Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
The role of spine length in crustacean and fish associations
with echinoids at Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Floyd E. Hayes1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3032-8405
Sean T. Richards1, 2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4554-5499
Antonio I. Robles1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2408-8022
Robert A. Gouveia1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8846-8350
Gillund G. Fayard1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5656-0790
1. Department of Biology, Pacific Union College, 1 Angwin Ave., Angwin, CA 94508, United States of America;
floyd_hayes@yahoo.com (* Correspondence), serichards@puc.edu, airobles@puc.edu, ragouveia@puc.edu,
2. Department of Earth and Biological Sciences, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA 82350, United States of
Received 14-I-2022. Corrected 18-X-2022. Accepted 16-XI-2022.
Introduction: Echinoids (sea urchins) provide shelter for a variety of facultative or obligatory ectosymbionts.
Objective: To evaluate the hypothesis that decapods and fishes prefer to associate with echinoid individuals and
species that have longer spines.
Methods: We visually studied the frequency of decapod crustaceans and fishes associated with echinoids in
shallow water (< 4 m) and deeper water (5-20 m) at Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico, during 1-6 January
Results: We inspected 1 058 echinoids of six species. Five decapod species associated with three species of echi-
noids. When compared with other echinoid species, in shallow water, decapods associated 5.1 times more often
with the longest-spined echinoid Diadema mexicanum (7.0 times more decapods per individual D. mexicanum);
in deeper water, association frequency was similar for all echinoid species. Fourteen fish species associated with
four echinoid species. In shallow water, fishes associated 2.6 times more with D. mexicanum (4.5 times more
fishes per individual). There was no preferred echinoid species in deeper water. Longer-spined D. mexicanum
had more decapods and fishes. Associations were more frequent in shallow water. Multiple individuals and spe-
cies of decapods and fish often associated together with a single D. mexicanum. The decapod that presumably is
Tuleariocaris holthuisi showed a possible obligatory association with one of the equinoids (D. mexicanum); the
other decapods and all fish species are facultative associates.
Conclusion: Our results support the hypothesis that decapods and fishes associate most frequently with echi-
noids with the longest spines, presumably to reduce the risk of predation.
Key words: coastal ecology; ectosymbionts; facultative association; Gulf of California; rocky subtidal.
El papel de la longitud de la espina en la asociación de crustáceos y peces con equinoideos
en Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México
Introducción: Los equinoideos (erizos de mar) brindan refugio a una variedad de ectosimbiontes facultativos
u obligatorios.
788 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
Sea urchins (hereafter referred to as echi-
noids) comprise an integral component of many
shallow benthic marine ecosystems, modifying
habitats by grazing algae and seagrasses, creat-
ing new habitats through bioerosion of hard
substrates, and providing prey for predators
(Steneck, 2013). In addition, the pointed spines
of echinoids and the burrows echinoids create
provide shelter for a variety of invertebrate and
vertebrates ectosymbionts, including many spe-
cies of crustaceans (e.g., Bruce, 1976; Hayes et
al., 2016; Ross, 1983) and fishes (e.g., Giglio
et al., 2017; Hayes et al., 2019; Karplus, 2014).
Previous studies have demonstrated that
several species of crustaceans (Castro, 1978;
Hayes et al., 2016; Joseph et al., 1998) and
fishes (Giglio et al., 2017; Gould et al., 2014;
Hartney & Grorud, 2002; Hayes et al., 2019;
Magnus, 1967; Tamura, 1982) prefer to associ-
ate with models, live individuals, or species
of echinoids with longer or denser spines,
presumably to gain protection from predators.
Some species of crustaceans (Bruce, 1976;
Bruce, 1982; Chace, 1969; Fricke & Hentschel,
1971; Lewis, 1956; Patton et al., 1985) and
fishes (Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1961; Fricke, 1970;
Gould et al., 2014; Hartney & Grorud, 2002;
Lachner, 1955; Magnus, 1967; Strasburg,
1966; Tamura, 1982) are nearly always associ-
ated with long-spined echinoid species; these
obligate ectosymbionts often exhibit morpho-
logical adaptations such as matching the color
of echinoid hosts, possessing dark horizontal
lines that are aligned with echinoid spines, or
changing color when departing from echinoid
hosts. However, many species of crustaceans
(e.g., Hayes, 2007; Hayes et al., 2006, Hayes et
al., 2016) and fishes (e.g., Giglio et al., 2017;
Hayes et al., 2019; Karplus, 2014) associate
facultatively with echinoids, sometimes only
during the juvenile stage of their life cycle, and
lack specialized morphological adaptations for
associating with echinoids.
The frequency of ectosymbionts associ-
ated with echinoids in the eastern Pacific
Ocean has been studied for only two species
of echinoids: Centrostephanus coronatus in
California (Hartney & Grorud, 2002) and Echi-
nometra vanbrunti in Colombia (Schoppe &
Werding, 1996; Vallejo, 2007). In this study we
provide data on the frequency of five species
of decapod crustaceans (hereafter referred to
Objetivo: Evaluar la hipótesis de que los decápodos y los peces prefieren asociarse con individuos y especies de
equinoideos con espinas más largas.
Métodos: Estudiamos visualmente la frecuencia de crustáceos decápodos y peces asociados con equinoideos en
aguas poco profundas (< 4 m) y aguas más profundas (5-20 m) en Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México, del
1-6 de enero 2019.
