Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
Vertical stratification of arthropods in the dry ecosystems of Colombian
Guyana: morphological patterns and their ecological implications
Edgar Camero Rubio1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4639-0564
Johanna Paola Cárdenas2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9379-7818
Jaime Marín Ballesteros1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9062-1852
1. Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D. C., Colombia; eecameror@unal.edu.co
(*Correspondence), jmarinb@unal.edu.co
2. Departamento de Biología, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá D. C., Colombia; jpcardenash@unal.edu.co
Received 08-VIII-2021. Corrected 18-XI-2021. Accepted 10-XII-2021.
Introduction: Despite growing interest by the ecosystems derived from the Guyanese formations, the vertical
structure of the communities and relationships of the biota with the climatic conditions in these ecosystems are
Objective: Characterize the structure and vertical composition of the arthropod fauna associated with three of
the most representative ecosystems of the Northern area of the serranía de La Lindosa in Colombia based on
morphological and ecological parameters.
Methods: The arthropod fauna was sampled, from the subsurface soil level to the shrub and tree stratum. The
fauna was determined up to the level of family or supraspecific group and the values of Alfa and Beta diversity
were determined. Body length measurements were made, and the coloration and trophic level of each group
were determined.
Results: The composition and diversity of the arthropod fauna was different in each ecosystem and vertical
stratum and most of the groups in all the ecosystems studied present low abundances. Groups of phytophagous
and predatory habits were frequent in all ecosystems and the highest biomass of arthropod fauna comes from
groups of polyphagous habits, of medium size and great abundance. Light and dark colorations are the most
frequent in landscape-scale.
Conclusion: The ecosystems studied are characterized by the low values of diversity and replacement and
the large number of non-shared groups that apparently respond to the microclimatic characteristics; however,
there are some generalities on a landsc ape scale such as the greater richness and abundance of groups in the
intermediate strata, the greater proportion of groups with phytophagous habits and medium body sizes, and the
predominance of dark colorations in the lower strata.
Key words: arthropods; vertical stratification; functional groups; trophic guilds; Colombian Guyana.
Camero Rubio, E., Cárdenas, J. P., & Marín Ballesteros, J.
(2021). Vertical stratification of arthropods in the dry
ecosystems of Colombian Guyana: morphological patterns
and their ecological implications. Revista de Biología
Tropical, 69(4), 1289-1305. https://doi.org/10.15517/rbt.
Arthropods are the most diverse group of
animals in nature. Their evolutionary history
has allowed them to adapt to all the climates
and ecosystems on the planet where they per-
form different functions by virtue of the multi-
plicity of their habits. Although they have been
studied in almost all their aspects, their ecol-
ogy, the preference of their habitats and their
adaptations to environmental demands are the
source of recent studies (Chown & Nicolson,
2004; Dillon & Lozier, 2019). Factors such as
temperature, the amount of light, exposure to
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
rain and wind, as well as the quantity and qual-
ity of available resources, influence their distri-
bution in the different stratum of tropical forests
(Basset et al., 2003). The influence of climate
on insects for example, triggers a series of mor-
pho-physiological transformations that include
strategies of evasion, adaptation, or resistance
with great ecological and evolutionary impli-
cations (Colinet et al., 2015; Danks, 2007).
Characteristics such as size and color patterns
in insects can influence inter- and intraspecific
competition, thermoregulation, activity levels,
and resource use (Gentile et al., 2021; Peters,
1983), since ectothermic organisms depend
on external sources of heat for the internal
regulation of their body temperature (Chown &
Nicolson, 2004; Forsman et al., 2008).
The Colombian Guyana is part of the
Western biogeographic province of the Guiana
Shield that is subdivided into five districts and
12 endemic areas (Hernández et al., 1992). Its
geoforms are made up of rocky outcrops with
very shallow soils with little vegetation cover,
steep slopes, and the evident influence of physi-
cal weathering, made up of a series of mountain
ranges, mountains, hills, and savannas, among
which those of Chiribiquete, La Macarena, El
Tuparro, Araracuara, Taraira, Naquén, Lajas de
Guainía and La Lindosa stand out, which were
linked in the Tertiary to the Guiana and Bra-
zilian shields (Gentry, 1982; Giraldo-Cañas,
2001) so they share much of their floristic and
fauna, in addition to a many endemisms (Cam-
ero, 2019; Giraldo-Cañas, 2001).
The Sierra de La Lindosa is a low moun-
tain range located in the transitional zone
between the large regions of Orinoquia and the
Colombian Amazon and greatly affects region-
al climatic characteristics. The soils are derived
from sedimentary rocks of Cretaceous age that
contain a high content of iron that gives them
a reddish color. They are loamy to sandy soils,
little-evolved and well-drained, with an acidic
pH, not very fertile, and with low nutrient
content (Botero et al., 2018). The climatic and
soil characteristics favor the development of
low forests, open bushes and savannas with
varied herbaceous elements, such as shrubs and
stunted trees that tend to be perennial, leathery,
and with a marked xeromorphic appearance
(Hernández & Sánchez, 1992). The typical
vegetation of the low forests is composed of
communities of a few individual trees with
irregular canopies and very little cover, with
heights of up to 8 m. The bushes are located
on the rocky outcrops and are composed of few
species in general belonging to the families:
Annonaceae, Asteraceae, Bonnetiaceae, Clusi-
aceae, Melastomataceae, Myrtaceae, Rubiace-
ae, and Tepuianthaceae and herbaceous species
of the genera: Aechmea, Anemia, Axonopus,
Diacidia, Navia, Selaginella, Schizachyrium
and Vellozia. The savannas are made up of
different types of communities, among which:
Aeschynomene, Andropogon, Axonopus, Bul-
bostylis, Calea, Clitoria, Desmodium, Drosera,
Hyptis, Nautilocalyx, Otachyrium, Panicum,
Paspalum, Sipanea, Sipaneopsis, Siphantera,
Trachypogon, Utricularia and Xyris species
stand out (Giraldo-Cañas, 2001).
