Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
Forcing of cool and warm subsurface water events
in Bahía Salinas, Costa Rica
Eric J. Alfaro
; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9278-5017
Jorge Cortés
; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7004-8649
1. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR), Universidad de Costa Rica, 11501-2060, San
José, Costa Rica; erick.alfaro@ucr.ac.cr, jorge.cortes@ucr.ac.cr
2. Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas (CIGEFI), Universidad de Costa Rica, 11501-2060, San José, Costa Rica.
3. Escuela de Física, Universidad de Costa Rica, 11501-2060, San José, Costa Rica.
4. Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, 11501-2060, San José, Costa Rica.
Received 27-I-2021. Corrected 29-IV-2021. Accepted 20-V-2021.
Introduction: Bahía Salinas, on the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is a seasonal upwelling area. Sea tem-
perature in Bahía Salinas could be modulated by synoptic and other large-scale systems. This region belongs
to the Central American Dry Corridor (CADC), a sub-region in the isthmus that is relatively drier than the rest
of the territory, which extends along the Pacific littoral from western Guatemala through northern Costa Rica.
Objective: To study the warm and cold events that could be inferred by studying the sea subsurface temperature
in Bahía Salinas, and also analyzing the large-scale conditions and synoptic systems of the historical sources
when they occurred in order to identify the atmospheric mechanisms that favored their appearance.
Methods: A Sea Subsurface Temperature Index was calculated using hourly data from seven stations located at
three different points in Bahía Salinas. Records range from June 19, 2003 to December 5, 2017. Additionally,
six meteorological stations, with hourly wind records, were used to create two wind indices. The Sea Subsurface
Temperature Index was used to identify the warmest and coldest events in the bay. Wind indices and monthly
meteorological bulletins were used to analyze the large-scale conditions and synoptic systems in which cold and
warm events occurred in Bahía Salinas.
Results: Mean sea temperature in Bahía Salinas is 25.2°C. Colder temperatures were observed in February-
March, below 21°C. There were two maxima in May-June and August-October with temperatures above 27°C.
In four of the five cold events studied, Northeasterly wind anomalies were observed in the Costa Rican North
Pacific, associated with trade wind reinforcements; meanwhile westerly anomalies were observed in all the
warm events, associated with weaker trade wind conditions.
Conclusions: The main seasonal climate driver in Bahía Salinas is the North Atlantic Subtropical High because
its latitudinal migration is associated with the strength of the trade winds over Central America. Seasonal upwell-
ing is modulated also by two synoptic scale climate features, the boreal winter arrival of cold front outbreaks and
the winter maximum of the easterly Caribbean Low-Level Jet. El Niño-Southern Oscillation is also an important
modulator of the sea temperature variability, since warm and cool events are related with positive and negative
sea temperature anomalies.
Key words: sea subsurface temperature; upwelling; cold fronts-outbreaks; ENSO; Central America.
Alfaro, E. J., & Cortés, J. (2021). Forcing of cool and warm
subsurface water events in Bahía Salinas, Costa Rica.
Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(Suppl. 2), S127-S141.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
Bahía Salinas in Costa Rica is located on
the Pacific slope, northwest of the country at
the Costa Rica-Nicaragua border and has a
marked east-west axis (Fig. 1). This region
belongs to the Central American Dry Corridor
(CADC), a sub-region in the isthmus that is
relatively drier than the rest of the territory,
which extends along the Pacific littoral from
western Guatemala through northern Costa
Rica. The CADC is a mainly rural area charac-
terized by a marked precipitation seasonality,
climate change vulnerability and rich biodiver-
sity (Gotlieb, Pérez-Briceño, Hidalgo & Alfa-
ro, 2019; Quesada-Hernández, Calvo-Solano,
Hidalgo, Pérez-Briceño, & Alfaro, 2019).
Sea temperature in Bahía Salinas could
be modulated by synoptic trade wind and
other large-scale systems (Chelton, Freilich,
& Esbensen, 2000). Bahía Salinas is in an area
where the climate variability, product of coastal
upwelling (December-April), affects the behav-
ior of sea surface temperatures (Amador et
al., 2016; McCreary, Lee & Enfield, 1989;
Tisseaux-Navarro, Salazar-Ceciliano, Cambro-
nero-Solano, Vargas-Hernández, & Marquez,
2021; Vargas, 2004), which can descend to
17º C in the nearby Gulf of Papagayo (Alfaro
& Cortés, 2012). Notice that other factors that
influence this cooling is the latent heat transfer
by evaporative processes and the vertical mix-
ing by turbulent processes (Amador et al. 2016;
Tisseaux-Navarro et al., 2021). The upwelling
is associated with the trade wind strength over
the isthmus. Amador et al. (2016) indicate that
trade winds owe their origin to the north-south
temperature gradient between the poles and
the Equator. As the Earth rotates, the winds
turn to the right, reacting to the Coriolis force
in the North Hemisphere. Trades are observed
as north-easterlies in Central America. On the
Pacific slope of Costa Rica, the magnitude of
the trade wind is normally strongest during
boreal winter and spring (December to May),
and decreases during the summer and autumn,
between June and November (Alfaro, 2002;
Alfaro, Chourio, Muñoz, & Mason, 2018).
