Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
Locomotion and righting behavior of sea stars:
a study case on the bat star Asterina stellifera (Asterinidae)
Pablo E. Meretta
Carlos Renato Rezende Ventura
1. Estación Costera J.J. Nágera, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina-Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
pabloemeretta@gmail.com (*Correspondence).
2. Departamento de Invertebrados, Laboratório de Echinodermata, Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, Quinta Da Boa Vista S/Nº São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ20940-040, Brasil; ventura@acd.ufrj.br
Received 13-VIII-2020. Corrected 25-IX-2020. Accepted 29-X-2020.
Introduction: The locomotion behavior of an organism involves the integration of aspects like body symmetry,
sensory and locomotor systems. Furthermore, various ecological factors seem to be related to locomotion char-
acteristics, such as foraging strategy, migration trends, response to predators and competitors, and environmental
stress. Objective: To analyze locomotion and the influence of body symmetry in the crawling and righting
movements of the sea star Asterina stellifera. Methods: We carried out laboratory experiments in aquariums in
the presence/absence of water current and on a horizontal and vertical surface. Results: The speed is similar to
speed in other species of similar size. Both the speed and linearity of displacement were independent of indi-
vidual body size. A water current leads to faster crawling and straight paths, but there is no rheotaxis: streams
do not affect locomotion. Speed and linearity of displacement were independent of individual body size. The
displacement pattern described here may be an adaptation of organisms that present dense populations in com-
munities with high prey abundance, as is the case of A. stellifera. Conclusions: Like other asteroids, this species
did not show an Anterior/Posterior plane of symmetry during locomotion, or righting movement: it does not
tend to bilaterality.
Key words: crawling; orientation; bilaterality; Asteroidea; rheotaxis; gravitaxis.
Ezequiel Meretta, P., & Rezende Ventura, C.R. (2021).
Locomotion and righting behavior of sea stars:
a study case on the bat star Asterina stellifera
(Asterinidae). Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(S1),
501-513. DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69iSuppl.1.46392
Crawling behavior comprises various spe-
cific aspects of animals, involving integration
of body symmetry, sensory and locomotory sys-
tems. Other physical and chemical cues influ-
ence the propensity to orient towards or away
from a stimulus, e.g. taxis mediated locomotion
due to water flow, the presence of attractive or
repulsive odorants (Dusenbery, 1992; Wyeth,
Woodward, & Dennis-Willows, 2006).
Locomotion traits of asteroids have called
the attention of researchers for a long time.
The reaction of sea stars to a water current
is variable: some species show a positive
rheotaxis (Castilla 1972; Sloan, 1979, 1980;
Sloan & Northway, 1982; Rochette, Hamel,
& Himmelman, 1994; Dale, 1997; Swenson
& McClintock, 1998), whereas others do not
seem to respond to that stimulus (Dale, 1999).
The importance of water flow and chemical
stimulus as orientation cues is remarkable
in many sea star species, but with contra-
dicting results in differentiating the effect of
DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69iSuppl.1.46392
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
each one separately (Sloan & Campbell, 1982;
McClintock & Lawrence, 1981, 1984; Val-
entincic, 1983, 1985; Moore & Lepper, 1997).
Consequently, it is not clear whether asteroids
have a uniform or aleatory crawling behavior.
Furthermore, the effect of gravity on locomo-
tion is not well known. It is interesting to study
this locomotion characteristic in species found
in environments with high bottom heterogene-
ity, e.g. rocky boulders.
Several studies have also investigated
movements oriented by one body axis in aster-
oids, i.e. do they move to the right or the left
or backward/forward? These studies reached
contradictory results: some species show a
bilateral plane of symmetry (Cole, 1913; Polls
& Gonor, 1975; Ji, Wu, Zhao, Wang, & Lv,
2012), but not others (Preyer, 1887; Ohshima,
1940; Montgomery & Palmer, 2012).
Different ecological aspects of asteroids
(i.e. foraging behavior, migration pattern,
response to predators and competitors, and
environmental stresses) appear to be related
to their crawling actions (Feder & Chris-
tensen, 1966; Gaymer & Himmelman, 2008).