Despite the great interest aroused by
the particularities of the ecosystems that are
formed under the climatic conditions of the
Guiana Shield, most of the research that has
been accomplished in this region covers vege-
tational aspects and analyze the composition of
insect and invertebrate faunas and other animal
groups. But there is little research that seeks
to establish adaptations of biota to this type of
environment that has great climatic demands.
The present research seeks to establish the dif-
ferences in the conformation of the arthropod
fauna found under the most representative plant
communities in the Northern parts of the Sierra
de La Lindosa mountain range in Colombia,
based on the variations in the ecological param-
eters and on some morphological attributes,
under the hypothesis of the evident climatic
incidence in the structure and adaptations of
arthropod communities.
Study area: The Sierra de La Lindosa
has an area of 12 000 hectares and is located
within the Guaviare geographical region in
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
Colombia; it is geologically influenced by the
Guiana Shield and climatically influenced by
the Orinoquia and Amazonian regions. The
regional climate has a mean temperature of
25.7 °C with a variation of less than 2 °C and a
mean annual range of precipitation of between
3 000 to 4 000 mm with a monomodal climatic
regime, with the greatest precipitation between
the months of May and June and the lowest
rainfall between the months of January and
February (IGAC, 1979). Under these condi-
tions, different pedobiomes develop that range
from lithophytic forests and xerophytic scrub
to different types of savannas that are matrices
of a great variety of ecological landscapes
(Hernández & Sánchez, 1992). The mountain
range is located near the municipality of San
José del Guaviare where three sampling sta-
tions belonging to three different plant com-
munities were located: casmophytic savannas
(M1) located at 2°30’45” N & 72°42’52” W
at 320 m.a.s.l.; xerophytic scrub (M2) located
between 2°30’42” N & 72°42’41” W at 345
m.a.s.l. and lithophytic forests (M3) located
between 2°30’12” N & 72°41’17” W at 315
m.a.s.l. (Fig. 1).
Sampling and data analysis: Arthropods
captures were made in four vertical strata dur-
ing years 2014 and 2015: 1) subsurface soil
without vegetation from 0 to 20 cm deep, 2)
herbaceous or litter layer, 3) shrub stratum, and
4) canopy above 10 m. For the subsurface stra-
tum, five samples were analyzed by the extrac-
tion of 1 kg of soil per sample using Berlese
funnels (Berlese, 1905; Tullgren, 1918). For
the capture of organisms from the herbaceous
stratum ten pitfall traps of 500 ml were located
in a straight line and separated by distances
of 10 m within random transects (Greenslade,
1964; Sabu et al., 2011). The samplings in
the shrub stratum were carried out using two
intensive methods: 1) 6 replications of 100
entomological net passes on the vegetation,
and 2) the installation of flight interception
traps with volatile bait at a height of 2 m (Peck
& Davies, 1980). A variation of the latter trap
was used above 10 m to capture arthropods in
the canopy stratum for a minimum time of 48
hours. Physicochemical analyses were carried
out for soil samples, including the texture, pH,
conductivity, amount of organic matter (OM),
percentage of roots, humidity, porosity, and
field capacity (CC) and these were related to
the fauna collected in the edaphic strata. For
the other stratum the variables temperature and
relative humidity were measured by means of a
conventional multimeter.
Samples by stratum and ecosystem were
labeled and transported in 70 % alcohol to the
Fig. 1. Location of the sampling stations in the La Lindosa mountains - Colombia.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
Ecology Laboratory of the National University
of Colombia for the measurement of the mor-
pho-ecological characteristics and for the taxo-
nomic determination to family or supraspecific
group by using the keys from Grimaldi and
Engel (2005), Gullan and Craston (2010) and
Johnson and Triplehorn (2005), and confirming
the valid names in Species 2000 and in the ITIS
Catalog (Roskov et al., 2019).
For the ecomorphological attributes, tro-
phic guilds were assigned for each group after
bibliographic consultations. The average body
length of each of the collected groups was
evaluated since head to apice abdomen, as well
as the coloration according to the following
numerical range: 1- for white-yellow-cream
colors, 2- for black-brown, 3- for orange-
red and 4- for blue-green. Biomass (Bc) was
evaluated using a formula proposed by Stork
and Blackburn (1993), that considers the num-
ber of individuals (N) and the average body
length (L):
Bc = N (0.0305 L2.62)
The trophic levels of the fauna were
included in eight categories according to Price
(1984): phytophagous, polyphage, fungivores,
dung, saprophagus, hematophage, predator and
parasites/parasitoids, including within the phy-
tophagous habits those groups of arthropods,
especially insects, that feed on various plant
organs and that contemplate defoliators, chop-
pers, suckers, and miners.