Resultados: Examinamos 1 058 equinoideos de seis especies. Cinco especies de decápodos se asociaron con
tres especies de equinoideos. Al comparar con otras especies de equinoideos, en aguas poco profundas, los decá-
podos se asociaron 5.1 veces más frecuentemente con la especie de equinoideo de espinas más largas, Diadema
mexicanum (7.0 veces más decápodos por individuo en D. mexicanum); en aguas más profundas, la frecuencia
fue similar para todas las especies de equinoideos. Catorce especies de peces se asociaron con 4 especies de
equinoideos. En aguas poco profundas, los peces se asociaron 2.6 veces más con D. mexicanum (4.5 veces más
peces por individuo). No hubo preferencia por una especie de equinoideo en aguas más profundas. Individuos
de D. mexicanum con espinas largas tuvieron más asociación con decápodos y peces. Las asociaciones se dieron
con mayor frecuencia en aguas poco profundas. Múltiples individuos y especies de decápodos y peces a menudo
se asociaron con un solo D. mexicanum. Un decápodo que presumiblemente es Tuleariocaris holthuisi mostró
una posible asociación obligatoria con uno de los equinoideos (D. mexicanum); las otras especies de decápodos
y todas las especies de peces presentaron asociaciones facultativas.
Conclusión: Nuestros resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que los decápodos y los peces se asociaron con mayor
frecuencia con los equinoideos con las espinas más largas, presumiblemente para reducir el riesgo de depredación.
Palabras clave: ecología costera; ectosimbiontes; asociación facultativa; Golfo de California; submareal rocoso.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
as decapods) and 14 species of fishes associ-
ated with six species of echinoids in shallow
water (< 4 m) and deeper water (5-20 m) at
Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. We
evaluate the hypothesis that decapods and
fishes associate most frequently with echinoid
individuals and species with the longest spines,
presumably to reduce the risk of predation.
Study area: Our study sites were located
along the coast between Cabo San Lucas
(22°52’36” N & 109°53’46” W) and Playa
Palmilla (23°00’34” N & 109°42’55” W),
within the Municipality of Los Cabos in Baja
California Sur, Mexico, at the southern tip of
the Baja California Peninsula. The study area
occurs within the Del Cabo biogeographical
province (Comisión Nacional para el Cono-
cimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, 1997) and
represents the southwestern border of the Gulf
of California. The coastal habitats comprise a
mixture of sandy beaches and rocky shores.
Scattered patches of stony corals and algae
cover subtidal rocks. The marine ecosystems
of the area are strongly influenced by seasonal
movements of the Inter-Tropical Convergence
Zone, which determines the southern limit of
the southward-flowing California Current and
the northern limit of the northward-flowing
Costa Rica Current (Lavín & Marinone, 2003).
The marine ecology of the Southern Gulf of
California region, which is rich in macrofaunal
diversity, is described by Brusca et al. (2005),
Brusca (2010), Ganster et al. (2012), Lluch-
Cota et al. (2007), and Thomson et al. (2000).
Sampling methods: During 1-6 January
2019 we visually surveyed the decapod crus-
taceans and fishes associated with echinoids
in rocky subtidal areas of the study area. No
specimens were collected. Snorkeling equip-
ment was used to survey echinoids in water
< 4 m deep at five localities: Playa del Amor
(22°52’36” N & 109°53’46” W), Playa las
Viudas (22°55’21” N & 109°49’24” W), Playa
Santa María (22°55’46” N & 109°48’56” W),
Playa el Chileno (22°56’49” N & 109°48’23”
W), and Playa Palmilla (23°00’34” N &
109°42’55” W). Scuba equipment was used
to survey echinoids in water 5-20 m deep at
two localities: Pared Norte (22°52’44” N &
109°53’57” W) and Roca Pelícano (22°52’44”
N & 109°53’54” W). To avoid sampling the
same echinoids twice, each species was sur-
veyed by a different observer. We surveyed an
area of approximately 6.94 ha (measured by the
dimensions of areas surveyed, which we plotted
on Google Earth; www.google.com/earth). Sur-
veys were conducted only during periods of fair
weather when the skies were clear or cloudy
and the sea surface was relatively calm.
To obtain data on the densities of shallow-
water echinoids, at Playa el Chileno only we
counted the number of echinoids of each spe-
cies in three circular 100 m2 plots for a total
of 300 m2. At each study site we carefully
inspected each echinoid observed for decapods
and fishes. An association was considered to
occur whenever a decapod or fish sought shel-
ter within 5 cm of the spines of an echinoid
and remained within 5 cm of the spines for
at least 10 s when we approached. Decapods
and fishes observed > 5 cm from an urchin
were not considered to be associated with an
urchin. We did not inspect echinoids that were
partially hidden within a crevice so that the
base of the echinoids could not be adequately
observed. We counted the number of individu-
als of each decapod and fish species associated
with each individual echinoid. For the diadema-
tid echinoids Centrostephanus coronatus and
Diadema mexicanum, which are the longest
spined echinoid species and varied the most in
spine length, we used cm markings on the edge
of an underwater writing slate held near each
echinoid to estimate spine length based on one
of three categories: 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and > 10
cm. We did not attempt to precisely measure
the spines because inserting a ruler within the
spines would have disturbed the echinoids and
broken off some spines. All data were written
on underwater writing slates.
