Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S297-S303, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
The yellow-bellied sea snake, Hydrophis platurus (Squamata: Elapidae),
off the Southwestern Pacific coast of Nicaragua, Central America
Joëlle De Weerdt1,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4054-6609
Carla Patulny1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7232-3341
Phillip Clapham3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2776-5746
1. Association ELI-S, 39 Allée de Verdalle, 33470 Gujan-Mestras, France; eliscientific@gmail.com
2. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, Belgium
3. Seastar Scientific, 27605 Hake Road SW, Vashon WA 98070, USA; phillip.clapham@gmail.com
Received 12-XI-2020. Corrected 30-I-2021. Accepted 28-II-2021.
Introduction: The yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus, formerly Pelamis platurus) is known to occur
along the Pacific coast of Central America. However, there are no marine records of this species off the coast
of Nicaragua.
Objective: Report the first in situ marine observations of the yellow-bellied sea snake observed on three occa-
sions in 2020 during cetacean surveys off the southwestern Pacific coast of Nicaragua.
Methods: During the sightings, photographs were taken which allowed the identification of the species based
on morphology. Sea surface temperature, sea state, and distance to the coast are presented as descriptors of the
habitat of the records.
Results: Three field observations of yellow-bellied sea snakes were recorded on separate occasions. Sightings
occurred within 30 km of each other and 3.3 km from the coast. Average sea surface temperature was 26.6 °C
with low swell and sea state.
Conclusions: The present information offers new knowledge about the presence of the yellow-bellied sea snake
on the Pacific coast of Central America, contributing to the biodiversity record in Nicaragua.
Key words: Pelamis platurus; sea snakes; reptiles; Eastern Tropical Pacific; San Juan del Sur; distribution.
De Weerdt, J., Patulny, C., & Clapham, P. (2021). The yellow-
bellied sea snake, Hydrophis platurus (Squamata:
Elapidae), off the Southwestern Pacific coast of Nicaragua,
Central America. Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(Suppl.
2), S297-S303. https://doi.org/10.15517/rbt.v69iS2.48324
Marine reptiles such as sea snakes play an
important trophic role in marine ecosystems
(Brischoux & Lillywhite, 2013; Voris, 1972)
and their distribution encompasses mainly
tropical waters (Tu, 1988). The yellow-bellied
sea snake, Hydrophis platurus (previously:
Pelamis platurus), is the most widely distrib-
uted hydrophiid snake in the world (Hernán-
dez-Camacho et al., 2005; Lomonte et al.,
2014; Quiñones et al., 2014) and is the only
pelagic species (Brischoux & Lillywhite, 2011;
Heatwole, 1999; Sheehy et al., 2012). The
presence of this species has been confirmed in
the Eastern Tropical Pacific, from the coasts
of Mexico to northern Peru (Brischoux & Lil-
lywhite, 2011; Graham, Rubinoff, & Hecht,
1971; Quiñones et al., 2014).
The movement patterns of H. platurus
remain largely unknown. Marine currents (Kro-
pach, 1971) and sea surface temperature (SST)
(Quiñones et al., 2014) are environmental
parameters related to their distribution patterns,
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S297-S303, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
with ocean currents playing an important role
in the the movement of H. platurus (Brichoux
et al., 2016). Slicks are formed when surface
currents converge and snakes passively drift
within these slicks (Kropach, 1971). The abun-
dance of snakes on a slick can be influenced
by the quantity of flotsam found within the
slick (Brischoux & Lillywhite, 2011). The
yellow-bellied sea snake is a ‘passive surface
drifter and is often transported by currents to
locations where it is not considered resident
(Dunson & Ehlert, 1971).
As an ectotherm, sea surface temperature
(SST) limits the species’ distribution to a mini-
mum of 18 °C, since locomotor abilities and
feeding are inhibited or cease at lower SSTs
(Heatwole, Grech, Monahan, King, & Marsh,
2012); and to a maximum of 33 °C (Dunson
& Ehlert, 1971). These SST ranges prevent the
species from colonising regions such as the
Atlantic Ocean ( Lillywhite et al., 2018; Quiño-
nes et al., 2014) and the Pacific coast of South
America, where strong upwelling of cold water
limits their distribution (Dunson & Ehlert,
1971). Waters off Central America represent
optimal thermal conditions for the yellow-
bellied sea snake, since mean monthly tem-
peratures of > 25 °C are the minimum required
for feeding (Hecht, Kropach, & Hecht, 1974).
Although H. platurus has a natural preference
for offshore waters, the species has been also
recorded in shallow coastal waters (Heatwole,
1999; Hecht et al., 1974). Its dependence on
freshwater to avoid water deficits due to dehy-
dration during dry season may explain their
coastal distribution in Costa Rica (Lillywhite et
al., 2010), but its still controversed (Lillywhite
et al., 2014; Lillywhite et al., 2019).