For data analysis we evaluated the effi-
ciency of the sampling by means of the Chao-1
estimator to find the richness completeness of
groups by relating the observed species rich-
ness with the estimated richness and by the
negative binomial method using the richness
values of the groups in the different sample
units. Additionally, we carried out an explor-
atory box-plot analysis to evaluate the similari-
ties between ecosystems (Chao & Jost, 2012;
Magurran, 1989). Abundance models from the
richness values of the collected groups were
determined, as well as Bray-Curtis similarity
dendrograms from the abundance data through
the single-linkage method, and the Brillouin
diversity values (B) most recommended for
this type of sampling (Magurran, 1989). The
Simpson dominance (D) and fairness (1-D) and
Wittaker beta diversity values (aW) between
ecosystems and layers were calculated from
abundance values of the groups by using the
STATS (Bolar, 2019), MASS (Ripley et al.,
2020) and CAR (Fox et al., 2020) packages in
the R programming language v. 4.0.3 (R Devel-
opment Core Team, 2017), validated using
Kruskal-Wallis tests. A canonical correspon-
dence analysis (CCA) was made to determine
the relationship between the physicochemical
factors and the collected groups. Finally, we
established the total distribution of biomass in
relation to the associations in each ecosystem
and determined the affinity of the fauna to the
sampling sites by means of a correspondence
analysis (DCA) using the PAST software v.
2.15 (Hammer et al., 2001).
Abundance and diversity: We collected
4 276 individuals in the study area including
18 orders and 112 families or supraspecific
groups (Table 1). We collected 48 % of the
individuals in the xerophytic scrub, 27 % in the
casmophytic savanna, and the remaining 25 %
in the lithophytic forest. Of the 112 groups col-
lected, 83 were obtained in the savanna, 68 in
the scrub and 63 in the forest. Although there
are differences in the diversity values between
the three sampling points (Kruskal-Wallis, H
= 7.3, P = 0.05) and between ecosystem lay-
ers, diversity at the landscape level is low and
with low replacement values (aW); however,
these results may vary throughout the climatic
seasons. The highest faunal diversity and group
equitability was obtained in the casmophyte
savanna (M1) (HB = 3.15; 1-D = 0.89) and the
lowest diversity was from the scrub (M2) (HB
= 2.48) that at the same time had the highest
dominance values (D = 0.25) (Table 2).
The abundance and composition of the
groups varied from one ecosystem to another
and between each of the vertical stratum. At
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
Trophic guilds, colorations and relative abundances for arthropod fauna from ecosystems studied in the La Lindosa
Family/Group T. guild Color Cas_
Forest Family/Group T. guild Color Cas_
1 Acari Pol 2 0.0104 0.0049 0.0047 92 Lonchopteridae Phyt 1 0.0060 - -
2 Acari Pol 1 0.0009 0.0019 0.0056 93 Lygaeidae Phyt 2 0.0026 - -
3 Acrididae Phyt 2 0.0035 0.0005 0.0019 94 Mantidae Pred 1 0.0009 - -
4Aeolothripidae Phyt 2 - - 0.0028 95 Mantidae Pred 2 0.0009 0.0005 -
5 Agromyzidae Phyt 2 - - 0.0019 96 Mantidae Pred 4 0.0017 - -
6 Agromyzidae Phyt 2 - 0.0039 - 97 Membracidae Phyt 2 0.0009 - -
7 Anthophoridae Sap 2 - 0.0010 - 98 Membracidae Phyt 1 0.0009 - -
8 Aphididae Phyt 1 0.0078 - 0.0009 99 Membracidae Phyt 3 0.0294 - -
9 Apidae Phyt 2 0.0112 - - 100 Miridae Phyt 2 0.0112 0.0005 -
10 Apidae Phyt 1 0.0095 0.0233 - 101 Muscidae Dung 2 0.0017 0.0034 0.0094
11 Aranae Pred 1 0.0233 0.0161 0.0198 102 Mycetophilidae Fung 1 0.0026 0.0010 -
12 Aranae Pred 2 0.0009 0.0019 0.0038 103 Mycetophilidae Fung 2 0.0017 0.0024 0.0009
13 Argidae Phyt 1 - - 0.0019 104 Mymaridae Psd 2 - - 0.0009
14 Asilidae Pred 2 - 0.0005 - 105 Mymaridae Psd 1 - 0.0010 -
15 Blattidae Phyt 1 0.0017 - 0.0028 106 Nitidulidae Phyt 1 - 0.0078 0.2825
16 Blattidae Pol 2 - 0.0005 0.0056 107 Nitidulidae Phyt 2 0.0181 - 0
17 Blattidae Pol 1 - 0.0005 - 108 Oligotomidae Phyt 2 0.0009 - 0.0009
