82 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
Altitudinal distribution of the functional feeding groups of aquatic
macroinvertebrates using an ecological network in Andean streams
Juan Pablo Serna1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2805-8218
David Fernandez1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4898-4144
Fabio Velez1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6348-6405
Julián Ruiz1; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5863-9761
Broder Breckling2
Néstor Aguirre1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0847-7335
1. Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia; jpablo.serna@udea.edu.co (Correspondence*),
david.fernandez@udea.edu.co, fabio.velez@udea.edu.co, julian.ruiz@udea.edu.co, nestor.aguirre@udea.edu.co
2. University of Bremen, General and Theoretical Ecology, broder@uni-bremen.de
Received 07-V-2021. Corrected 18-XI-2021. Accepted 31-I-2022.
Introduction: Analysis of functional feeding groups (FFG) in aquatic macroinvertebrates is important in
understanding the structure, function, and dynamics of ecological processes in ecosystems. Modularity refers
to the degree of compartmentalization of food webs and varies between -1 and 1. A network with a modular-
ity value close to 1 is resilient to disturbances and can be interpreted as an indicating factor for the stability of
Objective: In this study, we analyzed the trophic structure of benthic macroinvertebrates in La Nitrera stream,
the San Juan River, and the Cauca River in the Colombian Andes.
Methods: The study was supported by ecological networking techniques using Gephi software. We studied nine
sites in dry, rainy, and transition seasons in 2017 and 2018, monitoring changes in the altitude gradient. At each
of the sites, the organisms were captured and determined, and physicochemical and hydraulic information was
Results: The variance component analysis allowed to explain the variability of the data by relating the following
environmental variables: FFG, diversity, richness, modularity, season, and time. Simple multifactorial ANOVA
indicated that significant changes in FFG were associated with altitude, and modularity to time. The allocation
of the FFG was done by stomach analysis and secondary information.
Conclusion: The transition season had the highest modularity, possibly due to the recolonization of some
biotopes caused by the decrease in the velocity of water currents. La Nitrera and San Juan presented higher
values than the Cauca, which may indicate that the altitudinal change and velocity of water currents affects the
compartmentalization of the network.
Key words: modularity; altitudinal gradient; stomach analysis; network analysis; invertebrate trophic structure.
Network analysis is an important element
in understanding the structure, function, and
dynamics of ecological systems. These systems
are complex because they involve relationships
and interactions that are not easily quantifi-
able. However, progress has been made in
understanding some interactions whose iden-
tity may change in space and time, such as
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
food webs, patch dynamics, and population
fluctuations (Anand et al., 2010). Although
networks have provided fundamental represen-
tations of ecological complexity, they need to
be extended to systematically and simultane-
ously capture these multifaceted interactions
(Pilosof et al., 2017).
The importance of aquatic macroinverte-
brates as indicators of environmental conditions
lies in the benthic life form of these organ-
isms, their longer life cycles compared other
aquatic organisms like bacteria and algae, and
their specialized adaptation to specific envi-
ronmental characteristics (Castillo-Figueroa et
al., 2018; Roldán-Pérez, 2016). These aspects
become a response to the assessment of the
space-time conditions of the environment in
which they are found (National Academy of
Sciences, 1988; Rosenberg & Resh, 1993). The
energy and nutrient transfer in aquatic food
webs depends mainly on the diversity, qual-
ity, and quantity of resources available in the
system, as well as on the species composition,
the number of individuals and their trophic
relationships (Cummins et al., 2005).
Food webs are important in the ecological
processes that occur in river ecosystems. As
such, information on food web relations serve
as a relevant part of the scientific basis for the
planning and management of river ecosystems
(Tamaris-Turizo et al., 2018). In the case of
aquatic macroinvertebrate communities, these
trophic relationships relate to life cycles, habi-
tat choice, behavior, predation, and other fac-
tors (Chará-Serna et al., 2010).
The complexity involved in analyzing
these interactions, especially the species clas-
sification and taxonomy in tropical rivers in
Colombia, has prompted studies in fields such
as functional ecology (Schmera et al., 2013;
Schmera et al. 2017), whereby functional traits
are assigned that allow the measurement of
morphological, physiological or phenological
characteristics at the individual level (Violle
et al., 2007). In this respect, some authors
have made advances in the analysis, study and
functional classification of the aquatic insects
feeding groups in the Neotropics (Chará-Serna
et al., 2010; Ramírez & Gutiérrez-Fonseca,
2014; Tamaris-Turizo et al., 2018; Tomanova
et al., 2006). This has improved the understand-
ing of the predator-prey relationship function
among organisms, and thereby the determina-
tion of the balance of the communities that
inhabit a biotope.
