222 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
Internal ultrastructure of the planktonic larva
of the coral Porites panamensis (Anthozoa: Scleractinia)
Jeimy D. Santiago-Valentín1,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2152-7875
Alma P. Rodríguez-Troncoso3*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6243-7679
Eric Bautista-Guerrero3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4975-1767
Andrés López-Pérez2; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1246-7401
Amílcar L. Cupul-Magaña3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6455-1253
1. Departamento de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Zonas Costeras, Centro Universitario de La Costa Sur,
Universidad de Guadalajara, Gómez Farías 82, San Patricio-Melaque, Jalisco 48980, México;
2. Departamento de Hidrobiología, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, San Rafael Atlixco 186, 09340 Distrito
Federal, México; alopez@xanum.uam.mx
3. Laboratorio de Ecología Marina, Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara, Av. Universidad No.
203. Puerto Vallarta, 48280 Jalisco, México; pao.rodriguezt@gmail.com (Correspondence*),
ericbguerrero@gmail.com, amilcar.cupul@gmail.com
Received 13-X-2021. Corrected 22-II-2022. Accepted 01-IV-2022.
Introduction: The scleractinian coral life cycle includes planktonic larvae that settle on the benthos, allowing
the primary polyp to clone and build a sexually reproducing adult colony. The larval physiology and ecology of
Eastern Tropical Pacific scleractinians needs the exploration of basic aspects such as the internal morphology
of planulae.
Objective: To describe histological and cytological characteristics of Porites panamensis larvae.
Methods: During August-July 2019, at Islas Marias Biosphere Reserve, Central Mexican Pacific, we made 14
collections of coral larvae and identified the species with cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene. We used a scan-
ning electron microscope and other techniques.
Results: The ectoderm was composed by heterogeneous, mono-ciliated, columnar epithelial cells. Nematocysts
were clustered at the oral pole of the ectoderm, and cells were evident in the aboral pole of the ectoderm gland.
The endoderm had secretory cells, lipids and symbionts.
Conclusions: The abundance of secretory cells and nematocysts in the aboral pole suggests their importance in
substrate exploration and larval settlement. Our results support previous descriptions of larval ultrastructure in
other coral species.
Key words: ultrastructure; histology; planulae; larvae biology; larvae settlement; Eastern Pacific.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
Scleractinian coral sexual reproduction
involves the fertilization of eggs that develop
into swimming larvae. Upon settlement, these
larvae undergo a metamorphosis with polar-
ity reversal to develop a sessile polyp, which
reproduces asexually by budding to grow into
a colony with the ability to mature gametes
(Fadlallah, 1983; Harrison & Wallace, 1990;
Richmond, 1990; Sammarco, 1994). The lar-
vae possess lipid vacuoles, and these serve as
energy repositories that contribute to their posi-
tive buoyancy (Vandermeulen, 1974); which
contributes to the maintenance of the larvae in
the plankton (up to 100 days) and allow a more
strict selection of the substrate (Richmond,
1987; Wilson & Harrison, 1998) and disperse
to new habitats and promotes gene flow (Ayre
et al., 1997).
Overall, early development involves cell
division that forms a blastula and a subsequent
upper and lower ectoderm excision resulting
in a second tissue layer, which develops as the
endoderm (Babcock & Heyward, 1986; Ball
et al., 2002; Hirose & Hidaka, 2006; Okubo et
al., 2013). Cilia allow planulae to swim with
an oral orientation (Ball et al., 2002; Gleason
& Hofmann, 2011). The aboral pole acts as a
sensor for recognizing suitable settling sites
(Chia et al., 1984; Vandermeulen, 1974). Lar-
val settlement is regulated synergistically by
multiple tactile and chemical cues (Gleason &
Hofmann, 2011; Ritson-Williams et al., 2009),
allowing an adequate selection of substrate
and survival advantage of these organisms
(Kitamura et al., 2007; Müller & Leitz, 2002).
Even though larvae have chemoreceptors, the
chemotaxis from a distance and in highly
dynamic environments is not strong enough
to detect an appropriate substrate, but specific
factors are likely to be present directly on its
surface (Müller & Leitz, 2002). Therefore, spe-
cialized cells should be a key in the detection
of both chemical and mechanical forces such
as compression or tension (Katta et al., 2015),
and cellular structures present in the ectoderm
of the aboral zone have been associated with
larval settlement (Chia & Koss, 1979; Martin,
1983; Vandermeulen, 1974).