18 Braconidae Psd 1 - 0.0024 0.0028 109 Onychiuridae Sap 1 0.0009 0.0010 0.0019
19 Buprestidae Pol 1 0.0017 - - 110 Otididae Phyt 2 0.0026 - 0.0019
20 Carabidae Pred 2 - 0.0005 - 111 Pentatomidae Phyt 1 0.0017 - -
21 Cecidomyiidae Phyt 2 0.0043 - 0.0019 112 Pentatomidae Phyt 2 0.0035 - -
22 Cecidomyiidae Phyt 1 0.0052 0.0058 0.0358 113 Pergidae Hem 2 0.0009 - -
23 Ceratopogonidae Hem 2 0.0535 0.0034 0.0235 114 Phoridae Sap 1 0.0017 0.0058 0.0217
24 Ceratopogonidae Hem 1 0.0086 0.0005 0.0019 115 Phoridae Sap 2 0.0026 0.0165 0.0056
25 Cercopidae Phyt 1 0.0173 - - 116 Piesmatidae Phyt 2 - 0.0005 -
26 Chalcidoidea Psd 2 0.0121 0.0019 0.0104 117 Pompilidae Pred 2 - 0.0005 -
27 Chalcidoidea Psd 1 0.0086 0.0024 - 118 Proscopiidae Phyt 1 0.0009 - -
28 Chironomidae Phyt 1 0.0026 0.0010 0.0019 119 Proscopiidae Phyt 2 - - 0.0009
29 Chironomidae Phyt 2 0.0009 0.0005 0.0038 120 Proscopiidae Phyt 2 0.0026 - -
30 Chrysomelidae Phyt 1 0.0026 0.0010 0.0009 121 Pselaphidae Pred 1 0.0017 0.0005 -
31 Chrysomelidae Phyt 2 0.0009 0.0010 0.0047 122 Psocoptera Pol 1 - 0.0010 -
32 Chrysomelidae Phyt 4 - 0.0010 0.0009 123 Psychodidae Pol 1 0.0026 - 0.0009
33 Chrysopidae Phyt 4 0.0009 - - 124 Psychodidae Hem 1 0.0017 - 0.0009
34 Chrysopidae Phyt 1 0.0060 - - 125 Ptiliidae Fung 2 0.0017 0.0068 -
35 Cicadellidae Phyt 1 0.0060 - 0.0009 126 Ptiliidae Fung 1 0.0130 - -
36 Cicadellidae Phyt 2 0.0017 0.0015 - 127 Reduviidae Hem 3 0.0035 - 0.0009
37 Cicadellidae Phyt 3 - - 0.0019 128 Reduviidae Hem 1 0.0009 - 0.0009
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
Family/Group T. guild Color Cas_
Forest Family/Group T. guild Color Cas_
38 Crabronidae Phyt 1 0.0009 - - 129 Reduviidae Hem 4 0.0043 - -
39 Culicidae Hem 1 0.0181 0.0049 0.0395 130 Reduviidae Hem 2 - 0.0005 0.0019
40 Culicidae Hem 2 0.0035 0.0058 0.0028 131 Rhagionidae Pred 2 0.0035 0.0005 -
41 Culicidae Hem 1 - 0.0039 - 132 Richardiidae Phyt 1 - 0.0005 -
42 Curculionidae Phyt 2 0.0155 0.0019 0.0047 133 Riodinidae Phyt 4 0.0250 0.0092 0.0160
43 Curculionidae Phyt 1 0.0086 - 0.0141 134 Scarabaeidae Dung 1 - - 0.0009
44 Cydnidae Phyt 2 0.0026 0.0224 0.0009 135 Scarabaeidae Dung 4 - - 0.0019
45 Cydnidae Phyt 1 - - 0.0009 136 Scarabaeidae Dung 2 0.0017 - 0.0038
46 Cynipidae Phyt 2 - - 0.0009 137 Scarabaeidae Dung 1 - 0.0010 -
47 Delphacidae Phyt 1 0.0276 - - 138 Scarabaeidae Dung 2 - 0.0019 -
48 Dictyopharidae Phyt 1 0.0009 - 0.0009 139 Sciaridae Fung 1 0.0112 0.0015 0.0019
49 Dipsocoridae Pred 1 0.0017 - - 140 Sciaridae Fung 2 0.0095 0.0034 0.0047
50 Dipsocoridae Pred 2 - - 0.0009 141 Sciomyzidae Phyt 1 - - 0.0009
51 Dixidae Phyt 1 0.0302 - - 142 Scolytidae Xyl 2 0.0052 0.0005 0.0009
52 Dolichopodidae Pred 2 0.0009 0.0068 0.0028 143 Scolytidae Xyl 2 - 0.0131 -
53 Dolichopodidae Pred 4 0.0009 - 0.0019 144 Scolytidae Xyl 1 - 0.0044 -
54 Drosophilidae Phyt 2 0.0009 0.0112 0.0104 145 Scorpiones Pred 2 0.0009 - -
55 Drosophilidae Phyt 1 0.0017 0.0024 0.0019 146 Scydmaenidae Pred 1 0.0009 0.0015 -
56 Drosophilidae Phyt 3 - - 0.0056 147 Simuliidae Phyt 1 - 0.0015 0.0009
57 Elateridae Phyt 1 - 0.0010 0.0009 148 Simuliidae Phyt 2 - 0.0005 -
58 Elateridae Phyt 2 - - 0.0009 149 Sminthuridae Sap 3 0.0017 0.0010 -
59 Embiidina Phyt 1 - - 0.0009 150 Sminthuridae Sap 2 - 0.0088 0.0085
60 Empididae Phyt 2 - - 0.0047 151 Sminthuridae Sap 1 0.0026 0.0088 0.0734
61 Entomobryidae Sap 1 0.0121 0.0063 0.0330 152 Sminthuridae Sap 4 - 0.0029 -
62 Entomobryidae Sap 2 - 0.0010 - 153 Sphaeroceridae Sap 2 0.0043 - 0.0019
63 Ephydridae Phyt 1 - - 0.0009 154 Sphaeroceridae Sap 1 0.0009 - -
64 Ephydridae Phyt 2 0.0069 0.0005 0.0028 155 Sphaeroceridae Sap 2 - 0.0005 -
65 Eulophidae Psd 2 0.0026 - - 156 Sphecidae Sap 2 0.0009 - -
66 Eurytomidae Psd 2 - 0.0005 - 157 Staphylinidae Pol 2 0.0026 0.0083 0.1318
67 Flatidae Phyt 2 - - 0.0009 158 Staphylinidae Pol 1 0.0190 0.0136 0.0198
68 Forficulidae Phyt 2 0.0017 - - 159 Stratiomyidae Sap 2 - 0.0005 -
69 Formicidae Phyt 1 0.0043 0.0438 0.0113 160 Syrphidae Phyt 2 0.0104 0.0019 -
70 Formicidae Pol 2 0.3066 0.6308 0.0678 161 Tabanidae Hem 2 - 0.0005 -
