Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 000-000, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
Unmanned aerial vehicle, and GIS tools, to monitor the reproduction of the
flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis (Aves: Phoenicopteridae)
César R. Luque-Fernández
*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8050-461X
Kenny Caballero
; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4487-3068
Gregory Anthony Pauca
; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6367-5345
Luis Villegas
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7605-4326
Ibai Alcelay
; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5512-5025
John Machaca
; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4901-7738
1. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Arequipa, Perú; cluquef@unsa.edu.pe (*Correspondence),
gpaucat@unsa.edu.pe, alcelaybai@gmail.com
2. Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo del Sur (DESCOSUR), Arequipa, Perú; kenny@descosur.org.pe
3. Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad Católica de Santa María, Arequipa, Perú; lvillegasp@unsa.edu.pe
4. Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca (RNSyAB), Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el
Estado (SERNANP), Arequipa, Perú; jmachaca@sernanp.gob.pe
Received 11-II-2021. Corrected 11-V-2021. Accepted 10-VI-2021.
Abstract. Introduction: High Andean flamingos also known as parihuanas, are species of recurrent presence
in the high Andean areas which find this area as an important resting, feeding and in some cases breeding area
The species recorded here correspond to Phoenicoparrus jamesi, Phoenicoparrus andinus and Phoenicopterus
chilensis, the latter being the most abundant and common. During the censuses performed during 2018 and 2019,
in the high Andean lake of Salinas, Ramsar site, located within the Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca
in Southern Peru, atypical behaviors of these birds were recorded in a sector of the lake, observing reproductive
courtship and the settlement of colonies of P. chilensis. Objective: The study aimed to confirm and evaluate
reproductive events of P. chilenesis (Chilean flamingo) through the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
and image processing tools using geographic information systems. Methodology: Monitoring was conducted
during 2018 and 2019 to breeding colonies of P. chilensis, we used a UAV Phantom 4 testing different flight
altitudes to avoid disturbing the birds and performed records of aerial photographs and GIS post-processing with
the creation of panchromatic images for the identification and counting of individuals and eggs automated, and
manual verification. Results: During 2018 were identified nests and presence of six eggs, this occurred between
March and June where the event was interrupted not observing chicks or juveniles during this period, for 2019
the breeding was more successful, where a higher number of eggs were counted (40-66) and with the formation
of three reproductive colonies with 4 185 adult individuals, also verified the presence of chicks and juveniles that
reached a maximum of 1 491 individuals. Conclusions: We confirmed two continuous reproductive events of P.
chilensis in the Salinas lake, where during 2019 was the most successful incorporating several new individuals to
the initial population, likewise the methodology applied in the image processing allowed differentiating between
adult individuals and eggs but did not allow differentiating juveniles, however, the images directly acquired by
the UAV allow distinguishing the types of individuals to perform a manual count.
Key words: parihuana; nesting; breeding; remote sensing; drone.
Luque-Fernández, C.R., Caballero, K., Pauca, G.A., Villegas, L.,
Alcelay, I., & Machaca, J. (2021). Unmanned aerial vehicle,
and GIS tools, to monitor the reproduction of the flamingo
Phoenicopterus chilensis (Aves: Phoenicopteridae). Revista
de Biología Tropical, 69(2), 000-000. https://doi.org/
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 000-000, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
High Andean flamingos, parinas or pari-
huanas (Phoenicopteridae), are birds with a
distinctive plumage color, ranging from shades
of pink and purple to salmon, currently there
are six species distributed in America, Africa
and Eurasia (Mendoza et al., 2013). Flamingos
are gregarious and long-lived birds that inhabit
mostly hypersaline, salty and shallow aquatic
environments, and can be found from sea level
to above 5 000 m.a.s.l. They are birds highly
specialized in plankton feeding, usually prefer
lakes or lagoons with a high concentration of
salts and food, in which they often use also for
breeding (Hurlbert & Keith, 1979; Martínez &
González, 2017; Winkler et al., 2020). Three
species are currently reported in Peru and