Understanding the locomotion pattern (crawl-
ing speed, movement direction) would help
characterize an organism’s different behaviors.
The sea star Asterina stellifera is an
omnivorous top predator that actively searches
for its prey. This species has a wide variety
of prey items, from algae to benthic inverte-
brates. Asterina stellifera can modify species
abundance in the subtidal community of Mar
del Plata rocky bottoms. Large fragmented
boulders of big rocks and vertical walls of
orthoquartzite blocks characterize the sampling
area (Genzano, Giberto, & Bremec, 2011).
Therefore, studying this species’ locomotion
pattern is a first step in understanding its
foraging strategy (Meretta, Rubilar, Cledón,
& Ventura, 2014; Meretta, Farias, Cledón, &
Ventura, 2016).
Some basic questions related to sea stars
locomotion arise. How do sea stars behave
during locomotion? Do sea stars follow a usual
locomotion pattern? Do bigger sea stars move
faster than smaller ones? How does water flow
affect the crawling behavior of sea stars? How
does a vertical surface affect its locomotion?
Do they behave bilaterally?
We performed an experimental approach
under laboratory conditions to investigate
physical and biological factors’ influence on
the locomotion ability and movements’ orienta-
tion to address these questions. We aimed to (1)
describe the effect of the individual’s body size
(radius and body weight), water current (rheo-
taxis), and inclination plane (gravitaxis) on the
crawling traits of sea stars and, (2) whether
their plane of symmetry defines locomotion
and up-righting movements.
Collection and maintenance of aster-
oids: Samples of specimens occurred using
SCUBA from the port of Mar del Plata, Argen-
tina (38°02’ S & 57° 31’30’ W, 6-8 m depth).
We immediately took the sea stars to the labo-
ratory after collections.
Two-week acclimatization of the individu-
als took place in 300 l tanks with an open water
flow system that pumps seawater directly from
the ocean during all experimental time. The
aquarium seawater temperature used varied
between 18-22 ºC. A timer kept the photope-
riod at 12 h light:12 h dark. In all tanks, the
individuals stayed on the observed field mean
density (≈ 12 ind/m
) (Meretta et al., 2016).
Asteroids received a continuous food supply
similar to those found in the natural environ-
ment (Farias, Meretta, & Cledón, 2012). All
experiments occurred with one individual at a
time. Furthermore, each individual was used
only once and in a single trial and then returned
to its environment. After each test, the aquari-
um was emptied, scrubbed, rinsed, and cleaned
with fresh seawater, and refilled to avoid bias
from residual chemical cues.
Experimental design: We conducted
experiments to describe sea stars’ locomo-
tion behavior and the existence of a plane of
symmetry during locomotion and up-righting
movements. To characterize the locomotion
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
behavior, we investigate a rheotaxis response
and the occurrence of a gravitaxis behavior.
Rheotaxis response: We carried out experi-
ments on the crawling behavior on a horizontal
surface under two water-flow regimes: still
water (N = 120) and one-direction flow (N
= 120). A pump provided a continuous flow
of filtered seawater across the experimental
aquarium through a PVC pipe to simulate and
standardize a one-direction water current. Sea-
water entered the aquarium through the inflow
pipe on one wall and drained out back to the
sea through openings in an outflow pipe on the
opposite wall (Fig. 1). The current was nearly
linear across the tank during trials at a velocity
of 1.5 cm/s
(observed with methylene blue
dye). The current flow used was equivalent
to a moderate current speed in the habitat
of this species.
Experiments occurred on an aquarium of
80 x 80 x 20 cm with a 2 x 2 cm grid marked
off (Fig. 1), with the origin (0, 0) at the center
to monitor the animals’ movements. Each sea
star started moving from the center of the grid
(0, 0: initial position, Ip; Fig. 1), referred to by
its madreporite position.