In Colombia, the altitudinal variation
influences the physicobiotic structure of the
rivers because at short distances in the Colom-
bian Andean it is possible to have changes in
the biotopes and species composition. These
changes are also accompanied by rheological
variability due to the annual cycles of rainfall
and dry seasons (Latrubesse et al., 2005). For
example, in the rainy season the rivers are
abundant and turbid, while in the dry season
the rivers significantly reduce their flow and
increase their transparency of water (Gutiér-
rez, 2018). Thus, spatial variability – meters
elevation - and variability in time, i.e., annual
rainfall cycle, influence the structure and func-
tioning of aquatic macroinvertebrate.
According to Ramírez and Gutiérrez-Fon-
seca (2014), aquatic macroinvertebrates can be
classified into six major categories. Scrapers
(Sc) generally live attached to rocks and other
substrates and feed on periphyton (algae, bac-
teria, and fungi). Piercers (Pc) feed mainly on
vascular plants by cutting the tissue and con-
suming its fluid. Shredders (Sh) chew up plant
and wood debris, breaking down large particles
into smaller ones that can be assimilated by
other organisms, and generally facilitating the
organic matter decomposition process. Collec-
tors (GC) can screen small particles, although,
having smaller oral devices, they also feed on
material that can be re-suspended in the water
column. Filter feeders (Ft) remove particles
from the water column; some may consume
bacteria and suspended organic particles by
filtering. Finally, predators (Pr) are those that
can consume other organisms, some of which
have mouth structures like jaws.
In ecology, the idea of modularity is wide-
ly used (Olesen et al., 2007; Ruiz-Toro et al.,
2020). One application of it is to measure
the degree of compartmentalization of food
84 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
webs, which can be used to indicate the stabil-
ity relations of communities. A network with
high modularity would be considered as more
resilient to external disturbances or changes
because influences to a limited number of the
parts would less intensely propagate through-
out the network (Gauzens et al., 2015; Stouffer
& Bascompte, 2011). The idea that a modular
organization would be beneficial for the local
stability of ecological communities and their
ability to recover from small perturbations
(Grilli et al., 2016).
The question that this paper seeks to
answer is whether the altitudinal gradient and
temporal variation influence the distribution
and resistance of aquatic macroinvertebrate
communities in a river basin. Therefore, this
research aims to analyze the distribution of
aquatic macroinvertebrates according to the
altitudinal gradient in two rivers and a stream
in the same basin in Antioquia, Colombia.
This is done using ecological networks analy-
sis and modularity as a response variable, to
determine whether there are differences in the
resistance characteristics of macroinvertebrate
communities according to the typology of each
river or stream.
Study area and site characteristics: The
study area is located in the department of
Antioquia in Colombia (Fig. 1) and includes
three different catchment areas: a micro-basin
where the La Nitrera stream is located; an inter-
mediate basin whose main drainage is the San
Juan, between the municipality of Jardin and its
mouth on the Cauca River in the place known
as Peñalisa; and a section of the Cauca River
forming a macro-basin, between the village of
Bolombolo and the municipality of Caucasia in
the North of the department.
Three sampling stations were located at
different altitudinal gradients at each study
site. At each of the sites, the physicochemi-
cal, hydraulic, and biological variables were
measured. La Nitrera stream is in the South-
west of the department of Antioquia, in the
municipality of Concordia. Its source is 2 190
elevation meters, and it is one of the main
tributaries of the reservoir located in La Nitrera
protected area that supplies water to the munic-
ipality of Concordia. This natural park is clas-
sified as low mountain rainforest with a highly
rugged topography (Morales-Quintero et al.,
2019; Ruiz-Toro et al., 2020).
The San Juan River basin is in the South-
west region of the Department of Antioquia,
with an area of approximately 1 400 km2, and
elevations between 534 and 3 920 meters eleva-
tion San Juan River, within the classification of
types of streams, can be classified as a river or
mountain stream. The Cauca River originates
in the Colombian Massif between the Western
and Central Andes Mountains and has a drain-
age area of 59 000 km2, which represents 5 %
of the national territory (Puertas et al., 2011).