are typical of the Andean Altiplano of South
America: Jame’s Flamingo or puna parihuana
(Phoenicoparrus jamesi), Andean Flamingo or
Andean parihuana (Phoenicoparrus andinus)
and Chilean Flamingo or common parihuana
(Phoenicopterus chilensis); being P. chilensis
the most widespread, distributing from North
to South of Peru and classified as a common
and resident species (Hurlbert & Keith, 1979;
Schulenberg et al., 2010). Flamingo popula-
tions are vulnerable due to the fragility of the
habitats they reside in, in addition to other
threats such as predation risk and anthro-
pogenic disturbances, which also condition
their abundance and distribution (Barisón et
al., 2014). The current conservation status of
the Chilean flamingo is “Near Threatened”
by the IUCN (BirdLife International, 2018),
also included in CITES Appendix II, and by
national categorization as by the Peruvian
State as “Near Threatened” (Supreme Decree
The largest populations of Chilean fla-
mingo are found in Argentina, Bolivia and
Chile, especially in the reproductive season
(Caziani et al., 2007), however in Peru there are
few reports about these events or nidification
sites (Ugarte-Núñez & Mosaurieta-Echegaray,
2000; Rodríguez, 2005) and have been little
studied and monitored. With the development
of new technologies and their low costs, a
change in research methodologies is occurring
(Grémillet et al., 2012). For example, the
case of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are
becoming more and more common (Borrelle
& Fletcher, 2017), especially in ornithologi-
cal studies (Chabot et al., 2015; Dulava et al.,
2015; McClelland et al., 2016) and specifically
in the case of flamingos (Vas et al., 2015), it has
been concluded that they do not produce signif-
icant disturbances in their populations, offering
greater efficiency in the observation of indi-
viduals in incubation and juveniles, accounting
in general terms a greater number of individu-
als compared to observations made from land
(Sabella et al., 2017; Vas et al., 2015).
This research aims to evaluate the unusual
reproductive events recorded in the popula-
tion of the P. chilensis in the high Andean
lake of Salinas, in a protected natural area in
Southern Peru, which had not been previously
reported as an active breeding site of this spe-
cies for more than 20 years. Additionally, we
incorporated the monitoring of these events
with the use of an unmanned vehicle (UAV)
and developed a methodology for the process-
ing and quantification of individuals and the
detection of eggs through the implementation
of GIS tools.
Study site: The study area corresponds to
Salinas lake, a high Andean Salt Lake, which
has been recognized as a Ramsar site since
2003. Politically it is located between Areq-
uipa and Moquegua regions, in Southern Peru,
that adjacent to three peasant communities
(Salinas Huito, Salinas Moche and Santa Lucia
de Salinas); within the Reserva Nacional de
Salinas y Aguada Blanca (RNSyAB), which is
under the management of the Servicio Nacional
de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado
(SERNANP). This wetland is located in an
endorheic basin, supplied mainly by rainwater,
at an altitude of 4 300 m.a.s.l., it covers an area
of 6 182 ha and it is surrounded by a large area
of hydrophytic vegetation (bofedales). In addi-
tion, the lake is the site of economic activities
such as boron salt extraction by the INKABOR
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 000-000, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
mining company, salt extraction, and grazing
of domestic South American camelids (alpacas
and llamas) by residents of rural communities.
Monitoring colonies of Chilean flamin-
gos: As a background to this research, since
2012, joint monitoring has been carried out in
the Salinas lake by the participating entities
pany), to know the population dynamics of the
water birds in this lake. But, during the moni-
toring surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019,
unusual behaviors were recorded in the Chil-
ean Flamingo population, where reproductive
rituals were exhibited by a large group of these
animals (in both years starting in February),
resulted in the establishment of three closely
spaced colonies in the Northeastern sector of
the lake (16°22’7.30” S & 71°8’32.98” W),
which were evaluated for this research (Fig. 1).
In addition, although two other species of fla-
mingos (Phoenicoparrus jamesi, Phoenicopar-
rus andinus) also occur in the study area, they
were not present in the breeding colonies
evaluated in any years.
Instruments and evaluation parame-
ters: The observation and monitoring of the
reproductive colonies of the Chilean flamin-
go were performed with aerial shots from
an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Phamton
4 Advance, white color, with an integrated
20-megapixel camera.