The echinoids, decapods, and fishes were
identified directly in the field or photographed
790 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
and subsequently identified based on field
guides (Allen & Robertson, 1994; Bertsch &
Aguilar Rosas, 2016; Hickman, 1998; Kerstitch
& Bertsch, 2007; Robertson & Allen, 2015) and
technical literature (Alvarado et al., 2015). The
long-spined diadematid echinoids C. coronatus
and D. mexicanum are difficult to distinguish in
the field. Centrostephanus coronatus has band-
ed spines in contrast with the uniformly dark
spines of D. mexicanum (Bertsch & Aguilar
Rosas, 2016; Hickman, 1998), but the spines
of juvenile D. mexicanum are often banded
(Alvarado et al., 2015) and the spines of some
large C. coronatus are nearly black (Pawson &
Miller, 1983). Centrostephanus coronatus is
best diagnosed by small, purple-tipped, club-
shaped spines on the aboral surface, which are
difficult to observe while inspecting echinoids
in the water, and small spines surrounding the
peristome on the oral surface, which requires
picking up an individual and turning it over for
examination (Alvarado et al., 2015; Bertsch &
Aguilar Rosas, 2016; Pawson & Miller, 1983).
None of the echinoids, decapods, or fishes were
handled or collected. Our taxonomy is based on
Solís-Marín et al. (2005) for species and Kroh
& Smith (2010) for the sequence of echinoids,
De Grave et al. (2009) for decapod crustaceans,
and Froese and Pauly (2021) for fishes.
Statistical analysis: The percent frequen-
cy of echinoids occupied by decapods and
fishes and the mean number of decapods and
fishes per echinoid were calculated separately
for each echinoid species in shallow water (< 4
m) and deeper water (5-20 m). Because of the
difficulty of identification, we combined the
data for the diadematids D. mexicanum and C.
coronatus in deeper water, where both species
were recorded (only one species was recorded
in shallow water). A Mann-Whitney U test (z
statistic; Zar, 2010) was used to compare spine
length of the diadematids between shallow and
deeper water. Chi-square analyses of contin-
gency tables (X2 statistic; Zar, 2010) or Fisher
exact tests (with exact P value) were calculated
to compare the proportions of decapods, fishes,
and all ectosymbionts combined associated
with different species of echinoids and in dif-
ferent water depth categories. When sample
sizes were too small to avoid an expected fre-
quency of < 1, no chi-square analyses were
used. Kruskal-Wallis tests (H statistic; Zar,
2010) or Mann-Whitney U tests were used to
compare the number of decapods, fishes, and
all ectosymbionts combined per echinoid of
different water depths in different water depth
categories. Spearman rank correlation coef-
ficients (rs statistic; Zar, 2010) were calculated
to compare the number of decapods, fishes, and
all ectosymbionts combined with spine length
categories of the diadematids in different water
depth categories and for all data combined.
Echinoid diversity, morphology, and
abundance: We visually inspected 1,058 echi-
noids of six species. The longest-spined were
the diadematids D. mexicanum and C. coro-
natus, with very thin spines up to about 15 cm
and 12.5 cm long, respectively. Two species had
medium-length spines: the echinometrid Echi-
nometra vanbrunti with thin spines up to about
6 cm long and the cidarid Eucidaris thouarsii
with thick spines up to about 5 cm long. Two
species had short spines: the toxopneustids Tri-
pneustes depressus with thin spines up to about
2 cm long and Toxopneustes roseus with thin
spines up to about 1 cm long.
In shallow water (< 4 m) at Playa el Chile-
no, E. vanbrunti was the most common species
(0.16 ind./m2), followed by D. mexicanum (0.14
ind./m2), T. depressus (0.12 ind./m2), T. roseus
(0.02 ind./m2), and E. thouarsii (0.02 ind./m2).
No individuals of C. coronatus were observed
in shallow water. In deeper water (5-20 m) at
Pared Norte and Roca Pelícano, the most com-
mon species was D. mexicanum followed by E.
thouarsii and C. coronatus. Large individuals
of the latter species were distinguished from
D. mexicanum by their banded spines, but
some unbanded individuals may have been
C. coronatus; small individuals of both D.
mexicanum and C. coronatus were banded and
unidentified. We estimated that 85 % of the
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
larger diadematids in deeper water were D.
mexicanum and 15 % were C. coronatus. Spine
length of the diadematids averaged shorter in
deeper water (mean size class = 1.96, SD =
0.41, N = 95) than in shallow water (mean size
class = 2.61, SD = 0.51, N = 370; z = 10.05,
P < 0.001). No individuals of T. roseus, T.
depressus, or E. vanbrunti were observed in
deeper water.
Decapod-echinoid associations: Five spe-
cies of decapods associated with three spe-
cies of echinoids (Table 1). The frequency of
echinoids hosting decapods in shallow water
(< 4 m) differed significantly among the five
species of echinoids (X2 = 87.2, d.f. = 4, P
< 0.001) and was 5.1 times higher for the
longest-spined species, D. mexicanum, than
that of any other echinoid species (16.2 % vs
3.2 % for E. thouarsii; Table 1). No decapods
were observed associated with the two species
of echinoids with the shortest spines, T. roseus
and T. depressus (Table 1). The mean number
of decapods per echinoid in shallow water was
7.0 times higher for the longest-spined species,
D. mexicanum, than that of any other echinoid
species (0.21 vs 0.03 for E. thouarsii; H =
271.7, P < 0.001; Table 1). The frequency of
echinoids hosting decapods in deeper water did
not differ significantly between the diadematids
and E. thouarsii (2.1 % vs 3.0 %; Fisher exact
P = 1.0; Table 1) and the mean number of deca-
pods per echinoid in deeper water did not differ
significantly between the diadematids and E.
thouarsii (0.02 vs 0.03; z = 0.29, P = 0.77).