On the large scale, Maldonado, Alfaro
and Hidalgo (2018) and Durán-Quesada, Sorí,
Ordoñez and Gimeno (2020) described that
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), as a
result of coupled ocean–atmosphere dynamics
in the tropical Pacific, is the leading mode of
interannual variability in Central America. The
two ENSO phases, El Niño and La Niña are
associated with warming and cooling events
and goes hand in hand with the basin-scale
tropical Pacific anomalies, including Bahía
Salinas. This agrees with Alfaro and Lizano
(2001), who found that ENSO signal domi-
nates the inter-annual variability in the Golfo
de Papagayo and Bahía Salinas region, finding
a correlation of 0.77 between Niño 3.4 index
and the SSTs of the Costa Rican North Pacific.
A warming in the Equatorial Tropical Pacific
could influence the appearance of warm condi-
tions in the Costa Rican North Pacific (Alfaro
et al., 2012). The study of these warm events is
important for the populations of existing coral,
as bleaching and mortality have been reported
in region during the occurrence of some of
these warm events (e.g. Jiménez, Cortés, León
& Ruiz, 2001). Additionally, a cold event in
the bay can occur by the influence of a cooling
in the Equatorial Tropical Pacific. However, if
warm Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anoma-
lies in the Eastern equatorial Pacific occurs in
concordance with cool SSTs in the Tropical
North Atlantic (TNA)-Caribbean, the mag-
nitude of the trade wind could be reinforced,
triggering a cold event in Bahía Salinas (Alfaro
& Cortés, 2012; Alfaro et al., 2012).
In the large scale, the most important trade
wind modulator is the North Atlantic Subtropi-
cal High (NASH; Alfaro et al., 2018; Taylor &
Alfaro, 2005) due to the easterly trades found
on its equatorward flank. With the onset of
boreal spring, for example, the subtropical
high moves offshore and trade wind intensity
decreases. The variation in the strength of the
trades is an important determinant of climate
throughout the year for Central America. Dur-
ing the onset of the rainy season, there is also
a weak trade inversion with altitude, the ocean
warms, and atmospheric moisture is abundant.
The region is consequently at its wettest in the
boreal late spring, during summer and early
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
autumn seasons. So, this NASH’s trade wind
modulation, produces a seasonal change in
wind speed (e.g., strongest in boreal winter and
weakest in boreal spring trough autumn), been
one of the most relevant features in the Eastern
Tropical Pacific (ETP, Amador et al., 2016).
In addition, trade winds could be modulat-
ed by synoptic scale systems. Significant syn-
optic influences include the intrusions of polar
fronts of mid-latitude origin which modify the
dry winter and early summer climates of the
entire Caribbean and Central American region
(Chinchilla, Gutiérrez, & Zárate, 2017; Mal-
donado et al., 2018; Zárate-Hernández, 2013).
During winter-spring, cold fronts entering the
Caribbean and that reinforce trade winds over
Central America. As mentioned in Alfaro and
Cortés (2012) and according to Amador et al.
(2016), during the boreal winter, the incur-
sion of polar air masses moving toward the
south entering the Caribbean Sea, produces
strong pressure gradients between the Carib-
bean Sea and the ETP. This wind with eastern
component, is channeled through topographic
depressions in southern Mexico and Central
America. One of these steps is located between
the lowlands of central Nicaragua and northern
Costa Rica. The winds produced by this chan-
neling are commonly called “Papagayos” and
have Jet Stream strength (Amador et al., 2016).
Their name is due to the gulf of the same name
located in the North Pacific of Costa Rica, off
Bahía Salinas. The other important synoptic
system that modulates the trade wind strength
is the Caribbean Low-Level Jet (CLLJ; Ama-
dor, 2008). Analyzing the CLLJ annual cycle,
Amador (2008) found that this jet presents two
maxima, one in July, the greatest in magnitude
and a secondary maximum in February, which
also influences the eastern wind reinforcement
over the northern portion of Costa Rica. It has
been documented that the funneling of these
strong northeasterly winds through passages in
the mountains produces upwelling in the semi-
enclosed bodies in the Pacific coast of Costa
Rica (Alfaro & Cortés, 2012; Fiedler & Lavín,
2019; Legeckis, 1988), because strong winds
drive the surface water off a gulf or a bay, and
the displaced water is then replaced by cooler
water from the depths.
