C. quindi-
uense is distributed there from 2 000 to 3 100
m, only isolated individuals are found below
2 400 m, often on very steep slopes.
The number of adult palms in the Toch-
ecito River basin has been estimated between
256 158 (Jiménez, 2017) and 600 000 (Bernal
et al., 2015; Instituto Humboldt, 2016), and
the proportion of pistillate individuals to sta-
minate between 1:1 (Girón-Vanderhuck et al.,
2001a; Sanín, 2013; Sanín, Anthelme, Pin-
taud, Galeano, & Bernal, 2013; Bernal et al.,
2015) and 1:2 (Jiménez, 2017). Table 4 shows
the estimated fruit production, based on data
reported by Jiménez (2017) and Bernal et al.
(2015) and Instituto Humboldt (2016), taking
the area reported by Castillo and Díaz (2016).
Ceroxylon quindiuense fruits are consumed
by numerous species of birds, as Green Jay
(Cyanocorax yncas), Crimson-Rumped Tou-
canet (Aulacorhynchus prasinus), Black-Billed
Mountain Toucan (Andigena nigrirostris),
thrushes (Turdus spp.), parrots (Hapalopsit-
taca fuertesi, H. amazonina and Ognorhynchus
icterotis) (Galeano & Bernal, 2010; Sanín &
Fruit production of Ceroxylon quindiuense by reproductive event in the Tochecito River basin, Tolima, Colombia
Source for estimation of
the number of individuals and
the proportion of sexes
Number of adult
female individuals
Number of
Number of fruits
Overall weight of the
edible fleshy pericarp (t)
Jiménez (2017) 85 385 452 540 2 020 293 333 2 324
Bernal et al. (2015) 300 000 1 590 000 7 099 350 000 8 164
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
Galeano, 2011; Bernal et al., 2015). The huge
number of fruits produced during a fruiting
event (between 2.0 and 7.1 billion fruits) rep-
resents a supply of edible pulp of 2 324-8 164
tons over an eight-month period. The altitudinal
shift of this food supply should have a tremen-
dous impact on the associated fauna and prob-
ably causes altitudinal migrations of animals in
the basin, as has already been documented for
other plant species at various sites (e.g., Levey,
1988; Loiselle & Blake, 1991; Laps, 1996;
Kimura, Yumoto, & Kikuzawa, 2001; Malizia,
2001; Castro, Galetti, & Morellato, 2007).
During the twelve months in which few or
no fruits of C. quindiuense are available in the
basin, the frugivores must turn to other food
sources. In the Tochecito River basin there are
at least 237 species of trees and shrubs (Girón-
Vanderhuck, Agudelo, & Macías, 2001b),
among which we have identified at least 101,
mainly in the families Solanaceae, Melasto-
mataceae, Myrsinaceae, Rubiaceae and Laura-
ceae; that could be potential food sources for
the fauna in times when Ceroxylon fruits are
not available. Information on the phenological
cycles of these species and the quantification
of their food supply are vital for understanding
the spatial and temporal dynamics of the fauna
associated with C. quindiuense.
Besides its impact on the populations of
pollinators and frugivores, C. quindiuense has
another major effect on the ecosystems in the
double-canopy forests of this basin, where the
palms make “a forest above the forest”. With
the large number of adult palms, each produc-
ing 5.3 leaves per year and each of these with
an associated old inflorescence or old infructes-
cence, the palm’s contribution of biomass to the
basin (not including flowers and fruits) is esti-
mated to be 6 605-15 739 tons per year, i.e., ca.
3-7.2 tons per hectare. This astonishing amount
of biomass, coming from an extra emergent
canopy (not including that from the forest
canopy below) could make Tochecito and its
palm-rich forests one of the most productive
ecosystems in the high Andes. For example,
Vitousek (1984) and Wallis et al. (2019) have
reported annual values of 3.7 to 11.6 tons of
litter production per hectare in what we assume
are single-canopy Neotropical mountain for-
ests. Furthermore, the large size and weight of
the leaves and old infructescences, and their
fall from heights greater than 40 m, undoubt-
edly have an important role in shaping regen-
eration in the palm-dominated forests. Because
of this, conserving Ceroxylon quindiuense in
the Tochecito River basin is vital for conserv-
ing the whole ecosystem in the area.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We thank the Cardona Lozano family
(Marlene, Francis, Oscar, César, Leandro, Sar-
ita, Osquítar), Francisco Javier Trujillo (Pachi-
to) and his family, for their hospitality and
friendship during the data collection time, Wil-
liam Vargas for information about the flora of
the region, Steven Bernal, Arthur Campos and
Javier Carreño for information about circular
statistics, the Alexander von Humboldt Insti-
tute and Nature and Culture International for
financial support, and Idea Wild for donation
of equipment.
Fenología de la palma en peligro
Ceroxylon quindiuense (Arecaceae) a lo largo
de un gradiente altitudinal en Colombia.
Introducción: Comprender la fenología de las pobla-
ciones de plantas es vital para su conservación y manejo.
Estudiamos la fenología vegetativa y reproductiva de la
palma amenazada Ceroxylon quindiuense a lo largo de un
gradiente altitudinal en la Cordillera Central de Colombia.
Objetivo: Describimos la tasa de producción de hojas, los
ciclos de floración y fructificación, y calculamos la oferta
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 649-664, April-June 2021 (Published Jun. 09, 2021)
alimentaria para la fauna, como una herramienta para el
adecuado manejo de la palma. Métodos: En cada sitio de
muestreo (2 400, 2 600, 2 800, 3 000 m.s.n.m.), marcamos
40 individuos adultos (20 pistilados, 20 estaminados), que
seguimos bimestralmente durante 24 meses. Estudiamos la
producción de hojas contando las caídas al suelo. Seguimos
la producción de flores y frutos a través de observaciones
con binoculares y fotografías. Resultados: Cada indivi-
duo adulto produjo, en promedio, una hoja cada 69 días.
Aunque los individuos aislados florecieron durante todo el
año, la mayoría de las palmas florecieron sincrónicamente
en cada elevación entre octubre 2016 y agosto 2017 y de
agosto 2018 a febrero 2019 y tuvieron frutos maduros entre
7-13 meses después. La floración comenzó a los 2 600 m,
seguida de los 2 800 y los 3 000 m. Las palmas a 2 400 m,
límite inferior de los palmares de la zona, mostraron un
comportamiento singular, con escasa producción de flo-
res y frutos, varios individuos que cambiaron de sexo y
una mayor proporción de palmas pistiladas. Cada palma
produjo 1-11 (x
= 5.3, SD = 2.2) inflorescencias y 1-10 (x
= 5.3, SD = 2.2) infrutescencias. El número promedio de
frutos por infrutescencia fue de 4 465. Con una población
estimada de palmas adultas entre 256 000 y 600 000 y una
proporción total de individuos pistilados: estaminados 1:1
o 1:2, la producción total de frutos en el área durante cada
período de fructificación se estima en 2.0-7.1 mil millones
de frutos. Conclusiones: La gran cantidad de flores y fru-
tos y su progresiva disponibilidad a lo largo del gradiente
tienen un impacto importante en la distribución espacial y
temporal de la oferta de alimento para la fauna asociada
a la palma.
Palabras clave: gradiente altitudinal; floración; fructifica-
ción; producción de hojas; fenología de palmas.
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