Daylight is a determining factor in the
surfacing behavior of H. platurus; it shows a
preference for high light levels (Brischoux &
Lillywhite, 2011) and is not often observed at
the sea surface at night (Brischoux & Lilly-
white, 2011); however the latter needs further
investigation due to a lack of samples. In Cen-
tral America, H. platurus has been reported in
the Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras (McCranie &
Gutsche, 2016; Solis et al., 2014), the Pacific
coast of Costa Rica (Bolaños et al., 1974; Tu,
1976; Tu & Salafranca, 1974), the Pacific coast
of El Salvador (Hidalgo, 1980) and the Gulf of
Panama (Guinea et al., 2017; Kropach, 1971;
Vallarino & Weldon, 1996). Yellow-bellied sea
snakes have been frequently reported in the
Pacific coast of Nicaragua between the Gulf
of Fonseca (Chinandega) and San Juan del Sur
(Rivas) (HerpetoNica, 2015), however, obser-
vations are limited to beach strandings and no
data is available on the marine occurrence of
this species. To date, no marine records have
been published on the presence of the yellow-
bellied sea snake in Nicaragua. Here, we report,
for the first time, the presence of H. platurus in
the southwestern Pacific waters of Nicaragua,
offering additional insights into distribution
and behavioral patterns of this marine snake in
the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
Data were gathered during systemat-
ic boat-based surveys from January to mid-
March 2020. Surveys were conducted using
a 6 m length fiberglass boat, between 0800
and 1700 h daily. When the yellow-bellied sea
snake was found, the following data were col-
lected: date, time, Global Positioning System
location, sea surface temperature (SST, Hecht
thermometer), sea state (using the Beaufort
scale), and swell categorized as either Low (L),
less than one meter; Medium (M) 1-2 m; and
High (H) more than two meters (Table 1). Pho-
tographs were taken using a DSLR camera with
a 55-300 mm lens, and were used for specimen
identification based upon standard morphologi-
cal characteristics (see below). Maps indicating
sighting locations were generated with ArcGIS.
Distance from the nearest point on the coast
was measured for each sighting location using
the line tool in ArcGIS.
Three field observations of yellow-bellied
sea snakes were made on 28 and 29 January
2020 (photographed) and 04 March 2020 (pho-
tographed) (Fig. 1). Based on photographic
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S297-S303, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
Overview of field records of the yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus) off the South-West Pacific coast
of Nicaragua, including sighting date and time, latitude and longitude, SST, Beaufort scale and swell,
and distance from the coast
Date Time Latitude Longitude SST
(°C) Picture Sex Beaufort Swell Distance from
coast (km)
28 Jan 2020 12:04 11°7’21.698” N 85°50’29.198” W 27 No Uk 1 L 4.6
29 Jan 2020 16:24 11°18’39.802” N 85°58’54.199” W 28 Fig. 1a Uk 1 L 3.8
04 Mar 2020 16:05 11°20’30.699” N 85°00’27.698” W 25 Fig. 1b Uk 4 L 1.4
SST = Sea Surface Temperature, Uk = unknown.
Fig. 1. Location of the yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus) observations with reference to the date of observation,
south Pacific of Nicaragua.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S297-S303, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
observations, the following morphological fea-
tures confirmed the identification of the spe-
cies: 1) Black dorsal side extending from the
head to the tail with variations in the dorsal
band pattern; 2) Yellow ventral side extending
from the head to the tail; 3) Dark spots on the
tail; 4) Paddle-shaped tail. Both photographed
individuals were bi-colored and displayed two
distinct color patterns (Fig. 2). Sex and size
could not be inferred or measured from the
photographs. On the three occasions, the yel-
low-bellied sea snake was swimming alone
at the surface and moved southwards. Each
individual dived after traveling at the surface
for a few minutes. Sightings occurred in a
range of 30 km from each other and 3.3 km
from the coast. The average SST was 26.6 °C
(± 1.25 SD, N = 3) (Table 1). Swell was low on
all occasions and the Beaufort sea state ranged
between 1 and 4 (Table 1).
Our observations confirm the presence of
yellow-bellied sea snakes in shallow coastal
waters off the southwestern coast of Nicara-
gua. Extensive variation in color patterns of
this species has been documented, with almost
completely black and entirely yellow speci-
mens represented at each end of the spectrum
Fig. 2. Morphological features for identification of the yellow-bellied sea snake include: 1) Black dorsal side 2) yellow
ventral side 3) Dark tail spots 4) Paddle-shaped tail. A) Individual photographed on 29 January 2020 with a partially straight
dorsal band; B) Individual photographed on 04 March 2020 with a straight dorsal band with the exception of subcaudal
portion. Color pattern as described by Tu (1976).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S297-S303, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
(Solórzano, 2011). In addition, the patterns
of the black dorsal band vary from straight to
completely curved, and spots may be complete-
ly absent (Tu, 1976). All three of our sighted
individuals were bi-colored, as also observed
in other Central American regions (Hidalgo,
1980; Tu, 1976).