The fluvial system of the Cauca River
runs 1 350 km from its source in the Colom-
bian massif (Cauca Department) to its mouth
in the “Brazo de Loba” (Bolivar Department).
The basin is polluted by mining, agro-indus-
trial waste and wastewater treatment plants
and hydroelectric activities, resulting in large
amounts of sediments with heavy metals, xeno-
biotics, and cyanides along its path (López,
2013; Torres & Pinilla, 2011).Table 1 presents
the geographical information on latitude, longi-
tude, and altitude.
Field sampling collection: The informa-
tion for site description was gathered at each
of the nine stations (Table 1). Hydraulic and
physicochemical data, as well as information
on aquatic macroinvertebrates, were sampled.
Each of these variables was repeatedly record-
ed. The fieldwork was carried out over dry
(February, July), rainy (April, September) and
transition (August, September) seasons.
Environmental and biological variables:
The parameters measured in the field were:
dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, pH,
turbidity, and water temperature. WTW 3330
multiparametric cells were used for this pur-
pose. The aquatic macroinvertebrates were
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
Fig. 1. Sampling site locations with the three streams: La Nitrera stream (NS1, NS2, NS3), San Juan River (SJS1, SJS2,
SJS3) and Cauca River (CS1, CS2, CS3).
Geographic information
Site Longitude (North) Latitude (West) Altitude (m)
NS1 6°2.129’ 75°56.026’ 2 220
NS2 6°2.139’ 75°55.669’ 2 183
NS3 6°2.119’ 75°55.951’ 2 096
SJS1 5°35’ 14’ 75°48’ 44’ 2 134
SJS2 5°35’ 58’ 75°49’ 03’ 1 892
SJS3 5°55’ 56’ 75°51’ 34’ 556
CS1 5°58’ 31’ 75°50’14’ 555
CS2 6°2.13’ 75°56.026’ 453
CS3 6°2.14’ 75°55.669’ 50
collected with a Surber net of 0.09 m2 area
placed against the current. Large material such
as stones was extracted and the material in
the quadrant was removed by hand, ensuring
that the sediment and organisms remained in
the net. This process was carried out for one
minute in one of the margins of each stream.
Also, a semiquantitative sampling using a
triangular net was carried out in a 10 m sec-
tion for five minutes and the sampling effort
86 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
in each station was the same. The extracted
material was separated in situ in plastic trays
and later stored in plastic bottles with 70 %
alcohol duly labeled with date, place, type of
substrate, replica, responsible, to later be taken
to the Laboratory of Sanitary Hydrobiology of
the University of Antioquia.
All these measurements were taken in
duplicate. Different substrates were chosen
according to the station: leaf and rock for La
Nitrera and rock for San Juan and Cauca. The
extracted material was separated in situ in plas-
tic trays and later stored in plastic bottles with
70 % alcohol, labeled with date, place, type
of substrate, replicate, and person responsible.
These were then transported to the sanitary
hydrobiology laboratory of the University of
Antioquia. In the laboratory, all samples of
the organisms were determined to the low-
est possible taxonomic level using taxonomic
keys (Álvarez & Daza, 2005; Boltovskoy et
al., 1995; Cummins et al., 2005; Domínguez
& Fernández, 2009; Govedich & Moser, 2015;
Lasso et al., 2018; Petersen, 2002; Ramírez &
Gutiérrez-Fonseca, 2014; Roldán, 1988, 2003;
Thorp & Covich, 2009). A BST-606 stereomi-
croscope was used for this purpose.
Stomach analysis of functional feeding
groups: The protocol proposed by Muñoz et
al. (2009) in the trophic relationships chapter
for the river ecosystem was used to analyze the
stomach contents of aquatic macroinvertebrates
(Elosegui & Sabater, 2009). The digestive
analysis was performed for the most represen-
tative morphotypes (Table 2). From these three
specimens were selected. This was to identify
the food preference of each organism reported
in the literature.
For this analysis, the digestive material
closest to the mouth was extracted with the
help of dissection forceps and deposited on
a slide before a drop of glycerol (85 %) was
added. The sample was then homogenized with
the assistance of a coverslip, and the observa-
tion was made under the inverted microscope,
making an inventory of the material present
in each plate (Muñoz et al., 2009). The obser-
vations were made with an inverted Boeco
BIB100 microscope using the 40X (0.05 mm)
objective, except for the Phylloicus, where the
10X objective was used.