Gravitaxis response: A fixed-volume of
seawater with no external seawater supply and
no flow characterizes the second type of exper-
iment (still water treatment). The substrate was
a glass of 80 x 80 cm marked with a 2 x 2 cm
grid, and the water column was about 90 cm.
During vertical locomotion trials (N = 120), the
substrate was first in a horizontal plane. Imme-
diately, we carefully moved the substrate in a
vertical plane, and the animal was allowed to
crawl freely. During trials, each sea star placed
alone inside the aquaria, started moving freely
from the Ip, referred to by the madreporite
carefully placed at the origin (Fig. 1).
Crawling experimental measurements:
For both experiments mentioned above, we
measured the sea stars’ wet weight (± 0.1 g)
and radius (± 0.1 mm; from the center of the
disc to arm tip). Monitoring of each sea star
trajectory displacement referred to the mad-
reporite as a fixed point over time. Records
of the sea star path occurred, dividing sec-
tions per minute of locomotion. We called T
(total distance traveled) the sum of all parts
covered by an individual during one observa-
tion (Fig. 1). We recorded the instantaneous
Fig. 1. Diagram of the experimental aquarium (80 x 80 x 20 cm) with a bottom grid of 2 x 2 cm squares, showing the tank
water flow and the initial (Ip) and final position (Fp) of the sea star. Grey arrows indicate water direction. Representation of
one sea star trajectory, depicting total distance traveled (T) and linear displacement (Ld). The sea star orientation angle (Oa)
represents the angle between Ld and water direction.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
crawling velocity over one-minute intervals.
According to Montgomery and Palmer (2012)
and Montgomery (2014), we calculated the
average crawling speed (ACS) from the maxi-
mum instantaneous velocities (plateau) at the
top of the speed-time curve.
During each trial, we recorded the number
of times a sea star changes its crawling direc-
tion (DC). The linear displacement between the
points that represent the initial and final posi-
tion (Ip and Fp, respectively) was called Ld.
Trajectory straightness (linearity, L) is a dimen-
sionless value, and it means the ratio of Ld to T,
L = Ld/T (Fig. 1). The L range is 0 to 1, where
0 is maximum sinuosity, and 1 is maximum
straightness. Classification of linearity levels
was as follows: highly directional (higher than
0.7), partially directional (from 0.5 to 0.7), and
non-directional (lower than 0.5) (Ferlin, 1973;
Scheibling, 1981).
Since moving in a straight line towards
any wall may also produce linearity of 1, we
recorded the orientation angles to distinguish
between movements towards each lateral bor-
der. We considered the sea star orientation as
the angle (Oa) between the straight line at the
origin (0, 0) and the line representing the trajec-
tory traveled (Fp coordinates, Fig. 1). For hori-
zontal crawling trials, an angle of zero pointed
directly to the current water source. We plotted
all angular measurements on a 360° grid and
calculated clockwise.
All experiments finished when the sea
star reached one of the aquarium walls or
after 15 minutes of inactivity. The observation
of the madreporite position occurred visually
every minute.
Bilateral response: We carried out experi-
ments in aquariums (40 x 40 x 30 cm) with still
water to analyze the existence of a bilateral
plane of symmetry affecting locomotion and
up-righting movements in A. stellifera. For the
first experiment, 120 sea stars were randomly
oriented relative to the madreporite and placed
in the aquaria center. Individuals were left to
crawl freely. We recorded the preferred crawl-
ing direction as the individual’s final arm posi-
tion relative to the initial orientation. For the
second experiment, 100 individuals were turned
upside down and allowed to turn back freely to
analyze righting movements. We record the
arms used during up-righting turning.
