Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S267-S276, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
Diversity of white spot patterns in the eagle ray Aetobatus laticeps
(Myliobatiformes: Aetobatidae) in the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Diego Fallas-Madrigal1,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9327-0752
Alejandra Castelo-Corona3; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3378-4297
Diego Mejías4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0177-8274
Steve Stephens-Cárdenas2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6090-9158
Jennyfer Astorga-Arias5; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8384-4342
José L. Molina-Quirós1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7163-6004
Sebastián Hernández1,6; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2908-6050
1. Biomolecular Laboratory, Center for International Programs and Sustainability Studies, Universidad Veritas, San José,
Costa Rica; niuvinor@gmail.com, jmolina@veritas.cr, shernandez@veritas.cr
2. Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica; steve.stephens@ulatina.net
3. Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Bahía Banderas, Jalisco, México; alejandracasteloc@gmail.com
4. Locomotion Producciones, Guanacaste, Costa Rica; diegomejias@mac.com
5. School of Management and Spanish Department, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California, United
States of America; astorgajennyfera@gmail.com
6. Sala de Colecciones, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile.
Received 30-I-2021. Corrected 13-IV-2021. Accepted 12-VII-2021.
Introduction: The Pacific white-spotted eagle ray Aetobatus laticeps, has recently separated from the Atlantic
A. narinari based on both morphological and genetic evidence. This species is characterized by a dark body
with numerous white spots all over its dorsal side. Considering the type, shape, number, and distribution of these
natural markings as potential identifiers at the individual level, we studied the variation in the spot patterns.
Objective: Describe and compare the white spot pattern (type and distribution) of individuals and evaluate their
potential use as identifiers at the individual level.
Methods: We analyzed 54 videos (105 subsequent extracted photos) and 19 photographic records that were
taken at different sites along the Pacific coast of northern Costa Rica.
Results: Seventeen distinctive types of white spots were identified across the entire dorsal side of the rays.
Significant differences between each major body section (pectoral fins, back, head, and pelvic fins) were found
in the type and frequency of white spots. The type ‘single spot’ was commonly distributed across the entire
dorsal side, and the spot pattern on the pelvic fins was informative to identify 72 individuals.
Conclusions: The analysis of the type, shape, and distribution of white spots in A. laticeps determined several
combinations of white spot patterns that be used for further taxonomic description and provide potential identi-
fication of the individual for future population studies along with its distribution.
Key words: photo-ID; marks; morphology; Eastern Tropical Pacific; description; characterization; batoid.
Fallas-Madrigal, D., Castelo-Corona, A., Mejías, D., Stephens-
Cárdenas, S., Astorga-Arias, J., Molina-Quirós, J. L., &
Hernández, S. (2021). Diversity of white spot patterns
in the eagle ray Aetobatus laticeps (Myliobatiformes:
Aetobatidae) in the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica.
Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(Suppl. 2), S267-S276.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S267-S276, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
Assessment of the dynamics of the wild
population for their management and conserva-
tion efforts requires information from the popu-
lation trends, population sizes, and biological
parameters, i.e., longevity, sexual maturity, and
fecundity (Musick & Bonfil, 2005; Porsiel,
2018). In this regard, the discrete characteriza-
tion of the coloration pattern of a particular spe-
cies and the identification of the population’s
members is imperative to appraise population
constraints (Porsiel, 2018). For instance, mark
and recapture methods have allowed individual
identification and provided insights into the
migration and behavior patterns in areas where
species can be observed year-round, among
other biological parameters (Cerutti-Pereyra
et al., 2017; Flowers, Henderson, Lupton, &
Chapman, 2017; Sellas et al., 2015).
Invasive and non-invasive methods are
used to tag individuals in the wild (Speed,
Meekan, & Bradshaw, 2007). Non-invasive
methods such as pigmentation patterns and
spotted mark analysis, serve to identify indi-
viduals, e.g., the jaguar Panthera onca (Lin-
naeus 1758) (Carrera-Treviño, Lira-Torres,
Martínez-García, & López-Hernández, 2016),
the tiger Panthera tigris (Linnaeus 1758)
(Ullas-Karanth & Nichols, 1998), butterflies
such as Heliconius charitonia ramsdeni Com-
stock & Brown 1950 (Denis-Ávila & Cruz-
Flores, 2017), the whale shark Rhyncodon
typus Smith 1828 (Andrzejaczek et al., 2016)
and the spotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari
(Euphrasen 1790) (Bassos-Hull et al., 2014;
González-Ramos, Santos-Moreno, Rosas-
Alquicira, & Fuentes-Mascorro, 2016). In the
case of elasmobranch species, this method is
less invasive and prevents large individuals
from experiencing episodes of stress, altering
their natural behavior and survival during the
handling process (Porsiel, 2018).
