Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
Reverse-Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification
and alternative protocols for lower cost, large-scale COVID-19 testing:
lessons from an emerging economy
Ismael Segura-Ulate1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6069-6252
Alejandro Bolívar-González1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7305-2248
Germán Madrigal-Redondo1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9856-4044
Santiago Nuñez-Corrales2; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4342-6223
Andrés Gatica-Arias3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3841-0238
1. Instituto de Investigaciones en Farmacia, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica;
ismael.segura@ucr.ac.cr, abolivar1993@gmail.com, generacionlcr96@gmail.com
2. Illinois Informatics and National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign,
Champaign, Illinois, United States of America; nunezco2@illinois.edu
3. Laboratorio Biotecnología de Plantas, Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica;
Received 08-VII-2021. Corrected 25-I-2022. Accepted 15-III-2022.
Introduction: Most successful cases of COVID-19 pandemic mitigation and handling have relied on extensive
reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). However, many emerging economies
have struggled with current molecular testing demands due to economic, technical and technological constraints.
Objective: To define a potential diagnostic protocol to increase testing capacity in current and post-pandemic
Methods: We reviewed the literature, patents and commercial applications, for alternatives.
Results: We found a good potential in saliva samples, viral inactivation and quick RNA extraction by heating;
the use of an isothermal technology such as loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and naked eye
test-result visualization by in-tube colorimetry or turbidity.
Conclusions: Saliva samples with quick RNA extraction by heating and colorimetric LAMP are promising
options for countries with economic and infrastructure limitations.
Key words: emerging economies; molecular testing; SARS-CoV-2; saliva; loop mediated isothermal
The advent of SARS-CoV-2 and our col-
lective failure in pandemic handling: In late
2019 a SARS-like novel disease was discov-
ered in the city of Wuhan, China. By January
2020, the novel infection had been denomi-
nated COVID-19 and its causal pathogen was
identified as a new coronavirus named SARS-
CoV-2. The high infection rate of SARS-CoV-2
led to a rapid worldwide spread, forcing the
World Health Organization (WHO) to declare
COVID-19 a pandemic in April 2020. As of
today, early June 2021, there have been nearly
174 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
176 million official COVID-19 cases and more
than 3.8 million deaths worldwide (Johns Hop-
kins University & Medicine, 2020).
After many months of attempting to
achieve epidemiological management through
general containment measures (e.g. provisional
lockdowns, social distancing, mandatory use
of face masks) it has become apparent that
such measures alone do not suffice to keep the
virus in check and prevent its spread among
large swaths of the population. As it has been
the case with previous outbreaks, evidence
indicates that the most effective non-pharma-
cological strategies to contain the spread of
the virus include some combination of early
detection, contact tracing and isolation, like
the so called Find, Test, Trace, Isolate, and
Support (FTTIS) approach (Rajan et al., 2020).
This type of epidemiological management has
traditionally relied on a clear clinical diagnosis
that is confirmed by a reliable test. However,
due to the large proportion of asymptomatic
COVID-19 cases and the transmissibility of the
SARS-CoV-2 from those asymptomatic indi-
viduals, the only alternative to detect enough
cases to stop the spread of the virus is by using
large-scale or random testing (Gandhi et al.,
2020); doing so eliminates future pools of
newly exposed individuals that replicate and
amplify the contagion cycle. Countries that
have used large-scale testing, like South Korea,
appear to have been most successful at flatten-
ing the curve of cases, especially early during
the pandemic (Chang et al., 2020). Even under
the current situation of active mass COVID-19
immunizations or in a post-pandemic world, a
FTTIS approach will continue to be a necessary
tool in our epidemiological arsenal.
Unfortunately, any successful FTTIS
approach for COVID-19 epidemiological man-
agement is resource intensive and costly. As
evidence of this, scarcity or high cost of some
components necessary for a FTTIS approach
has prevented large-scale deployment of this
type of strategies across several countries.
Most prominently, scaling-up of testing capac-
ity using real-time quantitative polymerase
chain reaction (RT-qPCR), the current gold
standard technique for COVID-19 diagnosis,
stands as one of the most difficult bottlenecks
to overcome in order to implement the large-
scale random testing necessary for epidemio-
logical management. Due to the many intrinsic
technical difficulties and requirements of RT-
qPCR, it has been challenging if not impossible
for many countries around the world to scale up
the RT-qPCR testing capacity for COVID-19 to
meet the current needs. The struggle to ramp up
RT-qPCR testing capacity has been especially
obvious during periods with high numbers
of cases and in emerging economies with
more limited healthcare systems. Even when
pool-based sampling methods can increase the
population-level sensitivity of detection for at-
large strategic public health responses (Mutesa
et al., 2020), these remain constrained by the
same technical bottlenecks and do not exclude
intensive individual testing after a critical posi-
tivity rate has been reached.
Costa Rica is a middle-income emerging
economy with an internationally praised uni-
versal healthcare system which has nonetheless
struggled to meet several of the unexpected
demands imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
After a substantial investment in consumables,
facilities, training, personnel and equipment the
official capacity for RT-qPCR COVID-19 tests
has plateaued at 4 500 tests per day. However,
this number does not reflect the real number of
daily tests –a fraction of daily tests corresponds
to certification of known cases for nosocomial
purposes– and the level at which COVID-19
testing is performed in Costa Rica yields very
high positivity rates (i.e. percentage of positive
cases over total tested individuals), around 36
%. This positivity rate, however, may increase
during epidemiological peaks (Barquero, 2020)
or decrease when public policy measures have
a significant effect. The current testing strategy
mainly targets either symptomatic individuals
or those with a known immediate epidemiolog-
ic linkage, excluding most of the asymptom-
atic cases and leaving plenty of loose ends to
maintain effective epidemiological tracing and
management (Ministerio de Salud, 2020). In
point of fact, the high positivity rate correlates
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
with complete contact tracing being infeasible
since July 2020. Furthermore, it is unlikely
that Costa Rica will be able to further increase
RT-qPCR-based COVID-19 testing in the short
term to reach a positivity rate of less than 5 %,
which is the threshold initially recommended
by the WHO for proper epidemiological sur-
veillance (World Health Organization, 2020).