We used three different arm-numbering
systems to test the existence of a plane of
symmetry during both experiments mentioned
above (Fig. 2). To this end, the number given
to each arm was as follows: (1) sea stars’ arms
were individually numbered clockwise from
the madreporite, (2) the equivalent position
of each arm across the madreporite plane of
Fig. 2. Aboral view of the three arm-numbering systems used to describe the sea stars bilateral behavior. Arms numbered
clockwise (1 to 5) from the madreporite. A. Arm numbering was assigned (numbers in bold) based on equivalent position
across the madreporite plane of symmetry (according to Montgomery & Palmer, 2012). B. Arm numbering according to
equal reference across the plane of symmetry located from arm 2 to interradius 4-5 (according to Ji et al., 2012).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
symmetry defined the arm numbering (accord-
ing to Montgomery & Palmer, 2012) (Fig. 2A),
and (3) the relative position of each ray across
the plane of symmetry located from arm 2 to
interradius 4-5 identified this arm numbering
(according to Ji et al., 2012) (Fig. 2B). During
both trials, sea stars’ arms were identified (arm
numbering system) and followed.
Data analysis: We used the Gaussian
linear regressions, a Generalized Linear Model
(GLM) to analyze the sea star crawling behav-
ior in terms of average crawling speed (ACS),
linearity (L), and the number of direction
changes (DC) over a horizontal surface with
and without water current, and on a verti-
cal surface for sea stars going downwards or
upwards. We calculated a Poisson GLM regres-
sion because DC is a count data (Zuur, Ieno,
Walter, Saveliev, & Smith, 2009). In the same
way, we also analyzed the relation of ACS,
L, and DC with sea star size (radius and wet
weight). We used the post-hoc Least Squares
Means pairwise comparisons to identify sig-
nificant differences across groups.
We used Rayleigh’s z-test for angular dis-
persion to test whether the orientation angles
had a uniform distribution on the circle (an
expected result when there is no influence
on movement direction). The same test also
verified a significant directional trend in the
sea stars’ movement due to the current water
effect. Moreover, we used the Watson-Wiliams’
-test for the mean angle formed by pairwise
samples to analyze directionality differences
between water flow conditions (Zar, 1999).
Also, we performed the log-likelihood ratio
test for goodness of fit (G-test; Zar, 1999) to
compare the number of individuals that crawl
upwards against downwards during vertical
surface trials.
We carried out a log-likelihood ratio test
for goodness of fit (G-test; Zar, 1999) to assess
the existence of a bilateral plane of symmetry
affecting locomotion and up-righting move-
ments. Then, we compare the individuals’ arm
preference in up-righting and crawling accord-
ing to the three arm-numbering systems.
We used the open-access Software R (R
Core Team, 2019) for all statistical analyses
as following: the emmeans package for pair-
wise comparisons (Russell, 2019), the circular
package for the Rayleigh’s z-test and Watson-
Wiliams’ U
-test (Agostinelli & Lund, 2017),
and the script developed by Hurd (2001) for
the G-test.
Sea star crawling behavior: The instan-
taneous crawling speeds presented an accelera-
tion phase followed by an oscillating plateau.
The analyses indicated that ACS changes
according to water flow conditions and loco-
motion plane (Table 1). In this sense, sea stars
crawled faster when subject to water current
than still water or a vertical surface; and speed
was slower going upwards than downwards
(Table 1, Table 2, Fig. 3). Moreover, there were
no differences in the number of sea stars that
crawl downwards or upwards (51 downwards,
69 upwards; G-value = 2.417, P = 0.120).
Similarly, displacement linearity (L) over
the horizontal surface presented significantly
higher values in the presence of a water cur-
rent. On the other hand, displacement linearity
was similar in the absence of water current and
when crawling on a vertical surface (Table 1,
Table 2). However, there were no significant
differences between going upwards or down-
wards (Table 1, Table 2, Fig. 3). Consequently,
Ls values suggest that sea stars’ crawling
behavior in the water current regime tended to
be directional (> 0.7). In the absence of water
flow and faced to the vertical surface, their
behavior ranged from partially directional (>
0.5) to non-directional (< 0.5) (Fig. 3).
The number of direction changes (DC)
during sea star locomotion differed between
experimental treatments. In the presence of the
current water regime, most individuals present-
ed no differences in crawling direction. How-
ever, in the still water, some sea stars had the
most remarkable direction changes during their
locomotion (4 and 5 turns) (Table 1, Table 2,
Fig. 4). On the other hand, when crawling over
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
a vertical surface, sea stars showed the slight-
est direction changes when moving downwards
(Table 1, Table 2, Fig. 4).