Five species of decapods associated with
D. mexicanum; of these, five species associ-
ated with 16.2 % of D. mexicanum in shallow
water and one species associated with 2.1 %
of the diadematids (none confirmed with C.
coronatus) in deeper water (Table 1). Decapods
associated more frequently with D. mexicanum
in shallow water than with the diadematids in
deeper water (X2 = 13.0, d.f. = 1, P < 0.001),
with significantly more decapods per echinoid
in shallow water than in deeper water (0.21 vs
0.02; z = 3.62, P < 0.001; Table 1). The num-
ber of decapods per echinoid was positively
correlated with spine length of D. mexicanum
in shallow water (rs = 0.13, P = 0.01) but not
with spine length of the diadematids in deeper
water (rs = 0.19, P = 0.06), and was positively
correlated with spine length of the diadematids
when all data were combined (rs = 0.19, P <
0.001; Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Mean number of decapod and fish individuals associated with Diadema mexicanum and Centrostephanus coronatus
hosts of different size categories (data combined for shallow and deeper water) at Los Cabos, Mexico.
792 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
Percentage (mean number of individuals) of echinoids occupied by decapods, fishes, and ectosymbionts at Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Eucidaris thouarsii
< 4 m (n = 31)
Eucidaris thouarsii
5-20 m (n = 33)
< 4 m (n = 370)
Diadema mexicanum
& Centro-stephanus
coronatus 5–20 m
(n = 95)
Toxopneustes roseus
< 4 m (n = 46)
< 4 m (n = 116)
< 4 m (n = 367)
Decapods (combined) 3.2 (0.03) 3.0 (0.03) 16.2 (0.21) 2.1 (0.02) 0.5 (0.005)
Tuleariocaris holthuisi 0.3 (0.003)
Petrolisthes sanfelipensis 3.2 (0.03) 3.0 (0.03) 9.5 (0.11) 2.1 (0.02)
Calcinus californiensis 3.2 (0.04)
Percnon gibbesi 3.0 (0.04) ———0.3 (0.003)
Plagusia sp. 0.3 (0.003) ———0.3 (0.003)
Fishes (combined) 16.1 (0.19) 24.2 (0.24) 42.4 (0.86) 24.2 (0.51) 2.2 (0.02) 2.2 (0.02)
Arcos erythrops 0.3 (0.008)* **
Gobiesox adustus 0.5 (0.005)* **
Tomicodon myersi 0.8 (0.008)* **
Doryrhamphus excisus ———3.2 (0.05)
Apogon retrosella 3.0 (0.03) 1.1 (0.01) 3.2 (0.05)
Microspathodon dorsalis 0.5 (0.005)
Stegastes flavilatus 0.3 (0.003)
Thalassoma lucasanum 3.2 (0.03) 7.3 (0.11) 4.2 (0.06) 0.3 (0.003)
Axoclinus storeyae 1.6 (0.03)* ** 0.3 (0.003)
Cirriemblemaria lucasana 0.5 (0.005)
Tigrigobius limbaughi ———4.2 (0.08)
Tigrigobius puncticulatus 9.7 (0.13) 15.2 (0.15) 37.3 (0.56) 7.4 (0.15) 2.2 (0.02) 1.6 (0.02)
Bathygobius ramosus 0.3 (0.003)
Canthigaster punctatissima 3.2 (0.03) 1.1 (0.01) 6.3 (0.06)
Unidentified fishes 3.0 (0.03) 8.4 (0.11) 5.3 (0.05)
Ectosymbionts (decapods and
fishes combined)
19.4 (0.23) 27.3 (0.27) 51.9 (1.07) 26.3 (0.53) 2.2 (0.02) 2.7 (0.02)
* Additional individuals possibly observed but unidentified. ** Possibly observed but unidentified.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
One species of decapod associated with
3.2 % of E. thouarsii in shallow water and
with 3.0 % in deeper water, with an average
of 0.03 decapods per echinoid in both shal-
low and deeper water (Table 1). Two species
of decapods associated with 0.5 % of E. van-
brunti, with a mean of 0.005 decapods per
echinoid (Table 1).
We observed 76 individuals of five deca-
pod species associated with echinoids in shal-
low water and two decapods of one species in
deeper water. The porcellanid crab Petrolisthes
sanfelipensis was the most common decapod
associate of echinoids, comprising 56.6 % of
the decapods observed in shallow water and
all of the decapods observed in deeper water
(Table 1). It associated with two species of
echinoids, E. thouarsii and D. mexicanum, but
did not differ between the two species in its fre-
quency of association in shallow water (Fisher
exact P = 0.34; insufficient data for deeper
water; Table 1). It usually occurred alone (83.8
%), but sometimes as a duo (13.5 %) and rarely
as a trio (2.7 %). All individuals were under-
neath the spines of echinoids (Fig. 2A); none
were observed apart from echinoids.
The diogenid hermit crab Calcinus cali-
forniensis accounted for 21.1 % of the deca-
pods associated with echinoids in shallow
water; it was not encountered in deeper water.
It associated only with the longest-spined echi-
noid, D. mexicanum (Table 1), occurring either
alone (66.7 %) or with a second individual
(33.3 %). It was usually underneath or beside
the spines of echinoids (Fig. 2B) and quick-
ly retreated deeper under the spines when
Fig. 2. Decapod crustaceans associated with the echinoid Diadema mexicanum at Los Cabos, Mexico: A. Petrolisthes
sanfelipensis; B. Calcinus californiensis; C. Percnon gibbesi; D. Plagusia immaculata or P. squamosa. Photographs by F.
E. Hayes.
794 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
threatened. We occasionally saw individuals
apart from echinoids.
The plagusiid crab Percnon gibbesi com-
prised 18.4 % of the decapods associated with
echinoids in shallow water; it was not encoun-
tered in deeper water. It associated only with
the longest-spined echinoid, D. mexicanum
(Table 1), occurring either alone (81.8 %) or
with a second individual (18.2 %). It was usu-
ally beside the spines of echinoids and quickly
retreated under the spines when threatened
(Fig. 2C). We occasionally saw individuals
apart from echinoids.