This concern led our interdisciplinary research
group to look for effective and efficient alter-
natives that may help Costa Rica to drastically
improve the handling of the ongoing health
crisis. The current review and opinion article
describes our conclusion that alternatives to the
traditional RT-qPCR-based COVID-19 testing
are necessary for Costa Rica to improve the
outcome of this crisis, and that this lesson can
be generalized to other developing nations and
emerging economies. This idea is beginning
to materialize in a clinical validation of some
of these testing alternatives in an effort coor-
dinated by several researchers and healthcare
officials from different Costa Rican institu-
tions. We also recount here some of the lessons
learned that may prove to be valuable for other
countries and healthcare systems battling with
similar conditions.
The bottlenecks and limitations of the
traditional RT-qPCR-based COVID-19 test-
ing: Our current dependence on RT-qPCR
originates from the well-known flexibility and
reliability of this technology. The basic form
of PCR was developed 37 years ago. Since
then, many different forms of PCR have been
developed to detect all sorts of pathogens and
remains especially useful for diagnosis of
emerging infectious diseases. Theoretically,
PCR could be used to detect any pathogen
present in a biological sample and, to this
day, RT-qPCR remains the primary diagnostic
option for several viral and bacterial infections.
Due to its intrinsic amplifying properties, all
forms of PCR have very high sensitivity and its
targeting of pre-defined and carefully selected
genetic sequences secures a very high –and
sometimes nearly perfect– specificity. How-
ever, nucleic acid amplification technologies,
including RT-qPCR, tend to be more expensive
and technically more complex than other types
of diagnostic testing options. In the case of
COVID-19 testing, it is unfortunate that simple
and inexpensive alternatives (e.g. antibody and
antigen testing) either miss the early infectiv-
ity window or lack the high sensitivity levels
required to become an effective tool for epide-
miological surveillance (Benzigar et al., 2021;
Nagura-Ikeda et al., 2020).
As mentioned previously, RT-qPCR is a
complicated test to perform. Most of the han-
dling steps of this test must be carried out by
either a highly trained laboratory technician or
“pipetting” robots (Fig. 1).
Under normal circumstances, total pro-
cessing time in the laboratory (not including
sample collection, transportation and storage)
for this type of RT-qPCR test is 3 to 6 h
depending on whether steps have been auto-
mated by the use of robots or carried out by
technicians. Furthermore, the most prevalent
workflow with RT-qPCR must be carried-out
in a biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) laboratory in
order to protect the personnel from contagion
due to aerosols arising from the samples, which
means that every COVID-19 testing labora-
tory must have at least one BSL-2 cabinet.
Additionally, RT-qPCR requires a real-time
thermal cycler to be performed, which lim-
its the rate of sample processing in a facil-
ity to the combined number of sample spots
or “wells” available among all the real-time
thermal cyclers in that facility. It should be
noted that the most common configuration of
a real-time thermal cycler is 96 wells and the
turnaround time is typically 2 h for a 2-in-1
reaction encompassing both retrotranscription
and amplification. Thus, the total sample pro-
cessing rate using the most prevalent RT-qPCR
protocol is limited by a composition of differ-
ent bottlenecks that are difficult to overcome
individually in any healthcare system, let alone
all of them together. These bottlenecks include
i) the number of BSL-2 laboratories available,
ii) the processing or “pipetting” capacity of the
technicians or robots and iii) the availability of
“wells” per real-time thermal cycler to carry
176 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
out the amplification and detection. In order to
scale-up testing capacity by RT-qPCR, all of
these bottlenecks must be overcome together
in every single testing facility since a weak link
in the chain may hamper the investments and
improvements in other steps of the workflow
or even render them useless.
We reviewed the corresponding literature,
patents and commercial applications for alter-
native technologies and protocols to detect
SARS-CoV-2 in human samples that do not
rely on RT-qPCR. Likewise, we reviewed the
corresponding literature, patents and commer-
cial applications for evidence of alternative
sample collection and genetic material extrac-
tion that does not rely on nasopharyngeal
swabs and traditional RNA purification. From
this information we elaborated an argument for
the use of alternative technologies that could
effectively overcome the current bottlenecks of
RT-qPCR-based diagnosis.