The pigmentation pattern and other ana-
tomical differences i.e., disc size, can vary
through the distribution range of eagle rays
(McEachran, De Carvalho, & Carpenter, 2002)
(Myliobatiformes: Aetobatidae). In Aetobatus
(Aetobatidae), genus comprises five species
distributed worldwide, where genetic studies
reveal three allopatric species: A. narinari in
the Atlantic, A. ocellatus (Kuhl 1823) in the
Indo-West Pacific, and A. laticeps (Gill 1865)
in the Eastern Pacific (Naylor et al., 2012;
Richards, Henning, Witzell, & Shivji, 2009;
White, Last, Naylor, Jensen, & Caira, 2010).
The Pacific white-spotted eagle ray (A. lati-
ceps), display a bluish-black dorsal coloration
with very noticeable and abundant white spots
(Last et al., 2016). It is suggested that chromatic
and other morphological traits denote distinct
geographic units for the eagle ray A. narinari
(McEachran et al., 2002; Sales et al., 2019). In
addition, Sales et al. (2019) showed that males
of A. narinari tend to have well-defined spots,
whereas females present indistinct spots.
The North Pacific coast of Costa Rica
is highly productive and dynamic due to its
unique oceanographic characteristics, i.e.,
strong seasonal upwelling events, local and
regional ocean currents, gyres, weather condi-
tions, and ocean surface temperatures (Fiedler,
2002; Robertson & Allen, 2015). This area has
several year-round habitats for batoid species,
e.g., Urotrygon spp. (Porsiel, 2018; Robertson
& Allen, 2015), revealing large aggregations
within small shallow bays. However, other
more mobile batoid species such as A. laticeps
and Aetomylaeus asperrimus (Gilbert 1898)
may occur seasonally (Chávez et al., in press).
Here, we describe the diversity and distribu-
tion of white spots, and recaptured photo IDs
based on the entire dorsal side, in specimens
of A. laticeps from the North Pacific coast of
Costa Rica.
Data collection: A total of 54 independent
videos (105 subsequent extracted photos) and
19 photographic records of A. laticeps were
collected from 10 sampling sites distributed
along the Pacific coast of northern Costa Rica
from January 2015 to December 2019 (Table 1,
Fig. 1). These recordings were taken on freediv-
ing surveys that ranged between 1 and 10 m
depth, using a GoPro Hero 4 camera (GoPro
Inc). On each dive, the entire dorsal side of
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S267-S276, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
each observed eagle ray was recorded. To
capture the entire, white-spotted pattern, the
videos were reviewed by targeting the frontal
plane to the dorsal side of the individuals. Each
captured video was standardized with the same
recording quality properties (1080p / 60fps vid-
eos). Because water turbidity can interfere with
video quality, efforts were made to approach
the eagle rays within 1 m to obtain the best
possible image quality.
Sampling sites where Aetobatus laticeps (Myliobatiformes: Aetobatidae) individuals were recorded along
the Pacific coast of northern Costa Rica (2015-2019)
Sites Abbreviation Coordinates
Latitude Longitude
Salinas Bay SB 11°2’11” - 11°1’57” N 85°42’46” - 85°42’5” W
Rajada Beach RB 11°1’39” - 11°1’28” N 85°45’13” - 85°45’3” W
Pilas Beach PB 11°0’46” - 11° 0’37” N 85°44’37” - 85°44’29” W
Lora Island LI 11°0’39” - 11°0’34” N 85°45’5” - 85°44’58” W
Manzanillo Beach MB 11°0’28” - 11°0’23” N 85°44’0” - 85°43’54” W
Muñeco Island MI 10°59’7” - 10°58’37”N 85°43’16” - 85°42’43” W
Cornuda Island CI 11°0’17” - 10°59’60” N 85°44’56 - 85°44’39” W
Matapalitos Beach MPB 10°56’6” - 10°55’53” N 85°47’45” - 85°47’18” W
Cocineras Island CI 10°51’17’ - 10°51’15’ N 85°54’17” - 85°54’13’ W
Flamingo Sting Ray City FSC 10°26’46’ 1°26’35’ N 85°46’42’ - 85°46’33’ W
Fig. 1. Map of 10 sampling sites surveyed to obtain visual material from Aetobatus laticeps. These are: Salinas Bay (SB, N
= 1), Rajada Beach (RB, N = 2), Pilas Beach (PB, N = 1), Lora Island (LI, N = 2), Manzanillo Beach (MB N = 17), Muñeco
Island (MI, N = 27), Cornuda Island (CI, N = 9), Matapalitos Beach (MPB, N = 12), Cocinera Island (CoI, N = 1), and
Flamingo Sting Ray City (FSC, N = 1). The “N” means visual samples per site.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S267-S276, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
Data management and processing: The
database included sampling sites, dates, and
the number of videos or photos. Images were
extracted and saved from each video. To iden-
tify the white spot diversity, an initial review of
different white spot types was assessed, catego-
rizing them into single component units, and
groups (Fig. 2). These spot units were defined
as conspicuous, distinctive, and uniform shapes
that occur in A. laticeps dorsal patterns. Fre-
quent white spot types were recognized e.g.,
‘single spot’, ‘two close single spots’, ‘two
merged single spots’ and ‘semi-empty circle’,
and infrequent ones i.e., resting white spot
types. Then, these white spots were counted
for the entire dorsal side divided in four zones:
pectoral fins, back, head, and pelvic fins (Fig.