Biomass determination: The biomass
was determined in the sanitary hydrobiology
laboratory by relative dry weight following
the protocol of Puerta et al. (2009) his pur-
pose, semi-quantitative sampling of La Nitrera
stream was performed, integrating the biotopes
(rock and leaf litter), which were then arranged
in porcelain crucibles. Initially, the sample
was filtered for 30 minutes, removing as much
alcohol as possible. The organisms were then
separated according to their functional feed-
ing group and placed in an MF-2001 electric
muffle furnace at 105 ºC for two hours. The
fixed solids determination (inorganic matter)
was then performed, first calcining the sample
at 550 ºC for half an hour, then weighing the
sample on a Shimadzu TX323L analytical
balance with a sensitivity of 0.001 mg. This
procedure was performed by replication. In this
way, the volatile solids were determined via the
Diversity indices in the three streams
Nitrera San Juan Cauca
Richness 9.541 2.604 27.29 6.65 2.158 32.46 4.5 3.326 73.92
Diversity 1.812 0.283 5.66 1.329 0.387 29.18 0.979 0.738 75.41
Evenness 0.820 0.080 9.816 0.723 0.122 16.87 0.773 0.211 27.34
Dominance 0.198 0.080 40.47 0.354 0.164 46.25 0.407 0.348 85.41
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
difference in weight, indicating the available
biomass that can be used as energy for higher-
order organisms (Ruiz-Toro et al., 2020).
Modularity Analysis using ecological
network: The modularity value was obtained
through the software Gephi 0.9.2. This met-
ric indicates the feeding relationships of the
aquatic macroinvertebrates present in three
rivers under altitudinal gradient distributions.
This modularity value allows the determination
of the clustering intensity degree of a network.
This measures the quality of the resulting parti-
tions and can have a scalar value between -1
and 1, with positive values indicating the pos-
sible presence of community structure. If the
value is negative, it indicates a bad grouping
(Blondel et al., 2008).
Gephi 0.9.2 software was used as an eas-
ily accessible tool for the representation and
analysis of ecological networks (Bastian et
al., 2009; Martin, 2015). This software was
applied to the data of the functional feeding
groups of the semi-quantitative sampling. The
networks were made up of two components:
the list of nodes that made up the network
(functional feeding groups and morphospecies
abundances) and a list of interactions between
the nodes (biomass).
Analysis and processing of data:
Descriptive analyses were performed using
inferential statistics relating to the physico-
chemical, hydro morphological, and biological
variables for each environment, considering
averages, maxima, and minima, to visualize
trends and extremes in each of the variables.
The modularity associated with trophic interac-
tions was used as a response variable. In this
way, through multifactorial ANOVA of two
factors, it was possible to determine whether
there were significant differences associated
with time or site of sampling. Finally, the
diversity indices were determined through the
Biodiversity Pro software.
Abundance and ecological structure of
aquatic macroinvertebrates: A total of 7 702
benthic macroinvertebrates were collected and
identified, comprising 150 taxa. Smicridea. (N
= 1 096) was the most abundant taxon in all
streams, followed by Thraulodes sp. (N = 971)
and Anacroneuria. (N = 576). In La Nitrera,
the most abundant taxa were Smicridea and
Phylloicus (N = 935 and 431). In the San Juan
River, Thraulodes (N = 546) Traverella (N =
325) had the highest abundances in the Cauca
River. Table 2 presents in terms of richness, La
Nitrera had the highest mean value per station
= 9.5) followed by San Juan (x
= 6.6) and
Cauca (x
= 4.5).
Analysis of stomach content and FFG
assignment: Stomach contents of the most
representative morphotypes were analyzed and
grouped according to their feeding groups’
preferences. The material found was classified
according to the nutrition types according to
Cheshire et al. (2005). Classifications were
as follows: FPOM (fine particulate organic
matter, < 50 µm); CPOM (coarse particulate
organic matter, 50 µm - 1 mm); OR (organisms’
remains); PA (periphytic algae); and PT (plant
tissue, > 1 mm).
Table 3 presents comparative information
with the FFG allocation found through the
diet presented in the stomach analysis of some
representative taxa from tropical rivers in this
study, and that reported by previous authors.