Testing technology requirements for
effective public health responses: In terms
of public policy making, the role of test-
ing technologies is to inform strategic and
tactical recommendations. These are devised
using test outcomes obtained from a limited
number of COVID-19 samples that must be
both sufficient and representative (Hilborne et
al., 2020). Most generally, recommendations
aim to address the most relevant and current
stage of an epidemiological crisis. At the onset
and early stages, FTTIS aims to contain and
remove infective individuals to prevent further
spread, particularly of asymptomatic cases, as
a way to delay or even prevent reaching a rapid
growth phase; simulation of COVID-19 spread
under various systematic testing regimes sug-
gests that remotion of asymptomatic individu-
als is one of the main mechanisms behind the
effectiveness of scalable testing technologies
(Núñez-Corrales & Jakobsson, 2020). If a rapid
growth phase is reached, testing must intensify
proactively as a way to understand how the
Fig. 1. Schematic workflow of COVID-19 testing using the standard RT-qPCR protocol. Two separate steps require sample
handling and pipetting by a technician or robot. Red biohazard symbols illustrate steps with potentially bio-contagious
samples, while gray biohazard symbols represent steps that no longer have contagious potential. Created with BioRender.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
underlying population structure fuels the rise
in cases, and then systematically craft measures
capable of preventing the overload of health-
care systems and irreversible economic dam-
age. When mitigation efforts are successful and
the situation is stable, testing can be optimized
to detect and control new outbreaks and drive
the epidemic process to a manageable level
until pharmacological alternatives are applied
and herd immunity is reached. The ability to
use testing as an anticipatory tool depends on
the existence of testing technology capable
of scaling rapidly and reliably across several
orders of magnitude depending on the stage
of the epidemic process. As evidenced by the
reasoning above, RT-qPCR cannot particularly
provide such flexibility.
COVID-19 testing technologies must
strive to minimize false negatives by increas-
ing their sensitivity (West et al., 2020) since
these represent individuals that can restart
and amplify even more the contagion cycle.
In addition, testing must also provide the
flexibility to address intrinsic uncertainties in
the process (Gray et al., 2020). Both can be
resolved by re-testing individuals. Essentially,
an adequate testing technology not only should
scale to accommodate sudden increases in new
cases but also allow re-testing of known cases
whose outcome was uncertain or whose epide-
miological link is updated. In a situation such
as the Costa Rican one where RT-qPCR testing
is extremely limited, this forces a compromise
between discovering new cases and certifying
the recovery of existing ones; testing people
before they are released from hospitalization
takes priority. Statistically, we start by looking
at the disjoint sensitivity between two con-
secutive tests and σAB given by
and since the same test is applied twice (i.e.
which is a monotonically increasing con-
vex function in the domain σA [0,1] with
range σ2A [0,1]. Succinctly, applying two
consecutive disjoint tests reduces the prob-
ability of false negatives. Conversely, specific-
ity τAB decreases with each test quadratically
for A=B as
Arguably, lower specificity of two disjoint
tests is not a significant concern as long as the
specificity of a single test is high enough. For
instance, τA = 0.95 for a single test produces a
combined disjoint specificity of τ2A ≈ 0.9. False
positives are in this case benevolent since the
protocol for a new positive case entails manda-
tory isolation for two weeks, a time beyond the
12 days required for more than 97.5 % of indi-
viduals to have ended their incubation period
(Lauer et al., 2020). Worst case scenario, excess
false positives lead to a limited number of indi-
viduals being isolated, decreasing the pool of
available susceptible individuals slightly. In
consequence, any scalable testing technology
for COVID-19 must ensure high specificity
geared towards repeated testing of individuals
for rapid disambiguation. Saliva-based tech-
nologies such as the alternative reported in
this article overcomes this limitation thanks to
having a specificity at least comparable to that
of traditional nasopharyngeal swabs samples
(Chen et al., 2020; Takeuchi et al., 2020; Wil-
liams et al., 2020; Wyllie et al., 2020).
Finally, time-to-outcome is a critical vari-
able for COVID-19 testing technologies. The
ability to perform contact tracing to stop conta-
gion depends on rapidly acquiring and process-
ing samples from suspected individuals or from
proactive measures. The complexity RT-qPCR
entails prevents having certified test outcomes
within the first 24-48 h in most cases. This
time is critical for contact tracing to identify
potentially exposed individuals and extend the
search promptly; simulation results suggest that
performing the testing-contact tracing cycle
within the same day can significantly reduce
the effective reproductive number regardless of
contact tracing technology (Kretzschmar et al.,
2020). Since performing the test depends on
specialized equipment and trained personnel, it
cannot usually be geographically decentralized.
178 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
Hence, a scalable technology should also aim
to be time and geographically scalable, particu-
larly in entry-level health attention centers.
Simplified sample collection by using
saliva: Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal
swabs are the main method of sample collec-
tion for COVID-19 testing (Fig. 1). However,
the invasive nature of this procedure can be
uncomfortable for many patients and may
even cause aversion to COVID-19 testing,
potentially reducing public compliance with
health authorities. Nonetheless, the presence
of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva is indisputable and
saliva samples for COVID-19 testing have
been proven to be effective in the detection
of the virus in a non-invasive manner using a
RT-qPCR-based protocol (Chen et al., 2020;
Takeuchi et al., 2020; Williams et al., 2020;
Wyllie et al., 2020).
When sensitivity for COVID-19 testing
has been compared between nasopharyngeal
swabs and saliva samples using traditional viral
RNA extraction methods and amplification by
RT-qPCR, the saliva sample has shown only a
slightly lower sensitivity than its comparison
standard, thus, both types of samples should
be regarded as equally useful from a clini-
cal standpoint. In the case of specificity, both
technologies have shown near perfect scores
(Jamal et al., 2021; Pasomsub et al., 2020;
Procop et al., 2020; Teo et al.,2021; Uwamino
et al., 2020).
From a practical standpoint, using saliva
samples for COVID-19 testing offers several
advantages over traditional swabs that could
be very beneficial during a large-scale testing
initiative. Such advantages include better pub-
lic acceptance and compliance, shorter sample
collection times, reductions in frontline person-
nel in charge of sample collection and even the
development of sample self-collection to be
shipped to or dropped-off at a testing facility.