3). All white spots were visually counted using
the Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 32 bits software
and, the frequency of occurrence of each spot
type was calculated by zone.
Statistical analysis: The mean percentage
of dominant spot type ‘single spot’, was used to
test for statistical differences in left/right pecto-
ral fins, as well as left/right sides of the back,
using a univariate paired t-test implemented
in Past 3 software (Hammer, Harper, & Ryan,
2001). When no statistical differences were
found between the right/left sections of pecto-
ral fins and back, they were treated, in further
analysis, as a single analytical unit, using
mean values. For major pattern composition
analyses, only ‘single spot’, ‘two close single
spots’, ‘two merged single spots’ and ‘semi-
empty circle’ were included, as they were the
most frequent patterns (cumulative frequency
80 %). Infrequent white spot patterns were
Fig. 2. White spot type diversity identified on the entire back side of Aetobatus laticeps. (A) shows the overall diversity
of white spot types grouped according to their similarity. 1 and 2 are considered simpler white spot types while 3 to 17 are
considered complex types. (B) individual examples showing each type of white spot pattern.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S267-S276, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
excluded from the analyses (≤ 1 % frequency).
The pelvic fins and the head were excluded
from this analysis given their relatively smaller
size, proportion, and diversity of white spots,
in contrast with the pectoral fins and back. In
addition, an ANOVA test was used to deter-
mine the differences in the occurrence of white
spots among body zones. For each test, when
significant differences were detected, a Tukey
post hoc HSD test was performed in order to
identify specific differences between mean
frequency values among body zones (α = 0.05).
Differences in body zone based on the
frequency of spot type and count were assessed
with an Analysis of Similitude (ANOSIM)
(Ornés, Herbst, Spillner, Mewes, & Rauch,
2014). ANOSIM uses permutations to identify
the similarity of samples within an assigned
group, compared to samples from other groups
(Tillett et al., 2011). A SIMPER test was then
implemented to identify the spot-type frequen-
cies generating observed differences (Fig. 3).
A total of 124 photos of A. laticeps
comprehended the database, i.e., 105 photos
extracted from videos plus 19 photographic
records. From this, 75 photos were assigned
to different individuals, comprising 72 indi-
viduals and 3 recaptures. Due to high-quality
resolution and accuracy to identify white spots,
only 62 photos-different individuals were used
for further analysis. Seventeen distinctive types
of white spots were identified and grouped in
four categories (Fig. 2). Not all eagle rays had
the same 17 white spot types (Table S1). Some
white spot types i.e., ‘single spot’, ‘two close
single spots’, ‘two merged single spots’, and
‘semi-empty circle’ (Fig. 2) were more frequent
than others. The most frequent white spot type
for each zone was ‘single spot’, with a value
close to 97 % for the head, followed by 63 %
for the back, 55 % for the pectoral fins, and 28
% for the pelvic fins.
When comparing right and left ‘single
spot’ frequency, no significant differences were
found in both pectorals (T = 0.250, d.f. = 1.212,
P = 0.803) and back-sides (T = 0.065, d.f. =
0.487, P = 0.949), therefore pectoral and back
zones were considered as two single units.