12 taxa were analyzed. 5 taxa had FPOM
in their stomachs; 7 taxa had CPOM; 8 had
plant tissue; 4 had traces of organisms, and
only one had periphytic algae. This made it
possible to assign a feeding function to each
of them. The findings for nearly 92 % of the
groups are consistent with reports by authors
such as (Ramírez & Gutiérrez-Fonseca, 2014).
Table 4 presents the summary of the mul-
tifactorial ANOVA relating the abundances of
88 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
the functional groups to the hydrological sea-
son and altitude factors, as well as the interac-
tion between these factors.
These values show that statistically sig-
nificant differences occur between FFG and
Altitude. This last factor is directly related
to the sampling site. The season does not
appear to have a significant effect on the abun-
dance of the functional feeding groups in the
three streams.
Fig. 2 illustrates the spatial changes along
the different basins studied. Pie charts, in dif-
ferent shades of gray, show the composition
in percentages of the abundance of the func-
tional feeding groups in the semi-quantitative
sampling for each of the monitored stations.
The numerical value in each segment of the
pie chart corresponds to richness which, in the
case of Nitrera, is higher than for the other two
rivers. However, no differences are observed
between the sampling stations in La Nitrera.
Meanwhile, for the San Juan River, there is a
variation of the FFG in each period. Filter feed-
ers were abundant at the time, while collectors
were abundant in the middle and lower parts.
The diagrams presented in Fig. 3 shows
the configuration of the ecological network
through the relationships of the FFG with the
modularity value for each of the stations in
September 2018.
In the case of La Nitrera, the number of
nodes is higher due to the presence of a greater
number of morphotypes compared to the other
rivers. The Shredder have then greatest contri-
bution of biomass in La Nitrera (Fig. 3A, Fig.
3B, Fig. 3C), while in the San Juan River it is
from collectors (Fig. 3D, Fig. 3E, Fig. 3F). In
the Cauca River, the contribution of biomass
varies between stations. At the station (Fig.
3G), the main contribution is from scrapers,
Diet and Feeding Functional Group of some taxa identified in this research and reported in the literature
Taxa Food diet FFG in the current study FFG reported in the literature
Traverella FPOM, OR CG, Pr CG
Baetodes FPOM, PT Ft, Sc Sc
Prebaetodes FPOM CG CG
Lepthoyphes CPOM, PT CG, Sh CG
Hetaerina FPOM, CPOM, OR, PA, PT Pr Pr
Smicridea PT Ft Ft
Phylloicus CPOM, PT Sh Sh
Anacroneuria CPOM, OR, PT Pr Pr
Chironomidae CPOM CG, Sh CG
Simulium FPOM, PT Ft Ft
Physa CPOM, PT Sc Sc
Gammarus CPOM, OR Pr Sh
CPOM: Coarse particulate organic matter, FPOM: Fine particulate organic matter OR: Organism remins, PA: Periphytic
algae PT: Plant tissue, CG: Collector gatherers, Pr: Predator, Ft: Filter feeder, Sc: Scrapers, Sh: Shredders.
Multifactorial variance analysis for the functional feeding groups
FP Value FP Value FP Value FP Value FP Value
A: Season 0.49 0.6186 0.83 0.4444 0.48 0.6243 1.94 0.1583 0.76 0.4733
B: Altitude 4.70 0.0005 3.39 0.0051 5.14 0.0002 5.45 0.0001 4.75 0.0005
AxB 0.74 0.7394 0.24 0.9983 0.37 0.9809 1.88 0.0561 0.98 0.5002
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
Fig. 2. Abundance and Richness distribution of the FFG following the altitudinal gradient in dry, transition and rainy seasons
in 2017 and 2018.
90 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
especially the Thiaridae family; at (Fig. 3H)
it is from filter feeders although other groups
contribute, while at CS3 (Fig. 3I) filter feeders
were found as the only biomass contributors.
The analysis of variance components
(AVC) using modularity as a dependent vari-
able showed that the altitude is the factor that
contributes most to the variance, with 65.49
%, followed by the season, with 27.57 %.
Hence, a multifactorial ANOVA was carried
out to establish whether there are statistical
differences for each principal or interaction
effect in each watercourse studied. Table 5
presents multifactorial ANOVA indicating sig-
nificant statistics differences between season
and La Nitrera modularity.
Fig. 4 shows the variation of the modular-
ity values in the different hydrological periods.
Fig. 4A and Fig. 4B corresponding to July,
Fig. 4C and Fig. 4D corresponding to August.