The bi-color pattern is commonly observed
in juvenile yellow-bellied sea snakes, which
develop the tri-color pattern during ontogeny
(Tu & Salafranca, 1974). The observation made
on the 28 January 2020 (Fig. 2A) displayed a
saw-edged dorsal band which matches speci-
mens found in El Salvador and Costa Rica
(Hidalgo, 1980; Tu, 1976), while the observa-
tion made on the 04 March 2020 (Fig. 2B) did
not display the dorsal pattern which is consis-
tent with juvenile descriptions of specimens
found in Costa Rica (Tu, 1976).
The mean measured SST of 26.6 °C falls
within the range of optimal feeding temperatures
(Hecht et al., 1974). Although our observations
of solitary snakes were made in such condi-
tions, the snakes were probably not involved in
feeding behaviors, due to the absence of slicks
with which they tend to associate for feeding
(Dunson & Ehlert, 1971; Kropach, 1971). The
observation of solitary snakes not associated
with slicks is commonly observed in Panama
(Kropach, 1971) and Costa Rica (Brischoux &
Lillywhite, 2011).
Our sightings of yellow-bellied sea snakes
occurred within 5 km of the coast which
coincides with other records in neighboring
countries (Solòrzano, 2004; Tu, 1976). The
underlying factors for the coastal occurrence of
this offshore species remains largely unclear,
even if it was suggested that their reliance on
freshwater could be responsible for the coastal
distribution (Lillywhite et al., 2010) recent
studies did not support this hypothesis (Lil-
lywhite, 2019). All our field observations were
made in the afternoon, which contrasts with
findings in the Papagayo Gulf, Costa Rica,
where snakes were not observed in the after-
noon (Tu, 1976).
Even though yellow-bellied sea snakes
are frequently reported on the beaches of
San Juan del Sur and surrounds, no previous
report on their marine distribution has been
made. The present paper presents, to the best
of our knowledge, the first marine report of
this species in the Pacific waters of Nicaragua.
The presence of non-feeding, lone, bi-colored
individuals in coastal areas can help research-
ers understand the ecology and movement pat-
terns of the species off Central America in the
Eastern Tropical Pacific. Additional research is
needed to understand the correlation between
environmental parameters, such as oceanic
currents, and the distribution patterns of the
yellow-bellied sea snake in Nicaragua.
Ethical statement: authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
Special thanks to the research team that
helped us gather information in the field:
Sylvain Porrot, Audrey Mazza, Theresa Scha-
backer, Maëline Caradec, Galanne Cestre,
Flordespina Dodds, Pierre Vachaudez, Aurèle
de Thibault, and to Brock Boven for the pro-
duction of the map.
Observaciones de la serpiente marina
Hydrophis platurus (Squamata: Elapidae) en
el Pacífico sur de Nicaragua, América Central
Introducción: La serpiente marina de vientre amarillo
(Hydrophis platurus, anteriormente Pelamis platurus) se
encuentra distribuida a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico de
América Central. Sin embargo, no existe registros in situ
sobre esta especie en la costa del Pacífico de Nicaragua.
Objetivo: Reportar las primeras observaciones in situ de
la serpiente marina de vientre amarillo en tres ocasiones
durante el 2020 frente a la costa suroeste del Pacífico
de Nicaragua.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(Suppl. 2): S297-S303, October 2021 (Published Oct. 30, 2021)
Métodos: Los registros se realizaron de manera oportunis-
ta durante avistamientos de cetáceos en la zona. Las ser-
pientes marinas fueron fotografiadas para su identificación
a nivel de especie en base a su morfología. Durante cada
avistamiento se registró la temperatura de la superficie
del mar, el estado del mar y la distancia a la costa como
descriptores del hábitat.
Resultados: Se registraron tres serpientes marinas de
vientre amarillo en distintas ocasiones. Los avistamientos
ocurrieron a menos de 30 km entre sí y a 3.3 km de la costa.
La temperatura media de la superficie del mar fue de 26.6°
C con oleaje y estado de la mar bajos.
Conclusiones: El presente estudio brinda nuevo cono-
cimiento sobre la distribución de la serpiente de vientre
amarillo en la costa del Pacífico de Centroamérica, contri-
buyendo al registro de biodiversidad en Nicaragua.
Palabras clave: Pelamis platurus; serpientes marinas;
reptiles; Pacífico Tropical Oriental; San Juan del Sur;
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