To establish the UAV flight parameters,
the methodology used by Vas et al. (2015) was
used as a reference, to avoid or reduce pos-
sible disturbances caused by the UAV during
the flight. Overflights of 30 min were made in
the direction of the identified colonies, being
the height of the initial flight 100 m with a
displacement of 6 m/s. Once the location of the
flamingo’s colony was located, a slow descent
was made over the colony with pauses every
10 m, to verify any disturbance was caused in
the overflown colonies; the approach limit was
never less than 30 m in height, at this height the
Fig. 1. Location of the evaluation sector of the Chilean Flamingo colonies (black star) in Salinas Lake, Arequipa, Peru.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 000-000, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
birds showed stress behaviors. Once the proper
height of the UAV was established, we pro-
ceeded to take the photo sequences (JPEG and
RAW), as well as short videos for subsequent
analysis. The UAV flights were made between
09:00 and 12:00 h., to avoid or reduce shadows
in the photographs and reduce bias when ana-
lyzing the images. Moreover, later at this time,
the wind speed increases in the study area, put-
ting at risk the flight of the UAV.
Image processing: The UAV photographs
were processed and analyzed with ArcGis 10.3
software. Initially, the images were georefer-
enced and sorted to obtain an RGB orthophoto
of each colony. Subsequently, each orthophoto
was analyzed for principal components to
obtain a panchromatic image, which using a
pixel value analysis, the range of values cover-
ing flamingos and eggs was selected. Once the
“pixel values” were identified, the program
was instructed to classify the panchromatic
image based on the values obtained, using the
reclassification tool.
The result was then converted into a shape-
file (*.shp), and the table of attributes was
exported to an Excel sheet to make the respec-
tive postings. Once the images and final values
were obtained, Chilean flamingo individuals
and eggs were quantified. In addition, veri-
fication was performed by manual count on
the photographs, to establish the number of
individuals and the presence of observable
nests and eggs.
Reproductive events of Chilean fla-
mingo: In 2018, the reproductive event of P.
chilensis was confirmed between March and
June (transitional season between wet and dry
seasons), observing a single nesting colony
(16°21’26.47”S & 71°7’46.62”W), with an
extension of 689 m
. In the evaluation by the
end of March with the UAV images, 06 nests
with eggs and 462 adult individuals in incuba-
tion positions could be differentiated (Fig. 2).
The ideal altitude of approximation without
disturbing the flamingo colony was 30 m. By
April and early June, according to observations
at the site, the individuals of the colony were
dispersing throughout the lake, apparently, the
Fig. 2. Evaluation image of 2018 for Chilean flamingo nesting event in Laguna de Salinas, showing original photo and
RGB image processing acquired with UAV (Phamton 4), where: red polygons - adult individuals; green dots - nest with egg.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 000-000, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
nesting attempt was unsatisfactory, since no
flamingo chicks were observed at the end of
this evaluation.
In 2019, the first evaluation with the UAV
was carried out in July, where three active
nesting colonies were observed (Colony 1:
250 m
, Colony 2: 843 m
and Colony 3: 530
), observing a total of 4 185 adult individu-
als in the three colonies, where around 40 %
were incubating (Fig. 3A); it was also pos-
sible to identify 40 eggs in the three colonies,
which were correctly determined by both the
remote sensing method and the visual verifica-
tion method. Also, 973 juvenile individuals of
Chilean flamingo were counted (juveniles and
chicks were considered), this was done only
manually, being the best method for quan-
tifying these individuals because the image
classification showed a high error rate. The
ideal altitude of approximation without caus-
ing disturbance to the flamingo colony was
40 m above them. At the beginning of August
Fig. 3. Panoramic photos of the nesting event during 2019 from UAV. A. Nesting colonies in July; B. Nesting colonies at
the beginning of August; C. Final assessment of late August; D. Detail of nests and adult individuals in the central part,
juveniles (gray) around the colony; E. Colony 1 during August 2019 showing the location of identified eggs (green rings).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 000-000, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
(Fig. 3B), 1 094 adults were counted in the
nesting colonies, where 80 % were incubating;
a notable increase was observed in the number
of juveniles, 1 425 individuals, almost double
the number reported in July; and 66 eggs were
also identified (Fig. 3E), confirming the conti-
nuity of the reproductive event.