Another advantage of using saliva samples
is the availability of many types of low-cost
sterilized screw-capped containers that can be
used to collect liquid samples, including small
urine and stool sample cups, falcon tubes and
an assortment of other laboratory contain-
ers such as cryogenic tubes. The use of this
readily available variety of containers would
make the saliva sample collection process less
susceptible to the common market shortages
experienced during the last few months for
most COVID-19 testing consumables, includ-
ing medical swabs.
Quick viral RNA extraction and virions
inactivation by heating: Traditional RNA
extraction is a lengthy and costly process
requiring highly trained technicians or spe-
cialized equipment like “pipetting” robots in
order to isolate RNA from other biochemi-
cal components like DNA, proteins and lip-
ids. Even though purified RNA is the ideal
genetic material to perform retrotranscription
and subsequent amplification in RT-qPCR or
any isothermal amplification technology, it is
not necessary to have this material completely
isolated from other biochemical components
present in some biological samples. In fact,
most forms of PCR and almost any nucleic
acid amplification technology allow for some
level of flexibility regarding DNA, protein and
lipid carryover. In most samples containing
trace amounts of these types of biochemical
components such as saliva and swabs, it is
perfectly possible to perform a direct sample-
to-amplification protocol bypassing traditional
RNA extraction (Esbin et al., 2020). Quick
viral RNA extraction by means of a heating
step has been developed as an alternative meth-
od of viral RNA extraction. This quick heating
step allows viral RNA to be accessible for the
retrotranscriptases and polymerases used in
PCR or isothermal amplification. Alternatively,
some protocols may either replace or comple-
ment the rapid high temperature heating step
with a long mid-temperature heating step, such
as 65 °C for 30 min after mixing the sample
with a lysis buffer that contains detergents
and a highly active protease like Proteinase K
(Esbin et al., 2020; L’Helgouach et al., 2020).
This long mid temperature heating step with
a lysis buffer seems to achieve similar results
to the quick high temperature heating step in
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
regard to facilitating the release of the viral
RNA and the two methods might work inter-
changeably. However, the fact that the rapid
high temperature heating step achieves good
results without the need for a lysis buffer makes
it more attractive to our goals of simplifying
test development. Furthermore, one more point
must be taken into account when it comes to
this simplified method of viral RNA extraction,
and that is RNA degradation. Because the viral
RNA is released into a biological sample with
other components, it immediately becomes a
target for endogenous RNAses in that sample.
This problem can be disregarded if the sample
is tested immediately, but sample storage for
any length of time might have an effect on
the detectable viral RNA in it. For that reason,
some protocols may also include in the sample
buffer or the reaction mix RNAses inhibitors or
carrier RNA as protectors of the integrity of the
viral RNA (Wei et al., 2021).
Quick viral RNA extraction using a heat-
ing step has one more important advantage
over the traditional RNA extraction. During
a heating step at 95-98 °C for 10 to 15 min,
any virions potentially contained in a saliva
sample are inactivated and all samples can be
regarded as of low biosecurity risk after that
point (Fig. 2). If sample processing protocols
are devised in which sample containers are
properly disinfected at the point of collec-
tion and never opened inside the laboratory
before the heat inactivation step, processing of
all these samples could be carried out in any
BSL-1 facility.
This reduces the biosecurity equipment
necessary to process samples, most notably the
biosafety cabinet. It also opens the possibility
of establishing temporary testing facilities in
entry level healthcare attention centers that
normally don’t have BSL-2 laboratories and
other places of interest that could not support
a traditional clinical laboratory (e.g. schools,
airports, factories, etc.). It must be mentioned
that the protocol developed by Wei et al (2021)
uses no heating step and takes the saliva sample
directly into a single step RT-LAMP reaction.
This alternative protocol seems advantageous
for currently functioning testing laboratories as
it greatly simplifies most of the testing work-
flow; however, we consider that this method
still does not fit well with our interests of
Fig. 2. Schematic workflow of simplified COVID-19 testing combining saliva sample, quick viral RNA extraction,
RT-LAMP and results visualization by in-tube colorimetry. Red biohazard symbols illustrate steps with potentially bio
contagious samples, while gray biohazard symbols represent steps that no longer have contagious potential. Since the first
step inside the laboratory is the sample heating to release the viral RNA extraction and inactivate the virions, and this step
is performed without opening the sample container, the entire process can be carried out in a BSL-1 laboratory. Created
with BioRender.
180 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
completely simplifying COVID-19 testing
since bypassing of all heating steps would
mean that the sample must still be handled in a
BSL-2 laboratory.
The advantages of isothermal ampli-
fication technologies: Different nucleic acid
isothermal amplification technologies have
been developed over the last few decades.
These include Nicking Endonuclease Sequence
Amplification Reaction (NESA), Ligase Chain
Reaction (LCR), Recombinase Polymerase
Amplification (RPA), Strand Displacement
Amplification (SDA) and Loop Mediated Iso-
thermal Amplification (LAMP), among others
(Fakruddin et al., 2013; Kiesling et al., 2007;
Zhao et al., 2015). All of these technologies
have the capacity to detect specific genetic
sequences in the same way that RT-qPCR does;
however, all forms of isothermal amplification
have one important advantage over the dif-
ferent forms of PCR; as the term isothermal
implies, these technologies perform the entire
amplification reaction at a single temperature
and therefore, there is no need for a thermal
cycler. Thus, the reaction for the different
forms of isothermal amplification can be car-
ried out using any stable heating source such as
a water bath, a heating block, a hoven or even
a water container on top of a heating plate. This
particularity allows the development of isother-
mal amplification protocols using only basic
laboratory tools like pipettes and opens the pos-
sibility of creating equipment-free diagnostic
tests. Furthermore, the number of reactions or
samples that can be performed with isothermal
amplification does not rely on the number of
spots or “wells” available in a device but rather
the number of tubes with samples that can be
fitted into a heat source like a water bath.