The mode and reproduction patterns of
scleractinian corals are both species-specific
and spatiotemporally variable (Chávez-Romo
et al., 2013; Santiago-Valentín et al., 2018). At
the regional level, the Eastern Tropical Pacific
(ETP) environmental conditions are consid-
ered limiting for the development of coral
communities (Dana, 1975; Glynn et al., 1996;
Richmond, 1990). Conditions such as the wide
ranges of annual temperature fluctuations (18
to 32 °C), low pH (7.72 to 8.03) (Cupul-Cortés
et al., 2018), high sedimentation rates (Glynn
et al., 2017), seasonal upwellings (Portela et
al., 2016) and internal waves that results in
abnormal daily sea temperature fluctuations
(Plata & Filonov, 2007), promotes non-optimal
conditions that affect physiological processes
with high energy demand, such as reproduc-
tion (Glynn, 2000; Glynn & D’ Croz, 1990;
Santiago-Valentín et al., 2018; Spalding et
al., 2001). However, gamete development has
recently been documented in all reef-building
scleractinian corals examined in the region
(Carpizo-Ituarte et al., 2011; Chávez-Romo
& Reyes-Bonilla, 2007; Glynn et al., 1991;
Glynn et al., 1994; Glynn et al., 1996; Glynn
et al., 2017; López-Pérez et al., 2007; Medina-
Rosas et al., 2005; Rodríguez-Troncoso et
al., 2011; Santiago-Valentín et al., 2015), and
even the developmental stages and morphol-
ogy of the larvae within adult colonies have
been described (Glynn et al., 2017; Santiago-
Valentín et al., 2019).
The hermatypic coral Porites panamensis
Verrill, 1866 is endemic to the ETP and, as
such, displays a high tolerance to a wide range
of sea surface temperature and turbidity daily
and seasonal fluctuations (Halfar et al., 2005;
Reyes-Bonilla et al., 2007). This species is
a gonochoric brooder (Carpizo-Ituarte et al.,
2011; Glynn et al., 1994; Rodríguez-Troncoso
et al., 2011) and is the only one for which
larvae have been found in the water column
in the ETP (Santiago-Valentín et al., 2019).
Considering that the survival of coral reefs
given anthropogenic disturbances, including
the consequences of climate change, hinges
on successful recruitment, and in turn, this
224 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
depends on phenotypic diversity and plasticity
of larvae (Roth & Deheyn, 2013). In addition,
a comprehensive understanding of coral larval
morphological structures suitable for settle-
ment provides the basis for the conservation
of coral populations (Aranda et al., 2011).
Hence the high relevance to characterizing P.
panamensis larvae through the description of
histological and cytological features of the lar-
vae during their planktonic phase. In addition,
we generate data that in the future can be com-
pared with other cnidarian larvae; this would
aid in learning about specific adaptations of
settlement in corals.
Coral larvae were collected in Islas
Marias Biosphere Reserve (21°17’24.0” N -
106°14’24.0” W). Sampling was performed
in July and August 2017, recorded period of
gamete maturation for P. panamensis in the
region (Carpizo-Ituarte et al., 2011; Santiago-
Valentín et al., 2019). The collection of larvae
was performed at noon, slowly dragging a net
(30 cm diameter with a mesh size of 150 µm)
in the vicinity of live coral colonies for ≈20
min covering an approximate area of 250 m2. A
total of six samples per month were obtained.
Samples were transported to the laboratory
and separated using a dissecting microscope
Morphological and molecular identifica-
tion were carried over as previously described
in Santiago-Valentín et al. (2019), using the
molecular marker (Cytochrome oxidase sub-
unit I gene: COXI), amplified with PCR,
using the primers: LCOI490 (5´-GGGT-
CAAARAAYCA -5´) (Folmer et al., 1994).
Forward and reverse sequences were manually
edited in order to obtain a consensus sequence
using Geneious® V.4.8.5 software (Biomatters,
2010). The consensus sequences were ana-
lyzed using Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
(BLAST) of National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI). In order to determine the
relationship among samples collected in other
regions of Mexican Pacific and recognize the
taxonomic identity of the larvae, a maximum
likelihood (ML) tree with Hasegawa Kishimo
Yano distances and gamma distributions was
created (Kumar et al., 2016) using MEGA7®.