Due to the presence of juveniles with dif-
ferent plumage and sizes, for this evaluation,
the flight parameter with the UAV was modi-
fied, establishing a height of 50 m above the
ground, since, at a lower height, juvenile and
adult individuals began showing signs of stress,
which did not occur in the previous evaluation
in July. The behavior observed was that juve-
niles began to aggregate and move between the
colonies, and some adults (“bird-sitter”) began
flapping continuously and trying to guide the
juveniles (Luque-Fernández, 2021; https://
By the end of August, a decrease in the
number of adult individuals was observed in the
nesting colonies (488 individuals) compared to
the previous months; the number of juveniles
increased slightly over the previous evaluation
(Fig. 3C). Eggs could not be observed or iden-
tified in this evaluation, although some adult
individuals continued in the incubation posi-
tion, which could be confirmed by the photos
and videos recorded. Likewise, it was possible
to observe in more detail the nests used by the
Chilean flamingos (Fig. 3D). In this evaluation,
several individuals (juveniles) were sighted in
different locations of Salinas lake and bofe-
dales. The flight parameter for this evaluation
was a 60 m height above the colonies.
A consistent fluctuation was observed
between the values of adult and juvenile indi-
viduals over time, as the number of adult indi-
viduals incubating decreased, with an inverse
relationship to the number of juveniles that
appeared (Table 1), where could be estimated
an increase of more than 1 500 new individuals
to the population of Chilean flamingo to Salinas
lake and its general population, which added to
ongoing evaluations show the site as ideal for
successful reproductive events as reported.
About nesting event of Chilean flamingo
population, results confirm satisfactory repro-
ductive events of the Chilean flamingo in a
Salinas lake sector, during 2018 and 2019.
These would be the first documented records
of this species reproduction in this high Andean
wetland, after almost 20 years, despite that
reported the existence of nesting areas (Ugarte-
Núñez & Mosaurieta-Echegaray, 2000), but
without mentioning that they were active.
Until 2005, for the entire distribution range
of the P. chilensis, a total of 17 reproduction
TABLE 1. Number of individuals (adults and juveniles) and eggs for each evaluation
during 2019 in Salinas Lake, Arequipa, Peru
Date Colony
Juvenile Eggs
Standing Sitting
14/07/2019 1 386 153 340 15
2 1 181 918 117 13
3 992 555 516 12
2 559 1 626 973 40
11/08/2019 1 22 11 404 20
2 130 561 570 40
3 44 326 451 6
196 898 1 425 66
30/08/2019 1 72 17 655 0
2 198 61 490 0
3 112 28 346 0
382 106 1 491 0
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 000-000, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
sites had been identified in Puna areas (Rodrí-
guez, 2005), reporting a single site for Peru in
Junín Lake (Junín), during the 70s and 80s.
Later, for this area, reproduction reports were
also made between 2003 and 2008 (Asociación
Ecosistemas Andinos, 2010) and more recently
there have been events recorded in the Ite
wetland (Tacna) on the South coast (Vizcarra,
2014). These reports, in addition to this study,
could change the classification of the Chilean
flamingo, as a reproductive visitor in Peru
(Schulenberg et al., 2010).
Regarding the number of new individuals
of Chilean flamingo added to the population,
this event would represent the largest record
reported for Peru (Asociación Ecosistemas
Andinos, 2010), where it is estimated that
in 2019 around 1 500 individuals were born.
These values are higher than those recorded for
Chile, which has eight nesting sites out of the
17 reported (Rodríguez, 2005), where no more
than 1 250 individuals had been registered in
each one during a single reproduction event,
except for Surire Salar locality where 7 500
individuals were recorded.
The chronology of the reproductive event
observed in Salinas lake, agrees with the lit-
erature (Rodríguez, 2005), where copulation
usually occurs during May, and a large amount
of egg is laid during June and July, and disper-
sion of the new individuals occurs at the end of
August. In addition to this, it has not been ruled
the possibility of consecutive egg-laying events
having a place, which would respond to the
good site conditions (Henriksen et al., 2015;
Krienitz et al., 2016; Martínez & González,
2017; Polla et al., 2018).