71 Formicidae Phyt 3 - - 0.0019 162 Tachinidae Psd 2 0.0242 0.0010 0.0009
72 Fulgoroidea Phyt 1 0.0173 0.0019 0.0151 163 Tenthredinidae Phyt 1 0.0009 - -
73 Fulgoroidea Phyt 2 0.0009 0.0005 0.0009 164 Tephritidae Dung 2 0.0009 - 0.0038
74 Fulgoroidea Phyt 3 - - 0.0009 165 Termitidae Xyl 1 - - 0.0019
75 Geometridae Phyt 2 0.0017 - - 166 Tetrigidae Phyt 1 0.0043 - -
76 Gryllacrididae Pred 1 - - 0.0009 167 Tettigoniidae Phyt 1 0.0009 - -
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
Family/Group T. guild Color Cas_
Forest Family/Group T. guild Color Cas_
77 Gryllacrididae Phyt 4 0.0043 - - 168 Tettigoniidae Phyt 2 - 0.0010 -
78 Gryllidae Pol 2 0.0535 - - 169 Therevidae Hem 2 0.0009 - -
79 Gryllidae Pol 1 - - 0.0009 170 Thripidae Phyt 1 0.0009 0.0044 0.0009
80 Gryllotalpidae Pred 1 0.0017 - 0.0019 171 Thripidae Phyt 2 - 0.0005 -
81 Gryllotalpidae Phyt 4 - - 0.0019 172 Tingidae Phyt 2 - 0.0005 -
82 Halictidae Phyt 4 0.0017 - - 173 Tipulidae Phyt 1 - 0.0019 0.0009
83 Histeridae Pred 2 - 0.0005 - 174 Tipulidae Phyt 2 - - 0.0028
84 Hydrophilidae Phyt 2 - 0.0117 0.0038 175 Torymidae Phyt 2 - - 0.0009
85 Isopteridae Sap 1 - 0.0131 - 176 Trichogrammatidae Psd 2 0.0009 - -
86 Isopteridae Sap 5 - 0.0015 - 177 Trogidae Pol 2 - 0.0005 -
87 Labiduridae Sap 2 0.0009 0.0015 - 178 Ulidiidae Phyt 2 - - 0.0019
88 Labiidae Sap 1 0.0009 - - 179 Veliidae Phyt 2 0.0026 - -
89 Laemophloeidae Phyt 1 - - 0.0009 180 Vespidae Pred 1 0.0009 - -
90 Lauxaniidae Phyt 1 0.0009 0.0005 - 181 Vespidae Pred 2 - - 0.0009
91 Lauxaniidae Phyt 2 0.0026 0.0019 - 182 Vespidae Pred 1 - 0.0005 -
Exclusive groups are highlighted in bold. Trophic guilds: Phyt: phytophagous, Pol: polyphage, Fung: fungivores, Dung,
Sap: saprophagus, Xyl: xylophagous, Hem: hematophagous, Pred: predator, Psd: parasites/parasitoids. Body colorations: 1:
white-yellow-cream, 2: black-brown, 3: orange-red, 4: blue-green.
Diversity estimators for the ecosystems studied in the La Lindosa mountains - Colombia
Alpha diversity
Casm_Savanna (M1) Xeroph_Scrub (M2) Lith_Forest (M3)
Taxa 113 95 96
Individuals (n) 1158 2056 1062
Dominance (D) 0.12 0.25 0.12
Simpson (1-D) 0.89 0.74 0.88
Brillouin (HB) 3.15 2.48 2.85
Chao-1 140 120.4 126.3
Compl (%) 80.7 78.9 76.0
Beta diversity (aW)
Casm_Savanna Xeroph_Scrub Lith_Forest
Casm_Savanna 0 0.47115 0.45455
Xeroph_Scrub 0.47115 0 0.47644
Lith_Forest 0.45455 0.47644 0
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
the ecosystem level (and in general for its
stratum) there was an equitable distribution of
abundance between the dominant groups and
the few exclusive low-abundance groups that
can be seen in the graphs of the abundance
models and in their greater adjustment to the
logarithmic models. The expected richness in
the sampling sites was higher than that found
according to the values in the Chao-1 index,
from which the calculation of the percentage
of completeness is derived and that was higher
in the savanna ecosystem (80.7 %) and lower
in the forest ecosystem (76.0 %); so, most of
the richness of the arthropod fauna in the study
area was collected through the sampling tech-
niques used. Relative abundances of arthropod
fauna for each ecosystem are observed in
Table 1. In the case of exclusive groups, these
represent between 15 and 30 % of the fauna
collected in the three ecosystems, suggesting a
very similar fauna composition in all of them
(Fig. 2A, Fig. 2B), reflected in the mean values
of beta diversity and in the low replacement
values (Table 2). The exclusive groups for each
ecosystem are highlighted in Table 1.
Nitidulidae, Phoridae, Sciaridae, Smin-
thuridae and Termitidae groups with field
capacity, temperature, and fine textural frac-
tions, and the Entomobryidae and Staphylini-
dae families with the pH.
Trophic guilds and biomass: The phy-
tophagous guild, including the groups of defo-
liators, cutters, suckers and miners, was the
most abundant in the three ecosystems and
in all the strata, followed by the predatory,
blood-sucking and saprophagous groups (Fig.