The tree was build using, sequences from the
genBank (MN005653, MN005652, MF969052,
NC024182.1, KU956960.1, MN005655) and
Gorgonia flabellum (GQ342418.1) was includ-
ed as outgroup. The consensus sequence was
deposited in the NCBI with accession number:
To describe the ultrastructure of the larva,
each larva was individually fixed in 2.5 %
glutaraldehyde in 0.2 M Millonig’s phosphate
buffer (pH 7.4) and 0.14 M NaCl for 7 days,
and then rinsed with phosphate buffer for 40
min; it is important to highlight that the fixa-
tion process can cause a slight shrinkage of the
larvae. Post-fixation was performed in 1 %
osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate
buffer, with overnight washing using the same
buffer. Larvae were dehydrated using an etha-
nol gradation series (50, 70, 80, 95, and 100
%), with infiltration in a diluted epoxy resin for
24 h (Hayat, 1986).
Thin sections (0.5 µm) were cut on an
ultra-microtome (MT-x, RMC®), mounting
onto glass slides, contrasted with uranyl acetate
and lead citrate, and stained with toluidine blue
1 % in 0.1 M sodium borate solution at alkaline
pH. Slides were first observed under Carl Zeiss
AxioScope® optical microscope to assess the
regionalization of structures. Electron micro-
graphs were taken with a transmission JEOL®
electron microscope (model JEM-1010) oper-
ated 60-80 kV with to resolution of 0.25 nm,
and cellular structures were identified accord-
ing to previous studies (Muscatine, 1974; Van-
dermeulen, 1974; Vandermeulen, 1975).
The total length of all planulae was deter-
mined, as well as the oral and aboral pole
diameter (using photographs of larvae before
the fixation process) and the length of cilia of
both poles (using electron micrographs). The
measures were done with the image analysis
software AxioVision® (Carl Zeiss Microscopy,
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
2005). Data recorded are expressed as the mean
± S.D. Statistical differences in cilia length
between oral and aboral poles were tested
throughout t-test employing Sigma-plot V.11.
Fourteen P. panamensis larvae were col-
lected during two different sampling periods:
three in July and 11 in August. The maximum
likelihood tree analysis revealed that the col-
lected larvae were clustered with P. panamensis
recruits and adults of Islas Marias, Islas Mari-
etas, and the Gulf of California (Fig. 1). The
BLAST analysis showed that sequence com-
parisons of larvae revealed a 100 % nucleotide
similarity with the species P. panamensis,
which also coincides with taxonomic charac-
teristics, concluding that the identity of the
collected larvae is P. panamensis.
Larvae were fusiform in shape, and the
analysis of planulae revealed typical two-lay-
ered anatomy (Fig. 2); a full ciliated translucent
light brown ectoderm, and dark brown endo-
derm (Fig. 2A), separated by a thin acellular
mesoglea (Fig. 2B). Specimens were 595.80 ±
113.57 µm in length and has an anterior pole
(aboral pole; 253.84 ± 46.63 µm in diameter)
that tapers to the posterior pole (oral pole;
114.97 ± 25.78 µm).
The ectoderm was densely covered by
cilia and clusters of microvilli (Fig. 3A); the
cilia showed a 9 + 2 axoneme arrangement
Fig. 1. Maximum Likelihood Tree of DNA secuences of partial fragment of the cytodhrome oxidase subunit I gene (COXI).
Number bootstrap values 1 000 replicates. GC: Golf of California.
Fig. 2. Free-swimming P. panamensis larva. A. External morphology, B. longitudinal (median) section. ap: aboral pole; ec:
ectoderm; en: endoderm; m: mesoglea; op: oral pole.