The analysis of the images obtained
through the UAV allowed to identify cor-
rectly and estimate the number of individuals
and eggs, the methodology that has been little
explored (Hodgson et al., 2016; Hodgson et al.,
2018; Lyons et al., 2019). The transformation
of the RGB images acquired by the UAV into
panchromatic images, through the use of GIS
tools, makes it possible to isolate the object
of study from the rest of the visual informa-
tion, facilitating its subsequent quantification,
both automatic and manual (Lyons et al.,
2019), however, it is emphasized that the data
referring to the eggs counted resulted from
an underestimation of the real total, which
depends on multiple factors. For this, it is ideal
to obtain images with good lighting, as well as
several photographic sweeps, since the indi-
viduals can stand up and leave the nest eggs
in sight. Therefore, the proposed methodology
in this study is presented as highly reliable,
allowing the results of monitoring by direct
observation in the field to be consolidated, as
well as, the possibility to keep a file of the
studied population dynamics over time (Jones
et al., 2010; Lyons et al., 2019).
Regarding the effects caused by the UAV
in the study population, in the experiments car-
ried out on common flamingos (Phoenicopter-
us roseus) and other water birds no significant
differences were observed in the response of
individuals to UAV attending to their feeding
and rest behavior, nor an effect after succes-
sive flights (Vas et al., 2015). However, in this
work, it was necessary to modify the approach
distance to the colony during 2019 surveys,
where the minimum approach distance was
higher (30 m). This factor was conditioned by
the increase in the numbers of juvenile indi-
viduals who presented increased stress with
the noise generated by the UAV, which was
recorded in adult individuals with continuous
flapping. This could be explained by the varia-
tions in individual behavior during the repro-
ductive and non-reproductive period (Barisón
et al., 2014; Derlindati et al., 2014) concerning
stress sensitivity caused by the UAV.
Extraction activities have been conducted
in Salinas lake from the 40’s to the present
(salt and borates), activities were considered
as the main disturbances affecting the flamin-
go population (Ugarte-Nuñez & Mosaurieta-
Echegaray, 2000), as well as the installation
of flooded plots, as they negatively affect the
establishment of flamingos and other bird spe-
cies. However, the results of this study show
that these flooded areas present the right condi-
tions to allow the establishment of nesting col-
onies, as they provide some protection against
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(2): 000-000, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
natural predators, and impede the extraction of
eggs, which was also documented as a major
threat in the area (Ugarte-Núñez & Mosaurieta-
Echegaray, 2000). Therefore, it seems that
the flamingos living in this area have become
habituated to the presence of people, vehicles
and machinery. This would also be favored
by the hydraulic dynamics of the Salinas lake,
since in the monitoring of the water coverage
of this lake for 2019, it arrives at its maximum
capacity and coverage during February and
March, then beginning a reduction where in
September it is 47 % of the total coverage,
during these months the nesting colonies of
Chilean flamingos are benefited by the creation
of an exclusion zone by the areas still flooded
until the end of the reproductive event.
Moreover, the practices to mitigate the
impact of this mining activity, which include
leveling the working areas and participatory
management of this high Andean lake, between
private companies, peasant communities,
NGOs and the Peruvian State, are presented
as successful, by maintaining this ecosystem in
suitable conditions. The final results allow us to
suggest some perspectives on the continuity of
monitoring by SERNANP, in addition, to refine
the methodology for estimating individuals
and incorporate new tools in the UAV. Also, to
tracking individuals born in Salinas by banding
for monitoring for the conservation of the spe-
cies as it is done in Chile and Bolivia.
Finally, the record of active nesting colo-
nies of Chilean flamingos represents a rel-
evant milestone in the conservation of this
RAMSAR wetland (Ramsar, 2017) and the
population of the species, which urges the
main actors involved to continue developing
and implementing complementary actions for
its conservation, within which the inclusion of
management plans is recommended, consider-
ing the identified nesting areas and their conse-
quent monitoring.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We would like to thank the RNSyAB
management for involving us in this collabora-
tive research, and also Mr. Leopoldo Choque,
official ranger of the RNSyAB for his col-
laboration in fieldwork. We would also thank
INKABOR SAC Company for their support to
perform this study within its work and exploita-
tion area, as well as its good efforts in remedia-
tion and restoration actions in Salinas Lake.