ANOVA and Tukey tests identified significant
differences in the frequencies of three out of the
four most common white spot patterns (Table
S2). For both ‘single spot’ (F = 86.040, d.f. =
3, P < 0.001) and ‘two close single spots’ (F =
26.890, d.f. = 3, P < 0.001), frequencies dif-
fered in all body zone pair comparisons except,
for pectoral fins and back. The ‘single spot’
was the dominant spot type on the head of each
individual sampled. For ‘two merged singles
spots’ (F = 29.630, d.f. = 3, P < 0.001), the head
presented significant differences with every
other body zone, as this spot type had signifi-
cantly low frequencies when compared to other
body zones. For ‘semi-empty circle’ spots, the
ANOVA test was performed excluding the
head section category, as it showed extremely
Fig. 3. Photo from the entire back side categorized by body
zones, showing the pectoral fins (A), back (B), head (C),
and pelvic fins (D).
Individual identification: Differentiation
of individuals from total samples was per-
formed by comparing the white spot pattern
present on each pelvic fin by eye inspection.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S267-S276, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
low frequencies of the pattern (< 0.1 %). The
results showed no statistical differences in the
frequencies among body zones (F = 1.47, d.f. =
3, P = 0.23) (Fig. 4).
The ANOSIM test identified overall dif-
ferences in body zones associated with the
occurrence of the four most frequent white spot
types (Global R = 0.349, P = 0.001). SIMPER
analysis showed differences in the cumulative
contribution of each white spot type between
each body zone, i.e., ‘single spot’ (43.690
%), ‘two close single spots’ (20.290 %), ‘two
merged single spots’ (18.680 %), and ‘semi-
empty circle’ (17.340 %) (Fig. 4, Table S3).
The ‘single spot’ type was the most frequent
spot type in every area tested (mean range 28
% 98 %), followed by ‘two close single spots’
(mean range 2.080 % 24.800 %), and ‘two
merged single spots’ (mean range 0.580 %
17.900 %). ‘Semi-empty circle’ was the least
common spot type of the major spot pattern
components (mean range 0.07 % 11.4 %).
Overall, most individuals were recognized
based on their pelvic fins and successfully con-
firmed using the white spot pattern. From the
75 photos used for identification, two samples
were absent of visually identifiable spot pat-
terns on pelvic fins, requiring the identification
of the individual to come from the white spot
pattern of the entire dorsal side. Individual dif-
ferentiation analysis based on the white spot
pattern recognized 72 different eagle rays and
3 recaptured individuals detected from the
Our results provide novel information on
the diversity of white spots of A. laticeps,
determining several combinations that should
be considered for a better taxonomic descrip-
tion (Gill, 1867; Last et al., 2016). To date,
these descriptions considered only single white
spots on the dorsal surface without mentioning
Fig. 4. Bar plots presenting the mean occurrence of the four most representative white spot types among body zones. Being
pectoral fins (), back (), head (), and pelvic fins ().
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S267-S276, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
the different types and shapes that can be
found. This diversity found is characterized by
many ‘single spots’ on their pectoral fins, back,
and head zones, while the pelvic fins have a
greater distribution of complex types of spots.
Pelvic fins are a natural marker to rec-
ognize individuals by providing a type of
fingerprint for their identification. These fin-
gerprinting marks make it easier to determine
whether an individual has already been identi-
fied or not (recaptured). In this context, we
successfully recognized more than 70 unique
individuals based on the white spot pattern in
the pelvic fins from the individual’s videos/
photos. Furthermore, identifying samples with
white spot patterns of the entire dorsal side was
also successful due to the different patterns
shown between individuals.
The study of these morphological features
can provide important data such as popula-
tion dynamics that could help to solve some
taxonomic problems (Palmeira & Rosa, 2014).
Furthermore, a study of the differences in
white spot pattern between sexes would be
useful. However, this was not studied due to
the unreliable observation of the absence or
presence of claspers in most individuals. It is
important to note that, although not part of this
study, we found some individuals (N = 4) with
black underlying edges from the pectoral tip on
the ventral body side to the dorsal side. This
is considered to be unusual (Last et al., 2016)
and is likely common in neonates and juvenile
individuals. Therefore, a better morphological
description is needed, considering more distant
sites from the continental distribution from
Mexico to Ecuador, as well as its oceanic island
distribution e.g., Cocos Island (Costa Rica).
Also, several pictures of Aetobatus indi-
viduals have revealed an additional putative
eagle ray species from Cocos Island based
on the white spot pattern. Video and pictures
recorded from several eagle rays evidence a
greyish dorsal coloration with numerous small
white spots (a minimized version of ‘single
spot’ in A. laticeps). The anterior edges from
the pectoral fins show the absence of white
spots, the posterior edge has distinct rows
of little white spots, and a moderately long
fleshy rostral lobe (Fig. 5). This white spot pat-
tern resembles its sister species, A. ocellatus.