The objective of this work is both to study
the warm and cold events that could be inferred
by studying the registered Sea Subsurface tem-
perature (SSbT) in Bahía Salinas, and also to
analyze the large scale conditions and synoptic
systems of the historical sources in which they
occurred in order to identify the atmospheric
mechanisms that favored their appearance. We
consider the event relationship with sources of
known variability as El Niño-Southern Oscil-
lation (ENSO), Tropical North Atlantic (TNA)
and boreal winter cold front outbreaks. The
characterization and understanding of these
events could be used to study other biologi-
cal and chemical oceanographic aspects of
the system like natural coastal acidification,
species conservation and management (e.g.,
Arias-Godínez et al., 2019; Cordero-Umaña
& Santidrián-Tomillo, 2020; Eisele, Madrigal-
Mora, & Espinoza, 2020; Espinoza, Araya-
Arce, Chaves-Zamora, Chinchilla, & Cambra,
2020; Sánchez-Noguera et al., 2018; Valverde-
Cantillo, Robinson, & Santidrián-Tomillo,
2019). The information is of special interest for
local fishermen, since this activity has been one
of the most important socioeconomic sectors
in Bahía Salinas through its history (e.g. Díaz,
Mora, & Madriz, 2019).
In this section we describe the character-
istics of the data files used and how the infor-
mation was analyzed. First, a Sea Subsurface
Temperature Index (SSbTI) was calculated
from hourly data from seven stations located
at three different points in the bay (Fig. 1),
using Hobotemp® sensors, Onset Computer
Corp. The records and depths of these stations
are variable and range from June 19, 2003 to
December 5, 2017. The detail of these stations
is shown in Table 1.
As the data were taken at different positions
and depths, each of the series was normalized
to make its records comparable, subtracting the
historical monthly average and dividing these
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
anomalies by their historical monthly standard
deviation (Wilks, 2019). Subsequently, the
gaps of the normalized data were filled in each
of the 7 stations, since they presented miss-
ing data (Table 1), following the methodology
proposed by Ureña, Alfaro and Soley (2016),
which combines Auto Regressive models and
Principal Components. Then, the hourly data
of the seven stations were smoothed applying a
triangular moving average of 169 data (Soley,
1994), to filter high-frequency signals, as in
Alfaro and Cortés (2012). Finally, the average
of the seven smoothed records was estimated to
obtain the SSbTI. This temperature index was
subsequently used to identify the five coldest
and warmest events.
Six meteorological stations, with hourly
wind records, were used to create two wind
indices. The data from meteorological stations
were obtained from the Costa Rican National
Meteorological Institute (CRNMI). The detail
of these stations is shown in Table 2. First,
zonal and meridional component time series
were calculated for each record. Then, the
Sea Subsurface Temperature stations located in Bahía Salinas, Pacific of Costa Rica
Station Latitude (N) Longitude (W) Depth range (m) Record dates (% missing data)
Salinas1 11º 03.026’ 85º 42.721’ 4.6-6.0 15/12/2003-05/12/2017 (7.0)
Salinas2 11º 03.026’ 85º 42.721’ 6.7-8.1 19/06/2003-05/12/2017 (10.4)
Salinas3 11º 01.616’ 85º 45.801’ 3.3-4.9 23/08/2003-05/12/2017 (18.2)
Salinas4 11º 01.616’ 85º 45.801’ 7.4-9.1 23/08/2003-27/09/2016 (17.6)
Salinas5 11º 01.556’ 85º 46.298’ 10.5-11.9 08/10/2003-05/12/2017 (24.3)
Salinas6 11º 01.556’ 85º 46.298’ 19.7-20.9 16/12/2003-05/12/2017 (12.8)
Salinas7 11º 01.556’ 85º 46.298’ 4.5-6.6 18/02/2004-22/04/2009 (18.8)
Fig. 1. Location of the sea subsurface temperature and meteorological stations.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
records were averaged. Finally, a triangular
moving average of 169 data was applied as
with the SSbTI, to estimate a zonal and meridi-
onal component wind index (hereafter ZCI and
MCI, respectively).
The monthly meteorological bulletins
co), prepared by the CRNMI, were consulted to
analyze the large-scale conditions and synoptic
systems in which the five coldest and warm-
est events (based in the observed anomaly of
the SSbTI) occurred in Bahía Salinas as study
cases, in order to identify the atmospheric
mechanisms that favored their occurrence.
The annual and daily cycle of the wind
recorded at Liberia meteorological station
(Table 2) is presented in Figure 2. Liberia sta-
tion, located at Daniel Oduber International
Airport, is used to monitoring the synoptic
scale conditions observed in Guanacaste by
the CRNMI. The mean wind speed was 3.5
(Fig. 2a). Wind magnitude is very strong
during January-March between 12:00-17:00
local time (-6 GMT), having its maxima in
February with a secondary maximum in July
(Fig. 2a). This is in concordance with the
CLLJ maxima described by Amador (2008).
Wind magnitude was weaker between May
and November at night and early morning
hours, i.e. 23:00-07:00, with a minimum during
October. Daily and annual cycle (Fig. 2a) agree
with the ones reported for Bahía Culebra by
Alfaro et al. (2012). Winds were westward all
around the year (Fig. 2b), been Northeasterly
from December to April and July. South east-
erlies were observed in May-June and August-
November. Mean values for zonal (u) and
meridional (v) wind components were -2.0 and
-0.36 ms
, respectively.