226 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
Fig. 3. Longitudinal section of the ectoderm of P. panamensis larva. A. Oral pole region stained with toluidine blue stained,
B. Aboral pole region, C. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of ectoderm cells of the oral pole, D. TEM
image showing epithelial cells with cilia, the square is a magnification of the cross-cut of cilia. c: cilia; cm: cell membrane;
col: coelenteron; l: lipids; m: mesoglea; mi: mitochondria; mu: mucus- secreting cell; mv: microvilli; ne: nematocyst; nu:
nucleus; rc: root of cilia; s: symbiont dinoflagellate; sc: secretory cell.
associated to the apical-central region of the
ectodermal cell and each possessed a vertically
oriented rootlet (Fig. 3D). The cilia did not
present differences in length (Student-t = 1.26,
N = 10, P = 0.242) between oral (1.48 ± 0.11
µm) and aboral pole (1.48 ± 0.083 µm). The
ectoderm was composed by heterogeneous,
mono-ciliated, columnar epithelial cells. Nuclei
were present as peripheral islands of hetero-
chromatin situated at different “levels,” causing
a pseudo-stratification of the epithelium (Fig.
3A, Fig. 3C). Mitochondria were observed as
spherical and ovoid structures (Fig. 3C). The
apical section of the ectoderm also showed
semi-oval structures (Fig. 4A) with projections
and other structures identified as viruses (Fig.
4B) (Vega-Thurber et al., 2017).
Cnidocytes encapsulating nematocysts
(Fig. 5) were most commonly associated with
the ectoderm of the oral pole (Fig. 3B) and two
types (shapes) of nematocysts were evidenced
b-mastigophores (Fig. 5A, Fig. 5B) and isorhi-
zas (Fig. 5C, Fig. 5D).
The highest concentrations of mucus-
secreting cells (mucus polysaccharides) were
observed associated with the aboral pole area
(Fig. 6). The secretory cells were visualized
along the ectoderm and endoderm (Fig. 6A,
Fig. 6B), which differed in electron-density,
shape, and size (Fig. 6D). In this study, they
were classified as type I and type II, follow-
ing the descriptions of Martin & Thomas
(1980) and Vandermeulen (1974) (Fig. 6B).
Symbionts were evident in the endoderm, and
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
Fig. 5. TEM image showing epithelial ectoderm of the aboral pole of P. panamensis with the presence of cnidocytes. A. -
B. nematocysts b-mastigophores. C. - D. nematocysts isorhizas. cn: cnida; mu: mucus- secreting cell; ne: nematocyst; sh:
shaft; tb: tubule.
Fig. 4. Transmission electron microscopy of the ectoderm of P. panamensis larva of the semi oval structures with
projections. A. Longitudinal sections of the epithelial layer with cells containing viruses. B. Close-up of some viruses
(denoted by arrows).
228 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
few cells in the ectoderm (Fig. 6A, Fig. 6B);
micro-algae cells were surrounded by complex
periplasts and lipid vacuoles. Each contained
nuclei bounded by a double membrane and
chromosomes attached to a prominent nucleo-
lus. In addition, these micro-algae contained
single, peripheral, multi-lobed chloroplasts, as
well as pyrenoids attached to the chloroplast by
one to three stalks (Fig. 6C).
The external anatomy of P. panamensis
larvae share similarities with larvae of other
scleractinian corals (e.g. Pocillopora damicor-
nis in central Pacific) (Vandermeulen, 1974),
Leptastrea purpurea in North Pacific (Nietzer
et al., 2018), and Porites astreoides (Edmunds
et al., 2001). However, differences of internal
structures (e.g., the presence of symbionts, the
location and development of cnidocytes, the
presence of lipid vacuoles) were observed, and
all are involved in their physiological perfor-
mance, in response to both regional and local
conditions, such as energy storage, length, and
competence (pre-metamorphosis) stage. This
contributes to explaining the reproductive suc-
cess of P. panamensis in the region, unlike the
Fig. 6. Lipid and secretory structures of P. panamensis larvae. A. Median section of the endoderm and ectoderm on the
lateral part of the larva. B. Aboral pole of the larva. C. TEM image of a cross-section of a symbiont dinoflagellate located
in the middle region of the gastrodermis. D. TEM of a different type of secretory cell of the aboral ectoderm. ca: calcium
oxalate crystal; ch: chromosome; cl: chloroplast; ec: ectoderm; en: endoderm; m: mesoglea; mi: mitochondria; mu: mucus-
secreting cell; nc: nucleoli; p: cell wall; py: pyrenoid; s: symbiont dinoflagellate cell; sc: secretory cell; v: vacuole.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
other species present at the site (Glynn et al.,
2017; López-Pérez et al., 2007; Medina-Rosas
et al., 2005).