In addition, isothermal amplification tech-
nologies perform the entire reaction faster than
PCR since it is not necessary to change the
temperature of the reaction. Likewise, the reac-
tion master mix for isothermal amplification
can be developed to contain both a retrotrans-
criptase and a polymerase that work in parallel
and at the same temperature, thus performing
both reactions at the same time and reducing
the total time required.
For example, this combination of two steps
into one reaction creates what is known as
retrotranscription-LAMP (RT-LAMP). These
key differences reduce the total reaction time
of isothermal technologies when compared to
standard RT-qPCR protocols. As an example,
most RT-LAMP protocols for SARS-CoV-2
detection take 30 min to complete a single step
reaction while the standard RT-qPCR diagnos-
tic protocol usually takes 1 to 2 h to complete
both retrotranscription and amplification.
Despite all of these advantages, isother-
mal amplification technologies in general still
suffer from limitations compared to the more
traditional PCR. In our experience, probably
the greatest drawback of developing tests based
on isothermal technologies is the lack of a
well-developed manufacturing network with
ready-to-use consumables such as recombi-
nant enzymes, master mixes and additives.
In our search for this type of products to use
in RT-LAMP, we found a limited number of
manufacturing companies that commercialize
them but the number of providers around the
world and the variety of products is but a small
fraction of what can be found in the market for
PCR consumables. Another limitation com-
pared to PCR is the lack of options to perform
tests using primers with differential affinity by
temperature such as touchdown, gradient or
nested PCR. In the particular case of LAMP,
it also suffers of other drawbacks. It requires a
complex system of 6 different primers, which
is far more than the 2 primers used for PCR
(Fakruddin et al., 2013; Li et al., 2017; Notomi
et al., 2015). Furthermore, at least 2 of these
primers are hybrid sequences are not found in
the targeted DNA. Therefore, this complex set
of primers must be designed and validated in
silico using bespoken programs. However, a
few different tools are available for free (such
as Primer Explorer https://www.primerexplor-
er.jp/e/) and some others are offered under a
commercial license. Because of this complex
design, the primers sets required for RT-LAMP
may not be suitable for some genomic areas,
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
especially repetition-rich loci. However, those
particular obstacles are unlikely to affect the
capacity of RT-LAMP to detect most pathogens
since these types of repetitions are not common
in the genome of prokaryotes and viruses.
In this article we are not describing in
detail the complex interaction of RT-LAMP
primers or its mechanism of amplification.
However, Eiken Chemical Co., the original
inventors of LAMP, offer a detail description
of its principle in their website both in the form
of an illustration (http://www.loopamp.eiken.
co.jp/e/lamp/principle.html), as well as an ani-
mation (http://www.loopamp.eiken.co.jp/e/
In this balance between pros and cons,
isothermal amplification technologies have not
been considered as an alternative that could
challenge the predominance of traditional
forms of PCR either for clinical or research
use until recently. In the case of LAMP, it
has mainly remained in the fringes of the
clinical field as a simple and low-cost alterna-
tive for the development of field deployable
diagnostic tests for animal and agricultural
diseases for which RT-qPCR-based testing in
a laboratory is not cost-effective. RT-LAMP
also seems to have gathered momentum as an
inexpensive alternative diagnostic technology
for pathologies that occur in areas that lack the
healthcare infrastructure to provide an expen-
sive option like RT-qPCR. This latter case is
clearly illustrated by the different triple testing
protocols that have been independently devel-
oped to differentially diagnose dengue, zika
and chinkungunya; three mosquito transmitted
viral diseases with similar clinical presenta-
tions and commonly found in the same tropical
areas of emerging economies (Ganguli et al.,
2020; Priye et al., 2017; Yaren et al., 2017;
Yaren et al., 2018). However, the particular
needs created by COVID-19 could change the
vision of RT-LAMP from fringe alternative to
a secure position within the mainstream of the
technological spectrum for clinical diagnosis
(Khan et al., 2020). In our case, we chose RT-
LAMP over other isothermal amplification
technologies because of its several advantages,
including the fact that it is the most maturely
developed and most used of these alternatives.
Another reason to choose LAMP as the iso-
thermal amplification technology for massive
testing is the current lack of intellectual prop-
erty protections in most countries. The LAMP
technology was one of the first isothermal
amplification technologies to be developed. As
such, its initial intellectual property protections
have recently expired or are close to. LAMP
was first patented in Japan by Eiken Chemi-
cal Co. in November 1998 (Japan patent No.
JP2000283862) and suffered an anticipated
expiration in 2019; however, at least the pro-
tection granted for this invention in the United
States is anticipated to expire in November
2021 (US patent No. US7494790B2). In the
case of Costa Rica, we have found no appli-
cations or patents granted that protect the
original or any subsequent inventions by Eiken
Chemical Co., or by other inventors regarding
LAMP. We believe this lack of intellectual
property protections includes most emerging
economies in Latin America, Africa and most
of Asia and Eastern Europe. This lack of legal
protections allows the development of testing
protocols faster and at a lower cost compared
to technologies that must be acquired from a
licensed manufacturer or licensed directly from
a patent’s owner.