We observed two unidentified individuals
of the plagusiid crab Plagusia immaculata or
Plagusia squamosa (Hendrickx, 1996; Schu-
bart & Ng, 2000; Schubart et al., 2001), which
accounted for 2.6 % of the decapods associated
with echinoids in shallow water; none were
encountered in deeper water. It associated
with two species of echinoids (Table 1), D.
mexicanum and E. vanbrunti, occurring alone
on both occasions under the spines of the
echinoid (Fig. 2D). We did not observe it apart
from echinoids.
A small and dark palaemonid shrimp,
presumably Tuleariocaris holthuisi (which had
been previously collected within the study area;
Wicksten & Hernández, 2000), was briefly
observed on a spine of a D. mexicanum (Table
1) at Playa el Chileno, accounting for 1.3 % of
the decapods observed associated with echi-
noids. It was not observed apart from echinoids.
Fish-echinoid associations: Fourteen spe-
cies of fishes associated with echinoids (Table
1). The frequency of echinoids hosting fishes
in shallow water (< 4 m) differed significantly
among the five species of echinoids (X2 =
283.3, d.f. = 4, P < 0.001) and was greatest
for the longest-spined species, D. mexicanum,
which was 2.6 times higher than that of any
other echinoid species (42.4 % vs 16.1 % for
E. thouarsii; Table 1). The mean number of
fishes per echinoid in shallow water was 4.5
times higher for the longest-spined species,
D. mexicanum, than that of any other echinoid
species (0.86 vs 0.19 for E. thouarsii; H =
381.6, P < 0.001; Table 1). The frequency of
echinoids hosting fishes in deeper water (5-20
m) did not differ significantly between the
diadematids and E. thousarsii (24.2 % vs 24.2
%; X2 = 0.0, d.f. = 4, P = 1.0; Table 1) and the
mean number of fishes per echinoid in deeper
water did not differ significantly between the
diadematids and E. thouarsii (0.52 vs 0.24; z =
0.25, P = 0.80).
All fourteen species of fishes associated
with D. mexicanum; of these, 12 species associ-
ated with 42.4 % of D. mexicanum in shallow
water and six species associated with 24.2 % of
the diadematids (none confirmed with C. coro-
natus) in deeper water, averaging 0.86 fishes
per echinoid in shallow water and 0.51 fishes
per echinoid in deeper water (Table 1). Fishes
associated significantly more frequently with
D. mexicanum in shallow water than with the
diadematids in deeper water (X2 = 9.8, d.f. = 1,
P = 0.001), with significantly more fishes per
echinoid in shallow water than in deeper water
(0.86 vs 0.51; z = 3.30, P = 0.001; Table 1).
The number of fishes per echinoid was not cor-
related with spine length of D. mexicanum in
shallow water (rs = 0.08, P = 0.12) or with spine
length of the diadematids in deeper water (rs =
-0.03, P = 0.76), but was positively correlated
with spine length when all data were combined
(rs = 0.13, P = 0.005).
Five species of fishes associated with E.
thouarsii; of these, three species associated
with 16.1 % of the echinoids in shallow water
and three species associated with 24.2 % of
the echinoids in deeper water (Table 1). The
frequency of fishes associated with E. thouar-
sii did not differ between shallow and deeper
water (X2 = 0.25, d.f. = 1, P = 0.62) and the
mean number of fishes per echinoid did not
differ between shallow and deeper water (0.2
vs 0.2; z = 0.71, P = 0.48; Table 1).
Three species of fishes associated with
2.2 % of E. vanbrunti, with an average of 0.02
fishes per echinoid (Table 1). Only one species
of fish associated with 2.2 % of T. roseus, with
an average of 0.02 fishes per echinoid (Table
1). No fish was observed associated with
T. depressus.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
We observed 335 individuals of 12 fish
species associated with echinoids in shallow
water and 55 fishes of six species in deeper
water. Three species of gobiesocid clingfishes
associated with echinoids: Arcos erythrops,
Gobiesox adustus, and Tomicodon myersi.
All three species associated exclusively with
the longest-spined echinoid, D. mexicanum,
together comprising 2.4 % of the fishes associ-
ated with echinoids in shallow water (Table 1).
Additional individuals were possibly observed
in both shallow and deeper water but were
not identified to species. Only adults were
observed. All were beside or underneath the
spines of echinoids (Fig. 3A). None were
observed apart from echinoids, but these cryp-
tically colored species are easily overlooked.
The syngnathid pipefish Doryrhamphus
excisus did not associate with echinoids in
shallow water but it comprised 9.1 % of the
fishes associated with echinoids in deep water,
only with the longest-spined species of echi-
noid, D. mexicanum (Table 1). Only adults
were observed, occurring alone (33.3 %) or
in pairs (66.7 %). None were observed apart
from echinoids.
The apogonid cardinalfish Apogon retro-
sella comprised 1.2 % of the fishes associated
with echinoids in shallow water and 10.9 %
in deeper water (Table 1). In both shallow and
deeper water, it associated almost exclusively
with the longest-spined species of echinoid,
D. mexicanum, but it did not associate more
frequently with the diadematids in either shal-
low or deeper water (Fisher exact P = 0.15;
Table 1). One individual associated with an E.
thouarsii in deep water (Table 1). It was usu-
ally alone (87.5 % for all echinoids combined)
but one D. mexicanum hosted three individu-
als. Both adults and juveniles associated with
Fig. 3. Fishes associated with the echinoid Diadema mexicanum at Los Cabos, Mexico: A. Tomicodon myersi; B. Apogon
retrosella; C. juvenile Microspathodon dorsalis; D. juvenile Thalassoma lucasanum. Photographs by F. E. Hayes.