Cilia fully covered the P. panamensis lar-
val ectoderm, with no differentiation in orga-
nization or morphology along the oral-aboral
axis, the basal anatomy of the cilia is equal
or similar to the majority of the cilia present
in metazoan (Pitelka, 1974). The distribution
of cilia in the larva allows that planulae can
control over the depth, swimming actively up
in a spiraling motion concerning increasing
pressure even in areas with strong tidal cur-
rents (Mileikovsky, 1973; Stake & Sammarco,
2003). However, the dispersion horizontal is
mostly associated with marine currents’ effect
(Sammarco, 1994). Cilia provide locomotion
and funciont as transductors of chemical cues
(Nielsen, 1987; Nielsen 2012; Vandermeulen,
1974), influencing the dispersal and substrate
selection processes, both important for larval
settlement and maintenance of the population.
Two types of nematocysts were observed
in the aboral pole of the planula, isorhizas, and
b-mastigophores. The composition of nema-
tocysts may vary depending on developmen-
tal stages or physiological conditions (Fautin,
1988; Fautin, 2009). The isorhizas are present
in planulae but absent in adult colonies of the
coral Pocillopora damicornis (Paruntu et al.,
2000). Nematocysts specific (e.g isorhizas) to
larvae might have functions including attach-
ment to the substrate. When larvae detect an
adequate substrate for settlement, spirocysts
and isorhizas are work as a pre-attachment
tool (Strömberg et al., 2019; Vandermeulen,
1974; Vandermeulen, 1975), as planulae use
them as an anchoring system that latches on
the substrate (Chia & Bickell, 1978). We only
observed isorhizas in the collected larvae;
however, the presence of spirocysts cannot be
ruled out, and possibly, they develop in a more
advanced stage of larva maturity or during the
metamorphosis phase. The b- mastigophores
has been considered as a nematocist (Mariscal,
1974), and as P. panamensis planulae is lecito-
trophic and not feed during its planktonic stage,
larval cnids b- mastigophores must not be used
for capture prey. Thus, the b-mastigophores
in planulae are expected to work as a defense
system against predators, as observed in other
cnidarians (Buss, 1990; Lange et al., 1992).
Also, three types of secretory cells were
observed throughout the epidermis and gastro-
dermis. The cell mucus (mixture of polymeric
glycoproteins) in the aboral epidermis they
play an essential role for rapid adhesion of the
coral larvae (Chia & Crawford, 1977; Vander-
meulen, 1975) and, is different from the mucus
in pole oral, which is characterized by its high
carbohydrate content (around 80 %) (Bansil &
Turner, 2006) and can also act as a stored ener-
getic budget used during metamorphosis (Davy
& Patten, 2007; Futch et al., 2010). Other
secretory cells (type I, II) represent differences
in the chemistry of their secretions or, are suc-
cessive developmental stages of other cell
types and classified as zymogen cells, which
are responsible for secreting proteins (Rose &
Burnett, 1968), and are located in the central
region of the gastrodermis and considered as
precursor cells of the specialized cells respon-
sible for digestion in adult organisms (Haynes
& Davis, 1969).
Viruses were observed in the apical zone
of the epidermal cells in the larvae. Coral lar-
vae can obtain bacteria and viruses from their
progenitor, but also from the water column
in early larvae and recruit stages, in fact they
generally possess a far more diverse bacterial
microbiomes and virus than later life stages
(Van Oppen & Blackall, 2019). The viruses
observed in the epidermis of the larvae appar-
ently belong to different families including
mega-virus and mini-virus (Claverie et al.,
2009; Vega-Thurber et al., 2017). However,
metagenomics studies are required to charac-
terize the virus type and its possible role in
early coral larvae and recruit stages.
In the gastrodermis, the presence of lipid
vacuoles and symbionts was clearly evidenced.