Clinical parameters of RT-LAMP vs
RT-qPCR for COVID-19 diagnosis: Several
recent studies have published data on the detec-
tion of SARS-CoV-2 using RT-LAMP from the
2 main types of samples (nasopharyngeal swabs
and saliva). These publications also describe a
wide variety of RNA extraction methods and
targeting primers. While an exhaustive review
of all of these variables is beyond the scope
of this article, Table 1 summarizes the articles
published or pre-printed studies where SARS-
CoV-2 is detected in clinical saliva samples or
virions spiked saliva using RT-LAMP. Table 1
also summarizes the type or RNA extraction
used (traditional RNA extraction vs heating
step) and the gene or genes targeted by the
RT-LAMP primers sets. It must be noted that
182 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
while some detection methods use a single set
of RT-LAMP primers, it is possible to use up to
2 sets of primers in some cases. The RT-LAMP
kit developed by New England Biolabs to detect
SARS-CoV-2 uses 2 different sets of RT-LAMP
primers targeting the N and E genes, effectively
multiplexing the detection reaction. However,
mixing different RT-LAMP primers sets should
always be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
In the case of RNA extraction methods, it
should be noted that traditional RNA extrac-
tion from saliva samples secures a sensitivity
that closely matches the current gold standard
with RT-qPCR. However, the quick viral RNA
extraction from saliva by a heating step may not
yield the same level of detection, but it still pro-
duces a sensitivity that is clinically useful for
most cases. The highest clinical sensitivity (97
% compared to the gold standard) of a saliva
RT-LAMP test for SARS-CoV-2 detection was
achieved by Wei et al. (2021) in a direct saliva-
to-reaction solution without any form of RNA
extraction. This LAMP based test also has the
lowest Limit of Detection (LOD), with 2 copies
of viral RNA per µL, which is on par with the
most sensitive RT-qPCR tests designed to date.
However, the formulation developed by Wei
et al. (2021) requires some specialized materi-
als such as a buffer containing carrier RNA to
protect the viral RNA in the sample. Whether
this method could be mass produced at a cost
that still makes it competitive to RT-qPCR has
not been established. Nonetheless, the protocol
created by Wei et al. (2021) is currently used at
Columbia University to test students and facul-
ty and the technology was licensed to Sorrento
Therapeutics, in order to obtain FDA approval
and commercialize it in the United States under
the name COVI-TRACE.
With all this in mind, it is clear that RT-
LAMP can achieve clinical values of sensitiv-
ity, sensibility and LOD that are close to those
of the current gold standard. Nonetheless, these
clinical parameters must be evaluated during
the development of any RT-LAMP-based test,
especially if this technology is coupled with
detection from a saliva sample or using quick
viral RNA extraction by a heating step.
RT-LAMP performance in the detection of SARS-CoV-2 presence in saliva sample
Reference Type of RNA
extraction Genes targeted* Specificity** Sensitivity** LOD
Ben-Assa et al., 2020 heating step N High High Medium to high viral
Bhadra et al., 2021 heating step Orf1ab, N, E Not
3.3 x 106 copies/ml
Howson et al., 2021 traditional RNA
E High High Viral loads high in
dilutions (1:40 to 1:640)
L’Helgouach et al., 2020 heating step Not described 95.70 % 72.70 % NA
Lalli et al., 2020 heating step Orf1ab, N High High 102 viral particles per
Lamb et al., 2020 traditional RNA
Orf1ab Not
3.802 ×10^10 to 228
copies of virus
Nagura-Ikeda et al., 2020 traditional RNA
Orf1ab, N High High Viral loads vary with
Wei et al., 2021 direct
Orf1ab 100 % 97 % 2 copies of viral RNA
per μL
*For simplicity, all primers targeting any of the different genes within the Orf1a or Orf1b loci are simply referred to as
targeting Orf1ab.
**Sensitivity and specificity are relative to a RT-qPCR test.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
Simplified options to detect amplifica-
tion of genetic material by RT-LAMP and
other isothermal amplification methods:
Theoretically, RT-LAMP and all other forms
of isothermal amplification can be quantified
and detected in real time using fluorescence.
For example, RT-LAMP can be performed
and quantified in real time using any tradi-
tional double-strand DNA binding dye such as
SYBR-Green in a real time thermal cycler (Da
Silva et al., 2020; Fakruddin et al., 2013; Khan
et al., 2020; Notomi et al., 2015). However,
using an isothermal amplification technology
in a thermal cycler defeat most of its advan-
tages and thus, simpler methods of detection
have been devised in order to visualize and
even quantify RT-LAMP amplification results.
These simplified methods of detection include:
UV detection shows in-tube presence of
amplicons by naked eye using an UV light
source and a marker that fluoresces under such
light if nucleic acids amplification has occurred.
These UV sensitive markers include traditional
double-strand DNA binding dyes such as ethid-
ium bromide, SYBR-Green, SYBR-Safe and
ionic detection markers such as calcein. UV
detection can also be semi-automated using
devices that emit and detect light at the correct
spectra, such as a fluorescence plate reader.
Colorimetric detection uses colorimetric
dyes that change the color of the solution if
amplification has occurred. These include pH
sensitive dyes such as phenol red or metal ion
sensitive dyes such as hydroxynaphthol blue
(HNB) (Goto et al., 2009). These color changes
can be determined in-tube by naked eye or
using a light absorbance device equipped to
measure the correct spectra (e.g. 650 nm for
HNB). It should be noted that pH sensitive dyes
such as phenol red may not be well suited as a
detection method for samples with high or low
pH as enough of these conditions may be car-
ried over from the sample to the final reaction
and cause interference with the results detec-
tion. This type of carryover can potentially
happen with the saliva of some individuals, as
well as in swab samples that were preserved
in universal or viral transport media (UTM
and VTM, respectively). In such cases, metal
ion sensitive dyes such as HNB might be the
preferred option.