796 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
echinoids, sheltering beside or under the spines
(Fig. 3B). We often observed individuals in
crevices apart from echinoids.
Two species of pomacentrid damselfishes,
Microspathodon dorsalis and Stegastes fla-
vilatus, associated exclusively with the longest-
spined species of echinoid, D. mexicanum,
accounting for 0.6 % and 0.3 %, respectively, of
the fishes associated with echinoids in shallow
water (Table 1). Most individuals, including all
adults, did not associate with echinoids. Only a
few juveniles < 6 cm long associated with echi-
noids, sheltering among the spines (M. dorsalis
in Fig. 3C).
The labrid wrasse Thalassoma lucasanum
was the second most common fish associ-
ated with echinoids, comprising 12.5 % of the
fishes associated with echinoids in shallow
water and 10.9 % in deeper water (Table 1). In
shallow water it associated with three species
of echinoids but it associated most frequently
with the longest-spined species, D. mexicanum
(X2 = 25.1, d.f. = 2, P < 0.001), at a rate 2.3
times higher than any other echinoid species
(7.3 % vs 3.2 % for E. thouarsii; Table 1). It
usually occurred alone (77.8 % for all echinoid
species combined), with up to five individuals
associated with D. mexicanum. In deeper water
it associated only with D. mexicanum (and
possibly C. coronatus), either alone (50 %) or
in pairs (50 %). Its frequency of association
with the diadematids did not differ between
shallow water and deeper water (X2 = 0.71, d.f.
= 1, P = 0.40). The number of individuals per
echinoid was not correlated with spine length
of the diadematids in either shallow water (rs
= 0.10, P = 0.07) or deeper water (rs = 0.02,
P = 0.82), but the correlation was significant
for both depth categories combined (rs = 0.10,
P = 0.04; Fig. 1). Most individuals, including
all adults, did not associate with echinoids. We
only observed juveniles < 6 cm long associ-
ated with echinoids, seeking shelter among the
spines (Fig. 3D).
The tripterygiid triplefin Axoclinus sto-
reyae comprised 3.3 % of the fishes associated
with echinoids in shallow water. Additional
individuals may have been observed but were
not identified. Up to three associated only with
the longest-spined species of echinoid, D. mexi-
canum (Table 1). All were adults and were shel-
tering beside or beneath the spines of echinoids.
Some were observed apart from echinoids.
The chaenopsid blenny Cirriemblemaria
lucasana accounted for 0.6 % of the fishes
associated with echinoids in shallow water,
exclusively with the longest spined-species of
echinoid, D. mexicanum (Table 1). Both were
solitary adults, sheltering beneath the spines of
echinoids (Fig. 4A). None was observed apart
from echinoids.
The gobiid goby Tigrigobius puncticulatus
was the most common fish associated with
echinoids, comprising 65.4 % of the fishes
associated with echinoids in shallow water and
33.9 % of the fishes in deeper water (Table
1). In shallow water it associated with four
species of echinoids, most frequently with the
longest-spined species, D. mexicanum (X2 =
167.9, d.f. = 3, P < 0.001), at a rate 3.8 times
higher than any other echinoid species (37.3 %
vs 9.7 % for E. thouarsii; Table 1). It usually
occurred alone (66.2 % for all echinoid species
combined), with up to six individuals with D.
mexicanum and up to two with E. thouarsii and
E. vanbrunti. In deeper water it associated with
two species of echinoids, E. thouarsii and D.
mexicanum (none confirmed with C. corona-
tus), with similar frequencies (X2 = 0.95, d.f.
= 1, P = 0.33), usually alone (83.3 % for both
echinoid species combined) but with up to six
individuals with D. mexicanum. It associated
more frequently with the diadematids in shal-
low water than in deeper water (X2 = 30.2,
d.f. = 1, P < 0.001), but it did not differ in
its frequency of association with E. thouarsii
between shallow water and deeper water (X2
= 0.08, d.f. = 1, P = 0.78; Table 1). The mean
number of individuals per diadematid was sig-
nificantly higher in shallow water than in deep-
er water (0.56 vs 0.15; z = 5.51, P < 0.001).
The number of individuals per echinoid was not
correlated with spine length of the diadematids
in either shallow water (rs = 0.02, P = 0.64)
or deeper water (rs = 0.03, P = 0.75), but was
significantly correlated with spine length when
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
all data were combined (rs = 0.14, P = 0.002).
Individuals of all ages usually occurred around
the perimeter of echinoids and most quickly
sought refuge under the spines when disturbed
(Fig. 4A, Fig. 4B). Although we often observed
individuals apart from echinoids, most were
within 10 cm of echinoids. The only individual
associated with the short-spined echinoid T.
roseus retreated repeatedly underneath it.
Two other gobiid gobies associated much
less frequently with echinoids. Tigrigobius
limbaughi did not associate with echinoids in
shallow water but it comprised 14.3 % of the
fishes associated with the diadematids, under
the spines, in deeper water (Table 1, Fig. 4B).
Up to three individuals, all adults, associated
with an echinoid. A single juvenile Bathygobi-
us ramosus rested on top of an unidentified
sponge under the spines of a D. mexicanum
(Fig. 4C), representing only 0.3 % of the fishes
associated with echinoids in shallow water
(Table 1).