Our results showed that there was no effect
of body size (radius and wet weight) on the
locomotion traits (ACS, L, and DC) of A. stel-
lifera (Table 1).
On the other hand, the Rayleigh z-test
showed that the orientation angle distribution
was not significantly different from unifor-
mity in all experimental crawling conditions
(Fig. 5). Moreover, the orientation angles were
not significantly different between treatments
(Watson-Wiliams’s U
-test: water current-still
Comparison of locomotion features related to sea star size, under two water regimes and surface inclination:
using summary statistics (A) and Generalized Linear Model analyses (B) (N = 120/trial)
A) Summary
Wc 4.55 ± 1.06 cm/min 0.83 ± 0.11 1.18 ± 1.22
Sw 1.87 ± 0.80 cm/min 0.60 ± 0.20 1.64 ± 1.58
Vs 1.82 ± 0.99 cm/min 0.62 ± 0.20 1.08 ± 1.14
Up 1.26 ± 0.54 cm/min 0.63 ± 0.21 1.67 ± 1.15
Down 2.59 ± 0.98 cm/min 0.61 ± 0.19 0.29 ± 0.46
B) Dependent
P d.f.
P d.f.
(Wc – Sw – Vs)
2 581.29 < 0.001 2 182.61 < 0.001 2 118.69 < 0.001
R 1 1.78 0.182 1 2.25 0.134 1 1.98 0.159
W 1 1.20 0.273 1 1.40 0.237 1 1.85 0.174
ACS 1 106.84 < 0.001
L 1 16.23 < 0.001
1 75.04 < 0.001 1 0.29 0.589 1 45.85 < 0.001
R 1 1.13 0.287 1 0.001 0.975 1 0.73 0.393
W 1 1.42 0.234 1 0.39 0.534 1 0.11 0.739
ACS 1 1.92 0.166
L 1 0.36 0.546
ACS = average crawling speed; L = linearity; DC = direction changes; T = treatment; Wc = water current; Sw = still water;
Vs = vertical surface; R = sea star radius; W = sea star weight.
Post-hoc Least Squares Means pairwise comparisons of locomotion features between
water current and surface inclination trials
Dif ± S.E. t-value P-value Dif ± S.E. t-value P-value Dif ± S.E. z-value P-value
Sw – Wc -2.675 ± 0.120 -22.21 < 0.001 -0.227 ± 0.021 -10.98 < 0.001 -1.808 ± 0.204 -8.85 < 0.001
Sw – Vs 0.053 ± 0.116 0.46 -0.017 ± 0.026 -0.66 0.783 0.404 ± 0.117 3.47 0.002
Wc – Vs 2.727 ± 0.132 20.60 < 0.001 0.210 ± 0.021 10.06 < 0.001 2.212 ± 0.216 10.22 < 0.001
Down – Up 1.313 ± 0.152 8.66 < 0.001 -0.020 ± 0.037 -0.54 0.590 -2.029 ± 0.345 -5.88 < 0.001
ACS = average crawling speed; L = linearity; DC = direction changes; Wc = water current; Sw = still water; Vs = vertical
surface; Dif = estimated difference between treatments.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
water, U
= 0.056, P > 0.1). Therefore, sea stars
did not exhibit a preferential angle of movement.
Sea star bilateral-like behavior: During
crawling behavior trials, all sea stars moved
with two leading arms forward, two on the side,
and one backward. Sea stars used different pair
combinations of leading arms while crawling.
Arm preference during locomotion did not
differ from random in any three-arm classes
analyzed (Table 3).
During righting, sea stars first extended
their arms upwards, attached two adjacent arms
to the aquarium floor for support, and made the
up-righting movement using the opposite arm.