Turbidity detection measures the change in
turbidity of the LAMP solution due to the natu-
ral precipitation of magnesium pyrophosphate
as byproduct of DNA synthesis (Mori et al.,
2001). Turbidity change can be determined in-
tube by naked eye or using a turbidometer. The
use of some turbidometers such as the Loo-
pamp Realtime Turbidimeter (LA-500, Eiken
Chemical Co., Japan) also allows for real-time
quantification of the RT-LAMP amplification.
CRISPR Cas12a/Cas13a detection relies
on genetic material that has been pre-amplified
by isothermal amplification, including LAMP
or RPA, to detect specific genetic sequences
using targeted digestion with a CRISPR sys-
tem using either Cas12a, Cas12b or Cas13a
enzymes. The genetic sequences specifically
cleaved by the CRISPR Cas12/Cas13 enzymes
can be detected using a lateral flow chromatog-
raphy strip and visualized directly by naked eye
(Khan et al., 2020).
We observe that none of these meth-
ods of amplification detection are exclusively
designed or used for RT-LAMP. In fact, all of
them can be used to detect amplicons produced
by PCR or other forms of isothermal amplifica-
tions. However, these alternative methods for
amplification detection will probably play a
crucial role in the development of easily scal-
able diagnostic tools for COVID-19, especially
those methods that do not require costly and
specialized amplification or detection equip-
ment such as thermal cyclers or plate readers.
More specifically, our attention should be
focused on detection methods that allow the
visualization of the final result directly in the
reaction tube, bypassing time-consuming extra
steps. In general, the coupling of an isothermal
technique such as RT-LAMP with a form of
amplicon detection by the naked eye such as
in-tube colorimetry promises to produce diag-
nostic tools for COVID-19 that are effective,
simple, easily scalable and low-cost.
184 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
Public attitudes toward COVID-19 mas-
sive testing: While no official information has
been gathered so far regarding public attitudes
towards COVID-19 testing among the Costa
Rican population, a preliminary statistical sur-
vey was performed by the School of Statistics
at the University of Costa Rica to determine
self-reported public knowledge and attitudes
towards COVID-19 testing technologies, both
available and potential (Ramírez-Hernández
& Madrigal Pana, 2020). The survey was
applied to a sample of 1 287 residents within
the national territory in October 2020 with
ages 18 years and over, who own a cell phone.
An assessment of both the willingness of the
population to undergo COVID-19 testing and
of using a new test based on a saliva sample
was included in the questionnaire.
Results suggest a mostly positive response
of the general public to COVID-19 testing.
In general, 84.1 % of the population would
accept being tested were a massive diagnosis
program implemented. A significant portion
of the population (78.6 %) claims to have
information about the type of sample required
for COVID-19 testing, with most responders
referring to the nasopharyngeal swab protocol.
Belief in the effectiveness of testing as a tool
to gain control over this pandemic, however,
is much lower (66.8 %). Even when further
statistical probing and analysis must occur,
current disaggregate data from this survey
appear to indicate that individual health and
financial concerns drive public perception of
COVID-19 despite perceived uncertainty about
its effectiveness as a strategy to mitigate and
control the spread of the virus. This latter point
highlights the need to provide the general pub-
lic with a clear picture of the mechanism by
which massive testing operates at population
levels (i.e. removing a large portion of asymp-
tomatic carriers and exhausting large shares
of the infective pool) in an effort to further
improve compliance and public trust as part of
official public health communication initiatives
(Lazarus et al., 2020).
Most significantly, the situation appears
to be even better for saliva-based COVID-19
testing. Willingness to receive a saliva-based
tests ranks high (92.3 %), with a similar
response for the prospect of a round of testing
once per week (89.5 %). Disaggregate respons-
es by sex, educational attainment, nationality
or subjective income did not exhibit signifi-
cant differences with respect to the sample
mean. Willingness to receive the test, however,
appears to decrease for individuals above 50
years or more (77.6 %), and increases in pro-
portion to one’s perception of being at risk (low
risk: 75.8 %; medium risk: 85.2 %; high risk:
86.8 %). These data suggest that information
about saliva-based testing technologies must be
specifically tailored to age groups via different
media platforms to ensure maximum coverage.
Another determinant factor that must be studied
at depth is trust in public health infrastructures
regarding data privacy, in which perceived
consequences of testing data mismanagement
for individuals may vary per country.
Finally, out-of-pocket costs per test appears
to be a major factor for public acceptance of
saliva-based testing technologies in Costa Rica.
The largest fraction of the sample in the study
was that of individuals who would accept the
test only if it is free for the population (37.1 %).
As out-of-pocket cost increases, a smaller share
of the population reports willingness to receive
the test. A price point equal to or below US $10
appears to be required in order to ensure at least
a substantial proportion of the population (62.9
%) are likely to perform testing at a scale suf-
ficient to have a reasonable impact individually
and collectively.
Succinctly, the prospect of saliva-based
testing in Costa Rica –an emerging econo-
my with significant infrastructure and socio-
economic challenges– is overall positive and
encouraging. Even when the mechanism by
which massive testing helps mitigate and con-
tain the pandemic appears not to be well
understood, individual health and financial
concerns seem to drive the perceived need for
massive testing. Saliva-based testing appears
to attain better public perception, possibly
due to perceptions of being less intrusive than
nasopharyngeal swabs, while still in need of
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
better public health campaigns if deployed.
As expected, out-of-pocket costs drive public
acceptance in the midst of a public health crisis
with strong reverberations into the economic
and social fabric of a mid-income country.