Meteorological stations used with wind records (red asterisks in Fig. 1).
Station Latitude (N) Longitude (W) Altitude (m.a.s.l) Record dates (% missing data)
Finca Basilia del Oro 10°58.983’ 85°20.833’ 380 01/01/2003-31/12/2017 (8.3)
Copalchi, Peñas Blancas 11°53.617’ 85°37.090’ 57 10/04/2013-31/12/2017 (6.8)
Santa Elena, La Cruz 10°55.200’ 85°36.633’ 270 10/11/2004-31/12/2017 (11.7)
Santa Rosa, ACG 10°50.467’ 85°37.167’ 315 01/04/2012-31/12/2017 (15.3)
Liberia, Airport 10°35.340’ 85°33.128’ 89 01/01/2003-31/12/2017 (2.2)
Isla San José, ACG 10°51.257’ 85°54.575’ 44 25/05/2008-17/08/2017 (31.2)
Fig. 2. a) Annual (x axis) and daily (y axis) cycle of the
wind magnitude for the Liberia meteorological station
record (Table 2, from hourly wind records). b) Annual
cycle of the zonal (u, blue line) and meridional (v, red line)
wind component.
The annual cycle of the SSbT records
listed in Table 1 is presented in Figure 3. Mean
temperature is 25.2 °C. Colder temperatures
were observed in February-March, below 21
°C with a secondary minimum in July. There
were two maxima in May-June and August-
October with temperatures above 27 °C (above
28 °C in September). March was the month
that presented highest temperature variability
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
and the lowest was observed in September.
The annual cycle presented in Figure 3, agrees
with the annual cycle reported by Alfaro et al.
(2012) for the mean air surface temperature in
Bahía Culebra.
Figure 5 shows the ZCI and MCI calcu-
lated from wind records listed in Table 2. First
data is for January 4th, 2003 at 13:00 and the
last data is for December 28th, 2017 at 12:00.
ZCI ranged from -1.79 to 2.15 ms
for May
10th, 2010 at 13:00 and March 18th, 2003 at
21:00, respectively (Fig. 5a). MCI ranged from
-1.97 to 2.14 ms
for November 25th, 2008
at 02:00 and September 27th, 2010 at 05:00,
respectively (Fig. 5b). ZCI (MCI) time series
in Figure 5 presented a positive (negative) long
term trend of 1.06 x 10
(-1.36 x 10
) ms
with a statistical significance of 99 %
(p-value < 0.01). There are positive monthly
correlations between ZCI and MCI with SSbTI
of 0.31 and 0.33, respectively, with a statistical
significance of 99 % (p-value < 0.01). Monthly
correlation between ZCI and MCI was 0.15
(p-value < 0.05).
Figure 4 shows the SSbTI calculated from
records listed in Table 1 (see previous section).
First data is for June 23rd, 2003 at 03:00 and the
last data is for December 12th, 2017 at 23:00.
SSbTI ranged from -3.61 to 2.13 standard devi-
ations for May 9th, 2004 at 03:00 and February
25th, 2004 at 23:00, respectively. Time series in
Figure 4 presented a small negative long-term
trend with a statistical significance of 99 %
(-1.9 x 10
, p-value < 0.01), positive and
negative values represent warmer and cooler
conditions than the historical monthly average.
Correlation between monthly SSbTI and Niño
3 index (https://psl.noaa.gov/data/climateindi-
ces/list/) was 0.36 (p-value < 0.01).
Fig. 3. Dotted line is the monthly average of mean Sea
Subsurface Temperature records listed in Table 1 observed
in Bahía Salinas (2003-2017), Costa Rica. Upper and lower
dashed lines are ± one monthly standard deviation.
Fig. 4. Sea Subsurface Temperature Index calculated from
records listed in Table 1.
Fig. 5. Zonal-u (a) and Meridional-v (b) wind Component
Index. Calculated from records listed in Table 2.
Cold Events
Event 1: April - May 2004
The event started the 25/04/2004 at 18:00
and ended the 24/05/2004 at 19:00. The mini-
mum was founded the 09/05/2004 at 03:00 and
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
reached a value of -3.614 standard deviations
(Fig. 6). Easterly wind condition was observed
during almost all the event, starting in April
26th at 23:00 and finishing by May 18th at
12:00. Meridional wind presented Southward
conditions from April 28th at 01:00 to May
16th at 04:00.
Quirós and Stolz (2010) reported that there
was a significant decrease in the air surface
temperature over Central America in December
2010. During this month, 6 cold front outbreaks
reached Central America. All of them increased
the atmospheric pressure in the region and,
therefore, the intensity of the winds over the
isthmus. Additionally, La Niña conditions were
still strong in the equatorial eastern Pacific. In
November, SSTs in the Pacific of Costa Rica
were around 27.0 °C, but decreased in Decem-
ber to 26.2 °C, that is, there was a cooling of
8 tenths of a degree. However, that cooling is
comparing with the SST climatology, the cool-
ing was 1.2 °C, greater than the one registered
during 1999 La Niña event. During November
2010-January 2011, continuous negative SSbTI
values were observed in Bahía Salinas (Fig. 3).