During the position-recovering, arm preference
did not differ significantly from random in
any of the three-arm classes analyzed (Table
3). Therefore, the up-righting and crawling
Fig. 3. Average crawling speed (cm/min) and linearity regarding two water-flow regimes (still water, pink; water current,
green; N = 120 sea stars/trial) and the plane of substrata (90° vertical plane, blue; N = 120 sea stars) going downwards (red)
and upwards (aquamarine).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
Fig. 4. The locomotion direction changes regarding the two water-flow regimes studied (still water and water current; N =
120 sea stars/treatment) and vertical surface trials (going downwards and upwards; N = 120 sea stars).
Bilateral-like movement trials: Arm preference during locomotion (N = 120) and righting (N = 100) trials
Arm classes
Arm numbering G-test
1 2 3 4 5 G P
Crawling Trials
arms individually numbered 0.17 0.22 0.24 0.22 0.15 2.983 0.561
madreporite axis 0.45 0.39 0.16 1.485 0.476
arm 2 to inter-radius 4-5 axis 0.27 0.39 0.34 3.180 0.204
Righting Trials
arms individually numbered 0.23 0.20 0.24 0.15 0.18 2.757 0.599
madreporite axis 0.41 0.35 0.24 1.429 0.489
arm 2 to inter-radius 4-5 axis 0.20 0.47 0.33 2.463 0.292
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
experiments show no symmetric behavioral
plane of locomotion in A. stellifera.
Sea star crawling behavior: Describ-
ing sea star crawling movements can help to
elucidate different ecological aspects related
to individual foraging behavior, migration, and
relationships among individuals within and
among species. Since these behaviors involve
a complex integration of body symmetry, sen-
sory system, and other body characteristics,
it is not striking that contradicting crawling
actions could be described between and within
echinoderms classes.
Crawling speed values recorded for A.
stellifera are similar to those of other sea star
species with comparable body sizes (40-70
mm) living in temperate waters (Montgomery
& Palmer, 2012).
In general, animals present a positive
relationship between body size and displace-
ment speed. Mainly, echinoderms show dif-
ferent patterns in this relationship. However,
considering that the efficiency of displace-
ment depends on both the number of tube feet
and body weight, it is expected that big sea
stars move faster than the small ones (Ferlin,
1973; Mueller, Bos, Graf, & Gumanao, 2011;
Montgomery & Palmer, 2012; Montgomery,
2014). In conclusion, a species-specific vari-
ability in the relationship between body size
and movement speed in sea stars may occur.
In accordance, our results show no association
between crawling speed and radius nor wet
weight for adult A. stellifera, regardless of the
presence or absence of water current and plane
of locomotion. There is a relationship between
the ambulacral groove area (area on the oral
surface containing tube feet) and the sea stars
radius. (Mueller et al., 2011; Montgomery
& Palmer, 2012; Montgomery, 2014). These
positive direct relationship between the radius
and the ambulacral groove area might be more
significant in bigger sea stars than in small or
medium ones (Montgomery & Palmer, 2012)
such as A. stellifera. Thus, the absence of a
relationship between A. stellifera’s speed and
size needs further investigation. A possible
explanation may arise from the relationship
between its ambulacral groove area and radius.
On the other hand, it is noteworthy that
few studies have analyzed the crawling lin-
earity variation. The available data regarding
the foraging behavior of sea stars describe
changes in that parameter concerning prey
items (Moore & Lepper, 1997; Drolet & Him-
melman, 2004; Thompson, Drolet, & Him-
melman, 2005; Barahona & Navarrete, 2010;
Montgomery & Palmer, 2012). Although lin-
earity is a descriptive dimensionless parameter,
it provides information about crawling behav-
iors concerning trajectory shape or directional
efficiency (Ricci, Barbanera, & Erra, 1998).
In this study, individuals traveled a relatively
straight trajectory (L > 0.7) on a horizontal sur-
face and under the presence of a water current.
We observed no L values differences between
individuals crawling on a flat surface with still
water and a vertical surface, neither between L
values and the sea star size. Thus, by crawling
in a linear trajectory, A. stellifera would not
be walking the same path twice, optimizing
energy, e.g. avoiding sampling twice an area
during foraging.