Porites panamensis larvae are non-feeding
planulae lacking a mouth opening and tentacles,
contrary to the planktotrophic larvae devel-
oped by spawning coral species. Contrastingly,
planktonic larvae from gonochoric brooders
230 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
rely on nutrients stored in their tissues, and the
organic carbon traslocated through symbiosis
(Muscatine & Cernichiari, 1969), and by the
absorption of organics from the water column
(Ben-David-Zaslow & Benayahu, 2000; Van-
dermeulen, 1974; Vandermeulen, 1975). The
energy reserves of planulae are thus critical to
their longevity and dispersal potential (Gleason
& Hofmann, 2011; Harrison, 2011). Esters and
triacylglycerol are the most common storage
lipids in corals (Yamashiro et al., 1999); in
addition, the released planulae have mater-
nally derived endogenous lipids (up to 70 % by
weight) which does not only acts as an ener-
getic source but also contribute to the buoyancy
and favors a vertical posture and displacement
along the water column (Vandermeulen, 1974;
Vandermeulen, 1975).
The acquisition of symbionts for P. pana-
mensis larvae is horizontal, as they “inherit”
symbiotic cells during the maturation of the
oocyte (Carpizo-Ituarte et al., 2011; Rodríguez-
Troncoso et al., 2011). All planktonic larvae
samples evidence symbiotic cells mostly in the
endoderm and, few cells in the ectoderm, later
disappear from the ectoderm as the planulae
matured (see Hirose et al., 2000; Hirose &
Hidaka et al., 2006), as the larvae are essen-
tially lecithotrophic upon emission and the
energy translocated from the symbionts is
minimal in the planulae compared with adult
coral (Kopp et al., 2016).
The successful survival of larvae and the
subsequent recruitment is important for the
healthy maintenance of the whole community,
as it contributes to population replenishment
and connectivity among broadly dispersed
populations. Also, the development of sensory
structures is a specific key process, such as
the adequate selection of substrate and its sub-
sequent settlement, which will determine the
survival of the future colony. The present study
supports previous descriptions of the ultrastruc-
ture of larvae of other coral species. Structures
such as secretory cells and nematocysts are
abundant in the aboral pole, which suggests
their importance in the substrate exploration
larval settlement.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
Jeimy Denisse Santiago-Valentín received
a postdoctoral fellowship from Mexico’s
Teacher Professional Development Program
(PRODEP-NO.920007). We thank the authori-
ties of the Islas Marias Biosphere Reserve
(CONANP) and Protección y Restauración de
Islas y Zonas Naturales for the logistical sup-
port and Lourdes Palma Tirado (INB-UNAM)
for the processing of the TEM images. Finally,
the authors thank Anderson Mayfield for pro-
viding comments on the article, as well as
proofreading it.
Ultraestructura interna de la larva planctónica del
coral Porites panamensis (Anthozoa: Scleractinia)
Introducción: El ciclo de vida del coral escleractinio
incluye larvas planctónicas que se asientan en el bentos, lo
que permite que el pólipo primario se clone y construya una
colonia de adultos con reproducción sexual. La fisiología y
ecología larvaria de los escleractinios del Pacífico Tropical
Oriental necesita la exploración de aspectos básicos como
la morfología interna de las plánulas.
Objetivo: Describir las características histológicas y cito-
lógicas de las larvas de Porites panamensis.
Métodos: Durante agosto-julio 2019, en la Reserva de
la Biosfera Islas Marías, Pacífico Central Mexicano, rea-
lizamos 14 recolectas de larvas de coral e identificamos
las especies con el gen citocromo oxidasa subunidad 1.
Utilizamos un microscopio electrónico de barrido y otras
Resultados: El ectodermo está compuesto por células
epiteliales columnares heterogéneas, monociliadas. Los
nematocistos se agrupan en el polo oral del ectodermo,
mientras que en el polo aboral son visibles células glan-
dulares. El endodermo presentó células secretoras, lípidos
y simbiontes.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 222-234, January-December 2022 (Published Apr. 18, 2022)
Conclusiones: La abundancia de células secretoras y
nematocistos en el polo aboral sugiere su importancia en la
exploración del sustrato y asentamiento larvario. Nuestros
resultados respaldan las descripciones previas de la ultraes-
tructura de las larvas en otras especies de coral.
Palabras clave: ultraestructura; histología; plánula; biolo-
gía larval; asentamiento larval; Pacífico Oriental.
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sensitivity of coral larvae to natural levels of ultra-
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Ayre, D. J., Hughes, T. P., & Standish, R. J. (1997). Genetic
differentiation, reproductive mode, and gene flow in
the brooding coral Pocillopora damicornis along the
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