Event 3: September 2012
The event started the 08/09/2012 at 16:00
and ended the 21/09/2012 at 13:00. The mini-
mum was founded the 15/09/2012 at 01:00 and
reached a value of -2.157 standard deviations
(Fig. 8). Northeasterly wind condition was
observed during almost the whole event from
September 8
at 23:00 until the 19
at 01:00.
Morera (2012) observed that positive wind
anomalies were recorded in September 2012
over a large part of Central America reaching
6 ms
(21.6 kmh
). The wind direction was
almost zonal. Easterly winds were favored by
Fig. 6. Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black line,
standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from April
25th to May 24th, 2004. Blue and red lines are for Zonal
and Meridional Wind Component Indices (m/s).
According to Alvarado (2004), the month
of May 2004 marked the beginning of the rains
in the Pacific Slope and in the Central Val-
ley. Intertropical Confluence Zone atmospheric
instability increases in Costa Rica and its sur-
roundings, giving a large formation of cloudi-
ness and as a result the respective increase in
rainfall. Guanacaste recorded more than 300
mm this month. This event coincided with an
ENSO “neutral year”, this is a condition in
which La Niña or El Niño ENSO phase did not
predominate. March-May 2004 cooler condi-
tions in Bahía Culebra were identified by Alfa-
ro and Cortés (2012) and Alfaro et al. (2012),
associated with trade winds intensity ranged
from moderate to strong and several cold front
outbreaks intrusions into the Caribbean.
Event 2: December 2010
SSbTI started to decrease the 19/12/2010 at
24:00 and ended rising the 02/01/2011 at 17:00.
The minimum was founded the 29/12/2010 at
04:00 and reached a value of -2.212 standard
deviations (Fig. 7). Southwesterly wind condi-
tion prevailed during this event.
Fig. 7. Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black line,
standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from
December 19th, 2010 to January 2nd, 2011. Blue and
red lines are for Zonal and Meridional Wind Component
Indices (m/s).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
a relatively strong CLLJ. Additionally, meridi-
onal wind component showed negative values,
indicating the prevalence of northern wind.
Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) contributed
also to the rain irregularity observed over the
country. Costa Rican North Pacific region
showed a negative precipitation anomaly that
reached 41.2 % less than monthly climatology
(e.g., -134.8 mm at Liberia station), in agree-
ment with stronger trade winds. In Guana-
caste, the rain presented an irregular temporal
distribution, since about 80 % of the total for
the month was accumulated in five days and
there were more than 15 dry days. The 2012
El Niño event reached a maximum in July, and
since August began to weaken, but warmer
SST anomalies, compared with TNA, were still
present in September, this condition favored
also stronger than climatology trade winds.
Event 4: July 2014
The SSbTI started the cooling the
04/07/2014 at 03:00 and ended the warming
the 28/07/2014 at 22:00. The minimum was
founded the 17/10/2017 at 17:00 and reached
a value of -1.903 standard deviations (Fig. 9).
Northeasterly wind condition was observed
during the whole event.
According to Chinchilla (2014), during
July 2014, the ENSO SST indices, Niño 3
and Niño 1+2, remained above 0.5 °C and the
Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) was nega-
tive, so the associated atmospheric and ocean
indicators of El Niño were coupled. A signifi-
cant cooling in the TNA was also present. The
consequence of this SST configuration was
a strong wind pattern throughout the month,
since important trade wind anomalies were
observed, particularly in the period from July
9th to 11th. Additionally, strong winds towards
the Pacific slope, inhibiting cloud formation,
preventing also the moisture entrance from the
Pacific associated with the southwest breeze
and a meteorological drought was observed in
Guanacaste. Central America presented scare
cloud coverage, which allowed drier condi-
tions. The month of July 2014 was extremely
dry in Guanacaste. The July rain accumulated
average was 155 mm, that is, it rained only
2 % of the normal, been the lowest value
since 1936.
Event 5: October 2017
The event started the 02/10/2017 at 12:00
and ended the 03/11/2017 at 05:00. The mini-
mum was founded the 17/10/2017 at 17:00 and
reached a value of -2.181 standard deviations
(Fig. 10). Northeasterlies were observed from
October 11th at 22:00 to 23rd at 10:00, but
westward zonal wind component continued
until the 27th at 12:00.
Naranjo (2017) reported that SST indices,
Niño 1+2 and Niño 3.4 showed a cooling dur-
ing September 2017 and both exceeded the
threshold of -0.5 °C, indicating La Niña like
conditions, that continued through October.
Fig. 8. Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black line,
standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from
September 8th to 21st, 2012. Blue and red lines are for
Zonal and Meridional Wind Component Indices (m/s).