Considering that A. ocellatus has been previ-
ously documented in Cocos Island (Bussing
& López, 2005; Garrison, 2005); it is impera-
tive to clarify the validity of the species of the
Aetobatus complex along the Eastern Tropical
Pacific. A comprehensive taxonomic study of
this genera, contrasting morphological criteria
Fig. 5. Continental and oceanic island pattern. In A, an individual of A. laticeps sighted at the sampling site (North Pacific
coast of Costa Rica), while in B a different pattern is observed found in Cocos Island.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S267-S276, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
with molecular studies may unravel a putative
second species in the region (Concha, Caira,
Marques, & Pompert, 2014; Naylor et al.,
2012; Sales et al., 2019).
Several genetic studies have been carried
out for Aetobatus (Concha et al., 2014; Naylor
et al., 2012; Richards et al., 2009; Sales et al.,
2019; White et al., 2010), but morphological
information is scarce since material from this
genus is usually not available in biological
collections due their large size. In this context,
a general description of the white-spotted pig-
mentation on the entire dorsal side described
by Last et al. (2016) established “white spots or
ocelli” for A. laticeps and “white spot to bluish
spots” for A. narinari and A. ocellatus. This
represents a taxonomic issue with the descrip-
tion from these three allopatric Aetobatus spe-
cies with similar coloration patterns (Naylor et
al., 2012; White, 2014; White et al., 2010). The
present study provides an important finding
based on the white spot pattern which allows
the differentiation of individuals as well as
populations. Given the importance of expand-
ing the current information on the white spot
pattern in this species and possible A. laticeps
complex, further studies are needed in other
areas along its distribution, considering the
pigmentation pattern among other morphologi-
cal diagnostic features. Based on pigmentation
patterns and molecular markers tools, it would
be possible to reassess the taxonomic status of
Aetobatus species in the Eastern Tropical Pacif-
ic. Besides, the individual marks combined
with tagging programs may help to provide
unknown demographic information such as
population size, movements, and connectivity
between different regions.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgements
section. A signed document has been filed in
the journal archives.
See Digital Appendix at: /
Ver Apéndice digital en: revistas.ucr.ac.cr
To the NGO Equipo Tora Carey, for
their fellow support on the collection of data,
especially to their seasonal volunteer Ariadna
Diversidad de patrones de manchas blancas de
Aetobatus laticeps (Myliobatiformes: Aetobatidae)
en la costa del Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica
Introducción: La raya águila de manchas blancas del Pací-
fico, Aetobatus laticeps, se ha separado recientemente de A.
narinari del Atlántico basándose en pruebas tanto morfo-
lógicas como genéticas. Esta especie se caracteriza por un
cuerpo oscuro con numerosas manchas blancas en toda su
parte dorsal. Considerando el tipo, la forma, el número y la
distribución de estas marcas naturales como identificadores
potenciales a nivel individual, estudiamos la variación en
los patrones de manchas.
Objetivo: Describir y comparar el patrón de manchas
blancas (tipo y distribución) de individuos y evaluar su
uso potencial como identificadores a nivel individual en
especímenes recapturados.
Métodos: Analizamos 54 videos (con 105 fotografías
extraídas posteriormente) y 19 registros fotográficos que
fueron tomados en diferentes sitios a lo largo de la costa
pacífica del norte de Costa Rica.
Resultados: Se identificaron diecisiete tipos distintivos de
manchas blancas en todo el lado dorsal de los radios. Se
encontraron diferencias significativas entre cada sección
principal del cuerpo (aletas pectorales, espalda, cabeza y
aletas pélvicas) en el tipo y frecuencia de manchas blancas.
El tipo ‘punto único’ se distribuyó comúnmente en todo el
lado dorsal, y el patrón de puntos en las aletas pélvicas fue
informativo para identificar 72 individuos.
Conclusiones: El análisis del tipo, la forma y la distri-
bución de las manchas blancas en A. laticeps determinó
varias combinaciones de patrones de manchas blancas que
se utilizarán para una descripción taxonómica adicional
y brindan una identificación potencial del individuo para
futuros estudios de población a lo largo de su distribución.
Palabras clave: foto-ID; marcas; morfología; Pacífico
Tropical Oriental; descripción; caracterización; batoideos.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S267-S276, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
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