For many marine organisms, water cur-
rents trigger individuals’ movement (rheotaxis)
or help to detect prey cues (chemotaxis). In the
Fig. 5. Orientation in the presence and absence of water
current. Dots represent the position of a sea star at the end
of the trial. The current water direction is at 0°. Arrows
represent the mean angular vector. The P-values represent
the Rayleigh z-test for angular dispersion (expected points
uniformly distributed on the circle). θ, mean orientation
angle; r, mean vector length; N = 120 sea stars/treatment.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
latter case, it increases the chances of detecting
chemical stimuli (Valentincic, 1983; Rochette
et al., 1994; Mueller et al., 2011). Some stud-
ies reported evidence of chemoreception and
positive rheotaxis for some sea stars species
(McClintock & Lawrence, 1981; Moore &
Lepper, 1997), but not in others (Sloan &
Campbell, 1982; Mueller et al., 2011). Asteri-
na stellifera showed a random orientation
behavior both in the presence and absence of
water current regarding the crawling orienta-
tion angle and linearity on a horizontal surface.
Moreover, the water current caused faster and
straighter individual displacement, but not an
oriented movement with or against the water
current. In other words, A. stellifera did not
show rheotaxis. As stated before, natural selec-
tion can optimize locomotion concerning prey
distribution and abundance over evolutionary
time (Pyke, Pulliam, & Charnov, 1977). In this
sense, a randomly oriented but linear move-
ment may favor animals that belong to highly
dense populations in communities with high
prey density (McClintock & Lawrence, 1981;
Mueller et al., 2011). Asterina stellifera seems
to be well-adapted to moving randomly in a
dense community. This species’ population
reaches densities of up to 72 ind/m
and lives
in a subtidal environment with abundant prey
in the South Atlantic (Farias et al., 2012; Mer-
etta et al., 2014). Future studies on the crawling
behavior of sea stars in the presence of prey
will help to understand the foraging strategy
of this species.
Regarding the inclination of the surface of
locomotion (i.e. bottom structure), our study
showed that it affects this sea star’s crawling
behavior. The crawling speed of A. stellifera
during trials was higher when the individuals
moved downwards on a vertical plane than
going upwards, probably due to the extra
mechanical work associated with the gravi-
tational force. However, there is no relation-
ship between sea star size (R and wet weight)
and its vertical locomotion speed. According
to Domenici, González-Calderón, and Ferrari
(2003), sea stars adhere to the substrate to keep
themselves in a vertical plane for much more
time than they do to move downwards or on a
horizontal bottom. Therefore, the gravitational
force helps sea stars to move downwards faster.
Sea star bilateral behavior: During
crawling behavior trials, all A. stellifera indi-
viduals moved with two leading arms forward,
two on the side, and one backward, as reported
for other sea star species (Reese, 1966; Ji et
al., 2012). Similarly, during righting, sea stars
first extended their arms upwards, attached
two adjacent arms to the aquarium floor for
support, and made the up-righting movement
with the opposite arm, as reported for other
sea star species (Polls & Gonor, 1975). There-
fore, the results obtained in this study are
comparable to those.
Many studies analyze the bilateral behav-
ior of echinoderms, with contradictory results.
Most of them have focused on some regular
echinoids and asteroids. Sea urchins appear to
have no Anterior/Posterior axis of symmetry
when crawling in an open space (Parker, 1936;
Grabowsky, 1994; Yoshimura & Motokawa,
2008, 2010; Yoshimura, Iketani, & Motokawa,
2012). Similarly, Preyer (1887, as cited in
Cole, 1913) conducted some experiments with
ophiuroids (Ophiomyxa sp. and Ophioderma
sp.) and found no preference for any particular
ray during locomotion.