Fig. 9. Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black line,
standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from July
4th to 28th, 2014. Blue and red lines are for Zonal and
Meridional Wind Component Indices (m/s).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
The MJO went through its convergent phase
during the second and third week of October,
causing a subsidence pattern in the country and
indirectly, increasing the intensity of the winds.
This month is the rainiest month of the year in
the regions of the Pacific slope; however, the
distribution of rain was irregular.
Warm events
Event 1: February 2004
The SSbTI started to increase the
19/02/2004 at 23:00 and ended the descend
the 03/03/2004 at 13:00. The maximum was
founded the 25/02/2004 at 23:00 and reached
a value of 2.131 standard deviations (Fig. 11).
Southwesterly conditions were observed from
February 20th at 06:00 to 29th at 03:00, but
Northward meridional wind conditions were
recorded during the whole event.
According to Alfaro (2004), February
2004 was a month characterized by trade winds
of weak to moderate strength. However, winds
in the upper troposphere, presented a nega-
tive anomaly over the southern part of Central
America, which means that westerly winds
were weaker than climatology. Additionally,
surface southeast winds were observed over
the region.
Event 2: February 2007
The event started the 09/02/2007 at 17:00
and ended the 22/02/2007 at 06:00. The maxi-
mum was founded the 15/02/2007 at 06:00
and reached a value of 1.766 standard devia-
tions (Fig. 12). Southwesterly conditions were
observed since February 14th to the end of the
event, but Northward meridional wind condi-
tions were recorded during the whole event.
Fig. 10. Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black line,
standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from
October 2nd to November 3rd, 2017. Blue and red lines are
for Zonal and Meridional Wind Component Indices (m/s).
Fig. 11. Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black line,
standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from
February 19th to March 3rd, 2004. Blue and red lines are
for Zonal and Meridional Wind Component Indices (m/s).
Fig. 12. Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black line,
standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from
February 9th to 22nd, 2007. Blue and red lines are for
Zonal and Meridional Wind Component Indices (m/s).
According to Sánchez and Stolz (2007),
February 2007 was an anomalous month, since,
as a result of the El Niño conditions, above
normal air surface temperatures patterns were
observed in most of the country, ranged from
0.4 ºC to 0.8 ºC above average. Additionally,
the observed atmospheric circulation was the
main factor that blocked the entry of cold fronts
to the country in this period. Warmer condi-
tions in Bahía Culebra were observed also by
Alfaro et al. (2012) during this month.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
Event 3: March 2008
The event started the 26/02/2008 at 16:00
and ended the 02/04/2008 at 03:00. There are
two temperature peaks with a difference of one
week between them. The first maximum was
founded the 07/03/2008 at 14:00 and reached
a value of 1.724 standard deviations. The sec-
ond maximum was founded the 16/03/2008 at
12:00 and reached a value of 1.618 standard
deviations (Fig. 13). Southwesterly wind con-
ditions dominated during this two-peak event.
America remained above average. Warmer
conditions were perceived in Guanacaste in
both, minimum and maximum temperatures.
Air surface temperatures rose between 1 °C
and 2 °C, particularly in regions of the Pacific
slope. A wide warming widespread over the
region was associated with an El Niño strong
event condition in conjunction with a warming
in the TNA region. Warm waters in the Pacific
nearby coast of Costa Rica, reached anomalies
of 2.0 °C.
Event 5: December 2015
The SSbTI showed that positive tem-
perature anomalies were observed for a peri-
od of approximately four months, i.e. from
09/09/2015 at 20:00 to 25/01/2016 at 12:00
(Fig. 15a), however the main event started the
11/12/2015 at 02:00 and ended the 22/12/2015
at 10:00 (Fig. 15b). The maximum was found-
ed the 17/12/2015 at 12:00 and reached a value
of 1.875 standard deviations. Southwesterly
wind conditions were observed from December
11th at 02:00 to 18th at 10:00.
According to Poleo (2015), during Decem-
ber 2015, El Niño very strong condition (most
intense event in the past 30 years, with anoma-
lies 3 °C above the climate average) caused a
warm pattern throughout the country, register-
ing positive air surface temperature anomalies
between 0.2 and 1.5 ºC in both, minimum
and maximum temperatures. Extreme air sur-
face temperatures presented positive anomalies
Fig. 13. Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black line,
standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from
February 26th to April 2nd, 2008. Blue and red lines are
for Zonal and Meridional Wind Component Indices (m/s).
Fig. 14. Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black line,
standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from March
7th to 25th, 2010. Blue and red lines are for Zonal and
Meridional Wind Component Indices (m/s).
Sánchez (2008) reported that during March
2008, La Niña conditions continued to weaken,
especially in the ETP, where sea surface tem-
perature anomalies in March reached positive
values, approximately 1 ºC above normal. All
the oceanic indices showed a significant warm-
ing in that region. This is in agreement with
Alfaro and Lizano (2001) who found a lead
time of 0-2 months between Niño 3.4 index
and the SSTs in the North Pacific region of
Costa Rica.