4A). The proportion of trophic guilds had a
greater abundance of phytophagous, predator,
and hematophagous groups in the strata of the
casmophytic savanna and the lithophytic forest,
and of the phytophagous, saprophagous and
predatory groups in the xerophytic scrub.
Although the phytophagous guilds were
the most abundant in all ecosystems, the high-
est biomass especially in the savanna and scrub
ecosystems comes from the polyphagous habit
groups (Kruskal-Wallis, H = 11.76, P = 0.05).
These groups reach about 40 % of the biomass
in the savannas, more than 60 % in the bushes
and scrub and more than 20 % of the biomass
in the forests (Fig. 4B). The guild is comprised
especially of the most abundant groups such
as Formicidae, Gryllidae and Staphylinidae
in the savanna and scrub ecosystems, and by
the groups such as the Cecidomyiidae, Curcu-
lionidae, Drosophilidae, Formicidae, Fulgori-
dae and Riodinidae in the forest ecosystem.
By stratum, the highest biomass values were
found in the shrub stratum, while the lowest
values were recorded in the edaphic stratum of
all ecosystems.
Body size and coloration: About 60 %
of the 112 groups collected had variations of
mean body sizes due to the capture of more
than one morphospecies, making the number
of groups registered in table 1 increase to 182
and allowing, at the same time, a more detailed
characterization of body size distribution along
the vertical structures of the ecosystems. Thus,
for example, the family Blattidae in the shrub
stratum, had an average size of 5.2 mm in the
casmophytic savannas and 6.0 mm for the
xerophytic shrubs; and two forms of the fam-
ily Apidae in the shrub stratum of the savan-
nas had mean lengths of 4.0 mm and 0.7 mm.
Significant differences were found between the
body lengths of the three ecosystems (Kruskal-
Wallis, H = 11.27, P = 0.05). The largest range
of body sizes was found in the shrub stratum
of the savanna ecosystems where lengths of
up to 45 mm were recorded (Fig. 5A), while
the majority of sizes in the scrub ecosystems
were recorded below 10 mm (Fig. 5B). In the
stratum of all ecosystems, a high percentage of
individuals with body sizes between 2.0 mm
and 4.9 mm was observed, this being the most
frequent range of body lengths at the landscape
level (Fig. 5A, Fig. 5B, Fig. 5C).
The light body colorations that comprise
the white-yellow-cream tones and the dark
black-brown colors are the most frequent in all
the ecosystems. The showy colors in orange
and red or blue and green tones are less fre-
quent and constitute less than 10 % of the body
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
Fig. 2. A. Bar-chart analysis, B. similarity of Bray-Curtis, P = 0.91. and C. Correspondence (DCA), Eigenvalues: axis 1 =
0.63, axis 2 = 0.09, for the ecosystems studied in the La Lindosa mountains - Colombia. The number assigned to each group
corresponds to Table 1.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
colors of arthropod fauna at the landscape scale
in all the ecosystems and stratum (Fig. 6A,
Fig. 6B, Fig. 6C). In the case of the xerophytic
scrubs, dark colors are more frequent, followed
by light colors in the lower stratum.
Abundance and Diversity: The results
generally show a low diversity typical of this
type of zones derived from Guiana Shield
geological formations and extreme climatic
conditions with mostly sandy soils and little
retained humidity (Gentry, 1982; Hernández
et al., 1992). The low group turnover values
measured by the Wittaker index (aW), showed
a low number of shared groups, so that each
ecosystem showed a very particular faunal
composition that was reflected in the low
similarity values (Halffter & Escurra, 1992).
According to Cornell and Lawton (1992), these
low exchange values between the local fauna
and the regional pool are due to a saturation
of local diversity by competition and predation
that for the study area is related to the large
amount of phytophagous and predator groups.
The number of exclusive groups in each
ecosystem was close to 30 %. These groups
that encompass many species could potentially
include a large number of endemic elements
that are very frequent in these environments
formed historically under critical climatic and
particular geological conditions (Hernández
et al., 1992), so they represent great potential
value to be used in ecological conservation
(Raphael & Molina, 2007). On the other hand,
according to the abundance models, for all
ecosystems there are abundant groups with few
individuals or “singletons” (rare taxa with only
one individual), so that diversity does not only
depend on richness but also on the number of
rare or unique groups found in the community,
and the higher the degree of dominance of a
few groups and the lower abundance of the
majority, the lower the diversity (Novotny
& Basset, 2000). These spatial models are
Fig. 3. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for the physicochemical variables and the groups of the arthropod fauna
of the subsurface layer of the soil in ecosystems of the La Lindosa mountains. Numbers to each group correspond to Table
1. Eigenvalues: Axis 1 = 0.68; Axis 2 = 0.56.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
Fig. 4. A. Percentage of trophic guilds B. and proportion of biomass for functional groups of arthropods in ecosystems of
the La Lindosa mountains - Colombia.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
common in natural communities subjected to
critical environmental conditions (Raphael &
Molina, 2007).