The tetraodontid puffer Canthigaster
punctatissima accounted for 1.5 % of the fishes
associated with echinoids in shallow water
and 12.3 % in deeper water (Table 1). In both
shallow and deeper water it associated almost
exclusively with the longest-spined species
of echinoid, D. mexicanum (none confirmed
with C. coronatus), but one individual in shal-
low water shuttled back and forth between a
D. mexicanum and an E. thouarsii (Table 1).
It associated more frequently with the diade-
matids in deeper water than in shallow water
(Fisher exact P = 0.007; Table 1). Most indi-
viduals, including all adults, did not associate
Fig. 4. Fishes associating with the echinoid Diadema mexicanum at Los Cabos, Mexico: A. Cirriemblemaria lucasana
(above) and two Tigrigobius puncticulatus (below); B. two Tigrigobius puncticulatus (left) and Tigrigobius limbaughi
(center); C. Bathygobius ramosus; D. juvenile Canthigaster punctatissima. Photographs by F. E. Hayes.
798 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
with echinoids. We only observed juveniles <
6 cm long, always alone, seeking shelter within
the spines of echinoids (Fig. 4D).
Ectosymbiont-echinoid associations:
Multiple individuals and species of decapods
and fishes often associated together with a
single D. mexicanum host in shallow water (<
4 m), with maximum counts of three decapod
individuals, two decapod species, eight fish
individuals, four fish species, and two deca-
pod species together with two fish species.
In deeper water (5-20 m) we never observed
more than one decapod or a decapod and fish
together with an echinoid host, but we observed
up to nine fish individuals and four fish species
with a host.
The frequency of echinoids hosting ecto-
symbionts (decapods and fishes combined) in
shallow water (< 4 m) differed significantly
among the five species of echinoids (X2 =
310.6, d.f. = 4, P < 0.001) and was greatest
for the longest-spined species of echinoid, D.
mexicanum, which was 2.7 times higher than
for any other echinoid species (51.9 % vs 19.4
% for E. thouarsii; Table 1). The mean number
of ectosymbionts per echinoid in shallow water
was 4.7 times higher for the longest-spined
species, D. mexicanum, than that of any other
echinoid species (1.07 vs 0.23 for E. thouarsii;
H = 426.9; P < 0.001; Table 1). The frequency
of echinoids hosting ectosymbionts in deeper
water (5-20 m) did not differ significantly
between the diadematids and E. thousarii (26.3
% vs 27.3 %; X2 = 0.0, d.f. = 1, P = 1.0;
Table 1). The mean number of ectosymbionts
per echinoid in deeper water did not differ
significantly between the diadematids and E.
thouarsii (0.53 vs 0.27; z = 0.18, P = 0.86). The
number of ectosymbionts per echinoid was cor-
related with spine length of D. mexicanum in
shallow water (rs = 0.13, P = 0.01) but not with
spine length of the diadematids in deeper water
(rs = 0.03, P = 0.80), and was correlated with
spine length of the diadematids when all data
were combined (rs = 0.20, P < 0.001).
Decapod-echinoid associations: We
recorded seven new records of association
between decapods and echinoids. No species
of decapod had been reported associating with
the echinoid E. thouarsii; thus, our study adds
P. sanfelipensis as an associate of E. thouarsii.
Only three species of decapods, Clastotoe-
chus gorgonensis, Stenorhynchus debilis, and
T. holthuisi, had been reported associating
with the echinoid D. mexicanum (Marin &
Anker, 2009; Salas-Moya et al., 2021; Schoppe
& Werding, 1996; Wicksten & Hernández,
2000). Our study adds P. sanfelipensis, C.
californiensis, P. gibbesi, and Plagusia sp. as
associates of D. mexicanum. No species of
decapod had been reported associating with
the echinoids C. coronatus or T. roseus, and
one decapod, Gnathophylloides mineri, had
been reported associating with the echinoid T.
depressus (Salas-Moya et al., 2021; Wicksten
& Hernández, 2000). We did not confirm any
decapods associating with these three echinoid
species. At least ten taxa of decapods had
been reported associating with the echinoid E.
vanbrunti (Vallejo, 2007), including Palaemon
sp., Gnathophyllidae sp., Alpheus sp., C. gorgo-
nensis, Petrolisthes armatus, Pachycheles sp.,
Megalobrachium sp., Mithraculus denticulatus,
Xanthidae sp., and Pachygrapsus transversus.
Our study adds P. gibbesi and Plagusia sp. as
associates of E. vanbrunti.
Only one of the five species of decapods
observed during this study, T. holthuisi, appears
to associate exclusively with echinoids (Marin
& Anker, 2009). However, Percnon gibbesi usu-
ally associates with echinoids of four species,
especially Diadema antillarum, in the Caribbe-
an Sea (Hayes et al., 2016), but it has not been
reported associating with any echinoids in the
Pacific Ocean or where it has been introduced
in the Mediterranean Sea (Félix-Hackradt et
al., 2018). Our observations confirm that P.
gibbesi also associates with echinoids in the
eastern Pacific Ocean. Our observations also
reveal that P. sanfelipensis and C. californiensis
frequently associate with echinoids. Although
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
four of the five species of decapods in our
study appeared to associate facultatively with
echinoids, some associations may have been
incidental rather than intentional.
Decapods in shallow water (< 4 m) associ-
ated with the longest-spined species of echi-
noid, D. mexicanum, more frequently and with
a higher number of individuals per echinoid
than for any other echinoid species. These
results are consistent with controlled experi-
ments demonstrating that the palaemonid
shrimp Tuleoariocaris neglecta and the inachid
crab Stenorhynchus seticornis, when given a
choice of several echinoid species, preferred
to associate with the longest-spined species, D.
antillarum (Castro, 1978; Joseph et al., 1998).