Event 4: March 2010
Starting the 07/03/2010 at 24:00 and end-
ing the 25/03/2010 at 06:00. The maximum was
founded the 13/03/2010 at 01:00 and reached a
value of 1.831 standard deviations (Fig. 14).
Southwesterly wind conditions were observed
from March 7th at 16:00 to 15th at 10:00.
According to Chinchilla (2010), dur-
ing March 2010, air temperature in Central
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
from 0.5 to 2 °C above the average throughout
the country. In addition, the SST in the TNA
presented positive anomalies, favoring a sce-
nario of subsidence in the region in favor also
of the observed warming. The little cloudiness
values over the country favored a higher emis-
sion related with long-wave radiation, so the
outgoing long wave radiation anomaly indicat-
ed positive values over Costa Rica, a reflection
of the absence of cloudiness for most of the
month. The Pacific slope had drier conditions
when compared with climatology, with rainfall
deficits at the coastal region and an associated
SST anomaly of 2.5 °C in the Pacific Ocean
near Costa Rica.
Bahía Salinas has a marked east-west axis
(Fig. 1). Sea temperature in this bay, has a
defined seasonal cycle (Fig. 3), in which cooler
temperatures are normally observed from the
end of the boreal winter to the beginning of
the spring (December-April), and the warmer
months are normally expected from late spring
to autumn (May-November).
The main seasonal climate driver in Cen-
tral America is the North Atlantic Subtropical
High (NASH), since its latitudinal migration is
associated with the strength of the trade winds
over Central America (Alfaro et al. 2018; Tay-
lor & Alfaro, 2005). Trade winds are observed
trough the isthmus with a marked easterly com-
ponent all around the year (Fig. 2b). Stronger
wind magnitudes are observed from December
to April, decreasing in magnitude from May
to November (Fig. 2), in concordance with the
Southernmost and Northernmost positions of
the NASH, respectively (Alfaro et al., 2018;
Amador et al., 2016; Durán-Quesada et al.,
2020; Maldonado et al., 2018). Wind and sea
temperature seasonal cycle are related because
strong easterly winds in Bahía Salinas, drive
the surface water off the bay, and the displaced
water is then replaced by cooler water from the
depths, presenting a coastal upwelling during
the winter (Cortés et al., 2014). The seasonal
upwelling in Bahía Salinas is enhanced because
the zonal wind with easterly component, is
channeled through a topographic depression
located between the lowlands of southern Nica-
ragua and northern Costa Rica. The winds pro-
duced by this channeling are commonly called
“Papagayos”, and have Jet Stream strength
(Alfaro & Cortés, 2012; Amador et al., 2016).
In four of the five cold events studied in
this work, Northeasterly wind anomalies were
observed in the Costa Rican North Pacific,
associated with trade wind reinforcements (Fig.
6, Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10); meanwhile west-
erly anomalies were observed in all the warm
events identified, associated with weaker trade
wind conditions (Fig. 11, Fig. 12, Fig. 13, Fig.
14, Fig. 15). Notice also that positive monthly
correlation between SSbTI and both wind indi-
ces, ZCI and MCI, suggested also that NE and
SW wind anomalies tend to be related with cool
and warm conditions in Bahia Culebra.
In addition, seasonal upwelling in Bahía
Salinas is modulated also by two synoptic scale
Fig. 15. a) Subsurface Sea Temperature Index (black
line, standard deviation) recorded in Bahía Salinas, from
September 9th, 2015 to January 25th, 2016. b) Subsurface
Sea Temperature Index (black line, standard deviation)
recorded in Bahía Salinas, from December 11th to 17th,
2015. Blue and red lines are for Zonal and Meridional
Wind Component Indices (m/s).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
climate features. First, the boreal winter arrival
of cold front outbreaks that enhance the zonal
easterly wind component (Chinchilla et al.,
2017; Maldonado et al., 2018; Zárate-Hernán-
dez, 2013), condition observed for example
during December 2010 (Fig. 7). Second, the
winter maximum of the easterly CLLJ (Ama-
dor, 2008), observed normally in February. The
CLLJ has a maximum also in July, responsible
of the secondary seasonal sea temperature
minimum observed in Bahía Salinas.
ENSO is also an important modulator of
the sea temperature variability in Bahía Sali-
nas, since warm (El Niño) and cool (La Niña)
ENSO events are related with positive and
negative SST anomalies in the ETP, respec-
tively. For example, warm events in February
2007, March 2010 and December 2015, were
observed under El Niño conditions and the cold
events of December 2010 and October 2017
under La Niña conditions. However, if warm
SST anomalies are observed in the ETP in
concordance with relatively cool anomalies in
the TNA-Caribbean basin, a pressure gradient
could be stablished trough the isthmus, enhanc-
ing the easterlies over Central America and
decreasing the sea temperatures in Bahía Sali-
nas. This was observed for example during the
cold events of September 2012 and July 2014.