Many of the physiological mechanisms,
especially of insects, are highly dependent
on environmental conditions; humidity and
temperature are the most important deter-
minants for the development and activity of
insects (Basset et al., 2003; Chown & Nicol-
son, 2004). When comparatively evaluating
the richness, abundance and diversity of the
arthropod fauna in the vertical structure of the
different ecosystems of the region, differences
were found especially between the shrub fauna
compared to the lower stratum and the forest
canopy. This could be interpreted as a refuge
effect of the understory in the face of high-
er temperature conditions in the canopy and
the herbaceous stratum. The temperature, the
humidity of the air affected by the solar radia-
tion, and the transpiration of the vegetation
produce microclimatic gradients that induce
the mobility of the arthropods, according to
their physiological tolerance and their habitat
preferences for their feeding, incubation, or the
development of juveniles (Chown & Nicolson,
Fig. 5. Body sizes (left) and size frequency (right) of arthropod fauna in A. The stratum of savanna B. Scrub and C. Forest
ecosystems in the La Lindosa mountains - Colombia.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
2004). Temperature is closely related to most
metabolic processes and complex physiologi-
cal triggers that affect population dynamics in
aspects such as metamorphosis and longevity
(Chown & Nicolson, 2004). For the edaphic
stratum, some variables closely related to the
presence or abundance of some groups were
identified with similar results to other studies
already carried out in Colombia, such as the
case of the relationships found between loamy
textured soils with the highest abundance of
the Acari, Phoridae, Sciaridae and Sminthuri-
dae groups and of the relationship of pH to
the Entomobryidae and Staphylinidae families
(Camero & Chammorro, 2021).
Trophic guilds and biomass: The phy-
tophagous guild was the most abundant in all
the ecosystems studied and in all the strata.
This guild also included many groups of arthro-
pod polyphagous habits that take advantage
of plant resources in their adult or immature
forms, as well as at some stage of develop-
ment in their life cycle (Johnson & Triplehorn,
2005). The phytophagous habits include many
groups of arthropods, especially insects that
specialize or take advantage of all plant tissues
in a generalized way and are made up of groups
of folivorous, chopping, sucking, mining, and
sipping habits (Chown & Nicolson, 2004;
Price, 1984). Under conditions of great climatic
demand, such as in the case of the Sierra de La
Lindosa mountain range, it is more common to
find a greater abundance of generalist groups
than specialized ones. These obtain the maxi-
mum benefits of hydration from the consump-
tion of leaf structures and conducting tissues
(Novotny et al., 2002).
Herbivory is the most important process
in the transformation and the energy flow of
ecosystems, quantifiable in the biomass of
herbivorous fauna that assimilates around 20
% of the most palatable plant organs, either
from surface tissues of exposed organs or their
internal fluids (Del Val, 2012; Price, 1984). In
natural ecosystems, most herbivorous insects
are included especially within the orders
Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Dip-
tera, Hemiptera and Orthoptera, whose energy
and accumulated biomass is used by predatory
and parasitic groups (Del Val, 2012). Predatory
and parasitic groups represented in the ecosys-
tems studied in the Sierra de La Lindosa are
the groups Acari, Araneae, Ceratopogonidae,
Chalcididae, Culicidae, Dolichopodidae, Gryl-
lotalpidae, Mantidae, Pselaphidae, Rhangioni-
dae, Scydmaenidae, Tachinidae and Vespidae.
Fig. 6. Proportion of body color in the different stratum of the A. Savanna B. Scrub and C. Forest ecosystems in the La
Lindosa mountains - Colombia.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
The highest values of the total biomass
were found in the scrub ecosystem where the
greatest abundance of groups was found, fol-
lowed by the biomass values of the savannas
that at the same time had the highest groups
richness. Biomass, then, depends more on the
number of individuals than on the richness
or diversity. In the savanna ecosystem, the
largest body sizes were found but with little
abundance, while the intermediate sizes of the
groups collected in the bushes had a greater
number of individuals. On the other hand, the
direct incidence of solar radiation on ecosys-
tems with an absence of arboreal vegetation
requires greater mechanisms of tolerance for
fauna to high temperatures. These faunal adap-
tations to the conditions of greater environmen-
tal demand, should tend to reduce the loss of
body water and climate tolerance by reducing
the surface/volume ratio (Danks, 2007).
In the herbaceous and edaphic stratum, the
transformation of biomass is carried out espe-
cially by the groups that make up the saproph-
agous, coprophagous, xylophagous, and
fungivorous guilds that contribute to nutrient
release following the detrital pathway (Cole-
man & Wall, 2015; Odum & Barret, 2006). In
the ecosystems of the study area, the biomass
of these detritivore guilds represents around 20
% of the total biomass of the arthropod fauna
of the lower stratum, and they are made up
of the groups Anthophoridae, Entomobryidae,
Labiduridae, Labiidae, Isopteridae, Muscidae,
Mycetophilidae, Onychiuridae, Phoridae, Pti-
liidae, Scarabaeidae, Sciaridae, Scolytidae,
Sminthuridae, Sphaeroceridae, Sphecidae,
Stratiomyidae, Tephritidae and Termitidae.
Most of these groups permanently perform
their ecological functions in these strata, but
many others only perform temporary functions
in some of their stages of development (Cole-
man & Wall, 2015).
Body size and coloration: Body length is
a variable generally closely related to environ-
mental conditions (Stork & Blackburn, 1993).
Most of the body sizes of the arthropod fauna
collected in all the vertical stratum of the
study area are between 2.0 mm and 4.9 mm,
followed by a higher frequency of smaller
sizes. Although in all the ecosystems studied
the greatest size variety was found in the shrub
stratum, large body lengths are very rare,
agreeing with Peters (1983) that they are a low
proportion in natural ecosystems. Most of the
sizes smaller than 2.0 mm correspond to groups
that are within the scale of white-yellow-cream
colors, while the sizes above 10 mm that could
be considered as large, are mostly located
within the black-brown color scale.