Finally, Fig. 4E and Fig. 4F corresponding to
September in 2017 and 2018 respectively. The
Fig. 3. Trophic relationship diagrams for September 2018 at the different stations for the three riverine scenarios using
ecological networks. A. Nitrera S1 September 2018 B. Nitrera S2 September 2018 C. Nitrera S3 September 2018 D. San
Juan S1 September 2018 E. San Juan S2 September 2018 F. San Juan S3 September 2018 G. Cauca S1 September 2018 H.
Cauca S2 September 2018 I. Cauca S3 September 2018. Each color indicates the number of modules
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
bars indicate the modularity value for each sta-
tion. The shades of grey change according to
the season. Spatial and temporal changes can
be seen. The range of modularity in each figure
varies from 0 to 1. If the value is closer to 1
then the degree of compartmentalization of the
food web is greater, by contrast negative values
indicate there are not a community structure
base in the net. Nevertheless, all stations pres-
ent a positive value. If the polygon remains
spatially stable then it will close completely,
which means that the modularity is homoge-
neous throughout the changes in elevation.
The most compartmentalized months are
July 2018 (Fig. 4B) and September 2018 (Fig.
4F). It is important to bear in mind that, by
August 2018 (Fig. 4D), the sample of organ-
isms could not be taken because of a flood
in the river at the SJS1 station. August 2018
for SJS1, CS3 stations and July, August, and
September of 2017 for CS3 station were not
possible to calculate modularity value due to
the low or no number of organisms.
To the functional feeding groups analy-
sis, the stomach determination show that fine
organic matter was predominant, followed by
organic matter in most of the digestive sys-
tems. There were some remains of organisms,
generally mouthparts and antennae of Diptera
sp. Additionally, there were plant structures
(leaf litter, parts of internodes, seeds, shells,
fibers, etc.). These results are in line with
the statements of several authors that high-
light the importance of FPOM as a dominant
Multifactorial variance analysis for Modularity
MAIN EFFECTS La Nitrera San Juan Cauca
FValue P FValue P FValue P
A: Season 3.15 0.0720 4.14 0.0490 2.64 0.1124
B: Altitude 3.24 0.0678 6.18 0.0179 0.01 0.9912
AxB 0.52 0.7207 3.37 0.0542 0.08 0.9856
Fig. 4. Modularity value hydrologic periods: dry ( ), transition ( ), rainy ( ) in the three streams
in 2017 and 2018. A. July de 2017 B. July de 2018 C. August de 2017 D. August de 2018 E. September de 2017 F.
September de 2018.
92 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
food for most aquatic invertebrates (Ferreira
et al., 2015; Moore et al., 2004; Tamaris-
Turizo et al., 2018).
In the lower altitude areas, the richness
of species is significantly reduced due to the
reduction in slopes and the topology of the riv-
ers, which results in a greater amount of depo-
sition, which does not promote the availability
of substrates. In general terms, La Nitrera pres-
ents a great abundance of FFG, mainly in the
rainy season, due to the high heterogeneity of
microhabitats (Tamaris-Turizo et al., 2018). Ft
and CG are the most abundant in this stream
in 2017, and Pr in 2018. The results indicate
that, for the San Juan River, there is no sig-
nificant variation between the FFGs during the
hydrological seasons. The predominant FFGs
are CG in the rainy season and Pr in the dry
season. A high variation of FFGs based on the
gradient was expected. However, lower rich-
ness was observed in the Cauca River, which is
mainly due to aspects reported by other authors
such as the geomorphology of the river, the
short length of the main channel and the steep
slopes of the river (Tamaris-Turizo et al., 2018;
Webster & Meyer, 1997). Another point to
consider is the impact of human activities as
the gradient decreases, which have a significant
effect on the composition of aquatic organisms.
Baumgartner and Robinson (2017) mention
due to natural gradients (stream order, substra-
tum, altitude, etc.) and the dendritic structure of
river networks cumulative environmental fac-
tors affecting biotic assemblages are expected
in human dominated sites.
The changes in the distribution of aquatic
macroinvertebrates according to their FFG
showed a statistically significant variation
due to altitude, which is associated with the
sampling altitude gradient. If the gradient is
lowered, the abundance of these FFGs also
decreases. This variation occurs due to factors
such as biotopes colonization availability and
increases in water turbidity and water tempera-
ture (Dallas, 2007). The utilization of the model
of ecological networks using the modular struc-
ture showed that the stations that presented
greater FFG, that is to say, a greater diversity
of biotopes related to the number of ecological
functions, may be able to buffer the propaga-
tion of disturbances, determining the resistance
of these networks (Gauzens et al., 2015).