Given the dominant magnitude of negative
economic impacts of COVID-19 in comparison
to testing costs and other forms of mitigation in
Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) member states (López-
Valcárcel & Vallejo-Torres, 2021), RT-LAMP
may become an ideal low-cost alternative for
developing nations and emerging economies
since its overall cost may be absorbed by
public health organizations or international
relief efforts as a means to approximate a
situation of zero out-of-pocket expenses for the
general public.
Could RT-LAMP replace RT-qPCR as
the main option for large-scale COVID-19
testing?: Given the current situation in which
it is infeasible for many healthcare systems to
reach the necessary levels of COVID-19 test-
ing to adequately manage the health crisis, it is
unlikely that such a goal will be met unless we
develop practical alternatives to the traditional
RT-qPCR-based testing. Simplified alternative
protocols for different steps of the process all
promise to expand our diagnostic capacity and
help bridge the testing gaps. These simplified
alternatives include isothermal amplification
technologies like RT-LAMP, use of saliva
samples, quick viral RNA extraction by heating
and results visualization by naked eye using
in-tube colorimetry. While these alternative
protocols have been proven to work together,
they do not necessarily constitute an “all or
none” package. In fact, some of these processes
were originally designed to operate as part of
a simplified testing protocol using RT-qPCR;
for example, viral RNA directly extracted
from saliva by a quick heating step has been
successfully used as the start material for RT-
qPCR, a substitution that dramatically reduces
the cost and turnaround time for COVID-19
testing (Esbin et al., 2020). Conversely, others
have developed a direct-swab-to-amplification
protocols in which a traditional nasopharyngeal
swab is used but the commonly used RNA
extraction is replaced by a quick heating step,
and the amplification is performed either by
RT-qPCR or RT-LAMP (Bruce et al., 2020;
Dao-Thi et al., 2020). Regardless of the pleth-
ora of potential protocol variations that can be
developed by exchanging alternative options
in each step, the coupling of all or most of the
simplified alternative technologies into a single
uncomplicated and low-cost testing protocol
might be the only feasible option for many
developing countries where equipment such as
real-time thermal cyclers, pipetting robots and
biosecurity cabinets might be difficult to obtain
or economically burdensome. For that reason,
we are not surprised that research groups from
other emerging economies have arrived at the
exact same conclusions (Ohilebo et al., 2020).
On the other hand, given the very high
sensitivity and specificity of RT-qPCR, it is
unlikely that RT-LAMP or other alternative
technologies will replace the gold-standard
for COVID-19 diagnosis in the short term.
Also, the already installed RT-qPCR-based
testing capacity will continue to be abso-
lutely necessary during the pandemic. Further-
more, expansion of the RT-qPCR-based testing
capacity should continue until the end of this
crisis whenever and wherever it is feasible and
cost-effective. Even so, it is likely that alterna-
tive COVID-19 diagnostic options will emerge
in many parts of the world using RT-LAMP
as well as parts of the simplified testing pro-
tocols for sample collection, RNA extraction
and result detection. Some of these alternative
protocols may also be tailored to function as
part of a modified RT-qPCR diagnostic test in
an attempt to increase sample processing rates
in traditional laboratory settings. Nonetheless,
healthcare systems that are already struggling
to bridge the testing gaps are likely to continue
suffering from some level of deficit during the
rest of the pandemic, and the only sensible
decision will be to make use of all available
options. With this in mind it is unlikely that
RT-LAMP and other alternative COVID-19
diagnostic protocols will replace the traditional
186 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 173-189, January-December 2022 (Published Mar. 18, 2022)
RT-qPCR test but rather that they will become
complements that could strengthen each others
weaknesses and thus reciprocally fill their
gaps. In summary, COVID-19 has unveiled
the need for an ecosystem of affordable and
effective testing technologies capable of scal-
ing to different intensities, geographies and
development possibilities of countries during
a pandemic. RT-LAMP exemplifies such an
alternative alongside RT-qPCR, with the poten-
tial of enabling the discovery of new methods
capable of solving the hurdles of today as a
way to more effectively anticipate and respond
to the public health crises of tomorrow.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
Amplificación isotérmica mediada por bucle de
transcripción inversa y protocolos alternativos para
pruebas COVID-19 a gran escala y de bajo costo:
lecciones de una economía emergente.
Introducción: la mayoría de los casos exitosos de miti-
gación y manejo de la pandemia de COVID-19 se han
dado mediante pruebas basadas en la reacción en cadena
de la polimerasa cuantitativa (RT-qPCR por sus siglas
en inglés). Sin embargo, muchas economías emergen-
tes han tenido problemas con las demandas actuales de
pruebas moleculares debido a limitaciones económicas,
técnicas y tecnológicas.
Objetivo: Definir un protocolo de diagnóstico potencial
para aumentar la capacidad de prueba en las condiciones
actuales y posteriores a la pandemia.
Métodos: Revisamos la literatura, las patentes y las aplica-
ciones comerciales, en busca de alternativas.
Resultados: Encontramos un buen potencial en muestras
de saliva, inactivación viral y extracción rápida de ARN
por calentamiento; el uso de una tecnología isotérmica
como la amplificación isotérmica mediada por horquillas
(LAMP, por sus siglas en inglés) y la visualización del
resultado de la prueba a simple vista mediante colorimetría
o turbidez en el tubo.
Conclusiones: Las muestras de saliva con extracción
rápida de ARN por calentamiento y LAMP colorimétrico
son opciones prometedoras para países con limitaciones
económicas y de infraestructura.
Palabras clave: economías emergentes; pruebas mole-
culares; SARS-CoV-2; saliva; amplificación isotérmica
mediada por bucle.
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