Our results are also consistent with an obser-
vational study demonstrating that decapods in
Honduras preferred to associate with the lon-
gest-spined species of echinoid, D. antillarum,
more frequently and with a higher number of
individuals per echinoid than that of any other
echinoid species (Hayes et al., 2019). In deeper
water (5-20 m), the frequency of association
and the number of decapods per echinoid inex-
plicably were not significantly greater for the
longest-spined diadematids. However, the num-
ber of decapods per echinoid was positively
correlated with spine length of the diadematids
when all data were combined. These results
contrast with a previous study in which the
decapods P. gibbesi and S. seticornis did not
prefer to associate with the longest-spined indi-
viduals of D. antillarum (Hayes et al., 1998).
Fish-echinoid associations: Of the 14 fish
species that we observed associated with echi-
noids, only two had been reported associating
with echinoids: Tigrigobius puncticulatus asso-
ciated with the echinoid E. thouarsii (Thom-
son et al., 2000), which we also documented,
and G. adustus associated with the echinoid
E. vanbrunti (Vallejo, 2007), which we did
not document. An additional species of fish,
Arcos decoris, has been reported associating
with E. vanbrunti (Schoppe & Werding, 1996).
We recorded 21 new records of association
between fishes and echinoids, including: the
fishes A. retrosella, T. lucasanum and A. hispi-
dus associated with the echinoid E. thouarsii;
the fishes A. erythrops, G. adustus, T. myersi,
D. excisus, A. retrosella, M. dorsalis, S. flavila-
tus, T. lucasanum, A. storeyae, C. lucasana, T.
limbaughi, T. puncticulatus, B. ramosus, and
A. hispidus associated with the echinoid D.
mexicanum; the fish T. puncticulatus associ-
ated with the echinoid T. roseus; and the fishes
T. lucasanum, A. storeyae, and T. puncticulatus
associated with the echinoid E. vanbrunti.
None of the 14 species of fishes are known
to associate exclusively with echinoids, indicat-
ing that the associations are facultative rather
than obligatory. All fishes associated with echi-
noids were small, < 6 cm in body length. Only
small fishes are capable of retreating under-
neath or among the spines of echinoids, poten-
tially benefitting from the protective spines
of echinoids (Karplus, 2014). In five of the
14 fish species only juveniles associated with
echinoids. Many larger fish species are known
to associate facultatively with echinoids only as
juveniles (e.g., Giglio et al., 2017; Hayes et al.,
2019; Karplus, 2014).
Fishes in shallow water (< 4 m) associated
with the longest-spined species of echinoid, D.
mexicanum, more frequently and with a higher
number of individuals per echinoid than for any
other echinoid species. These results are consis-
tent with an observational study demonstrating
that fishes in Honduras preferred to associate
with the longest-spined species of echinoid, D.
antillarum, more frequently and with a higher
number of individuals per echinoid than that of
any other echinoid species (Hayes et al., 2019).
In deeper water (5-20 m), the frequency of
association and the number of fishes per echi-
noid inexplicably were not significantly greater
for the longest-spined species, D. mexicanum
(and C. coronatus). However, the number of
fishes per echinoid was positively correlated
with spine length of the diadematids when all
data were combined.
Echinoids are preyed upon by a variety of
fish species, with at least seven fish species
known to prey on D. mexicanum (Alvarado et
al., 2015). Small fishes seeking shelter under or
800 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 787–803, e49587, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Nov. 21, 2022)
among the spines of echinoids do not constitute
an existential threat to the echinoids (Karplus,
2014), but some fishes prey upon the podia
and pedicillaria of echinoid hosts (Briggs,
1955; Dix, 1969; Pfaff, 1942; Russell, 1983;
Sakashita, 1992; Teytaud, 1971). Although we
did not observe any predation on echinoids
by fishes, predation on podia and pedicillaria
may provide an alternative explanation for why
fishes associate with echinoids.
Ectosymbiont-echinoid associations:
Our data indicate that multiple individuals and
species of decapods and fishes often associ-
ate together with a single echinoid host, all
presumably seeking shelter to reduce the risk
of predation. Although we did not observe
any interspecific behavior interactions among
decapods, fishes, and their echinoid hosts, we
cannot exclude the possibility of competitive or
predatory interactions. Such potential interspe-
cific behavioral interactions merit further study.
Decapods, fishes, and both groups com-
bined associated more frequently with echi-
noids in shallow water (< 4 m) than in deeper
water (5-20 m). A previous study found no
difference between the association of decapods
with echinoids in shallow water and deeper
water in Honduras (Hayes et al., 2016), but
P. gibbesi associated more frequently with D.
antillarum in shallow water and S. seticornis
associated more frequently with D. antillarum
in deeper water. Our results suggest that pre-
dation on decapods and fishes may be more
intense in shallow water than in deeper water,
but more investigation is needed before any
conclusions are warranted.
Our results support the hypothesis that
decapods and fishes associate most frequently
with echinoid individuals and species with the
longest spines, presumably to reduce the risk of
predation. Other factors may also affect the fre-
quency and abundance of ectosymbionts asso-
ciated with echinoids, such as the availability of
nutrients (which influences size of echinoids),
type of substrate, shape of substrate (cracks and
cavities may attract more ectosymbionts), and
water currents.
Ethical statement: The authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
Our field work was funded by the Her-
bert Family Faculty Development Fund and
Margaret Hughes Biology Faculty Research
Fund of Pacific Union College. We thank
Michel Hendrickx for assistance with identify-
ing crustaceans, Ross Robertson for assistance
with identifying fishes, and two anonymous
reviewers for suggestions that improved the
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