In the study, a variety of community
responses were observed, depending on the
type of stream and the intensity of hydrological
alteration (Serna López et al., 2020). During
the dry and rainy periods, the food webs had
a smaller number of organisms, which can be
seen in the modularity and compartmentaliza-
tion of the webs. These aspects show how
tributaries can influence longitudinal recovery
trends (Mellado-Díaz et al., 2019). If a net-
work has a high modularity degree, then this
is reflected in the compartmentalization degree
of the food webs. High modularity could indi-
cate the network is resilient to external distur-
bances or changes.
As presented in the transition period, the
potential recovery of aquatic communities
along longitudinal gradients in the basin is
maintained. The bars indicated that the transi-
tion period presented the highest modularity,
which is due to the recolonization of some
chorotypes resulting from the decrease in the
bed speed. La Nitrera stream and the San Juan
River presented higher values than the Cauca
River, which may indicate that the altitudinal
change affects the ecological network, pre-
senting a greater degree of compartmental-
ization due to the number of nodes. Finally,
this study represents a contribution to the
analysis of aquatic macroinvertebrate commu-
nities through functional feeding groups, using
the modularity of ecological networks along
an altitude gradient in rivers in Colombia.
Although further studies are required, it can be
shown that the habitat conditions and changes
in the configuration of the watercourses alter
the stability of these relationships and reduce
the species richness in low areas < 50 m.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is
no conflict of interest of any kind; and that
we followed all pertinent ethical and legal
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 82-95, January-December 2022 (Published Feb. 10, 2022)
procedures and requirements. All financial
sources are fully and clearly stated in the ack-
nowledgements section. A signed document
has been filed in the journal archives.
This article was written within the frame-
work of the doctoral thesis and with the support
of Minciencias, convention 727 of 2015, and in
cooperation with the research groups GeoLim-
na and Gepar of the faculty of engineering of
the university of Antioquia. Some of the results
obtained are thanks to work carried during the
internship at the university of Vechta, Ger-
many. This paper has not conflict of interests.
Distribución altitudinal de los grupos funcionales
de alimentación de macroinvertebrados acuáticos
utilizando una red ecológica en arroyos andinos
Introducción: El análisis de grupos funcionales de alimen-
tación (GFA) en macroinvertebrados acuáticos es impor-
tante para comprender la estructura, función y dinámica de
los ecosistemas de procesos ecológicos. La modularidad se
refiere al grado de compartimentación de las redes alimen-
tarias y varía entre -1 y 1. Una red con un valor de modu-
laridad cercano a 1 es resistente a las alteraciones y puede
interpretarse como un factor indicativo para la estabilidad
de las comunidades.
Objetivo: En este estudio se analizó la estructura trófica
de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos, un elemento impor-
tante en la calidad ambiental, en el arroyo La Nitrera, el río
San Juan y el río Cauca.
Métodos: El estudio contó con el apoyo de técnicas de
redes ecológicas utilizando el software Gephi. En 2017
y 2018, estudiamos nueve sitios en estaciones secas,
lluviosas y de transición, monitoreando cambios en el
gradiente de altitud. En cada uno de los sitios se capturaron
y determinaron los organismos y se recogió información
fisicoquímica e hidráulica.
Resultados: El análisis de componentes de varianza per-
mitió explicar la variabilidad de los datos relacionando las
siguientes variables ambientales: GFA, diversidad, rique-
za, modularidad, estación y tiempo. La ANOVA simple
multifactorial indicó que existen cambios significativos en
los GFA en relación con la altitud, y la modularidad con
el tiempo. La asignación de los GFA se realizó mediante
análisis estomacal e información secundaria.
Conclusión: La temporada de transición tuvo la mayor
modularidad, posiblemente debido a la recolonización de
algunos biotopos provocada por la disminución de la velo-
cidad del cauce. La Nitrera y San Juan presentaron valores
superiores a los del Cauca, lo que puede indicar que el
cambio altitudinal y la velocidad de las corrientes de agua
influyen en la compartimentación de la red.
Palabras clave: modularidad; gradiente altitudinal; aná-
lisis estomacal; análisis de redes; estructura trófica de
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