Positive monthly correlation between SSbTI
and Niño 3 index suggested that cool and warm
ENSO events tend to be related with also cool
and warm conditions in Bahia Culebra.
Advances in understanding the sea temper-
ature variability in locations like Bahía Salinas
are important, due to the historical presence of
fishermen settlements and the observed posi-
tive and negative sea temperature anomalies
related with commercial fish captures in the
Costa Rican North Pacific (Moreno-Díaz &
Alfaro, 2018; Moreno, Moya & Alfaro, 2017).
Moreno et al. (2017) showed that when SST
increases, the amount of fishing decreases in
the region and Moreno and Alfaro (2018) found
that fishermen’s income was 53 % higher in
cold events than the one obtained in warm epi-
sodes of ENSO. Fishing activity has been one
of the most important socioeconomic sector in
Bahía Salinas through its history (Díaz, Mora,
& Madriz, 2019) and the bay belongs to the
Central American Dry Corridor (CADC), a
sub-region that is a mainly rural area charac-
terized by a marked precipitation seasonality,
climate change vulnerability, rich biodiversity,
entrenched poverty, food insecurity and outmi-
gration (Gotlieb et al., 2019; Quesada-Hernán-
dez et al., 2019).
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
This work was partially supported by
the following University of Costa Rica proj-
ects: A5-037, B9-454 (VI-Grupos), B8-604 and
B9-609 (Fondo de Estímulo), EC-497 (FEES-
CONARE), C0-074, B0-810 and C0-610
(Fondo de Estímulo). To the UCR Schools of
Physics and Biology for giving us the research
time to develop this study. To the UCR research
centers CIMAR and CIGEFI for their logistic
support during the data compilation and analy-
sis. To Sebastián Ruiz for his assistance with
data and information processing and to Paula
M. Pérez-Briceño for his help with Fig. 1.
Forzamiento de los eventos cálidos y fríos del agua
subsuperficial del mar en Bahía Salinas, Costa Rica
Introducción: Bahía Salinas, en el Pacífico norte de Costa
Rica, es un área de afloramiento estacional. La temperatura
del mar en Bahía Salinas puede ser modulada por sistemas
sinópticos de gran escala. Esta región pertenece al Corredor
Seco Centroamericano (CSC), una subregión del istmo
relativamente más seca que el resto del territorio, que se
extiende a lo largo del litoral Pacífico desde el oeste de
Guatemala hasta el norte de Costa Rica.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S127-S141, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
Objetivo: Estudiar los eventos cálidos y fríos que se
podrían inferir al estudiar la temperatura subsuperficial del
mar en Bahía Salinas, y también analizar las condiciones y
sistemas sinópticos a gran escala de las fuentes históricas
en las que ocurrieron para identificar los mecanismos
atmosféricos que favorecieron su desarrollo.
Métodos: Se calculó un índice de temperatura subsuper-
ficial del mar utilizando datos horarios de siete estaciones
ubicadas en tres puntos diferentes en Bahía Salinas. Los
registros van desde el 19 de junio de 2003 al 5 de diciembre
de 2017. Además, se utilizaron seis estaciones meteoroló-
gicas, con registros de viento horario, para crear un índice
de viento zonal y otro meridional. Se utilizó el índice de
temperatura subsuperficial del mar para identificar los
eventos más cálidos y más fríos en la bahía. Se utilizaron
los índices de viento y boletines meteorológicos mensuales
para analizar las condiciones y sistemas sinópticos a gran
escala en los que se dieron los eventos fríos y cálidos en
Bahía Salinas.
Resultados: La temperatura media del mar en Bahía Sali-
nas es de 25.2 °C. Se observaron temperaturas más frías
en febrero-marzo, por debajo de los 21 °C. El ciclo anual
presentó dos máximos en mayo-junio y agosto-octubre con
temperaturas superiores a 27 °C. En cuatro de los cinco
eventos fríos estudiados, se observaron anomalías de los
vientos del noreste en el Pacífico Norte costarricense,
asociadas a refuerzos de los vientos alisios; mientras tanto,
se observaron anomalías del oeste en todos los eventos
cálidos, asociadas con condiciones de vientos alisios más
Conclusiones: El principal forzante climático en Bahía
Salinas es la Alta Subtropical del Atlántico Norte ya que
su migración latitudinal está asociada con la fuerza de los
vientos alisios sobre América Central. La surgencia esta-
cional está modulada también por dos características cli-
máticas de escala sinóptica en el invierno boreal, la llegada
de frentes fríos y el máximo de la Corriente en Chorro de
Bajo Nivel del Caribe Oriental. El Niño-Oscilación del Sur
también es un modulador importante de la variabilidad de
la temperatura del mar, ya que los eventos cálidos y fríos
están relacionados con anomalías positivas y negativas de
la temperatura del mar.
Palabras clave: temperatura sub-superficial del mar; aflo-
ramiento-surgencia; frentes-empujes fríos; ENOS; América
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