Vehículos aéreos sin tripulación, y mapeo digital,
para monitorear la reproducción del flamenco,
Phoenicopterus chilensis (Aves: Phoenicopteridae)
Introducción: Los flamencos altoandinos también
conocidos como parihuanas, son especies con presencia
recurrente en las zonas altoandinas, principalmente en
humedales salinos donde suelen arribar para descanso, ali-
mentación y en algunos casos reproducción. Las especies
que se registran aquí corresponden a Phoenicoparrus jame-
si, Phoenicoparrus andinus y Phoenicopterus chilenesis,
siendo esta última la más abundante y común. Durante los
censos desarrollados en 2018 y 2019, en la laguna de Sali-
nas, ubicada en la Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada
Blanca en el sur del Perú, se registraron comportamientos
atípicos de estas aves en un sector del humedal, se observa-
ron cortejos reproductivos y el asentamiento de colonias de
flamencos chilenos. Objetivo: Confirmar y evaluar even-
tos reproductivos de Phoenicopterus chilenesis mediante
la incorporación de un vehículo aéreo no tripulado (UAV)
y herramientas de procesamiento de imágenes mediante
sistemas de información geográfica. Metodología: Se
realizaron censos aéreos durante 2018 y 2019 a colonias
reproductivas del P. chilensis, utilizando un UAV Phantom
4 a diferentes alturas de vuelo para evitar la perturbación
de las colonias de flamencos. Se realizaron registros de
fotografías aéreas y post procesamiento SIG con la crea-
ción de imágenes pancromáticas para la identificación y
conteo de individuos y huevos automatizada, así como la
verificación manual. Resultados: En 2018 se identificaron
nidos y la presencia de seis huevos, entre marzo y junio
donde el evento fue interrumpido, no se observaron pollos
o juveniles durante este periodo. En 2019 la nidificación
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(2): 000-000, April-June 2021 (Published Apr. 01, 2021)
tuvo éxito, se contabilizó un mayor número de huevos (40-
66) con la formación de tres colonias reproductivas de 4
185 individuos adultos, se verificó la presencia de pollos y
juveniles que alcanzaron un máximo de 1 491 individuos.
Conclusiones: Se confirman dos eventos reproductivos
continuos de P. chilensis en la laguna Salinas, durante el
2019 incorporando varios nuevos individuos a la pobla-
ción inicial. La metodología aplicada en el tratamiento
de imágenes permitió diferenciar entre individuos adultos
y huevos, pero no permitió diferenciar juveniles, aunque
las imágenes directamente adquiridas por el UAV per-
miten diferenciar los tipos de individuos para realizar un
conteo manual.
Palabras clave: parihuana; nidificación; crianza; telede-
tección; dron.
Asociación Ecosistemas Andinos. (2010). Plan de manejo
con fines de conservación de las especies de aves
amenazadas del lago Chinchaycocha: Zambullidor
de Junín (Podiceps taczanowskii), Gallinetita de
Junín (Laterallus tuerosii) y Parihuana (Phoeni-
copterus chilensis), en el Ámbito de la Reserva
Nacional de Junín. Asociación Ecosistemas Andinos.
Barisón, C., Cruz, N., Romano, M., & Barberis, I.M.
(2014). Patrones de comportamiento de dos especies
de flamencos (Phoenicoparrus andinus y Phoeni-
copterus chilensis) y su relación con las condiciones
meteorológicas de la laguna Melincué, Argentina,
durante el invierno. Hornero, 29(2), 61–71.
BirdLife International. (2018). Phoenicopterus chilensis.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. https://
Borrelle, S.B., & Fletcher, A.T. (2017). Will drones reduce
investigator disturbance to surface-nesting seabirds?
Marine Ornithology, 45, 89–94.
Caziani, S.M., Rocha, O., Rodríguez, E., Romano, M.,
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