Large sizes, more frequent in the shrub
stratum, have greater lengths ranging in savan-
na ecosystems (Fig. 5A), with sizes between
9.0 mm and 45.0 mm, corresponding to the
groups Pentatomidae, Chrysopidae, Gryllidae,
Reduviidae, Vespidae, Tettigoniidae, Prosco-
piidae and Mantidae; most of these groups are
colored white-yellow-cream. In the xerophytic
scrub (Fig. 5B), the longest ranges of lengths in
the shrub stratum are between 9.5 mm and 17.0
mm in the Apidae, Mantidae, Asilidae and Rio-
dinidae groups with black-brown colors; and
in the shrub stratum of lithophytic forests (Fig.
5C), the longest ranges are between 10.0 mm
and 25.0 mm in the Cynipidae, Scarabaeidae,
Cydnidae, Blattidae, Vespidae and Riodinidae
groups with a higher frequency of dark colors.
The light colors that are very frequent in the
upper strata allow a greater reflection of the
incident of solar radiation on the arthropods´
surface and is of great value as an evasive
mechanism to high temperatures caused by
direct radiation. The dark tones, more com-
mon in the lower strata of bushes and forests
decrease the activities of organisms and slow
down resource consumption in high direct
radiation environments (Danks, 2007; Forsman
et al., 2008).
Regional characterization of the arthro-
pod fauna: The ecosystems studied were char-
acterized by low diversity values of arthropod
communities, low exchange values, a high
percentage of groups not shared between eco-
systems and are made up of a particular faunal
richness that responds to local microclimatic
factors. The greater abundances were found in
the intermediate strata where trophic structures
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(4): 1289-1305, October-December 2021 (Published Dec. 17, 2021)
are represented with a greater proportion of
groups of phytophagous habits, body sizes
between 2.0 and 5.0 mm and a predominance
of dark colors. The general trends in length
measurements in the three ecosystems are the
largest means of sizes in the herbaceous stra-
tum and the presence of smaller sizes in the
subsurface soil stratum. The low frequency of
large body sizes could be explained as a general
adaptation of the fauna to climatic demands
that under high temperature conditions favor
small sizes (García-Barros, 2000).
There is a higher incidence of polyphagous
and phytophagous groups in the total biomass
of the ecosystems, and this does not depend on
the presence of large sizes that generally have
low abundances, but rather on the groups with
intermediate sizes with higher abundances. The
detritivore and mycophagous groups are much
more frequent in the surface stratum of the soil
of all ecosystems due to the greater supply of
organic material (Basset et al., 2003).
Regarding vertical stratification and in the
absence of a greater number of autoecological
studies explaining habitat preference, this can
only be interpreted considering the availability
of resources (Basset et al., 2003). The interme-
diate strata (herbaceous and shrubs) contain
greater food offers that are reflected in values
of greater abundance and diversity with respect
to the any other stratum.
Ethics statement: The authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and that
they have made contributions that justify their
authorship; that there is no conflict of interest
of any kind; and that they have complied with
all relevant ethical and legal requirements and
procedures. All funding sources are fully and
clearly detailed in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. The respective signed legal document is
in the journal’s archives.
We thank the Faculty of Sciences and
the Department of Biology of the National
University of Colombia and the community of
San José del Guaviare for making this research
possible and Professor Thomas Defler of the
Department of Biology of the Universidad
Nacional de Colombia for reviewing the trans-
lation of the manuscript.
Estratificación vertical de artrópodos en ecosistemas
secos de la Guayana colombiana: patrones
morfológicos y sus implicaciones ecológicas.
Introducción: A pesar del interés que despiertan los
ecosistemas derivados de las formaciones guyanesas, se
desconoce la estructura vertical de las comunidades y las
relaciones de la biota con las condiciones climáticas.
Objetivo: Caracterizar la estructura y composición vertical
de la artropofauna asociada a tres de los ecosistemas más
representativos de la zona norte de la serranía de La Lin-
dosa en Colombia, con base en parámetros morfológicos
y ecológicos.
Métodos: Se muestreó la artropofauna, desde el nivel del
suelo subsuperficial hasta los estratos arbustivos y arbó-
reos, y se identificó hasta el nivel de familia o grupo supra-
específico. Se determinaron los valores de diversidad Alfa
y Beta, se realizaron mediciones de la longitud corporal y
se determinó la coloración y el nivel trófico de cada grupo.
Resultados: La composición y diversidad de la artropo-
fauna fue diferente en cada ecosistema y estrato vertical y
la mayoría de los grupos de artrópodos en todos los ecosis-
temas estudiados presentan abundancias bajas. Los grupos
de hábitos fitófagos y depredadores fueron frecuentes en
todos los ecosistemas y la mayor biomasa de artropofauna
proviene de grupos de hábitos polífagos, de tamaño medio
y de gran abundancia. Las coloraciones claras y oscuras
son las más frecuentes a escala de paisaje.
Conclusión: Los ecosistemas estudiados se caracterizan
por los bajos valores de diversidad y recambio y por la
gran cantidad de grupos no compartidos que aparentemente
responden a las características microclimáticas; sin embar-
go, existen algunas generalidades a escala de paisaje como
la mayor riqueza y abundancia de grupos en los estratos
intermedios, la mayor proporción de grupos de hábitos
fitófagos y tallas corporales medianas y el predominio de
coloraciones oscuras en los estratos inferiores.
Palabras clave: artrópodos; estratificación vertical; grupos
funcionales; gremios tróficos; Guyana colombiana.
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