Regarding asteroids, some studies reported
the existence of a behavioral A/P axis or a
tendency to have one during locomotion and
righting in several species (Cole, 1913; Kjer-
schow-Agersborg, 1922; O’Donoghue, 1926;
Polls & Gonor, 1975; Ji et al., 2012; Ardor-
Bellucci & Smith, 2019). However, other sea
stars did not exhibit an A/P plane of sym-
metry during crawling nor righting (Preyer,
1887, as cited in Cole, 1913; Ohshima, 1940;
Montgomery & Palmer, 2012). Furthermore,
it is still unclear why some species use one
combination of arms more frequently than the
others as leading arms (Polls & Gonor, 1975;
Ji et al., 2012; Ardor-Bellucci & Smith, 2019).
And also, why other species do not follow any
pattern (Ohshima, 1940; Polls & Gonor, 1975;
Montgomery & Palmer, 2012; this study). In
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 501-513, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021)
this sense, the potential existence of a tendency
toward bilateral behavior may be a species-
specific characteristic rather than a generalized
feature of all echinoderms.
Asterina stellifera is another example of
a species that did not exhibit an A/P plane of
symmetry during crawling nor righting. As is
evidenced in the literature, there is a consider-
able time lag in investigations on this subject.
The methodology associated with experimen-
tation and data analysis has changed. Thus,
these results contribute as an example to the
discussion regarding a functional bilateral axis
in adult asteroids and update the subject.
In all asteroids, the water vascular system
and the nervous system assume a pentaradial
symmetry. Radial distribution of sense organs
allows sea stars to perceive their surrounding
environment continuously from all directions
and move towards or away from a stimulus
(prey or enemy). Understanding the mecha-
nisms by which sea stars detect and respond to
different stimuli will help elucidate ecological
aspects such as prey detection and selection,
avoid predators, and respond to changes in
environmental conditions.
In conclusion, our results show that (1) A.
stellifera presents no rheotaxis, but gravitaxis,
(2) locomotion speed and linearity are indepen-
dent of body size, and (3) this species would
not tend to bilateral behavior.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We are grateful to Mar del Plata Aquarium
for allowing us to use their facilities for aquari-
ums experimentation with their flow through
seawater system. During the experimentation
period, PEM was supported by a Ph.D. Fellow-
ship funded by CONICET - Consejo Nacio-
nal de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.
CRRV is supported by Research Fellowships
of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvim-
ento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and the
Fundação Carlos Chagas de Amparo à Pesquisa
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ).
Comportamiento de locomoción y enderezamiento
en estrellas de mar: un caso de estudio sobre
la estrella Asterina stellifera (Asterinidae)
Introducción: El comportamiento de locomoción de
un organismo implica la integración de aspectos como la
simetría corporal, los sistemas sensorial y locomotor. Ade-
más, varios factores ecológicos parecen estar relacionados
con las características de la locomoción, como la estrategia
de alimentación, las tendencias migratorias, la respuesta
a los depredadores y competidores y el estrés ambiental.
Objetivo: Analizar el patrón general de locomoción y
la influencia de la simetría corporal en la locomoción y
enderezamiento de la estrella de mar Asterina stellifera.
Métodos: Realizamos experimentos de laboratorio en
acuarios en presencia / ausencia de corriente de agua y en
superficie horizontal y vertical. Resultados: La velocidad
es similar a la velocidad en otras especies de tamaño
similar. Tanto la velocidad como la linealidad del despla-
zamiento fueron independientes del tamaño corporal indi-
vidual. Una corriente de agua conduce a una velocidad de
desplazamiento mayor y a trayectorias más rectas, pero no
hay reotaxis: una corriente de agua no afecta el patrón de
locomoción. La velocidad y la linealidad del desplazamien-
to fueron independientes del tamaño corporal individual.
El patrón de desplazamiento aquí descrito puede ser una
adaptación de organismos que presentan densas poblacio-
nes en comunidades con alta abundancia de presas, como
es el caso de A. stellifera. Conclusiones: Al igual que otros
asteroides, esta especie no mostró un plano de simetría
Anterior / Posterior durante la locomoción o el movimiento
de enderezamiento: no tiende a la bilateralidad.
Palabras clave: locomoción; orientación; bilateralidad;
Asteroidea; reotaxis; gravitaxis
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